櫻井・有吉THE夜会 240905

  • 2 days ago
00:00First up for the Yakai Cajuno is...
00:08Sakurai Ariyoshi has won a bronze medal!
00:14Thank you!
00:19For the Yakai Cajuno, the Paralympic medalists are participating for the first time.
00:23Watanabe Yuta and Arisa Higashino.
00:31Higashino's defense.
00:32Watanabe attacks!
00:37Two consecutive medals!
00:40The two of them hugged each other!
00:43Madomin and Konnan have won two Olympic medals in a row.
00:50A bronze medal!
00:52That's great!
00:55Actually, these two have been seniors and juniors since middle school.
00:59This is their 13th year as a pair.
01:02Is that so?
01:04They happened to be a pair in Amarimonodoushi.
01:08It's been a mysterious connection since the day they first teamed up.
01:13They are a perfect match.
01:16Watanabe, you got married recently.
01:19Yes, I did.
01:20I didn't know.
01:21Did you talk to your husband about it?
01:23No, I didn't.
01:24I didn't know at all.
01:26After the Olympics, Higashino got married for the first time on a TV show.
01:34After the Olympics, I asked him when he was getting married.
01:38I was really confused.
01:41I didn't know when he was getting married.
01:45I didn't know he was already married.
01:48It was a long time ago.
01:50I wanted to tell him, but I thought he was already married.
01:56I wanted to keep it a secret from my seniors.
02:05I got married, too.
02:14What's going on?
02:16Higashino got married on August 28th.
02:21Actually, it was the first time for him to appear on a TV show.
02:27I was in the dressing room.
02:30I was listening to him talking to his manager.
02:33He said,
02:34He said,
02:36He said,
02:39He said,
02:44He said,
02:47He said,
02:52He said,
02:56Is he there?
02:59Yes, he's over there.
03:03Who is he?
03:05He's a senior at my company.
03:09Is he Mr. Igarashi?
03:10Yes, he is.
03:12He used to play badminton, didn't he?
03:14Yes, he did.
03:16Higashino got married to Mr. Yu Igarashi, a coach of B-Pro-G badminton team.
03:24Do you have anything to say to Mr. Igarashi and Mr. Higashino?
03:29Good luck!
03:32It's so simple.
03:34This is the first time for Watagashi couple to play a game.
03:39Let's ask more questions.
03:41That's right.
03:43The first game is to open the rice cooker in 100 seconds.
03:49The rule is to push the button 8 meters away from the rice cooker in 100 seconds.
03:55If you can open the lid, you win.
03:58No, no, no.
04:00By the way, the size of the button is 2 cm in height and 5 cm in width.
04:06You have to hit the shuttlecock to the smaller target than the lighter.
04:11Is it that far?
04:12It's quite a distance.
04:13How difficult is it?
04:15Soshinaga will challenge with the same distance of 8 meters.
04:19If you hit it, you'll win.
04:21If you hit it, you'll win.
04:23If you hit it, you'll win.
04:25If you hit it, you'll win.
04:273, 2, 1, 0.
04:33You didn't hit it at all.
04:35You slipped.
04:38I hit it clearly.
04:41The button is small, so you have to hit it accurately and precisely.
04:49How do you feel when you look at the rice cooker?
04:53I can do it easily.
04:55He is strong.
04:58He is a man.
05:00Let's get started.
05:01This is a one-shot game.
05:03Will the rice cooker open in 100 seconds?
05:07100 seconds open rice cooker.
05:09Let's start the challenge.
05:14The first pitch.
05:16It's close.
05:17He said there are many pitches.
05:19It's difficult.
05:20Will Higashino be able to open the lid of the rice cooker?
05:26It's pitch time.
05:27It's difficult.
05:29What will you do?
05:32I can't do it.
05:33You can't do it.
05:34You want to see if you can do it.
05:36Let's do this first.
05:38You can do it.
05:40You shouldn't underestimate the skills of an Olympic athlete.
05:44No, no, no.
05:46We support you.
05:48We support you.
05:49We support you.
05:50We don't give up on you.
05:52I think I can do it.
05:54How about you three?
05:56It's difficult.
05:58Let's split up.
06:00I want you to slip.
06:03100 seconds open rice cooker.
06:06Let's start the challenge.
06:11The first pitch.
06:13It's close.
06:14He said there are many pitches.
06:16You can do it.
06:20You can do it.
06:22You can do it.
06:25Higashino, you can do it.
06:27You can do it.
06:33You are strong.
06:35It's close.
06:38No, no.
06:39The battery used up.
07:03It was so fast!
07:19As expected, it was a two-in-a-row alliance!
07:21Only 30 seconds!
07:23It was a success!
07:27Thank you!
07:29How was it?
07:31It was a 30-second alliance!
07:33It was a success!
07:37It was a success!
07:39It was a 13-ball alliance!
07:41How was it?
07:43I was happier than I was in the three-in-a-row alliance!
07:45I was happier than I was in the three-in-a-row alliance!
07:47I wonder if that's okay.
07:51Team Ariya wins the first point!
07:55We did it!
07:57Watagashi's team won the third point.
07:59The third game is...
08:01100-second laundry!
08:03100-second laundry!
08:07Yul, you have to push the shuttle into the laundry in 100 seconds.
08:09Yul, you have to push the shuttle into the laundry in 100 seconds.
08:11If you can drop everything, it's a success!
08:13If you can drop everything, it's a success!
08:15Two T-shirts, two pants, and four socks.
08:17Two T-shirts, two pants, and four socks.
08:19It's a power game.
08:21You have to shoot a lot of power.
08:23You have to shoot a lot of power.
08:25I think there's a time limit, too.
08:27I think there's a time limit, too.
08:29Both of them are well-prepared.
08:31The energetic man.
08:33The energetic man.
08:37First, one T-shirt.
08:39First, one T-shirt.
08:45That's the caliber!
08:47It's not aimed at the top.
08:49It's not aimed at the top.
08:51It came in a little behind.
08:53Four jockeys in a row!!!
08:55You can do it!
08:56You're almost there!
08:58He got it!
09:00He got it!
09:02He got it in a total of 20 tries!
09:07So he passed, right?
09:09So here's the real thing!
09:11He challenges himself to the 100 second laundry challenge.
09:15What strategy and motivation did you learn today?
09:18I want to get there as quickly as possible, but I'm tired.
09:23There are a lot of socks hidden in the back.
09:26I feel like that will be the last obstacle.
09:30Let's get started.
09:31It's a one-shot game.
09:33100 seconds.
09:34Take the laundry.
09:39There it is.
09:40The first ball.
09:41Wow, that's fast.
09:42He's following the T-shirt.
09:45The T-shirt.
09:46He can't do it.
09:47And the other T-shirt.
09:49He can do it, he can do it.
09:50There are six left.
09:51It's going well.
09:52He pushed from the laundry basket.
09:55Does he have the laundry there?
09:56He pushed it.
09:57He pushed it, he pushed it.
09:58That's fast.
09:59Wataru is able to get the laundry within 100 seconds.
10:02It's the time.
10:03The distance is six meters.
10:04It's a bit closer than before.
10:05It's close.
10:06Do you want to play this?
10:07Let's go
10:08I'm sorry.
10:09You're slipping again.
10:10You're slipping again.
10:11It's a little close.
10:13You don't want to do this?
10:15Let's do it.
10:17You're going to slip again.
10:19You're going to slip again.
10:21Please trust me.
10:23You're going to slip again.
10:25Stop it.
10:27How was it?
10:29I think it's going to be difficult.
10:31It was shaking, wasn't it?
10:33I have to control it again.
10:35It's like a sock.
10:37It looks like a sock.
10:39I think it's going to be difficult.
10:41I'll go this way.
10:43It's a little difficult.
10:45I want to believe you.
10:47I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier.
10:49I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier.
10:51We haven't been able to celebrate yet.
10:53Let's celebrate together.
10:55Let's celebrate together.
10:57Let's celebrate together.
10:59100 seconds.
11:01100 seconds.
11:03Ready, go!
11:05Ready, go!
11:07I'll go first.
11:09I touched a t-shirt.
11:11This is a Kim's.
11:13This is at
11:14colorful t-shirt.
11:16There are six members left.
11:18It was a smooth slip.
11:20I fell off from Yayoi-san's mallet.
11:22I can reach it, but I can't.
11:24I'm sorry.
11:26There are five members left.
11:28This is fast.
11:30It's hard to pick them up.
11:32I'm sorry.
11:34It was not a good hit.
11:36He wants to drop it here.
11:38It's almost there.
11:4035 seconds have passed.
11:42He dropped the socks.
11:44What should he do?
11:46He dropped it.
11:48He dropped it.
11:50He dropped it.
11:52He dropped it.
11:54He dropped it.
11:56There are 3 socks left.
11:58What should he do?
12:00Open it.
12:02Time loss.
12:04It's been 60 seconds.
12:0640 seconds left.
12:083 socks left.
12:10He can do it.
12:12He dropped it.
12:143 socks left.
12:16He can do it.
12:185 seconds left.
12:20Time is running out.
12:22Time is running out.
12:24He can do it.
12:26He can do it.
12:28He can do it.
12:30He can do it.
12:32He can do it.
12:34A little more.
12:36Time is running out.
12:38The last sock.
12:40Can he make it?
12:42He can do it.
12:44Time is up.
12:46Time is up.
12:48A man failed with a small sock.
12:50He failed.
12:52He was so close.
12:54He was so close.
12:56It was amazing.
12:58The game ends.
13:00I'm so tired.
13:01That was a close one.
13:03For real, wow.
13:04Wow, that was amazing.
13:06That was a really close one.
13:08That was really close.
13:13He'll get 6 shots in 9 seconds.
13:16Can he do it?
13:17Can he do it?
13:18He has to knock down the bean.
13:21His socks are falling off.
13:23I've never been this bad in a game or practice.
13:26You're right, at one go.
13:27I guess so.
13:28This is where you can't get a gold medal.
13:31This is where you can't get a gold medal.
13:33This is amazing.
13:34So, this team is going to get 2 points.
13:40Watagashi Pair 3rd match.
13:42The last match is...
13:44O-Nin's Perfect Game.
13:48The opponent is...
13:50Ready, set...
13:52Yes, that's right.
13:53It's a bowling ball.
13:56Wow, that's good.
13:57You can do it, O-Nin!
13:59Go, go, go!
14:02Travis Japan is in charge of O-Nin's Perfect Game.
14:06I know you guys are athletic and good at acrobatics,
14:10but how about badminton?
14:12Is there anyone who is confident?
14:17I'm confident.
14:18I'm athletic and I play a lot of tennis.
14:22I played a lot of badminton in high school,
14:25so I think I can play badminton, too.
14:27I might be a little naive, though.
14:30Go, go, go!
14:31Don't lose, don't lose!
14:34Wow, that's amazing!
14:38I won't aim anymore.
14:44The rules are...
14:457 Travis Japan players against 2 Watagashi Pair players.
14:50If they can score 10 points without losing a single point,
14:54the challenge is a success.
14:58The width of the court is about twice the width of a badminton court.
15:01It's wide!
15:02For the Watagashi Pair, it's a handicap that doubles the area to protect.
15:07How do you feel?
15:08I'm going to beat him up.
15:11You two are friends now.
15:12You're going to beat him up?
15:13That's amazing.
15:14I'm getting a handicap,
15:16but I think I can do it without it.
15:20You don't have a handicap?
15:21No, no, no.
15:22I don't have a handicap.
15:23I just hit him.
15:24I just hit him.
15:26Actually, the Watagashi Pair announced the elimination of the pair after the Olympics.
15:31This is the last match before the elimination of the pair.
15:36That's the problem?
15:38Why is it a problem?
15:39That's true.
15:40It's all a problem.
15:41Before the game, they warm up.
15:50This is a world-class warm-up that you don't get to see often.
15:56With the preparation ready,
16:00what will the result be?
16:03Let's get started.
16:05It's a perfect game for all of us.
16:07The game is about to start.
16:11After this,
16:12the Watagashi Pair is going to play against the Watagashi Pair.
16:17It's a good start.
16:19After this,
16:29Why did you hit me?
16:30What a shocking ending.
16:34Will the Watagashi Pair be able to get 10 points without losing a single point?
16:42Here I go.
16:48Of course.
16:54It's decided.
16:55It's a wide shot.
16:57It's too fast.
16:58It's too fast that you can't see it.
17:01Everyone, focus.
17:041 to 0.
17:05Watanabe serves.
17:07Here I go.
17:12Higashima serves.
17:15It's in.
17:17It's in.
17:18It's in.
17:19The rally is still going.
17:26One game.
17:2710 games.
17:28The Watagashi Pair is going to win.
17:30It's a good start.
17:38Yes, yes, yes!
17:40He's going to get it!
17:42That's not good.
17:44He's waiting in the middle!
17:46It's a miss!
17:48It's a total miss!
17:50Travis Japan is not getting any points.
17:53But, he got 5 points, right?
17:55That means the court will be narrow.
17:57That's right.
17:58This is our chance.
17:59The court will be split in half.
18:01Yes, from here,
18:03Travis Japan's court will be split in half.
18:06This is difficult.
18:08For the Watanabe couple,
18:10it's even more difficult to get points.
18:13The court on Travis Japan's side is split in half.
18:17It's really narrow.
18:18It's changed a lot.
18:20This is definitely possible.
18:21It's a huge advantage.
18:22What do you think, Watanabe-san?
18:24It's really narrow.
18:26But, our court is really wide.
18:28That's right.
18:29This is the first time I've seen such a thick court.
18:33I'm going to win.
18:36Let's decide the formation.
18:37The formation.
18:38Let's block the court from the front.
18:42That's a good idea.
18:44Let's block the court from the side.
18:46That's a good idea.
18:47Let's block the court from the side.
18:48That's a great strategy.
18:49Will the Watanabe couple be able to beat Travis Japan?
18:53I think we can do it.
18:54It's bed time.
18:57I think we can do it.
19:00With the current situation?
19:02I think it's a good thing that the court is narrow.
19:08It's hard to hit the racket.
19:10It's narrow.
19:11It's hard to defend.
19:16But, we can do it.
19:17We can do it.
19:18We still have three chances.
19:20We can do it.
19:21We can do it.
19:22We can do it.
19:23We can do it.
19:24We can win three times.
19:27We can win.
19:28We can win.
19:29The score is 2-0.
19:30If I had to decide who was going to lose this game,
19:33If I had to choose who was going to lose this game,
19:35I would definitely choose a different ware.
19:38That's a great idea.
19:40I would probably win by a point.
19:41If I can win this game, I would definitely choose to lose.
19:43There's a story behind this.
19:46If I lose early, it's my win.
19:48Let's go.
19:51That's a nice play.
19:53The way he put the racket on the board is wonderful.
19:55If I lose this game, I think I should lose early.
19:57The last match for the Watagashi Pair.
20:01Travis Japan has formed a net formation.
20:06The Watagashi Pair's serve is the best.
20:10He hit it.
20:27It's dangerous back there.
20:28It's pretty much working out.
20:30The ball is tiny.
20:32It doesn't matter if you attack too much
20:34or too little.
20:35You can try it from the middle.
20:38Let's try it from the middle next time.
20:39But that means his back's facing me.
20:40No it can't go forward.
20:42What about the back?
20:43It feels like you can do both.
20:45It's easier to make the pass.
20:47Let's switch to middle next time.
20:49Will Travis Japan's sideways formation be the key to victory?
20:54Here it comes.
20:55Here I go.
20:57I'm counting on you.
21:17That was dangerous!
21:19That was a good match.
21:21That was a good match.
21:23A sharp smash in the middle!
21:25He made a great return!
21:29The rally continues for the 16th time.
21:31Travis Japan is out!
21:35This was a dangerous match!
21:37Travis Japan is out!
21:39Nice, nice.
21:41This was a good match.
21:43Watagashi, you work hard!
21:45Can Travis Japan continue?
21:47Go for it!
21:49Go for it!
21:51Good, good, good.
21:52You missed!
21:54My first touch!
21:55You're aiming for it!
21:578 to 0.
21:58With 2 points left, Watagashi and Pair win.
22:02Nice, nice, nice.
22:03To the back, to the back!
22:05Kanabe, quick!
22:07It's too early!
22:08But it's a little too early!
22:10I got it!
22:11Do it!
22:129 to 0.
22:13Watagashi, match point!
22:15Let's calm down.
22:16Next is the last one.
22:17The last one?
22:18Be careful.
22:23Nakamura's smash!
22:26It's in!
22:27The smash goes straight to the net!
22:31It's a match point!
22:34Nakamura's smash!
22:36What was that?
22:37It's a miss.
22:39What kind of skill is that?
22:41What a lucky shot!
22:42Nakamura's jump smash
22:45goes straight to the net!
22:47Wow! He's so lucky!
22:49Masakashi Pea wins!
22:53I really enjoyed it.
22:55I really wanted to win, but I'm so disappointed.
22:57But it was fun. Thank you.
22:59How was it, Higashino-san? Looking back at the match.
23:01It was such a good smash that I couldn't even see the shuttlecock.
23:06It was a good smash.
23:08It was unexpected.
23:10But the rally went on and I had a lot of fun.
23:13Thank you so much.
23:16Congratulations to both of you.
23:18And thank you so much for today.
23:24And so, the guest team is...
23:30The score has been reversed.
23:34It was a great match.
23:36If it was a good match, it was a good match.
23:38If it wasn't for the net, I wouldn't have known.
23:40It was really fun.
23:42This game is fun.
23:44This game is fun.
23:46This game is fun.
23:48It was a really good match.
23:50It was fun.
23:52And so, the members in the studio are challenging with their husbands.
23:56It's showtime.
23:58The next challenger is...
24:00It's you.
24:02It's my husband, Jesus.
24:04Who is it?
24:06What kind of name is that?
24:12Who is that?
24:14It's Nobuko, Jesus.
24:16Speaking of Nobuko...
24:18Wait a minute.
24:20You said you wanted to be an exclusive model for EGG.
24:24She is in charge of making fun of the trio entertainer, Party-chan.
24:30In 2024, she won 8th place in the KAMIHANKI TV appearance ranking.
24:34She is a famous gal entertainer who is currently on a break.
24:38This is the worst!
24:40This is the worst!
24:42Nobuko is like that, but in fact...
24:44Ladies and gentlemen,
24:46I'm sorry to tell you this,
24:48but I'm married!
24:56She announced that she was married to a guy who runs a select shop.
25:02On Nobuko's Instagram,
25:04there is a picture of a couple having fun on a date.
25:06Is that a pair look?
25:08And on the Internet,
25:10people are talking about how cool her husband is.
25:12It's true that he is cool.
25:14People are talking about how handsome Jesus is.
25:16Who will be challenged by such a couple this time?
25:20They get along well.
25:22Husband, Jesus's part-time job.
25:24It's my darling.
25:26Oh, Takashima-san.
25:28Takashima Masahiro.
25:30Sasaki Kensuke challenged her before.
25:32It's a cute project.
25:34It's a hand of my beloved darling.
25:38It's a challenge where you look at the parts of the body
25:40and guess who your beloved darling is.
25:44How did you two meet?
25:46It's a matching app.
25:48I thought I'd only find the type.
25:50I was wondering what kind of person he was.
25:52And I found him.
25:54What was your first impression?
25:56At first,
25:58I thought he was a fashionable person.
26:02He was a fashionista.
26:04He was wearing a European style shirt.
26:10It's totally different.
26:12It's different.
26:14When we first met,
26:16I didn't know what he liked,
26:18so I dressed casually.
26:20I'll praise you later.
26:22Don't praise me.
26:24It's been five years since they got married.
26:26They are still in love.
26:28It's been five years.
26:30He's the best.
26:32He's my beloved husband.
26:34I want to kiss him now.
26:36It's hard to say.
26:38This is Nobuko's handsome darling.
26:40This is Nobuko's handsome darling.
26:46He's cute.
26:48He's my beloved Jesus.
26:50He's 37 years old.
26:52This time,
26:54I prepared an extra
26:56that is close to the age of Jesus.
26:58It's Jesus.
27:00Look at the body parts of four people
27:02and guess the answer.
27:04There are a lot of beards.
27:06All of them are good.
27:12Wait a minute.
27:14It's difficult.
27:18There are three questions in total.
27:20The more you get the right answer,
27:22the more difficult it will be.
27:24The first question.
27:26I know.
27:34Of course I know.
27:36He has a big face.
27:38But he's a man.
27:40When he gets tired,
27:42he becomes a man.
27:44He's not a perfect man.
27:46I think he's fast.
27:48I don't think he's worried about anything.
27:50I want him to say the answer.
27:52Let's see
27:54It's my darling.
28:06It's surprisingly difficult.
28:08Isn't it difficult?
28:14I see.
28:20I think it's right.
28:22It's easy.
28:24I think it's right.
28:26It's easy.
28:28I know my darling.
28:32You don't hesitate.
28:34You're sure.
28:36I see.
28:38I'm sure.
28:42The second question.
28:44I'm sure.
28:46I'm sure.
28:48It's a little bit like a drooping tear bag.
28:50It's a little bit like a drooping tear bag.
28:52I see.
28:54It's cute.
28:56The second one is
28:58It's my darling.
29:00It's my darling.
29:02What's the answer?
29:04It's my darling.
29:06It's amazing.
29:08It's amazing.
29:10It's amazing.
29:12It's difficult.
29:14It's the glory of Kano at that time.
29:16It's the glory of Kano at that time.
29:18It's the glory of Kano at that time.
29:20It's the glory of Kano at that time.
29:22It's cute.
29:24It's fun.
29:26It's good.
29:28I think it's right.
29:30I think it's right.
29:32The third one is
29:34It's nose.
29:36It's nose.
29:38It's nose.
29:40I see.
29:42I see.
29:44It's easy.
29:46The second one is
29:48He is very confident.
29:50He is very confident.
29:52Takashima Masahiro challenged his wife Silvia's nose.
29:54Takashima Masahiro challenged his wife Silvia's nose.
29:56It's difficult.
30:00What are you doing?
30:02It's different.
30:04It's really different.
30:06He made a bad influence on a marital relationship.
30:08He made a bad influence on a marital relationship.
30:10He made a bad influence on a marital relationship.
30:12To be honest,
30:14I don't know how to memorize it.
30:16I'm confident.
30:18I'm confident.
30:20I'm confident.
30:22It's too funny.
30:28There are two parts left.
30:30Can Nobuko make the sound she loves?
30:34It's hard.
30:38I'm sorry. A big couple came out.
30:43Kana, do you think you can do it?
30:45No, I can't.
30:47You're mean.
30:49Which one?
30:53Next, nose and lips.
30:56How about you, Kagoshima?
30:58We've been living together for a long time.
31:01We see each other every day.
31:03We kiss every day.
31:05It's embarrassing.
31:08You said it yourself.
31:10You said it yourself.
31:12It's cute.
31:14I think I can do it.
31:16I see.
31:20No, you can't.
31:22It's hard.
31:24What's the next part?
31:29What's the characteristic of your husband's nose?
31:32It's high and sharp.
31:36What's this?
31:39It's a little cracked.
31:41You know that much.
31:43I think it's a characteristic of a high-nosed person.
31:48It's My Darling, start!
31:51It's My Darling is too funny.
31:54Isn't it 3?
31:56No, it's not 3.
31:58Which one? 4?
32:00It looks like 4.
32:02I don't know.
32:07It's close to a characteristic.
32:09I totally understand.
32:13You don't hesitate?
32:16It's 3, right?
32:18Isn't it 4?
32:20No, it's 2.
32:24No.1 is Jesus' nose.
32:32It's totally different.
32:34What's the correct answer?
32:39No way.
32:44It's too early.
32:46I was surprised.
32:48No.1 is Jesus' nose.
32:50It's cute.
32:52It's high and sharp.
32:55I think it's a characteristic of a high-nosed person.
32:58I understood at once.
33:00Say something to your future wife.
33:03Do your best.
33:05Simple is the best.
33:09The last one is advanced level.
33:11It's advanced level.
33:15It's lips.
33:17Is it okay?
33:19Take off the mask.
33:21It's a mess.
33:23A mess?
33:26I saw it.
33:28I touched it.
33:30I touched it.
33:32I know it.
33:34But after this...
33:38It's difficult.
33:40Are you hesitating?
33:42It's difficult.
33:44Can I kiss you?
33:46It's disgusting.
33:48Can she guess it just by looking at her husband's lips?
33:54Let's start.
34:01It's difficult.
34:03It's narrow.
34:05It's a mustache.
34:07It's a mustache.
34:12It's difficult.
34:14Are you hesitating?
34:16It's difficult.
34:18It's difficult.
34:21It's difficult.
34:23It's a nose.
34:25It's difficult.
34:27Are you hesitating?
34:43Can I kiss you?
34:47It's difficult.
34:49Are you hesitating?
34:51It's narrow.
34:55You have good lips.
34:58No one knows.
35:00What if it's wrong?
35:02It's a little wider.
35:04It's 4 and 3.
35:08It's 4 and 3.
35:14It's difficult.
35:16It's difficult.
35:18I don't know.
35:20You said it's narrow.
35:22It's really close.
35:24It's a nice selection.
35:28It's unique.
35:30Wait a minute.
35:32Everyone has good lips.
35:36It's disgusting.
35:38Are you hesitating?
35:40Don't say that.
35:42It's wide and thick.
35:45I'm counting on you.
35:47What's the color of the building?
35:49I know.
35:51I trust you.
35:53No. 3 or
35:55No. 4?
35:57No. 3 or
35:59No. 4?
36:01What's the answer?
36:03No. 3 is
36:05No. 3 is
36:07No. 3 is
36:09No. 3 is
36:11No. 3 is
36:14Let's make a mistake.
36:20What's the correct answer?
36:22What's the correct answer?
36:24I'm counting on you.
36:26It's easy.
36:28It's easy.
36:30It's easy.
36:32You said it's easy.
36:34You said it's easy.
36:36I said it's easy.
36:38He is noisy,
36:40but he seems to be happy.
36:45With that, Team Alice gets 1 point.
36:49We did it!
36:52Now that we have our points, it's time for the last game.
36:56It's showtime!
36:58Kurashima Yui vs. Rakuro
37:01I've played the role of a girl who wants to become a statue.
37:08I practiced a lot for this game.
37:14I practiced for 3 hours a day for 10 days.
37:19That's quite a long time.
37:22Speaking of Kurashima...
37:24It's Scarlet.
37:25I'm Mitsu Matsunaga.
37:27Nice to meet you.
37:30In NHK's Asada,
37:32Scarlet trains young people who become apprentices of pottery craftsmen.
37:37For Kurashima, who has played the role of Rakuro many times,
37:41this is a must-try.
37:46The rule is to use Rakuro,
37:48and succeed if you can make a 30cm pot within 2 minutes.
37:55My teacher praised me a lot.
37:58I remember him saying that I had a good sense.
38:0240cm? Is that about right?
38:05I think I can make it in 30 minutes.
38:08I think I can do it.
38:10Masami Nagasawa and Kaira Kimura, who have played pottery before,
38:14will try this.
38:20They failed.
38:23This is a very difficult challenge that 4 out of 6 people have failed.
38:29The key to success is not to rush,
38:31but to weaken the power of your hands when you reach 20cm.
38:37If I fail, I'll be really embarrassed.
38:40I'll definitely succeed.
38:44Will Kurashima Yuina be able to clear this difficult challenge?
38:50Behind me is a gallery of past works.
38:56Goto Maki and Minami Hamabe are the only ones who succeeded.
39:01It looks very stylish.
39:04It looks like it was bent on purpose.
39:07When it's completed, it will look like this.
39:10I want you to aim for 30cm and do your best.
39:13How confident are you?
39:15I'm confident. I'll do my best.
39:17I want you to take advantage of your experience and do your best.
39:21Will Kurashima Yuina be able to clear this difficult challenge?
39:23If she fails, it's bed time.
39:27We have no choice but to do this.
39:29We have no choice but to do this.
39:31We have no choice but to do this.
39:34I think Asadora is doing it seriously.
39:38I'm getting nervous.
39:40The time limit is limited.
39:42It's 2 minutes.
39:43That's right.
39:44I didn't expect everyone to do it in 2 minutes.
39:48But it looks like you can do it.
39:50I think so.
39:52I think so.
39:54It looks like you can do it.
39:56I think so.
39:57Team Alisa did it.
39:59Team Alisa did it.
40:01Team Alisa did it.
40:03I think the guest team can't do it.
40:05I think the guest team can't do it.
40:08It's over.
40:09What kind of result will it be?
40:11Kurashima-san, are you ready?
40:14Let's start.
40:16Please turn the wheel so that it is higher than the next vase.
40:18The time limit is 2 minutes.
40:20Kurashima Yuina vs. Rokuro.
40:23The first entry is...
40:26It's the worst.
40:27It's the worst.
40:29After this...
40:30It's over.
40:31It's over.
40:32It's over.
40:33It's over.
40:34It's over.
40:35It's over.
40:36Kurashima Yuina is in a pinch.
40:39Which one?
40:40Which one?
40:43The time limit is 2 minutes.
40:44Kurashima Yuina vs. Rokuro.
40:48The entering.
40:49It's the worst.
40:50It's the worst.
40:52It's the worst.
40:53Rokuro is desperate.
40:54Kurashima Yuina's challenge has begun.
40:56She delayed the input...
40:58She lacked the water.
40:59She's under pressure.
41:00She already knew.
41:01He makes a hole so fast.
41:02Kurashima Yuina is intended to descend and raise it more after that.
41:05Kurashima Yuina is ambitious.
41:06She's fast.
41:07The sphere stood in the center of the circle.
41:10There is a hole in the middle.
41:12It's been only 20 seconds.
41:13She stopped it for a second.
41:14She added water to it again.
41:16Oh, wow!
41:18Be careful.
41:20He's putting pressure on the inside and outside of the court.
41:22He's trying to get the ball high.
41:24It's only 30 seconds left.
41:26He still has a lot of time.
41:28The ball is too high.
41:30He's been trying to get the ball high.
41:32He's been trying to get it high.
41:34He's trying to get it high.
41:36He's trying to get it high.
41:38It's only 1 minute left.
41:40It's only 1 minute left.
41:42He's trying to get it high.
41:44He's trying to get it high.
41:46He's trying to get it high.
41:48He'll get it high.
41:50He'll get it high.
41:52He's got it.
41:54Oh, wow!
41:56He's reaching for the hoop and getting it high.
42:00He's got a great pace at this point.
42:02He's out of time exploration.
42:04How will he do it?
42:06How will he do it?
42:08Good enough.
42:10Good enough.
43:12Don't know
43:16Look we do they'll keep it all up in a crush
43:20coming up on the central party
43:24Don't you don't you know what it is?
43:28Oh, they got you must watch it. Take a conjure. I got that
43:46That's pretty sure I get that I'm gonna die you don't know
43:50Crusher, I'm just got this car. I'm just got this in the country night dinner. Yeah, but you thought I said, you must
43:57Yeah, good. He can't get it. I got it. Hey, no, that's not it. I don't say
44:01That's kind of God. Oh my god
44:09Fiasco tickly a school
44:11Weston Shigeoka, which you'll be sick of Machari revenge
44:15Steel steel
44:17Matsumoto, I'm gonna throw us out. What's up? I'm a killer
44:22Yeah, I'm a real service diva. How can I force all I do next today?