• 3 months ago
Gov. JB Pritzker (D-IL) delivered remarks during the scholarship award ceremony for the Department of Children & Family Services.

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00:00All right.
00:19Are we ready to get started?
00:28Welcome to the 2024 DCFS Scholarship Award Luncheon.
00:36My name is Heidi Miller, and I am the new director, proud new director of DCFS.
00:43And I'm really, really excited to be here with you today, celebrating all of you and
00:49recognizing all of you for your accomplishments.
00:52I'm also really excited today because we are awarding today a record number of scholarships,
01:01352 scholarships this year.
01:08That's almost 100 more scholarships than we awarded last year.
01:13And I'm also really excited and proud today because we are going to be awarding special
01:18awards for students who are pursuing degrees in social work in honor of Pamela Knight
01:25and Deirdre Silas, who are two of our former DCFS caseworkers who tragically died because
01:31of injuries that they sustained in the line of duty.
01:35So we are really proud of the students here today that will be honoring their legacy.
01:41Today we're also really privileged to hear from our keynote speaker, Tamika Bethel, who
01:47received this scholarship to Yale University, whoo, I know, in 2008, and she stands before
01:56us today as a shining example of achievement and resilience and what can be accomplished
02:03when we at DCFS recognize your potential and invest support and resources into helping
02:12you reach your dreams.
02:14I also want to recognize some of the dignitaries that we have in the room today, including
02:20Senator Doris Turner.
02:26We have Senator Feigenholz, I don't know where she is.
02:36Senator Lakeisha Collins.
02:42And Representative Bradley Fritz, and we're really thankful to you for being with us today.
02:48I also can't say any more without giving huge shout out and thanks to Chevelle Bailey, who
02:55put this all together.
03:03So we're here today for you students, and we're here to recognize you for your remarkable
03:12To receive this scholarship, you all had to demonstrate sustained academic achievement
03:19and excellence.
03:21You had to be engaged in community and extracurricular activities, and you had to demonstrate your
03:26vision and purpose as you pursue higher education.
03:31So these things make you exceptional among all students, just in and of themselves.
03:38But we in this room see and know that there is more to the story.
03:47We know the grit and the resilience that it has taken just to be here today.
03:54We see it.
03:56And the fact that you've achieved the excellence you have achieved in the face of barriers
04:02and challenges and trauma is truly remarkable.
04:10So there's a lot of research about what makes people successful in life.
04:17And it's something that I like to talk to my students at DJJ about a lot.
04:24All of the research kind of circles around one quality that is kind of the number one
04:29predictor of success.
04:32Anybody want to take a guess what that quality is?
04:34You can shout it out.
04:37What's that?
04:40It's along the same lines, it's something called grit.
04:46Grit really means never giving up.
04:51It's toughness.
04:52It's resilience.
04:54It is getting up each morning and trying again, even if the day before really sucked.
05:03And to me, grit really means hope.
05:08It means that you are willing to do whatever it takes to reach your dream because you have
05:12hope and you have faith and you have knowledge that you are going to get there.
05:18So I can't wait to see what you all become.
05:23Because as I stand here today, I know that all of you, because of what it took just to
05:28get here, have more of that number one success ingredient than most people can earn in a
05:36And so the truth is that many people in this room, including me, including Ms. Bailey,
05:43including all of the people who work at DCFS, and including our governor, stand here in
05:49awe of you.
05:54So speaking of our wonderful governor, I have the honor of introducing our next speaker,
06:00who is Governor JB Pritzker.
06:06I'm going to say a few things about him.
06:11Governor Pritzker was sworn in for a second term as the governor of Illinois on January
06:158th, 2023.
06:19And since taking office, he has shown up and shown out for the people of Illinois.
06:26He has accomplished one of the most ambitious and consequential policy agendas in state
06:33He's reached across the aisle to achieve bipartisan support for projects like Rebuild Illinois,
06:39and he's passed a balanced budget every single year since taking office.
06:45He's taken bold action by creating jobs, raising the minimum wage, making university
06:51and community college education more affordable, and advancing equal pay for women.
06:59But I feel like I need to say a few more words about him.
07:04I mean, we all know he really could be anywhere in the world today.
07:09But he's here.
07:11And why is that?
07:14Having worked for him extremely proudly for the past five and a half years, I know it's
07:19because he wants to be here, because he cares about you, and he is truly proud of you.
07:28Many of us know his story, that he himself experienced loss and trauma in his family
07:35at a young age and again as a teenager.
07:38He has also had to heal from those things in order to achieve his own dreams.
07:44And so when he stands here with all of you today, cheering you on, he is truly standing
07:53with you, next to you, shoulder to shoulder, but also heart to heart.
08:01To have someone who stands with us like that in the governor's seat in our state is kind
08:07of mind-blowing.
08:10So before I go on and on about how much I love this governor, I'm going to stop talking.
08:20And without further ado, I'm going to introduce the great governor of our state, J.B. Pritzker.
08:49Well, thank you very much.
08:50I mean, that is really one of the kindest introductions I've ever received.
08:51And it is so great to be here.
08:52Good afternoon to all of you.
08:53Oh, come on.
08:54You can do better than that.
08:55Good afternoon.
08:56Good afternoon.
08:57You bet.
08:58The many people who have been part of your lives for years now, who support you, sitting
09:05with you, all of the scholarship winners, and it's just an honor every year to be here.
09:11I want to just give a special recognition to Heidi Miller, who has served this government
09:19for I think eight years now.
09:23We're coming on eight years.
09:25And who has just been an outstanding public servant and someone who cares deeply about
09:30the work that she does.
09:31She is truly selfless, and we are so lucky to have her leading the Department of Children
09:36and Family Services.
09:37Can we give her a big round of applause?
09:44We have a number of members of the General Assembly who are here with us today, and you've
09:48heard their names.
09:49But I want you all to understand that none of what we do and none of what we're able
09:55to accomplish, and these scholarships themselves, none of it happens without the General Assembly.
10:01Without putting together a balanced budget, thank you General Assembly, and funding scholarships
10:07for these unbelievably talented young people.
10:10So let's give them a big round of applause too.
10:16And then of course Chevelle Bailey, every year you put on just a terrific event for
10:21all of us.
10:22I can't explain to you how meaningful it is for us to be together to do this, and I'm
10:29grateful for the work that you do every day.
10:33I'm excited to be here especially though because we're among, all of us, among a motivated
10:38group of young people.
10:41And we're here to honor all that you've accomplished.
10:44Well, so far I should say, because there is so much more that you are going to accomplish.
10:50But we're here to celebrate you and your very bright futures.
10:55This is an important milestone to recognize your already years of hard work and dedication.
11:03And I hope that, and I'm speaking to the young people in the room today, I hope that you
11:07take a minute today to just feel pride in yourself and knowing how far you've come.
11:14This is a moment just to step back and say, I got here.
11:19I did this.
11:20I did this.
11:21I got so much accomplished.
11:22And there's more to do.
11:24You've got a lot ahead of you.
11:26But it's a day to celebrate yourself.
11:28And I'd also like to take a minute to thank all the parental figures and guardians and
11:33mentors that are here in the room with you today, yeah.
11:41There really is nothing more transformational for a young person than the type of support
11:47that all of you provide, the love, the encouragement, the hope.
11:53Thank you for stepping up and believing in these young people and helping them grow into
11:58the best versions of themselves.
12:01Your sacrifices have been instrumental in making these achievements possible.
12:06So you all deserve a big round of applause.
12:08And I want to thank you personally.
12:15Each year, the Department of Children and Family Services awards scholarships to an
12:19exceptional group of young people, and that's what you are.
12:24And each year, the bar gets raised higher and higher because so many are excelling.
12:30And that's why I've made it a priority for my administration to increase the proposed
12:34budget for this program.
12:36As I said, yeah.
12:44And as I said a little earlier, it doesn't happen without the General Assembly, so let's
12:48take some recognition for them, yeah.
12:54So last year, we jumped from 53 scholarships the year before to 259.
13:01And then you've heard already this year, we've increased by almost 400% in total this year,
13:08raising that bar higher to 352 scholarships.
13:16So what does that mean?
13:17It means 352 students who can attend college, university, or trade school in Illinois, 352
13:26students who are on their way to reaching their full potential, 352 students who will
13:32help lead this state to a brighter future.
13:35And boy, do we need you.
13:37For as much as some people talk about your generation, you don't hear enough about the
13:43passion, the ingenuity, the resilience that you all show every single day.
13:48And these are the impressions that you leave with me when I speak with you individually
13:53and I hear your voices.
13:55I can feel your potential, and I know everyone around you does too.
14:00You have overcome, well, more challenges in your formative years than most people do in
14:06their entire lifetimes.
14:09Many of you have lived through adversity and upheaval to get to where you are.
14:14It might have been easier and perhaps even understandable for you to give up along the
14:18way or to feel cynical about the world, but you didn't do that.
14:22You persevered and you pushed yourself harder.
14:26And rather than lowering your expectations for yourself, you scaled up your ambition.
14:31Rather than giving up, you committed yourself to greater academic excellence, to extracurriculars,
14:37to creative and athletic pursuits.
14:40Rather than feeling jaded about the world, you set out to change it for the better and
14:45to change your own lives for the better.
14:48And you should be so, so proud of you as we all are.
14:52That is more than just inspiring.
14:54It's a model for how all of us should live our own lives.
14:58You have modeled lives that we would like to emulate.
15:04You've modeled courage, dedication, and strength, and it means such a great deal to those of
15:10us who are aging and who look back and think, what will the world be like in the future?
15:17And we look at all of you and we have great hope.
15:20As your governor, I could not be prouder of you.
15:22I have made it my mission to ensure the next generation of Illinoisans has every opportunity
15:28needed to thrive.
15:30And being with you today is a reminder of how important that mission really is.
15:35The future of this state and the future of this nation is in your hands.
15:41You are future nurses and firefighters and attorneys and carpenters and entrepreneurs.
15:49Maybe one of you will even become governor of the state of Illinois.
15:53I hope you don't run in the next couple of years anyway.
15:57That all starts with you going to class, of course, and listening to your teachers and
16:02doing all your homework, which you've done, and some of that is ahead for you.
16:08But before you get back to doing all of that, today is a day to relish the success that
16:15you've had and to know that the governor of the state of Illinois, that all the people
16:19around you today, and frankly, all of the people of Illinois are behind you.
16:24You are our future, as I said, and we are so, so hopeful for you.
16:30Before I close, I'd like to recognize Tamika Bethel, who you're going to hear from, your
16:36keynote speaker today.
16:38Tamika was sitting in a room like this, and back in 2008, I know that sounds like a long
16:45time ago, but think about yourself and the possibilities when you look at and hear the
16:52story of Tamika.
16:55She's a respected leader at Yale University.
16:59She's one of the most distinguished academic students, as well as working at one of the
17:06best institutions in the country.
17:10She is an inspiration.
17:11She's an inspiration to me.
17:13She's an inspiration to the rest of the country.
17:16Overcoming adversity makes you strong and resilient and successful, and she is an example
17:22of exactly that, and that is what all of you have ahead of you.
17:28So once again, I want to congratulate you.
17:29I want to wish you good luck.
17:32I really can't wait to see what all of you accomplish, and I know that quite a number
17:36of you will be, as you achieve success, will be calling you because we want you to come
17:42back and talk to the students in the future who are receiving these scholarships so that
17:48you can demonstrate for them what they can become in the future.
17:51So thank you very much for all that you do, and I'm really so proud and honored to be
17:57among you today.
