• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Mi preme rilevare che in questa introduzione della requisitoria è di intuitiva evidenza che il pm sta procedendo a una requisitoria contro il decreto sicurezza bis, che è un atto del governo, contro la linea politica prima redistribuire e poi sbarcare. Ha proprio espresso un giudizio di grande contestazione di questa linea. Sapete perfettamente che anche in dichiarazioni pubbliche è stata una linea portata avanti da tutto il governo, anche dallo stesso premier di allora". Lo ha detto l'avvocata Giulia Bongiorno, legale del ministro Matteo Salvini, durante una pausa della requisitoria. "Il pm che ha detto che non voleva essere un intervento contro la politica, nel momento in cui dice che un tavolo tecnico a cui partecipava l'attuale capo della Polizia, le direttive e i decreti sono inaccettabili, intollerabili e in contrasto con i diritti umani, in realtà , sta processando la linea politica di quel governo. Vedremo più tardi", dice.


00:00In the case of Open Arms, regardless of the anomalies of the navigation and the fact that there were risks that terrorists were on board,
00:12measures have been taken precisely to guarantee the protection and protection of migrants.
00:18But I would say now, rather than analyzing this aspect,
00:22I would like to point out that in this introduction it is intuitively evident
00:28that the public ministry is proceeding to a request against the BIS Security Decree,
00:34which is an act of the government, against the political line
00:39of first redistributing and then disembarking.
00:43It has really expressed a judgment of great contestation of this line.
00:50You know perfectly well that even in public statements,
00:53this line has been carried out by the entire government.
00:57The same Prime Minister of the time said that first redistributing and then disembarking.
01:02I believe that despite having said that this did not really want to be an intervention against politics,
01:09at the time he said that a technical table in which the current police chief participated,
01:14the decrees and the directives are all unacceptable, intolerable, in contrast with human rights,
01:21in reality he is processing the political line of that government.
01:26For now it is so. We will see in the future.
01:29A somewhat contradictory request, I would say.
01:34Because the premise is that we are not processing the government,
01:38but until now he has said that the BIS Security Decree is in contrast with the Constitution,
01:44it is not acceptable first redistributing and then disembarking,
01:47the technical table is a technical table that overturned fundamental principles,
01:52so for now he is talking about laws, lines of government, and he contests them.
01:58So there is not a Saldini conduct on the bench of deputies,
02:01but there is a political line on the bench of deputies.
