Green Bay Packers at Dallas Cowboys - 1.Half ( 1993 Week 05 )

  • 2 months ago
see more from the Dallas Cowboys :
00:00:00Part of the 93 season at home.
00:00:07A full house is on hand at Texas Stadium as the Green Bay Packers come to Irving to take on the Dallas Cowboys.
00:00:17Good afternoon, everybody. I'm Vern Lundquist, along with Dan Fouts at Texas Stadium.
00:00:21Two teams who come in with identical records, 1 and 2, but such different attitudes, Dan.
00:00:27The Cowboys are almost buoyant because of the return of Emmitt Smith.
00:00:30And well, they should be. Jimmy Johnson told us yesterday that as a player, Emmitt Smith is so vital to this football team.
00:00:36But he's also well-respected and liked by his teammates, and we all can remember just how many times that this man has pulled us through.
00:00:43The Green Bay Packers have lost the last two times out in heartbreaking fashion.
00:00:48How do they overcome that, and how do they win today?
00:00:50Well, Coach Mike Holmgren told me yesterday, we just got to let it fly.
00:00:54We got to be aggressive on offense. That means getting quarterback Brett Favre out of the pocket, perhaps.
00:00:59And we've got to stretch the defense deep by throwing to Sterling Sharp.
00:01:03But also on defense, look for the Packers to be more aggressive, perhaps blitzing more in passing situations.
00:01:11It rained overnight in North Texas, and the skies are cloudy.
00:01:15That is why the field is damp. No threat of rain immediately. Temperature in the upper 60s.
00:01:21Dory Harris, number one in the league in kickoff returns, will do that chore now.
00:01:25Nope, it's going to be Daryl Thompson for Green Bay, and he's got some room.
00:01:29A lot more, and here's Eddie Murray, who has to dive down, and Thompson stopped and was touched.
00:01:36Now, there is a flag back on the play.
00:01:39The flag is going to be offsides against Dallas, Vern, so this return will stand.
00:01:43But what happened, it looked like number 44, Dexter McNabb, tripped up Thompson.
00:01:49That's why you saw Thompson get back up on his feet and run down the field.
00:01:56Dory Harris leads the league in returns, and that time it was Daryl Thompson who's back as a personal blocker more often than not.
00:02:03Here's Tom White.
00:02:05Offsides, number 37 on the kicking team. The penalty is declined to take the result of the play first down.
00:02:13Packers open at their own 45-yard line.
00:02:16Brett Favre, who has been bothered by the Blitz the last two weeks, expect the Cowboys to come.
00:02:24Second year as a starter now for the Green Bay Packers, first time that Favre has ever played in this stadium.
00:02:30First down from the 45, Sharp is in motion.
00:02:33They hand it off to John Stevens, and he gets a couple.
00:02:39Let's check the Packer offense now.
00:02:42Along with Favre, you've got a front line of Rutgers, Frank Winters, Rich Moran still injured,
00:02:47Kampen, Galbraith and Tootie Robbins.
00:02:50John Stevens and Edgar Bennett both played very well, especially early last week.
00:02:55Sterling Sharp and Mark Clayton are the wide receivers.
00:02:58And Jackie Harris is the tight end.
00:03:01Second down and eight.
00:03:08Ball at the 47.
00:03:12Favre, short set up, finds his tight end, Jackie Harris.
00:03:15And that will be close to the first down.
00:03:18At the Cowboy 46-yard line, Ken Norton, the new middle linebacker, makes the stop.
00:03:23For Dallas, it's Haley, Russell Merrill, Casillas and Tony Talbert.
00:03:27Up front, it's T-O-L-B-E-R-T, not Tobert.
00:03:31Darren Smith, Ken Norton and Dixon Edwards are the linebackers.
00:03:35Norton, the new middle linebacker.
00:03:38In the secondary, Brown and Everett, Woodson and Kevin Smith.
00:03:44Third and one.
00:03:47Three tight ends now. West and Chimura join Jackie Harris.
00:03:53That's Chimura in motion.
00:03:56Edgar Bennett moves it across the 45, first and ten, Green Bay.
00:04:03That excellent return by Darrell Thompson gives Favre and the Packers
00:04:07an obviously wonderful field position.
00:04:09And look for Favre and the Packers to be more aggressive with their pass offense.
00:04:14Favre said he wants to use a couple of bootlegs, a couple of waggles, get away from the pressure.
00:04:19But they also know it's vital that they have to force the ball down the field
00:04:24to open things up for their short passing game.
00:04:27In each of their last two games, they have scored on the opening drive and lost both times.
00:04:32Into the flat, out of the backfield, Edgar Bennett.
00:04:36And he moves it inside the 40 to the 39, Kevin Smith and Dixon Edwards
00:04:41make the tackle.
00:04:43Talking to Bennett yesterday, he says he's got three roles on this football team.
00:04:47Number one as a runner, number two as a blocker and number three as a receiver.
00:04:52And he had a wonderful game against the Minnesota Vikings doing all three of those things
00:04:56just a week ago.
00:04:58Second down and five. No score, opening drive of the ballgame.
00:05:03Blitz is threatened. Here comes the Blitz and they try to sweep to the right side.
00:05:07Cowboy John Stevens, the ball carrier, and it's Darren Smith and his first start as a pro, number 59.
00:05:14He played for Timmy Johnson at Miami and he makes the tackle.
00:05:18The sweep is a good call against the Blitz, but when you have speed from the left side,
00:05:22we're going to see number 59, Darren Smith, run this play down.
00:05:27Cowboys pride themselves in having great team speed.
00:05:30Darren Smith is just a rookie, but one of the reasons Jimmy Johnson wants him in the lineup
00:05:34is he runs a 4-4-40.
00:05:3735, no score, double tight end set for the Packers now.
00:05:41One running back, that's John Stevens.
00:05:44Sharp to the right side, Clayton to the left, Jackie Harris in motion.
00:05:48No Blitz on the line, Sterling Sharp makes the grab and his 84th start for the Green Bay Packers.
00:05:56Last year's leading receiver in the NFL with 108 grabs.
00:06:01Perhaps the most gifted zone pass receiver, should we say.
00:06:05Look how he finds the hole between all those secondary men.
00:06:08Four of them converge after the catch and that's important for the Cowboys
00:06:12because nobody runs better with the ball after the catch than Sterling Sharp.
00:06:17Second, third down conversion. It's first and ten at the 27th, make it the 28th.
00:06:23Not the 27-yard line officially. Here's a reverse to Sharp.
00:06:27Casillas just misses him, but Benson Pursuit catches up.
00:06:32Dixon Edwards, or rather Darren Woodson, made the stop.
00:06:37That's a loss of five.
00:06:39That play took too long to develop. By the time that Favre finally handed it off to Sharp,
00:06:44Casillas was in the backfield with great penetration for Sharp deep
00:06:48and that made an easy play for Woodson to push Favre to push Sharp out of bounds for that loss of four.
00:06:55Second and 14.
00:07:05Stevens the motion there. Favre, left side to Bennett.
00:07:10Winners with a block. Bennett inside the 20 and out of bounds at the 11-yard line.
00:07:16Edgar Bennett who said he wanted to catch about 70 yards worth of passes today.
00:07:21Yeah, his ideal day would be 50 rushing and 70 pass receiving and a whole lot of good blocks.
00:07:27Here's a good block here by number 75, Ken Rutgers.
00:07:31He'll run Haley all the way up the field, keep him away from Favre and create a nice throwing lane
00:07:36so Bennett can see the ball easily and then get all the way down to inside the 15-yard line, almost to the 10.
00:07:44That's a gain of 20. The Packers have a first and 10 and they can get a first down without the touchdown.
00:07:51Stevens, bounced at the 10-yard line.
00:07:55The Packers got the great return by Thompson and this is another good opening drive for the Packers.
00:08:01They've done this in each of their three games.
00:08:04They've got to finish this one off with a touchdown to make it four in a row where they've scored on their opening drive.
00:08:09Mike Holmgren's team won the first game of the year 36-6 over the Rams.
00:08:15Lost to Philadelphia at home on a last-second field goal
00:08:19and did the same last week on the road in Minnesota.
00:08:25Second and eight. No score opening quarter.
00:08:31Sharp in motion left side. Quick set up into the right flat for Mark Clayton.
00:08:37He had one grab last week, none the week before that.
00:08:40He's been almost an absent member of this offense, his new team of course.
00:08:44He played so many years in Miami.
00:08:46One thing that all the Packer opponents know is that when Sharp goes in motion,
00:08:50the reason Holmgren's doing that is to get him off the bump and run,
00:08:54to give him more opportunities to catch the ball.
00:08:56That time Holmgren and Favre changed things up.
00:08:59They put Sharp in motion to the left and threw the quick out to a wide open Mark Clayton to the right.
00:09:06Third and two.
00:09:08Bennett and Stevens back in the backfield.
00:09:11They split two wide receivers right side.
00:09:16The clock goes down to two seconds.
00:09:19And our first example of a bad rule by the NFL.
00:09:23That 42nd clock costs Favre and Holmgren a very expensive timeout.
00:09:299.05 remaining first quarter. Packers on the three.
00:09:35We have a linebacker today, Vern.
00:09:36Ken Norton moves from the weak side to the middle.
00:09:39And it's amazing that the Cowboys just won the Super Bowl a couple of months ago,
00:09:43and they have three linebackers in this lineup today that are playing,
00:09:47that didn't play in that game, in these positions.
00:09:50And they are now facing a Green Bay team that has a third and two and three.
00:09:54They can make a first down without the touchdown.
00:09:57Jackie Harris in motion.
00:09:59They'll throw it, and it's caught at the goal line.
00:10:02Is it a touchdown? No indication yet.
00:10:04No. No TD, but it's a first down.
00:10:08Woodson made the tackle, but it'll be first and goal, Green Bay.
00:10:14A quick slant to Sharpe. He just comes right down the middle,
00:10:17and it's a perfect pass by Favre.
00:10:19And great defense by Woodson and Norton.
00:10:23Keeping Sterling Sharpe inches away from the end zone.
00:10:29Green Bay scored on its opening drive at home against Philadelphia.
00:10:32Opening drive on the road last week at Minnesota.
00:10:36And they are inches away now with four shots at it.
00:10:39Chamura in motion.
00:10:41Edgar Bennett popped up high.
00:10:46Broke the plane. Green Bay lead 6-0.
00:11:03Packer backs reverse rolls that time.
00:11:05That time it was John Stevens lining up the halfback position,
00:11:08leading Edgar Bennett over the top.
00:11:12Really an impressive drive to open the game.
00:11:16Good field position established by Darryl Thompson's 42-yard kickoff return.
00:11:22The key play in the drive was a 20-yard screen pass to Edgar Bennett on third down.
00:11:28Here's Chris Jackie.
00:11:29Who played high school ball in nearby Richardson, Texas.
00:11:34Edgar Bennett told us yesterday that being a football player is a lot about attitude.
00:11:40And sometimes a little bit of height gets you in the end zone.
00:11:43Packers are up by 7.
00:11:46An all-football league is sponsored by Oldsmobile.
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00:12:01Always Coca-Cola.
00:12:03And by Xerox.
00:12:05The Document Company.
00:12:09Well, some of the cheeseheads have found seats here in Texas Stadium.
00:12:15And the Cowboys are down by 7.
00:12:17Here's Chris Jackie's kickoff.
00:12:19Kevin Williams drifts back.
00:12:20And it'll be a touchback come out to the 20-yard line.
00:12:23And the Dallas Cowboys take
00:12:26offense for the first time.
00:12:27Troy Aikman.
00:12:28Who had a terrific game week before last in Phoenix.
00:12:31Twenty-one of twenty-seven.
00:12:33Tuan A. Newton.
00:12:36And Eric Williams.
00:12:38On the offensive line.
00:12:39It's Smith making the start at backfield.
00:12:41In the backfield.
00:12:43Along with Daryl Johnston.
00:12:44Michael Irvin.
00:12:45And Alvin Harper.
00:12:46Are the wide receivers.
00:12:47And Jay Novacek is the tight end.
00:12:49First down and ten.
00:12:51Backs are split behind Troy Aikman.
00:13:00Gets to the line of scrimmage.
00:13:01Plus perhaps a half a yard.
00:13:07Packer defense.
00:13:08Matt Brock gets a start for Sean Patterson at right end.
00:13:11Bill Mawson knows.
00:13:12Reggie White.
00:13:14And a touchdown.
00:13:15Brock gets a start for Sean Patterson at right end.
00:13:17Bill Mawson knows.
00:13:18Reggie White.
00:13:20At left end.
00:13:21The linebackers are Bryce Popp.
00:13:22Johnny Holland.
00:13:23George Kutz.
00:13:24And Wayne Simmons.
00:13:26In the secondary it's Mitchell and Pryor.
00:13:28Along with Butler and Buckley.
00:13:30Second down and nine.
00:13:35Popp goes over to the right side.
00:13:36And Daryl Johnston starts in motion.
00:13:40Aikman across the middle.
00:13:41Alvin Harper.
00:13:42Out to the thirty-five.
00:13:43First down.
00:13:55So much a part of the cowboy offense is
00:13:58using motion and formations to uncover receivers.
00:14:01Johnston had already gone in motion to the outside beyond Harper.
00:14:05And look, there's just nobody in front of Harper.
00:14:07Nice throwing lane for Aikman.
00:14:10Eight of fourteen.
00:14:12And a first down for thirty-five.
00:14:15Blitz is coming.
00:14:18And Emmitt Smith sneaks through left tackle behind Johnston's block.
00:14:22And that of Novacek.
00:14:23And then Toonay was also over there.
00:14:26Detroit with an early lead on Barry Sanders.
00:14:28Twenty-yard touchdown run.
00:14:30By the way, Emmitt Smith started today
00:14:32three hundred and fifty-nine yards behind Barry Sanders.
00:14:37But Barry Sanders has a bye week in hand.
00:14:40Yeah, it would be interesting.
00:14:41I mean, if you know one thing about Emmitt Smith.
00:14:43If he's close at the end of the year,
00:14:45he's gonna play in that game regardless of the
00:14:48way the outcome might affect the standings.
00:14:50He likes those rushing titles.
00:14:55Goes deep. Caught.
00:14:56Michael Irvin.
00:15:01Touchdown, Dallas.
00:15:09Sixty-one yards.
00:15:36Sixty-on yards.
00:15:39And here's Eddie Murray who is kicking in this stadium
00:15:42for the first time ever, despite a 14-year career.
00:15:47Most of those years spent with Detroit,
00:15:49and the last time they played at Texas Stadium was in 1977.
00:15:54Samuri tacks on the tying point,
00:15:58but it's Aikman to Irvin.
00:15:59The timing was exquisite on this play.
00:16:01Verne five steps back, Aikman lets it go,
00:16:04and then the playmaker, Michael Irvin,
00:16:07takes it the rest of the way.
00:16:08We got a tie ballgame.
00:16:15In the first quarter,
00:16:17both teams scoring on their opening drives.
00:16:19Game three of the postseason.
00:16:22And the Packers now at their own 32-yard line.
00:16:27Cowboys are stunning.
00:16:31Favre with a safety-vow pass to Bennett,
00:16:34but he turns it into a first down.
00:16:37That's one thing Favre's gonna see a lot of today
00:16:39from the Cowboys is zone defense.
00:16:41That time, very patiently,
00:16:43and with real good pass protection.
00:16:45You notice Favre got back real deep
00:16:47and didn't have anybody in his face
00:16:49as he's seen the last couple of weeks,
00:16:51so if you don't get anybody in your face,
00:16:53you're gonna be seven out of seven.
00:16:55Pretty nice start.
00:16:56He had been bothered, Dan,
00:16:58it appeared so much by the Blitz in the last two weeks.
00:17:00And it's important for him to get away
00:17:02from the line of scrimmage,
00:17:04and I think Holmgren is cognizant of those problems,
00:17:06and he's a smart coach.
00:17:08He's trying to make things as easy as possible
00:17:10for his quarterback.
00:17:12Charles Haley on Edgar Bennett.
00:17:16Haley came into the game with a sore right knee,
00:17:18missed practice on Wednesday,
00:17:21but he looks pretty healthy on this one.
00:17:23Great quickness off the ball.
00:17:25Number 94,
00:17:27as he just jumps inside the block,
00:17:29or attempted block,
00:17:31of tight end Jackie Harris.
00:17:33One thing the Cowboy line will do
00:17:35is they'll slant one way,
00:17:37and if you're not ready for it,
00:17:39no matter how athletic you may be
00:17:41as a blocker or a tight end,
00:17:43it's gonna be tough to make a block on a guy like Haley.
00:17:45Second down,
00:17:47and 13.
00:17:53Far, that one is tipped away by Ken Norton.
00:17:55First start as a middle linebacker.
00:18:04Norton likes the move now to a middle linebacker
00:18:06because he has the opportunity to make plays.
00:18:08He sees Clayton coming,
00:18:10and he just comes right over the top.
00:18:12That's an outstanding play by a middle linebacker,
00:18:15but Norton is used to playing middle linebacker
00:18:18and against the pass offenses
00:18:20because he has to do it
00:18:22so many times in nickel situations.
00:18:24Those first three linebackers all played under Tom Landry.
00:18:27In 29 years, there were three of them,
00:18:30and here's movement by Rutgers at left end.
00:18:32Far, this play will come back,
00:18:34and there goes Tom White, the referee.
00:18:38Bodies are falling all over the place,
00:18:40and Frank Winters
00:18:44just took care of Jimmy Jones
00:18:46at the end of the whole play.
00:18:52Farvis told him,
00:18:53hey, you gotta blow that whistle a little bit louder.
00:18:55I think when White saw the traffic coming out of him,
00:18:58he might have been swallowing this whistle,
00:19:00trying to wave his hands around.
00:19:02That doesn't help the quarterback any.
00:19:04It looks like, you know,
00:19:06a nice free shot on the official.
00:19:08Well, Jones got the official, but...
00:19:10Number 75 offense,
00:19:12five yards,
00:19:14still third down.
00:19:15Tom's breathing a little heavy, isn't he?
00:19:19The rarefied altitude of Irving, Texas.
00:19:23You see a guy like Jones
00:19:25coming at you at 285 pounds
00:19:27and make your heartbeat a little faster.
00:19:30Last time these two teams played
00:19:32was in 1989
00:19:35at the end of the Cowboy
00:19:371-15 season,
00:19:39Jimmy Johnson's first year, third and 18.
00:19:44Far, pretty good protection again.
00:19:46Strong runs it for sharp,
00:19:48and it's incomplete.
00:19:51Thomas Everett was in the vicinity.
00:19:53It would be fourth down.
00:20:00Good defensive series there for the Cowboys,
00:20:02and that was aided by
00:20:04the off-sides penalty against Ken Rutgers.
00:20:07Those third and 18s are hard to convert.
00:20:10Rutgers, who last week killed
00:20:12Ken, Chris Dolman, rather,
00:20:14out of the offensive backfield.
00:20:16Here's the punt by Wagner.
00:20:18Kevin Williams,
00:20:20who's had problems holding on to the football
00:20:22with three fumbles in three games,
00:20:24but he returns this one
00:20:26to the 20-yard line.
00:20:28The second-round draft choice
00:20:30from Miami by way of Dallas.
00:20:347-7 ballgame.
00:20:36A 53-yard punt,
00:20:38seven on the Williams return.
00:20:40Time called.
00:20:42Texas Stadium filled again
00:20:44as it has been
00:20:46in the last year and a half or so.
00:20:4865,000 plus on hand
00:20:50in this facility that was built in the early 70s.
00:20:54And the Green Bay Packers
00:20:56coming to town
00:20:58to take on the Dallas Cowboys.
00:21:00This series goes back to 1960,
00:21:02and Green Bay
00:21:04leads overall ten games
00:21:06to six, including a couple of
00:21:08NFC Championship games.
00:21:10Here's Aikman going left side
00:21:12and finds Michael Irvin
00:21:14in front of Roland Mitchell.
00:21:22Last time the Cowboys saw
00:21:24Reggie White, he was wearing a green uniform,
00:21:26but it had wings on the helmet.
00:21:28This is the yellow helmet of the Packers,
00:21:30but they know where Reggie is.
00:21:32This time he lined up across from Kevin
00:21:34Gogan, down inside,
00:21:36and Packers are still
00:21:38searching for a way to get
00:21:40number 92 more big plays.
00:21:42That's going to be a fascinating matchup
00:21:44today, Reggie White against Eric
00:21:46Williams. The second time they
00:21:48met last year in regular season,
00:21:50Eric Williams was voted
00:21:52offensive player of the week in the NFL.
00:21:54Here's Michael Irvin, and he
00:21:56almost breaks out of the tackle.
00:21:58As it is,
00:22:00he beats Mitchell to the 39-yard
00:22:1029-yard pickup.
00:22:14That's the post pattern that the Cowboys
00:22:16are so good at. Irvin comes down
00:22:18to the inside, and
00:22:20Aikman will just come back five steps,
00:22:221, 2, 3, 4, 5, and let it rip.
00:22:24Irvin has the body
00:22:26size to shield Mitchell from the ball.
00:22:30First down and 10, Emmitt Smith
00:22:34to the 35-yard
00:22:38Interesting how
00:22:40most folks around the league now talk about these
00:22:42Cowboys, the huge
00:22:44size they've got at wide receiver.
00:22:46They are the biggest wide receivers
00:22:48in football, and now that Harper
00:22:50is starting to play up to that
00:22:52number one draft pick, Billing,
00:22:54he really gives them weapons on both
00:22:56sides, but they're always bigger than the guys
00:22:58covering them. They may not be faster, but
00:23:00they get their body in the way.
00:23:02It's almost like playing basketball, dumping
00:23:04the ball into the low post center.
00:23:06Second down and eight.
00:23:10Novacek, first down at the 19.
00:23:12Last week,
00:23:14Aikman hit nine in a row to start
00:23:16the ball game. Well, he's five in a row
00:23:18so far, and if the
00:23:20pass protection
00:23:22just couldn't be any better.
00:23:24Two and eight, number 76 at the top
00:23:26of the screen is going to be working on
00:23:28Matt Brock,
00:23:30and Brock is just a step
00:23:32slow to get to Aikman,
00:23:34and they're just
00:23:36picking apart this Packer defense.
00:23:38Aikman, 133
00:23:40Aikman, 133 yards
00:23:42already on five completions.
00:23:44Emmitt Smith
00:23:46hit at the point of the
00:23:48exchange. Bryce Popp, number
00:23:50ninety-five was right there.
00:23:54Emmitt Smith, of course,
00:23:58that contract week before
00:24:00last. Said yesterday in a long conversation
00:24:02with us that he bore
00:24:04no bitterness,
00:24:06but he would never forget. I thought
00:24:08he was somewhat unconvincing when he said
00:24:10he bore no bitterness.
00:24:12Well, loyalty is such a big part
00:24:14of being an athlete and being
00:24:16a team member, and sometimes
00:24:18an organization and a player don't always
00:24:20see eye to eye on just what loyalty
00:24:24Blitz coming from the outside.
00:24:26Aikman across the middle, and Smith drops it.
00:24:32And Reggie's telling him, Emmitt, you catch that one, you're spiking
00:24:34that ball in the end zone.
00:24:36There was nobody there. Emmitt had a step,
00:24:38and he stops
00:24:40Aikman's completion
00:24:42string here.
00:24:46Hit him right in the old hands there, and look
00:24:48at, even the Green Bay guy was
00:24:50amazed. He was ready to
00:24:52signal touchdown.
00:24:54Jimmy Johnson will pull Emmitt Smith
00:24:56out of the lineup on third and ten
00:24:58now. And Derek
00:25:00Gaynor comes in. Kevin
00:25:02Williams is also in as a third wide receiver.
00:25:04Third and eight.
00:25:06First third down of the game for the Cowboys.
00:25:10Kevin Williams.
00:25:12And he
00:25:14falls, is tackled short of the first
00:25:16down at the 15 yard line, so we'll see Eddie
00:25:18Murray. Kevin Williams,
00:25:20who was a local lad, he played high
00:25:22school ball at Roosevelt High School in Dallas
00:25:24and the other NFL player
00:25:26who came from Roosevelt High School,
00:25:28played there by the name of John Washington.
00:25:30You knew him by a different name.
00:25:32He came to San Diego in 1958
00:25:34as John Jefferson, or
00:25:36J.J., one of the most charismatic
00:25:38players I've ever played with, or ever
00:25:40seen, and did some time in Green Bay
00:25:42as well.
00:25:44Eddie Murray.
00:25:48will hold it.
00:25:50It's up, and it is good.
00:25:52And Eddie Murray, the long
00:25:54time Green Bay Packer.
00:25:58Green Bay Packer, I beg your pardon,
00:26:00Detroit Lions.
00:26:02Why, there's a lot going on here. It's 10-7
00:26:04Cowboys lead.
00:26:10Corey Harris
00:26:12leads the NFL and kick returns
00:26:14with an average of nearly 32 yards
00:26:16per return at a 65
00:26:18yarder last week.
00:26:20And despite that degree of excellence
00:26:22he's displayed, never in his life
00:26:24has he returned to kickoff for a touchdown.
00:26:26Onside kick, tried by
00:26:28the Cowboys, picked up by Dallas.
00:26:30They wanted to
00:26:32make something happen in the kicking game
00:26:34and they just did.
00:26:36Darren Smith.
00:26:44Jimmy Johnson said yesterday
00:26:46I think we can make a couple
00:26:48of big plays in the kicking game.
00:26:50Well, last year the kicking game
00:26:52special teams really
00:26:54jump-started the Cowboys season.
00:26:56So far this year, it's put them in a hole
00:26:58up until this moment.
00:27:00Excellent call by Avezzano and
00:27:02perfect execution by
00:27:04Eddie Murray. Packers had this one
00:27:06on the first bounce, but then
00:27:08Gaynor comes in and drills
00:27:10Marcus Wilson, and it's a big
00:27:12hop to
00:27:14Darren Smith and the Cowboys
00:27:16get the ball inside
00:27:18the 50. What a play
00:27:20by Gaynor and a great
00:27:22bounce off this turf to Smith.
00:27:24First down and 10.
00:27:26Troy Aikman will probably go for a bunch.
00:27:28Pumps goes deep.
00:27:30Michael Irvin has his man beat
00:27:32and there's the flag.
00:27:40Mitchell complaining that
00:27:44Irvin was grabbing him, but Mitchell
00:27:46never looked back for the ball.
00:27:48That's an easy call for the official to make.
00:27:50That's our
00:27:52back judge, Paul Bates,
00:27:54number 22 there. He had
00:27:56the flag out early.
00:27:58Number 47 defense.
00:28:00First down for Dallas, the 9-yard line.
00:28:02Mitchell never looks
00:28:04back for this ball until it's too late.
00:28:06He made contact.
00:28:08Ball just a
00:28:10little bit under thrown,
00:28:12but Irvin gets
00:28:14the call.
00:28:16First and goal at the 9.
00:28:18They have victimized
00:28:20Mitchell in the first quarter
00:28:22and first series in the second quarter.
00:28:28Stacked up at the 7.
00:28:30Reggie White, number 92.
00:28:32A lot of the talk this year has been about field goal
00:28:34kicking and how much of an
00:28:36influence that part of special teams
00:28:38has been on the game, but today we
00:28:40saw a 42-yard kickoff return
00:28:42for the Packers to open the day
00:28:44and then that surprise onside kick by
00:28:46Eddie Murray, so the kickers are
00:28:48getting involved in the NFL.
00:28:50Yeah, I think back to our conversation with Johnson yesterday,
00:28:52he said we can make a couple
00:28:54of things happen in the kicking game.
00:28:56I think we both were thinking the returns
00:28:58or blocked punts or something.
00:29:00Yeah, he didn't say anything about onside kicks.
00:29:02Especially to open the second quarter.
00:29:10Dives. Out of bounds.
00:29:12One and a half.
00:29:14That's going to be close for a first down.
00:29:24Just too many weapons to defense.
00:29:26But it all starts with
00:29:28great pass protection.
00:29:30Aikman gets a chance to look at the entire field
00:29:34and smartly tucks it under his arm
00:29:36and gets down real close
00:29:38to the first down.
00:29:40It will be third and goal.
00:29:48And time has been called.
00:29:50There's the 42nd clock
00:29:52that comes into play again.
00:29:54This time, three seconds remaining on the
00:29:56play clock. Aikman calls time.
00:29:58Dallas leads by three.
00:30:00To the left,
00:30:02the offensive coordinator Norval Turner
00:30:04who is among the
00:30:06happiest guys in North Texas with the return
00:30:08of Emmitt Smith. Well, he has
00:30:10his entire offense to work with.
00:30:12The most potent offense in the NFL
00:30:14right now. Third and goal
00:30:16from the one.
00:30:18That's in the eye.
00:30:20Emmitt Smith.
00:30:26Leroy Butler makes the tackle.
00:30:28It will be fourth and goal.
00:30:30I think the Cowboys might have outguessed themselves
00:30:32there or tried to outsmart themselves
00:30:34because they tried to go
00:30:36wide to Emmitt Smith.
00:30:38They're only a yard or two away from the end zone.
00:30:40And how many times have we seen
00:30:42Emmitt Smith just following Johnston
00:30:44over the top and into the end zone?
00:30:46Good play by the Packers
00:30:48keeping their contain
00:30:50on Smith and forcing this
00:30:52field goal attempt.
00:30:54Eddie Murray on for the
00:30:56second field goal attempt
00:30:58in the ballgame. This from 19 yards.
00:31:02Up and good and the Cowboys
00:31:04use the onside
00:31:06kick and the recovery
00:31:08plus a 40-yard penalty to set up
00:31:10the field goal.
00:31:14And this
00:31:16is how this drive started after the
00:31:18last field goal. Yeah, with the left foot
00:31:20here by Murray. Nice big bounce
00:31:22there. Marcus Wilson had it for an instant
00:31:24and then it's a one hopper to
00:31:26Darren Smith that set up this
00:31:28field goal by Eddie Murray.
00:31:34And the Cowboys are getting with the swing of things
00:31:36in the NFL in 93.
00:31:38They got two field goals already.
00:31:40I know how happy that makes you.
00:31:42I was hearing Bradshaw talking about
00:31:44narrowing the goalposts. I said, why don't we just get rid of them
00:31:46all together? Take the foot
00:31:48out of football and let's
00:31:50throw it around the lot a little bit.
00:31:52There's Joe Avezzano you saw
00:31:54urging his special teams
00:31:56on. Joe
00:31:58who keeps a memento of his days
00:32:00in Corvallis in his office.
00:32:02He's got a 10-gallon hat with Oregon
00:32:04State around it.
00:32:06And you know he had to be proud of those
00:32:08Beavers yesterday as they upset Arizona
00:32:10State. He's also
00:32:12a 1991 special teams coach
00:32:14of the year. Got a nice big trophy
00:32:16in his office too for that.
00:32:18And Eddie Murray will
00:32:20kick it deep we assume to Corey
00:32:24Been the best part of the Packer offense
00:32:26today has been their kickoff returns.
00:32:28Both Harris and Thompson.
00:32:32to 7. 12.55
00:32:34to go first half.
00:32:36This will be Harris
00:32:40at the 7.
00:32:46And he's tackled
00:32:48at the 25-yard line. Matt
00:32:50Vanderbeek made the stop.
00:32:52One thing Holmgren
00:32:54told us yesterday is he's got to open up his
00:32:56offense a little bit more and get the ball down
00:32:58the field. Favre had 20
00:33:00completions last week against Minnesota.
00:33:0217 were 5 yards
00:33:04or less and 3 were 10 yards
00:33:06or less. No completions
00:33:08over 10 yards for the Packers.
00:33:10That can't get it done
00:33:12and won't get it done in the NFL.
00:33:14Mike Holmgren
00:33:16said he would gamble today.
00:33:18He's going to open it up. Favre
00:33:20is 7 of 9.
00:33:22Packers trail by 6. 13 to 7.
00:33:24Quick setup. Left side. Incomplete.
00:33:34Intended for
00:33:36Mark Clayton.
00:33:42You know, when you look at those statistics and everything
00:33:44when Favre first came into
00:33:46the game, they said, well, he doesn't
00:33:48have the touch to throw the short pass.
00:33:50Well, that's all he's been doing
00:33:52starting this season. He told us yesterday
00:33:54now people are complaining, hey, he doesn't have
00:33:56the arm to throw the long pass. He can't win.
00:33:58Tell you who thinks he can is Troy
00:34:00Aikman. They played together at the Pro Bowl
00:34:02and Troy Aikman said he's
00:34:04got one of the strongest arms he'd seen.
00:34:06Play action.
00:34:10Incomplete. Intended for
00:34:12Bennett. And he had
00:34:14Darren Smith over
00:34:16his back. It'll be third down.
00:34:18Another example of what
00:34:20Holmgren's going to try to do today is
00:34:22use more play action. Try to
00:34:24get Favre in different places
00:34:26in the field to read the defense.
00:34:28We also might see him on some rollouts today
00:34:30and some waggle plays.
00:34:32Try to get him away from that
00:34:36That was a backup quarterback, Ty Dettmer
00:34:38signaling in the plays.
00:34:40Marcus Wilson comes in there on third
00:34:42down. So does Robert Brooks. That's Wilson
00:34:44number 29.
00:34:46Third and 10.
00:34:48Cowboys bring four. Favre
00:34:50fires it. And that's a first down
00:34:52out to the 37-yard line.
00:34:54Sterling Sharp with another grab.
00:34:56A gain of 12. I think fires it
00:34:58is the perfect description of that
00:35:00pass, Vern. Sharp again
00:35:02found the hole in the secondary
00:35:04and this ball. Watch as he turns his
00:35:06head around. This ball is on its way
00:35:08and it's smoking.
00:35:12exactly what he needed for the first down.
00:35:14Got a perfect pass and the Packers
00:35:16move the chains.
00:35:18Sterling Sharp who said
00:35:20he enters every game expecting
00:35:22to catch a minimum of seven.
00:35:24And seven in each of the first
00:35:26two. Five last week.
00:35:28First and 10.
00:35:30They're going to bring this back.
00:35:32Looked like Sharp
00:35:34had moved across the line out on the left side.
00:35:36False start.
00:35:38Number 84 offense.
00:35:40Five yards.
00:35:42The first down.
00:35:44That's just lack of concentration by Sharp.
00:35:46The play was designed to go to the other side.
00:35:48To Clayton.
00:35:50Green Bay has, as Dan
00:35:52said a moment ago, their biggest weapon
00:35:54so far has been the kickoff return.
00:35:56Total yards from scrimmage
00:35:5876. And most of it
00:36:00has gone to Clayton.
00:36:02Green Bay has, as Dan
00:36:04said, total yards from scrimmage 76.
00:36:06And most of those on the opening drive.
00:36:08For the third week in a row, they scored a touchdown.
00:36:10To open the game.
00:36:12But they trail now 13-7.
00:36:1411-35 to go
00:36:16first half.
00:36:18That's John Stevens.
00:36:20Tackled by
00:36:22Tony Casillas.
00:36:28This Dallas defense under the new coordinator
00:36:30Butch Davis had
00:36:32he told us yesterday, has played
00:36:34fairly well with the exception of the
00:36:36third quarter and part of the fourth
00:36:38in the opening game Monday night in Washington.
00:36:40And he said that the difference
00:36:42that we'll see with
00:36:44the Cowboys as the season goes along
00:36:46he feels that they're getting more experience
00:36:48and that he feels more comfortable
00:36:50with them being a pressure oriented
00:36:52defense. Which is one of those
00:36:54coach speak terms for, we're going to blitz more.
00:36:58to Bennett.
00:37:00Blockers in front. Bennett to the 43.
00:37:02That's short of the first half.
00:37:04Tackle is made by Darren Woodson.
00:37:06They picked up 11, they needed
00:37:10Packers are getting pretty
00:37:12good at this screen pass after not calling
00:37:14any for their first two weeks of the season.
00:37:16They threw it about six times
00:37:18last week. Bennett
00:37:20was recipient of most of those
00:37:22and here he is again, coming out
00:37:24behind winners and
00:37:26Galbraith and Kampen.
00:37:28It's pretty good when you can get three
00:37:30linemen out in front of your screens.
00:37:32Third and three.
00:37:3410-15 to go first half.
00:37:36Cowboys lead 13-7.
00:37:40right side. Marcus Wilson
00:37:42has the catch and the first down
00:37:44at the Cowboy 45 yard line.
00:37:46Tackle made by Kevin
00:37:52Irvin has the Cowboy touchdown
00:37:54in this game. A 61 yard catch from
00:37:56Troy Aikman. He already has over
00:37:58100 yards receiving on just three
00:38:06First and ten.
00:38:10Bay. Colorado and
00:38:12Atlanta scoreless in the third
00:38:14and of course the Giants
00:38:16play the Dodgers later this afternoon.
00:38:18The Braves and Dodgers tied at the top
00:38:20in El West. Play action
00:38:22far. Jackie Harris
00:38:24the tight end
00:38:26at the 37 yard line.
00:38:28Gain of
00:38:30eight. It's one of those little bootlegs right
00:38:32there, Vern. After the fake, Favre
00:38:34rolled out and hit his tight end
00:38:36and that's a nice gain on first down
00:38:38to be able to bring up a
00:38:40second down in short
00:38:42where the defense is really off
00:38:44balance. They don't know whether to
00:38:46expect a run or a pass. It's one of those
00:38:48free down type of plays that a lot of
00:38:50teams will try to go deep on.
00:38:56and two.
00:39:00Bennett makes the catch.
00:39:02That's another first down.
00:39:06Oh no, now they're saying
00:39:08he was bobbling it.
00:39:10Well, the play was made by Dixon Edwards
00:39:12number 58.
00:39:16Here's Bennett and Edwards.
00:39:18Watch the strip with the right hand.
00:39:20That's perfect timing and a good
00:39:22call. That's in slow motion.
00:39:24It looked like Bennett might have had the ball
00:39:26but in regular speed, that's bang, bang.
00:39:28And again, the call
00:39:30was made by Paul Betts.
00:39:3216 passes and 9 runs so far.
00:39:36He talked about Holmgren wanting to let it fly.
00:39:38He's let it fly a few times already.
00:39:40Third and two. 13-7
00:39:42Cowboys lead.
00:39:44And the officials have called time.
00:39:46Dallas has called time.
00:39:48Dallas has called time.
00:39:54So that is
00:39:56the Cowboys' second time
00:39:58they've used a timeout.
00:40:00They've got one left. 9-10 to go
00:40:02first half. 13-7 Cowboys.
00:40:06Credit this man for inadvertently
00:40:08helping the negotiations along.
00:40:10After they lost to Buffalo,
00:40:12Charles Haley put his helmet
00:40:14through the wall and said,
00:40:18Get Emmitt Smith back in here.
00:40:20Jerry Jones was listening.
00:40:24Sterling Sharp with another grab
00:40:26for a first down at the 35.
00:40:28And there is Emmitt Smith who told us last night
00:40:30that he watched that Buffalo game
00:40:32from Tallahassee where he was watching
00:40:34his brother play football at Florida State.
00:40:38And he said he got a big smile out of the fact
00:40:40that Emmitt, that Thurman Thomas
00:40:42had number 22
00:40:44to his ankle. And he also kind of
00:40:46liked the way the crowd was chanting
00:40:48his name. Emmitt. Emmitt.
00:40:50And you know that
00:40:52Haley's well-placed
00:40:54helmet may have had something to do with
00:40:56us seeing Emmitt here today.
00:40:58First down and 10.
00:41:04Here's the pass to the left.
00:41:06John Stevens down near
00:41:08the 20 just to round out the story
00:41:10about the aftermath of
00:41:12the loss to Buffalo. They all walked into
00:41:14the locker room and Haley, who is an explosive
00:41:16personality, slammed his
00:41:18helmet into the wall and broke
00:41:20through. Said
00:41:22with expletives deleted, let's sign
00:41:24Emmitt Smith.
00:41:26And the next item on the agenda
00:41:28was for the team to kneel and say
00:41:30the Lord's Prayer. You always got to
00:41:32say the Lord's Prayer after a game.
00:41:34There was something incongruous about it all.
00:41:36I'm not sure how else
00:41:38to put it. Second and one.
00:41:42Here's the blitz.
00:41:44And they got him. Ken Martin.
00:41:50He was a little reluctant at first
00:41:52to make the move to the middle linebacker
00:41:54position, Vern, but the coach
00:41:56said as far as the team aspect
00:41:58is concerned, this will fit your
00:42:00personality because you can make
00:42:02plays. And if you make
00:42:04plays, then the individual honors will come.
00:42:06He sidesteps the block
00:42:08and drops
00:42:10Stevens for a big loss.
00:42:14When he was
00:42:16signed as a second round draft choice
00:42:18out of UCLA,
00:42:20people referred to him as Ken Norton
00:42:22Jr. Most folks have dropped the Jr.
00:42:24now. He's earned his own identity.
00:42:26Blitz. And they throw it away.
00:42:28Favre had to get rid of it.
00:42:32Had to get rid of it because it was a safety blitz
00:42:34by James Washington
00:42:36and that's usually the blitz adjustment
00:42:38for most offenses
00:42:40is put the ball up. Packer fans
00:42:42have seen way too much of this though
00:42:44with Favre just unloading the ball
00:42:46down the field in the general direction
00:42:48of Sterling Sharp. But Sharp
00:42:50isn't looking for this one. He sees it
00:42:52sail over his head and a
00:42:54good play and a good call
00:42:56by Dallas and Butch Davis
00:42:58sets up this field goal try.
00:43:00Chris Jackie who grew up about
00:43:0220 miles from the stadium
00:43:04and then played collegiately at the University
00:43:06of Texas at El Paso out of Wagner's
00:43:08Hole. That's got plenty.
00:43:10But it is
00:43:12wide to the right.
00:43:18Not the kind of homecoming he wanted.
00:43:20A very impressive drive
00:43:22goes wide right. It's still 13-7.
00:43:26And was trying to
00:43:28avoid it and he may have over strided
00:43:30and that's why the ball
00:43:32never hooked in between the uprights.
00:43:36Misses from 43.
00:43:40And that's his first miss
00:43:42after nine in a row
00:43:44for the Green Bay Packers. So that streak
00:43:46comes to an end. Cowboys take
00:43:48over. Aikman play action.
00:43:50They're going to test the right side
00:43:52and they've got Alvin Harper open.
00:43:54There's also a flag down.
00:43:56Here's Harper
00:43:58at the nine.
00:44:02Flag is down.
00:44:08Flag is down
00:44:10in the secondary, Vern.
00:44:12But the officials
00:44:14are saying, come on down. It may be
00:44:16against the Packers
00:44:18and this play will stand.
00:44:20Illegal contact.
00:44:22Illegal contact.
00:44:24Illegal contact.
00:44:26Illegal contact.
00:44:28Illegal contact.
00:44:30Illegal contact.
00:44:32Number 36 defense, penalty is declined
00:44:34as a result of a play of a first-downing goal.
00:44:38It's illegal contact
00:44:40against the Packers
00:44:42and it's going to happen right in the middle
00:44:44of the field but at the top of the screen
00:44:46there's the illegal
00:44:48contact, but at the top of the screen is Harper at 6'3", going over the 5'9", Terrell Buckley
00:44:56in a 66-yard gain.
00:44:58Hammond-Smith comes left, but the theme of this first half offensively for Dallas has
00:45:03been let's expose the Green Bay Secondary.
00:45:06They've been exposed already this year, there are only two losses.
00:45:10Randall Cunningham beat them with a touchdown pass, and of course who will ever forget Gulliford's
00:45:16catch last week from Jim McMahon.
00:45:19That was just a size mismatch.
00:45:21We talked about the size advantage that the Cowboys have on all the defensive backs in
00:45:25the league, but 5'9", against 6'3", that's just not going to hold up.
00:45:30Second down and goal from the Seventh, Smith in motion out of the backfield.
00:45:35Aikman, short setup, finds Irvin at the goal line, and he is stopped just short of the
00:45:42That'll officially be a gain of six.
00:45:47This was what sets the All-Pros apart from just the rest of the guys playing in the NFL.
00:45:53Catching the ball over the middle, knowing you're going to get tagged as soon as you
00:45:56do, then the big guys are on their way.
00:45:59Nice job of Buckley that time standing Irvin up and preventing the touchdown and waiting
00:46:04for help to come.
00:46:06Irvin, four catches, 104 yards, and you see the Green Bay defense inside the 20.
00:46:22They've only given up three touchdowns all year, but Johnson and Norv Turner told me
00:46:28yesterday that with Emmett back in the game, a lot of people are going to be concentrating
00:46:33on him, so that will open up our passing game, and it's opening it up in a big way
00:46:37as the Aikmans just bombed the Packers secondary.
00:46:41Cowboys have to burn a timeout again.
00:46:43That's their third.
00:46:44They are out of timeouts with 5'13 remaining in the first half, and Dallas about to score
00:46:52While CBS Sports will present exclusive coverage of baseball's postseason, the Battles of October
00:46:58began Tuesday at 8 o'clock Eastern time.
00:47:01The Toronto Blue Jays go into Chicago to take on the White Sox.
00:47:05Telecast at 8, first pitch at 8-12, and game one, either San Francisco or Atlanta.
00:47:10How's that, Bert?
00:47:11Where did you grow up, Dan?
00:47:12I'm kind of a Giants fan.
00:47:13What the heck?
00:47:14Let's just say the Giants and Phillies, huh?
00:47:15All right.
00:47:16It's either the 49ers or Atlanta at Philadelphia on Wednesday night.
00:47:17I figure I'd make half the people mad, half the people happy, you know?
00:47:26Well, the Bay Area just erupted with joy.
00:47:31Colorado and Atlanta in the bottom of the third.
00:47:35All the Giants have to do today is beat the Dodgers four straight on the road, something
00:47:40they haven't done since I think you were born back in 23.
00:47:46And that was at Ebbets Field.
00:47:48That's close.
00:47:50Cowboys have talked it over and back out.
00:47:56They have a third down at the 1.
00:47:59Green Bay has not given up a rushing touchdown this year.
00:48:01And remember the last time the Cowboys were in this situation, they tried to go wide on
00:48:05a counter play to Emmitt Smith.
00:48:07Look for Smith this time to go up over the top.
00:48:12Smith with seven carries for 11 yards so far.
00:48:16A 13-7 game.
00:48:18Green Bay opened by going the length of the field following the 42-yard kickoff return.
00:48:23They took a 7-0 lead.
00:48:26Dallas came back on a 61-yard Aikman to Michael Irvin pass.
00:48:30We've since then had two Eddie Murray field goals.
00:48:33And now Dallas threatens again.
00:48:34Third and goal at the 1.
00:48:44One hopper.
00:48:46Aikman is stopped.
00:48:47They'll have to go for the field goal again.
00:48:52We talked about the field being wet.
00:48:54Maybe there was a wet spot on that ball because as Aikman turned around to hand it to Smith,
00:48:59it just popped right out of his hand.
00:49:03See the snap?
00:49:04It appears to be a good snap.
00:49:05He's got it in both hands.
00:49:06And then it's just like a banana.
00:49:08Slips right out of his hand.
00:49:09And that's a bad feeling for a quarterback.
00:49:12A long way from the end zone and not much blocking.
00:49:16And that brings on Eddie Murray for the third time.
00:49:1919-yard field goal again.
00:49:23But you notice the call was a deep handoff to Smith up over the top.
00:49:29The fumble prevented that.
00:49:37Dale Hellestray is the center.
00:49:40He throws it back and J. Novacek will hold.
00:49:46Eddie Murray is three for three in his first game at Texas Stadium.
00:49:50And the Cowboys extend their lead to nine points.
00:49:54A look behind, he'll be wearing new prototype leg pads.
00:49:58The Air Armor system adds protection to the lateral thigh and upper shin while leaving
00:50:02room for the mandatory soft knee pad.
00:50:05The laminate composite shell, air bladder padding system, and support mechanisms combine
00:50:09to permit free, natural, and dynamic movement of the legs while providing more protection
00:50:13than previously possible.
00:50:154.48 to go.
00:50:16Dallas trying to get the record back to 2-2.
00:50:17And Kenneth Gantt doing a little cheerleading.
00:50:18Number 29.
00:50:19Eddie Murray.
00:50:20Harris at the goal line.
00:50:21Out to the 20.
00:50:22Good job.
00:50:23Special team tackle by, guess who, Billy Bates, number 40.
00:50:49He is something special.
00:50:50Well, to come back from the type of knee injury he had last year, this is just remarkable.
00:50:56In his 11th year, playing like a first-year man, throwing his body all over the place,
00:51:01making another special team's tackle.
00:51:04And he ought to celebrate.
00:51:05See, that's the difference between him and Gantt.
00:51:07Gantt celebrates and runs around before the play, and he didn't get anywhere near the
00:51:12Bates gets in on the tackle.
00:51:14That's when you celebrate.
00:51:16Gorey Harris, who returned the kickoff, was injured on the tackle, so Harris is down at
00:51:23the 20-yard line.
00:51:24Looking at his left knee, this is a bad sign.
00:51:28And Harris told us yesterday he was going to get more involved in the offense, perhaps
00:51:32on third down as a receiver.
00:51:36Right in behind the wedge, there comes Bates from the side, and as he hit the ground, it
00:51:42looked like his legs were spread, and that's where the injury occurred.
00:51:50Harris, who played collegiately at Vanderbilt University, grew up in the Indianapolis area.
00:51:58He may have been Holmgren's secret weapon, though, as the season develops, because he
00:52:02has experience on offense and is anxious to get back on that side of the ball and involved
00:52:08in the third down passing game.
00:52:11Gorey was an all-purpose player at Vanderbilt, wingback, wide receiver, running back, a game
00:52:17to 1,000 yards, a bright young man who grew up idolizing Eric Dickerson, who played collegiately
00:52:25on this field for SMU.
00:52:28Gorey Harris, and I hope it's nothing terribly serious that will help him out on the bench.
00:52:34First down and 10, Green Bay, 16-7.
00:52:38Favre pumps and goes deep, but there's great coverage by Kevin Smith, and Favre throws
00:52:43it out of bounds.
00:52:46Baseball on the minds of a lot of folks.
00:52:48Let's check in back in New York with Greg.
00:52:50All right, Vern, in Atlanta's Fulton County Stadium, David Neid on the mound for Colorado.
00:52:55That's a Fred McGriff face hit up the middle.
00:52:57It gets Otis Nixon home.
00:52:58Terry Pendleton has also singled a run home in the third inning.
00:53:01It is now a 2-0 Atlanta lead, as they look for at least a share of the NL West title
00:53:06today, Vern.
00:53:08Okay, Greg, I wish you could have seen the frown just cross my partner's face.
00:53:14Not the kind of news he wanted to hear.
00:53:16There's Gorey Harris, it's second down and 10.
00:53:19Favre finds Clayton running a crossing pattern underneath, and he's out near the 30-yard
00:53:30It'll be a half a yard short of the first down.
00:53:31Larry Brown with the tackle.
00:53:352-0 Atlanta over Colorado.
00:53:39That's the report that we just had from Greg Gumbel.
00:53:42A lot of time left, Vern.
00:53:45But are there enough innings left?
00:53:47See, you see, time is not of the essence.
00:53:50Not in baseball.
00:53:51It never has been.
00:53:54Third and one.
00:53:56Darryl Thompson is in.
00:54:02Flag is down.
00:54:22Richard Reels is the field judge.
00:54:27And he's the one who's in the...
00:54:29You know, it's not this complicated a game.
00:54:36Due to an error with the clock, please reset it to 25 seconds.
00:54:40There is no delay a game.
00:54:45Hate the flag.
00:54:46And I appreciate the fact that Tom White explained why they picked up the flag.
00:54:50That seems not unreasonable to ask officials to do.
00:54:53Well, that's why we gave microphones, you know, so they could talk to the crowd and
00:54:56talk to us.
00:54:57And that's a good, good, good job by Tom White.
00:55:00They hate to admit those errors, though.
00:55:03Third and one.
00:55:09And that should be enough for a first down for the Green Bay Packers.
00:55:16Edgar Bennett played collegiately at Florida State.
00:55:20We talked last week about the small ironies in football.
00:55:23Well, Edgar Bennett was telling us last night that when he was in the
00:55:2510th grade at R.E. Lee High School in Jacksonville, he was a quarterback.
00:55:29They were about to play Escambia of Pensacola in the playoffs.
00:55:33Escambia had a running back named Emmitt Smith.
00:55:36Edgar Bennett played Emmitt Smith for the scout team,
00:55:39gained 400 yards against his own team during the week,
00:55:42and they switched him to running back.
00:55:49One, two, three flags.
00:55:51Four. Somebody else on the far side got in the act.
00:55:54I think that one came out of his stance.
00:55:56The handkerchief was heavy, and he said that.
00:56:00You know, I think the Cowboys have an argument here.
00:56:02Was this a catchable ball?
00:56:04But when you throw four flags, you're not even going to argue.
00:56:07Pass interference.
00:56:08Number 37 defense.
00:56:10First down.
00:56:13But they're trying to get pressure up the middle against Far
00:56:16because they've seen him put the ball up for grabs a couple of times.
00:56:19That's a three-linebacker blitz that time.
00:56:22And Washington is a little bit too soon with his coverage.
00:56:25That ball was overthrown, but four flags says it's a good call.
00:56:2913-yard penalty.
00:56:31Bootleg. Haley knocks it down.
00:56:37He looked like a volleyball player that time, didn't he, Vern?
00:56:40He just swat it. Take that ball back.
00:56:44Far was lucky he didn't pick this one off.
00:56:47It's a bootleg trying to fool Haley.
00:56:50It's overthrown a little bit too long.
00:56:52Gets that big right hand up there and just snuffs that one out.
00:56:57Charles Haley acquired from the 49ers last year.
00:57:01Second down and 10.
00:57:0516-7, Dallas leads.
00:57:09Far fumbled.
00:57:11No incomplete pass.
00:57:17Bring it back.
00:57:19Jeffcoat has it, but it's no TD.
00:57:22Haley with the pressure.
00:57:24Tom White with the explanation.
00:57:32Third down.
00:57:36You know, Jeffcoat's run a couple of these back in his career.
00:57:40Two of them. Hoping this was going to be the third one.
00:57:43Let's see if this is a good call or not.
00:57:45Yeah, that's a good call.
00:57:47Far was coming forward, and again it was a defensive man right in his face
00:57:51that knocked the ball away.
00:57:53Good call by Tom White. That was a forward incomplete pass.
00:58:00Third down, conversions. Green Bay has been excellent thus far.
00:58:03They've got a 10-yard lead now.
00:58:09Three-man rush. Far, right side for Bennett.
00:58:12Short of the first down, Kevin Smith made the tackle.
00:58:18And the Packers will have to punt.
00:58:21The Packers are taking care of one problem,
00:58:24and that's giving Far some pass protection on this play.
00:58:27Number 94 is Haley, lined up on the right side of the field this time.
00:58:31And the Pack finds where he is.
00:58:33Rutgers and Winters do a nice job,
00:58:36and they both get kind of a cheap shot in there at the end, but why not?
00:58:41Ryan Wagner will punt it.
00:58:43Kevin Williams waits for it at the 10.
00:58:48And this will be allowed to drop at the 11-yard line.
00:58:54And then down at the 1.
00:58:58Well, punt returns have been a problem for the Cowboys this year.
00:59:03Well, Williams, you said he has fumbled three times this year,
00:59:06and what happens, you get gunshot.
00:59:08And instead of making the tough catch, as that one would have been,
00:59:11you let the ball go, and what that does, that penalizes his team 10 yards.
00:59:15They're going to take over on the 1 or 2-yard line instead of at about the 12.
00:59:20Joe Avanzano was talking about the problems that Kevin Williams is having yesterday,
00:59:24and he said they fought through the same thing with Kelvin Martin a few years back.
00:59:31They actually replaced Kelvin Martin as a punt returner with Derek Shepard,
00:59:34and then they let Kelvin Martin work his way through it.
00:59:38They think the same thing will happen with Kevin Williams.
00:59:41They're hoping the same thing happens with Kevin Williams.
00:59:44He's got the talent.
00:59:46Cowboys at the 1.
00:59:50They flip it out, caught by Darrell Johnston, and he's out to the 11-yard line.
00:59:58I wouldn't think they would be booing that play.
01:00:00That was a pretty good play.
01:00:01Oh, that's Moose.
01:00:04What a great nickname, huh?
01:00:09How's Emmitt doing, Vern?
01:00:11Well, let's see.
01:00:12Got the 2-minute warning.
01:00:13Emmitt Smith, 7 for 11.
01:00:19Open all night.
01:00:222-minute warning.
01:00:26First memorable meetings between these two teams took place in the Cotton Bowl
01:00:29in Dallas championship game at the end of the 66th season.
01:00:32Don Meredith, pressured by Dave Robinson, tries to find Bullet Bob Hayes in the end zone,
01:00:39but because of the pressure, he threw off balance, and Tom Brown, 9 yards deep,
01:00:44intercepted to preserve a 7-point victory and give us one of the lasting images
01:00:49of Tom Landry.
01:00:53And they have met numerous times since.
01:00:56Here's Aikman handing off to Johnston.
01:00:59He's got a first down after the 19-yard line.
01:01:02Okay, Moose, that's it for you.
01:01:04If we get the ball in the 2-yard line, we'll give you two plays,
01:01:07bring it all the way out to the 20, and now you go back to being a block it back.
01:01:11Nice little trap right up the middle here to Johnston.
01:01:19Keep in mind the Cowboys are out of their timeouts.
01:01:21They had to use all three, so they can't stop it.
01:01:2590 seconds to go.
01:01:26Dallas is up 16 to 7 with 1.28 to go first down.
01:01:32Emmitt Smith.
01:01:35Down to the 30.
01:01:43At 45 yards last week in Phoenix, just to put a period to the story
01:01:47about Edgar Bennett pretending to be Emmitt Smith
01:01:50before that high school quarterfinal game
01:01:53as Scamby and Robert E. Lee.
01:01:55Bennett was telling us that Robert E. Lee held Emmitt Smith to below a hundred yards
01:02:01in that game for the only time in his high school career.
01:02:06However, Emmitt Smith's team did win the game.
01:02:13Dropped by George Kuntz.
01:02:23One of the rare sacks of Aikman.
01:02:25He's feeling this one, too.
01:02:26That's a good time to call it.
01:02:28The Cowboys had been ripping him pretty good running the ball.
01:02:31They're coming on the run blitz, and Kuntz comes right up the middle.
01:02:36And Brock gets in on it, and Bryce Popp
01:02:39adding a few pounds to that sack.
01:02:43Green Bay calls timeout.
01:02:45They stop the clock with 45 seconds remaining in the first half.
01:02:49They have one timeout left, and Dallas is facing a second down.
01:02:56So the Cowboys get three field goals from Eddie Murray.
01:03:00That's the margin of difference as Jimmy Johnson's team
01:03:03goes into the locker room with a nine-point lead.
01:03:06It's Dallas 16 and the Green Bay Packers 7
01:03:09halfway through this game at Texas Stadium.
01:03:16CBS Sports coverage of the National Football League
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