Juz' 4 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 3 months ago
Qur'an o Ahaadees Ki Roshni Mein Islam Ka Message Zyada se zyada Logon Tak Pohchane Mein Hamari Madad Karen Is Video Ko Apne Sabhi Contacts Aur Groups Mein Share Zaroor Karen


00:00All the pure food, which is lawful in Islam, was lawful for the children of Israel except
00:07what Israel forbade himself before the advent of Torah.
00:12Say, bring then the Torah and read it if you are right in your assertions.
00:18Now whoso forges a lie against Allah after that, it is they who are the unjust.
00:25Say, now that it has been proved that Allah has declared the truth, therefore follow the
00:32creed of Abraham the upright, and he was not of the polytheists.
00:38Verily the first house founded for the good of humankind is the one at Beqa.
00:43It is the house full of blessings and a means of guidance for all the peoples.
00:49Therein are clear memorials.
00:51The first is the place where Abraham stood for prayers.
00:56Secondly, whosoever enters it is in a state of peace and security.
01:03Thirdly, pilgrimage to the house is due to Allah from every one of humankind who is physically,
01:11financially, and in many other ways able and has the means to make the journey thereto.
01:17And whosoever disobeys, let him remember that Allah is independent of the worlds.
01:24Say, O you people of the scripture, why do you deny the messages of Allah
01:31while Allah is witness to all that you do?
01:34Say, O people of the scripture, why do you hinder him who believes
01:40from following the path of Allah?
01:43You try to seek crookedness in it while you yourselves are witnesses to its truth
01:49and Allah is not at all unmindful of what you do.
01:54O you who believe, if you obey a section of those who have been given the scripture
02:00they will turn you back into disbelievers after having believed.
02:07And how would you disbelieve while the messages of Allah are rehearsed to you
02:12and his messenger is present in your midst?
02:16And whosoever holds fast to Allah is indeed guided on to the exact right path.
02:24O you who believe, observe your duty to Allah as it ought to be observed,
02:31and let not death overtake you unless you be in a state of complete submission to your Lord.
02:38Hold fast to the means of access to Allah altogether and do not be disunited.
02:45And remember Allah's favors to you when you were enemies one to another.
02:50He united your hearts in love so that by his grace you became brethren.
02:56And you were on the brink of a pit of fire.
03:00He saved you therefrom.
03:01Thus does Allah explain to you his messages and miracles that you may be guided aright.
03:11And let there always be a community of such people among you who should call people to goodness
03:17and enjoin equity and forbid evil.
03:21It is these who shall attain to their goal.
03:25And do not be like those who were disunited and fell into variance
03:29after clear proofs had come to them.
03:32It is these for whom a great punishment awaits.
03:38On the day when some faces shall be lit up by happiness,
03:42and some faces shall be clouded because of sorrow,
03:46it will be said to those faces who are clouded,
03:49Is it not true that you disbelieved after your belief?
03:54Taste now the punishment because you disbelieved.
03:57And as for those whose faces shall be lit up,
04:01they shall come under the mercy of Allah, and in it they shall abide forever.
04:07Such are the revelations of Allah comprising the truth.
04:12We rehearse them to you, and Allah means no injustice to any of his creatures.
04:19And to Allah belongs whatsoever is in the heavens, and whatsoever is in the earth,
04:26and all matters stand referred to Allah.
04:32You are the noblest people raised up for the good of humankind.
04:38You enjoin equity and forbid evil, and you believe truly in Allah.
04:45Had the people of the scripture also believed, it would surely have been best for them.
04:51Some of them are believers, yet most of them are disobedient.
04:58They shall do you no harm except a trifling hurt,
05:02and if they fight you, they will show you their backs and flee.
05:07They shall never be helped then.
05:10Smitten are they with ignominy,
05:12wherever they are found unless they have a bond of protection from Allah,
05:18or a bond of security from the people.
05:21They have incurred the displeasure of Allah, and have been condemned to humiliation.
05:28That is so because they would disbelieve in the messages of Allah,
05:33and would seek to kill the prophets without any just cause.
05:37And that is so because they rebelled and had been transgressing as usual.
05:43They, the people of the scripture, are not all alike.
05:47Among these people of the scripture there are some upright people.
05:51They rehearse the message of Allah in the hours of the night,
05:55and they prostrate themselves in his worship.
05:59They believe in Allah and the last day, and enjoin good and forbid evil,
06:05and they vie one with another in doing good deeds.
06:10And it is these who are of the truly righteous.
06:14And whatever good they do, they shall not be denied its due recognition.
06:20And Allah knows well those who guard against evil.
06:25Verily, as to those who disbelieve,
06:28neither their possessions nor their children shall avail them aught against the punishment of Allah.
06:35And it is they who are the fellows of the fire.
06:38Therein shall they live long.
06:40That which they spend for the present life
06:44bears likeness with the wind wherein is freezing cold,
06:49which smites the tilth of the people who have done injustice to themselves.
06:55So it destroys it.
06:58Allah does no injustice to them, but they wrong themselves.
07:03O you who believe,
07:05O you who believe,
07:07do not hold other people as confidants of your secrets to the exclusion of your own honest folk.
07:14Such people shall not be remissed to corrupt you.
07:18They love all that by which you get into trouble.
07:23Gross hatred has already expressed itself through the utterances of their mouths,
07:29and what their hearts conceal is far worse.
07:33Now we have explained the messages fully to you,
07:37if you would only understand.
07:40Behold, you are those who love them,
07:44while they do not love you,
07:46though you believe in every divine book,
07:49in the whole of it.
07:51And when they meet you, they say,
07:53we believe,
07:54and when they are alone,
07:56they bite their fingertips out of rage against you.
08:00Say, perish in your rage.
08:03Surely Allah knows the inmost secrets of your hearts.
08:08If anything good contacts you, it hurts them,
08:12but if an evil afflicts you, they rejoice thereat.
08:16However, if you patiently persevere and ward off evil,
08:22their machination will do you no harm at all.
08:26Verily, Allah encompasses all their activities.
08:31And recall the time when you, O Prophet,
08:34went forth early in the morning from your family,
08:36assigning to the believers their battle post in the battle of Uhud.
08:41And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
08:45When two groups from among you were disposed to show cowardliness,
08:51and Allah was the protecting friend of them both,
08:54and in Allah the believers should put their trust.
08:59Surely Allah had already helped you at the battle of Badr,
09:03while you were utterly weak.
09:06Therefore, take Allah as a shield,
09:09so that he may bless you and you may give him thanks.
09:14Recall the time when you said to the believers,
09:16does it not suffice you that your Lord should reinforce you
09:20with three thousand angels sent down by him?
09:25Indeed, it does.
09:27And if you patiently persevere and guard against evil,
09:32and they, the enemies, come upon you suddenly,
09:35and in hot haste of theirs,
09:37your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand
09:40swooping and havoc-making angels.
09:44And Allah meant not this help by the angels,
09:48except as good tidings of victory for you,
09:51and to set your hearts at ease therewith.
09:55There is no real help and victory except from Allah alone,
10:00the Almighty, the All-Wise.
10:04God will do accordingly at Uhud,
10:07with the result that he may cut off a section of those
10:12who disbelieve, and their leaders,
10:15and vanquish others with humiliation,
10:17so that they might go back utterly frustrated.
10:21O Prophet, you have no say whatsoever in the matter.
10:25It is up to him alone,
10:28whether he turns towards them with mercy,
10:30or punishes them because they are certainly wrongdoers.
10:34And to Allah belongs whatsoever is in the heavens,
10:38and whatsoever is in the earth.
10:40He protects against sins, whom he will,
10:44and punishes whom he will.
10:46Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
10:51O you who believe, do not practice usury and interest
10:57involving multiple additions,
10:59and keep your duty to Allah,
11:01and take him as a shield, so that you may prosper.
11:06Be on your guard against the fire
11:08which has been prepared for the disbelievers,
11:12and obey Allah and this messenger,
11:15that you may be shown mercy.
11:17Wing your way to the protection of your Lord,
11:20and to the paradise whose expanse is as vast
11:24as the heavens and the earth.
11:26It is prepared for those who become secure against evil.
11:31Those who spend in the cause of Allah,
11:34in prosperity and adversity,
11:36and those who suppress anger,
11:38and pardon the offenses of the people.
11:41And Allah loves such doers of good to others.
11:45And those who, when they commit any act of indecency
11:48or do injustice to themselves,
11:51remember Allah and implore him
11:53for protection against their sins.
11:55And who can protect against sins except Allah?
12:00And they do not deliberately persist in wrongdoing.
12:05It is these whose reward is protection from their Lord,
12:09and gardens served with running streams.
12:12Therein they shall live forever.
12:15How excellent is the reward of the painstaking
12:18in the right direction.
12:22Surely there have been diverse dispensations before you.
12:25So travel in the land and see how evil was the fate
12:29of those who cried lies to the prophets.
12:32This Quran is a clear exposition
12:35of the truth for humankind to follow,
12:38and a means to guidance.
12:40And an exhortation to those who guard against evil,
12:45and are dutiful to God and people.
12:49Therefore slacken not, nor grieve.
12:52And when you are true believers,
12:54you shall certainly be triumphant.
12:58If you have received an outer injury,
13:01surely the disbelieving people
13:03have already received a similar injury.
13:06These days of vicissitudes
13:09are those which we cause to alternate among the people.
13:12It is so that you may be admonished,
13:15and that among other things,
13:17Allah may distinguish those who really believe,
13:20and so that he may raise martyrs from among you.
13:24And Allah does not love the unjust.
13:28And it is so that Allah may purge
13:30all the impurities of those who truly believe,
13:33and so that he may wipe off the disbelievers gradually.
13:38Do you suppose that you would enter paradise
13:43while Allah has not yet distinguished
13:46those of you who strive hard in the cause of Allah,
13:49and has not yet distinguished the patiently persevering?
13:54And you used to long for death before you met it,
13:59but now you have seen it,
14:00and you will see yet many more wonders happen.
14:04And Muhammad is but a messenger.
14:07Surely all messengers have passed away before him.
14:11Would you recant it if he dies or be killed?
14:16And he who recants shall do no harm at all to Allah,
14:20and Allah will certainly reward the grateful.
14:25Nor can a living being die save by the leave of Allah,
14:30a decree with a prescribed term.
14:33And he who desires the reward for his deeds of this world,
14:37we grant him thereof.
14:39And he who desires the reward of the hereafter,
14:43we grant him thereof,
14:45and we will certainly reward the grateful.
14:49There has been many a prophet beside
14:51whom many worshipers of the Lord fought.
14:54They were neither unnerved on account of all
14:56that befell them in the cause of Allah,
14:59nor did they weaken,
15:00nor did they show inconsistency against their adversary.
15:05Allah certainly loves such patiently persevering ones.
15:10Their word of prayer was only that they said,
15:13Our Lord, grant us protection against the consequences
15:17of our sins and our excesses in our conduct,
15:22and make our foothold firm,
15:25and grant us victory over the disbelieving people.
15:30So Allah granted them the reward of this world
15:32as also an excellent reward of the hereafter.
15:36And Allah loves the doers of good to others.
15:41O you who believe,
15:43if you obey those who have disbelieved,
15:46they will make you turn apostates
15:48so that you will become losers.
15:51Nay, Allah is your patron and protector,
15:55and he is the best of the helpers.
15:58We shall certainly strike terror into the hearts
16:01of those who have disbelieved,
16:03because they have associated with Allah
16:06that for which he has sent down no authority.
16:10Their abode is the fire,
16:12and how dismal is the lodging of the wrongdoers.
16:16And certainly Allah had made good his promise to you
16:20when you were slaying them to pieces by his leave
16:23in the battle of Uhud,
16:25until when you became lax and disagreed among yourselves
16:30about the implications of the order of the Prophet,
16:34and you disobeyed your leader Abdullah bin Jubair,
16:38after he had brought that victory
16:40which you desired within your sight,
16:42he withdrew his help from you.
16:45There were some among you who desired the present life,
16:49and among you were those who desired the life to come.
16:53Then he turned you away from gaining clear victory over them,
16:57the enemy, that he might reveal your true selves.
17:01Yet he surely pardoned you,
17:03Allah is gracious to the believers.
17:07When you were going hard and far
17:09in pursuit of the enemy in the battle of Uhud,
17:13and you would not cast even a side glance at,
17:16and wait for anyone
17:18while the messenger was calling out to you
17:20from your rear to come back,
17:22so he gave you greater sorrow,
17:24which proved unreal later on
17:26in place of the sorrow you had already,
17:29in order that you should not grieve
17:31over what you had missed of clear victory,
17:34nor over what befell you of the hardships.
17:38And Allah is well aware of what you do.
17:42Then after the sorrow,
17:44he sent down tranquility upon you,
17:47a slumber which overwhelmed a party of you,
17:51while another party of the hypocrites,
17:53whom their own personal interest had made anxious,
17:57entertained unjustly false notions about Allah,
18:01like the false notions they used to bear
18:03in the days of ignorance.
18:05They said,
18:06Have we any authority in the execution
18:09of the matter of administration?
18:12Say, the whole authority rests with Allah.
18:17They hide in their minds
18:19thoughts which they would not disclose to you.
18:22They say,
18:24If we had any authority in the execution
18:26of the matter of administration,
18:28we would not have been killed here.
18:33Even if you had been confined in your homes,
18:36surely those who were ordained to be slain
18:38would have,
18:40gone forth to the places
18:41where they were destined to fall.
18:44And all this that took place
18:45in the battle of Uhud
18:47was that Allah
18:49might reveal what was in your hearts,
18:52and so that he might purge
18:53what was in your minds.
18:55And Allah knows well
18:57what is in the minds of the people.
19:00Surely those of you who turned their backs
19:02on the day when two armies met
19:04in the battlefield of Uhud,
19:06it was Satan indeed
19:08who sought to seduce them to do so,
19:10without any intention on their part,
19:13because of certain other doings of theirs,
19:16and most certainly
19:17Allah has already pardoned them.
19:19Verily, Allah is great protector,
19:25O you who believe,
19:27do not be like those
19:29who have concealed the truth,
19:30and who say of their brethren
19:32when they,
19:33the latter,
19:33travel in the land,
19:35or go forth on any campaign,
19:37and fall martyrs,
19:39had they been with us,
19:41they would not have died or been killed.
19:44They say it so that Allah
19:46makes this a cause of intense regret
19:49in their hearts.
19:50The fact, however,
19:51is that it is Allah who gives life
19:54and causes death.
19:56Allah sees well all that you do.
19:59And if you are killed
20:00in the cause of Allah,
20:02or you die,
20:03surely you will find that
20:05the protection from Allah
20:06and his mercy,
20:07which fall to your lot,
20:10are far better than what they
20:11who have concealed the truth amass.
20:16Indeed, whether you die or be killed,
20:19verily you shall be gathered together
20:21and brought before Allah.
20:24So, O Prophet,
20:26it is owing to the great mercy of Allah
20:29that you are gentle towards them.
20:31Had you been harsh,
20:34they would have certainly dispersed
20:36from around you.
20:37Hence, pardon them
20:39and ask protection for them,
20:41and consult them
20:42in matters of administration.
20:44And when you are determined
20:46after due consultation,
20:47put your trust in Allah.
20:49Verily, Allah loves those
20:51who put their trust in him.
20:54If Allah goes on helping you,
20:56there is none to overcome you.
20:58And if he forsakes you,
21:00then who is there
21:01that will help you besides him?
21:04Let the believers put their trust
21:06in Allah alone.
21:09It is not possible for a prophet
21:11to be guilty of a breach of trust.
21:14But whoever else is guilty
21:15of a breach of trust,
21:17he will have to bring forth
21:19that about which he had been guilty
21:21on the day of resurrection,
21:23when every soul shall be paid in full
21:25for what it has accomplished,
21:27and they shall not be done any injustice.
21:32Can the person who always follows
21:33the good pleasure of Allah
21:35be like the person
21:36who has incurred
21:37the displeasure of Allah,
21:39and whose abode is Jahannah?
21:42What an evil destined abode it is.
21:46They, the believers and the prophets,
21:49have exalted degrees of rank
21:51and grace with Allah,
21:53and Allah sees well
21:54of all that they do.
21:57Verily, Allah has bestowed
22:00a favor on the believers
22:02when he has raised amongst them
22:03a great messenger
22:05from amongst themselves,
22:06who recites to them his messages
22:09and purifies them,
22:10and teaches them the book
22:12and the wisdom.
22:14Although before this,
22:15they were steeped in flagrant error.
22:19So what when you suffered a loss
22:21at the battle of Uhud,
22:24you had already inflicted
22:26a loss upon your enemy
22:27twice as heavy as that
22:29at the battle of Badr?
22:31You began to say,
22:34Whence is this?
22:36Say, it is of your own making.
22:39Surely Allah is the possessor
22:41of full power to do all that he will.
22:45And that which befell you
22:47on the day when the two armies
22:49met at Uhud
22:50was so by the leave of Allah,
22:53and it happened thus
22:54so that he might distinguish
22:56the believers,
22:58and that he might distinguish
23:00those who practice hypocrisy.
23:02Indeed, it was said to them,
23:05Come forward,
23:06fight in the cause of Allah,
23:08or at least help the defenses.
23:11They said,
23:12If we but knew
23:13that it would be a fight,
23:15we would surely follow you.
23:18But the Muslims were going
23:19to a sure destruction.
23:22On that day,
23:23they were nearer to disbelief
23:25than to belief.
23:27They say with their mouths
23:29that which is not in their minds,
23:31and Allah knows best
23:33all that they conceal.
23:36It is these who said
23:38of their brethren
23:39whilst they themselves
23:40stayed behind
23:41declining the field.
23:43If they had obeyed us,
23:45they would not have been killed.
23:49Then avert death from yourselves
23:52if you are right.
23:54And think not of those
23:56who have been killed
23:57in the cause of Allah as dead.
23:59Nay, they are alive,
24:01enjoying the company
24:03of their ever-living Lord,
24:05and well-provided
24:06as they deserve to be
24:07for an everlasting life.
24:11Jubilant because of that
24:12which Allah has given them
24:14out of His grace.
24:16They are receiving glad tidings,
24:19about those believers
24:20similar to themselves
24:22who are still left behind them
24:24in this world,
24:25and have not yet joined them,
24:27that they shall have
24:28no cause of fear,
24:29nor shall they grieve.
24:31Rather, they will be victorious
24:33and will see the promise
24:34of Allah fulfilled.
24:37And they,
24:38the martyrs,
24:39are also receiving glad tidings
24:41that those who have been
24:43left behind in the world
24:44are happy because of
24:45the favors of Allah
24:47and His great bounty,
24:49and that Allah does not
24:51suffer the reward
24:52of the believers to be lost.
24:56Those who responded
24:57to the call of Allah
24:59and the messenger
24:59after they had received
25:01an injury at Uhud,
25:03for those amongst them
25:04who did their duty well
25:06and warded off evil
25:08by pursuing the enemy forces
25:10the next day,
25:12there awaits a great reward.
25:17Those to whom at the time
25:18of the expedition said,
25:20People have assembled
25:21against you,
25:22so fear them.
25:24But this threat of danger
25:26increased their faith
25:27and they said,
25:28Allah is sufficient for us
25:30and He is an excellent
25:32disposer of affairs.
25:35they returned
25:36with a mighty blessing
25:37from Allah
25:38and a great bounty.
25:40They suffered no harm whatsoever
25:42and they followed
25:43the good pleasure of Allah.
25:46Allah is the possessor
25:48of great bounty.
25:51Now you have come to know
25:52that it is Satan in fact
25:54who merely threatens
25:56through his friends,
25:57so do not fear them,
25:59rather fear me
26:00if you are true believers.
26:03And do not let those
26:04who vie with one another
26:06in following the ways
26:07of disbelief
26:08grieve you.
26:09Surely they shall not be able
26:11to do the slightest harm
26:12to Allah.
26:14It is Allah's will
26:15to assign them
26:16no portion in the hereafter,
26:19rather there awaits them
26:20a great punishment.
26:23Those who preferred
26:24disbelief to belief
26:26will not be able
26:27to do the least harm
26:28to Allah.
26:30A grievous punishment
26:31awaits them.
26:34And do not let those
26:36who disbelieve
26:37think that the respite
26:39we give them
26:39is good for them.
26:41Surely we grant them respite
26:43but they do not avail it
26:45with the result
26:46that they add to their sins.
26:49A humiliating punishment
26:51awaits them.
26:53And Allah is not going
26:54to leave you,
26:56the believers,
26:57as you are
26:58unless he has distinguished
27:00the corrupt from the good.
27:02Nor is Allah
27:03going to reveal fully
27:05to every one of you
27:06the unseen.
27:08But Allah chooses
27:09for his messages
27:11such of his messengers
27:12as he will.
27:14Believe therefore in Allah
27:16and his messengers.
27:18And remember
27:19if you believe truly
27:21and guard against evil
27:23then there is for you
27:24a great reward.
27:27And do not let those
27:29who behave niggardly
27:30in spending
27:31what Allah has granted them
27:33of his bounty
27:34think that it is good for them.
27:36Nay, it is bad for them.
27:39They shall certainly
27:40have the things
27:41that they were niggardly about
27:43hung about their necks
27:44like halters
27:45on the day of resurrection.
27:48And to Allah belongs
27:49the heritage of the heavens
27:51and the earth.
27:52Indeed, Allah is well aware
27:55of all that you do.
27:58Allah has most certainly
28:00heard the words
28:01of those who said
28:02Allah is poor
28:04and we are rich.
28:06Certainly, we shall record
28:08what they say
28:09and their efforts
28:10towards seeking
28:11to kill the prophets unjustly.
28:14And we shall say
28:15at the time of retribution
28:16taste now
28:17the punishment of burning.
28:21This punishment
28:21is because of that
28:22which your own hands
28:24have sent forward.
28:25And the fact is that
28:27Allah is not at all
28:29unjust to his servants.
28:31These are the very Jews
28:32who said,
28:34Surely Allah has enjoined us
28:36not to believe in any messenger
28:38unless he brings us an offering
28:41which is consumed by the fire.
28:43Say, surely messengers
28:46have come to you before me
28:47with clear signs
28:49and with that of which you speak.
28:52Why then did you seek
28:53to kill them
28:54if you have been right
28:55in your demand?
28:58But if they cry lies to you
29:00you need not be disheartened.
29:03Even so lies were cried
29:05to many messengers before you
29:07who came with clear signs
29:09with the books full of wisdom
29:11and with the glorious scripture.
29:14Every living being
29:15is destined to taste death
29:18and you shall verily
29:19be paid in full
29:21your rewards
29:22on the day of resurrection.
29:25Then whoso is removed
29:26away from the fire
29:28and is admitted to paradise
29:31he has of course
29:32successfully attained his goal.
29:35And the life of this world
29:37is nothing but a vain provision
29:39causing negligence.
29:41You shall certainly be tried
29:43in your substance and lives
29:46and you shall certainly hear
29:48from those who were given
29:49the scripture before you
29:50and from those who set up
29:52equals to God
29:53a good deal of hurtful abuse.
29:56But if you are patiently
29:59and guard against evil
30:01then this attitude
30:03is worth being followed
30:04with constancy
30:05and firm determination.
30:08Recall the time
30:09when Allah took a covenant
30:10from those who were given
30:11the scripture
30:13that you must explain
30:14the teachings of this scripture
30:16to the people
30:17and not conceal it.
30:19But they threw it away
30:20behind their backs
30:22and accepted
30:23a paltry price for it.
30:25How evil is that
30:27which they have chosen.
30:29You should not think indeed.
30:33You should not think
30:35that those who exalt
30:36in what they have brought about
30:39and love to be praised
30:41for what they have not done
30:43are secure from punishment.
30:46Rather a woeful punishment
30:48awaits them.
30:50The sovereignty of the heavens
30:52and the earth
30:52belongs to Allah alone
30:55and Allah is the possessor
30:57of full power
30:58to do all that he will.
31:00Surely in the creation
31:02of the heavens and the earth
31:04and in the alternation
31:06of the night and the day
31:08there are many signs
31:09for people of pure
31:11and clear understanding.
31:13These are the persons
31:15who remember Allah standing
31:17and sitting
31:18and lying on their sides
31:20and reflect upon the creation
31:22of the heavens and the earth
31:25and say
31:26Our lord
31:28you have not created
31:29all this in vain.
31:31Glory be to you
31:33save us from the punishment
31:35of the fire.
31:36Our lord
31:37whomsoever you cause
31:39to enter the fire
31:41you have truly disgraced him
31:43and there will be none
31:45to help these unjust.
31:47Our lord
31:49certainly we heard
31:50a crier calling to the faith
31:53believe in your lord
31:54and we have believed.
31:57Our lord
31:58protect us
31:59against the sins
32:00and rid us of our evils
32:02and cause us to die
32:04and after death
32:06count us with the virtuous.
32:08Our lord
32:10grant us
32:10what you have promised us
32:12through your messengers
32:14and do not disgrace us
32:16on the day of resurrection.
32:18Surely you do not
32:19break your promise.
32:21Their lord then
32:22accepted their prayer
32:23for them saying
32:25I will not
32:26most certainly
32:27suffer the deed
32:27of any doer of good
32:30from among you
32:31whether male or female
32:32to be lost
32:34the one of you
32:35being as the other.
32:38those who have emigrated
32:39and have been driven
32:40out of their homes
32:42and have been persecuted
32:43in my cause
32:45and who have fought
32:46and been killed
32:47surely I will absolve them
32:49of their evils
32:50and will of course
32:52admit them into gardens
32:53served with running streams
32:56a reward from Allah
32:58and Allah
32:59with him
33:00is the fairest reward
33:01to offer.
33:03Do not let the moving about
33:05in the land
33:06of those who have disbelieved
33:08deceive you.
33:10It is a brief provision
33:12then Jahannah
33:13shall be their abode.
33:15What an evil place of rest.
33:19But those who took
33:20their lord as a shield
33:22shall have gardens
33:24served with running streams
33:26therein shall they live forever
33:28and entertainment
33:29from Allah himself
33:32and that which is with Allah
33:34is better still
33:36for the virtuous.
33:38There are some
33:39among the people
33:40of the scripture
33:41who believe in Allah
33:42and in that which
33:43has been revealed to you
33:45and in that which
33:46has been revealed to them
33:48humbling themselves
33:49before Allah
33:50they barter not
33:51the messages of Allah
33:53for a paltry price.
33:55It is these
33:56whose reward
33:57is due with their lord.
34:00Allah is swift in reckoning.
34:04Oh you who believe
34:05be patiently persevering
34:08and strive to excel
34:10the disbelievers
34:11in being patiently persevering
34:13and guard the frontiers
34:15and ward off evil
34:17and keep your duty to Allah
34:20so that you may attain
34:23your goal.
34:27The Women
34:29With the name of Allah
34:31the most gracious
34:32the ever merciful.
34:35Oh you people
34:36take as a shield
34:38your lord who created you
34:39from a single being
34:41and from the same stock
34:43from which he created the man
34:45he created his spouse
34:47and through them both
34:49he caused to spread
34:50a large number
34:51of men and women.
34:53Oh people
34:55regard Allah
34:56with reverence
34:57in whose name
34:58you appeal to one another
35:00and be regardful
35:01to the ties of relationship
35:03particularly from the female side.
35:07Allah ever keeps watch
35:08over you.
35:11And give the orphans
35:12their property
35:13and substitute
35:14not your worthless things
35:16for their good ones
35:17nor consume their property
35:19mingling it
35:20along with your own property
35:22for this indeed
35:23is a great sin.
35:26And if you wish to marry them
35:27and you fear that you will not
35:29be able to do justice
35:30to the orphan girls
35:32then marry them not
35:33rather marry of women
35:35other than these
35:36as may be agreeable to you.
35:38You may marry two
35:40or three
35:40or four
35:41provided you do justice to them.
35:45But if you fear
35:45that you will not
35:46be able to deal with
35:47all of them equitably
35:49then confine yourselves
35:50only to one
35:52or you may marry
35:53that whom your right hands possess
35:55your female captives of war.
35:58That is the best way
35:59to avoid doing injustice.
36:03And give the women
36:04their dowers unasked
36:07and as agreed gift.
36:10But if they be pleased
36:11to remit you
36:12a portion thereof
36:14of their own free will
36:15then take it with grace
36:17and pleasure.
36:19And do not make over
36:21to the weak of understanding
36:22your property
36:23which Allah has made
36:24a means of subsistence for you
36:27but provide for them
36:28their maintenance
36:29and clothe them
36:30out of its profits
36:31and speak to them
36:33words of kind advice.
36:36And keep on testing
36:38the orphans
36:38until they attain
36:39the age of marriage
36:41then if you perceive
36:42in them sound judgment
36:44deliver to them
36:45their property
36:46and do not consume it
36:49and hastily
36:50as they grow up
36:52fearing lest they should
36:53claim it
36:53when they attain
36:54the age of marriage.
36:56And let him
36:57the guardian
36:58who can afford
36:59to do without
37:01let him avoid remuneration
37:03but he who is needy
37:05may charge
37:05reasonable remuneration
37:07with equity.
37:08And when you hand over
37:10to them
37:10the orphans
37:11their property
37:13let there be some witnesses
37:14to attest
37:16and Allah is enough
37:17as a reckoner
37:18and call you to account.
37:22As the basis of law
37:24of inheritance
37:25for men is a share
37:26in the property
37:27that the parents
37:28and near relations
37:29leave behind
37:30and the women
37:31shall have a share
37:32in the property
37:33that the parents
37:34and the near relations
37:35leave behind
37:36whether it the property
37:38be small or large
37:40a determined share
37:41ordained by Allah.
37:44And when they are present
37:45at the division
37:46of the heritage
37:48other relatives
37:49and the orphans
37:50and the needy
37:51then give them
37:52something out of it
37:53and speak to them
37:55kind words.
37:57And let the persons
37:58who divide the heritage
38:00be afraid of Allah
38:02for if they leave behind them
38:03their own weak offspring
38:05they would be anxious
38:06on their account
38:08let them therefore
38:09keep their duty to Allah
38:11and let them say
38:12the right thing.
38:14Verily those
38:15who consume the property
38:16of the orphans
38:19as a matter of fact
38:20feed their bellies
38:22with fire
38:23and they shall certainly
38:24burn in a blazing fire.
38:29Allah prescribes
38:30the following law
38:31of inheritance
38:32for your children.
38:34For male is the equal
38:35of the portion
38:36of two females
38:38but if they be all females
38:40two or more than two
38:42for them is two-thirds
38:43of what he
38:44the deceased has left
38:46and if there be only one
38:49for her is the half
38:51and for his parents
38:53for each one of the two
38:55is a sixth
38:55of what he has left
38:57if he
38:58the deceased
38:59has a child
39:01but if he has no child
39:03and his parents
39:05only be his heirs
39:06then for the mother
39:07is one-third
39:09and the rest
39:10is for the father
39:12but if there be
39:13in addition to his parents
39:15his brothers and sisters
39:17then there is one-sixth
39:19for the mother
39:19after the payment
39:20of any bequest
39:21he may have bequeathed
39:23or still more important
39:25of any debt
39:27made by the testator
39:29and his debts
39:30shall however
39:30be satisfied first.
39:33Your fathers
39:34and your children
39:35you do not know
39:36which of them deserve
39:37better to benefit from you.
39:40This fixing of portions
39:41is from Allah
39:43surely Allah is all-knowing.
39:45All wise.
39:48And for you
39:49is half of that
39:50which your wives leave behind
39:51if they have no child
39:53but if they have a child
39:55then for you
39:56is one-fourth
39:57of what they leave behind
39:58after the payment
39:59of any bequest
40:01that may be bequeathed
40:03or still more important
40:04of any of their debt
40:06and for them
40:07your wives
40:08is one-fourth
40:09of what you leave behind
40:11if you have no child
40:13but if you leave a child
40:15then for them
40:16is an eighth
40:17of what you leave
40:18after the payment
40:19of any bequest
40:20you have bequeathed
40:21or still more important
40:23of any debt.
40:25And if there be a man
40:26or a woman
40:27whose heritage
40:28is to be divided
40:29and he or she
40:30the deceased
40:31has no child
40:33and he or she
40:35has left behind
40:36a brother or a sister
40:38then for each one
40:39of the twain
40:40is a sixth.
40:43But if they be more than one
40:45then they are equal sharers
40:47in one-third
40:48after the payment
40:49of any bequest
40:51or still more important
40:53of any debt
40:54provided such bequest
40:56made by the testator
40:57and the debt
40:58shall be without
40:59any intent
41:01of being harmful
41:02to the interest
41:03of the heirs.
41:05This is an injunction
41:07from Allah
41:08and Allah is all-knowing
41:10most forbearing.
41:11These are the limits
41:13of the law
41:13imposed by Allah
41:15and who obeys
41:16Allah and his messenger
41:18he will admit them
41:19into gardens
41:21served with running streams.
41:23Therein they shall abide
41:26and that is a great achievement.
41:29But who so disobeys
41:31Allah and his messenger
41:33and transgresses
41:34the limits imposed by him
41:36he will make him enter fire
41:39where he shall abide
41:41and for him
41:42is a humiliating punishment.
41:47As to those of your women
41:48who commit sexual perversity
41:51call in four of you
41:52to witness against them
41:54and if they bear witness
41:56then confine them
41:57to their houses
41:58until death
41:59overtakes them
42:00or Allah makes for them
42:02a way out.
42:04And if two of your males
42:05commit the same act
42:07of indecency
42:08then punish them both
42:10so if they repent
42:11and amend
42:13keeping their conduct good
42:15then turn aside from them.
42:17Verily Allah is oft returning
42:19with compassion
42:21ever merciful.
42:23Verily Allah undertakes
42:25to accept the repentance
42:27of only those who do evil
42:28through lack of knowledge
42:30then repent soon after.
42:32Such are the person
42:34towards whom Allah
42:35turns with mercy
42:37and Allah is all-knowing.
42:42But repentance
42:43is of no avail
42:45to those who go on
42:46doing evil deeds
42:48until when death
42:49visits one of them
42:51he says
42:51I do repent now.
42:54Nor is it of any use
42:55to those who die
42:57whilst they are disbelievers.
43:00It is for such people
43:01that we have prepared
43:03a woeful punishment.
43:06O you who believe
43:08it is not lawful for you
43:10to treat women
43:11of your deceased relatives
43:13as inherited property by force
43:16nor shall you detain them
43:18that you may take away
43:19part of that
43:20which you had given them
43:21except that they commit
43:23flagrant indecency
43:25but consort with them
43:27in peace.
43:28Then if you have
43:29a dislike for them
43:31it may be that
43:32you dislike a thing
43:33but Allah has placed
43:35a good deal of good in it.
43:38And if you desire
43:40to take one wife
43:41in place of another wife
43:43and you have given
43:44one of them
43:45a huge treasure
43:46then take nothing from
43:48that which you have given.
43:50Would you take it
43:51by false accusation
43:53and by committing
43:54an open sin?
43:56And how can you take it
43:58when you have already
43:59lain with one another
44:01and they have bound you down
44:03to a firm and solemn covenant
44:05by marriage?
44:06And marry not those women
44:09whom your fathers had married
44:11except what had already passed.
44:15For it is a thing
44:16highly indecent and repugnant
44:19and an evil practice.
44:23Forbidden to you for marriage
44:24are your mothers,
44:26your daughters,
44:27your sisters,
44:28your paternal aunts
44:30and your maternal aunts
44:31and the daughters of a brother
44:33and the daughters of a sister.
44:36And your foster mothers
44:37who have given suck to you
44:39and your foster sisters
44:41and the mothers of your wives
44:43and your stepdaughters
44:44who are being brought up
44:46under your care
44:47and have been born of your wives
44:49by their former husbands
44:51unto whom you have gone in.
44:53But if you have not
44:54gone in unto them
44:56then there is no blame on you
44:57in marrying their daughters.
45:00And the wives of your sons
45:01who are from your own loins
45:03and it is forbidden to you
45:05to keep in wedlock
45:07two sisters at one and the same time
45:10except what has already passed.
45:13Surely Allah is most protector
45:15against false,
