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Estas teorías son cosa de otro mundo. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy haremos un recuento de las conspiraciones espaciales y extraterrestres más fascinantes y memorables.


00:00When you connect the dots between apparently unconnected people and situations and organizations,
00:06that's when the tapestry appears and you go, wow.
00:09Hey, hello and welcome to WatchMojo Español.
00:12I'm G, and today we're going to do a recap of the most fascinating and memorable space and alien conspiracies.
00:19What in the hell is going on?
00:21Excellent question, and the answer you're looking for lies right here.
00:26Number 20. Dead cattle.
00:28Cows found mutilated, some of them cut with precision and their bodies seemingly untouched with no bloodshed.
00:58Some believe it's a natural phenomenon that combines decomposition with the work of carpenters.
01:03As for ufologists, they believe that cattle is being used in some kind of violent alien experiment.
01:09Either way, cows and aliens have been intertwined for a long time in public consciousness.
01:23Number 19. Reverse engineering.
01:28The remains of some life form and that they're working on the engineering from these objects and learning from them.
01:35I mean, where's the evidence?
01:37Have you ever wondered where all these brilliant technological advances come from?
01:41Well, according to some, the answer, as always, is aliens.
01:45According to this theory, revolutionary technologies such as optical fiber and microchips
01:50could have been developed as a result of the study of alien artifacts and reverse engineering of their spaceships.
01:57Throughout the 20th century, there were great technological advances,
02:00which coincides with the sudden increase in UFO sightings, which began around the 1940s.
02:07Even some informants, such as the US Army officer Philip Corso,
02:11claim that the US government has studied and actively used captured alien technology.
02:18Do you believe him?
02:28Number 18. Kennedy was murdered because he knew about aliens.
02:40The murder of John F. Kennedy is perhaps the most popular conspiracy theory today, with all kinds of speculations.
02:47And yes, that includes a connection with aliens.
02:51John F. Kennedy took possession of his position shortly after the UFO boom of the 50s.
02:56According to some, the US government had deep knowledge about the existence of aliens and UFOs,
03:02and Kennedy wanted to share this information with the Soviet Union.
03:06So the CIA had him killed.
03:08Some say they did it to prevent him from working with the Soviets.
03:11Others say they killed him to prevent the knowledge of aliens from falling into his hands.
03:16Anyway, everything is related to the grays.
03:27Number 17. Is there life on Mars?
03:40David Bowie was asking the right questions.
03:43Mars has been the center of attention in recent years with several missions and studies centered on our copper-tinted neighbor.
03:50Scientists have also discovered water on the planet,
03:53which leads many to the conclusion that it houses some form of life or, at least, it did at some point.
04:00The conspiracy theory goes further and maintains that NASA has found fake evidence of the presence of aliens,
04:07and is simply hiding them.
04:09Others believe that there are evident structures and ruins scattered throughout the planet,
04:13which indicates the existence of an advanced civilization.
04:16So aliens not only exist, but are our neighbors.
04:23We announce a startling discovery.
04:25What appears to be an effigy located at the Dingo Gap, resembling a human statue.
04:35Our goal is to locate a secret underground base where the government reportedly has been housing aliens and carrying out strange experiments.
04:53And below there is a research and experimentation facility led jointly by the US government and the aliens.
05:01Rumors of the alleged sweet base began in the late 1970s,
05:06when a local businessman named Paul Benowitz claimed to have intercepted electronic communications between aliens and the secret underground base.
05:16Benowitz's statements included descriptions of alien technology and human abductions,
05:22and the residents of Dulce have continually reported paranormal phenomena such as mysterious lights and UFOs.
05:36Number 15. They attack us.
05:43Aliens not only fly from time to time or live in secret in underground bunkers.
05:49It turns out that they have been quite exposed, and we have even had battles.
05:53There are numerous examples of alleged alien invasions into densely populated cities,
05:59and Washington and Los Angeles are the most famous.
06:02In July 1952, the aliens supposedly visited the nation's capital,
06:07with mysterious objects that clung directly to the White House.
06:12A whole event.
06:14Ten years earlier, the west coast was allegedly besieged by a UFO,
06:18which led to the infamous Battle of Los Angeles, in which military forces fired at the alien ship.
06:25A meteorological balloon was blamed for the incident, as usually happens.
06:40Number 14. The aliens live among us.
06:44You see, I take these glasses off, she looks like a regular person, doesn't she?
06:48Put them back on, formaldehyde face, that's what we got.
06:51That's enough out of you.
06:52Popular thought suggests that aliens are an external force,
06:56a distant race that visits us or even attacks us on occasion.
07:00But what if they are already living here secretly among us?
07:03This theory reinforces the idea that aliens are apparently human,
07:07or have successfully adopted human features,
07:10which allows them to walk the streets like ordinary people.
07:13And maybe even have positions of power.
07:15This theory may be better represented in They Live, by John Carpenter.
07:19A horror comedy about aliens who populate the ruling class
07:23and brainwash society through various means of subliminal deception.
07:27The concept was also used as social criticism in the classic Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
07:33We drift through the universe, from planet to planet,
07:36pushed on by the solar winds.
07:38We adapt.
07:40We survive.
07:42Number 13. The Majestic 12.
07:44You want me to investigate flying saucers.
07:48I want you to help me prove to the public the truth.
07:50Also known as MJ-12,
07:52this is an alleged secret committee created in 1947
07:56by American President Harry Truman.
07:59The group was theoretically made up of high-ranking military officials,
08:03scientists, government officials in charge of investigating contact,
08:07and extraterrestrial technology.
08:09This story shares some similarities with the Blue Book project,
08:13a study of the Air Force on various UFO encounters.
08:17Only that was real.
08:19The Majestic 12 came to light in the 1980s,
08:24when the British ufologist Timothy Goode
08:26published some old government documents that supposedly proved their existence.
08:31However, both the documents and the story as a whole are now considered a hoax.
08:47Number 12. There is an alien ship in the ocean.
08:57Back in April 2023,
08:59a 4chan user claimed to be a government snitch
09:02with intimate knowledge of what the United States currently knows about UFOs.
09:07He claimed that there is a huge alien structure or mobile construction facility under the ocean
09:12and that it has been there for more than a century.
09:14UFOs are routinely launched from this facility,
09:17disappear if they are approached,
09:19and even shoot intruders if they get too close.
09:22It may be an invention, but it is still entertaining.
09:25On the other hand, a former Pentagon official named Luis Elizondo
09:29appeared in Joe Rogan in August 2024
09:32and practically confirmed the existence of a huge underwater facility.
09:46Number 11. Wow signal.
09:56In the summer of 1977,
09:58a huge telescope from the University of Ohio
10:01was looking for alien radio waves in the sky.
10:04It was a remote probability, but you never know.
10:07And on August 15 of that year, it appeared.
10:10Astronomer Jerry Ehman was reviewing the data
10:13when he found a strong radio signal from Sagittarius.
10:17He drew a circle around the data and wrote WOW in red ink,
10:22which gave rise to the now famous name of the signal.
10:25Despite the continuous efforts, it has never been reproduced or rediscovered.
10:29According to many, it is one of the most solid and legitimate proofs
10:33that confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life.
10:36Or could it be a natural cosmic event?
10:38We just don't know.
10:52Number 10. The Baltic Sea Anomaly.
10:59While they were looking for treasures in the Baltic Sea,
11:02a team of submariners from the Swedish OceanX initiative
11:06found what is now known as the Baltic Sea Anomaly.
11:10The large and disc-shaped object
11:13bears an amazing resemblance to the Star Wars Millennium Falcon,
11:16which has undoubtedly contributed to the fascination of the public.
11:20It has unique characteristics that are not usually found in natural submarine formations,
11:24which leads many to believe that it is of extraterrestrial origin.
11:28Perhaps it is a starry UFO or a functional one hidden under the surface of the water.
11:33Skeptics are not convinced and believe that the photo is too granulated to study it.
11:38And that the anomaly is probably just a glacial deposit
11:41or some other type of geological formation.
11:51Number 9. Alien Autopsy.
12:01If you like aliens and UFOs,
12:04you have probably seen these black and white images of an alien autopsy.
12:09It is a 1995 documentary titled Alien Autopsy, Fact or Fiction,
12:15which supposedly shows the dissection of a real alien in the 1940s.
12:19The documentary was a great success and many people believed that the images were real.
12:23In reality, they were discredited and even those who participated in its production have admitted that they are false.
12:29Despite everything, there are those who still believe that they are true,
12:32either because they do not want to hear that they have already admitted that it was false
12:36or because they believe that the testimonies were to cover a real autopsy.
12:41Stay with us as we put the question to you.
12:43Alien autopsy, fact or fiction?
12:49We got some video that's going to have a lot of people talking.
12:52If everything going on right now wasn't odd enough for you, take a look at this.
13:10They show what appear to be flying objects hovering in the sky at high speed.
13:14For many, this is an official admission and probably the closest the public will get.
13:19The aliens are here, the government knows about them and they even have images to back it up.
13:25Of course, it is still a conspiracy theory,
13:28since many people have explained the phenomena as defective instruments,
13:32unmanned aircraft, atmospheric effects and even optical illusions.
13:37You know, the same as always.
13:41They had already been leaked, so why not come out and say,
13:44okay, these films are genuine, they do exist, but we don't know what they are.
13:48Number 7. Black Men.
13:50Here come the Black Men, the defenders of the galaxy.
13:54Or that's what those who believe there is a conspiracy to keep the UFOs and aliens secret.
14:00Why the big secret? People are smart, they can handle it.
14:03The person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it.
14:08Within the ufology, it is said that these agents are mysterious government workers
14:13who coerce the eyewitnesses of UFOs to keep silent.
14:17If the coercion doesn't work, then they supposedly resort to drastic measures.
14:22Who are you? Really?
14:24Really? I am just a figment of your imagination.
14:31John Keel, the famous author of The Mudman Prophecies,
14:35went one step further and described the Black Men as demonic creatures.
14:40Of course, there is no solid evidence that they exist,
14:43but since they are supposed to be secret agents who must be stealthy,
14:47the theory helps ufologists explain the apparent absence of extraterrestrial ships.
15:02Number 6. The Black Knight.
15:04In 1998, the STS-88 mission took a surprising picture.
15:10A long and black object seemed to be orbiting the Earth.
15:13Naturally, conspiracy theorists started working
15:17and claimed that it was an ancient alien satellite called the Black Knight.
15:27It was not the first time that the idea of a similar artifact existed,
15:30but it served to gain followers.
15:32Believers say that it has been orbiting our planet for more than 10,000 years
15:38and that NASA has kept it a secret for the general population.
15:45However, NASA claims that the Black Knight is actually space garbage
15:49and a prominent journalist named James Overy also suggested that it is a thermal blanket.
15:54Number 5. The Anunnaki.
15:57The famous conspiracist Eric Von Daniken published his seminal book
16:02Chariots of the Gods in 1968,
16:05in which he argued that most of the religions of the world were created
16:09after humans received the visit of ancient alien astronauts.
16:14It was very popular, but the academic world greatly discredited it.
16:18Even so, the theory was continued by Zechariah Zitkin,
16:22who claimed that the Anunnaki deities came to Earth from a planet supposedly called Nibiru,
16:27created modern humans and forced them to extract gold.
16:31In addition, they supposedly taught us agriculture and built the great pyramids of Egypt.
16:37Apparently, David Aick also claims that the Anunnaki are the evil force
16:41in which his famous conspiracy theory is based,
16:44which essentially qualifies politicians as disguised reptiles.
16:53Number 4. The Tunguska event.
16:55During a summer dawn in 1908,
16:58a large area of Siberia was destroyed by a mysterious event.
17:02More than 2,000 square kilometers of forest were devastated
17:06and about 80 million trees were destroyed.
17:09There was only one problem.
17:10As far as it was known, nothing had impacted the Earth.
17:13So, what happened?
17:15Contemporary reports blamed the aliens,
17:18claiming that there were evidence of extraterrestrial participation in the place.
17:28Although it is a convincing story, it is not known what really happened.
17:32Now it is believed that a meteorite of about 60 meters exploded in the air
17:37and devastated the surrounding area in what is called a meteorite explosion.
17:49Number 3. The face of Mars.
17:51It is one of the most popular images in space history.
17:55A creepy face like an old hockey mask
17:58that emerges from the dust of Mars and looks at the camera.
18:01It is a quite terrifying image
18:03and understandably aroused interest in extraterrestrial life.
18:07Some believe that it is proof that there was an ancient Martian civilization.
18:11The official explanation is that the supposed Martian civilization
18:16The official explanation is that the supposed face is nothing more than a case of pareidolia,
18:20that is, seeing a pattern in something innocuous.
18:28Apparently it is a normal hill whose qualities similar to a face
18:32were enhanced by a specific lighting.
18:35It is not the only planetary phenomenon that has led to alien conspiracies.
18:39And we have the example of Saturn's hexagon.
18:42Number 2. Area 51.
18:44When it comes to aliens, few names are as prominent as Area 51.
18:55Officially called Homey Airport,
18:58the facility belongs to the US Air Force,
19:01which claims to be used specifically to test aircraft.
19:05The work here is considered ultra-secret,
19:08so it has remained strongly guarded and protected since its foundation in 1955.
19:14What about the government cover-up of alien bodies in Area 52?
19:17I thought it was Area 51.
19:20Area 51 is just a decoy.
19:22Naturally, the mystery that surrounds it has generated countless
19:26of conspiracies related to UFOs,
19:29aliens, weapons and time travel, among others.
19:32Area 51 is actually a paranoid fantasy we concocted
19:36to hide the true identity of this facility.
19:39Which is?
19:40Area 52.
19:42The very name of Area 51 is synonymous with extraterrestrial conspiracy theories
19:47and is still a huge point of national interest.
19:50It does not seem that speculations are going to stop soon.
19:54Do you remember when the internet wanted to skip it?
20:00Hey, we're not done yet, but almost.
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20:09You will surely like them.
20:11Now, let's go to the end.
20:13Number 1. Roswell.
20:14There have been countless UFO sightings for years,
20:18but nothing compares to this one.
20:20The Roswell incident is a legendary event in the history of the United States
20:24and has remained as the UFO story of reference for decades.
20:28In 1947, what is now believed to be a surveillance balloon
20:32of the classified Project Muggle of the Air Force,
20:35crashed on a ranch in New Mexico.
20:38At first, the Roswell Air Force Center
20:41informed the public that a flying saucer had been found in the place,
20:44but they withdrew, which led many to believe that it was a cover-up.
21:00Decades later, military officer Jesse Marcel
21:03remained firm that what they had recovered was of extraterrestrial nature.
21:07Roswell is undoubtedly the greatest theory of extraterrestrial conspiracy of the 20th century.
21:12Do you believe in any of these theories?
21:17Tell us in the comments,
21:19and don't miss these other videos of Spanish WatchMojo.
