Slawna jak Sarajewo 1988

  • 2 months ago
00:00:51She will brody move yet. Oh, that's good
00:00:54They to pose or luge a not for each ass Diablo
00:02:55And the whole party hoppy
00:03:12The roski Zephyr you should all go out that's going to move standard V
00:05:54He's not meant to know she took a she's loogy. Oh, you took a young to begin here. She
00:06:00Is tempered in a good znajdziemy kogoś, kto zawsze czuł się ślązakiem a teraz poczuje powołanie do narodu niemieckiego za jego przykładem pójdą inni
00:06:09wszyscy poproszą
00:06:12Trzeba mieć tylko tego pierwszego
00:06:16Spanialy pomysł
00:06:17Ten lighter robi postępy no żeby takie jeszcze podciągnął się w samoobroni w zaszczepianiu idei narodowo socjalistycznej swoim ziomkom to
00:06:28Pan się źle czuje
00:06:41ale widać mieszkańcy konewki nie kwapią się
00:06:43do walki
00:06:45Z pierwszej grupy zwerbowanych do Wehrmachtu dziesięciu zdezerterowało już w czasie transportu ktoś musiał tym kierować
00:06:52Jednego przecież znamy
00:06:54Jest pan pewien
00:06:57W takiej sytuacji można się pomylić
00:06:59Znam go od dziecka
00:07:02Przez 20 lat bym moim sąsiadem i zbyt dobrze dały mi się wyznaki żebym go nie pamiętał
00:07:16A teraz pójdź telefonkę na
00:07:31Józik podaj wyciąg
00:07:37Pójdź go śmiej
00:07:45Was myślimy i nie pozwolimy na rozbój
00:07:49Führer jest z wami
00:08:11Synek, a niemieckie gazety masz?
00:08:14Nie mam
00:08:16No to śmigaj z placu
00:08:24Manek, dom ci krąga chleba
00:08:26Boś na pewno zgłodniał
00:08:36Mocie pociecha z wnuka
00:08:38Taki to w życiu nie zginie
00:08:40No daj Boże
00:08:433 maja już dawno minęło
00:08:45Idę do kościoła na procesju
00:08:47Generał od braciszków przyjechał
00:08:49A to tak bez hopa?
00:08:51On też idzie
00:08:53Niesie drzewiec do nowego sztandaru sodalicji
00:08:55Dzień dobry panie Dziurla
00:08:57Dzień dobry panie szerżancie
00:08:59On przepraszał oszczędę Wolko
00:09:01Ja nie chciał
00:09:03Jezerkusie panie Dziurla
00:09:05Coście mi to narobili
00:09:07Moje prany
00:09:09Taki zawalaty
00:09:11Cała robota na nic
00:09:13Jedno utrapienie
00:09:19Zostaw to
00:09:21Jeszcze zmarasisz
00:09:23A wiesz co
00:09:25Ty się zawdy jednak ogłupi
00:09:2720 lat już lotasz z tym karabinem
00:09:29Nic innego szmarujesz oliwą i pucujesz
00:09:31A oni mają coraz to większe armaty
00:09:33Siedź cicho nie znosz się na tym
00:09:35Ale znów się na Niemcach wiesz
00:09:37Uni zawdy byli mocniejsi od Polaków
00:09:43Nie płacz mamo
00:09:49Nie płacz Suko płacz
00:09:51Jakżeś wyszła za takiego głupia loka
00:09:53Dobrze ci tak przepędzą cię do tej Polski
00:09:55o którą żeś się tak walczyli
00:09:57Roman Roman
00:09:59Idziesz ku przepaści a nie chcesz się cafnąć
00:10:01Walczył żeś o ta Polska
00:10:03w powstaniu i co z niej masz
00:10:05Potarkane galoty
00:10:07in the house.
00:10:09And I'm moving to my own soon.
00:10:11You're building for the money of the Volksbund.
00:10:14But not for Poland.
00:10:16You see, Mom, they'll smash your head like that.
00:10:19You'll be hanging from that tower.
00:10:21You speak well.
00:10:23Fortunately, we're not afraid of anything.
00:10:26We were Germans and we'll remain Germans.
00:10:29If you're such a German, then say it in German.
00:10:33Adidjona can't speak German.
00:10:36She'll learn when she's in Germany.
00:10:39She won't learn anything.
00:10:41She was sitting in the wrong bench at school.
00:10:44It wasn't written there, Nurfirdeutsche.
00:10:53I'll recognize that dog even in hell.
00:10:57Move, Bubi, move.
00:10:59To the legs, to the legs.
00:11:01Come on, come on, doggy.
00:11:05They're comparing you to some polnische schwein.
00:11:09Good dog, good, good.
00:11:15I wouldn't underestimate Herr Grichtolik's statements.
00:11:19I lived here before the war and I knew Kozub perfectly well.
00:11:22He's a dangerous, incalculable man.
00:11:24And if he's alive...
00:11:25You don't want me to believe in miracles, do you?
00:11:27This Polish nationalist has been eating dirt for three years.
00:11:30But I firmly believe
00:11:32that the band of deserters was led by Kozub.
00:11:37Kozub was killed on September 6, 1939.
00:11:41I was there.
00:12:09Our action to liquidate Polish nationalist and anti-German elements
00:12:13was greatly appreciated by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler
00:12:16and may be a model of this type of work.
00:12:19But then...
00:12:20Then there was enthusiasm, first victories.
00:12:22Oh, yes.
00:12:23Then there was enthusiasm,
00:12:25which we would have lacked today, Herr Zelenleiter.
00:12:28I asked you not to disturb us.
00:12:30I'm sorry, but this is a very urgent telegram.
00:12:42Meine Herren,
00:12:43the opportunity has just come
00:12:45for us to show enthusiasm
00:12:48and commitment to the Great Reich.
00:12:50Please listen.
00:12:52In the coming days,
00:12:54a special train will pass through Konewka.
00:12:57It is necessary to prepare the complete safety of the passage.
00:13:01We will inform you in due time
00:13:03about the date of the Sonderzug.
00:13:08Who will go there?
00:13:10They don't say.
00:13:11It's a secret.
00:13:13Herr Richter,
00:13:14you are still a young party denunciator
00:13:16and you should take to heart
00:13:18the basic principles of the German nation.
00:13:22You should listen to your superiors
00:13:24and not ask unnecessary questions.
00:13:26Thank you.
00:13:33Bitte sehr, Herr Bürgermeister.
00:13:35At least you can be proud of your daughter, Herr Zelenleiter.
00:13:40Oh, mein Gott.
00:13:42A pure Aryan angel.
00:13:47I wish my son well too.
00:13:50A son in a German family is
00:13:53strength and power.
00:13:55And a daughter.
00:13:56A daughter is goodness, beauty
00:13:58and the offspring of a pure species.
00:14:01Please, Herr Zelenleiter,
00:14:03take a closer look at Frau Langerde.
00:14:06Of course, of course.
00:14:07It is an honor for our family.
00:14:22Das ist ideal.
00:14:24Kleine Kopf.
00:14:26Little head.
00:14:28You should know, Herr Zelenleiter,
00:14:30that there are two species of German skull.
00:14:34One large,
00:14:35mit weit aus Landen im Hinterkopf.
00:14:38You can see it in my son.
00:14:40It is the skull of Bismarck and Goebbels.
00:14:43And the second, much smaller,
00:14:44mit Edlem Schädelkranz.
00:14:46It is the skull of Unseres Geliebtenführers,
00:14:48as well as of Hindenburg and Ludendorff.
00:14:51So, as you have probably noticed, Herr Grichthoff,
00:14:54on the one hand, a great politician,
00:14:57and on the other, a leader.
00:15:03I have always been interested in Napoleon,
00:15:05whom, in my ignorance,
00:15:07I once considered the greatest leader.
00:15:10But I was wrong.
00:15:12And his skull confirms it.
00:15:14Well, Napoleon was not a German.
00:15:19Good liqueur.
00:15:21On spirit.
00:15:23One thing the Poles did well was liqueur.
00:15:26And now, think about it.
00:15:28What would happen if the Führer did not have a racial skull?
00:15:32Können Sie sich das vorstellen, Herr Zelenleiter?
00:15:35Every good party of the Genoese would give you a bloodbath for such a thought.
00:15:40You have already been left
00:15:43by that Polish kundle,
00:15:45who stood up strangely from the dead.
00:15:47They swore to the Führer that it was true.
00:15:49Does that mean the Gestapo is lying?
00:15:55I don't know.
00:15:57Maybe they shot someone else.
00:16:00It was the beginning of the war.
00:16:01There was still a mess.
00:16:02The German Reich does not know the concept of a mess.
00:16:05Ordnung muss sein!
00:16:11it is possible to admit the existence of two truths.
00:16:15Does this Pole have a family here?
00:16:17He has a wife and a son younger than my Eras.
00:16:21That's very good.
00:16:23We should observe them and listen to what they say.
00:16:26Or maybe what they think.
00:16:32Go get Eras.
00:16:34All right, dad.
00:16:37Did you think about her future?
00:16:42I'm talking about my daughter.
00:16:45And her...
00:16:47I thought, I thought.
00:16:49We'll be lucky.
00:16:51I'll look for her, like some officer of the Wehrmacht,
00:16:54or the SS.
00:16:56Real men are not only in the army.
00:17:01Real men are not only in the army.
00:17:05And I believe only in the army.
00:17:07There was such a man here before the war.
00:17:10But now he's in Italy.
00:17:12And we don't know if he'll come back from the front.
00:17:14There is still something left.
00:17:17We are not fragments, Herr Grychtolik.
00:17:31Tell me, Hans!
00:17:33Tell me, Zef!
00:17:39You know what, Hans?
00:17:42Gerda is shy.
00:17:44I tell her,
00:17:46turn your back a little.
00:17:48Not such steps caught cool officers.
00:18:00I'll tell you something,
00:18:02what a father should not say.
00:18:04I saw her once,
00:18:08also ganz nackt,
00:18:15Prosit, Hans!
00:18:17What's going on with you?
00:18:50It's beautiful,
00:18:52Herr Grychtolik.
00:18:54Tell me, Zef!
00:18:58When I listen to you,
00:19:00I thought I could help you.
00:19:04As you know,
00:19:05Mein Lieber Zef,
00:19:06I'm a lonely man.
00:19:08I lost my wife
00:19:10during the Bremen bombing.
00:19:12You called me, father.
00:19:14How did you talk?
00:19:18You are already, I see,
00:19:22Father, you can be proud of yourself.
00:19:24Do you make friends with Lusik Kozubów?
00:19:26Father, you forbade me
00:19:27to make friends with Poles.
00:19:29And now I forbid you.
00:19:39Cool Polish knefel.
00:19:41Put it down, it counts twice.
00:19:43Your father talks to you.
00:19:45And he talks that he is dead.
00:19:48The end of the game, boys.
00:19:50That's it?
00:19:52Put yourself on this button.
00:19:54I can't, it's a souvenir.
00:19:56You'll get another one.
00:19:57From whom?
00:19:58From father.
00:19:59I'd like to, but father is dead.
00:21:49I'd like to invite you.
00:21:51A nice invitation.
00:21:53For non-arrival
00:21:55there is a risk of arrest.
00:21:58Your name?
00:21:59Don't you know me?
00:22:01The whole Konevka knows me.
00:22:04I am Oswald Bocoń,
00:22:05the owner of Tartak.
00:22:07Please don't shout at me
00:22:08and give the gun back to the deposit.
00:22:10Oh, shit.
00:22:12I even go to church with it.
00:22:14Father, it's chaos, it's more than a church.
00:22:17probably only because
00:22:19you took it from the parish.
00:22:21Please give the gun back to the deposit.
00:22:29You're talking to me?
00:22:30To you.
00:22:32Józek is Zeb.
00:22:37Tell this scoundrel
00:22:39that I won't give him Flint.
00:22:42Let him in, let him in.
00:22:44He's a knife.
00:22:46Sometimes it's better to have a gun.
00:23:16Meine Damen und Herren,
00:23:18Groß Konevka sounds proud.
00:23:21We will prove that our city
00:23:23is worthy of this name.
00:23:30Good day.
00:23:31Good day.
00:23:34We will prove that it is an old German city.
00:23:37Old, but modern.
00:23:40We will build a highway here.
00:23:42Die Strasse des Führers.
00:23:45We are worthy of this.
00:23:50We will throw out the smelly Polish immigrants
00:23:53from our courtyards.
00:23:57So that their feet won't stink.
00:24:00And we will kick out those who don't sign the Polish list.
00:24:03So that they don't stink here.
00:24:09Sieg Heil!
00:24:10Sieg Heil!
00:24:11Sieg Heil!
00:24:12Sieg Heil!
00:24:13Sieg Heil!
00:24:14Sieg Heil!
00:24:15Sieg Heil!
00:24:16Sieg Heil!
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00:29:01Sieg Heil!
00:29:02Sieg Heil!
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00:30:44Sieg Heil!
00:30:45Sieg Heil!
00:30:46Sieg Heil!
00:30:47Sieg Heil!
00:30:48Sieg Heil!
00:30:49Sieg Heil!
00:30:50Sieg Heil!
00:30:51Sieg Heil!
00:30:52Sieg Heil!
00:30:53Sieg Heil!
00:30:54Sieg Heil!
00:30:55We swear.
00:30:56We will not leave the Germans in peace.
00:30:59We will set up a secret organization.
00:31:05We have already set it up.
00:31:27Guten Morgen Herr Bürgermeister.
00:31:32Guten ...
00:31:35Do you know Polish?
00:31:42I almost forgot.
00:31:51Oh, you know, it's as if I've forgotten.
00:31:54Come to me, good woman.
00:31:56Come, come.
00:32:04Come in, Frau Czarny-Borch.
00:32:06Sit down.
00:32:08Sit down.
00:32:22Translate this.
00:32:29But I can't do it without a brille.
00:32:33Ah, yes, yes, yes.
00:32:42If you don't sign, it's your fault.
00:32:46I'll take you straight to Oświęcim.
00:32:49And if you sign, you old donkey,
00:32:54Hitler will send you straight to Ostfrund.
00:32:58I'll take you straight to Ostfrund.
00:33:17Hands up. Easy, easy.
00:33:43Did you see that?
00:33:45She's not afraid of God.
00:33:47She sent a German boy to the front, and now she's having fun.
00:33:50But maybe she doesn't care at all.
00:33:53Well, she's obviously complaining.
00:33:58Come on.
00:34:11Manek, come to me tomorrow or in a couple of days.
00:34:14I'll give you even more and even more fun.
00:34:16I will.
00:34:19You've got a lot of interest.
00:34:23The commander of my battalion brought me a package from France.
00:34:27It's gas.
00:34:29With lead.
00:34:37Hey, Cyla, what's up with your commander?
00:34:39Oh, no, it's someone else.
00:34:41He went to his family and they bombed his house.
00:34:43He didn't have anything to wear because of the year.
00:34:49Oh, no, Mariner, what are you doing here?
00:34:56Look, it's Józik!
00:35:10Vitalisk, read it to me because I don't have a pen.
00:35:16She hasn't learned German yet, Reichsdeutsche.
00:35:20Your son's commander writes to you.
00:35:24He writes that you had a very brave son and that the Fuhrer thanks you for him.
00:35:30Vitalisk, what does it mean?
00:35:48Vitalisk, who is this?
00:35:52The eldest, Rudolf.
00:35:55See? She's already learned German.
00:35:58Don't talk like that.
00:36:00Pole, German, this man and that man.
00:36:03Józik, mother of God,
00:36:06pray for our sons-in-law.
00:36:09Don't worry, dear.
00:36:11Soon this bell will be ringing.
00:36:14He got it again.
00:36:16Now Podkórskie.
00:36:18Be quiet, Vitalisk, because Cyla has a German.
00:36:29I have a postcard for you.
00:36:33From where?
00:36:35From the mountains.
00:36:41Greetings from the mountains.
00:36:43Sent by Fer...
00:36:47I don't know any Fernando.
00:37:06It's nice to see you.
00:37:08You haven't forgotten, have you?
00:37:10Get out!
00:37:16This sailor is a German anti-fascist.
00:37:18He didn't break his oath.
00:37:20Vitalisk, they are preparing a great action in the German army.
00:37:24He caused a riot on board and they have to flee.
00:37:26Now he will be our man among the soldiers.
00:37:28Drink with him.
00:37:31I'll give you a glass.
00:37:33Sit down.
00:37:35Sit down.
00:37:44Dear ladies and gentlemen,
00:37:46what would you like to drink?
00:37:48Lustige Klaus!
00:38:02Oh, Jesus!
00:38:04It's so beautiful!
00:38:08Oh, my dear child!
00:38:10He's alive!
00:38:19My little finger is missing in the baskets,
00:38:22my little Fernando.
00:38:24My little finger is missing in the baskets,
00:38:27my little Fernando.
00:38:29My little finger is missing in the baskets,
00:38:31my little Fernando.
00:38:33Stop reading that crap, you little...
00:38:35Oh, Jesus!
00:39:05Honk, honk, honk.
00:39:11Hey, hey.
00:39:19All sorts of things.
00:39:21Class is summed up.
00:39:23Sit down.
00:39:31Stand up, son.
00:39:33Oswald, you're a real gentleman. Sit down.
00:39:36Thank you, Cilla.
00:39:37Sit down.
00:39:38Do you know, Cilla?
00:39:40Just let it all dry.
00:39:41All right, all right.
00:39:43How are you, Krobacek?
00:39:46What's up with you?
00:39:48I'm fine with you, because you have a tart.
00:39:50But now there's a war. What do you think, there's something to eat?
00:39:55Oh, Vitalis, what am I talking about?
00:39:59Oswald, these are the chocolates I like the most.
00:40:20Auf Wiedersehen, mein Schätzchen, auf Wiedersehen, ich muss gehen.
00:40:37No, I forbid it, I forbid it, we are Poles, we sing in Polish.
00:40:42Ja, das wollen sie nicht wiegen.
00:40:45Three, four.
00:40:46Góralu, czy ci nie żal? Góralu, wracaj do hal. Góralu, czy ci nie żal?
00:41:10Cilla, open the door, Major.
00:41:12What Major?
00:41:13Z guberni, nawiązujemy kontakt z Londynem. Cilla, otwieraj.
00:41:23Excuse me, have I met Mr. Krobaczek?
00:41:28Of course, please, let him in.
00:41:31Cecilia Dziurla de Domo Otrząsek.
00:41:33Nice to meet you.
00:41:34Please, please.
00:41:38Sit down.
00:41:39Nie możej spod!
00:41:41How do you know?
00:41:42Nie, przecież żartuję, proszę bardzo, wyjdź. Wyjdź.
00:41:46A to kto?
00:41:48No ten, w te paski.
00:41:50A to, to jest mariner, mordalek i krewny, przymusowo wcielony do wojska.
00:41:57Musisz się z nami napić.
00:42:01Słyszałem, że cię gestapo szukało.
00:42:04Mnie? No za co?
00:42:07Byłeś w Hiszpanii, a teraz komunistów wyłapują.
00:42:10Co? Pan jest komunistą?
00:42:12Szogała komunistą, przecież oni mają wspólne kobiety,
00:42:15a pan Szogała jest chyba troszkę o mnie zazdrosny, nie?
00:42:21Proszę bardzo, proszę.
00:42:23Dziękuję, piję tylko whisky.
00:42:27Och, widzę, że pan jest prawdziwym dżentelmenem.
00:42:32Jestem pełen uznania dla pani odwagi i poświęcenia.
00:42:35Myślę, że tę zbiórkę kosztowności na zakup broni oddajecie w dobre ręce.
00:42:40A właściwie, co to za organizacja, co pan chce nas do niej wciągnąć?
00:42:46Pseudonimy. Podawać tylko pseudonimy.
00:42:49Zaczniemy od ciebie, od pana.
00:42:55Człowieku, chcesz, żeby sławnego literata zamiast ciebie wsadzili?
00:42:59My są chłopcy, coś się nie boimy!
00:43:04Co cicho?
00:43:05Nie odzywać się bez rozkazu!
00:43:07No już dobrze, majorku, dobrze.
00:43:14Mam, panie majorze.
00:43:19Bolesław Chrobry.
00:43:24Człowieku, Chrobry był dwa razy wyższy i cztery razy szerszy.
00:43:28Nosił wąsy i koronę.
00:43:30I gdzieś tu podobieństwo.
00:43:32Najlepsze pseudonimy to zwyczajne imiona.
00:43:35Dla pana będzie Karlit.
00:43:39Fajnie, prima.
00:43:40Wymyślcie mi też jakieś pseudonim.
00:43:43Te, mariner, was für ein pseudonim willst du haben?
00:43:51Bardzo dobre.
00:43:54Teraz pan.
00:43:56Chcę mieć jednego poważnego człowieka.
00:43:59Pardon, klub!
00:44:01Pardon, klub!
00:44:14Proszę bardzo.
00:44:17Proszę bardzo.
00:44:19Pan Wachmeister Pitera, policjant, ale też porządny człowiek.
00:44:23Niech pan siada.
00:44:25Niech się pan z nami napije.
00:44:29Gość w dom.
00:44:31Do ataku!
00:44:33Gdzie się pan tak spieszy?
00:44:34To w lasu.
00:44:36Jeszcze nie było rozkazu.
00:44:39Mam w życiu wasze rozkazy.
00:44:54Nie wiem, nie wiem.
00:44:55Nie wiem.
00:44:56Nie wiem.
00:44:57Nie wiem.
00:44:58Nie wiem.
00:44:59Nie wiem.
00:45:00Nie wiem.
00:45:01Nie wiem.
00:45:02To zamiena fasolową jak kwiatka i tak nie dostaniesz!
00:45:12Aus weiss bitte!
00:45:16Weiss, mein schnaps!
00:45:19Wali, wali, wali!
00:45:21Wali, wali, wali!
00:45:23Wali, wali, wali!
00:45:25Wali, wali, wali!
00:45:32What happened to you?
00:45:47I had a dream about a goat.
00:45:49It was covered in blood.
00:45:50You should be ashamed of yourself if you were alive.
00:45:52What did I do wrong?
00:45:54Someone has to pull this caravan.
00:45:56It's better for me than one of those Reichsdeutsches.
00:46:06I have to take a vacation.
00:46:10I'll go to China and tell him...
00:46:12You would have to drink the whole caravan.
00:46:16Don't drink.
00:46:17Don't drink, Helus.
00:46:18It's serious.
00:46:19They're retreating again at the front.
00:46:20Yes, and so it will be to Konevka.
00:46:24We have to think about our future.
00:46:29We worked so hard to get anything.
00:46:34Do you remember how you were happy with every little thing?
00:46:40I always had to listen to you.
00:46:42Oh, Helus.
00:46:45You have a good opinion among Poles.
00:46:48I always had it.
00:46:49So you change your mind like...
00:46:54You have to show yourself more.
00:46:59And to express your beliefs more loudly.
00:47:04I always do.
00:47:05Don't you remember how I talked to Sam Mecklenpner at the reception?
00:47:08Yes, but...
00:47:10But that's what it's all about.
00:47:11You have to express your views to the Poles.
00:47:16Maybe you should start working somewhere?
00:47:46I don't know.
00:47:51I don't know.
00:47:56I don't know.
00:48:01I don't know.
00:48:06I don't know.
00:48:11I don't know.
00:48:16Eat something.
00:48:18No, thank you.
00:48:19I don't even want to eat.
00:48:20I don't want to get tired.
00:48:21You know, when he looks at you like that, he's surprised.
00:48:26Why are you doing this?
00:48:28The husband is in such a position.
00:48:31You'll be surprised, but it doesn't affect us at all.
00:48:34The Germans don't pay much to the husband,
00:48:36considering him an uncertain man.
00:48:39I don't know.
00:48:40Every Pole should do something useful against the Germans.
00:48:44Smuggling is not just a necessity.
00:48:46It's a sabotage of the occupation orders.
00:48:50I don't know about that.
00:48:52Smuggling, because the children have nothing to eat.
00:48:57I don't have children there.
00:48:59But what I bring, the children of Poles eat.
00:49:04And to think that I used to go here with hunting trips.
00:49:09I loved the mountains very much.
00:49:34La la la.
00:49:39La la la.
00:49:44La la la.
00:49:49La la la.
00:49:54La la la.
00:49:59People, get up, the foresters will check you.
00:50:03What foresters?
00:50:05Didn't you hear?
00:50:06A unit for a horseman.
00:50:09But they don't work here.
00:50:10They are enslaved to the Germans.
00:50:16Step aside.
00:50:30Listen, people.
00:50:32If you'll be all right, we'll let you go.
00:50:35Show me the documents and what you've got in those bags.
00:50:38Gentlemen, gentlemen, I really don't have anything.
00:50:42Józef Kawka?
00:50:44All right.
00:50:56Veronika Szmatloch?
00:51:00And Kozubów, do you know him?
00:51:02Yes, I know him.
00:51:04We know each other, sir.
00:51:10We don't know each other.
00:51:12Show me the documents.
00:51:15I'm Szafrańcowa.
00:51:23All right, sir.
00:51:24Me too.
00:51:26Come on, Mrs. Szafrańcowa.
00:51:31Oh, Jesus!
00:51:32What else are they going to do?
00:51:36What a miracle, a friend of ours got bored here.
00:51:38The only thing I don't understand is that I see you alive.
00:51:40And everyone says they shot you.
00:51:42Well, that's true, but only to half.
00:51:44Because he got me to half.
00:52:08How are my people doing?
00:52:39Józef, mother, don't they teach you?
00:52:41No, they don't.
00:52:42I'm bravely replacing you.
00:52:44Do they know you're alive?
00:52:48I sent them a message, but I don't know if they understood it.
00:52:51Maybe Duchna will tell them about me.
00:52:53What if no one knew?
00:52:59I have a request to Duchna.
00:53:01When Duchna is here again, bring Duchna to me from home, my Fajka.
00:53:04I can't be bothered with the farm.
00:53:06Of course.
00:53:07It's my duty as a Polish woman.
00:53:12One more thing.
00:53:14I'm thinking of a certain action.
00:53:16Your horse would be good for it.
00:53:21He's not good for it.
00:53:22He's a terrible farmer.
00:53:23He hasn't even killed a fly in his life.
00:53:25You don't have to kill anyone.
00:53:27The courts will take care of the sentences after the war.
00:53:31It's about stealing the Volkslist from the magistrate.
00:53:35It's about making the Germans aware that the underground exists.
00:53:39That's one.
00:53:40And two.
00:53:42Such Volkslists will be important after the war.
00:53:46According to them, we will judge people.
00:53:54The mother tongue.
00:53:59Now here.
00:54:00Organizational affiliation before the war.
00:54:06The Polish Army Union.
00:54:12The Catholic Action.
00:54:13And what's next?
00:54:15The Union of Sokoła.
00:54:16The Marine and Colonial League.
00:54:18It won't count.
00:54:20What do you care?
00:54:21The Marine and Colonial League.
00:54:23And now the remarks.
00:54:25He took part in the Silesian Uprising.
00:54:28But I was in Poznań at the time.
00:54:30Then write the Silesian Uprising.
00:54:33I was too young.
00:54:35What do you care?
00:54:36Who's going to check it?
00:54:38The Silesian Uprising.
00:54:59How do you sign in Chinese?
00:55:30Pour Heinel a beer.
00:55:45I'm taking you to Italy alone.
00:55:46I'm on vacation.
00:55:47Aren't you happy?
00:55:48Oh, my son, my son.
00:55:49You're the only one I have left.
00:55:51But there's still Agnes.
00:55:57I don't count my chickens in a henhouse.
00:56:00I'll marry you off well, sister.
00:56:06Come on, Agnes.
00:56:08It's time to dance.
00:58:19I don't understand.
00:58:24You discovered our bunker.
00:58:25We can't leave you like this.
00:58:30I'm going to the front tomorrow.
00:58:36To fight for what it's worth.
00:58:38Isn't it all the same?
00:58:46What do you lack here?
00:58:49I've had enough of this war.
00:58:55You talk like a deserter.
00:58:58Maybe, but not here.
00:59:03In Italy.
00:59:04I have a girlfriend there.
00:59:07You don't have one here?
00:59:09Not anymore.
00:59:12You'll find another one soon.
00:59:17You'll stay with us.
00:59:20I'm not a communist.
00:59:23But you're a Pole.
00:59:25No, I'm not.
00:59:28Until 1939, you were one.
00:59:31I was forced to.
00:59:33You were forced to be a martyr, too, right?
00:59:39What do people like you do in Auschwitz with people like me?
00:59:43You could have killed me right away.
00:59:47You're not a stranger.
00:59:50I've known you since you were a kid.
00:59:54What am I supposed to do?
00:59:56Stay with us.
01:00:09Stay with us.
01:00:16We're partisans!
01:00:43Go, go, go!
01:01:13Go, go, go!
01:01:43Go, go, go!
01:02:11A special train will pass through Konewka on the 12th of September
01:02:16at 7.15 a.m.
01:02:19Ensure the safety of the passage.
01:02:42I know!
01:02:44I know!
01:02:45I know everything!
01:02:48Me, me, me, me!
01:02:50That's how it's going to be for sure!
01:02:52If you know, say it.
01:02:54It doesn't matter.
01:02:55I know, I know!
01:02:58That means Adolf Hitler will go by this train!
01:03:24That means Adolf Hitler will go by this train!
01:03:25I know!
01:03:26I know!
01:03:27I know!
01:03:28I know!
01:03:29I know!
01:03:30I know!
01:03:31I know!
01:03:32I know!
01:03:33I know!
01:03:34I know!
01:03:35I know!
01:03:36I know!
01:03:37I know!
01:03:38I know!
01:03:39I know!
01:03:40I know!
01:03:41I know!
01:03:42I know!
01:03:43I know!
01:03:44I know!
01:03:45I know!
01:03:46I know!
01:03:47I know!
01:03:48I know!
01:03:49I know!
01:03:50I know!
01:03:51I know!
01:03:52I know!
01:03:53I know!
01:03:54I know!
01:03:55I know!
01:03:56I know!
01:03:57I know!
01:03:58I know!
01:03:59I know!
01:04:00I know!
01:04:01I know!
01:04:02I know!
01:04:03I know!
01:04:04I know!
01:04:05I know!
01:04:06I know!
01:04:07I know!
01:04:08I know!
01:04:09I know!
01:04:10I know!
01:04:11I know!
01:04:12I know!
01:04:13I know!
01:04:14I know!
01:04:15I know!
01:04:16I know!
01:04:17I know!
01:04:18I know!
01:04:19I know!
01:04:20I know!
01:04:21I know!
01:04:22I know!
01:04:23I know!
01:04:24I know!
01:04:25I know!
01:04:26I know!
01:04:27I know!
01:04:28I know!
01:04:29I know!
01:04:30I know!
01:04:31I know!
01:04:32I know!
01:04:33I know!
01:04:34I know!
01:04:35I know!
01:04:36I know!
01:04:37I know!
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01:06:07I know!
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01:06:22I know!
01:06:23I know!
01:06:24I know!
01:06:25I know!
01:06:26I know!
01:06:27I know!
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01:06:29I know!
01:06:30I know!
01:06:31I know!
01:06:32I know!
01:06:33I know!
01:06:34I know!
01:06:35I know!
01:06:36I know!
01:06:37I know!
01:06:38I know!
01:06:39I know!
01:06:40I know!
01:06:41I know!
01:06:42I know!
01:06:43I know!
01:06:44I know!
01:06:45I know!
01:06:46I know!
01:06:47I know!
01:06:48I know!
01:06:49I know!
01:06:50I know!
01:06:51I know!
01:07:06Józik, what did they take you for?
01:07:10For armed action against the occupier.
01:07:23Are you afraid?
01:07:28Everyone is afraid.
01:07:30I'm not afraid of myself.
01:07:32I'm afraid of my children.
01:07:35I'm afraid.
01:07:41Do you think they caught her too?
01:07:44And Major?
01:07:47She borrowed from us.
01:07:49It cost a lot of money to buy weapons.
01:07:52He was supposed to give it back when the money came from London.
01:07:55But he hasn't shown himself yet.
01:08:00God, don't let my daughter suffer.
01:08:23My darling.
01:08:25My darling.
01:08:31I hope you can be discreet.
01:08:35Of course.
01:08:37I was in the middle of a conspiracy.
01:08:46Now go home.
01:08:50Adieu, my darling.
01:08:52What about the letter?
01:08:54I'll let it out.
01:08:56If I have a chance.
01:08:59All right.
01:09:10I hereby announce...
01:09:12...that Rajcula Godewicz...
01:09:15...who pretends to be the Great Germany... not only the mother of a deserter...
01:09:21...but also spreads a secret message...
01:09:24...all over Konevka.
01:09:27The Führer is coming.
01:09:45The whole post!
01:09:53How do you look?
01:09:56Are you the police of the Great Germany?
01:10:00I'm sending you a secret message.
01:10:04The Führer is coming.
01:10:07What are you waiting for?
01:10:09He'll look at you and say...
01:10:11...that you've grown fat...
01:10:13...that your uniforms don't fit anymore...
01:10:16...that you don't even have buttons...
01:10:18...that your pants don't look right.
01:10:21Maybe you should go to the front, eh?
01:10:28I'm in charge of the general order.
01:10:31Everything must be thrown away!
01:10:58On the ground!
01:11:00Don't move or I'll shoot!
01:11:02Go, go, go!
01:11:04On the ground!
01:11:11Where's the gun?
01:11:35All right.
01:11:42Come out! You're free!
01:11:46You're coming with us!
01:11:47Of course I'm coming!
01:11:49Me too!
01:11:50Me too!
01:11:51No, son.
01:11:52We don't have guards in the forest yet.
01:11:55They wanted to kidnap him.
01:11:57You know, Marcin?
01:11:58But look!
01:12:00We can take the whole arsenal of Wehrmacht.
01:12:03Come on.
01:12:05And now to the trenches.
01:12:12Come on, come on!
01:12:15Come on, move it!
01:12:21Get up, you bastard!
01:12:27Thank you, Peter.
01:12:30On behalf of Poland.
01:12:32When they hang you after the war,
01:12:34I'll tell them not to cut your neck.
01:12:41Come on!
01:12:44Be quiet, you bastard!
01:12:46Commander, everyone!
01:12:48Stop, stop!
01:12:55Take me with you!
01:12:58I'm the commander of a secret organization.
01:13:04What a fool!
01:13:16We're not going any further.
01:13:18Sit down.
01:13:19Take your stuff.
01:13:20Sit down.
01:13:21Is it far?
01:13:23Military secret.
01:13:27Get your feet together.
01:13:32Get your feet together.
01:13:35Get your feet together.
01:13:38Get your feet together.
01:13:41Get your feet together.
01:13:43Get your feet together.
01:13:49What are we going to do with him?
01:13:53You can't take him on your back.
01:13:55I'll take care of him.
01:13:59I won't let you.
01:14:00It's a great machine.
01:14:02Leave it, Hanik.
01:14:04The fire is weakening.
01:14:06There will be more to the lighter.
01:14:10Let's make a reconstruction.
01:14:26Now what?
01:14:32Let's get back to the criminal.
01:14:40Let's get back to the criminal.
01:15:10Let's get back to the criminal.
01:15:41Home for my mother.
01:15:43Maybe she'll heal from the love for the Germans.
01:15:48There's something special here.
01:15:56Oh, my God.
01:16:08To Mr. Fernando.
01:16:15Józik is under arrest, the French army is sleeping.
01:16:18They know everything about you, be careful.
01:16:20The Germans are crazy here, because Hitler is supposed to cross the Konyvka by train.
01:16:24Maybe it's some kind of provocation.
01:16:26My old lady's letter does the same things.
01:16:36Gathering of the unit.
01:16:38We have to get out of here.
01:16:41We'll leave the horses in the village.
01:16:43Wait to pack civil clothes, wash and shave.
01:16:47Direction of the march?
01:16:59Come in.
01:17:20How did you sleep, boy?
01:17:23What do we have today?
01:17:26You haven't eaten for two days.
01:17:29And a man can...
01:17:32not eat for two days.
01:17:34It's even healthy to starve.
01:17:48Do you play cards?
01:17:49I do.
01:17:50What do you play?
01:17:51I play Gypsy at home.
01:17:58Can you spell?
01:18:03Sit down.
01:18:10I'll spell for you, okay?
01:18:17Open your eyes.
01:18:21What do you see?
01:18:35So your father...
01:18:37is alive.
01:18:40I can see him clearly.
01:18:43Among the high mountains...
01:18:46and forests.
01:18:52Aren't you happy?
01:18:54I want to eat.
01:19:21I want a cookie.
01:19:24All right.
01:19:26If you like cookies so much, we'll make a deal.
01:19:31I'll ask questions and you'll answer.
01:19:36Who took part in the attack on Posterunek?
01:19:44You can choose a cookie.
01:19:51Don't be so greedy, you'll suffocate.
01:19:55Who else besides Czegała?
01:19:59I don't know them all.
01:20:02Who do you know?
01:20:09You can take the second cookie.
01:20:12Who else?
01:20:18I don't know.
01:20:29Where are they hiding?
01:20:31In the forest.
01:20:33Where exactly?
01:20:36In the forest.
01:20:40Where exactly?
01:20:43I don't know.
01:20:45But I think...
01:20:47Oberkommando der Wehrmacht.
01:20:55All right.
01:20:57You can eat the biggest cookie.
01:21:09All right.
01:21:39You can eat the biggest cookie.
01:21:55In a cellar.
01:21:56Take off your glasses.
01:21:58They'll see us.
01:22:10Wait till it gets dark.
01:22:13Hide and don't talk.
01:22:15Women often come here for mushrooms.
01:22:17What if one of them caught you?
01:22:39Let's go.
01:22:42Let's go.
01:24:33It's you?
01:24:38What are you doing here?
01:24:41What are you doing here?
01:24:43Don't talk.
01:24:45Me neither.
01:24:47You, Roman.
01:24:49What right do you have to do this?
01:24:54The right of the Home Army.
01:24:58And I'm from Zaele.
01:25:04Couldn't we do this together?
01:25:12Listen up.
01:25:15Our action today...
01:25:17You have to know about it.
01:25:20So our action can end this war.
01:25:24If it goes well, the kids will learn in school.
01:25:27And in every history textbook there will be the name of our town.
01:25:31Jesus, if it goes well with this Hitler...
01:25:34...then Konewka will be as famous as ever.
01:25:40...that right after the execution we will go on the attack.
01:25:44And remember that Hitler can live after all this.
01:25:48We have to finish him.
01:25:50What for?
01:25:51The corpse is of no use, isn't it?
01:25:53We'll take him into captivity and then we'll dictate the conditions to the Germans.
01:25:57First of all...
01:25:59...we'll join Poland.
01:26:01Bytom, Gliwice and Mount St. James.
01:26:05Bytom, Gliwice and Mount St. James.
01:26:08Because I was there during the Uprising.
01:26:10What do you want so little, Roman?
01:26:12We'll also take Szczecin, Wrocław...
01:26:15Shut up, you idiot. No one will give us that much.
01:26:18No one?
01:26:20We'll take it ourselves.
01:26:23That's right, comrade.
01:27:05Bytom, Gliwice
01:27:36Bytom, Gliwice
01:27:55To the future of Russia!
01:27:57To Poland!
01:27:58And to the workers!
01:28:05Bytom, Gliwice
01:28:16Roman, what's that?
01:28:17Calm down, Czokała. It's for the wash.
01:28:19The salon is inside.
01:28:35Bytom, Gliwice
01:29:05Bytom, Gliwice
01:29:13Bytom, Gliwice
01:29:16Bytom, Gliwice
01:29:19Bytom, Gliwice
01:29:35Bytom, Gliwice
01:29:48Has anyone seen my wife?
01:29:51She'd be happy to go home.
01:29:54Bytom, Gliwice
01:30:05Bytom, Gliwice
01:30:08Bytom, Gliwice
01:30:11What a wild animal.
01:30:13I told you, you can't trust Silesians.
01:30:21Pigs are a property of the German Reich.
01:30:25Anyone who violates their property will be taken to the Führer.
01:30:29People, leave these German pigs alone.
01:30:32You are threatened by the military court.
01:30:35And this one is just presenting a death sentence.
01:30:38People, remember!
01:30:42We have to lead the SS unit. Let's go.
01:31:02Bytom, Gliwice
01:31:32Such a beautiful son, and such a bad cap.
01:31:42The asphalt is coming back.
01:31:46Son, be careful.
01:32:02Bytom, Gliwice
01:32:05Bytom, Gliwice
01:32:32Where is Józek?
01:32:35You're a coward.
01:32:42Stand up!
01:32:46Take your weapon.
01:32:51Turn around.
01:32:58Put it under your coat.
01:33:06Finally we meet, Roman.
01:33:08It took a while.
01:33:10But it's not my fault, Zephyr.
01:33:12Call me Zephyr.
01:33:14Call me whatever you want.
01:33:16You can kill me, but you won't change my name.
01:33:18What's your problem, Yuzik?
01:33:23It's not me.
01:33:26But you.
01:33:35Oh, shit!
01:36:02Oh, Yazoo!
01:36:05Oh, Yazoo Christ!
01:36:08Holy Mother of God!
01:36:15Is it really you?
01:36:17Oh, I am.
01:36:19I am.
01:36:21My dear.
01:36:23What do you want from me?
01:36:25Why are you calling me?
01:36:27Why are you calling me?
01:36:31Lord, let there be life!
01:36:33Let there be life!
01:36:35Oh, Pierrot!
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