Juz' 2 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 2 months ago
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00:00The weak-minded among the people will say, What has made these Muslims turn from their
00:06first Qibla?
00:08The direction they were facing in their prayer, the holy place of worship at Jerusalem, to
00:13which they conformed so far.
00:16Say, To Allah belongs the East and the West.
00:21He guides him who wishes to be guided to the right path.
00:27And thus have we made you a nation exalted and jesterly balanced, so that you may be
00:33a guiding example for all people, and this perfect messenger of God may be a guiding
00:39example for you.
00:41And we did not make that which you would have to be the Qibla, but that we might distinguish
00:47him who follows the messenger from him who turns upon his heels.
00:52And this change of Qibla is indeed a hard test except for those whom Allah has guided
01:00It was not Allah's purpose that your faith and your worship should go in vain.
01:05Surely Allah is compassionate and ever-merciful to the people.
01:11Verily we have seen the turning of your attention, O Prophet, repeatedly towards heaven.
01:17We will certainly give you possession of the Qibla of your liking.
01:21So turn your attention in the direction of Masjid al-Haram.
01:27And wherever you be, turn your attention in the direction of it.
01:32And surely those scholars who have been given the scripture know for certain that this change
01:37of Qibla is a true commandment proceeding from their Lord.
01:42And as for the disbelievers, Allah is not at all unmindful as to what they do.
01:49And even if you should bring to those who went astray, and who have been given the scripture
01:54before you, all kinds of signs together, they would not follow your Qibla, nor would you
02:01be the follower of their Qibla, nor would some of them be the follower of one another's
02:07And if you, O reader, should follow their low desires after all this knowledge that
02:12has come to you, then indeed you would be of the unjust.
02:19Those of the righteous to whom we have given the book recognize him as they recognize their
02:25own sons.
02:27But some of them do conceal the truth, even though they know it.
02:31It is the truth from your Lord.
02:34So do not be of those who doubt, and so waver.
02:40And everyone has an ideal for which he bears up.
02:44So your ideal should be to vie one with another in doing all moral and physical good deeds.
02:52Wherever you may be, Allah will bring you all together.
02:57Allah indeed is the possessor of full power to do all that he will.
03:02And from wherever you, O Prophet, may go forth, keep your attention fixed in the direction
03:08of Masjid al-Haram, for that indeed is the true commandment proceeding from your Lord,
03:15and Allah is not at all unaware of what you do.
03:21And from wherever you come forth for saying your prayer, turn your attention in the direction
03:26of Masjid al-Haram.
03:29And wherever you may be, O Muslims, turn your faces in the direction of it, that people
03:34may have no excuse against you, except such of those as are unjust.
03:40Then do not fear them as they follow the wrong course.
03:44But you need only stand in awe of me.
03:47And this command has been given to you, that I may perfect my blessings upon you, and that
03:53you may attain your goal.
03:57Just as the Kaaba is a means to your guidance, so we have sent to you a great messenger from
04:03among yourselves, who recites to you our messages, and purifies you, and teaches you
04:09the book and the wisdom, and teaches you what you did not know.
04:15So glorify me, and I will grant you eminence, and be thankful to me, and be not ungrateful
04:22to me for my favors to you.
04:25O you who believe, seek God's help with perfect patience and prayer, for surely Allah is with
04:33thee patiently persevering.
04:37And do not count as dead those who are killed in the cause of Allah.
04:42Rather they are living, only you perceive not their life.
04:47And we will certainly reward you after disciplining you with something after fear, and hunger,
04:54and some loss of substance, and of lives, and with fruits of your toils.
05:00Give good tidings to the patiently persevering, who when a calamity befalls them say, surely
05:07we belong to Allah, and to Him of course we return.
05:12It is they upon whom descend the benedictions from their Lord, and His mercy, and it is
05:19they who are guided aright.
05:23The Safa and the Marwa, the two eminences near Kaaba, are certainly two of the symbols
05:29of Allah.
05:30So he who is on pilgrimage to the house, or performs Umrah, there is no blame on him to
05:37perform Tawaf, to run between the two eminences.
05:41And he who remains thoroughly dutiful, and chooses to do good deeds spontaneously, then
05:47surely he will find Allah is appreciative, and rewards every good deed done.
05:54Surely Allah is all-knowing.
05:58Verily those who conceal the clear evidences, and the guidance which we have revealed, after
06:04we have explained them to the people in this book, these it is whom Allah deprives of His
06:09mercy, and also disapprove all those who can disapprove.
06:15Select such of them as repent, and mend themselves, and declare clearly the truth which they used
06:23to hide.
06:24It is they to whom I shall turn with mercy, for I am the oft-returning with compassion,
06:30and the ever-merciful.
06:33But those who persist in disbelief, and die while they are disbelievers, these are the
06:39ones upon whom will be the disapproval of Allah, and of the angels, and of people, in
06:46short of all of them.
06:49They shall remain in this state for long.
06:52Their punishment shall not be reduced for them, and no respite shall be given to them.
06:59And your God is one God, there is no other, cannot be, and will never be one worthy of
07:06worship but He, the most gracious, the ever-merciful.
07:12Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of the sequence
07:18of the night and the day, and in the ships that sail in the ocean carrying the things
07:23which are useful to the people, and in the water which Allah sends down from the clouds
07:29with which He brings the dead earth into life, and in all sorts of crawling animals which
07:35He has spread all over it, and in the turning about of the winds, and in the clouds subjected
07:43to His law between the heavens and the earth, there are indeed signs for a people who use
07:50their understanding.
07:52In spite of all these evidences in support of the unity of God, there are some people
07:57who take to themselves compeers as opposed to Allah.
08:02They love them as they should love Allah, but those who believe are stauncher in their
08:07love for Allah, and if only those who committed this wrong could but see the time when they
08:13shall see the punishment, they would realize that the complete power only belongs to Allah,
08:20and that Allah is severe at inflicting the punishment.
08:25At that time, when those who were followed shall disown and sever themselves from their
08:31followers, and they shall see the punishment with their own eyes, and all their ties and
08:37means shall be cut asunder, and at that time the followers shall say, If we could only
08:44return to the life of the world, we would disown them and sever ourselves from them,
08:50as they disowned and severed themselves from us.
08:54Thus Allah will make them regret their deeds, and they shall never of themselves get out
09:00of the fire.
09:02O people, eat what is lawful and pure of the produces of the earth, and follow not the
09:10footsteps of Satan, for he is your enemy, severing you from Allah.
09:16He, Satan, only bids you to indulge in evil, and to do things foul and obscene, and that
09:24you say against Allah things you do not know.
09:29And when it is said to them, Follow what Allah has revealed, they say, We would rather
09:35follow such things as we found our forefathers doing and believing.
09:39Would they do so even though their forefathers could not refrain from evil, nor could they
09:44achieve their goal?
09:47The case of one that calls those who refuse to obey the commandments of God is like the
09:53case of one who shouts to one, an animal, who hears nothing but a mere call and a cry.
10:01They are deaf, dumb, and blind, moreover they do not use their reason.
10:08O you who believe, eat of the good and pure things we have provided you with, and render
10:15thanks to Allah, if it is He alone whom you really worship.
10:21He has forbidden you only to eat carrion, that which dies of itself, the blood, the
10:28flesh of swine, and that over the sacrifice of which the name of someone other than Allah
10:35has been invoked.
10:37Yet he who is constrained without desiring them, nor going beyond the limits of bare
10:43necessity, incurs no sin.
10:46Surely Allah is great Protector, ever merciful.
10:51Surely those who hide any part of the teaching which Allah has revealed in this perfect book,
10:56and take a paltry price for it, it is these who feed their bellies with nothing but fire.
11:03And Allah will not speak to them on the day of resurrection, nor will He treat them as
11:08pure, and there awaits them a grievous punishment.
11:14It is these who have preferred error to guidance, and punishment to protection.
11:21The onlookers of these sufferers will say, how very enduring they are at the punishment
11:26of the fire.
11:29That punishment is because whereas Allah caused the perfect book to be revealed to suit all
11:35the requirements of truth and wisdom, they have rejected it outright.
11:40Surely those who dissented from the perfect book have indeed gone far astray in enmity
11:46of the truth and in obstinacy.
11:50It is not the sole virtue that you turn your faces to the East or the West, but true virtue
11:57is theirs who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, and in the Prophets,
12:06and who give away their wealth and substance out of love for Him, to the near of kin, the
12:13orphans, the needy, the wayfarer, and to those who ask, and in ransoming the slaves, and
12:23who observe the prayer, who go on presenting the zakat, and those who always fulfill their
12:29pledges and agreements when they have made one, and those who are patiently persevering
12:35in adversity and distress, and steadfast in times of war.
12:40It is these who have proved themselves truthful, and it is these who are strictly guarded against evil.
12:50O you who believe, equitable retaliation has been ordained for you in the matter of the
12:59Everyone shall pay for his own crime, the free man murderer for the free man murdered,
13:06and the slave murderer for the slave murdered, and the female murderer for the female murdered.
13:15But as for him who has been granted any remission by his aggrieved brother or family, then pursuing
13:21of the matter shall be done with equity and fairness, and the payment of the blood money
13:26to him, the heir, should be made in a handsome manner.
13:31This is an alleviation from your Lord, and a mercy.
13:36But he who exceeds the limits after this commandment, for him is a grievous punishment.
13:44O people of pure and clear wisdom, your very life lies in the law of equitable retaliation.
13:52You have been commanded so that you may enjoy security.
13:57It has been prescribed for you at the time of death to any one of you, that if the dying
14:03person is leaving considerable wealth behind, to make a will to his parents and the near
14:09of kin to act with equity and fairness.
14:13This is an obligation incumbent upon those who guard against evil.
14:19He who alters it after he has heard it should know that it is those that alter it who shall
14:25bear the burden of sin.
14:28Allah indeed is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
14:33If any one apprehends that the testator is partial or follows a sinful course, there
14:40will be no blame on him provided he sets things right and so brings about reconciliation between
14:48Surely Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
14:53O you who believe, you are bound to observe fasting as those before you were bound, so
15:01that you may guard against evil.
15:05You are required to fast for a prescribed number of days, but if any one of you is sick
15:12or is on a journey, he shall fast to make up the prescribed number in other days.
15:18And for those who are unable to fast is an expiation as thanksgiving, the feeding of
15:24a poor person daily for the days of fasting, and he who volunteers extra good will find
15:31that it is even better for him.
15:34And that you observe fasting is better for you, if you only knew.
15:41This lunar month of Ramadan is that in which the Quran started to be revealed as a guidance
15:47for the whole of people with its clear evidences providing comprehensive guidance and the discrimination
15:55between right and wrong.
15:58Therefore he who shall witness the month should fast for full month during it, and he who
16:04is sick or is on a journey shall fast to make up the prescribed number in other days.
16:11Allah wishes facility for you and does not wish hardship for you.
16:16This facility is given to you that you may complete the number of required fasts.
16:23And you may extol the greatness of Allah for his having guided you, and that you may render
16:28thanks to him.
16:31And when my servants ask you concerning me, tell them, I am nearby indeed.
16:39I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to me, so they should respond to
16:45my call and believe in me, so that they may proceed in the right way.
16:53It is made lawful for you on the night of the fast to approach and lie with your wives
16:58for sexual relationship.
17:00They are a sort of garment for you and you are a sort of garment for them.
17:06Allah knows that you have been doing injustice to yourself by restricting conjugal relations
17:10with your wives even at night.
17:13So he turned to you with mercy and provided you relief.
17:17Now enjoy their company and seek what Allah has ordained for you.
17:23Eat and drink till the white streak of the dawn becomes distinct from the black streak.
17:29Then complete the fast till nightfall, and you shall not lie with them while you perform
17:38These are the limits imposed by Allah, so do not approach these limits.
17:43Thus does Allah explain his commandments for people that they may become secure against
17:50Do not appropriate one another's property with iniquity and by false means, nor seek
17:56to gain access thereby to the authorities so that you may appropriate a portion of other
18:02people's property by sinful means and bribery, and that too knowingly that you have no right
18:09to do so.
18:11They ask you about the lunar months.
18:15Say they are appointed periods of time for general convenience of people and for determining
18:22the time of pilgrimage.
18:25And it is no virtue that you come into the houses from the backs of them, but the true
18:29virtue is his who guards against evils.
18:33So instead of fostering superstitious habits, you should rather enter the houses from their
18:38proper doors and take Allah as a shield so that you may be successful.
18:46And fight in the cause of Allah those who fight and persecute you, but commit no aggression.
18:53Surely Allah does not love the aggressors.
18:57And slay them, the aggressors against whom fighting is made incumbent, when and where
19:02you get the better of them, in disciplinary way, and turn them out whence they have turned
19:08you out.
19:09Killing is bad, but lawlessness is even worse than carnage.
19:15But do not fight them in the precincts of Masjid al-Haram unless they fight you therein.
19:21Should they attack you there, then slay them.
19:25This indeed is the recompense of such disbelievers.
19:29But if they desist from aggression, then behold, Allah is indeed Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
19:39And fight them until persecution is no more and religion is freely professed for Allah.
19:46But if they desist from hostilities, then remember there is no punishment except against
19:53the unjust who still persist in persecution.
19:58The violation of a sacred month may be retaliated in the sacred month, and for the violation
20:05of all sacred things the law of retaliation is prescribed.
20:10Then he who transgresses against you, punish him for his transgression, to the extent he
20:16has transgressed against you.
20:18And take Allah as a shield, and know that Allah is with those who guard against evil.
20:26And spend in the cause of Allah, and do not cast yourselves into ruin with your own hands,
20:33and do good to others, and verily Allah loves the doers of good to others.
20:40Accomplish the Hajj and the Umrah for the sake of Allah, but if you are kept back, then
20:47offer whatever sacrifice is easily available.
20:51And do not shave your heads as is prescribed for the pilgrims, till the offering reaches
20:56its destination in time or place.
21:00And whosoever of you is sick, and has an ailment in his head necessitating shaving before time,
21:07then he should make an expiation, either by fasting, or almsgiving, or by making a sacrifice.
21:15When you are in peaceful and healthy conditions, then he who would avail himself of the Umrah,
21:22together with the Hajj, should make whatever offering is easily available.
21:28And whosoever finds none for an offering, should fast for three days during the days
21:33of the pilgrimage, and for seven days when he returns home.
21:37These are ten complete days of fasting in all.
21:41This is for him whose family does not reside near the Masjid al-Haram.
21:46Take Allah as a shield, and know that Allah is severe in retribution if you neglect your
21:55The month of performing the Hajj are well known.
21:59So whoever undertakes to perform the Hajj in them, should remember that there is to
22:04be no obscenity, nor abusing, nor any wrangling during the time of Hajj.
22:11And whatever good you do, Allah knows it.
22:15And take provisions for yourselves.
22:18Surely the good of taking provision is guarding yourself against the evil of committing sin
22:24and begging.
22:26Take me alone as your shield, O people of pure and clear wisdom.
22:33There is no blame on you that you seek munificence from your Lord by trading during the time
22:37of Hajj.
22:39When you pour forth in large numbers from Arafat, then glorify Allah with still more
22:44praises near Masjid al-Haram, the holy mosque in Musdalifah, and remember Him with gratitude
22:52as He has guided you, though formerly you were certainly amongst the astray.
22:59And then proceed to return from Arafat, from where the people proceed to come back and
23:05seek Allah's protection.
23:07Verily Allah is all-protector, ever-merciful.
23:13When you have completed the rites of devotion of the Hajj prescribed for you, remember Allah
23:18with praises as your lauding of your parents, or yet more earnest devout lauding.
23:26Now there are some of the people who say, Our Lord, grant us all things in this very
23:32world, and there is no share for such in the hereafter.
23:37And there are others among them who say, Our Lord, grant us good in this world as well
23:43as good in the hereafter, and guard us against the punishment of the fire.
23:49It is they for whom there is a very large portion of the reward of what good deeds they
23:54have accomplished, and Allah is quick at reckoning.
23:59Remember Allah at Mina with His praises during these days appointed for this purpose.
24:06However, if anyone hastens to leave the valley of Mina, after two days there is no sin for
24:13him, and if anyone stays behind it is no sin for him either.
24:20This direction is for him who guards against evil under all circumstances.
24:25So take Allah as a shield, and know that you shall all be brought together before Him.
24:33Of the people there is he whose talk about the present life pleases you, and he calls
24:39Allah to witness as to that sincerity which is in his heart, and yet he is of the most
24:45contentious of all the adversaries.
24:49And when he is in authority, he runs about in the land, striving to create chaos and
24:55lawlessness in it, and to destroy the tillage and the stock.
25:00But Allah does not love disorder.
25:04When it is said to him, Take Allah as a shield, vain pride holds him to sin.
25:11Jahannam shall suffice him as a reward, and how evil a resort it is.
25:19Of the people there is he who sacrifices his very life seeking the pleasure of Allah, and
25:26Allah is very kind and compassionate towards such of his servants.
25:32O you who believe, enter into the fold of those showing complete submission to Allah,
25:39all of you, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan, verily he is your enemy, severing
25:46you from Allah.
25:49But if you slip off, even after the clear proofs that have come to you, then bear in
25:55mind that Allah is Almighty, all-wise.
26:02If the people do not believe even now, they look for nothing but that Allah should come
26:07to them with the threatened punishment in the shadows of the clouds as well as the angels
26:12to execute his orders, and the matter be settled, and to Allah are returned all matters
26:20for decisions.
26:23Ask the children of Israel, how many a clear sign did we give them?
26:28And whoever changes the favor of Allah after it has come to him with every convincing proof
26:33and so makes himself deserving of punishment, he will find that Allah is surely severe in
26:43Decked out fair is this present life to make it appear attractive to those who disbelieve,
26:49and they hold those who believe in condemnation.
26:52But those who guard against evil shall be placed above them on the day of resurrection,
26:58and Allah provides his gifts for whom he will without reckoning and measure.
27:05Mankind were once a single community, but they differed, so Allah raised his prophets
27:12as bearers of good tidings and as warners.
27:15And with them he revealed the scriptures containing the truth, that he might judge between various
27:21people concerning all their mutual differences.
27:25But none differed therein except the very astray, to whom it, the scripture, had been
27:31given, and they differed only after clear proofs had come to them out of spite against
27:37one another.
27:39Now Allah guided those who believed by his lead to the truth concerning which they, the
27:46disbelievers, had differed.
27:48And Allah guides whosoever wishes to be guided to the right and straight path.
27:55Do you think that you will enter paradise, while there has not yet come upon you the
28:00like of that which befell those who passed away before you?
28:04Distress and afflictions befell them, and they were made to suffer the violent tremors,
28:10so that the messenger and those who believed along with him spoke out, When will come the
28:15help of Allah?
28:18Then they were told, Behold, surely the help of Allah is always nearby.
28:26They question you as to what they should spend to seek the pleasure of Allah.
28:31Say, Whatever of good and abundant wealth you spend should be for parents and near of
28:37kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer.
28:43And whatever good you do, surely Allah knows it fully well.
28:49Fighting has been ordained for you, though it is hard for you.
28:53But it may be that a thing is hard upon you, though it is really good for you.
28:59And it may be that you love a thing, while it is bad for you.
29:03Allah knows all things while you do not know.
29:08They ask you with regard to fighting in the sacred month.
29:13Say, Fighting in it is a grave offense, but to bar people from Allah's cause and disbelief
29:20in Him and to hinder people from the holy mosque and to turn out its people therefrom
29:27is still grave in the sight of Allah.
29:29And persecution is all the more grave an offense than killing.
29:34And they will not cease to fight you until they turn you back from your faith if they
29:39And whoso from amongst you turns back from his faith and dies while he is a disbeliever,
29:46it is they, then, whose deeds go in vain in this world and the hereafter.
29:51And it is they who are the fellows of the fire and therein shall abide for long.
29:58Verily, as to those who believe and those who emigrated and struggled hard in the cause
30:04of Allah, it is they who do rightly hope for Allah's mercy.
30:09And Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
30:15They ask you concerning intoxicants and games of chance.
30:19Say, In both of them is a great sin, and both are harmful too.
30:25And they have some uses for people, but the sin inherent in them is even more serious
30:31than their usefulness.
30:33They ask you how much they should spend in the way of Allah.
30:38Say, The surplus, what you can spare after spending on your basic requirements, thus
30:44does Allah make clear His commandments, so that you may reflect upon this world and the
30:52And they ask you concerning the orphans.
30:55Say, To set their affairs right, keeping in view the promotion of their welfare, is an
31:02act of great virtue.
31:05And if you intermix with them, they are after all your brethren.
31:10And Allah knows the wrongdoers from the rightdoers.
31:15And if Allah had so willed, He would certainly have made matters difficult for you.
31:20Verily, Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
31:25And marry not an idolatress until she believes, while a believing maid is certainly better
31:31than an idolatress, even though she may highly please you.
31:36And do not give believing women in marriage to idolaters until they believe.
31:41And a believing slave is better than a free idolater, even though he may highly please
31:48It is they who invite to the fire.
31:51But Allah calls to the paradise and to the protection by His command.
31:57He makes His messages clear for the people so that they may take heed.
32:03They ask you about having conjugal relations during menstruation.
32:08Say, It is harmful and a pollution.
32:11So keep aloof from women during menstruation, and do not approach them for sexual relation
32:17until they are thoroughly cleansed.
32:21But when they have fully cleaned themselves, you may come to them as Allah has ordained
32:27Verily, Allah loves those who frequently turn to Him with repentance, and He loves the strivers
32:33to purification of themselves.
32:37Your wives are as a tilth to produce and rear children for you.
32:43So come to your tilth when and how you like, and send forward some good for yourselves,
32:49and take Allah as a shield, and know that you shall meet Him and give good tidings to
32:55the believers.
32:58And make not Allah an excuse through your oaths, that you may thereby abstain from doing
33:04good, and from becoming secure against evil, and from setting the affairs right, and from
33:10making peace between various people.
33:13And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
33:18Allah will not call you to account for what is vain and unintentional in your oaths, but
33:22He calls you to account for what your minds resolve and accomplish by intentional swearing.
33:30And Allah is Great Protector against false, highly forbearing.
33:36Those who vow to abstain from their wives, the maximum period of waiting for them is
33:41four months, after which divorce becomes inevitable.
33:46Then if they are reconciled within four months and revert to their normal relations, then
33:51surely Allah is Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
33:56But if they have resolved on divorce, then they should know that surely Allah is All-Hearing,
34:05And the divorced women must keep themselves waiting for three monthly courses as Eidat,
34:11and it is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs, if indeed
34:18they believe in Allah in the last day.
34:21And their husbands have a better right to take them back in the meanwhile, provided
34:26they desire and mean reconciliation.
34:29And women have their rights similar to those of men, and their obligations in an equitable
34:35and just manner.
34:37Yet men have a place above them, and Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.
34:46Such a revocable divorce may be pronounced twice.
34:50Then after the second pronouncement, they should be either retaining the wife with honor
34:55and fairness, or letting her leave with goodness.
34:59And it is not lawful for you to take back anything of what you have given them, however,
35:05if both the husband and the wife fear that they cannot abide by the injunctions of Allah,
35:11And if you, the Muslim community, also fear that they cannot observe the limits prescribed
35:17by Allah, then there is no blame on either of them in what she gives up to redeem herself
35:23as Khula.
35:25These are the injunctions of Allah, therefore do not violate them.
35:30And whoso violates the injunctions of Allah, it is they who are really the wrongdoers.
35:37But if he divorces her for the third time, then she is not lawful for him after that
35:43until she has married another husband.
35:47Now if he, the second husband, also divorces her of his own accord, then there is no blame
35:54on them, the former husband and wife, to return to each other by remarriage, provided they
36:00are sure that they will be able to abide by the injunctions of Allah.
36:05These are the injunctions of Allah.
36:08He makes them clear to the people who would know.
36:12And when you divorce your women, a revocable divorce, and they approach the end of their
36:17idad, the prescribed period of waiting after divorce, then either retain them in an equitable
36:24manner or send them away, freeing them in an equitable manner.
36:29And do not retain them wrongfully, that you may exceed the proper limits and do them harm
36:34and maltreat them.
36:36And whosoever does that, he has indeed done wrong and injustice to himself.
36:42Do not take Allah's commandments in a light way, and remember Allah's favor upon you and
36:50what He has revealed to you of the Book and the Wisdom, wherewith He exhorts you.
36:56And take Allah as a shield, and know that Allah has perfect knowledge of everything.
37:04When some of you divorce their women for the first or the second time, and they approach
37:08the end of the prescribed period of waiting, then do not prevent them from remarrying their
37:14former husbands, when they have agreed between themselves to an equitable and decent contract.
37:22This is an exhortation for those among you who believe in Allah in the last day.
37:29This is more blissful for you and purer, and Allah knows while you do not know.
37:37The mothers shall give suck to their children for two full years.
37:41This instruction is for him who desires to complete the period of suckling.
37:47And it is incumbent on the man to whom the child is born, to provide them, the mothers,
37:53the usual maintenance and their clothing for this period, equitably and according to
38:00No soul is charged with a duty except to its capacity.
38:05Neither shall a mother be made to suffer on account of her love for her child, nor shall
38:11he to whom the child is born be made to suffer on account of his child.
38:17The father's heir has a like duty, however, if mother and father both desire weaning by
38:24mutual consent and consultation, then there is no blame on either of them.
38:30And if you desire to provide a wet nurse for your children, there is no blame on you, provided
38:36you hand over what you have agreed to pay equitably and in accordance with popular usage.
38:42To keep your duty to Allah, and know that Allah is seer of what you do.
38:50Those of you who die and leave wives behind, these wives should keep themselves in waiting
38:56for four months and ten days.
38:59So when they reach the end of their prescribed term of waiting, then there is no blame on
39:03you for what they do with regard to themselves about their remarriage in an equitable manner,
39:09and Allah is fully aware of what you do.
39:14There is no blame on you respecting that which you speak indirectly regarding a proposal
39:20of marriage to these widowed women in their period of waiting, or whether you keep it,
39:26the proposal, hidden in your minds.
39:30Allah knows that you will think of them in this connection, yet make no agreement or
39:36promises with them secretly, except that you say a decent word, and confirm not the
39:42marriage tie until the prescribed period of waiting reaches its end.
39:47And know that Allah knows what is in your minds, therefore beware of him, and know that
39:53Allah is indeed a great protector against false, highly forbearing.
40:00There is no blame on you if you divorce women while you have not touched them, and you have
40:05not yet settled for them any marriage portion, but provide for them the affluent man according
40:11to his means, and the one in straightened circumstances according to his means, a provision
40:18in an equitable manner and in accordance with popular usage.
40:22This is an obligation on the doers of good to others.
40:27But if you divorce them before you have touched them, while you have already settled for them
40:32a marriage portion, then half of what you have settled is due to them, unless they,
40:38the women, forego their full due or a portion of it, or he, the husband, in whose hand is
40:45the tie of marriage, foregoes a portion or the full half, which he is entitled to deduct,
40:51and thus pays the whole dowry money.
40:54And that you, husband, forego and pay the whole dowry money is nearer to becoming secure
41:01against evil.
41:03And do not neglect to do good to one another, verily Allah sees well what you do.
41:11Be watchful over the prayers, especially the middle and most excellent prayer, and do stand
41:18up before Allah, truly obedient.
41:22And if you apprehend any danger, then say your prayer on foot or mounted, but when you
41:29are secure, then remember Allah in the manner He taught you, and which manner you did not
41:35know before.
41:37And those of you who die and leave wives behind, there is a binding injunction of God for their
41:43wives for a year's maintenance, without being turned out of their homes.
41:48But if they go out of their own accord during this period, there is no blame on you with
41:54regard to what they do about themselves in an equitable and decent manner, and Allah
42:00is Almighty, All-Wise.
42:04And for the divorced women, also a provision should be made in a fair and equitable manner.
42:11This is an obligation binding on those who guard against evil and have regard for duty.
42:19Thus does Allah make His commandments clear to you so that you may abstain from evil.
42:25Have you not considered the case of those Israelites who in their exodus fled from their
42:31homes in Egypt with Moses, and they were a congregation of thousands for fear of death?
42:39Then Allah said to them, Die, with the result that this generation perished while wandering
42:44in the wilderness for forty years.
42:48Then from the next generation He revived them and made them inherit the promised land.
42:55Allah is munificent to people, but most of the people give Him no thanks.
43:01And fight in the cause of Allah and know that Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
43:09Who is there that performs for Allah an act of the noblest virtue and cuts off a portion
43:15of His goodly gifts for Allah, so He multiplies it to Him manifold.
43:21And Allah receives the sacrifices and amplifies, and to Him you shall be made to return to
43:27get the amplified reward of your deeds.
43:32Have you not considered the case of the chiefs of the children of Israel who lived after
43:37the time of Moses, when they said to a prophet of theirs, Appoint for us a controlling authority
43:45that we may fight in the cause of Allah.
43:48He said, Is it not likely that if fighting is prescribed for you, you will not fight?
43:54They said, And what reason have we that we should not fight in the cause of Allah, and
44:00we have been indeed driven forth from our homes and parted from our children.
44:05Yet when fighting was prescribed for them, they backed out, except a few of them, and
44:11Allah knows the unjust well.
44:15And their prophet of God said to them, Verily Allah has appointed Talut to be a controlling
44:21authority over you.
44:23They said, How can he have sovereignty over us, whereas we are better entitled to sovereignty
44:30than he, and he has not been given abundance of wealth.
44:34He, their prophet of God replied, Surely Allah has chosen him above you, and he has given
44:42him a vast deal of knowledge and of bodily strength.
44:47And Allah gives his sovereignty to whom he wills, for Allah is all-embracing, all-knowing.
44:55And their prophet of God said to them, The sign of his sovereignty is indeed that there
45:01shall come to you in his reign the Tabut, the heart, in which there will be Shekinah,
45:08tranquility from your Lord, and legacy of good left by the followers of Moses and the
45:15followers of Aaron, the angels bearing it.
45:19Verily there is a sign for you in that, when you are true believers.
45:25So when Talut marched out with the forces, he said, Verily Allah is going to test you
45:32by the ordeal of a stream, whosoever drinks of it he will not then belong to me, and whoso
45:39does not taste it he shall certainly belong to me, excepting him who takes only a handful
45:46of water with his hand.
45:49But they drank of it except a few of them, so that when he had crossed it, and those
45:54who believed along with him, they said, We have no power today against Jalut, the assailant,
46:01the Goliath, and his forces.
46:05But those who held it as certain that they one day were going to meet Allah said, How
46:10often a small company has triumphed over a numerous host by the leave of Allah, and Allah
46:17is with the patiently persevering.
46:21And when they confronted Jalut and his forces, they said, Our Lord, grant us perseverance
46:29and keep our footholds firm, and help us against the disbelieving people.
46:37At last they routed them by the leave of Allah and David killed Jalut, and Allah gave him
46:44the sovereignty and the wisdom and taught him of what he pleased.
46:49And had it not been for Allah repelling the people, some of them by the others, the earth
46:55would have been in a state of disorder.
46:58But Allah is full of grace to the worlds.
47:02These are the messages of Allah, we recite them to you with the truth, and you are indeed
47:09one of the messengers.
