The Man in the High Castle (2015–2019) - CELA SERIJA SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Čovjek u visokom dvorcu američka je televizijska serija koja prikazuje distopijsku alternativnu povijest. Serija se temelji na istoimenoj knjizi iz 1962. godine autora Philipa K. Dicka.
00:00The story is set in 1962 in a parallel universe.
00:04The Allied forces, which were Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, won the Second World War and are now rulers of the whole world.
00:12In this universe, the president of the USA, Franklin D., was killed in the middle of the war, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki never happened.
00:19Instead, the Germans dropped an atomic bomb on Washington, D.C. and weakened the Allied countries.
00:25In the present world, Germany rules over all of Europe and Africa, and the Kingdom of Japan controls all of Asia.
00:31However, the center of power is placed in the former USA, which has since been divided into two parts, the western, that is, North America, and they are ruled by the Japanese.
00:40And the eastern and central part of the western North America is under the control of the larger Nazi Reich, also known as the GDR.
00:47The American flag has a swastika instead of a star, which indicates its complete surrender to the Nazis.
00:53Although the two kingdoms won the war together, there has been a cold war between them since then.
00:59It is said that after Hitler's death, his successor will take over all of Japan and proclaim himself ruler of the world.
01:06In both kingdoms, Americans are exposed to racism and have less rights than Germans and Japanese in their countries.
01:12The police are allowed to capture any American if they consider him suspicious, without the need to answer to anyone.
01:18Between the two former states of America, there is a neutral zone that encircles the rocky mountains.
01:24It serves as a neutral zone where no kingdom has done any harm, it is also a hiding place for the resistance that constantly protests for its rights and freedom.
01:32Then we meet John Blake, who lives in Nazi-occupied New York.
01:36Tired of being a slave of the Nazis, he seeks to be part of the resistance.
01:40From various sources, he finally discovers the address of the group's leader in New York.
01:43As he travels to the designated place, we see advertisement boards in Times Square filled with Nazi propaganda and rumors about the Führer.
01:50The site turns out to be a shipping company, and the manager is named Don.
01:55Joe tells him that he is a rebel, but Don laughs in his face.
01:58Joe got their address, which means that he is already qualified to be their ally, but according to Don, someone like him would betray all of their secret police if he was caught.
02:07Joe tells the manager that his love for fighting is not so weak, and Don finally gives him a chance.
02:12As his first task, he asks him to drive a truck full of coffee machines to Canyon City, Colorado, which is a neutral zone.
02:19Joe asks what else the truck contains, but he is told to do as he is told without asking too many questions.
02:25Just before he leaves, the Nazis attack the place.
02:28Joe manages to escape while Don is captured and arrested, and it turns out that the third-ranked Nazi officer, Obergruppenführer Smith, has launched an attack.
02:37He was a captain of the US military before he joined the Nazis, and now he is loyal to them.
02:42When he was told about Joe and the truck, he ordered his men to capture the truck at all costs.
02:48Then we move to San Francisco, a city under Japanese rule in the West.
02:52Juliana is an Aikido expert and a happy American who lives under Japanese control.
02:57One day after training, her friend named Donnie, who is in love with her, invites her to coffee, but Juliana discovers that she already has a boyfriend named Frank.
03:05Later that day, she meets her sister Trudy, who was gone last week.
03:09Trudy is happy for something and claims that their life will soon change for the better.
03:14Then we see Juliana meeting her boyfriend Frank, who is an excellent artist.
03:19However, since the Japanese are not big fans of modern art, he took the job of a mechanic in a factory.
03:25As they talk, we find out that Frank is a Jew and that he constantly lives in fear of the Nazis.
03:30That's why Juliana doesn't want to have his child, because he will be exposed to fear every day.
03:36After the meeting, Juliana returns home when she is surprised to see Trudy.
03:40She gives her the film frantically and claims that this is their only way to freedom.
03:44After saying that, Trudy runs away a few minutes later and is killed by the police.
03:48Juliana witnesses this and runs to her apartment before she looks at the content of the film, which is called The Jumper, and she is very sad about it.
03:56She shows the world in which the Nazis were defeated and how the world political events unfolded after that.
04:02Juliana is shocked because she saw that she is free and seems to want to fight.
04:06After that, we find out that the film is a product distributed by an unknown man in a high court.
04:12Even high-ranking officials do not know who he is or what he wants.
04:17But it seems that he is an ally of the resistance who has access to things that ordinary people do not have.
04:22The government has banned those films, but they are still secretly distributed.
04:26He wants to hand him over to the police first thing in the morning so that they would not be in trouble.
04:30The next morning, Juliana finds a map for Canyon City with the address and time.
04:35It is clear that her sister should have brought the film to that place, but now it is her responsibility.
04:40When Frank is not there, she runs with the film to the bus stop.
04:43She also hides the film under another one to cover up the story, even if it is captured.
04:48In the next scene, we go to the German embassy in the empire under Japanese rule.
04:52High-ranking Nazi commissioner Hugo meets the Japanese Minister of Trade Tagomi,
04:56who came to inform them of the arrival of the Japanese prince and princess.
05:00Even the German embassy must be decorated to their liking, which does not satisfy the Germans.
05:05However, they agree to do so to avoid unnecessary tensions.
05:09On the other hand, Don is tied to the ceiling and tormented.
05:12Obergruppenführer and his right-hand man Eric come to meet him,
05:16but Don remains indifferent to their presence and continues to shout.
05:20In the meantime, Joe's truck stops on the road due to a punctured tire.
05:23As a kind man helps him to replace it, Joe notices the ash in the air.
05:27It turns out that somewhere nearby, the Germans are burning mentally and physically disabled people
05:31because they do not want to spend their resources on them.
05:34After that, Joe continues his journey until he reaches the police checkpoint.
05:38At the moment of tragedy, he pulls out the film from under the truck and hides it somewhere else.
05:42The police do not find him and release him.
05:45Like Juliana, Joe's job is also to deliver the film to someone in Canyon City.
05:50Juliana meets a man named Randall who was supposed to meet her sister.
05:54He is also a member of the resistance and thinks that Juliana is not suitable for the job.
05:58They argue about who will take the film to Canyon City and decide that Juliana should do it
06:03because the person who receives the film thinks that he is meeting with a woman.
06:06On the way to the city, Juliana's bag is stolen from a woman who runs away with all her money and a fake film.
06:11Juliana continues her journey without money, determined to first do the job of her sister.
06:16At Frank's job, he and a colleague named Ed are talking about politics.
06:20Soon after, he and Randall, with whom Juliana spoke earlier, are arrested for hiding the film from the police.
06:25Juliana comes to the hotel Canyon City and is waiting for the person she is supposed to meet.
06:29While there, she meets Joe, who pays for her meal because she was left without money.
06:34They talk for a while and hide from each other.
06:37Then we see Joe, as he calls Obergruppenführer, discovering that he is a spy who works for the Germans and is responsible for Don's arrest.
06:44On the way back to San Francisco, Frank and Randall are arrested and tortured.
06:47Officer Kido threatens to kill Frank's entire family if he doesn't find Juliana's place by tomorrow.
06:52Later, Frank and Randall leave her alone, and this last one begs Frank not to tell anyone about Juliana
06:57because what she does is bigger than Frank's family.
07:00Finally, Frank's sister Laurie and her children say they are waiting in their room at the police station.
07:05Kido tells Frank that he will poison all three of them in half an hour and gives him time to think.
07:10Then in the canyon, Juliana and Joe's friendship deepens, but Joe begins to suspect that she is a drug addict.
07:16Juliana starts working as a waitress at a restaurant.
07:19She meets a man named Alan who reads the Bible.
07:22When Juliana shows interest in her, he gives her the name of the store where she can get a book.
07:26She goes to the store while Joe is watching.
07:29At the same time, in New York, Obergruppenführer and his assistant Eric are attacked by a group of drug addicts.
07:34Obergruppenführer manages to kill them all and arrest a man named Doug to interrogate him.
07:39Somewhere else, Juliana meets Alan again and claims that he has something important to say.
07:43They decide to meet on the bridge at night.
07:46Before going to the meeting, Juliana gives Joe a letter and asks him to send it to her mother if he does not return.
07:51Joe calls Obergruppenführer, asking him to find out about a man named Alan for whom he suspects is a drug addict.
07:57After the call, he reads the letter in which Juliana tells his mother about the wonderful world that the film showed her.
08:02Unable to control himself, Joe also watches the film he owns.
08:07Seeing an alternative reality, his heart is filled with love for resistance.
08:11Soon, they reveal that Alan is not a drug addict, but a Nazi spy like him.
08:15Knowing that Juliana's life is in danger, Joe pulls out a gun and goes to the bridge.
08:19In search of San Francisco, Randall leads to a loss.
08:22Kid asks Frank to find Juliana's place last, but he is silent.
08:26As a result, the toxic gas is released in the room where Frank's sister Laura and her children are.
08:31Frank also leads to a loss along with Randall.
08:34Minutes before his loss, Kid finds a woman who stole from Juliana on the bus.
08:39Discovering a fake film, they assume that Juliana and Frank are innocent.
08:43Frank was saved seconds before his death, but his family died because of Kid's mistake.
08:47Then, on the bridge, Alan tries to kill Juliana, but he is interrupted by Joe's arrival.
08:51Juliana pushes him off the bridge and kills him.
08:54Immediately after that, he starts crying while Joe is holding a lunch.
08:57They return to the hotel where Joe helps Juliana to relax.
09:01In the middle of the night, because of the murder of the person who pressed her, she remains calm.
09:05Pete and Joel read the letter she left to her mother, and he answers now.
09:09Juliana doesn't mind it because she believes him and thinks he did it because he was worried about her.
09:13The couple must leave the hotel as soon as possible, because the death of a Nazi agent means that more of them will come looking for them.
09:19They agree to leave at different times so as not to be suspected.
09:23In search of San Francisco, Frank returns to his apartment and goes to sleep.
09:27However, what happened in the last 24 hours weakened him to the core.
09:31Ed comes to visit his friend and is glad to see him alive, but Frank does not show interest in his care.
09:37Frank also receives an official letter from the Japanese police about the funeral of Laura and her dead child.
09:43Then he goes to the police station and identifies the dead body as his family.
09:47Until the moment when he finished Frank's sentence, she turned into anger.
09:51He wants to confess to the Japanese for the murder of his innocent family.
09:55He gets a perfect opportunity for that when the Japanese crown prince and princess arrive in San Francisco.
10:00Upon returning home, Frank receives a call from Juliana, but he is immediately interrupted.
10:04He is guilty of murder and does not want to deal with her until his anger calms down.
10:08Somewhere else, Obergruppenführer receives a call from Joe and asks him if he has found more victims in the restaurant, thinking of Juliana.
10:15However, Joe lies, claiming not to suspect anyone, but wants to wait a week to confirm.
10:20Obergruppenführer orders the opposite, because the rebels should have come by now,
10:24and their absence only means that they have caught up with the Nazi plan.
10:28Joe agrees and goes to the gas station to prepare for returning home.
10:32Then we meet another Nazi soldier, Marshal.
10:36He is known for killing hundreds of rebels around the neutral zone and is an absolute follower of Nazi propaganda.
10:42He doubts Joe and asks for his card, which causes a fight between the two of them.
10:46After confirming Joe's identity, the man shows Ellen's picture to a passerby.
10:51He is an agent sent to investigate Ellen's disappearance.
10:54Joe quickly meets Juliana in a restaurant and talks about his encounter with another Nazi spy.
10:59They don't have much time to get around, and they have to escape as soon as possible.
11:03First, they seek shelter behind Ellen's body and deal with him so that Marshal doesn't find anything.
11:08In the meantime, Marshal goes to the bookstore that Ellen often visited.
11:11The owner, Karl, claims that he doesn't know anything until Marshal takes out a card with his real identity.
11:16It turns out that Karl is a rebel refugee from Ohio.
11:20To save his life, the man tells Marshal about the girl who came to buy the Bible on Ellen's offer,
11:25although he received information that he wanted Marshal to spare Karl and end his life.
11:29Not only that, but he also gives a statement hanging his dead body in front of everyone and orders them to leave him to rot.
11:35After that, he continues his search and ends up in front of the restaurant where Juliana works.
11:39The stranger claims to know where Ellen is, but asks for money for information.
11:43Marshal forces him to spit out everything he knows and goes to the bridge to find out that it was the last place where Ellen was seen.
11:50In search of the San Francisco crony prince and princess, they walk through the park with many advisors.
11:55After the incident, the prince privately talks to the princess about his concerns about the growing technologies of the Nazis.
12:01They have invaded Japan in many aspects and must be stopped before another world war breaks out after Hitler's death.
12:08In the next scene, we see the Trade Minister Tagomi talking to a Nazi scientist named Wegener.
12:14Here, the court finds a very important job that could have a huge impact on world history.
12:19Wegener knows the recipe for the atomic bomb that the Nazis have, but Japan doesn't.
12:23He is ready to share the recipe with the Japanese minister of science so that the country is ready in case of an attack.
12:29Tagomi asks Wegener to hand over the recipe to the Japanese minister of science on the day of the speech of the crony prince, and then everyone will be killed.
12:36The crony prince and princess go to meet the Nazi ambassador to talk about the speech that the prince should give to a bunch of San Francisco residents.
12:45The ambassador offers to cancel the speech because he may not be completely sure, but the monarch believes Kid's team that he will ensure complete security.
12:52No one would dare to touch him, but he is the prince of the entire Japanese empire.
12:57In search of Canon City, Joe and Juliana deal with Ellen's car when they find the map inside.
13:02The designated place of call, their interests decide to travel to see what it is.
13:06At the same time, the marshal comes to the bridge and finds a drawing of Juliana that she dropped when she was here with Ellen last night.
13:13The mistake could cost her her life, but she was taken by the investigation of the designated place with Joe.
13:18It turns out that this is the camp in which the revolutionaries are imprisoned and tortured.
13:22The terrible sight of the wounded and dead woman shocks both.
13:25There is also a list of revolutionaries who were killed or are still free.
13:29The name of Trudy is also there, but they are most shocked by the name of the owner of the restaurant, Lamuel.
13:34This means that the person Juliana is working with is also a rebel.
13:38The marshal is in the restaurant with Lamuel, asking him if he saw Juliana in the neighborhood.
13:42The owner discovers that she was working for him, but lies about her disappearance a few days ago.
13:47In the meantime, Frankie is still not in the right mind.
13:50He constantly tries to get more information about the Japanese prince by listening to the radio constantly.
13:55Then we see him making a gun for himself, because he works in the factory that produces his parts.
14:00Ed asks why he needs it, but Frank does not answer.
14:04Later that day, Ed catches Frank practicing shooting in his apartment.
14:08Carefully, he asks if Frank was planning to attack the crowned prince, but again does not get an answer.
14:13Ed tells Frank to think about his step, which he takes because the police will not forgive him if he does something irrational.
14:19In the next scene, Joe and Juliana are on their way back to the restaurant before the marshal stops them.
14:23Juliana runs for her life and hides inside the abandoned house until he follows her.
14:28After a few minutes of running, they come face to face and the marshal is a second away from shooting her in the head with his shotgun.
14:35But then Joe comes to her aid and abandons the Nazi before he runs away with Juliana.
14:40They hide inside the house nearby, telling the marshal to assume that they ran away.
14:44Only after he takes his car, they take a break to look for a shelter and go to Lamoel's house.
14:50He listens to their story before he searches for the film he got from Trudy.
14:54However, Juliana insists that she will give the film only to a man in the high court because she does not trust anyone else.
15:00Lamoel promises that he will take her to the main man the next day.
15:03Joe then surprises her by telling her all the information about the Gruppenfuhrer in Smith, but does not tell her about the part where he helped Juliana.
15:10In the morning, Lamoel leads Joe and Juliana hiking in the woods.
15:13However, they are surrounded by a group of revolutionaries who recognize Joe as a spy.
15:18He proves his innocence by showing them a film that would not make him a spy.
15:22What's more, Juliana is also on his side because he has helped the Nazis several times.
15:27Lamoel speaks of disinformation, they had to go to a place on the other side of the hill to avoid the marshal who is desperately looking for them.
15:34Somewhere else, Wegener prepares a microfilm with information about how to produce an atomic bomb.
15:39This film should be handed over to the Japanese minister of science during a speech that will soon be held by him.
15:44Hours before the speech, Frank buys a bunch of bullets under the name of a Japanese man who lives in Tibet.
15:49The owner of the store helps him when he offers him an absurd amount of money.
15:53Ed finds a loaded gun and tries to prevent Frank from doing something stupid.
15:57In the fight, Frank is shot in the shoulder, but manages to lock Ed up in the room and go to the speech.
16:03Juliana tries to steal a car for them, but the marshal catches her on the spot.
16:07He runs into the crowd and experiences the misfortune that burned him alive.
16:11The marshal sees her burning body before he confirms that she is dead.
16:15What he doesn't know is that this was the plan that Joe and Juliana set to get him off his back.
16:20When everything calms down, Juliana calls Frank, but Ed answers the phone.
16:24He tells her everything that Frank did, prompting her to immediately take the next bus to San Francisco.
16:29Joe looks like he's in shock and feels betrayed.
16:33Meanwhile, in San Francisco, the prince's speech finally begins.
16:36Wegener is ready to hand over the microfilm to the Minister of Science.
16:40Somewhere nearby, Frank is ready to take the oath, while slowly pulling out a gun, someone else shoots the prince before him.
16:47This is where it all ends when we see the wounded prince, how he is treated.
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