'If You Can't Win The Game, Change The Rules': John Cornyn Shreds Dems Over Proposed SCOTUS Reforms

  • 3 months ago
During remarks on the senate floor, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) spoke about proposed reforms for the Supreme Court.

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00:00Senator from Texas
00:03Mr. President, I'm glad I was in the chamber to witness this passage of these bills pertaining to the scourge of alzheimer's
00:11By unanimous consent. This is a rare bright spot in
00:15Our activities where we actually all come together and agree on good policy
00:23We've also taken the step to
00:28Piece of bipartisan legislation a day something that used to be standard operating procedure in this chamber
00:35We would call up bipartisan legislation that would address everything from the opioid crisis to medical innovation
00:43Members would debate the bills we'd offer amendments and in the end hold an up-or-down vote
00:50But sadly this has become too rare a phenomenon in recent years the Senate
00:57Controlled by our friends on the Democratic side have strayed from our core legislative duties
01:04Instead of voting on bipartisan bills marking them up in committee where everybody can participate
01:11this chamber devotes instead
01:15The vast majority of its time to things from relatively
01:20unimportant nominations to
01:23partisan show votes
01:25As a result major tasks like funding the government
01:29Strengthening our defense are left in the to the last possible moment and then rushed across the finish line
01:38But I'm glad
01:39For today that the Senate has gotten back to basics and passed a strong
01:45Bipartisan package to help keep our kids safe online
01:49every day
01:51our children
01:52See content online about
01:56eating disorders and drug use and other topics that are not suitable for
02:02children at the same time online bullying and
02:07harassment run rampant and the statistics on teen suicide and mental health paint an alarming picture
02:15for the next generation
02:18The bill that passed today includes two important pieces of legislation to help address that crisis
02:25The Kids Online Safety Act introduced by Senators Blumenthal and Blackburn
02:31Provides children and parents with the tools and safeguards they need to keep harmful content out of children's social media feeds
02:40more than two-thirds of the Senate sponsored these bills and
02:45Including this one and I'm proud to be one of them
02:48We also passed another bill that I was proud to co-sponsor called the Children and Teens Online Privacy Protection Act
02:57introduced by Senators Markey and
03:01that bill prohibits internet companies from collecting personal information from their youngest users and
03:08Establishes better safeguards to protect children's privacy
03:13It protects and prevents big tech from tracking and targeting kids with the most addictive
03:21content possible
03:24Congress has been working on
03:26Legislation in this area for many years and I want to commend Senators Blackburn and Cassidy for getting us to this point
03:33There are a number of other bills that have passed the Judiciary Committee on a bipartisan basis as the presiding officer knows
03:40And I hope we'll be able to turn to those soon
03:44but these bills we passed today struck the right balance between the First Amendment and
03:50Safety, which is no easy task, which is perhaps one reason why it's taken us so long to get here
03:57But I appreciate these Senators leadership and I'm proud the Senate has finally taken an important step to help keep
04:05America's children safe online
04:10Mr. President on another matter. I want to speak briefly about President Biden's proposal to
04:19Unconstitutionally transform the Supreme Court into another political branch of government
04:25every student of government every high school civics class
04:29teaches that
04:31Ours is a government of three co-equal branches the two political branches being the Senate and the and the in the house
04:39the legislative branch and then the
04:42Executive branch the reason they're political is because they're accountable to the public through regular elections
04:50Conversely the judiciary is unique in that it is unaccountable to the voters
04:59Judges are nominated by the president and then confirmed by the Senate. But as long as they are they
05:05They are
05:08Conducting themselves appropriately
05:10They can serve as long as they live
05:13literally have life tenure
05:16Rarely, very rarely. There's the remedy of impeachment for extraordinary cases. But as I said that happens almost not at all
05:26but in recent years our Democratic colleagues have floated a litany of
05:31Institutional changes to try to tilt the balance of power in the judiciary in their favor
05:37They're not content to allow
05:40The courts to do their job which is to call balls and strikes
05:45again judges are supposed to interpret the law and the facts and apply that to a given case and
05:50Not decide ahead of time who should win and who should lose
05:55Judges don't take public opinion polls and decides what's popular
06:00Because they take the same oath we do to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States, but they do so
06:08in a
06:10framework of judicial independence
06:13Former Justice Scalia used to say the
06:17Independent judiciary is the gold standard is the secret sauce for the United States form of government
06:25Because there has to be some neutral arbiter to basically decide contested cases and that is our
06:32independent judiciary
06:34But our Democratic colleagues not
06:40Since they have been upset about
06:44Some of the decisions of the court have gone so far as to suggest that the court be
06:52This was tried back in the
06:55administration of
06:56Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the famous court packing cases
07:00he wanted to add additional justices to the Supreme Court because he thought that would change the
07:06The receptivity of the case to causes that he supported
07:13But we've also seen changes advocated here in this Senate
07:18Institutional changes by our Democratic colleagues who were unhappy with the fact that they don't win a hundred percent of the vote
07:25They've advocated eliminating the filibuster to clear the path for radical and unpopular policy ideas
07:32they've attempted to federalize or nationalize our voting laws and
07:37Take over America's elections as opposed to having those decided at the state level
07:43They push for statehood for the District of Columbia
07:47and as well as Puerto Rico and
07:49presumably each of those would get two United States senators and a member of Congress and
07:55Thus tilt the balance of power here in the Senate
08:00But when it comes to the Supreme Court
08:03It's clear that the left is outraged over some of the courts recent decisions
08:08as a matter of fact
08:10Not that long ago
08:11the majority leader stood on the front steps of the Supreme Court and called out two sitting justices by name and
08:19Essentially threatened them if they decided these cases in a way that he disagreed with
08:25That was an extraordinary
08:28Act of bad judgment by the majority leader. He actually went so far as to say
08:35Justice Gorsuch justice Kavanaugh. You won't know what hit you
08:42Again shocking to I think
08:46most of us who regard the court as an independent and separate branch of government immune from
08:55but of course the many Democrats are
08:58Upset that the court's decision in Roe versus Wade has now returned the issue of abortion to the states
09:06Where so on a state-by-state
09:10legislators and
09:12Voters will decide what the appropriate limits are on abortion which
09:17divides much of our country
09:20They're upset about the decision on presidential immunity
09:23They want they want the president to be subject to ordinary litigation on a regular basis
09:30using what has now come to be known as lawfare to achieve political objectives and
09:36They're concerned that the court has done away with something as arcane and
09:42Relatively poorly understood as
09:45Chevron deference basically saying if an agency decides something there's not much the courts or that
09:52Congress can do about it
09:54Our colleagues don't want to keep losing cases in the courtroom. So they've adopted a new strategy
10:01If you can't win the game
10:03change the rules
10:05And their playbook has gone something like this number one
10:09villainize the Supreme Court, I
10:13mentioned the comments of the
10:15Majority leader which are not unique
10:19The strategy is to make the justices seem evil or biased or out of touch
10:25When they rule against progressive causes in the courtroom
10:29the second step in the playbook is to offer a solution or a
10:34Proposed solution to address the problems that Democrats have manufactured
10:40that involves an act which itself is unconstitutional and
10:45Irresponsible, which is the overhaul of the court the court packing. I mentioned a moment ago and three
10:52It's to go on the attack and stay on the attack and vilify anyone who dares oppose
10:57These changes as somehow corrupt and anti-democratic
11:03From packing the court with liberal justices to dictating recusal requirements for the justices to holding
11:10security funding hostage
11:12If the Supreme Court doesn't do what our Democratic colleagues want them to do
11:19Our colleagues have offered many plans to fully assert
11:23control over this independent branch of the
11:27government the judiciary
11:29For a long time these proposals were only supported by a fringe of the Democratic Party, but now
11:36They've become more commonplace and infiltrated the Oval Office itself
11:43President Joe Biden
11:44used the pages of the Washington Post to advocate for exactly the sorts of dramatic and
11:51Unconstitutional changes that I just mentioned
11:54He wants to somehow
11:56establish term limits for justices
11:59He wants to craft a schedule for new appointments
12:03force a code of ethics on the justices written by Congress and destroy the long-standing precedent of
12:11presidential immunity
12:13These proposals are not to enhance the fairness of the court or promote equality or justice or any other good government
12:22Objective they're about power
12:24about control
12:27They would turn our most independent branch of government into a partisan branch
12:32To ensure that our Democratic colleagues are the ones who ultimately wield the power
12:39It's not bad enough that President Biden has promoted these radical changes
12:44But even more concerning that his protege Vice President Harris has fully embraced him
12:51She made it clear that if she's elected in November the assault on
12:57Independent judiciary and the Supreme Court will not go away. It will accelerate a
13:04Potential Harris
13:06Administration would stage a full-blown coup to overtake the Supreme Court and eviscerate judicial independence
13:14she basically would disregard the Constitution itself and
13:18Attempt to turn the court into an institution that serves at the pleasure of a political party hers
13:27We need to call it what it is, Mr
13:29President the Biden Harris proposal is not about protecting democracy or ensuring accountability
13:36It's about consolidating power and undermining institutions that stand in the way of their agenda
13:43If these radical ideas were to become a reality
13:47They would dangerously shift the balance of power and erode the independence of the Supreme Court
13:53Again the crown jewels of our form of government
13:58They would ultimately politicize the one branch of government that was designed to be insulated from partisanship
14:07Our founders deliberately designed a federal government with three distinct but equal branches
14:13They established a set of checks and balances to prevent any one branch from forcing another to bend to its will
14:22But unfortunately, that's exactly what President Biden and his party are trying to do today
14:27to blur the lines between executive legislative and judicial branches to secure
14:33partisan political wins and
14:36accrue more power
14:38but here in the United States Senate an
14:43Institution created for this purpose cooler heads must prevail
14:49We cannot stoop to the level of the mob
14:52we have to stand up for an independent judiciary and the Supreme Court as an
14:58Essential institution in our form of government regardless of how we feel about the decisions
15:06Many decisions by the Supreme Court I have disagreed with in the past and I'm sure I will in the future
15:13But as
15:15One justice said the Supreme Court is not
15:21Final because it's right. It's right because it's final
15:27that's the only way to preserve the integrity of the judiciary and our
15:32Invaluable checks and balances is with an independent judiciary one that isn't politicized and doesn't bend to the will of a political party
15:43Republicans will continue to fight to protect the integrity of America's judicial system
15:48And we will not allow this president or any president or any political party to hijack
15:55the federal judiciary
15:57for their own partisan benefit
16:02President I yield the floor
