Policja 1988

  • 3 months ago
00:00:30And nothing more, as only my criminals with the greatest humiliation to say, to our government
00:00:49with all strength, with honor and love the highest, after all times, serve and help.
00:01:00I wish.
00:01:13Let Mr. Jehova sign.
00:01:17How is it?
00:01:33I just sign.
00:01:37But why?
00:01:39How is it? Why?
00:01:42For ten years Mr. Bada has been listening to me in prison.
00:01:46And every day for ten years you give me this form to sign,
00:01:50and when I finally want to sign to get out of prison and serve the government,
00:01:54you are surprised and ask why?
00:01:58But so suddenly? Without preparation?
00:02:02I have a breakthrough, your excellency.
00:02:07What breakthrough?
00:02:10Internal breakthrough.
00:02:19I don't want to fight the government anymore.
00:02:25I'm tired.
00:02:28Let the government fight whoever wants, I don't know who.
00:02:33Maybe spies of a foreign power, maybe agents.
00:02:41I've already done mine.
00:02:48I didn't expect this from you.
00:02:53Stop fighting the government.
00:02:58Become a conformist.
00:03:01Who says so?
00:03:03The oldest prisoner in the country.
00:03:05Well, you see,
00:03:09everyone has long been convinced that we have the best government in the world.
00:03:15My former colleagues admitted their guilt,
00:03:18got forgiveness and went home.
00:03:23There is no one to arrest.
00:03:25The last conspirator is supposedly me.
00:03:30What kind of conspirator am I?
00:03:32Basically, I'm a philatelist.
00:03:36That's what they say now.
00:03:38And who threw the bomb at the general?
00:03:41Old stories, your excellency.
00:03:45And the bomb didn't explode anyway, it's not worth it.
00:03:49I don't really know you.
00:03:53For ten years you refused to testify.
00:03:57You behaved so wonderfully.
00:04:00How many times, instead of breaking down and signing,
00:04:04you proudly spat on the portraits of our infant, his uncle, the regent.
00:04:11We got along with each other.
00:04:15Everything turned out so beautifully.
00:04:19You want to destroy the whole past.
00:04:22It doesn't make sense anymore, your excellency.
00:04:27If I wasn't so lonely ideologically,
00:04:31maybe I would still want to think
00:04:36that our beautiful, lively and peaceful country has long been praising
00:04:44our infant and his uncle, the regent.
00:04:48All prisons are empty.
00:04:51And only me?
00:04:54The only one?
00:04:59Your excellency, I'll be honest with you.
00:05:02I just lost my old convictions.
00:05:07If the whole nation is with the government against me,
00:05:11there must be something in it.
00:05:14I'll say it briefly.
00:05:16We have a very good government and that's it.
00:05:21I'm listening.
00:05:31I accept with sincere joy and satisfaction
00:05:36the testimony of a prisoner who testified about the breakthrough that took place in him
00:05:42under the educational influence of the prison.
00:05:46However, I feel obliged to check
00:05:49whether his new, imaginative, scientific views are deep and lasting.
00:06:05So why, if you please, do you think that our government is good?
00:06:13And where are your eyes, your excellency?
00:06:17In history, our country has never flourished as it does now.
00:06:25From the window of my cell,
00:06:28if you move the porch to it,
00:06:31put a bucket upside down on the porch,
00:06:34stand on this bucket and climb on your fingers,
00:06:37you can see a very beautiful meadow
00:06:41that blooms every spring,
00:06:44with different colors of flowers.
00:06:47Well, in the hay season,
00:06:50mowers come to this meadow to mow the grass.
00:06:57In the last ten years,
00:07:00I have noticed the expression of satisfaction on their faces,
00:07:04which increases year by year.
00:07:07You know that the regulation prohibits looking through the window.
00:07:11But not for ideological, educational purposes.
00:07:18But nothing yet, your excellency.
00:07:21Behind the meadow there is a hill,
00:07:24and behind the hill, in the last seven years,
00:07:27an industrial plant has been built.
00:07:30I see a chimney that often smokes.
00:07:34As an enemy of unreliable information,
00:07:37I have to say that this is a crematorium.
00:07:43And would you like the dead to be buried in the ground,
00:07:48as centuries ago?
00:07:51Don't atheists have the right,
00:07:55like believers, to freely dispose of their bodies in their own graves?
00:08:04What you are saying is only a confirmation
00:08:08of the fact that there is the widest tolerance in the country,
00:08:13also in terms of religious beliefs.
00:08:21And culture and art!
00:08:24How many times do I go back and forth?
00:08:27Rather longer than longer.
00:08:30Because, as you know, the goal is rectangular.
00:08:35And I am enthusiastic.
00:08:41I am on duty.
00:08:44I cannot accept your breakthrough too hastily.
00:08:52For example, it cannot be omitted
00:08:56in the overall shape of our economic life,
00:08:59various special phenomena, for example.
00:09:06Even the most corrupt enemy of our state structure
00:09:10cannot deny that we have trafficking as a phenomenon.
00:09:20And on the other hand,
00:09:23you have never had such people in your life.
00:09:27I don't understand, Mr. Chief.
00:09:30That's right.
00:09:32And when one talks to you at this moment,
00:09:35one has the impression that you have dropped a bomb on a general.
00:09:42Have you never thought
00:09:46that uncle Regent
00:09:50is an old moron?
00:09:57All right, all right, all right.
00:10:00Of course, he is not.
00:10:03But you have to admit that even the heaviest heads
00:10:07have weaknesses.
00:10:10I mean, in the sphere of habits, habits.
00:10:17are you blinking at me, Mr. Chief?
00:10:21You know, you would be ashamed.
00:10:23You, old conspirator, ask me such questions.
00:10:26Are you making an allusion?
00:10:29Speak, for God's sake.
00:10:32So you don't think
00:10:36that uncle Regent is an old moron?
00:10:46This pure old man?
00:10:49So you say you don't think?
00:10:52That uncle Regent is what you understand?
00:10:56All right, all right, but psychology teaches us
00:10:59that it seems to us that we don't think, but in fact we think.
00:11:02What do you say to that?
00:11:04Mr. Chief is right.
00:11:06Sometimes it seems to us that we think, that we don't think,
00:11:09but we think, while we really don't think.
00:11:12Mr. Chief...
00:11:13But only in the service of man!
00:11:16All right.
00:11:18Now look here.
00:11:20At the infantry.
00:11:23The little ones.
00:11:26Like any child.
00:11:28You wanted to say a scoundrel, didn't you?
00:11:30Mr. Chief,
00:11:32if there is your uniform and rank,
00:11:36and the comprehensive development of our country,
00:11:38and, for example, you took the first newspaper from the shore,
00:11:41look around you.
00:11:44Don't you bury your head in the sand
00:11:46in front of achievements?
00:11:48Is it bad in the country?
00:11:50Just take, for example, your pension.
00:11:55In short, I've become an enthusiast and I'm not hiding it.
00:12:01You see...
00:12:04You see...
00:12:07Since I was a child, I didn't know what order and order were.
00:12:11A high goal and discipline.
00:12:13Always only freedom and freedom.
00:12:17This, so to speak,
00:12:19monotony of the spiritual grass
00:12:23only calmed part of my rage.
00:12:26The feeling of aversion to the rules,
00:12:28the will to oppose authorities and restrictions,
00:12:32I hated it.
00:12:35But during these years, a certain indignation arose in me.
00:12:39How so?
00:12:41I, a free negotiator,
00:12:44a model of negotiators,
00:12:46came to a particular nostalgia.
00:12:49How so? I asked myself.
00:12:51Why did fate cripple me, deprive me
00:12:55of a joyful feeling of agreement,
00:12:57submission, loyalty,
00:12:59a pleasant feeling of unity with the authorities?
00:13:05And the time came
00:13:07when my first rebellious and insolent self died,
00:13:10and the second one awoke
00:13:12and asked for food in full voice.
00:13:16Joyful and peaceful agreement,
00:13:18fervent hope,
00:13:23which is born from full unity.
00:13:28For the first time, I experienced fullness.
00:13:31Your Excellency,
00:13:34I am the last prisoner in this loyal country.
00:13:39It is only because of me that the police is still in force.
00:13:42It is only because of me that the judges and guards
00:13:44are not allowed to go home.
00:13:48Empty, standing prisons.
00:13:51To be remade.
00:13:53For preschool.
00:13:54Well, well, well.
00:13:56So, Your Excellency, I testify.
00:13:58You won.
00:13:59The police fulfilled its mission to the end.
00:14:01The last one, who had something against the government,
00:14:03puts down his weapons,
00:14:04wants to join as soon as possible
00:14:05all the citizens singing
00:14:07Hosanna to our infant
00:14:09and his uncle the regent.
00:14:13For the first time in the history of mankind,
00:14:15the ideal of state order
00:14:17has been literally realized,
00:14:19without the slightest residue.
00:14:23Today, I will sign this arch,
00:14:27to which you have been persuading me for ten years,
00:14:30and I will be able to go out
00:14:32and support the government.
00:14:34What's more,
00:14:37I will use an open letter
00:14:41to our infant
00:14:43and his uncle the regent.
00:14:47The most humble,
00:14:48with the highest honor and love of letters,
00:14:51that have ever been written.
00:15:00You mentioned that you like philatelism.
00:15:03But why?
00:15:06Think about it.
00:15:09When they say suddenly, it's the devil.
00:15:13And in the meantime,
00:15:15we could make it easier for you
00:15:17We have many postcards.
00:15:23We have intelligence agents
00:15:27in many interesting countries of the world.
00:15:31They send us reports.
00:15:34We could unstick the stamps
00:15:38and give them to your album.
00:15:41It's not so easy to get good stamps
00:15:44but we can do it.
00:16:05So what, sergeant?
00:16:08What happened?
00:16:14You can speak.
00:16:18When I tried to use anti-government slogans...
00:16:21You won't say unless you did it?
00:16:23Unfortunately, yes.
00:16:25Loyal people.
00:16:26You see, sir, everything confirms my thesis.
00:16:29Please don't interrupt.
00:16:33Sergeant, please tell us in detail.
00:16:39Immediately after receiving the instructions from the chief,
00:16:42I immediately started to make them.
00:16:44First, I bought a civilian suit,
00:16:46although I don't wear civilian clothes.
00:16:49For this, I put on a green cap
00:16:52with a small handle and a coat.
00:16:55Then I went to the street.
00:16:57For some time, I behaved challengingly
00:17:00against the state office of the Ministry of Justice and the State Security,
00:17:03but no one paid attention to it.
00:17:05So I went to the square
00:17:07and made faces in front of the monument of Infanta
00:17:09and his uncle Regent.
00:17:19But unfortunately, no one paid attention to it either,
00:17:22because you know, chief, everyone is in a hurry.
00:17:25So I stood in line in front of the kiosk
00:17:28where they sell beer.
00:17:30I'm standing, looking around
00:17:32and I see that in front of the kiosk around me
00:17:35are ordinary citizens,
00:17:37about 30-38 years of age.
00:17:41Our good.
00:17:43I think to myself, the queue is moving,
00:17:45and I think all the time,
00:17:47what should I do here?
00:17:49And I finally came up with it.
00:17:51And when my turn came,
00:17:53I said to the seller,
00:17:55if nothing ever happens,
00:17:57I'll ask for two small beers in a row.
00:18:01You, chief,
00:18:03you're under the government,
00:18:05that it was the government that brewed this beer,
00:18:07or something like that,
00:18:09and that it's small,
00:18:11and so on.
00:18:13But he didn't notice,
00:18:15because he wasn't very intelligent anyway,
00:18:17he didn't look,
00:18:19or he didn't want to understand
00:18:21enough that he only asks
00:18:23light or dark.
00:18:25Well, I told him clearly,
00:18:27all the same,
00:18:29because agriculture is declining in our country anyway,
00:18:31and if someone doesn't steal,
00:18:33he won't make it out of his pension.
00:18:39Then those
00:18:41who stood behind me
00:18:43moved a little closer,
00:18:45and one of them asked
00:18:47if I was making any allusion
00:18:49to our reality,
00:18:51because he is a state official
00:18:53and he won't let anyone
00:18:55say anything about the state.
00:18:57Well, then I was
00:18:59so first about agriculture,
00:19:01then about foreign trade,
00:19:03and finally something about the police,
00:19:05especially the secret one.
00:19:07One young man in a cap
00:19:09comes out of nowhere
00:19:11and says,
00:19:13don't touch our police,
00:19:15because if it goes on like this,
00:19:17you will start to act against the army,
00:19:19you will want to limit the military service,
00:19:21or raise it completely,
00:19:23and in the fall I just have the opportunity to recruit.
00:19:25And one more woman who stood a little further,
00:19:27she said,
00:19:29if you don't like it,
00:19:31then the next day,
00:19:33as last week,
00:19:35I submitted a request
00:19:37for a revision at my place,
00:19:39and this Hundsfot will be here
00:19:41threatening me.
00:19:43After a revision,
00:19:45it's always easier and more loyal to a person,
00:19:47and without a revision,
00:19:49it's always in the house.
00:19:51Well, I see, Mr. Chief,
00:19:53that it's hard,
00:19:55but I don't think about anything
00:19:57and I continue to say what I need.
00:19:59So first about taxes,
00:20:01then about hospitalization,
00:20:03and finally something about our infant
00:20:05and his uncle, the regent.
00:20:11Is that you?
00:20:13Is that you?
00:20:15They called the choir,
00:20:17so you, the ruler of our beloved,
00:20:19will be here,
00:20:21and they gave me a fight.
00:20:23Mr. Chief...
00:20:29Mr. Chief...
00:20:35But you understand, Mr. Chief,
00:20:37when they beat me like that,
00:20:39two contradictory feelings
00:20:41swept me away.
00:20:43The feeling of sadness and the feeling of joy.
00:20:45I was sad because I wasn't able to
00:20:47carry out the order of Mr. Chief,
00:20:49and we won't have anyone to arrest again.
00:20:51And I was glad
00:20:53that the government gave me
00:20:55respect and love.
00:20:57What a wonderful country!
00:20:59What wonderful people!
00:21:01We need more sour water.
00:21:03Mr. Chief,
00:21:05I want to immediately break
00:21:07with my old convictions.
00:21:09I want to immediately sign
00:21:11a warrant for conviction.
00:21:13I ask for a copy of a pen and ink.
00:21:17So it's irrevocable.
00:21:19I want a copy of this.
00:21:29So you are resigning from the postcards.
00:21:31What are the postcards?
00:21:33Nothing is the zeal of the collector
00:21:35against the spirit of service.
00:21:37You wanted it yourself.
00:21:49Thank you.
00:21:55Bring my things.
00:22:05You disappointed me.
00:22:07I thought you would be tougher.
00:22:09You were so wonderful.
00:22:11You didn't break.
00:22:13Thank you.
00:22:17These are the things
00:22:19you had with you
00:22:21when you were arrested.
00:22:23A vision of the past.
00:22:25Oh, no.
00:22:27Mr. Chief,
00:22:29would you accept
00:22:31a souvenir of our moments together?
00:22:33It will remind you
00:22:35of the fatherly triumph over me.
00:22:37And the mask, too.
00:22:39I thank you warmly.
00:22:41My father died.
00:22:43A new subordinate was born.
00:22:45In your place,
00:22:47I would tell my people
00:22:49to smoke from a cigarette.
00:22:51And I would give them three days off.
00:22:53What three days?
00:22:55From now on,
00:22:57they will have nothing more to do.
00:23:01Thank you for everything.
00:23:07You're welcome.
00:23:11I don't feel
00:23:13your and my
00:23:25Maybe I should provoke him.
00:24:11Mr. Chief?
00:24:15Not so loud.
00:24:21Is your husband home?
00:24:23He hasn't come back from work yet.
00:24:27As far as I know,
00:24:29he's off today.
00:24:31What about you?
00:24:36He didn't say when he'd be back.
00:24:40He went to the city to provoke
00:24:42on his own.
00:24:44Who knows how long he'll be gone.
00:24:50Please don't disturb me.
00:25:06As I see,
00:25:08he'll be back.
00:25:18he'll be back.
00:25:20He's only wearing
00:25:22his husband's underwear.
00:25:26Mr. Chief.
00:25:30He feels so bad
00:25:32in civilian clothes.
00:25:34Let him go.
00:25:36Let him stop
00:25:38provoking in civilian clothes.
00:25:42He can't live without his uniform.
00:25:44He'll dry up.
00:25:46It's hard, ma'am.
00:25:48He always provokes
00:25:50in civilian clothes.
00:25:52It wouldn't be possible
00:25:54even in a hat.
00:25:56It would always be his life.
00:25:58A hat
00:26:00would draw his attention.
00:26:06Let him go.
00:26:12It's been so long
00:26:14since he arrested anyone.
00:26:16I'm sure he doesn't show it
00:26:18in front of you,
00:26:20but it's hard
00:26:22and unbearable at home.
00:26:24One new arrest
00:26:26would do him good again.
00:26:30No arrest
00:26:32without provocation.
00:26:36Do you know anyone
00:26:38who could do it?
00:26:40I don't know.
00:26:42It's all about
00:26:46I'd tell my first husband
00:26:48not to worry.
00:26:50He always asks me.
00:26:52What about
00:26:54your neighbors?
00:26:56Your relatives?
00:27:00They're also right-minded.
00:27:04The old man complained.
00:27:06But now he's dead.
00:27:10He must be careful.
00:27:14It's peaceful
00:27:16and quiet
00:27:20How did you
00:27:22meet your husband?
00:27:26It was a long time ago.
00:27:28He married me.
00:27:30I married him.
00:27:32They got married.
00:27:34Do you have children?
00:27:38They're locked up.
00:27:40Should I let them out?
00:27:42No, no!
00:27:44I don't want to bother you.
00:27:46I just dropped by
00:27:48to talk to your husband.
00:27:56I'm sure he's here.
00:27:58He always kisses
00:28:00and hugs me.
00:28:02He'll see.
00:28:30You want to see me?
00:28:32It's an honor.
00:28:36I'm unofficial.
00:28:38We'll talk about it later.
00:28:40Why don't you come in?
00:28:46I thought
00:28:48something illegal
00:28:50might happen.
00:28:52I was going to come back
00:28:54so I thought
00:28:56I'd go through the roof.
00:28:58Everything's fine
00:29:02So what?
00:29:08Just a whisper.
00:29:16Isn't your wife here?
00:29:18She went upstairs
00:29:20because she thought
00:29:22you were there.
00:29:24She always eavesdrops
00:29:26Don't mind
00:29:28if I change.
00:29:30Without a uniform
00:29:32I'm naked.
00:29:36I provoked her
00:29:38a little
00:29:40but it's all for nothing.
00:29:42They just walk around
00:29:44and gossip.
00:29:46If the police were like you
00:29:48maybe we wouldn't
00:29:50have to obey the law.
00:29:52I wanted to say
00:29:54thanks to you
00:29:56we have a perfect order.
00:29:58You deserve an advance.
00:30:02Greetings, sir.
00:30:04I just
00:30:06wanted to
00:30:08go for a walk.
00:30:10I like it.
00:30:16What a relief.
00:30:20I can go for a walk
00:30:22and change.
00:30:24You have no idea
00:30:26what a pleasure it is.
00:30:32I'm sorry, sir.
00:30:34It's just a habit
00:30:36of working like a civilian.
00:30:38I immediately demoralize
00:30:40civilian clothes.
00:30:42I have to go.
00:30:44It's stupid.
00:30:46We have more important things to do.
00:30:48Send your wife away for some reason.
00:30:50I mean
00:30:52a trusted conversation with you.
00:30:54Yes, sir.
00:30:56This is
00:30:58a brave woman.
00:31:18I sent her for glue.
00:31:20It's waterproof.
00:31:22You couldn't
00:31:24find a better excuse?
00:31:26It wasn't an excuse,
00:31:30I tore my coat
00:31:32when I was beaten
00:31:34last time.
00:31:36All right.
00:31:38You must be surprised
00:31:40by my visit.
00:31:42How did you know
00:31:44I was coming?
00:31:46As you order, sir.
00:31:48So you are surprised.
00:31:50That's right.
00:31:52You are
00:31:54not in service.
00:31:56How could it be otherwise, sir?
00:31:58In your exemplary conduct
00:32:00there is something more
00:32:02than common wisdom and duty.
00:32:04You don't have to.
00:32:06Sit down.
00:32:08Excuse me, sir.
00:32:10I'd like to practice a little
00:32:12if you don't mind.
00:32:14I always
00:32:16have to be
00:32:18fit for any occasion.
00:32:20Do you want to help?
00:32:24I see.
00:32:26If you want to practice,
00:32:32discovered something more in you.
00:32:34That's right, sir.
00:32:36I discovered in you
00:32:38the bearer of ideas.
00:32:40That's right, sir.
00:32:42When the service demands it,
00:32:44even if you don't wear civilian clothes,
00:32:46that's right, sir.
00:32:48I came to the conclusion
00:32:50that your zeal,
00:32:52your readiness, your dedication
00:32:54far exceeds the range of tasks
00:32:56you perform so conscientiously
00:32:58and exemplarily,
00:33:00although the tasks are not easy at all.
00:33:02That's right, sir.
00:33:04You make me feel like Hercules
00:33:06who carries water
00:33:08and cuts wood.
00:33:10I'm sure
00:33:12it's useful
00:33:14and hard work, but not to its extent.
00:33:16You have the strength,
00:33:20which is only partially
00:33:22found in ordinary service,
00:33:24because you are
00:33:26someone more than an officer.
00:33:28You are inspired
00:33:30by the idea of order
00:33:32and general discipline.
00:33:34You are
00:33:36a mystic of police.
00:33:38A saint of police.
00:33:44Have you been slacking off lately?
00:33:46I sleep poorly,
00:33:50That's right.
00:33:52Tell me, do you dream?
00:33:54I dream.
00:33:56But it's stupid.
00:33:58Tell me!
00:34:02I don't know
00:34:04where it comes from,
00:34:06but sometimes I dream
00:34:10there are two of me.
00:34:12Go ahead!
00:34:14One is a civilian
00:34:16and the other is in uniform.
00:34:20We walk
00:34:22through such a large field,
00:34:26the birds are singing,
00:34:28it's warm,
00:34:30and then me,
00:34:32I mean,
00:34:34there are two of me.
00:34:38there are two of me.
00:34:40It comes to my mind
00:34:44that a man would do
00:34:46everything for himself
00:34:48and the grass smells,
00:34:52as if it were spring.
00:34:54And then
00:34:56a man gathers
00:34:58such a desire,
00:35:00such a longing
00:35:02to arrest someone,
00:35:04that a man would even
00:35:06arrest this hare
00:35:08sitting under this honey
00:35:10or this plum.
00:35:12So we look around,
00:35:14I mean,
00:35:16we look around
00:35:18and there's
00:35:20no one here.
00:35:22There's no one to arrest.
00:35:24Even if you throw yourself
00:35:26head first, cry,
00:35:28there's no one.
00:35:30Then I start
00:35:32to dream the worst.
00:35:34Speak, speak.
00:35:36I dream that
00:35:38I arrest
00:35:42I mean,
00:35:44this me in uniform
00:35:46arrests myself in civilian
00:35:52I wake up
00:35:54wet later.
00:35:56It's interesting what you say.
00:35:58Tell me, sergeant,
00:36:00when was the last time
00:36:02you were arrested?
00:36:08It's a pity to say,
00:36:12Watch what I tell you.
00:36:14Yes, sir.
00:36:18Do you know
00:36:20that we will never
00:36:22arrest anyone again?
00:36:24What do you mean, sir?
00:36:26I'll tell you more.
00:36:30Not only we will never
00:36:32arrest anyone,
00:36:34but your son,
00:36:36your grandson,
00:36:38your great-grandson
00:36:40will never
00:36:42arrest anyone.
00:36:44The whole police
00:36:46is on the edge
00:36:48of the abyss
00:36:50on the eve of disaster.
00:36:52Why does the police exist?
00:36:56To arrest
00:36:58those who
00:37:00oppose the existing order.
00:37:02What if there are no such people anymore?
00:37:04What if as a result
00:37:06of the actions of the improved
00:37:08and perfected police
00:37:10the last shadow of rebellion
00:37:12will disappear among the citizens?
00:37:16Even the repulsion of displeasure.
00:37:18What should the police do then?
00:37:20I tried to stop it.
00:37:22I told you to be a provocateur.
00:37:24But you see,
00:37:26the last rescue board
00:37:28failed as well.
00:37:30Not only did you not manage to provoke anyone,
00:37:32but you were also beaten
00:37:34when you were throwing anti-government slogans.
00:37:36And it didn't collapse anymore.
00:37:38That's not the point.
00:37:40This is about a more general matter.
00:37:42Our last
00:37:44whistleblower signed
00:37:46the act of loyalty.
00:37:48To his infanta and uncle.
00:37:50Do you know what that means?
00:37:52It means
00:37:54that we have beautiful
00:37:56prisons built
00:37:58at such a cost.
00:38:00We have courts and administrations.
00:38:02We have trained workers.
00:38:04And also
00:38:06post offices.
00:38:10And we don't have a single prisoner.
00:38:12Not even a single
00:38:16That's why
00:38:20have become
00:38:22wild, cruel,
00:38:24beastly loyal.
00:38:26That's right, sir.
00:38:28I'll give them a beating
00:38:30when they come
00:38:32to take off their uniforms.
00:38:34Then you'll miss
00:38:36one wasteful eavesdropping.
00:38:38You'll whine at night.
00:38:40It's nothing compared to
00:38:42sewing lampposts to carriages.
00:38:44Think about what will happen
00:38:48No, no.
00:38:52They'll take your uniform,
00:38:54give you a swimming suit,
00:38:56some pumps, and that's it.
00:38:58You can go
00:39:00to the meadows,
00:39:02with a fishing rod or a gun.
00:39:04Enjoy your free time.
00:39:06Then you can arrest
00:39:08the hare.
00:39:10But, sir,
00:39:18I came to you
00:39:20not only as
00:39:22the chief of police,
00:39:24not only as your superior.
00:39:26In this difficult hour
00:39:28we are both
00:39:30simple policemen
00:39:32who, in the face of the destruction
00:39:34that threatens the work of our lives,
00:39:36give each other a hand
00:39:38and advise each other
00:39:40on how to save him.
00:39:42Listen now
00:39:46The man who can
00:39:48save everything
00:40:00Now listen carefully.
00:40:02Who do we need?
00:40:04We need at least
00:40:06one person
00:40:08to close the case.
00:40:10To close for anything
00:40:12that has the character of an anti-state activity.
00:40:14After many efforts
00:40:16from our side
00:40:18it turned out that
00:40:20we will not find such a person anymore.
00:40:22In a way, let's call it
00:40:26We have to
00:40:28get rid of him.
00:40:30My choice
00:40:34fell on you.
00:40:36I don't quite understand,
00:40:40What don't you understand?
00:40:42What am I supposed to do?
00:40:44The same as so far.
00:40:46Shout out anti-government slogans.
00:40:48With the difference
00:40:50that we will no longer tolerate it
00:40:52and close you.
00:40:58I assure you
00:41:00that the task I entrust to you
00:41:02is much
00:41:04more difficult from the point of view
00:41:06of police morality
00:41:08than arresting
00:41:10or provoking anyone.
00:41:12This is about a fervent
00:41:16of an act devoid of specific poetry.
00:41:18What is he capable of?
00:41:22inspired by the spike of the bone
00:41:24permeated by the police policeman.
00:41:26I see
00:41:28the fire of police call in you.
00:41:32are to be a sergeant
00:41:34and a detainee.
00:41:36I always, sir,
00:41:38with all my strength,
00:41:42I have a headache, sir.
00:41:44It doesn't matter.
00:41:46Get dressed again
00:41:48in civilian clothes.
00:41:52What for?
00:41:54You cannot provoke yourself
00:41:56in a uniform.
00:42:00I remind you.
00:42:02Get dressed.
00:42:04I will stand by the window.
00:42:06I will open the window.
00:42:08Then you will shout out loud
00:42:10something against the infant
00:42:12and his uncle, the regent.
00:42:14Then I will take out my sabre.
00:42:16That is,
00:42:18I will arrest you and that's it.
00:42:22I am from the police.
00:42:24More from the police
00:42:26than anyone else.
00:42:28But being from the police
00:42:30and pretending to others
00:42:32that you are not from the police,
00:42:34you are from the police
00:42:36as a double,
00:42:38but only being from the police
00:42:40and pretending to yourself
00:42:42that you are not from the police,
00:42:44that is, only to be
00:42:46luxuriously deep,
00:42:48I would say,
00:42:50the whole breast,
00:42:52like no other police
00:42:54or even double police
00:42:56to the general.
00:42:58Tomorrow morning
00:43:00our infant
00:43:02and his uncle, the regent
00:43:04will be notified
00:43:06that the detainee
00:43:08has been found and arrested.
00:43:12We will be saved.
00:43:22What should I call for?
00:43:24Don't you have anything ready?
00:43:26Old things?
00:43:30Could it be that
00:43:32the regent,
00:43:34our infant's uncle
00:43:38is a pig?
00:43:42This is too allusory.
00:43:50an old pig?
00:43:52That's better.
00:43:54Let's open the window.
00:44:00One moment.
00:44:08It's ready.
00:44:18Our infant's uncle
00:44:20the old pig
00:44:22is arresting you!
00:44:24In the name of the infant
00:44:26and his uncle, the regent!
00:44:28Jesus Maria!
00:44:30He's provoking me again.
00:44:32Be quiet, woman!
00:44:34This time he really succeeded.
00:44:48you wanted to break the cage
00:44:50and you kicked the guard.
00:44:54This is the second time.
00:45:00I don't know what's going on with me
00:45:02for some time now, your excellency.
00:45:04Do you miss anything?
00:45:08No, thank you.
00:45:10You look like you're missing something.
00:45:12You're pale,
00:45:18Maybe it's because
00:45:20I'm in prison, your excellency.
00:45:22Every day
00:45:24I send you reports to the general.
00:45:26Thanks to you
00:45:28we have new funds
00:45:30for the expansion of the prison,
00:45:32for strengthening the patrol.
00:45:34The general
00:45:36is personally interested in you.
00:45:38He says it's a great
00:45:40luck that I took you on board.
00:45:42He says you're very dangerous.
00:45:44And if someone didn't know you
00:45:46he could think
00:45:48that you're dissatisfied with that.
00:45:50The general
00:45:52will personally come
00:45:54for an interrogation today.
00:45:56Excuse me.
00:46:00Maybe you're sick.
00:46:02Are you sleeping well?
00:46:06Not really.
00:46:10Are you dreaming about something?
00:46:14Something like that.
00:46:18What are you dreaming about?
00:46:20That I'm walking
00:46:22through such a vast field.
00:46:24And there are birds singing.
00:46:28How do you know that?
00:46:30Are you wearing a uniform
00:46:32or a civilian one?
00:46:34A civilian one.
00:46:36I'm wearing a coat,
00:46:38I'm walking.
00:46:42And I'm looking
00:46:44at a tree.
00:46:46And on a branch
00:46:48the general is sitting
00:46:50and eating cheese.
00:46:52I'm sitting
00:46:54and eating cheese.
00:46:56Yes. I'm standing under a tree
00:46:58and the general opens his mouth
00:47:00to arrest me.
00:47:02And then the cheese
00:47:04flies to the ground.
00:47:06And you pick it up.
00:47:10I don't like menthol.
00:47:12Stupid dream!
00:47:14Right, general?
00:47:22Would you like something to drink?
00:47:36Thank you.
00:47:40Actually, I shouldn't
00:47:42drink with you, general.
00:47:44Why not?
00:47:46Because I'm only
00:47:48a simple
00:47:54what am I now?
00:47:56What a question!
00:47:58You are yourself.
00:48:00What does it mean
00:48:02to be myself, general?
00:48:04I don't know anymore
00:48:06who I am, a policeman or a detainee.
00:48:08I explained everything
00:48:10to you during your arrest.
00:48:12You're starting again.
00:48:14It was clear then.
00:48:16I knew who I was.
00:48:18A decent police sergeant
00:48:20in the secret service.
00:48:22Although it
00:48:24actually started to spoil
00:48:26much earlier.
00:48:28Not for nothing
00:48:30this civilian suit
00:48:32was so tiring for me then.
00:48:34A policeman, general,
00:48:36would never take off his uniform
00:48:38just in case.
00:48:40But you still couldn't
00:48:44You worked at your own will
00:48:46because back then
00:48:48there was nothing like that.
00:48:50Even later, when you came
00:48:52to my house
00:48:54and said that I remind you of...
00:48:58Yes, even then
00:49:00it started to spoil
00:49:02when you arrested me
00:49:04and I started to sit.
00:49:08Explain yourself.
00:49:10Of course.
00:49:14at the beginning
00:49:16I still remembered
00:49:18what you explained to me.
00:49:20But later
00:49:22I started to have dizziness.
00:49:24But I kept repeating
00:49:26I'm a sergeant in the secret service.
00:49:28I'm a sergeant in the secret service.
00:49:30Even in the super secret service.
00:49:32But later...
00:49:34Later what?
00:49:36Later I stopped repeating
00:49:38because I didn't make sense anymore.
00:49:40Wait, wait, but...
00:49:42Where did it come from?
00:49:44Oh, I wanted to say
00:49:46that I'm just a simple...
00:49:48What simple, Ulich?
00:49:50Well, either
00:49:52a simple policeman
00:49:54or a simple detainee.
00:49:56Or as such I shouldn't
00:49:58drink with you.
00:50:02Because if I were to be a policeman
00:50:04then I can't agree
00:50:06that you drink with a detainee,
00:50:08and if I were to be a detainee
00:50:10then I have to act in accordance
00:50:12with the morality of the detainee
00:50:14and I can't drink with the representative of the authorities,
00:50:16that is, with you.
00:50:18You're crazy.
00:50:20No, no, no, no, Mr. Chief.
00:50:22Do you know
00:50:24that since you locked me up
00:50:26I started to have
00:50:30new thoughts?
00:50:34Be careful
00:50:36with what you say.
00:50:38Just so you know.
00:50:40For example,
00:50:42I used to ride a train
00:50:44but I never thought about it.
00:50:46But now
00:50:48when a man sits
00:50:50he starts to be
00:50:52let's say
00:50:58And do you know
00:51:00what I've come to?
00:51:02How should I know?
00:51:04That we have a fatal order.
00:51:06Do you realize
00:51:08what you're saying?
00:51:10I warn you
00:51:12that from now on
00:51:14I will be a protocol.
00:51:18Don't be a protocol.
00:51:20It's so
00:51:22overwhelming in a man
00:51:24that you can't be silent any longer.
00:51:26Or let's take culture and art as an example.
00:51:28Tell me, Mr. Chief.
00:51:30Why did we persecute
00:51:32those poor artists so much?
00:51:34A little slower.
00:51:36What were the last words?
00:51:38Those poor artists.
00:51:42That's it.
00:51:44Do you really think
00:51:46that in the country
00:51:48it's like that?
00:51:50Think about it.
00:51:56What am I going to think about?
00:51:58What am I going to think about?
00:52:00From the window of my cell
00:52:02how to put a pole to it
00:52:04and put a bucket on this pole
00:52:06go up and stand on this bucket
00:52:08you can see a meadow.
00:52:10Right now
00:52:12mowers are coming to this meadow.
00:52:14If you look closely
00:52:16you can guess many things.
00:52:18So that you can see, Mr. Chief
00:52:20what sour faces they have
00:52:22what general discontent
00:52:24is painted on their faces.
00:52:26And besides, you know
00:52:28that the regulations prohibit looking through the window.
00:52:30But not the one who fights with the authorities, Mr. Chief.
00:52:32He won't refuse
00:52:34this little extra step.
00:52:36Quite the opposite.
00:52:38He will consider it a small duty
00:52:40a kind of supplement.
00:52:42Not to mention satisfaction.
00:52:44Enough about looking through the window
00:52:46and the view of the new crematorium behind the hill
00:52:48also gives me a lot to think about.
00:52:50It's not an investment.
00:52:52You'd like atheists not to have the right
00:52:54to live in this crematorium.
00:52:56You are against religious tolerance
00:52:58and at the same time you dare to criticize
00:53:00your activities on various other episodes.
00:53:02Dying is not a living argument.
00:53:04And besides, even if I didn't look through the window
00:53:06there are various inscriptions
00:53:08on the walls of my cell.
00:53:10A man has nothing to do but read.
00:53:12And if you think about some of them
00:53:14they are not so stupid at all.
00:53:16What inscriptions, for example?
00:53:18Work with tyranny, Mr. Chief!
00:53:20Enough of this!
00:53:22So that's how it is.
00:53:24That's how it is.
00:53:26It's probably
00:53:28and our regent,
00:53:30our infanta's uncle, is a moron!
00:53:32That's right, Mr. Chief!
00:53:34And the infant himself is a scoundrel, isn't he?
00:53:36That's right, Mr. Chief!
00:53:52So it's him?
00:53:54Yes, it's him!
00:53:58He looks like a leader to me.
00:54:00Has the rest of his people been found?
00:54:02Not yet,
00:54:04but we are listening to him systematically.
00:54:06A dangerous bird.
00:54:10Have explosive materials been found on him?
00:54:12Not yet,
00:54:14but we won't lose hope.
00:54:16He is more dangerous
00:54:18than I thought.
00:54:20He is a perfectionist.
00:54:22An ordinary spy
00:54:24always has a few pounds with him.
00:54:26It seems that
00:54:28we have found the right person.
00:54:30What do you think, Lieutenant?
00:54:32That's right, Mr. General.
00:54:34If nothing has been found on him
00:54:36it means that
00:54:38the matter is deeper.
00:54:40Allow me, Mr. Chief,
00:54:42to introduce you
00:54:44to my new adjutant.
00:54:48he became a special advisor
00:54:50to the case of the spy
00:54:52and in general to the anti-government activities.
00:54:54He is an expert in this field.
00:54:56This is impossible, Mr. General!
00:54:58Did something happen to you?
00:55:00I'm sorry, Mr. General,
00:55:02but we have to notice
00:55:04that you fell victim
00:55:06to a mistake or a setback.
00:55:08This man...
00:55:10What do you mean?
00:55:12It was him who threw the bomb at you.
00:55:16Your current adjutant.
00:55:18My former prisoner.
00:55:20Please, please, let him continue.
00:55:22I swear I'm not mistaken.
00:55:24I know him perfectly.
00:55:26He has been sitting here with me for 10 years.
00:55:28It is impossible
00:55:30that Your Excellency
00:55:32had such an adjutant.
00:55:34Mr. Lieutenant,
00:55:36what do you think?
00:55:38Mr. Chief is right.
00:55:40I am his former prisoner.
00:55:42The fact that he recognized me
00:55:44as his former prisoner
00:55:46gives me the honor
00:55:48of his professional observance
00:55:50and his qualifications.
00:55:52Without impertinence!
00:55:54Of course.
00:55:56I am his former prisoner.
00:55:58Mr. Chief seems to forget
00:56:00that I signed an act of loyalty
00:56:02and was released.
00:56:04His Excellency is well informed about this.
00:56:12Please, calm down, Mr. Chief.
00:56:16I am well informed about this.
00:56:18So you can see
00:56:20that if I present you
00:56:22as an expert
00:56:24in fighting
00:56:28it is not without justification.
00:56:30But this bomb...
00:56:32I still have it in my drawer.
00:56:34Mr. Chief,
00:56:36everyone has to
00:56:38throw a bomb
00:56:40at a general one day.
00:56:42This is what the body requires.
00:56:44The sooner someone goes through this,
00:56:46the better.
00:56:48As for me,
00:56:50I present my new adjutant
00:56:52with the most complete trust
00:56:54because he has it already.
00:56:56There are still many
00:56:58who have not satisfied
00:57:00this natural need.
00:57:02I am sorry, Mr. Chief,
00:57:04but I have to ask.
00:57:06Have you ever thrown a bomb at a general?
00:57:08Your Excellency...
00:57:10You see,
00:57:12neither have I.
00:57:14For this reason,
00:57:16forgive me,
00:57:18I have more trust in my adjutant
00:57:20than in you or even in myself.
00:57:22I assure you
00:57:24that in your plan of work
00:57:26there should be
00:57:28as long as you want to be
00:57:32not to throw a bomb
00:57:34at yourself one day.
00:57:36Think about it.
00:57:42Returning to the person
00:57:44present here,
00:57:46I will tell you more.
00:57:48He recently joined the service.
00:57:50He came to us from a position
00:57:52at least extremely opposed to us
00:57:54and has already achieved the rank of an officer.
00:57:56Not without merit, of course.
00:57:58You should congratulate him
00:58:00on his enthusiasm and hard work.
00:58:02By showing him disdain,
00:58:04you are putting him at risk
00:58:06of a baseless,
00:58:08I am sure of it,
00:58:10accusation of jealousy
00:58:12because of his brilliant career.
00:58:14I swear, Mr. General!
00:58:16All right, all right.
00:58:18I came here especially
00:58:20because I knew
00:58:22we would have a lot of trouble
00:58:24with the enemy of our infantry,
00:58:26and I knew
00:58:28they would be looking at it.
00:58:30Well, shall we start?
00:58:32Lieutenant, you have the floor.
00:58:34Let me observe.
00:58:36You are starting again.
00:58:38What a shame!
00:58:40This disdain for the young
00:58:42must seem suspicious to us.
00:58:44I am afraid that the excellence of professions
00:58:46is waiting,
00:58:48not to mention that you are the chief of police.
00:58:50The matter is short and clear.
00:58:52That's what you think, young man.
00:58:54I think you are exaggerating.
00:58:56We know that,
00:58:58due to the profligacy
00:59:00of the accused,
00:59:02we have no evidence
00:59:04against him.
00:59:06For example, the fact
00:59:08that explosive materials
00:59:10were not found with him.
00:59:12On what basis do you think
00:59:14the matter is short and clear?
00:59:16Importantly, I am not taking up
00:59:18the crime of showing
00:59:20the enemy's actions
00:59:22as a result of the fact
00:59:24that in the form of an adult
00:59:26they are in the sphere
00:59:28of the accused's personality.
00:59:30And even if nothing has been done yet,
00:59:32they are the same reality
00:59:34as if they had already been done.
00:59:36From the point of view of the investigation,
00:59:38this matter is quite obvious
00:59:40and burdensome.
00:59:42Will you allow me
00:59:44to say a few words?
00:59:48I will not deny
00:59:50that the accused's actions
00:59:52deserve to be pardoned,
00:59:54if not arrested.
00:59:56However, it seems to me
00:59:58that not so much self-assertion
01:00:00as the method of the lieutenant's colleague
01:00:02is a sign of a nice,
01:00:04although greedy faith
01:00:06in one's own strength,
01:00:08so typical for a novice.
01:00:10Chief, I asked you.
01:00:12As far as I know,
01:00:14the criminal began his extremely
01:00:16intense activity
01:00:18as a member of the government.
01:00:20That's right.
01:00:22So we are dealing
01:00:24with an extremely dangerous individual.
01:00:26A process similar to the one
01:00:28that the general was able
01:00:30to sketch a while ago,
01:00:32judging my figure,
01:00:34but it is a process
01:00:36in the opposite direction.
01:00:38This person,
01:00:40at a relatively late age,
01:00:42which contributes
01:00:44to the sharpening of the symptoms,
01:00:46is one of the few
01:00:48who has not yet experienced them.
01:00:50I do not agree.
01:00:52This person is a despicable
01:00:54example of a criminal,
01:00:56of course,
01:00:58but I do not see
01:01:00what could be worse
01:01:02than those who throw bombs
01:01:04at the general.
01:01:06With that bomb again?
01:01:08I assure you,
01:01:12that this person
01:01:14is a criminal.
01:01:16And what about the general?
01:01:18Tell me honestly,
01:01:20do not be afraid of me.
01:01:26I can have
01:01:28various thoughts,
01:01:30I do not deny that
01:01:36even that others
01:01:40Well, you see, gentlemen.
01:01:42On a Sunday afternoon
01:01:44and you just have a bomb
01:01:46with you.
01:01:48You took it from home,
01:01:50you do not know why.
01:01:52There are a lot of people around,
01:01:54beautiful women,
01:01:56and suddenly you see the general.
01:01:58The real one?
01:02:02They generated straight at you,
01:02:04not from the side,
01:02:06he just invites himself.
01:02:08His orders shine,
01:02:10you think you will pay him for everything,
01:02:12that such a beautiful general
01:02:14you will not find the second time.
01:02:22I can not.
01:02:24I think that's enough.
01:02:26Mr. General.
01:02:28To tell you the truth, I'm starting to wonder
01:02:30why you are complicating the investigation.
01:02:32Am I complicating the investigation?
01:02:34I think so.
01:02:36Do you care that this man
01:02:38disturbs your adjutant
01:02:40in the final demasking of the criminal?
01:02:42In exposing all his negligence?
01:02:44I warn you
01:02:46that I feel obliged
01:02:48to talk about your position
01:02:50with the regent,
01:02:52the uncle of our infantry.
01:02:54And I, on my part,
01:02:56want to declare his excellency
01:02:58that as a chief of police
01:03:00I have the right means
01:03:02to prove his excellency
01:03:04the invalidity of such statements.
01:03:06Mr. General, I only claim
01:03:08that I wash my hands
01:03:10and I do not take responsibility
01:03:12for the further development of accidents.
01:03:14And very well.
01:03:16Let's go back to our interrogation.
01:03:18Can I ask to remove the prisoner for a moment?
01:03:20Of course.
01:03:24Please, go to the corridor.
01:03:26You will return when I call.
01:03:32I still claim
01:03:34that I am not guilty
01:03:36in the case of the bomb attack
01:03:38against you.
01:03:40The difficulty is
01:03:42that as a primitive unit
01:03:44I have little imagination,
01:03:46but I have a plan.
01:03:48Let's listen.
01:03:50There is a bomb in your office,
01:03:52which I once threw at you.
01:03:54The bomb is broken,
01:03:56which is the best proof
01:03:58of your presence today.
01:04:00I propose to call the accused
01:04:02We will open the door.
01:04:04Mr. General will go to the corridor.
01:04:06I guarantee
01:04:08that when he has you in front of him,
01:04:10he has the bomb in his hand,
01:04:12then the rest of the anarchist
01:04:14freedom instincts will awaken in him.
01:04:16Not being able to resist any longer,
01:04:18he will throw it.
01:04:20In this way we will get
01:04:22a brilliant, bright proof
01:04:24of his highest evil will and crimes
01:04:26in conditions as close to natural as possible.
01:04:28But this is madness.
01:04:30What do you think about this, chief?
01:04:32I think that your adjutant,
01:04:34as a selected expert
01:04:36in the matter
01:04:38and a promising officer,
01:04:40is right.
01:04:42You should not reject
01:04:44this experiment lightly,
01:04:46make the investigation difficult.
01:04:48I repeat that the bomb is harmless.
01:04:50The incendiary did not contact,
01:04:52at least not the last time.
01:04:54So you think, lieutenant...
01:04:56I only fulfill my duty.
01:04:58In the activity of the anti-state,
01:05:00for the good of the service,
01:05:02in the name of Fanta and his uncle Regent.
01:05:04You are, however,
01:05:06a very capable young friend.
01:05:08I also, as your friend,
01:05:10do not advise you to neglect the investigation.
01:05:12I trust you fully
01:05:14that in the secret reports
01:05:16that I send to Regent, uncle...
01:05:18Give me that bomb!
01:05:20I will think about it.
01:05:24This is the same.
01:05:30Are you sure?
01:05:32With all certainty.
01:05:36Are you giving up?
01:05:40What are you judging me for?
01:05:42You know, you will deal with the accused.
01:05:52You have to throw this bomb
01:05:54at the general.
01:06:00The general will stand in the corridor.
01:06:02And you here.
01:06:04Maybe we'll postpone it until tomorrow?
01:06:06As you wish, general.
01:06:08We can reach the government's opinion
01:06:10in this matter.
01:06:12No, no, no.
01:06:14I'm going.
01:06:24leave the door open.
01:06:28he won't be able
01:06:30to throw this bomb at you.
01:06:42You are walking like a bird.
01:06:46Beautiful women around you.
01:06:48And there,
01:06:50where the commander is now,
01:06:52the sun is shining.
01:06:56And there,
01:06:58there is the general.
01:07:02His orders are shining,
01:07:04the candles are burning.
01:07:06And now you think
01:07:08that you will pay him
01:07:10for everything.
01:07:12You think
01:07:14that now you will pay him
01:07:16for everything.
01:07:20Do you think so?
01:07:38I think you liked the general.
01:07:40As a superior,
01:07:42he was quite polite to you.
01:07:44Quite the opposite
01:07:46than to you.
01:07:48The fact that you have been
01:07:50a police chief for so many years
01:07:52doesn't mean anything.
01:07:56is also a beautiful thing.
01:08:00What would you say
01:08:02if I arrested you?
01:08:06You have to admit
01:08:08that your relationship with this bomb
01:08:10is not quite clear.
01:08:12I admit it,
01:08:14to the extent
01:08:16that your participation in it
01:08:18is highly
01:08:22So we would have
01:08:24an interesting example
01:08:26of arresting Obopulny.
01:08:28I can see that you will go far.
01:08:30Although not as far
01:08:32as you expect.
01:08:34I mean
01:08:36not in my place
01:08:38as a police chief,
01:08:40but in the opposite direction.
01:08:42I will arrest you.
01:08:46I am afraid, however,
01:08:48that in this way you will achieve
01:08:50half of your possibilities.
01:08:52I would like to draw your attention
01:08:54to the fact that all your
01:08:56laughable attempts
01:08:58to accuse me of causing the attack
01:09:00will be directed
01:09:02against you.
01:09:04And in what way,
01:09:06my little one?
01:09:08Very simply, my old man.
01:09:12You will accuse me
01:09:14of hostility to the government and assassination.
01:09:16They will ask you
01:09:18where you were
01:09:20when this lieutenant signed
01:09:22an act of loyalty
01:09:24and was released.
01:09:26You will put yourself in a ridiculous
01:09:28situation of an innocent intruder.
01:09:30But to the point.
01:09:32What would you say
01:09:34if I arrested you?
01:09:36Don't think
01:09:38that the police is above
01:09:40arresting. No.
01:09:42Arresting is above us.
01:09:44It is above
01:09:48I am a police officer of old age.
01:09:52if you can justify.
01:09:54Of course I can.
01:09:56The situation is as follows.
01:09:58The elementary duties of a police chief
01:10:00are to protect the generals
01:10:02from bomb attacks.
01:10:04And what did you do?
01:10:06You put the bomb
01:10:08in the hands of the arrested
01:10:12You showed him how to throw it.
01:10:14It is terrible.
01:10:16You have gone mad.
01:10:18After all, it was all your idea.
01:10:20Which you supported,
01:10:22so suspiciously.
01:10:24Not even under your pressure.
01:10:26You wanted it yourself.
01:10:28You came to this experience with the bomb.
01:10:30But I am not a police chief.
01:10:34I repeat once again.
01:10:36The elementary duties
01:10:38of a police chief
01:10:42your child will tell you,
01:10:44to protect the generals
01:10:46from bomb attacks.
01:10:48But this bomb
01:10:50was supposed to be broken.
01:10:52You said it yourself.
01:10:54I don't believe it.
01:10:56But you assured me
01:10:58a moment ago
01:11:00that you are devoted to the government.
01:11:02Yes, it is important.
01:11:04I am devoted to the government.
01:11:06But you should know
01:11:08that what is important
01:11:10does not have
01:11:12to have
01:11:14a special meaning.
01:11:16It may or may not
01:11:18have the opposite meaning.
01:11:20Or just different.
01:11:22Depending on certain circumstances.
01:11:26You see?
01:11:28Despite your long experience,
01:11:30you cannot understand anything
01:11:32but primitively.
01:11:34All right then.
01:11:36Let's arrest each other
01:11:38until the explanation.
01:11:40There is nothing to explain.
01:11:42The general is alive.
01:11:44I was not that stupid.
01:11:46I hid until the concession.
01:11:48I would like to draw your attention
01:11:50to the fact that the shout
01:11:52is highly burdensome for him.
01:11:54The astonishment expressed in the sentence
01:11:56that the general is alive
01:11:58indicates that the chief
01:12:00was expecting or even counting
01:12:02on something else.
01:12:04In general, I am forced
01:12:06to arrest both of you.
01:12:08There are two possibilities.
01:12:10Either it was an accident
01:12:12or one of you three
01:12:14added fuel.
01:12:16Because even we
01:12:18cannot arrest accidents,
01:12:20there is a second possibility.
01:12:22The prisoner
01:12:24is not arrested
01:12:26because he is already arrested.
01:12:28So I have
01:12:30both gentlemen left.
01:12:34The past of your lieutenant
01:12:36will probably give the tribunal
01:12:38a lot to think about.
01:12:40The motives of your chief
01:12:42will be a kind of classic example
01:12:44for the investigators.
01:12:46I am sorry,
01:12:48Mr. General,
01:12:50that I am arresting you
01:12:52on behalf of the government.
01:12:54Me? For what?
01:12:56For the slightly thoughtful
01:12:58exhibition of the rank of general
01:13:00at a bomb attack.
01:13:02You are sentenced
01:13:04to accept a return action.
01:13:06You yourself have aroused
01:13:08my suspicion in this regard.
01:13:10Anyway, it will be a comforting
01:13:12opportunity for you.
01:13:14It remains to be resolved
01:13:16that the lieutenant,
01:13:18who has already arrested the person
01:13:20with whom he is at the same time
01:13:22in a state of mutual arrest,
01:13:24that is, the chief with me,
01:13:26can arrest the third person,
01:13:28through whom he was already
01:13:30previously arrested,
01:13:32along with the first person
01:13:34with whom he is connected first.
01:13:36Arrest of both parties.
01:13:38The arrested has no voice.
01:13:40Mutually, Mr. Chief.
01:13:44it seems that the police
01:13:46have a lot of work to do.
01:14:15Long live freedom!
01:14:19Long live freedom!
01:14:44Long live freedom!
01:14:46Long live freedom!
01:14:48Long live freedom!
01:14:50Long live freedom!
01:14:52Long live freedom!
01:14:54Long live freedom!
01:14:56Long live freedom!
01:14:58Long live freedom!
01:15:00Long live freedom!
01:15:02Long live freedom!
01:15:04Long live freedom!
01:15:06Long live freedom!
01:15:08Long live freedom!
01:15:10Long live freedom!
01:15:12Long live freedom!
01:15:14Long live freedom!
01:15:16Long live freedom!
01:15:18Long live freedom!
01:15:20Long live freedom!
01:15:22Long live freedom!
01:15:24Long live freedom!
01:15:26Long live freedom!
01:15:28Long live freedom!
01:15:30Long live freedom!
01:15:32Long live freedom!
01:15:34Long live freedom!
01:15:36Long live freedom!
01:15:38Long live freedom!
01:15:40Long live freedom!
01:15:42Long live freedom!
01:15:44Long live freedom!
01:15:46Long live freedom!
01:15:48Long live freedom!