In Lombardia arriva LabLab, la web app che fa incontrare aziende e studenti

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Contrastare il mismatch tra domanda e offerta di lavoro facendo incontrare aziende e studenti degli ultimi anni delle superiori: è con questo obiettivo che in Lombardia arriva la web app LabLab. L'assessore regionale all'Istruzione, Formazione e Lavoro, Simona Tironi, racconta come funziona


00:00The world of work is changing fast and young people, without knowing the opportunity, struggle to find their way.
00:11From the next school year in Lombardy, they will have a new opportunity to do so.
00:15LabLab is a web app, a simple, innovative tool and a system action dedicated to students, teachers and also to our companies.
00:26A few clicks will be enough for companies to register on the platform and upload their company profile,
00:31a virtual business card with which to introduce themselves to the workers of the future,
00:36that is, the students of the last two years of high school.
00:39Thousands of them, throughout Lombardy, from October, will have access to LabLab.
00:43There they will be able to navigate between the opportunities that the productive world offers them
00:47and book, based on the availability of the companies, their job experience,
00:51a kind of work colloquium of an entire day, alone or accompanied by parents.
00:56This year, as an instructor in the training and work of the Lombardy region, I met a lot of young people.
01:03The first question they always ask me is, how do I choose a job if I don't know the world of work?
01:11And on the other hand, visiting many companies, I realized that companies invest more and more in corporate welfare,
01:18and therefore in the care of the person.
01:20We want to transfer this to our young people.
01:23The only means we have available is to bring them into our companies.
01:28If unemployment in Lombardy has now fallen to a physiological level, just above 4%,
01:33and the phenomenon of NEETs is also progressively decreasing,
01:37young people who do not study and do not work,
01:40mismatch, that is, the misalignment between the skills required by the productive fabric
01:44and those offered by the workers, remains a problem to be solved.
01:47The Lombardy region has decided to do so by revolutionizing the paradigm.
01:51Our goal is to bring as many students as possible,
01:54right where it is produced, so within our companies, our businesses.
01:59I tell all our young people to take this extraordinary opportunity,
02:04because it is you who can choose which companies to visit,
02:08where to do your experiments,
02:10understand exactly what the right job is for you,
02:13and above all, from the world of work,
02:16understand what is the best study path to realize your passions.
02:22The appeal is also to companies,
02:24first and foremost those that today struggle to find the workforce they need.
02:29We all have to believe in ourselves, from our institutions,
02:31the school with the students, the teachers, but above all our entrepreneurs.
02:35Being present today on this platform means taking a huge opportunity.
02:41The opportunity becomes a zero-alibi,
02:44because today we are, through this tool,
02:47bringing thousands and thousands of students into their companies.
