The Visitor from the Future (2022) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Pobunjenik iz budućnosti punoj zombija putuje nazad u prošlost da zaustavi izgradnju nuklearne elektrane koja će izazvati apokalipsu kada eksplodira.
00:00In the future, alarms will be activated in the Axo Mako nuclear power plant when one of the reactors suddenly ignites with a radioactive fire.
00:07Soon, the guards come and the drones turn for the situation as the employees run around in panic.
00:12Two engineers want to prevent the reactor from exploding, but they don't know whether to press the yellow or blue buttons, and the inputs are in Cantonese.
00:19If the thing is still up, the doors are jammed and they can't escape.
00:23At that moment, a mysterious fox appears in front of the door and tries to communicate with the engineers, asking them not to press the blue button because it comes from the future and knows the consequences.
00:33The engineers don't know whether to believe them, so the fox disappears and returns with the translator, only to choose the wrong language.
00:39The fox needs to return and advance a few times until the engineers finally believe him and are not ready to press the yellow button, but the time patrol also appears in the hallway.
00:49The fox immediately disappears and the patrol tells the engineers that the guy was a terrorist, so they have to press the blue button.
00:54After the patrol disappears, the engineers press the blue button and it seems that things are calming down, but soon the entire nuclear power plant explodes.
01:02At this moment, deputy Gilbert announces during a press conference that he will sign a contract with the Chinese corporation Axo Mako to build a nuclear power plant.
01:10Eco-activist Ellis interrupts him to show that the company is using outdated technology, which could cause serious problems in the future.
01:18Gilbert ignores her concerns and calls the investigators, who immediately arrest Ellis and her friend, the activist.
01:24After the conference, Ellis asks her father, for whom it turned out that it was actually Gilbert.
01:29Later, her friends call her that she has an affair with Gilbert because she never told them that he was her father.
01:34She has to prove that she is a real rebel, not a spy, so they ask her to check Gilbert's computer and find evidence of his illegal ties to Axo Mako.
01:43In the evening, Gilbert watches the old video recordings of his wife, who died while giving birth to Ellis.
01:47After going to bed, Ellis tries to access his computer, just to find Fox, who tries to kidnap him.
01:54Fox tries to explain what he is doing, but in a panic, Ellis hits him with a bat that wakes Gilbert up.
01:59He comes down and thinks, and immediately threatens to call the police.
02:02At that moment, a time patrol appears in the yard with lightning and tries to shoot Fox, who Ellis pushes down, and the bullet instead injures Gilbert's leg.
02:12Then, the patrol quickly enters, so Fox grabs Ellis and Gilbert before he activates his handcuff, causing them to disappear from the house.
02:19They reappear in a mysterious hallway, Ellis shushes the guy to run, running until he reaches the hole he failed and discovers the city in ruins.
02:26She was aware of the shock, but pulled her hand before she fell.
02:30A little later, Ellis wakes up in one of the rooms and looks through a small hole, where she can see Gilbert in his room.
02:36At that moment, a guy named Ruff comes and shares some food with him, while explaining that he was brought here from the other timeline.
02:42After that, Ruff leads Ellis and Gilbert to the laboratory, where Fox is waiting.
02:47Gilbert does not want to hear them, and he runs to the door to escape, just to block the path of a bunch of door zombies.
02:53Frightened, Gilbert closes the door while scientist Henry joins him.
02:57He explains that there were ordinary zombies, and there are dangerous ones that can run.
03:01It turned out that Ellis and Gilbert were brought to a post-apocalyptic future, where zombies appeared after the explosion of the nuclear power plant Axomakon.
03:09Henry even shows the video to prove it, but Gilbert thinks it's all a trick to force him to refuse the contract.
03:15Then the guys open the door again and quickly kill all the zombies before they announce that they are leaving.
03:20Ellis and Gilbert are driven by blinded cars and taken to the city hall, for which it turned out that Paris was destroyed, without people, only zombies.
03:28After watching the wasteland for a while, the guys stop the car and show a massive radioactive cloud.
03:33They explain that this thing circles the Earth every 70 years and kills everything it can reach.
03:39It also increases every year, so next time no one will be able to survive his visit.
03:45Gilbert finally admits his mistake and Fox is ready to shoot him, but Ellis stops him and begs for other options.
03:51Another way to make a change would be to steal a laptop and cause a political scandal, but that would be noticed by the time patrol, which opposes changes in history because they are afraid of consequences and would immediately stop it.
04:02Suddenly, Gilbert loses consciousness and while everyone is confused, Raph offers a new idea, Gilbert should naturally decide not to sign with his will, that way the time patrol will not notice.
04:11Ellis agrees and explains that Gilbert was not always so cynical, he only changed after the death of his mother, so there is a potential for a change.
04:19Fox stops trying, but as a rule, if at any moment they are in danger of being caught by the patrol, he will shoot Gilbert.
04:26After that, Henry decides to return to the laboratory while the others visit the local pub.
04:31Ellis searches for water and laughs because clean water is no longer available.
04:35After meeting the local population, Ellis tries to talk to Gilbert and force him to change his mind about the nuclear power plant, but he still refuses.
04:44There is a dispute and Ellis announces loudly that Gilbert must be blamed for this terrible future, so Gilbert distracts the audience by paying for everyone's drinks and runs away from Ellis.
04:53Fox and Raph try to follow them, but they are blocked by drunk people.
04:57While Ellis and Gilbert are walking in the empty streets, they are soon found by a horde of zombies, so they immediately run away just to get stuck in one street.
05:04At that moment, Fox and Raph arrive and shoot a few zombies to open the way for them, just to get stuck in the street.
05:11They don't have enough bullets, so Fox tries to use his slingshot, but its battery is dead.
05:16When the zombies are ready, they come to them, a bunch of them is killed by bullets.
05:21A gang of children and soldiers threw them, who makes the zombies laugh so that Ellis' group could escape the streets.
05:27In the meantime, the time patrol searches the orphanage and shoots a guy to force him to share the location of Henry's laboratory.
05:35When they approach the laboratory gates, Henry discovers them on his security system, so he gathers his things and activates self-destruction.
05:43He runs away from the laboratory just before a huge explosion destroys everything, although the flame is still far enough to reach him.
05:50The time patrol does not tolerate any damage, thanks to its armor, and when they search the destroyed laboratory, they find a mysterious map.
05:58Returning to Ellis' group, they are taken to a settlement known as Hideout, where children survive together.
06:04While sharing a meal, Henry suddenly appears on the table after he teleported to escape the flame, but still got some burns.
06:11He tries to warn everyone that the enemy is coming, but it's too late, the time patrol is now entering the hideout.
06:17The children immediately take up a position behind the tables and start shooting at them with a stone, so the policeman answers with a grenade.
06:23In an attempt to protect the child, Henry jumps on the grenade that explodes and shatters all parts of his body, discovering that he is a robot.
06:31Angry Fox blames Gilbert for this loss and is preparing to shoot him, but Ellis and the leader of the hideout remind him that there are better ways.
06:38This allows the patrol to catch Fox and arrest him.
06:41Then Ruff tries to fight them, but he is overwhelmed.
06:44The locals decide to betray and give up their raised hands, which shocks the police because the children should not be involved in wars.
06:51She promises not to hurt anyone because she deals only with time crimes, and then her patrol takes Ruff, Fox, Ellis and Gilbert.
06:59At the time patrol headquarters, Chief Constance thanks Ellis for helping them catch the rebels.
07:04Ellis insists that Fox did the right thing, so to make up her mind, Constance leaves the room and sends Ellis to talk.
07:10The elderly Ellis says that the change of history is not a good idea and admits that she had a wonderful life, which was only possible thanks to Gilbert's business contracts.
07:19She also discovers that Gilbert will soon get better because he drank a lot of alcohol from the death of his wife, so she advises her younger to spend as much time with him as possible.
07:27After that, Ellis and Gilbert return to the present.
07:30In the meantime, Fox and Ruff are taken away to see Constance, who accuses them of killing many lives.
07:35Fox points out that he actually saved a ton of people, but the patrol can't remember that because time is reset every time he makes a change.
07:43The only ones who can remember alternative realities are those who made the change in the first place.
07:48All the policemen are confused and Constance orders both criminals to move to the prison without time.
07:54In the meantime, Gilbert enters the car to attend a meeting that will finally conclude the agreement, and his driver begins to ask questions about Ellis, complimenting her how smart she is.
08:04Feeling guilty, Gilbert asks him to return to his house.
08:08After reuniting with Ellis, Gilbert tells her that he just wants to spend a day with her.
08:12In the future, the patrol receives a signal about critical changes in time, so Fox points out that this is an internal change in Gilbert, which means that the patrol cannot interfere.
08:21Constance decides to break the rules and tells the policemen to force Gilbert to sign the agreement, telling them to kill Ellis if necessary.
08:28Louise is against such a brutal plan, but instead Constance only sends Matthew and Victor before Louise says to take the prisoners to the hole under the supervision of her assistant.
08:37Outside the city, a radioactive cloud is getting closer and kills several zombies, and later the owner of the pub.
08:43In the hideout, it was discovered that Henry is still alive and that he is compiling his works in the hope that he will help them.
08:48However, his order does not work and there is not enough time to build a new time travel, so everyone sits and waits for the end.
08:54In the present, Victor and Matthew break into Gilbert's house and threaten to kill Ellis, for which Gilbert refused to sign the papers.
09:01Victor stays with Ellis to keep her as a hostage while Matthew enters the car with Gilbert.
09:05Returning to Louise, her group reaches the hole, and she deceives Constance's assistant to come close enough for her to push him.
09:12Then she frees Rafa and Fox and hopes that she will succeed in making a better future.
09:17After giving the boys new orders, Louise goes to Constance to tell her that she has completed her mission, but Constance is suspicious and asks for her assistant.
09:25Surprised by their interruption, they report the escape of the prisoner, so Louise tries to shoot, but Constance quickly hides under her chair and turns off the light before Louise attacks.
09:34A fight comes between the two of them, and both show amazing skills, but after a lot of fighting and missed hits, Constance takes Louise's gun and shoots her.
09:43In the meantime, Fox appears at the top of Gilbert's car, warning the driver to stop the car and fall.
09:49When Matthew goes out to check on him, Fox quickly grabs him by the leg and teleports him in the middle of the battle during World War I.
09:55While surrounded by bullets and small explosions, Matthew starts chasing Fox, who tries to escape, but the soldier who is running hurts him on his arm.
10:03The men end up in a fist-to-fist fight, and Matthew uses his experience while Fox plays dirty.
10:08Both refuse to give up, but have no choice when the area is surrounded to bombard air attacks.
10:14At the same time, Raph appears in front of Ellis and Victor, who immediately hits Raph to destroy him.
10:19When Victor tries to shoot him, Raph starts teleporting around the room to avoid bullets and eventually falls into the pool.
10:25When he comes out, he teleports behind Victor and grabs him so that they start fighting while teleporting around the room again.
10:32Ellis grabs the barrel and concentrates on hitting at the right moment and thus knocks Victor out.
10:37Then Ellis calls her father just to appear Constance and steals his phone, informing Ellis that Matthew had arrested Fox and that they have him now.
10:45Then Constance takes Gilbert to a meeting, forcing him to sign.
10:49Gilbert grabs a pencil and prepares to do so, but suddenly reality begins to change around him.
10:54It turns out that Raph and Ellis traveled back to the moment of her birth, and she uses Victor's gun to threaten the doctor, who is accidentally Henry.
11:02She forces him to save his mother instead of his baby, and now Fox realizes that Ellis is erasing himself from the timeline.
11:08He really keeps changing around them and fixing all the time anomalies that he sees in the neighborhood.
11:13During the birth, his mother wakes up and looks at Ellis and asks who she is, but Ellis says that it was no one before she disappeared.
11:19When Gilbert realizes what's going on, he screams in the name of his daughter to find himself in a very comfortable kitchen.
11:24His wife is alive and has two new daughters and seems to be in a very nice life.
11:29When he runs away, he remembers that he had to sign something, but his wife tells him that he already did it.
11:34The news shows that Gilbert started an ecological project for renewable energy.
11:38In the future, Fox wakes up and finds out that the radioactive cloud never existed, so the children are fine.
11:44Louise is now part of their team and remembers everything because the change happened thanks to her help, but no one else in the patrol does.
11:51Everyone goes to the celebration in the pub and it turns out that Ellis is with them because she created a time paradox.
11:56She managed to destroy her own birth, but it didn't disappear because it would destroy her first work, so now she exists until she dies.
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