Juz' 7 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 3 months ago
Qur'an o Ahaadees Ki Roshni Mein Islam Ka Message Zyada se zyada Logon Tak Pohchane Mein Hamari Madad Karen Is Video Ko Apne Sabhi Contacts Aur Groups Mein Share Zaroor Karen


00:00You shall certainly find the Jews and those who associate partners with Allah
00:05the most vehement of the people in enmity against those who believe and you
00:11shall certainly find those who say we are Christians the nearest in
00:16friendship towards those who believe. That is so because there are savants and
00:21monks amongst them and because they are not haughty and when they hear that
00:28divine message which has been revealed to this perfect messenger you will find
00:33their eyes overflow with tears because of the truth they have recognized. They
00:38say our Lord we believe so count us among the witnesses to the truth. They
00:47add what excuse do we have to disbelieve in Allah and in the truth that has come
00:53to us while we earnestly desire that our Lord it should count us with the
00:57righteous people. Therefore Allah will reward them for what they said with
01:03gardens served with running streams. They shall abide therein forever. Such indeed
01:10is the reward of the doers of good to others. But those who have disbelieved
01:16and cried lies to our messages it is these who are the fellows of the blazing
01:22fire. Oh you who believe do not forbid yourselves good and pure things which
01:29Allah has made lawful for you and do not transgress. Verily Allah does not like
01:36the transgressors and eat of what Allah has provided you of things lawful good
01:42and pure and take Allah as a shield in whom you repose your faith. Allah will
01:50not call you to account for such of your oaths as are vain but he will call
01:56you to account for breaking the oaths which you take in earnest for doing a
02:02thing or not doing it. The expiation for breaking such an oath is the feeding of
02:07ten needy persons the average food as you feed your own families with or
02:13provide them with clothes or liberating of someone from the yoke of slavery or
02:18debt etc. But whoever does not find the means to do any of these then he shall
02:24fast for three days. That is how you expiate your oaths when you have sworn
02:30them solemnly and then break them. But do guard your oaths. Thus does Allah
02:37explain to you his commandment so that you may give him thanks. Oh you who
02:43believe. Intoxicants and games of chance and altars set up for false deities and
02:50divining arrows are only abominations. Some of Satan's handiworks. Therefore
02:57shun each one of these abominations so that you may attain your goal. Satan only
03:04intends to precipitate enmity and hatred between you by means of intoxicants and
03:10games of chance and to stop you from the remembrance of Allah and from observing
03:15your prayer. Will you not then be the abstainer therefrom? Obey Allah and obey
03:22this perfect messenger and be on your guard against the disobeying them. But if
03:28you turn away then bear in mind that our messenger is responsible only for the
03:34conveyance of the message in clear terms. There is no blame on those who
03:41believe and do deeds of righteousness for what they have eaten before the
03:46prohibition came provided they guard against prohibited things in the future
03:50and are steadfast in their faith and do deeds of righteousness and provided they
03:56guard against evil as a duty to themselves and provided further that
04:01they take God as their shield and do good to others as their duty to their
04:06fellow beings and Allah loves the doers of good to others. Oh you who believe
04:13Allah is going to try you regarding something of the game which is within
04:18the reach of your hands and your lances. Allah will do it so that he may
04:24distinguish those who stand in awe of Allah even unseen. But he that
04:31transgresses even after that warning shall receive a grievous punishment. Oh
04:36you who believe kill no game while you are in a pilgrim's garb or in the sacred
04:43precincts and whosoever amongst you kills it intentionally he shall
04:49recompense by sacrificing a domestic cattle the like of the animal he has
04:55killed the same to be determined by two just persons from among you and the same
05:00to be brought as an offering to the Kaaba or the expiation of his sin is the
05:06feeding of a number of needy persons or the equivalent in fasting so that he may
05:12suffer the penalty of his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever might have happened in
05:17the past and whoso does it again Allah will punish him for his offense for
05:24mighty is Allah Lord of retribution. It is made lawful for you even when you
05:31are in a pilgrim's garb to hunt the game of the sea and to eat its food a
05:37provision for you and for the travelers who can make it a provision for their
05:42way but unlawful for you is the game of the land as long as you are in a
05:47pilgrim's garb or in the sacred precincts keep your duty to Allah to
05:52whom you shall be gathered Allah has made the Kaaba the holy house
05:58at Mecca to serve as an anchor a means of support and a means of uplifting for
06:05humankind and also each sacred month and animals brought as an offering and
06:11animals wearing necklaces meant for sacrifice during the Hajj he has done
06:16this that you may know that Allah knows all that lies in the heavens and all
06:21that lies in the earth and that Allah has complete knowledge of all things you
06:28should know that Allah is severe at retribution and that at the same time
06:33Allah is great protector ever merciful this perfect messenger is responsible
06:40only for the conveyance of the message and Allah knows all that you reveal and
06:46all that you conceal say the bad and impure and the good and pure are not
06:55alike even though the abundance of the bad and impure may charm you take Allah
07:02therefore as a shield seeking refuge in him oh you people of pure and clear
07:08understanding so that you may attain the goal
07:13oh you who believe do not inquire into the details of divine laws on many
07:20things which if explained to you would cause you trouble though if you ask
07:24about them while the Quran is being revealed they will be explained to you
07:29yet Allah has passed over this detailed mentioning on purpose for Allah is great
07:36protector ever-forbearing a people before you asked questions about such
07:43details and then they became disbelievers therein Allah has not
07:49instituted superstition like those of any Bahira an animal having her ear slit
07:56and let loose for free pasture dedicated to some God their milk was not used nor
08:02their back nor their meat or Saiba an animal having given birth to ten females
08:10liberated to pasture where she would not be ridden nor milk a drunk except by her
08:16young or Wasila an animal which gave birth to seven females consecutively and
08:23at the seventh birth she bore a male and female each of the latter was let loose
08:30and the milk of the animal drunk by men only and not by women or Hami an animal
08:37that is left at liberty without being made use of in any way whatsoever but
08:43those who disbelieve have fabricated a lie by such superstitious dedications in
08:48the name of Allah most of them cannot refrain from such polytheistic
08:53superstitions and when it is said to them come to what Allah has revealed and
09:00to this perfect messenger they say sufficient for us is that tradition
09:07wherein we have found our forefathers what would they follow them blindly even
09:14though their forefathers had no knowledge whatsoever and had no guidance
09:18oh you who believe take care of yourselves for upon you is the responsibility for your
09:26own selves he who has gone astray can do you no harm provided you are rightly
09:33guided towards Allah is the final return of you all then he will inform you as to
09:39what you have been doing oh you who believe when death comes to one of you
09:46and you wish to make your will let there be present among you at the time
09:51of making the will to just persons from among you and to others from among the
09:57outsiders in case you are journeying in the country and the calamity of death
10:02overtakes you in case you doubt the honesty in giving evidence you shall
10:08detain both the witnesses after prayer then let them both swear by Allah and
10:14bear witness saying we will accept for this our oath no price we will bear
10:20true evidence even though he in whose favor or against we bear witness be near
10:27of kin nor will we hide the testimony enjoined to be born uprightly by Allah
10:33for if we do so we shall certainly be among the sinners but if it be
10:40discovered that these two have become guilty of sin then let two others stand
10:45in their place from among those heirs against whom the former two witnesses
10:49who were in a better position to give true evidence are sinfully deposed and
10:55the two latter witnesses swear by Allah saying surely our testimony is truer
11:01than the testimony of those two and we have not exceeded the bounds of justice
11:07in bearing the evidence for in that case we shall certainly be of the
11:12wrongdoers this way is more likely to ensure that they the witnesses will give
11:20the testimony in its true form and nature or at least they will be afraid
11:25that other oaths will be taken after their oaths therefore take Allah as a
11:31shield and listen to him for Allah guides not the disobedient people to the
11:38ways of success imagine the day when Allah will gather together all the
11:45messengers and ask what response did you receive they will say we have no real
11:52knowledge about the minds of the people surely it is you alone who have true and
11:58perfect knowledge of all things unseen again imagine when Allah said Oh Jesus
12:07son of Mary remember my blessings upon you and upon your mother how I
12:13strengthened you with a holy revelation you spoke to the people when you were in
12:18the cradle and when of old age and how I taught you the scripture and the wisdom
12:24and the Torah and the evangel and how you determined from clay the likeness of
12:31a bird by my leave then you breathe into it a new spirit then it became a soaring
12:38being by my leave and by my leave you absolved the blind the leprous and by my
12:46leave you raised the spiritually or nearly dead to life and how I warded off
12:53the children of Israel from putting you to death it was the time when you came
12:59to them with clear arguments but those among them who disbelieved had said this
13:05is not but a hoax cutting us off from the nation and how I revealed to the
13:12disciples to believe in me and in my messenger and they said we believe and
13:19Oh God bear witness that we are the submitting ones recall the time when the
13:26disciples said Oh Jesus son of Mary would your Lord consent to send down to
13:32us a table spread with a sure and lasting food from heaven he said keep
13:38your duty to Allah if you are true believers they said we desire that we
13:45may eat of it and that our hearts be at rest and that we may know that you have
13:50indeed spoken the truth to us and that we may be among the witnesses there too
13:56Jesus son of Mary prayed Oh Allah our Lord send down to us a table spread with
14:04a sure and lasting food from heaven that it should be to us a source of festival
14:10ever-recurring to the first of us and to the last of us and serve as a sign
14:17from you and provide sustenance for us for you are the best of providers of
14:23sustenance Allah said I will surely be always sending it down to you but who so
14:31ever shows ingratitude afterwards I will surely punish him with a punishment
14:36which I will give to no one else in the whole world and when Allah said Oh Jesus
14:45son of Mary did you say to the people take me and my mother for two gods
14:50besides Allah he Jesus replied glory be to you it was not possible and proper
14:58for me to say a thing to which I had no right if I had said it you would indeed
15:04have known it for you know all that is in my mind but I do not know what is in
15:10yours it is you alone who truly know all things unseen I said nothing to them
15:17except that what you had commanded me worship Allah my Lord as well as your
15:23Lord I was a witness over them only so long as I remained among them but ever
15:28since you caused me to die you yourself have been the watcher over them and you
15:34are the witness to everything if you punish them then surely they are your
15:40servants and if you pardon them you surely are the Almighty the all-wise
15:47Allah said this is the day when their truth shall benefit the truthful they
15:54shall have garden served with running streams to keep them green and
15:58flourishing there they shall live forever and ever Allah is well pleased
16:04with them and they are well pleased with him that indeed is the greatest triumph
16:11to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and whatever lies
16:17in them and he is the possessor of full power to do all that he will
16:25and I'm the cattle with the name of Allah the most gracious the ever merciful
16:33all type of perfect and true praise belongs to Allah who created the heavens
16:39and the earth and brought into being all kinds of darkness and the light yet in
16:45spite of this those who disbelieve ascribe equals to their Lord it is he
16:51who created you from clay then he determined a term of this life and there
16:57is yet another term of the life of the hereafter stated with him still you
17:03dispute being doubtful about the resurrection and he is Allah who alone
17:10exercises every authority in the heavens and in the earth he knows you
17:16inside and outside and he knows what you accomplish by way of your deeds good or
17:22bad and as for the people there comes to them no message of the messages of their
17:28Lord but they turn away from it so they have already cried lies to this perfect
17:35truth when it came to them but soon there shall come to them the news of the
17:41fulfillment of the prophecies that they have been taking very lightly have
17:47these people not considered how many generations we destroyed before them to
17:51whom we had given so firmly hold and power on the earth such a firm hold as
17:57we have not given you and we sent clouds over them pouring down abundant rain and
18:04we caused the rivers to flow subject to their command and control yet we
18:11destroyed them owing to their sins and raised other generations after them and
18:17if we had sent down to you a book written on parchment and they had
18:22touched it with their own hands even then those who have disbelieved would
18:27have invariably said this is nothing but a fascinating device to cut off from the
18:33people and they said if the Prophet is true and sincere in his claim why has
18:40not an angel been sent down to him but if we had sent down an angel the matter
18:46would have been decided then they would not have been respited and had we
18:52appointed him from among the angels we would surely have made him appear as a
18:57man and even in that case we would have obscured that which they are themselves
19:03obscuring now Oh Mohammed certainly messengers have been treated scornfully
19:09before you but that prophecy of the ultimate success of the messenger which
19:14they held in scorn recoiled on them who had held a prophecy in scorn say go
19:22about in the land and see how evil was the end of those who treated the prophets
19:27as liars ask them to whom belongs all that lies in the heavens and in the
19:32earth then since they will not be able to answer say it belongs to Allah he has
19:39taken upon himself the rule of mercy so he does not take these sinners to task
19:44immediately he will continue to assemble you together till the day of
19:50resurrection there is no doubt in it yet those who have lost their souls will not
19:56believe to him belongs whatever exists in the darkness of the night and
20:02whatever dwells in the light of the day and he is the all-hearing the all-knowing
20:09say shall I take to myself a patron other than Allah the originator of the
20:15heavens and the earth it is he who feeds but is fed by none say I have surely
20:23been commanded that I be the first of those who submit to God it has been said
20:29to them be not of those who associate partners with Allah say if I disobey my
20:36Lord I fear the punishment of the dreadful day he from whomsoever this
20:43punishment is averted on that day God indeed has mercy on him and obvious
20:48achievement is that if Allah afflicts you with some harm then no one can
20:55remove it but he but if he bestows upon you a favor remember that he is the
21:01possessor of every power to do all that he will and he is the all-dominant over
21:08his servants and he is the all-wise the all-aware ask who is the best witness
21:17in respect of bearing testimony say it is Allah he is witness between me and
21:24you and this Quran has been revealed to me so that I may thereby warn you and
21:29all those whom it may reach against the evil consequences of disbelief and
21:33misdeeds what do you say do you in fact bear witness that there are other gods
21:40besides Allah say I do not bear witness there to say moreover the fact is that
21:47he is the one and only God and surely I am sick and quit of those whom you
21:53associate with him those whom we have given this perfect book recognize him as
21:59they recognize their own sons yet those who have lost their souls will not
22:05believe who is more unjust than he who forges a lie in the name of Allah or who
22:13cries lies to his messages verily such wrongdoers will never attain the goal
22:19beware of the day when we shall gather them all together then we shall say to
22:25those who associate partners with us where are now your associate gods about
22:32you used to assert as God's on that day they would have no excuse but that they
22:39would say by Allah our Lord we were never polytheist look how they lie
22:46against themselves and those associate gods which they used to forge shall fail
22:51them some of these disbelievers pretend to listen to you but we have put veils
22:57over their hearts due to their own hard-heartedness that they do not
23:02understand and there is heaviness in their ears to listen to the truth even
23:07if they see every sign of ours they would not believe therein their
23:12hard-heartedness has reached such an extent that when they come to you they
23:17dispute with you those who disbelieve say this Quran is nothing but fables of
23:23the ancients they deter others from believing in this Quran and themselves
23:29to keep away from it yet it is their own ruin that they bring about by such
23:34things only they do not perceive could you but see them when they are made to
23:41stand before the fire they will say then oh would that we could be sent back to
23:48have a chance to mend our ways then we would not cry lies to the revelations
23:53of our Lord and would be of the believers nay it is only that this which
24:00they had been hiding before must have now become obvious to them yet even
24:05though if they were sent back they would again return to that which they were
24:10prohibited from they are most certainly liars and they say there is no life
24:18beyond this our present life and we shall never be raised again and could
24:25you but see when they are made to stand before their Lord he will say is not
24:30this resurrection true they shall say yes indeed by our Lord it is he will say
24:38suffer then the punishment as a result of your disbelief those who cried lies
24:44to the news of meeting Allah have indeed suffered a loss until the hour of
24:51resurrection overtakes them unaware they will then say woe to us for our
24:57neglecting it and they shall be bearing the burdens of their sins on their backs
25:02behold how evil is the burden that they shall bear the life of this world is not
25:10but a futile and frivolous thing causing diversion from God and certainly the
25:16last abode is the best for those who guard against evil have you no sense we
25:24know full well that what they say by way of denying our messages grieves you yet
25:30surely it is not you that they cry lies to but it is the messages of Allah that
25:36these wrongdoers are deliberately rejecting indeed messengers have already
25:43been cried lies to even before you but today patiently persevered in spite of
25:49their having been rejected and persecuted till our help came to them
25:53none can alter the decrees of Allah there has already come to you some of the news
26:00of the messengers gone before if they're turning away in aversion is hard
26:06on you to bear then you may if you can seek a tunnel into the earth or a ladder
26:13into the heaven and then bring them some sign to bring all to guidance but if
26:19Allah had willed he could surely have brought them all together by force to
26:25the guidance so do not be of those who lack knowledge only those who listen
26:31respond to the truth and as for these spiritually dead Allah will raise them
26:36to life after they're being buried in graves they shall then be made to return
26:42to him and they say why has not a sign been revealed to him by his Lord say
26:50surely Allah has power and is appraiser as to how and when to send down a sign
26:57but most of them know it not there is no terrestrial creature that crawls in the
27:04earth nor a bird that flies in the air with its two wings but they are
27:08creatures like you all subject to the divine laws we have neglected nothing in
27:15our this perfect book of law then to their Lord shall they all be gathered
27:20and those who cry lies to our signs are deaf and dumb groping in utter darkness
27:28Allah allows to perish whom he will and whom he will he sets on the right and
27:34exact path say do you ever consider if the punishment of Allah comes upon you
27:42or the promised hour overtakes you will you then call upon any God other than
27:48Allah if what you say be true nay but you will call upon him alone then he
27:55will if he please relieve you of that distress for the removal of which you
27:59called upon him and you will abandon those false gods which you associate
28:04with him we have already sent messengers towards the communities before you then
28:11on their rejecting the messengers we afflicted them with a destitution
28:15calamities and adversities so that they might become humble before us why did
28:22they not then when our punishment overtook them grow humble it was for the
28:28fact that their hearts had hardened and Satan had made their deeds seem fair to
28:33them then when they abandoned that whereof they had been reminded we opened
28:39to them the gates of everything until when they began to boast over what they
28:45were given we seized them unawares then behold they were in sore despair of all
28:52good in this way the last remnants of these people who had acted wrongfully
28:58were completely rooted out so it proved that all perfect and true praise
29:03belongs to Allah the Lord of all the worlds say have you ever considered if
29:10Allah were to take away your hearing and your sight and set a seal upon your
29:15hearts what God other than Allah can restore these boons to you see how we
29:21expound multiple arguments in diverse ways yet they turn away thereafter say
29:29did you ever consider if Allah's punishment were to overtake you unaware
29:35or after manifest warnings would any be destroyed except the wrongdoing people
29:41and we send not the messengers but as bearers of good tidings and as warners
29:48then whosoever believes and mends his ways will have no cause of fear nor
29:55shall they grieve but those who cry lies to our messages shall be punished
30:00because of their disobedience say I do not say to you that with me are the
30:06treasures of Allah nor do I know the unseen and I do not say to you that I am
30:12an angel I indeed follow only what is revealed to me say can a blind person
30:19and one gifted with sight be alike will you not even then give thought so warned
30:28by means of this Quran those who fear that they shall be gathered to their
30:33Lord besides whom they have neither a protector nor an intercessor so warn
30:38them that they may guard against evil and do not drive away those who call
30:43upon their Lord morning and evening seeking his pleasure no responsibility
30:49lies on you on their account and no responsibility whatsoever lies on them
30:54on your account that you should drive them away in case you do it you would be
30:59counted as the unjust in this way have we made a distinction in some of them
31:05from the other with the result that they say are these the ones whom Allah has
31:10favored by choosing them from among us does not Allah know best the grateful
31:16when those who believe in our messages come to you say peace be upon you your
31:22Lord has taken upon himself the rule of mercy so that whoso from among you
31:28commits evil through lack of knowledge then turns from mercy towards his Lord
31:32thereafter and mends his ways then his Lord forgives him because he is great
31:38protector ever merciful that is how we expound our arguments that you may seek
31:45Allah's mercy and that the ways of those who cut their ties with God may be
31:50exposed say I am strictly forbidden to worship those false gods whom you call
31:57upon besides Allah say I do not follow your caprices in that case I would have
32:04certainly become lost and I would not have been of the guided ones say surely
32:11I take my stand upon clear guidance from my Lord while you have tried lies
32:16to it I have no power over that punishment which you seek to hasten
32:21before it's fixed time the judgment rests with none but Allah he declares
32:27the true judgment and he is the best of deciders as to whom when and how to
32:32punish say if I had power over that which you seek to hasten before it's
32:39appointed time the matter would have been decided between you and me and
32:42Allah knows best the unjust and he also knows when to punish them all the
32:49treasures of the unseen lie at his disposal no one knows them but he he
32:55knows whatsoever is in the land and in the sea there falls not a single leaf
33:01but he knows it nor is there a grain in the dark beds of the earth nor anything
33:06fresh or dry but all is recorded in a clear book it is he who takes your soul
33:14by night and he knows what you have done by day yet he raises you up therein
33:19that the term stated for your life may be completed then to him is your return
33:25then he will inform you plainly about your deeds and he is the all-dominant
33:32over his servants and he goes on sending guardians to watch over you when
33:38death comes to one of you our messengers the angels take away his soul they
33:44neglect their duty in no way then they shall all be made to return to Allah
33:50their master and only true one surely his is the judgment he is the swiftest
33:56of the reckoners say who delivers you from the horrors of the land and the sea
34:02when you call upon him in humility and in open supplication saying if he
34:08delivers us from this hardship we shall ever be grateful to him say it is Allah
34:15who delivers you from these horrors and from every calamity still you associate
34:20partners with him say he has power to send upon you a calamity from above and
34:28from beneath your feet or he may throw you into confusion by making you
34:33confront with conflicting parties and make you taste the dissension and
34:37violence of one another behold how we explain our messages in different ways
34:43so that they may give thought your people have cried lies to this Quran
34:48though it is the truth say I am NOT responsible for your affairs for the
34:56fulfillment of every prophecy there is an appointed time and it will not go
35:01beyond that and soon you will come to know its truth and when you see those
35:06who engage in vain discourse about our messages turn away from them until they
35:11engage in a topic other than that and if Satan should make you forget this advice
35:16then sit no more after its recollection with such wrongdoers those who guard
35:23against evil are not in the least accountable for these evil doers they
35:28are only to admonish them so that they may to be guarded against evil and leave
35:34alone those who take their religion as a futile and frivolous thing causing
35:38diversion from Allah present life has beguiled them therefore go on
35:44admonishing such people by means of this Quran lest a soul should be consigned to
35:49perdition because of its misdeeds there is no patron for it apart from Allah nor
35:56intercessor and even if it may offer every compensation it will not be
36:01accepted from it it is these who are destroyed for what they accomplished
36:05there awaits them a drink of boiling water and a grievous punishment because
36:11they disbelieved say shall we call besides Allah upon that which can neither
36:18profit us nor harm us by itself and shall we be turned back on our heels and
36:23led astray after Allah has guided us like one whom the evil ones have made to
36:30follow his caprices leaving him utterly bewildered in the land whilst he has
36:35companions who call him to the guidance of Allah saying come to us say verily
36:41Allah's guidance is the only perfect guidance and we are commanded by him to
36:47submit to the Lord of all the worlds and we are also commanded by him observe
36:53prayer and take him as a shield and it is he to whom you shall all be gathered
36:59it is he who has created the heavens and the earth to suit the requirements of
37:05truth and wisdom the day he says be it shall come to be his word is bound to be
37:14carried out to him belongs the sovereignty on the day when the trumpet
37:19shall be blown he is the knower of all the hidden realities and the scene and
37:25he is the all-wise all-aware recall the time when Abraham said to his sire Azar
37:34do you worship idols as gods surely I see you and your people steeped in
37:40clear error thus for his pure and noble nature we have been showing Abraham the
37:48sole kingdom of ours of the heavens and the earth to grant him an insight into
37:53the divine laws of nature and we did it that he might be of those who are
37:58firmly convinced then after being convinced of our unity once on the
38:04occasion of a debate on the topic when the night darkened over him he saw a
38:10planet he said on seeing it to the idol worshippers is this my lord as you
38:17assert but when it's set he said I do not love the setting ones to accept as
38:24my god then when he saw the moon rise with spreading light he said to the
38:30people is this my lord as you assert but when it's set he said had my lord not
38:38guided me all right I would have invariably been of the people who have
38:43gone astray and when he saw the sunrise with spreading light he said to them is
38:50this my lord as you assert as this is the biggest but when it also said he
38:57said oh my people I am surely sick of that which you associate with him surely
39:04I have turned myself with a devotion and in a most upright manner to him who
39:09originated the heavens and the earth I have never been of the polytheists his
39:16people tried to overpower him in argument he said do you argue with me
39:21regarding Allah when he himself has already guided me all right and I fear
39:27not in any way the things you worship besides him unless it is my lord who
39:33some harm to me it is a different thing my lord comprehends all things in his
39:39knowledge will you not even then take admonition how and why should I fear the
39:45things that you associate with him while you are not afraid that you have
39:49associated those things with Allah for the worship of which he has given you
39:54no authority which of the two parties then of the monotheists and the
39:58polytheists is better entitled to security and the salvation if you truly
40:03know it is only those who believe and have not polluted their faith with
40:09associating partners with Allah to whom belongs peace and salvation it is these
40:15alone who are rightly guided that was our argument with which we equipped
40:21Abraham against his people we raise in degrees of rank whom we will verily your
40:28Lord is all wise all-knowing and we granted him Isaac and Jacob each one we
40:36guided a right and Noah did we guide before and of his descendants we guided
40:44David Solomon Job Joseph Moses and Aaron in this way do we reward the performers
40:53of good to others and we guided Zachariah John Jesus and Elias every one
41:02of them was of the righteous and we also guided Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and
41:10a lot and everyone did we exalt above their people and we exalted men from
41:17among their fathers and their descendants and their brethren we chose
41:22them and we guided them along the exact right path that is the guidance of Allah
41:29he guides by it such of his servants as he will but if they had associated
41:36partners surely all their deeds would have gone in vain it is these messengers
41:43to whom we gave the scripture the decisive authority and the prophethood
41:48but if these the so-called preservers of the book reject these blissful things
41:54the book the authority and the prophecy it matters little for we have now
42:00entrusted them to a people who are not at all ungrateful for these blessings it
42:06is these whom Allah has guided so follow their guidance say I ask you no reward
42:14for bringing this guidance this is not but a reminder for all the worlds they
42:21the deniers have not appreciated Allah with the true honor due to him when they
42:26said Allah has not revealed anything to any human being say who had revealed the
42:34scripture which Moses brought a light and guidance for the people though you
42:39render it as scraps of paper some of which you show while the major portion
42:44you hide whereas you have been taught through that which you did not know
42:48neither you nor your forefathers say Allah revealed it then leave them
42:56amusing themselves in their vain discourse and similar to the Torah is
43:02this splendid book which we have revealed full of blessings completing in
43:07a comprehensive form all the divine messages which were sent before it and
43:11is revealed that you may warn the people of this center of cities the Meccans and
43:17the people of the places all around it the people of the whole world and those
43:23who believe in the hereafter believe also in this Quran and they are most
43:28careful about performing their prayer who is more unjust than the person who
43:34fabricates a lie in the name of Allah deliberately or says a revelation has
43:40been sent to me while nothing has been revealed to him and the person who says
43:46I will also bring down the like of what Allah has sent down could you but see
43:53the wrongdoers when they are in the agonies of death and when the angels
43:59would lay down their hands on them saying give up your souls this day you
44:04shall be given a disgraceful punishment on account of that falsehood which you
44:09uttered regarding Allah wrongfully and because you disdained his revelations
44:14God will say on that day how is it that you have come to us all alone as we
44:21created you in the first instance and you have left that which we put in your
44:25charge in the world behind yourselves and we do not see with you your
44:29intercessors whom you falsely asserted that they were our partisans in the
44:34disposal of matters relating to you indeed the ties between you and your
44:40false deities are now cut off and the things you falsely asserted to be gods
44:46have failed you verily it is Allah who splits the seed
44:52grains and fruit stones he brings forth the living out of the lifeless and he
44:58brings forth the lifeless out of the living such as Allah wherefore then are
45:05you turned back he is the cleaver of the daybreak and he has made the night for
45:12rest and the Sun and the moon for reckoning of time that is the decree of
45:18the Almighty the all-knowing it is he who has made the stars for you that you
45:26may follow the right course with their help in the darkness of the land and the
45:30sea we have certainly explained our commandments in detail for a people who
45:35would know it is he who has evolved you from one living entity then he provided
45:42for you a permanent abode from the grave to the final abode of bliss and a
45:49temporary lodging from the loins of the father to the grave verily we have
45:54explained our signs in detail for a people who would understand it is we who
46:00pour down water from the clouds and then we bring forth every kind of vegetation
46:06then we bring forth there from green foliage from which we produce clustered
46:13grain and we bring forth from the date palm out of its spades bunches of dates
46:20hanging low and we bring forth gardens of vines and olives and pomegranate
46:26similar in kind yet dissimilar from one another in variety look at them when
46:32they bear fruit and look also how they ripen verily in all this there are
46:39signs for a people who would believe yet they ascribe to Allah as his associates
46:46the Jinn's although he has created them also and they falsely ascribe to him
46:53sons and daughters without any knowledge glory be to him and he is far beyond and
47:01above all the things that they attribute to him he is wonderful and
47:06primary originator of the heavens and the earth how and whence can there be a
47:12son for him when he has no consort he has created all things and he has
47:20perfect knowledge of everything such is Allah your Lord there is no other
47:27cannot be and will never be one worthy of worship but he the creator of all
47:33things therefore worship him for he is the disposer of all affairs the physical
47:42vision comprehends him not but he comprehends all visions he is the all
47:49subtle being incomprehensible and imperceptible the all-aware say there
47:57has already come to you enlightenment and clear proofs from your Lord then
48:03whosoever sees clearly and is enlightened it is for his own good and
48:08whosoever chooses to remain blind it is to his own loss I am NOT a guardian over
48:16you thus do we explain our revelations in
48:20diverse ways that they the disbelievers will say to the prophet you have learnt
48:27well and diligently from previous scripture but we vary the revelations
48:33that it may be a clear explanation from us to the people who have knowledge
48:38follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord there is no other cannot
48:44be and will never be one worthy of worship but he and turn away from the
48:49polytheists if Allah had enforced his will they would not have associated
48:56partners with him and we have not made you a guardian over them nor are you a
49:02disposer of their affairs do not revile those whom they call upon
49:08besides Allah lest they should revile Allah transgressingly and through lack
49:13of knowledge just as we made their deeds fair-seeming to them so have we
49:19made to each people fair-seeming what they do then to their Lord is their
49:24return so he will inform them as to what they have been doing and they swear by
49:30Allah their most solemn oaths that if there comes to them a particular sign
49:36they would invariably believe in it say not to speak of a single sign there are
49:44indeed many signs with Allah but what is there to assure you that when that sign
49:49comes even then they will not believe we shall confound their hearts and their
49:56eyes since they did not believe in it in the first instance and we shall leave
50:02them alone wandering blindly in their transgression
