Appello dell'assessore Tironi alle aziende: "Registratevi su LabLab per reclutare lavoratori del futuro"

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Basta alibi, per combattere il mismatch dovete crederci, esserci e registrarvi su LabLab": l'appello dell'assessore a Formazione, Lavoro di Regione Lombardia, Simona Tironi ad aziende e imprenditori a iscriversi sulla nuova piattaforma che li mette direttamente in contatto con gli studenti delle superiori.


00:00What does Blab mean to you?
00:05Blab is a great opportunity for all our companies.
00:09It represents a small revolution.
00:11Today our companies have a huge difficulty in finding human capital.
00:17This is the real, concrete answer and it is also very simple.
00:21From October we will open to thousands and thousands of Lombard students
00:25the access to the platform.
00:27This is why this week there are already hundreds of companies
00:32that are loading their profiles, opening their companies
00:35to welcome as many students as possible.
00:38It is a system action dedicated to students, teachers
00:42and also to our companies.
00:44So we all have to believe, from our institutions,
00:47schools with students, teachers, but above all our entrepreneurs.
00:51And it is precisely to them that I launch this great appeal.
00:55Believing means that every entrepreneur has to be present,
00:59has to load their profile, has to open their company
01:03and therefore has to register.
01:05Being present today in this platform means taking a great opportunity.
01:10The opportunity becomes a zero-alibi because today we are,
01:15through this tool, bringing thousands and thousands of students
01:19into their companies.
01:21To fight mismatch, I really ask our entrepreneurs,
01:25our companies to believe, to be present and to register.
