Juz' 1 - ENGLISH ONLY Recitation with Arabic_English Text. Night Mode (Dark Background)

  • 2 months ago
Qur'an o Ahaadees Ki Roshni Mein Islam Ka Message Zyada se zyada Logon Tak Pohchane Mein Hamari Madad Karen Is Video Ko Apne Sabhi Contacts Aur Groups Mein Share Zaroor Karen


00:00With the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful
00:09All type of perfect and true praise belongs to Allah alone, the Lord of the worlds.
00:17The Most Gracious, the Ever Merciful Master of the Day of Requital
00:24You alone do we worship and you alone do we implore for help.
00:30Lead us on the exact right path till we reach the goal.
00:34The path of those on whom you have bestowed your blessings, those who have not incurred
00:40your displeasure, and those who have not gone astray.
00:46Al-Baqarah The Cow
00:48Alif Lam Mim I am Allah, the All-Knowing
00:57This is the only perfect book, wanting in naught, containing nothing doubtful, harmful
01:04or destructive.
01:05There is no false charge in it.
01:09It is a guidance for those who guard against evil.
01:13Those who believe in the existence of hidden realities, that which is beyond the reach
01:19of human perception and ordinary cognizance, and who observe the prayer and spend on others
01:26out of that which we have provided for them.
01:30And who also believe in that message which has been revealed to you, and in that which
01:35had been revealed before you, and who have firm faith in the hereafter.
01:41It is they who follow the guidance from their Lord, and it is they alone who are successful
01:47in attaining their object in this life and in the hereafter.
01:52As for those who are bent upon denying the truth, they would not believe because it is
01:58all the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them.
02:03With the result that Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing and
02:09on their eyes is a covering, and a mighty punishment awaits them.
02:15There are some people who say, we believe in Allah and the last day, while they are
02:21no believers at all.
02:24They abandon Allah and those who believe, but they, as a matter of fact, only deprive
02:30themselves of the blessings of God, and they do not perceive it.
02:36In their hearts was a disease, and Allah has increased their disease.
02:42A woeful punishment awaits them because of their persistent lies.
02:49When it is said to them, do not disturb the peace of the land, they say, we are simply
02:55setting things right.
02:58Beware, they alone are the peace breakers, but they do not perceive its evil consequences.
03:07And when it is said to them, believe as other people believed, they say, shall we believe
03:14as the weak-minded have believed?
03:17Beware, it is they only who are weak-minded, but they do not know.
03:26And when they meet those who have believed, they say, we too have believed.
03:32But when they are alone with their ringleaders, they say, we are in reality with you.
03:39We were simply making light of them.
03:44Allah will bring down disgrace upon them and will let them continue in their ways of transgression.
03:50They are blindly wandering.
03:53It is they who have preferred misguidance to guidance, but their bargain has fetched
03:58no profit, nor are they rightly guided.
04:03Their case is like the case of a person who kindled a fire in darkness, but no sooner
04:09did it light up their surroundings than Allah took away their light and left them in different
04:15kinds of darkness, in a state in which they could see nothing.
04:21They are deaf, dumb, and blind, so they will not return to the right path.
04:30Or the case of some of the hypocrites is like the case of those who are hit by heavy downpour
04:36from the clouds, wherein there are different kinds of darkness, thunder, and lightning.
04:43They plug their ears with their fingers against the thunderclaps fearing death, and Allah
04:48encompasses the disbelievers to punish them.
04:52The lightning, being so intensely dazzling, may well-nigh snatch away their sight.
04:59As often as it flashes for them they walk, and when it darkens against them they come
05:05to a halt.
05:07Indeed, if Allah had so willed, He would have taken away their hearing and their sight.
05:15Allah is indeed the possessor of power to do all that He will.
05:21O people, worship your Lord who has created you, as well as those before you that you
05:28might be secure against all sorts of calamities.
05:33It is He who made for you the earth a resting place, and the heaven an edifice for protection,
05:40and caused water to pour down from the clouds.
05:44Then He brought forth therewith a great variety of fruit for your sustenance.
05:51Therefore do not set up compares to Allah, while you are people of knowledge.
05:58And if you have any doubt as to the truthfulness of the Qur'an, which we have revealed to our
06:04servant from time to time, produce a single surah like any of the chapters of this, summoning
06:12to your assistance all your helpers that you have beside Allah, if you are truthful
06:18in your doubts.
06:21But if you fail to do so, and never shall you do it, then guard against the fire, the
06:28fuel of which will be human beings and stones.
06:32It is prepared for the disbelievers.
06:36And give good tidings to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, that there
06:41await them gardens from beneath which the streams flow.
06:46Every time they are given any kind of fruit from them to eat, they will say, This is the
06:52same we were given before.
06:55They will be given it in perfect semblance to their deeds.
06:59They shall have therein companions purified, and will abide therein forever.
07:07Indeed Allah does not disdain to cite a parable of a thing even as small as a gnat, or of
07:13something smaller than that.
07:16Be it as it may, those who have believed know that this is a true parable from their Lord.
07:23As for those who disbelieve, they say, What could Allah mean by citing such a parable?
07:31Rarely does He adjudge to be erring because of these parables, and many does He guide
07:37through them.
07:39Yet it is only the transgressors whom He adjudges to be erring because of them.
07:45Transgressors are the people who break the covenant with Allah after its solemn binding,
07:52and sever the ties which Allah has bidden to be joined, and create disorder in the land.
07:59It is they who are the losers.
08:02O people, how can you deny Allah?
08:07When you were without life, He gave you life.
08:11Then He will cause you to die, and again raise you to life, and you shall be made to return
08:17to Him.
08:20It is He who created for your benefit all that is in the earth.
08:25Moreover, He turned Himself towards the space and fashioned seven perfect heavens.
08:31He has full knowledge of all things.
08:35And recall when your Lord said to the angels, I am, according to my usual practice, going
08:42to appoint a supreme religious head in the land, to convey my message to human beings
08:48and to execute my will in the universe.
08:52They said, Will you create also therein such people as will cause disorder in it and shed
08:59blood while we already glorify you with your true praise and extol your holiness?
09:06He, God, answered, I know that which you do not know.
09:13And He taught Adam the names, all of them.
09:17Then He presented the objects of these names to the angels and said, Tell me the names
09:22of these things if what you say is right.
09:25They said, Glory be to you.
09:28We have no knowledge except that which you have given us.
09:32You indeed only, you are the all-knowing, the all-wise.
09:39He said, Adam, tell them their names.
09:43So when He had told them their names, He said, Did I not tell you that indeed I know the
09:49hidden realities of the heavens and of the earth, and I know what you reveal and what
09:55you conceal?
09:58And recall when we said to the angels, Make obeisance to Adam.
10:03So they obeyed, except Iblis.
10:07He refused stubbornly and waxed proud, and he was already one of the disbelievers.
10:14And we said, O Adam, dwell you and your wife in this garden and eat freely and plentifully
10:21from it as you will, but you shall not go near this tree, lest you should be of the
10:30After some time the Satan caused them both to slip from this, and thus brought them out
10:37of the happy state which they were in.
10:40And we said to them, Go forth.
10:43Some of you are enemies of others, and for you there is a sojourn in this land and a
10:48provision for a time.
10:52After that Adam received from his Lord certain useful commandments, and he turned to Him
10:58with mercy.
10:59He indeed is oft returning with compassion, the ever-merciful.
11:06We said, Go forth from this state, all of you, and when there comes to you a guidance
11:12from me, then those who follow my guidance shall have nothing to fear and nothing to
11:18grieve at.
11:20And those who disbelieve and belie our messages shall be the inmates of the fire.
11:26There they shall abide for long.
11:29O children of Israel, remember my blessings which I bestowed upon you and fulfill the
11:37covenant you made with me.
11:40I shall fulfill the covenant I made with you, and me alone you should hold in awe.
11:48And believe in what I have revealed now, confirming the prophecies of the Scripture which are
11:54already with you, and do not be the first to deny it, neither take a paltry price for
12:00my messages, and me alone you should take as a shield for protection.
12:08Do not confound the truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth knowingly.
12:15And observe prayer, present zakat, and devote yourselves to the service of one God, along
12:23with those who are wholly devoted to the service of one God.
12:28How is it that you enjoin others to do good and neglect your own selves while you recite
12:36the Scripture?
12:38Do you not even after reading the Scripture abstain from evils?
12:43Seek God's help through perfect perseverance and prayer, and this is indeed a very hard
12:52thing except for those who are humble, who know for certain that they will meet their
12:57Lord and that they will return to Him.
13:02O children of Israel, remember my blessings which I bestowed upon you, and that I exalted
13:08you above your contemporaries.
13:11And guard yourself against the agony of the day when no human being shall avail another
13:17in any way, nor an intercession be accepted on anyone's behalf, nor any compensation be
13:24taken from them, nor will they be helped.
13:28And recall when we delivered you from the people of Pharaoh, who subjected you to the
13:34worst torment.
13:36They went on slaying your sons and sparing your women, and indeed that was a great ordeal
13:44from your Lord.
13:46And when we parted the sea for you, and rescued you, and drowned the people of Pharaoh while
13:52you were beholding.
13:55And when we made an appointment with Moses, that of spending forty nights on Mount Sinai.
14:02Then you took to worship the golden calf in his absence, and you were transgressors in
14:08doing so.
14:10Yet we pardoned you after that so that you might give thanks.
14:16And recall when we gave Moses the scripture and the discrimination, so that you might
14:22be guided aright.
14:25And when Moses said to his people, O my people, you have indeed done injustice to your own
14:32selves by your taking to the worship of the calf, so you had better turn penitently to
14:38your Creator, who gradually evolves you in your being, and kill your ringleaders.
14:46That indeed will be best for you in the sight of your Creator.
14:51Since you did as you were told, he turned towards you with compassion.
14:56Verily he alone is the oft-returning with compassion, and is the ever-merciful.
15:05And when you had said, O Moses, we shall by no means believe you unless we see Allah openly
15:13face to face.
15:16Thereupon the thunderbolt of punishment overtook you, and you were beholding the consequences
15:22of your conduct.
15:24Then we raised you up after your death-like stupor, so that you might give thanks.
15:32Then we outspread the cloud to be a shade over you, and we supplied you manna and quails,
15:40saying, Eat of the good things we have provided you.
15:44They disobeyed, and by so doing did us no harm, but it is to their own selves that they
15:52had been doing harm.
15:55And when we said, Enter this near at hand township, and eat from it as you wish, freely,
16:03and enter the gate submissively, and go on praying, O Lord relieve us of the burden of
16:09our faults.
16:11We shall then protect you against the evil consequences of your faults, and we shall
16:16multiply the rewards of those who do good to others.
16:22But those who were bent on doing wrong gave a different version to the order that was
16:28given them, and thus acted contrary to the divine will.
16:33So we sent down upon those who did wrong a pestilence from heaven, because they had been
16:38transgressing persistently.
16:43And recall the time when Moses prayed for water for his people, and we said to him,
16:49Go with your people and smite that particular rock with your staff.
16:53So when he did so, they gushed forth from it twelve springs, so that every tribe came
16:59to know of its drinking place.
17:01We said, Eat and drink of sustenance provided by Allah, and commit not transgression in
17:08the land like peace breakers.
17:10And when you said, Moses, we are weary of one kind of food, so we will not at all remain
17:17content with one and the same food.
17:21Pray therefore to your Lord for us that he may bring forth for us some of that which
17:25the earth produces, of its vegetables, of its cucumbers, its corn, its lentils, and
17:32its onions.
17:34He, God said, Would you take in exchange that which is inferior for that which is superior?
17:43If this is so, then go to some town, and you will certainly have there all that you have
17:51And lo, it so happened that they were smitten with abasement and destitution, and they incurred
17:58the displeasure of Allah.
18:01That was because they denied the messages of Allah, and sought to kill His prophets
18:06unjustly, and that was because they disobeyed and had been transgressing.
18:14Surely those who profess to believe in Islam, and those who follow the Jewish faith, the
18:20Christians, and the Sabians, whosoever of these truly believes in Allah in the last
18:25day and acts righteously, shall have their reward with their Lord, and shall have nothing
18:31to fear, nor shall they grieve.
18:36And recall, O children of Israel, when we took a covenant from you, and it was the time
18:42when you were at the foot of Sinai, with the summits of the mount towering above you, saying,
18:49Hold fast to what we have given you, and bear in mind that which is in it, so that you may
18:55guard against evil.
18:57Then even after that you went back upon your covenant.
19:01Had it not been for the grace of Allah and His mercy upon you, you would have certainly
19:07been of the losers.
19:11And indeed you have come to know the end of those of you who transgressed regarding the
19:17Thereupon we said to them, Be you as apes, despised.
19:25Thus we made this incident an example to learn a lesson from, for those present at
19:30the time of its occurrence, and also for those who came after it, and an admonition to all
19:37those who guard against evil.
19:41Recall when Moses said to his people for their own good, Verily Allah commands you to slaughter
19:47a cow.
19:48They said, Do you make a mockery of us?
19:52He said, I seek refuge with Allah from being one of the ignorant.
19:59They said, Pray for us to your Lord to make clear to us what kind of a cow it is.
20:07He replied, Says he, It indeed is a cow neither too old nor too young, but of middle age,
20:16in between.
20:18Now do as you are commanded.
20:21They said, Pray for us to your Lord to make clear to us of what color it is.
20:29He replied, Says he, It is a cow fawn of color, is intensely rich in tone, very pleasing to
20:39the beholders.
20:41They said, Pray for us to your Lord to make clear to us what it, this cow in question,
20:50is, definitely like, for all such cows are much alike to us, and we shall indeed, if
20:58Allah will, be guided to the right goal.
21:02He said, He, God says, It is indeed a cow neither broken in to plow the land, nor to
21:11water the tillage, perfectly sound without any blemish, no spot on her.
21:19They said, Now you have after all brought the exact truth.
21:25So they slaughtered her, though they had no mind to do it.
21:31And recall also, when you had nearly killed a man, then you differed among yourselves
21:38respecting it, and Allah will bring to light that which you had been hiding.
21:45So we said, Judge it in the context of its other circumstances.
21:51That is how Allah brings the dead to life, and He shows you His signs, so that you may
21:57refrain from evil.
22:00Then your hearts hardened after that, so that they were hard like rocks, or harder still,
22:08for there are rocks out of which streams come gushing forth, and there are some others
22:13out of which some water comes forth when they split asunder, and indeed there are some hearts
22:19that humble themselves for awe of Allah.
22:23And Allah is not at all unmindful as to what you do.
22:29Do you, O Muslims, expect that they will believe you while you see there are some of them who
22:34hear the word of Allah and then tamper with it after having fully understood it, and they
22:39know that this way of theirs is wrong?
22:44And when they meet those who believe, they say, We too have believed.
22:49But when they go apart one with another, they say, Do you inform them what Allah has disclosed
22:56to you?
22:57That they thereby, availing themselves of it, may prevail upon you in argumentation
23:03on the authority of your Lord?
23:06Will you not then use your reasoning power?
23:10Do they not know that Allah knows all they conceal and all that they make known?
23:18And some among them are illiterate, who do not know the scripture except cramming it
23:24up and are doing nothing but making conjectures.
23:28Woe, therefore, to those who write the scripture with their own hands and then say, This is
23:34from Allah.
23:36They do so that they may thereby acquire some paltry gains.
23:42Woe to them for what their hands have written, to give them out as word of God.
23:48Again we say, Woe to them for what they do of evil deed.
23:54In spite of their evil doings, they say, the fire of punishment shall not touch us
24:00except for a few days.
24:03Say, Have you taken a promise for unconditional salvation from Allah?
24:10If you have, then Allah will never go back upon His promise.
24:15But is it not a fact that you attribute to Allah things you do not know?
24:22The truth is that those who do evil and who are encompassed by their sins are the inmates
24:29of the fire, and therein they shall abide for long.
24:35But those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, it is they who are the owners of paradise.
24:42Therein they shall abide forever.
24:47And recall when we took a covenant from the children of Israel.
24:51You shall worship none except Allah and do good to your parents and to the near of kin
24:58and the orphans and the poor as well.
25:02And you shall speak kindly to all people and observe prayer and present purifying alms.
25:10But afterwards you all turned away and broke your covenant except a few of you, and you
25:16are averse to guidance and ways of virtue.
25:21And recall when we took a covenant from you.
25:24You shall not shed each other's blood, and you shall not expel your people from your
25:31Then you confirmed it, promising to abide by it, and you witnessed the covenant.
25:38Yet you are the very people who, violating the terms of the covenant, slay your own people
25:45and expel a section from among you from their homes, backing up one another against them
25:51sinfully and transgressingly.
25:55And if they come to you as captives seeking your help, you ransom them, while their very
26:02expulsion was forbidden to you.
26:05Do you believe only in a part of the scripture, while a part you deny?
26:12What is the recompense of those among you who act like that, accept disgrace in this
26:19And on the day of resurrection they shall be given over to the severest chastisement.
26:26And Allah is not at all unmindful as to what you do.
26:31It is they who have taken the present life in preference to the hereafter.
26:37Therefore the agony shall not be reduced for them, nor shall they be helped in any
26:42other way.
26:46Indeed we gave Moses the scripture and sent messengers after him in successive series.
26:52We also gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear arguments, and strengthened him with the blessed word
26:59of God.
27:00Is it not then unjust on your part that whenever a messenger came to you, O Jews, with that
27:07teaching which did not suit your fancies, you behaved arrogantly?
27:12You belied some messengers, while others you seek to kill even now.
27:18They said, Our hearts are storehouses of knowledge, so that we stand in no need of further teaching.
27:27Rather Allah has deprived them of his mercy for their disbelief, with the result that
27:32little they believe.
27:35And now when there has come to them the glorious book from Allah, fulfilling that prophecy
27:40which is already with them, and previous to that they had been praying for victory over
27:46those who disbelieved, yet when that long-awaited prophet and the Qur'an came to them, which
27:53they recognized also to be the truth, they disbelieved in it.
27:58And because of this rejection, the disapproval of Allah is the due for the disbelievers.
28:07Evil is that thing they have sold themselves for that they should reject that source of
28:11guidance which Allah has revealed, grudging that Allah should send down his grace on such
28:17of his servants as he pleases.
28:20Thus they have incurred his displeasure after displeasure.
28:24There awaits these disbelievers a humiliating punishment.
28:31When it is said to them, Believe in that which Allah has sent down, they say, We believe
28:39only in that which has been sent down to us.
28:44And they deny everything other than that and which has since been revealed, though it,
28:51the Qur'an, is the lasting truth and corroborates that which is already with them in their own
28:58Say, Why then did you seek to kill the prophets of Allah in former times if you were real
29:07Moses did come to you with clear arguments, yet you took to the worship of the calf in
29:12his absence and you were not justified in doing so.
29:17And recall when we took a covenant from you while you had encamped at the foot of Sinai,
29:23with the summits of the mount towering above you, and we had said, Hold fast to that which
29:30we have given you and obey.
29:34But those of you who were given this commandment said, We hear and we disobey.
29:42Their hearts were, in fact, permeated with the love of the calf due to their disbelief.
29:49Say, Evil is the way to which your faith leads you if you are believers at all.
29:56Say, If the last abode with Allah is especially reserved for you excluding all other people,
30:04then invoke death upon yourself standing against the prophet of Islam if you are on the right.
30:12But never shall they invoke it on account of that which their own hands have sent before.
30:19Allah knows these wrongdoers very well.
30:23And you shall of course find them the greediest of all people for this base life, and even
30:28more greedy than those who set up equals to God.
30:32Each one of them would love to be granted a life of a thousand years, yet his being
30:38spared for a long life shall, by no means, keep him away from the punishment.
30:44And Allah is watchful of all their doings.
30:48Say, He who is an enemy to Gabriel, because it is he who has brought down this Quran on
30:55your heart by the command of Allah, and which confirms the scriptures which preceded it,
31:02and it is a guidance and good tidings to the believers.
31:06Let him bear in mind that whoever is an enemy to Allah and his angels and his messengers
31:14and Gabriel and Michael, then of course Allah himself is an enemy to such disbelievers.
31:23And we indeed have sent down to you clear arguments which none but the disobedient reject.
31:31Is it not a fact that every time they made a covenant some of them cast it away, rather
31:36most of them have no true faith?
31:40And now when a great messenger has come to them from Allah, confirming that scripture
31:45which is with them, a party of those who were given the scripture cast away the book of
31:50Allah behind their backs as if they know it not.
31:54Moreover, they pursue the same tactics which the rebels had followed against the empire
32:02of Solomon.
32:03And it was not Solomon that had committed breach of faith, but it was the rebels that
32:08had committed breach of faith.
32:10They, the Jews of Medina, teach the people the modes of intriguing, and also pursue that
32:17which had once been revealed to the two angels Harut and Marut in Babylon.
32:24But these two would not teach anything to anyone without first declaring, We are but
32:30a trial for you here, do not therefore commit breach of faith.
32:35So they, the followers of Harut and Marut, learnt from them that teaching by which they
32:41made a distinction between man and his wife.
32:45Yet they would not harm anyone thereby by their practice save by the command of Allah.
32:52But these people are learning things that would harm them and do them no good.
32:59They do it even though they know that he who adopts this course will have no share
33:05of good in the hereafter.
33:07Indeed, evil is that thing which they have sold themselves for, had they but known this
33:16And if these Jews had kept their faith and guarded against these evils, surely they would
33:21have received a better reward from Allah, had they but known it.
33:27O you who believe, say not while addressing the Prophet, ra'ina, listen to us, a word
33:36used for showing disrespect for the person addressed.
33:40Rather say an equivocal phrase, unzurna, we beg your attention, and listen to him attentively,
33:51that you stand not in need of any such phrases that have double meanings, one in a good sense,
33:57the other in a bad one.
33:59Indeed, there awaits the disbelievers a grievous punishment.
34:05Neither those from among the people of the scripture who disbelieved, nor the polytheists,
34:11like that any good should be sent down to you from your Lord.
34:16But Allah singles out for his mercy whomsoever he wishes.
34:21And Allah is of a bounding bounty.
34:25Whatever message we abrogate or abandon it, we bring a better message than that, or at
34:31least the like of it.
34:34Do you not know that Allah is indeed possessor of power to do all he will?
34:41Do you not know that to Allah alone belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth,
34:47and that you have, apart from Allah, neither a protecting friend nor a helper?
34:55Rather you, Jews, like to question your messenger unduly, as Moses was questioned before.
35:03And he who adopts disbelief instead of belief had undoubtedly strayed from the straight
35:08direction of the path.
35:12Many of the people of the scripture would love to turn you back after your having believed
35:17into disbelievers out of selfish envy and after the truth of this Qur'an has become
35:24apparent to them.
35:26But pardon them and overlook until Allah shall make manifest his will.
35:33Indeed Allah is possessor of every power to do all he will.
35:40And observe the prayer and present the zakat and whatever good you send forward for yourselves
35:47you will find it with Allah.
35:50Verily Allah is watchful of all that you do.
35:54And they, the Jews and the Christians, say respectively about themselves, none shall
36:00ever enter paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian.
36:05These are their wishful beliefs.
36:07Say, bring forth your vivid proof of what you state if you are right.
36:14The truth of the matter is, whosoever submits himself entirely to Allah, and he is a doer
36:21of good to others, shall have his reward with his Lord.
36:25They shall have nothing to fear and nothing to grieve at.
36:30The Jews say, the Christians have no valid ground whatsoever for their belief.
36:37While the Christians assert, the Jews have no valid ground at all for their belief.
36:42While they both read the same scripture, exactly such ill-founded things say those
36:49who have no knowledge.
36:51But Allah shall judge between them on the day of resurrection with regard to all that
36:56about which they had been disagreeing.
37:00And who can be more unjust than those who prohibit the name of Allah from being extolled
37:06in any of his houses of worship and strive to ruin them?
37:11It was not proper for such ever to enter these places except in fear and awe.
37:18For them is disgrace in this world and there awaits them a severe punishment in the hereafter.
37:26And to Allah belongs the East and the West.
37:30So whichsoever way you may turn, you will find there is Allah's attention.
37:36Surely Allah is all-pervading, all-knowing.
37:39Moreover, they, the unjust people, say, Allah has taken to himself a son.
37:49Glory be to him, rather all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to him.
37:56All are obedient to him.
37:58God is the wonderful originator, without depending upon any matter or pattern of the heavens
38:05and the earth.
38:06And when he issues a decree, he does but say to it, Be, and it comes to be.
38:15And those who do not know the wisdom implied in divine revelations say, Why does not Allah
38:21himself speak to us or give us a convincing sign?
38:27That is exactly what their predecessors had said.
38:31Their hearts have become very much alike.
38:34We have certainly made our signs explicitly clear for a people who wish to be convinced.
38:42Verily, we have sent you to serve all their requirements, as a bearer of good tidings
38:50and a warner.
38:52And you will not be called upon to account for the inmates of the flaming fire.
38:59And the Jews will never be pleased with you, nor the Christians, unless you follow their
39:05Say, Allah's guidance is the only perfect and true guidance.
39:10If you were to follow their low desires, after there has come to you this perfect knowledge,
39:17you shall have from Allah neither a protecting friend nor any helper.
39:23They, the true Muslims to whom we have given the book, follow it as it deserves to be followed.
39:29It is they who truly believe in it.
39:32And whoso does not believe therein, these are they who are the utter losers.
39:39O children of Israel, remember my favor which I conferred upon you, and that I exalted you
39:47above all your contemporaries.
39:50And guard yourselves against the agony of the day, when no being shall avail another
39:56in any way, nor any compensation be accepted on anyone's behalf, nor any intercession shall
40:03be profitable to anyone, nor they shall be helped.
40:09Recall when his Lord put Abraham to test with certain commandments, so he carried them out.
40:18God said, Verily, I will make you an imam, a religious leader, for the good of the people.
40:26Abraham said inquiringly, And from among my progeny, too, do you promise to raise leaders?
40:34God said, Yes, but my covenant does not embrace the wrongdoers.
40:42And when we made the house, the Kaaba at Mecca, a frequent resort for people and a
40:47place of peace and security, and we commanded, Take to yourselves the place of Abraham, for
40:56a center and face towards it during prayer.
41:00And we enjoined Abraham and Ishmael, Purify and clean my house, for those who perform
41:06the circuit around it, and those who cleave to it for devotion, and for those who bow
41:11down before Allah and prostrate to him in prayer.
41:16And when Abraham said praying, My Lord, make this Mecca a city of peace and provide its
41:25inhabitants, such of them who believe in Allah in the last day, with fruits.
41:32God said, And on him, too, who disbelieves, I will bestow favors for a little while.
41:39Then I will drive him to the punishment of the fire.
41:42What an evil end!
41:46And when Abraham raised the foundations of the house and Ishmael with him, and they were
41:51praying, Our Lord, accept this service from us, you indeed, you are the all-hearing, the
42:01Our Lord, make us both submissive servants to you alone, and raise from our progeny a
42:09community submissive and preaching virtue and submissiveness to you, and show us our
42:16ways of worship and turn to us with mercy, for only you are the oft-returning with compassion,
42:23the ever-merciful.
42:24Our Lord, do raise among them a great messenger from among themselves, who may recite to them
42:32your messages and teach them the book and wisdom, and may purify them.
42:38You indeed, you are the Almighty, the All-Wise.
42:45And who will show aversion to Abraham's creed except he who has befooled himself?
42:51We did make him our chosen one in this world, and surely he in the hereafter will surely
42:58be counted among the righteous.
43:02When his Lord said to him, Submit, he said, I have already submitted to the Lord of the
43:10The same faith did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and so did Jacob, saying, My sons, surely
43:19Allah has chosen you for this faith.
43:22See that when you die, you are in a state of complete submission according to his will.
43:30Were you present when death visited Jacob, and when he said to his sons, What God will
43:36you worship after me?
43:38They replied, We will worship your God, the God of your fathers, Abraham, Ishmael, and
43:46Isaac, the only one God, and to him do we submit ourselves.
43:53This was a community preaching righteousness, which has passed away.
43:58For them is the fruit of what good deeds they performed, while for you is the reward of
44:04what noble deeds you perform.
44:07You will not be called upon to account for their deeds.
44:12And they, the Jews and the Christians respectively, said, Be Jews or be Christians, then you shall
44:19be on the right course.
44:21Say, Nay, but ours is the faith of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the polytheists.
44:32Say, We believe in Allah and in that which has been revealed to us, and what was revealed
44:39to Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and his children, and what was given to Moses
44:46and Jesus, and we believe in what was given to all other prophets from their Lord.
44:52We, while believing in them, make no discrimination between any one of them, and to him do we
44:59submit ourselves entirely.
45:04Now if they believed just as sincerely as you have believed in this Quran, then of course
45:11they are guided aright.
45:13But if they turn back, then they are only in schism and fighting against the truth.
45:20In that case, Allah will surely suffice you against them, for he is the all-hearing, the
45:28Assume the hues and the attributes of Allah, and who is fairer than Allah's hues and attributes?
45:38We are his worshippers ever.
45:41Say, Do you dispute with us with regard to Allah, while he is our Lord and your Lord
45:49as well?
45:51We shall be judged by our deeds and you by your deeds, and to him alone are we sincerely
45:58Do you, O Jews and the Christians, say that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and his children
46:06were Jews or Christians?
46:09Say, Have you then greater knowledge, or is it Allah who knows better?
46:15And who is more unjust than he who conceals the testimony he has from Allah, and Allah
46:22is not at all unaware of what you do?
46:27These are a community preaching righteousness that have passed away.
46:31For them is the good fruit of what good deeds they performed, while for you is the reward
46:37of what good and noble deeds you performed, and you shall not be called to account for
46:42their deeds.
