People on the street: How do roadworks affect Manchester?
With this being the biggest week in the UK for roadworks, we’ve hit the streets of Manchester to find out how much they impact people.
00:00Hi I'm Theo with Manchester World and I'm out in Manchester today asking people about roadworks.
00:04This is the UK's biggest ever week for roadworks and we want to know how it's impacting people
00:08getting to and from work. No not really I'm Egyptian I know the roads from Egypt compared
00:13to here so like obviously even if they're in a bad state they get fixed a lot quicker so
00:19no I'm fine with the roads. Fair enough. And all I see is roadworks everywhere so
00:24here I couldn't tell you back home I think that I'm from Devon way so they're kind of
00:29they're doing better with the potholes but you still drive for quite a few roads where your car
00:33is sideways. I don't know I recently I get the bus in from Gorton every day and they were redoing
00:39the tram near Piccadilly and that like really for a whole month messed up me getting to like work it
00:45took so much longer I had to walk past Piccadilly to get to the bus stop so that was a bit annoying.
00:50I do know like a few people have complained about you know trains being delayed or buses
00:56being late or just maybe like transportation being cancelled in general.