マウンテンドクター 第4話 2024年7月29日

  • 2 months ago
00:30I can't believe this day has finally come.
00:35It's an honor for MMT to have you stay at the Yamagaya.
00:41That's not what you usually say.
00:45If Kakegawa-kun becomes Yamazuki,
00:47he might change my rotation.
00:50That's impossible.
00:52The UV rays are strong in the summer mountains.
00:54I wish Ayukawa-san would go instead.
00:58If you're a nurse, you'll be more useful than me.
01:01I've said this many times,
01:03but only doctors can take care of the mountains.
01:08The view is great, and the UV rays don't bother me.
01:13That's impossible.
01:14If you're worried about climbing the mountains,
01:16why don't you apply?
01:18I won't be discouraged
01:20until I get my junior's help.
01:23I'll climb one or two mountains.
01:48I'm out of water.
01:51I didn't know the mountains were this hard.
01:55Here you go.
01:57Are you okay?
02:01I thought I'd keep an eye on you.
02:03Dr. Miyamoto,
02:06what you should have is a junior!
02:09Watch out!
02:12Is this Sanso?
02:14Ayukawa Sanso!
02:16Welcome to Ayukawa Sanso!
02:19We're finally here!
02:22Here's your soba!
02:23Thank you!
02:25Can I climb this today?
02:27Yes, it's easier to climb in the field.
02:31So this is what a mountain hut looks like.
02:38Is it okay for you to provide food?
02:43If the altitude is high,
02:45even if the water boils due to atmospheric pressure,
02:47it won't be 100 degrees.
02:48You can't cook rice deliciously.
02:50Don't worry.
02:52We use a pressure cooker.
02:55I see.
02:56This is the training ground.
02:58Once you get here,
03:00you'll be fine.
03:02Can you bring my backpack?
03:05Here you go.
03:07This is...
03:10It's a slipper.
03:12If you climb or get off the mountain,
03:14you'll slip in the slipper.
03:16But it hurts and I can't walk.
03:19We're here.
03:20Let's take a break here.
03:24You're new to the mountains, right?
03:26There are a lot of people like this.
03:29What do you think?
03:31It's a mountain hut.
03:34I was talking to Kanta about
03:36how we could organize a mountain climbing
03:38with our mountain hut.
03:39When I was in college,
03:41I often wanted to climb a mountain,
03:43but I was afraid to do it alone,
03:44so I invited students and organized a tour.
03:46It was unexpectedly popular.
03:47We have the qualifications to be a guide.
03:49It sounds like a fun idea.
03:55I've done it before.
03:59Is that so?
04:01Why did you quit?
04:06There were many reasons.
04:22Mr. Emory?
04:25Oh, you're on duty today.
04:27Why are you here?
04:29Did you come in my place?
04:32No way.
04:35Well, where are you going?
04:47Did you see Mr. Emory?
04:49On the mountain?
04:51He was climbing alone.
04:52Right, Mr. Miyamoto?
04:53I didn't see him, but I heard so.
04:55Could that scar be related to Mr. Emory?
04:59Oh, it's just a scratch.
05:02Hey, did you hear what Mr. Emory said?
05:06Mr. Emory...
05:09Why did you become an international mountaineer?
05:11To take revenge on the mountain.
05:18Ms. Rei, do you have any idea?
05:23You said it before.
05:25I don't think it will change.
05:27The feeling of Mr. Emory who took revenge on the mountain.
05:30Why do you think so?
05:34It's me.
05:35That's the first time I've heard that.
05:37Is there any connection between you and Mr. Emory?
05:45Everyone, can I say something?
05:48Is everyone ready?
05:49Go ahead.
05:50Actually, I got a call from the owner of Ayukawa Sanso this morning.
05:54I was asked if MMT could participate in the mountaineering tour hosted by Sanso.
05:59Is that so?
06:00Ayukawa-san, MMT?
06:02That's troublesome.
06:04No, I mean...
06:05It's a good idea.
06:07It will be an appeal for MMT's activities.
06:10We will proceed in the direction that is accepted.
06:12Everyone, please do your best.
06:14Well, first of all...
06:16Can I ask Mr. Miyamoto?
06:18Of course.
06:21I really want you to support me.
06:26I can't.
06:32Hey, Ayukawa-san.
06:40Did you hear about the mountaineering tour?
06:44What are you going to do?
06:45The children of Koyaban are looking forward to it.
06:49Are you really going to do it?
06:52I think it's okay if MMT cooperates.
06:56It will be a good opportunity for many people to know the beauty of the mountains.
07:03You haven't forgotten what happened seven years ago, have you?
07:09I've been thinking about it for the past seven years.
07:17I want to build a clinic in the hut.
07:20I want to borrow the strength of the doctors in the hospital.
07:23But that's not to stop the mountaineering from being dangerous.
07:28It's more about how to enjoy mountaineering safely.
07:39The mountains are not scary at all.
07:44It's a wonderful place.
07:48I don't think so.
07:55About the mountaineering tour.
07:58I can't do it.
08:01You knew that, didn't you?
08:06She and you.
08:08Time has stopped since seven years ago.
08:17We have to change because of what happened seven years ago.
08:23I want to continue to live with Yamato, who I loved so much.
08:30That's what I can do as a friend.
08:34At least that's what I can do.
08:45Thank you for coming today.
08:48I'm glad to be able to hold a mountaineering tour.
08:52Eriko will print it for you.
08:56Thank you.
08:58Thank you.
09:01Miyamoto will be in charge of safety.
09:06Let me know if you're not feeling well.
09:23Thank you.
09:24Thank you.
09:56I'll take a break after climbing for about 10 minutes.
09:59Please do your best.
10:19How is it?
10:21Thank you.
10:23Thank you.
10:24You should take more pictures of the mountain.
10:27Thank you.
10:36The clouds are suspicious.
10:38Is it impossible to climb?
10:40To be honest, I didn't think the weather would change so quickly.
10:45I thought it was more dangerous.
10:48But it can't be helped.
10:53I'm sorry.
10:55There is a risk that the weather will suddenly deteriorate.
10:58I will cancel the mountaineering tour.
11:02It's just a little more.
11:04It's a decision based on everyone's safety.
11:09It's not good.
11:10Everyone, please follow me.
11:13Let's follow the teacher.
11:15Let's hurry.
11:20Everyone, let's wait for the weather to improve.
11:23Please keep your distance of more than 2 meters and lower your body.
11:30Please don't touch the ground.
11:33I'm sorry.
11:34I was evacuated to Jirintai.
11:39Everyone is safe.
11:40I see.
11:41I'm glad everyone is safe.
11:44I'm waiting.
11:46Eriko, come here.
11:57Please call for help.
12:21Eriko, can you hear me?
12:24Can you hear me?
12:47Excuse me.
12:50Don't worry.
12:53One, two, three.
12:56Is it true that he was struck by lightning?
12:58It doesn't seem to be a direct hit.
12:59He is unconscious.
13:00It doesn't change the fact that he was electrocuted, does it?
13:02It seems to have temporarily stopped.
13:04First, let's check the vitals.
13:05It's a new electric field and a new fluorescent light.
13:07Check the fever area.
13:08After that, let's do a blood test and a CT scan.
13:10I will prepare.
13:14I heard about the lightning accident.
13:16It was fortunate that the lightning rubber disappeared quickly and the helicopter was delivered.
13:22Even though the will of the OT was activated, the victim was released.
13:26This proves it.
13:28It doesn't matter if there is a doctor on the scene or not.
13:31Just climbing a mountain brings risks.
13:33I understand your advice painfully.
13:37But someone has to do it for the future of mountain medical.
13:42Learn from what happened seven years ago.
13:45In order not to kill more and more climbers every year.
13:48Then teach thoroughly.
13:50It's the most dangerous thing to get into mountain medical and think you know.
14:02The blood pressure is rising.
14:13The vitals are stable.
14:26Eriko, can you hear me?
14:28Can you hold my hand?
14:33Aren't you numb?
14:37I'm glad.
14:42I'm sorry to have put you in danger while I was acting as a doctor.
14:53No, it's not my fault.
15:00Eriko, I was worried about you.
15:04I'm sorry.
15:06Are you okay?
15:07I'm fine.
15:12I'm sorry to have put you in danger while I was acting as a doctor.
15:16But I was saved because you were there.
15:32If there was a little thunder, it wouldn't be strange if Eriko was dead.
15:40Do you really understand?
15:46You haven't learned anything from what happened seven years ago.
15:52I don't think you should be involved in the mountains anymore.
16:12I used to like the mountains.
16:17You helped me as a signboard girl in the mountain hut.
16:30That accident erased your smile.
16:40You're going on a mountain tour?
16:42You're going on a mountain tour?
16:44My grandfather is also a diver.
16:47What are you talking about?
16:48I was also certified as a mountain nurse.
16:51I think I can be useful.
16:54Thank you.
16:55You're welcome.
16:57If I run with Mr. Orihara, I'll learn a lot.
17:01I'm Misuzu Orihara from the International Mountain Club.
17:04Although it's getting warmer here, it's still as cold as winter in the mountains.
17:10Everyone, don't forget to wear warm clothes.
17:13Let's go.
17:15It's getting a little cold.
17:17Is everyone okay?
17:18Is there anyone who wants to wear a jacket?
17:20We're fine.
17:21Let's do our best.
17:29It's cold.
17:31Are you okay?
17:33I'm cold, too.
17:34Are you cold?
17:35It's pretty cold.
17:39Let's go up a little.
17:40Are you okay?
17:41It's pretty cold.
17:42It may cause hypothermia.
17:44Let's warm up quickly.
17:48The temperature has dropped sharply.
17:50It may be better to stop the tour here.
17:54It's not good to come all the way here.
17:58It's the summit in a little while, right?
18:01Can't you climb if you can?
18:02Let's go outside.
18:03We've come all the way here.
18:05That's right.
18:06Let's go.
18:07Wait a minute.
18:10You'd better stop.
18:14I'll take care of the others.
18:16Please take care of these people.
18:23Are you all right?
18:25I've contacted the rescue team.
18:27Please do your best.
18:31She's acting strange.
18:34Are you okay?
18:37Are you okay?
18:39It's your fault.
18:41It's impossible to go the wrong way.
18:56I'm glad you're okay.
18:59I'm sorry.
19:01I took the wrong route.
19:03I'm going back to the way you told me.
19:06Don't think about that.
19:08Just think about your condition now.
19:17Hang in there.
19:19All right.
19:20One, two, three.
19:25I'm sorry.
19:36Hey, isn't that the place where we evacuated earlier?
19:47Who are you?
19:49The late Dr. Orihara was my fiancée.
19:55Dr. Emori.
20:32Wait a minute.
20:37Here you are.
20:39You're early today.
20:42What happened?
20:54Can I have a beer?
21:03I'm sorry.
21:08Why did you apologize?
21:10I heard what happened seven years ago.
21:17I'm sorry.
21:23If I hadn't continued the tour,
21:27you wouldn't have been sacrificed.
21:32That's why...
21:40hate the mountains.
21:41I'm sorry.
22:02Do you really hate it?
22:08I thought you wouldn't accept the job at MMT.
22:15What do you know about me?
22:21I thought...
22:23you would.
22:26I'm not with you.
22:30You don't know anything.
22:39You can't get back what you lost.
22:43You can't get it back.
22:59Please sign here.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:20I don't know what happened.
23:24But I think Ayumu said what he wanted to say.
23:29He said so himself.
23:32The reason Ayumu decided to become a doctor
23:36when he was in middle school
23:40was because he lost his brother in the mountains.
23:48he was away from the mountains and his hometown.
23:52But he came back to his hometown
23:55and fell in love with the mountains.
23:59That's why I'm sure
24:01he doesn't want you to hate the mountains.
24:06That's what Ayumu thinks.
24:13It's a friendship.
24:28I'm sorry.
24:38I was asked to go on a mountaineering trip with Ayukawa.
24:42A mountaineering trip?
24:45I thought I'd go.
24:48Are you sure?
24:50I've known him for a long time.
24:52The owner and his grandson are great people.
24:55I thought I could help.
25:01he loves the mountains.
25:04Otherwise, he wouldn't have become a mountaineer.
25:08That's right.
25:13Why do you want to be a mountaineer?
25:16If there's even a 1% chance of being in danger,
25:19it's your job to stop the climbers.
25:26How did it go?
25:27She was nowhere to be found.
25:31Is that so?
25:32We'll continue to expand our search.
25:35But we can't search any further.
25:41Where are you going?
25:42I'm going to look for Hanasaki.
25:45It's dangerous at night.
25:46You know that.
25:51Let me go!
25:52Let me go!
25:53Let me go!
25:54Let me go!
25:55Let me go!
25:56Let me go!
25:57Maruyama Eriko
26:19This is Maruyama Eriko from Room 204.
26:22There's no problem with the examination results.
26:25You can be discharged tomorrow.
26:28I'd like to check on you all again.
26:32You recovered faster than I expected.
26:34Well, I'm used to mountaineering.
26:36I guess I had some physical strength.
26:39We don't have much time.
26:41We'll check on you next time.
26:43Thank you.
26:44Thank you.
26:49Is the conference over?
26:54I'm asking if you've discussed the causes and measures for the accident.
27:00Causes and measures?
27:02To detect the danger in advance.
27:07Did you check the weather before you set off for the mountaineering tour?
27:13We decided that there would be no avalanche that day.
27:17But it wasn't like that.
27:20Your reading was weak.
27:22You exposed the climbers to danger.
27:25But Miyamoto-sensei's judgment prevented the avalanche.
27:30Is that all you want?
27:35What have you learned from the mountains?
27:42What is MMT?
27:44Don't be so self-conscious.
28:15It's hard to be a doctor.
28:21Hey, the bathroom is open.
28:25It's hard to be a doctor.
28:28You're too serious.
28:31Don't think too much.
28:33Doctors are humans.
28:35We all make mistakes.
28:38It's okay. I can do it.
28:41It's okay. I can do it.
28:44I see.
28:48Take a bath before it gets cold.
28:57You said you had a stomachache the other day.
29:01I'm worried about you.
29:04I'm fine.
29:06I didn't do anything wrong.
29:08You didn't do anything wrong.
29:09I did it just in case.
29:14Where are my glasses?
29:17My glasses.
29:18Where are my glasses?
29:20I'll make a reservation.
29:29Don't worry about it.
29:31You just said the wrong name.
29:34I don't care.
29:37As a member of the Human Dog,
29:39I'll make sure you get a good look at it.
29:41It's a matter of recognition.
29:46You're doing well.
29:48I've already decided on the next mountain.
29:51Mr. Uda, you're really tough.
29:54Have you ever thought that you might meet a scary person again?
29:59At first, I wanted to see the scenery my wife saw.
30:04But now, I'm more interested in the mountains.
30:09I'm having more fun than I was scared.
30:13I understand.
30:15I'm so glad I got to see you, Mr. Miyamoto.
30:22I still have a long way to go.
30:25I'm studying every day.
30:26I know it's hard.
30:28But I'm grateful that you like the mountains.
30:33Is that so?
30:34That's right.
30:39It's been thundering lately.
30:42I hope it clears up soon.
30:46That was close.
30:47I almost got rained on.
30:49Unfortunately, the weather was bad.
30:51Where's Mr. Shige?
30:53Wasn't he with you?
30:56He didn't come back?
31:00He said he wasn't feeling well.
31:02He should have left earlier.
31:07Thank you so much.
31:09It's summer break at the university.
31:11Get some rest.
31:15But I'm thinking of going back to the hut when I get some rest.
31:22Are you okay?
31:23I like the mountains.
31:26I have to keep studying so I don't make the same mistake again.
31:31The participants want me to continue touring.
31:35And I want to see everyone's smiles.
31:39You too, right?
31:42I guess so.
31:44I'll see you at the summit.
31:49Take care.
31:50Take care.
31:57I'm sorry about the other day.
32:06I was mean to you.
32:09Not at all.
32:16Did Noriko say something?
32:19No, nothing.
32:37I don't want to face it.
32:41The mountains.
32:50I hate it.
32:52I can't leave you.
32:59You're still working as a mountain nurse, right?
33:07MMT, please gather at the emergency center.
33:11I'll repeat.
33:13Who was hit?
33:14It was a lightning strike.
33:16A climber died on the spot.
33:18A climber died on the spot.
33:20Blood pressure is dropping.
33:231, 2, 3!
33:25I'm taking off my clothes.
33:34Let's get a medical check-up.
33:36Get ready for an X-ray.
33:38Excuse me.
33:44What's wrong?
33:45It's okay.
33:48Shige, hang in there.
33:51You'll be able to climb again.
33:53Let's climb together.
33:59Wait a minute.
34:11Ayuka, I'm listening.
34:16Concentrate on the antipyretic.
34:19It's okay.
34:20It's okay.
34:22Let's take it easy.
34:23Hang in there.
34:24It's okay.
34:35I'm glad that Shige's vitals are stable.
34:40I'm sure he'll get better if he gets a good treatment.
34:47I'm sure Shige was encouraged by Dr. Miyamoto.
34:58He said, let's climb the mountain together.
35:02I was determined.
35:06Me too.
35:09Thanks to him, I remembered something important.
35:22Dr. Emori.
35:25Can I talk to you for a moment?
35:45Since that day 7 years ago,
35:53I've been thinking.
35:58What can I do?
36:03How can I make it up to you?
36:06I've been thinking.
36:10But I don't know what to do.
36:17I remembered.
36:217 years ago,
36:25Dr. Emori said to me...
36:39Let's climb the mountain together again.
36:43So, don't hate the mountain.
36:55I finally understand what it means to be a nurse.
37:00And what I can do.
37:03I finally understand.
37:08I don't want climbers to hate the mountain.
37:14So I'll do what I can.
37:21I'm sorry.
37:24I know I'm being selfish.
37:30I really want to tell you.
37:45hate the mountain.
37:52It's up to you what you think of the mountain.
37:57Just do what you want to do.
38:04The most important thing is...
38:07what you can learn from the accident.
38:17It's the mountain that took Misuzu.
38:23It's not your fault.
38:27It's your fault.
38:30You're just a climber.
38:54I've climbed the mountain for years.
38:57I didn't think I'd be struck by lightning.
39:06But it's going well.
39:09You don't have to worry about a minor injury.
39:17I'd like to climb the mountain with you again.
39:28Everyone, thank you for coming.
39:32The weather is great.
39:34Let's start the mountain tour.
39:38Today, we have Dr. Ino Sangaku as our guide.
39:45I'm Miyamoto from Shinano General Hospital.
39:48Let's go to a safe place.
39:51Did you go to the last bathroom?
39:53Yes, I did.
39:55Please stretch your calves.
40:00Let's go.
40:12Let me join you.
40:20Let me introduce you.
40:22This is Dr. Ino Sangaku, who will guide you on the mountain tour.
40:31Please understand that if you get sick or the weather gets worse,
40:37you may have to cancel the tour.
40:48Is everyone okay?
40:52We're almost there. Let's do our best.
40:58I can see the bird.
41:01It's beautiful.
41:02Ready, go!
41:06It's going to change.
41:07Really? I'm going to change, too.
41:09It's going to change.
41:10Are you okay?
41:11I'm glad you're okay.
41:14Let's line up.
41:23Thank you very much.
41:28I'm here because of you, Dr. Miyamoto.
41:33No, no.
41:41The only person I want you to love is not the patient.
41:52I love you.
42:07I love mountains.
42:18You're good at taking pictures.
42:22You're the best, Rei-chan.
42:23Stop it.
42:28I like that face.
42:30You look like a fan.
42:53The old Reika is back.
43:06It's the third week again.
43:09Dr. Komiyama.
43:11Dr. Komiyama?
43:13I've given you a lot of reasons to postpone it,
43:16but this time, you're going to be in charge of the mountain clinic.
43:20I'm the leader, so I think it's better to wait at the hospital.
43:25It's important for you to experience the current situation of the mountain.
43:30Dr. Komiyama.
43:32You're the leader, so you have to lead.
43:37Ayukawa-san, don't you feel more cheerful than usual?
43:42Dr. Emori, did you change your mind?
43:44Ayukawa-san is reliable, so there's nothing to be afraid of at MMT.
43:51No, there's something I haven't solved yet.
43:54Yes, there is.
43:56The mystery of Dr. Emori wandering the mountains.
44:07Thank you, Ayukawa-san.
44:10I didn't do anything.
44:12No, it's thanks to you.
44:15With this, MMT will be a more reliable existence.
44:20I hope so.
44:24If you're so worried, why don't you join MMT?
44:29The case of cyber has been settled.
44:34I've told you many times.
44:36I don't have time for that.
44:38What are you looking for?
44:44Until I find her.
44:47This year, the number of deaths in the mountains will be zero.
44:55I don't know how high the MMT slogan is.
45:00Someday, the day will come when they realize the reality.
45:05At that time, I will definitely need you.
45:17Calm down!
45:19I'll call the rescue team.
45:21I can't rescue at night.
45:23Even so, death is inevitable.
45:25It's a loss of a mountain.
45:27When did you two get so close?
45:30Is it the scar of the mountain?
45:32Is there something wrong with me?
45:34Tell me the truth.
45:35Don't cry.
45:36I'm not crying.
45:37Hey, stop it!
45:38No, I can't stop bleeding.
45:39We need to consider whether or not it is worth paying the budget.
45:43I don't want to lose someone in the mountains anymore.
