¡Top 20 MÁS Teorías de Conspiración que Resultaron ser CIERTAS!

  • hace 3 meses
¡Estas teorías de conspiración resultaron ser ciertas! Para esta lista, analizaremos teorías de conspiración conocidas sobre eventos ilegales y dañinos en el mundo que se descubrió que eran hechos de conspiración.


00:00We are united in detesting communist slavery.
00:04We know that the cost of freedom is high,
00:07but we are determined to preserve our freedom, no matter what the cost.
00:22How are we supposed to trust the CIA official to investigate themselves?
00:30Number 20. The US government investigated UFOs.
00:34Since aliens have been in pop culture, at least in human culture,
00:38it has also been the idea that they actually exist,
00:41and that the US government has been studying them in secret for decades.
00:46And this was not entirely false.
00:49One of the first programs was the Signo project, which began in 1948 and examined UFOs.
00:55In 1952, the Blue Book project began.
00:59It was one of the largest investigations in history when it ended in 1969.
01:11And it is not that this happened only a long time ago.
01:14From 2007 to 2012, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was carried out,
01:21which cost more than 20 million dollars.
01:24In 2022, the Office of Resolution of Anomalies was established in all domains
01:29to continue the search for extraterrestrial life.
01:32And the Pentagon is quite public about its UFO tests.
01:36Number 19. The Oak Ridge experiments.
01:39One of the most difficult aspects for a psychiatric patient
01:43is to get someone to believe him when he talks about the atrocities that occur in a hospital.
01:48This is a place that destroyed a lot of lives, including mine.
01:52Oak Ridge, in Penetanguisin, Ontario, Canada, was a maximum security psychiatric center.
01:58In the 60s, the authorities drastically changed the way they treated patients.
02:03Instead, they started several experiments.
02:06Directed by Dr. Elliot Barker, these treatments included administering LCD to patients,
02:12placing them in an artificial uterus or in a small room.
02:16But the most worrying thing is that some patients were given authority to treat other patients.
02:27In 1983, the government forced Oak Ridge to close, and then it was demolished.
02:33In 2023, 27 ex-patients received 9 million dollars
02:38in compensation for the horror they experienced.
02:46Because they believed if they could strip away all our bad defenses that got us into trouble,
02:51break us down mentally, they could rebuild us as better human beings.
02:56Number 18. The Iran-Contra scandal.
02:59In 1985, US President Ronald Reagan had a dilemma.
03:04Iran had approached the United States to buy weapons from them.
03:08However, the country backed Hezbollah, which had US hostages in Lebanon.
03:14In addition, the United States imposed a arms embargo on Iran due to the hostage crisis that began in 1979.
03:21But the attraction of using the profits from arms sales to finance the rebel group of Contra
03:27in opposition to the government led by the socialists of Nicaragua and free the hostages
03:33was too great for Reagan's administration to ignore it.
03:37Reagan initially denied the accusations when they were leaked,
03:41only to rectify this shortly after.
03:44Oliver North, who helped transfer the money to the Contras,
03:47went ahead to confirm the rumors.
03:50Number 17. The Canadian gay radar.
03:53From the 1950s, Canada was obsessed with discovering who in public service was gay.
04:01You couldn't be gay. It was the worst thing that you could be.
04:08Once identified, they could be fired and processed, at least until 1969,
04:14when relationships between people of the same sex were legalized.
04:18But to make the process faster and more precise, they decided to finance the creation of a gay radar.
04:24Known as the fruit machine, the device was developed by Professor Frank Robert Wake in the 60s
04:32and cost the government thousands of dollars.
04:35The science fiction artillery that looked like a dentist's chair
04:38measured the diameter of the person's pupils, how much he sweats,
04:42respiratory frequency and heart rate when erotic images were presented to him.
04:48Due to this dark purge, thousands of people lost their jobs.
04:53It was very dangerous to associate with these people.
04:57Just by rumor, you could be taken into the special investigation unit and be interrogated.
05:04Number 16. The Dalai Lama works for the CIA.
05:08At the beginning of the 1950s, China annexed Tibet.
05:13After a failed Tibetan revolt in 1959, the Dalai Lama escaped and established a government in exile.
05:20Chinese officials have tried to present him as a Western peon.
05:25Tibetan rebels fought for their homeland.
05:28However, the CIA did finance their efforts during the 1960s.
05:33These pictures show the Dalai Lama and his entourage escorted by resistance fighters
05:38making their way south into guerrilla-held territory.
05:41At that time, the CIA was doing everything possible to disarm the communist governments of the world.
05:47Governmental documents showed that the espionage agency was handling the Tibetan forces
05:521.7 million dollars a year.
05:55We are united in detesting communist slavery.
05:59We know that the cost of freedom is high.
06:02But we are determined to preserve our freedom, no matter what the cost.
06:06With inflation, that would be 17.4 million dollars in 2023.
06:11From this figure, the Dalai Lama personally receives an annual fee of 180,000 dollars from the CIA.
06:18That is equivalent to 1.8 million dollars in 2023.
06:23According to reports, he contributed the most to his government in exile.
06:27Number 15. The FBI watched over Ernest Hemingway.
06:32About the second half of his life, the legendary author Ernest Hemingway
06:36was treated several times in hospitals for his mental health.
06:40He believed that the FBI was watching him, cataloging each of his movements.
06:46Most people believed that these were just paranoid delusions.
06:50Many friends believe that these constant suspicions led to Hemingway's premature death in 1961.
07:01Having done anything with the Soviets, especially having been recruited by the Soviets,
07:05was really difficult for me to absorb.
07:08However, in the 1980s, the Freedom of Information Law
07:13showed that the federal government had done just that.
07:17Apparently, they had a file on him that detailed the writer's trips to places like Cuba,
07:22where he had created a network of spies,
07:25aficionados against fascism during the Second World War.
07:29The law also showed that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
07:32distrusted Hemingway and the information he transmitted in Cuba.
07:36Number 14. The CIA experimented with cats.
07:40If you've ever had cats, getting them to listen to orders can be very difficult.
07:45But that didn't stop the CIA from trying to turn them into hairy mini-James Bonds.
07:50In the 1960s, the agency proceeded to insert a microphone in a cat's ear,
07:56a transmitter in its skull, and antennas tied along its fur.
08:00Apparently, even the way the cat eats was approached in another operation,
08:05which sounds really macabre.
08:07Known as Acoustic Kitty, this project cost 20 million dollars.
08:12The scientists involved in the project have detailed the first and only mission of the cat.
08:18Sent to listen to a conversation in secret, the feline was fatally run over by a taxi.
08:23Number 13. The US government poisoned alcohol.
08:31It was already pretty bad that the ban came in 1920,
08:34but then the people who made and drank smuggled alcohol were dying suspiciously.
08:41While some believed that it was simply the risk involved in creating or drinking unregulated alcohol,
08:46others thought that something more nefarious was happening.
08:50And they were right about the latter.
09:02With the hope of dissuading people from buying smugglers and criminals organized by fear,
09:08the government began to add toxins to products to make alcohol,
09:13such as industrial alcohol, making illegal drinks not suitable for consumption.
09:18Some of the additives included poisonous methanol.
09:22It is believed that this caused the death of thousands of people because of the contaminated alcohol.
09:27Number 12. Subliminal messages.
09:30If we told you that the US government has studied the possibility of transmitting messages directly to our brain,
09:38it would probably seem strange to us.
09:40However, this is something real, oddly enough.
09:44Discovered due to the Law of Freedom of Information,
09:47the report known as Biological Effects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons became public knowledge.
09:54Here the details of several technologies in which the government had been working were revealed,
09:59including the concept of microwave hearing.
10:02The information details a frequency that could occur, similar to a microwave gun,
10:08which could direct discreet messages to a person like a hostage.
10:12Alarmingly, the report raises the hypothesis that the technology could be used
10:17to make someone think they have voices in their head.
10:27Number 11. Soldiers made civilians rebel.
10:31As part of the Colombian conflict where the government forces fought against guerrilla groups for power,
10:37the government rewarded its soldiers every time they proved that they had killed a rebel.
10:42They were given free time, promotions or financial incentives to do so.
10:47However, people began to suspect the high number of casualties
10:50and the questionable identity of certain members of the guerrilla.
10:54Known as the scandal of the false positives in Colombia,
10:58it is believed that between 2002 and 2008, more than 6,400 non-guerrilla participants were murdered
11:05and dressed to look rebellious.
11:14In reality, the victims were often poor farmers kidnapped by soldiers to increase their death rates.
11:21Several soldiers and officers have been sentenced for their crimes,
11:25but it is believed that there are many more culprits still unprocessed.
11:29Number 10. Bayer sold drugs that transmitted AIDS.
11:33Since pharmaceutical companies have existed,
11:36there have been conspiracies that they are causing diseases maliciously for money.
11:40And the idea is not entirely unfounded.
11:42In 1982, hemophilic stories began to emerge that they were sick
11:47because of coagulant agents manufactured by Carter Biological,
11:51a division of the German firm Bayer.
11:54It turned out that the agents were infected with a protein of HIV.
11:59In 1984, in response to the dark facts,
12:03the company created a new non-contaminated version of the agent
12:07and began to market it in the West.
12:10However, they continued to sell the infected version in Latin and Asian countries
12:15to avoid being stuck with large batches of stock.
12:19It is believed that more than 20,000 people have contracted HIV and AIDS
12:23because of the infected agent.
12:26Number 9. The US Army plans to kill civilians and blame Cuba.
12:31It is not surprising that the US government has not been seen as the most reliable source
12:35when they came up with proposals like Operation Northwoods.
12:39In the 1960s, some figures really wanted the US to go to war with Cuba.
12:45So much so that in 1962, among less lethal ideas,
12:50they planned to use the CIA to attack military sites, ships, planes and cities
12:55and make them look like Cuba was responsible.
12:59Known as Operation Northwoods,
13:01this fake flag project theorized the probability of killing citizens
13:06and their own soldiers just to aggravate the situation.
13:10The entire majority state gave a good look at this possible destruction
13:15and handed it over to President John F. Kennedy's office.
13:18However, fortunately it was rejected.
13:21Number 8. The Americans tried to turn the climate into a weapon.
13:26The idea that a country can turn the climate into a weapon against its enemies
13:30seems like something taken from a science fiction book.
13:33But there have been attempts to do so.
13:35From 1967 to 1972, as part of the Vietnam War,
13:40the United States developed Operation Popeye.
13:43Leaving aside the name, the plan was to plant clouds in the country,
13:47causing the monsoon season to continue.
13:50In theory, the heavy rains would damage the roads,
13:53destroy the river crossings and cause landslides,
13:58destroying the supply lines of the Vietnamese troops.
14:02Several officials protested against the plan
14:05and the possible devastation it could cause to the ecosystem.
14:08But even so, the United States went ahead.
14:11It is questionable whether it actually succeeded.
14:17The man upstairs is still in charge of that department.
14:20Number 7. Programmed obsolescence.
14:23We have all heard older generations complain
14:26that today's products do not last as long as they did in their time.
14:29And although we often ignore them, they were right.
14:33It is known that electronics companies slow down technology as it ages.
14:38This, known as programmed obsolescence,
14:41is achieved by introducing features that reduce the useful life of the product
14:46or designing it from day one so that it eventually fails.
15:02Once this happens,
15:04buyers have no choice but to spend money on a new machine.
15:08Until that breaks just when a new version is launched.
15:12In addition to the financial implications for consumers,
15:16having to get rid of phones and other blocked devices
15:20has greatly increased electronic waste.
15:24Number 6. The sugar industry bribed scientists.
15:28Some would do anything to make money,
15:31even if that means putting people's health at risk.
15:35In 2016, it was discovered that in 1967
15:39the sugar authorities had manipulated the results of a study
15:43and disbursed the modern equivalent of tens of thousands of dollars
15:48to improve the appearance of the sweet substance.
15:51The study pointed out that the health problem
15:53points to fat as the main cause of heart problems.
15:57This, in turn, caused the profits of the sugar industry to increase,
16:02since people believed that the product did not cause damage.
16:09That really shapes the scientific agendas for scientists.
16:13It may even shape funding agendas.
16:15In addition, the sugar authorities knew from the 1950s
16:19that their product caused caries.
16:21Instead of warning people,
16:23they promoted the investment in methods to repair damaged teeth
16:27instead of getting rid of the cause.
16:29Number 5. The CIA tried to control the main media.
16:34When the Cold War began,
16:36the CIA's plan to manipulate the masses also began.
16:40Known as the Sinsonte Project,
16:42the group allegedly bribed or blackmailed journalists
16:45to create specific content or invent stories.
16:49In addition to doing this in the United States,
16:51the CIA did the same abroad.
16:54They infiltrated foreign media
16:56to obtain information they considered vital.
16:59In 1975, archives from the Church Committee
17:03showed that the CIA had been involved in the conspiracy.
17:06In 1977, investigative journalist Carl Bernstein
17:10claimed that the operation had led to more than 400 journalists
17:15and figures from the media working for the agency at a given time.
17:21Number 4. Phones are listening.
17:25When you talk about something and then see an online ad,
17:28it may simply be that the algorithms already have so much data about you
17:32that they can predict your interests and behaviors.
17:51However, there is at least one way
17:53in which your phone could be listening.
17:56Some applications use devices' microphones
17:59to listen to ultrasonic audio fragments,
18:02inaudible to the ear,
18:04integrated into the ads.
18:07They can also connect to the microphones of other devices.
18:11This can provide them with data such as your location
18:14and how long you've been watching a given ad.
18:18It's a good idea to review the application's permissions to minimize this.
18:22Number 3. The Sunshine Project.
18:25With a name like this, we can think of images of happiness
18:29or some reference to green energy.
18:37But it's actually incredibly disturbing.
18:40Directed by the United States Atomic Energy Commission in 1955,
18:46the Sunshine Project was created to see the effects
18:49of nuclear radiation on the human body.
18:52However, the group went bankrupt.
18:55In the 1950s, around 1,500 corpses were stolen
18:59in Europe and Australia,
19:01often without permission from their relatives.
19:04Most were children or minors.
19:07To hide the body's theft,
19:09the authorities denied access to a British mother
19:13with a baptismal dress in 1957
19:16in case they found out what the doctors had done.
19:20Number 2. The CIA was involved in cocaine trafficking.
19:32For decades, there were rumors that the CIA
19:35was responsible for making American areas and places abroad
19:39plagued with illegal substances.
19:42In 1996, the press accused the agency of being involved
19:46in cocaine trafficking in Nicaragua during the Civil War.
19:49According to a report by the former CIA Inspector General,
19:52Frederick Hitz, the agency knew that the contractors,
19:56whom the CIA backed, were involved in drug smuggling
20:00to finance its campaign.
20:09This was an army that the CIA started in 1981 and supported.
20:13Better known to us, most of us who remember this,
20:16the Contras.
20:17According to the reports, the group had brought cocaine
20:20from Miami to use it in the Central American region.
20:23However, the agency did nothing to stop it.
20:27As a public elected officials, all of us must be concerned
20:32that our government could have in any way
20:35been involved in drug trafficking.
20:37When the DEA found out about the drug smuggling of the Contras,
20:41the CIA worked to remove this information from the radar.
20:44Hey, we haven't reached the end yet, but we're almost there.
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20:54Very well, let's see the position number 1.
20:57Number 1. The CIA was developing a heart attack weapon.
21:01An impossible weapon to track that can cause a fatal heart attack
21:06seems like an idea that came to Q of James Bond
21:10after a dream in February, but no.
21:12In fact, it's very real.
21:22In 1975, during the Church Committee,
21:25CIA Director William Colby brought this unique weapon with him.
21:37And a special one was developed,
21:39which potentially would be able to enter the target without perception.
21:44Created as part of the infamous MK-ULTRA project,
21:48it was a modified Colt M1911 pistol
21:51that silently fired a frozen dart
21:54that would melt when hit and contained seafood toxin.
21:58The Committee's deserter for the security of the KGB,
22:03had used a similar but less advanced version
22:06during two high-profile murders in the 50s.
22:09After being displayed, the CIA's heart attack weapon
22:13disappeared from the public eye.
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