Juz' 3 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 3 months ago
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00:00We have made these messengers excel one another.
00:05There are those of them to whom Allah has spoken much, and some of them he has exalted
00:10by many degrees of rank.
00:12And we gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear arguments, and we supported him with the blessed word
00:19of God.
00:21Had Allah so willed, people who came after them would not have fought one another particularly
00:27after clear arguments had come to them, but as it was they differed one from another,
00:33so that some of them believed while others disbelieved.
00:38Had Allah so willed, they would not have fought one another, yet Allah does whatever he intends.
00:46O you who believe, spend for the cause of Allah, out of that which we have provided
00:53you with.
00:54Before there comes the day wherein there shall be no buying and selling, nor friendship,
01:00nor intercession.
01:02Those who refuse to obey this commandment are the real wrongdoers.
01:07Allah, there is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but he, the
01:15ever-living, self-subsisting, and all-sustaining.
01:20Whatever overtakes him not, nor sleep, whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the
01:27earth belongs to him.
01:29Who is there that will intercede with him, save by his leave?
01:34He knows their future and their past, and they encompass nothing of his knowledge, of
01:40the things except of such things as he himself pleases to tell.
01:45His knowledge and rule extends over the heavens and the earth, and the care of them both tires
01:52him not.
01:53He is the supreme, the great.
01:57There is no compulsion of any sort in religion, as the right way does stand obviously distinguished
02:03from the way of error.
02:06Now he that shall reject the transgressor and accepts Allah, let such know that he has
02:12laid hold of a support firm and strong, which knows no breaking.
02:19Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.
02:23Allah is the patron of those who believe.
02:26He brings them out of different kinds of darkness, leading them into light.
02:32As for those who disbelieve, their patrons are the transgressors.
02:37They bring them out of light and lead them into every kind of darkness.
02:42It is these who are the fellows of the fire, therein shall they live for long.
02:50Have you not considered the case of him who controversed with Abraham concerning his Lord,
02:57because Allah had given him kingdom?
03:00Then Abraham said, My Lord is he who fertilizes the earth and causes desolation.
03:08He replied, I do bring about fertility and cause desolation.
03:15Abraham said, Allah surely makes the sun rise from the east, so you should make it rise
03:21from the west.
03:23Thereupon the one who had rejected the faith was completely confounded.
03:29Indeed, Allah does not guide the unjust people.
03:35Or consider the case of him who passed by a town, and it had fallen in upon its roofs.
03:42He said, When will Allah restore this town to life after its destruction?
03:49So in his vision, Allah kept him in a state of death for a hundred years.
03:55Then he raised him to life.
03:58Then Allah said, How long have you stayed in this state of death?
04:02He replied, I may have stayed a day or a part of a day.
04:09God said, Yes, this too is correct.
04:13But as you have witnessed in your vision, you have stayed for a hundred years.
04:19Now look at your food and drink.
04:21They have escaped the action of time.
04:25And look at your donkey too.
04:27Those have not passed over it.
04:30And we have made you visualize all of this that we may make you a sign to the people.
04:37And look at the dead bones, how we set them together and then clothe them with flesh.
04:43Thus when the fact of the matter became clear to him, he said, I know that Allah is the
04:49possessor of full power to do all that he will.
04:54And recall the time when Abraham said, My Lord, show me how you give life to the dead.
05:01The Lord said, Do you not believe that I can?
05:05He said, Yes, I do.
05:07But I ask this, that my mind may be at peace.
05:12The Lord said, Take four birds and make them attached to you.
05:18Then put them each on a separate hill.
05:22Then call them.
05:23They will come to you swiftly and know that Allah is almighty, all wise.
05:32The attribute of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is like the attribute
05:37of a grain of corn, which sprouts seven ears, each ear bearing a hundred grains.
05:44And Allah multiplies further for whomsoever he pleases, for Allah is bountiful, all-knowing.
05:54Those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah, then follow not up what they have
05:59spent with a show of obligation nor with injury.
06:04They shall have their reward with their Lord.
06:06They shall have no cause of fear, nor shall they ever grieve.
06:12A fair word and forbearance are better than charity followed by injury.
06:17Indeed, Allah is self-sufficient, having no want, ever forbearing.
06:24O you who believe!
06:27Do not render void your charities by a show of obligation and injury, like him who spends
06:33his wealth to be seen by people and does not believe in Allah in the last day.
06:40So his case is like the case of a smooth rock with some soil thereon.
06:46When heavy rain hits it, leaves it bare and hard, they shall not be able to gain anything
06:52of what they accomplished.
06:54And Allah does not guide such disbelieving people to the way of success.
07:01But the case of charity on the part of those who spend their wealth seeking the good pleasure
07:06of Allah and for their own consolidation and with firm faith is like the case of a
07:12garden situated on a highly fertile land.
07:17It is hit by heavy rain, so it yields its fruit manifold.
07:22But even if rain does not hit it, then a mere drizzle is sufficient for it, and Allah sees
07:28well what you do.
07:32Did any one of you wish that while he has a garden of date-palm trees and vines served
07:39with running streams, he has therein each and every kind of fruit, while he is stricken
07:45by old age and has children who are yet feeble?
07:49A whirlwind carrying fire should smite it, so that it is all burnt up?
07:55No, not at all.
07:58Thus does Allah explain to you His messages so that you may give thought.
08:04O you who believe, spend for the cause of Allah a portion of good and pure things that
08:13you have yourselves earned and out of that which we have produced for you from the earth.
08:19Do not intend upon spending the bad and inferior.
08:24You would spend that bad and inferior for the cause of Allah which you would not accept
08:28at all for yourselves unless you connive at it?
08:32And know that Allah is self-sufficient, ever praiseworthy.
08:38Satan threatens you with poverty and incites you to niggardliness.
08:43But Allah promises you forgiveness from himself and affluence.
08:48And Allah is bountiful, all-knowing.
08:52He grants wisdom to whomsoever he will?
08:55Indeed, he who is granted wisdom has been granted an ample good.
09:01And none would take heed except those endowed with pure and clear understanding.
09:09Whatever things worthy to be spent you spend, and whatever vow for the performance of non-obligatory
09:15act of goodness you take, Allah knows it well.
09:20As for wrongdoers, they shall have no helpers.
09:25If you give your alms openly, it is well and good in itself.
09:30But if you keep them secret and give them to the needy, it is better for your own selves,
09:36and he will thereby acquit you of some of your evil deeds.
09:40Allah is fully aware of what you do.
09:45You are not responsible for their guidance to the right path, but Allah guides him who
09:50wishes to be guided.
09:52Believers, whatever wealth you spend for the cause of Allah, it is to your own good.
09:59For you do not spend it but to seek the good pleasure of Allah.
10:04And whatever wealth you spend in doing good will be fully credited to you, and you shall
10:09not be treated unjustly.
10:13These charities are meant for those needy who are so confined in the way of Allah that
10:19they are unable to move about in the land for providing their sustenance.
10:24The person ignorant of their condition thinks them free from want because of their abstaining
10:29from begging.
10:30But you shall know them by their appearance that they are in need.
10:35They do not beg of people with importunity.
10:39And whatever good thing you spend for their help, Allah knows it surely well.
10:46Those who spend their wealth by night and by day for the cause of Allah, privately and
10:52publicly, have their reward with their Lord, they shall have no cause of fear, nor shall
10:58they ever grieve.
11:01Those who practice usury and interest, their condition is such as they will not be able
11:06to stand except like the standing of one who has lost his reason under the influence
11:11of Satan.
11:13That is so because they say, trade is just like usury and interest.
11:19Whereas Allah has made trade lawful and made interest unlawful.
11:24Then whosoever has received this admonition from his Lord and keeps away from usury and
11:31interest, he may keep whatever interest he has taken in the past.
11:36His matter rests with Allah.
11:39As for those who revert to the practice of usury and interest, it is these who are the
11:44fellows of the fire, therein shall they live for long.
11:49Allah annuls usury and interest and promotes charity.
11:54Allah does not love any persistent and confirmed disbeliever and an arch-sinner.
12:03Verily those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and regularly observe the prayer,
12:09and go on presenting the zakat, shall have their reward with their Lord, they shall have
12:15no cause of fear, nor shall they ever grieve.
12:20O you who believe, take Allah as a shield and forego all outstanding gains from usury
12:28and interest if you are indeed believers.
12:32But if you do it not, then beware of war from Allah and his messenger.
12:39But if you turn away from such an unlawful transaction, then you shall have your principle
12:43without interest back.
12:47Thus you shall neither deal unjustly nor be dealt with unjustly.
12:53If any debtor be in straightened circumstances, there shall be respite for him till his circumstances
13:01But that if you remit the debt by way of charity for the sake of God, it is better for you
13:08if you only knew.
13:11And guard yourself against the evil of the day when you shall be made to return to Allah.
13:17Then every soul shall be paid in full for what it has accomplished, and no injustice
13:23shall be done to them.
13:26O you who believe, when you transact a loan for a stipulated term, then write it down.
13:34Let a scribe write it in your presence in terms of equity and fairness.
13:40The scribe shall not refuse to write it down, since it is Allah who taught him to write.
13:46Write he must.
13:48And let him upon whom the liability dictate and let him observe his duty to Allah, his
13:55Lord, nor should he depreciate anything what he owes from it.
14:00But if the person upon whom the liability is, be of feeble mind or is infirm or he is
14:08incapable of dictating himself, then let someone who can watch his interests dictate
14:14in terms of equity and fairness.
14:18And call in to witness the transaction two male witnesses from amongst your men.
14:23But if there be not two males available, then let there be one male and two females, such
14:30as you approve as witnesses to bear witness.
14:34So that if either of the two women forget, then one may remind the other.
14:40And let the witnesses not refuse to give evidence whenever they are summoned, and never feel
14:46weary of writing it, whether it the debt be small or large, along with the time of its
14:53payment being due.
14:55This way is more just in the sight of Allah, and ensures a more upright evidence, and is
15:02more likely to prevent your falling into doubts.
15:06So write it down, except you carry ready trade and transfer the merchandise from hand to
15:13In that case there shall be no blame on you that you do not write the transaction, yet
15:18have witnesses when you trade with one another.
15:22Let neither the scribe nor the witness be harmed.
15:26And if you do any such thing, then that indeed is disobedience on your part.
15:32Take Allah as a shield, with the result that Allah will grant you knowledge, for Allah
15:38has perfect knowledge of everything.
15:43And if you be on a journey, and do not find a scribe, then let there be a pledge with
15:49possession of some article to secure your debt.
15:54If one of you entrusts something to another, let him who is entrusted deliver his trust,
16:01and let him take Allah his Lord as a shield.
16:05Do not conceal the evidence, for whoso conceals it, his heart is certainly sinful.
16:12Allah is well aware of all that you do.
16:17To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens, and whatever is in the earth, and whatever
16:23you reveal, that which is in your minds, or conceal it, Allah will call you to account
16:29according to it.
16:32Then he will protect whomsoever he will, and he will punish whomsoever he will, and Allah
16:38is possessor of full power to do all he will.
16:43The messenger believes in what has been revealed to him by his Lord, and so do the faithful.
16:50Everyone believes in Allah, his angels, his books, and his messengers.
16:57And the faithful declare, we make no distinction in believing between any of his messengers.
17:04They say, Lord, we have heard your commandments, and we are obedient.
17:11Grant us your protection, our Lord, for to you is the returning.
17:17Allah charges no soul but to its capacity.
17:21It shall be paid for that which it has done of good, and against it who has incurred evil
17:29Pray, our Lord, take us not to task if we forget or if we make a mistake.
17:36Our Lord, lay not upon us the burden of disobedience as you laid upon those before us.
17:43Our Lord, charge us not with the responsibility which we have not the strength to bear.
17:51Therefore overlook our faults, and grant us protection, and have mercy on us.
17:59You are our master, therefore help us against the disbelieving people.
18:08Ali Imran Family of Amran
18:12With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever-Merciful
18:17Alif Lam Mim I am Allah, the All-Knowing
18:24Allah is He, there is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but
18:33He is the Living, the Self-Subsisting, and All-Sustaining.
18:39He has revealed to you gradually this perfect book, which meets all your requirements, fulfilling
18:46that which preceded it, and which still remain.
18:50He revealed the Torah and the Evangel before this, as a guidance of the people.
18:57And He has revealed the Quran as the criterion of judgment between truth and falsehood.
19:03Those who deny the revelations of Allah, there surely awaits them a severe punishment.
19:10Mighty is Allah, the Lord of Retribution.
19:15As to Allah, verily nothing in this earth nor in the space above is hidden from His
19:24He it is who fashions you in the wombs as He will.
19:28There is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but He, the Almighty,
19:36the All-Wise.
19:40He it is who has revealed to you this perfect book.
19:45Some of its verses are definite and decisive.
19:48They are the basic root conveying the established meanings of the book.
19:53And other verses are susceptible to various interpretations.
19:58As for those in whose hearts is perversity, they follow verses that are susceptible to
20:03different interpretations, seeking to cause dissension, and seeking an interpretation
20:09of their own choice.
20:11But no one knows its true interpretation except Allah, and those who are firmly grounded in
20:18They say, we believe in it, it is all, the basic and decisive verses as well as the allegorical
20:26ones, from our Lord, and none take heed except those endowed with pure and clear understanding.
20:35Our Lord, they pray, let not our hearts become perverse after you have guided us, and grant
20:43us from your own self special mercy, for you alone are the most liberal bestower.
20:51Our Lord, you are invariably going to assemble all humankind on the day about the advent
20:58of which there is no doubt.
21:01Surely Allah never breaks His word.
21:05As to those who disbelieve, neither their possessions nor their children shall avail
21:10them at all against the punishment of Allah, and it is they that will be the fuel of the
21:19Their conduct is like the conduct of the followers of Pharaoh and those before them.
21:25They cried lies to our messages, so that Allah took them to task for their sins.
21:31Allah is severe in retribution.
21:35Say to those who disbelieve, you shall soon be overcome and gathered together to be driven
21:42towards Jahannah, what an evil abode it is.
21:47There has already been for you a remarkable sign in the two armies that encountered each
21:53other in the battle of Badr.
21:56Behold, one army is fighting in the cause of Allah, and the other is an army of disbelievers,
22:03whom they, the Muslims, saw with their naked eyes twice as many.
22:10And Allah strengthens with His help whomsoever He will.
22:16Verily in this is a lesson for those who have eyes.
22:20It has been made fair-seeming to the people the love of the desired things comprising
22:26women, sons, stored up heaps of gold and silver, well-bred horses, cattle, and tilth.
22:35That is the provision of the present life, whereas with Allah is the fairest goal of
22:42Say, shall I inform you of something better than these?
22:48There are with their Lord gardens served with running streams for those who become secure
22:54against evil.
22:56There they shall abide forever, and there will be the righteous companions, perfectly
23:02purified, and above all they will enjoy the good pleasure of Allah.
23:09And Allah is mindful of His servants.
23:13Who say, Our Lord, we have certainly believed, therefore protect us against the consequences
23:21of our sins, and save us from the punishment of the fire.
23:26And those who are patiently persevering, the truthful and the obedient, and those who spend
23:33liberally in the cause of Allah, and the implorers of divine protection in the latter part of
23:39the night, and from the core of their hearts.
23:43Allah bears witness that there is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of
23:49worship but He.
23:51And so do the angels, and those possessed of true knowledge, maintaining justice.
23:59There is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but He, the Almighty,
24:07the All-Wise.
24:08Decidedly, the true faith acceptable to Allah is Islam.
24:16Those who were given the scripture were not at variance except after the knowledge had
24:20come to them.
24:22Their differences were due to mutual envy, and to spite one another.
24:27And whoso denies the messages of Allah should bear in mind that then Allah indeed is quick
24:35at reckoning.
24:37But if they dispute with you, say, I have completely submitted myself to the will and
24:43guidance of Allah, and so have those who follow me.
24:48And say to those who had been given the scripture and to the unlettered, have you also submitted
24:55Indeed, they will be following true guidance if they submit themselves to the will of God.
25:04But if they turn back, then your responsibility is only to convey the message, Allah is ever
25:10watchful of His servants.
25:15Surely those who deny the messages of Allah, and seek to kill the prophets without a just
25:20cause, and slay those among the people who enjoin equity and justice, announce to them
25:26a grievous punishment.
25:28It is they whose deeds go in vain in this world and in the hereafter, and they shall
25:35have none to help them.
25:38Have you not considered the case of those who were given a portion of the scripture?
25:44When they are called to the book of Allah, that it may judge between them, yet a party
25:50of them turn away in sheer aversion.
25:54They do so because they say, the fire will not even brush us, except for a limited number
26:01of days.
26:03Their own lies that they used to forge have deluded them in the matter of their faith.
26:09Then how will they fare when we gather them together for the day about the advent of which
26:14there is no doubt, and when every soul shall be paid in full for what it has accomplished,
26:22and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.
26:25Say, O Allah, the Lord of all power, you grant power to whomsoever you will, and you take
26:34away power from whomsoever you please, and confer honor and dignity on whomsoever you
26:40will, and disgrace whomsoever you will.
26:45All good lies in your hand.
26:48Verily, you are the possessor of full power to do all you will.
26:54You cause the night to merge into the day, and cause the day to merge into the night,
27:02and bring forth the living from the dead, and bring forth the dead from the living,
27:08and provide all sorts of provisions to whomsoever you will, without measure.
27:15Let not the believers take the disbelievers for allies, in preference to the believers,
27:20unless you very carefully guard against evil from them.
27:25Indeed, he who acts likewise in a careless manner, let him remember, he has nothing to
27:32do with Allah, and Allah cautions you against his punishment, for to Allah is the eventual
27:41Say, Whether you conceal that which is in your bosoms, or whether you reveal it, Allah
27:48knows it, and He knows whatever is in the heavens, and whatever is in the earth.
27:55Allah is the possessor of full power to do all that He will.
28:01Beware of the day, when every soul shall be confronted with what good it has done, and
28:07similarly whatever it has done of evil, it will earnestly wish there would be a long
28:14distance between it and between that.
28:18Allah cautions you against His punishment, and Allah is most compassionate to His servants.
28:26Say, Follow me if you love Allah.
28:30If you do so, Allah will love you and grant you protection from your sins.
28:37Allah is great protector, ever merciful.
28:41Say, Obey Allah and this perfect messenger, but if they turn away, then remember that
28:49Allah does not love the disbelievers.
28:53Truly Allah chose Adam, Noah, and the family of Abraham, and the family of Amran, above
29:01all peoples of the time.
29:05They are a lineage co-related with one another.
29:09Allah is all-hearing, all-knowing.
29:14Allah listened when a woman of the family of Amran said, My lord, I do hereby vow to
29:21you what is in my womb to be dedicated to your service, so do accept it of me.
29:28You alone are the all-hearing, the all-knowing.
29:33But when she gave birth to it, she said, My lord, I have given birth to a female.
29:40Allah knew best what she had given birth to.
29:44And the male she was thinking of was not like this female she had brought forth.
29:50I have named her Mary, and I do commend her to your protection, and also her offspring
29:57to be saved from Satan the accursed.
30:01So her lord accepted her with a gracious acceptance, and made her grow into an excellent
30:07form and assigned her to the care of Zachariah.
30:12Every time Zachariah visited her in the chamber, he found her with her provisions.
30:18He said, From where do you get all this, O Mary?
30:23She replied with all conscientiousness, It is from Allah.
30:29Truly Allah provides whomsoever He will without measure.
30:34Then and there did Zachariah pray to his lord, saying, My lord, grant me by your own grace
30:40pure and pious descendant.
30:42You alone are indeed the hearer of prayers.
30:47So the angels called to him as he stood praying in the sanctuary.
30:52Allah bears you the glad tidings of John, who shall confirm the word of God, and who
30:58shall be noble, utterly chaste, a prophet from among the righteous.
31:03Lord, he said, How shall I have a son, now that old age has already come upon me and
31:11my wife is barren?
31:14The lord said, Such are the ways of Allah.
31:18He does what he will.
31:20He said, My lord, give me some instruction.
31:26The lord said, The instruction for you is that you shall not speak to the people for
31:31three days and nights, except by gestures, and remember your lord a good deal and glorify
31:38him in the evening and early in the morning.
31:43Recall the time when the angels said, O Mary, surely Allah has chosen you and has rid you
31:50of all impurities and has preferred you to the women of all contemporary people.
31:56O Mary, be devout to your lord and prostrate yourself and bow along with the congregation
32:03of the worshipers of God.
32:07These are some of the important accounts of the things unseen we have revealed to you.
32:12You were not present with them when they, the priests, cast their quills to decide as
32:18to which of them should have Mary in his charge to arrange her marriage, and you were
32:24not with them when they, the exalted assembly of the angels, were engaged in a discussion
32:31over the issue of Muhammad being entrusted with the divine mission.
32:37Recall the time when the angels said, O Mary, Allah gives you good tidings through a prophetic
32:43word from him about the birth of a son, whose name is the Messiah Jesus, son of Mary.
32:53He shall be worthy of regard in this world and in the hereafter and one of the nearest
32:58ones to him.
33:01And he will speak to the people when in the cradle as a child and when of old age and
33:07shall be of the righteous.
33:10He said, My lord, how can I and whence shall I have a child while no man has yet touched
33:21The lord said, Such are the ways of Allah.
33:25He creates what he will.
33:28When he decrees a thing, he simply commands it be and it comes to be.
33:35The angels continued, And he will teach him the art of writing and reading and the wisdom
33:41of the Torah and the evangel.
33:45And he will appoint him a messenger to the children of Israel with the message, I have
33:50come to you with a sign from your lord.
33:53I have come so that I determine for your benefit from clay a person after the manner of a bird.
34:01Then I shall breathe into him a new spirit so that he becomes a flyer, a spiritual person
34:09by the authority of Allah.
34:12And I absolve the blind and the leprous and I quicken the spiritually dead by the authority
34:18of Allah.
34:20And I inform you as to what you should eat and what you should store in your houses.
34:27Behold, these facts shall surely serve you as a definite sign if you are believers.
34:33And I come confirming that which is before me, namely the Torah, and that I declare lawful
34:39for you some of the things that had been forbidden to you.
34:43I come to you with a sign from your lord, so take Allah as a shield and obey me.
34:51Surely Allah is my lord as well as your lord, therefore worship him.
34:56This is the right path.
34:59But when Jesus felt disbelief on their part and thought his people would renounce him,
35:05he said, Who are my helpers in calling the people towards Allah?
35:11The disciples said, We are the helpers in the cause of Allah.
35:16We have believed in Allah, bear witness that we are the submitting ones to his will.
35:23The disciples then prayed, Our lord, we believe in that which you have revealed and we follow
35:30this messenger, so count us with the witnesses of the truth.
35:35And they the persecutors of Jesus planned to crucify him and Allah planned to save him
35:41and Allah is the best of the planners.
35:46Recall the time when Allah said, O Jesus, I will cause you to die a natural death and
35:53will exalt you to myself and I will clear you of the unchaste accusations of those who
36:00I am going to make your followers prevail over the disbelievers till the day of resurrection.
36:07Then to me, O people, shall be your return and I will judge all of your differences.
36:14Then as for those who disbelieve, I will punish them sternly in this world and in the hereafter
36:21and they shall have no helpers.
36:24As for those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, he will pay them their rewards in full.
36:31Allah loves not the unjust.
36:35That is what we recite to you, the messages and the reminder full of wisdom.
36:42Verily, the case of Jesus is as the case of Adam in the sight of Allah.
36:49He fashioned him out of dust.
36:52Then he said to him, Be, and he came to be.
36:57O reader, this is the real truth from your Lord, hence do not be of the disputers at
37:07Now whoso disputes with you in this matter of Jesus after there has come to you true
37:12knowledge, then say to him, Come, let us summon our sons and your sons, our women
37:20and your women, and our people and your people.
37:24Then let us pray fervently one against the other and invoke the disapproval of Allah
37:30upon the liars.
37:32Verily, this which we have told is certainly the true account.
37:39There is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of worship but Allah, and surely
37:46it is Allah who is the Almighty, the All-Wise.
37:52But if they turn away, then remember that Allah of course knows the mischief-makers.
37:57Say, O people of the scripture, let us agree to a proposition common to us both, that we
38:08worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partner with him, and that some of us
38:15shall not hold others as lords besides Allah.
38:20But if they turn away refusing, say, Bear witness that we are the only submitting ones
38:25to one God.
38:28O people of the scripture, why do you argue about Abraham, while the Torah and the evangel
38:35were not revealed till after him?
38:38Have you no sense?
38:41Behold, you are such as have argued about that whereof you have a little knowledge.
38:47Now why do you argue about that whereof you have no knowledge at all?
38:53Indeed, Allah knows the truth, while you do not.
38:59Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was upright, who had submitted to the
39:06will of God, and he was not one of the polytheists.
39:12The people nearest to Abraham are surely those who followed him in the days of his prophethood,
39:18and this prophet, and those who believe in him.
39:21Indeed, Allah is the patron of the believers.
39:26Believers, a section of the people of the scripture would fain lead you astray, and
39:32it is only the people like themselves that they lead astray, only they perceive not.
39:39O people of the scripture, why do you deny the revelations of Allah, while you are witnessing
39:45their truth?
39:48O people of the scripture, why do you confound the truth with falsehood, and conceal truth,
39:55and that too deliberately?
39:59A section of the people of the scripture said to their companions in confidence, Avow belief
40:05in that which has been revealed to the believers in the early hours of the day, and deny it
40:11in the latter part of it, so that they, the newly converted Muslims, may return to disbelief.
40:20Yet avow this belief only for the sake of those who follow your creed.
40:25Say, Surely the true guidance is Allah's guidance.
40:30And they also said, Do not believe that anyone will ever be given the like of that gift of
40:36prophethood which you have been given, or that they will ever be able to prevail upon
40:43you in argument before your Lord.
40:46Say, Eminence of prophethood and sovereignty is entirely in the hands of Allah.
40:53He confers it to whomsoever He will.
40:56And Allah is all-embracing, all-knowing.
41:03Allah has singled out for His grace of the bestowal of divine revelation, one whom He
41:08has pleased, for Allah is the Lord of great eminence.
41:15And among the people of the scripture, there is He who if you trust Him with a huge treasure,
41:21He will surrender it to you.
41:24Yet there is another among them, that if you entrust Him with a single dinar, He will not
41:30surrender it to you unless you keep on pressing Him.
41:35They do that because they say, We are not liable to be called to account in the matter
41:40of the unlettered.
41:43And they tell a lie in the name of Allah deliberately.
41:47Nay, they will indeed be called to account.
41:52Yet whoso discharges his obligations and guards against evil, he will find that Allah in fact
42:01loves those who guard against evil.
42:05On the contrary, those who take paltry gains for shaking off their covenant with Allah
42:11and their oaths, it is these for whom there shall be no big share in the hereafter.
42:18Allah will never speak to them lovingly nor look at them with affection on the day of
42:23resurrection, nor will He treat them as pure.
42:27There awaits them a woeful punishment.
42:31There are some among them who twist their tongues while reciting their scripture, that
42:37you may think that what they recite is a part of the scripture, whilst it is no part
42:42of the scripture, and they say, This is from Allah, whereas it is not from Allah.
42:51They tell a lie in the name of Allah deliberately.
42:56It is not given to a human being that Allah should give him the book, the sovereignty
43:02and the prophethood, and then he should say to the people, Be servants to me besides Allah.
43:09He would rather say, Be you the sole devotees of Allah, the Lord, for you teach the book
43:17and because you study it.
43:20Nor would it be possible for him that he bid you take the angels and prophets as your
43:28Would he bid you disbelieve, after you have submitted yourselves?
43:34Recall the time when Allah bound the people to a covenant through the prophets, saying,
43:40Indeed, whatever I have vouchsafed to you of the book and the wisdom, and then there
43:45comes to you a messenger fulfilling that which is with you, you shall surely believe in him
43:50and have to help him.
43:52The Lord further said, Do you agree and do you undertake the heavy responsibility of
43:59my covenant on these terms?
44:02They said, We do agree.
44:05God said, Bear witness to it, and I am with you among the witnesses.
44:11Now those who turn away and break their pledge after this will be the real transgressors.
44:19Do they then seek a creed other than Allah's, while all those that are in the heavens and
44:24on the earth submit to him willingly or unwillingly, and to him they shall be made to return?
44:31Say, We believe in Allah, and in that which has been revealed to us, and in that which
44:38was revealed to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and his children, and in
44:46that which was given to Moses and Jesus, and to all other prophets from their Lord.
44:54We make no distinction between any one of them in believing them, and to him alone do
44:59we submit.
45:02And whosoever seeks a faith other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him, and he
45:08shall be of the losers in the hereafter.
45:13How is Allah to guide a people who renounce their faith after having accepted it, and
45:18after testifying to the truth of the messenger, and after clear and sound proofs had come
45:25to them?
45:26And Allah never guides a people who cannot discriminate between right and wrong.
45:33It is these whose recompense is that the disapproval of Allah shall be upon them, and that of the
45:40angels, and of the people altogether.
45:45They shall abide there for long, their punishment shall not be reduced, nor shall they be reprieved.
45:54Accept those who repent after this, and make amends.
45:59Such will find that surely Allah is the great Protector, ever merciful.
46:06Verily those who chose disbelief after they had believed, and then go on increasing in
46:13disbelief, their repentance shall not be accepted, and these are the people who are completely
46:21Verily as to those who have disbelieved, and die while they are disbelievers, there shall
46:28not be accepted from any one of them, even an earth full of gold, if he would ransom
46:33himself thereby.
46:35There awaits them a woeful punishment, they shall have no helpers either.
46:43Never shall you attain the highest state of virtue, unless you spend in the cause of Allah,
46:49out of that which you love, and whatever you spend, Allah indeed knows it well.
