In Lombardia arriva LabLab, la web app che combatte il mismatch nel mondo del lavoro

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Far incontrare alle aziende i lavoratori di domani: l'assessore a Formazione, Lavoro di Regione Lombardia, Simona Tironi, racconta la "rivoluzione" di LabLab, la piattaforma che permette agli studenti di orientarsi e fare un primo passo verso il loro futuro.


00:00What does LabLab mean to you?
00:04LabLab is a web app, a simple, innovative tool and a system action
00:10dedicated to students, teachers and also to our companies.
00:15This year, as an instructor at the Lombardy Regional Training and Employment Institute,
00:20I met a lot of young people and the first question they always ask me is
00:26how do I choose a job if I don't know the world of work?
00:30And on the other hand, visiting many companies, I realized that companies invest more and more
00:36in corporate welfare and therefore in the care of the person.
00:40We want to transfer this to our students.
00:42The only means we have available is to bring them into our companies.
00:47That's why we ask our companies to open their gates, to welcome our students,
00:52sometimes even their families, to transfer all this value,
00:56this important investment that they are making to be more and more competitive
01:02within a job market that is constantly evolving.
01:06If we don't transfer this to the students, we don't tell them,
01:10we don't make them fall in love with different jobs, especially the jobs that will come,
01:16then we will not be able to fill or contrast this important phenomenon
01:23that we are recording today, which is mismatch.
01:25Companies are increasingly in trouble in finding human capital,
01:30but above all in contacting, in bringing future workers into their own reality.
01:37For us it is an extraordinary tool, it represents a small revolution,
01:41particularly for our business world, for all our companies,
01:46that will have the opportunity to have thousands of contacts with future workers,
01:51our young people, our students, and make them fall in love with their job.
