tsuki ga michibiku isekai douchuu 2nd season dub episode 9

  • 2 months ago
00:00A festering darkness has set its roots in the city. I tried investigating in secret, however...
00:11I was supposed to meet with Lymette Dawn, but I can't reach him. Even telepathically.
00:16The last time I heard from him, he was where the academy is under construction.
00:21He hasn't been ordered to kill anyone, so I highly doubt he was fighting. He'd have slipped away, disappeared.
00:27You're right. And he's too skilled for me to believe that someone got the better of him.
00:32Rona. Perhaps we have been deceived by her wiles after all. I wouldn't be surprised. She would betray while shaking our hands.
00:41Could be. But it's still way too soon to jump to conclusions. Let's get going.
00:47Damn it. They took my sword as well. Hey, are you hanging in there?
00:59I am. Though you've got some nerve asking me that.
01:02Look, I'm sorry you got dragged into all this.
01:09Don't move! You don't have a death wish, do you?
01:12Not really. I'd rather enjoy the pleasures of the material world. And besides, I've decided to give up on reincarnation.
01:23Well now, that's an extraordinary sword you've got in your possession. It simply reeks of enchantment.
01:30This is bad. Better tell the boss.
01:33Not so fast. You'll find I've blocked your telepathy.
01:36I derive a great deal of pleasure from savoring experiences.
01:41I just need one hit.
01:46Forgive me. I can't have you misbehaving like that. I'll have to be a bit rough with you.
01:56Oh, I'm sure they'll be interested in that little trinket too. They'll likely take your life, but not yet. Best of luck.
02:05Thank you.
02:10Are you all right?
02:12Who are you?
02:13Silence. We must leave here at once.
02:15Who's there? Did a test subject escape?
02:17Be careful! He has some strange magic sword. Who are they?
02:21I sealed my own fate when I chose to rescue you. Though to be honest, I didn't expect them to turn on me so quickly.
02:28Tell me, aren't you the school librarian? And your name's Ava, right? Right. That means you know Kuzunoha. I'm Limelatte, of the Kuzunoha Trading Company. And I recognize your face.
02:42You're no employee. Are you a bodyguard?
02:46Those are one and the same. And unless I'm mistaken, you'd like to escape, wouldn't you?
02:52We're dealing with a powerful organization here. They established this base. They have allies within the Academy. As for me, I'm just a meaningless librarian. My escape wouldn't change anything in the grand scheme of things.
03:04Yes, all of that is true.
03:06And it's also true that you lost. Completely.
03:09That's old news. Besides, he's not here. And you can hardly call it a loss.
03:14What do you mean?
03:16When I struck him, I left a handy little mark behind. It keeps me informed of his current location.
03:22Even if I believe what you say, that doesn't change the fact that I'm in grave danger. If you're going to insist on rescuing me, will you also do something about the bad seeds who've taken root in the Academy?
03:33Why should I?
03:34I can help your master, Kuzunoha. I have some information that I believe he'll find quite useful. And there's more. If you succeed at destroying the organization, I promise that a generous reward is in your future.
03:47I accept. Kazaguruma!
03:53Don't tell me you've never seen a magic item. Though, I suppose this one's unique to us.
03:59We may see some unpleasant sights on our way out of this place. I hope you're prepared.
04:06I'll be fine.
04:14This is sick. Most of them are demi-humans, though there are some humans in there as well. From the looks of it, they're not really targeting any specific species.
04:24Kidnapping and humanoid experimentation? On such a large scale, no less. Drug and chimera experiments. Their goal is probably to enhance combat skills and magical abilities.
04:34The boss needs to know about this. But I can't communicate telepathically here.
04:40Have a plan?
04:41I'm putting them out of their misery. I'll destroy every last trace of this disgusting lab. I'll turn these wretched tools to dust.
04:49I sense a dragon. It's somewhere in the vicinity.
04:53We are perhaps not dealing with demons after all. I do not believe Rona is close with any dragons.
04:59But if it's really a dragon, it could be Mitsurugi. You know, that Lancer guy? After all, they said they were allied with demons.
05:07Hmm. That would be most fortunate. As they die, they shall know the bitter taste of regret for ever daring to draw your blood.
05:16Good work, Lime. You've proven yourself most useful.
05:21Normally, I would be obligated to summon Tomoe and Mio. But in this circumstance, I can claim that the severity of the situation left me no other choice.
05:29I never thought that I would get my reckoning, and yet here it is at last. It's time! It's time! You cannot outrun the hand of vengeance!
05:38You will soon come to understand the depths of your despair.
05:41But by then, it will be far too late!
05:43Hey, boss!
05:44Oh! Hey, Lime.
05:45What is this?!
05:47I'm sorry. I know I screwed up and made you worry.
05:50It's fine. Glad you're okay. See any dragons, by the way?
05:54Dragons? I didn't see anything like that, but...
05:57Wait, Ava?
06:00We managed to escape unharmed. I'll provide a full report of what I found out.
06:05Seriously, though, what's Ava doing here?
06:08Lime, you fool! Why couldn't you wait longer?! You took my sweet dream and you burned it to ash!
06:15Must my excitement remain unquenched?!
06:18CP, control yourself! Deep breaths! Deep breaths!
06:25Lime Latte's report. The findings of my investigation into the Roadsguard Academy redevelopment area.
06:32Who is this man who pushed Lime around like a child?
06:35Is he not connected to the Organization?
06:37Young Master, Ava insists that she must speak with you.
06:41Sure thing.
06:43I need you to go see Rona.
06:45She can help you track down the collaborators within the Academy.
06:48Yes, it shall be done.
06:50I suppose I'm off to spur Rona into action, then.
06:55I wanted to speak with you regarding the information and reward I promised Lime in exchange for his help.
07:01You'll receive your reward just as soon as the mortal threat against me has been utterly eliminated.
07:06But my information can be shared at once.
07:09I'm listening.
07:11I got a good look at the two individuals in that portrait you have in your possession.
07:16Thing is, I recognize them.
07:19Would I be correct in my assumption that you're in search of the people in question?
07:23I am. I'm hoping to figure out what path they took.
07:27I thought as much.
07:29He was a noble.
07:31He held an important office in a certain nation.
07:34And the woman?
07:35She was a high-ranking priestess.
07:38My parents?
07:39A noble and a priestess?
07:41And there's more.
07:42They had planned to be married in Kalenion.
07:45It's a small satellite state from a place called Elysium, a kingdom that fell to ruin.
07:50However, I know they were forced to leave the state before they could even say their vows.
07:55They disappeared without a trace.
07:57Do you know why they were forced to leave?
07:59No, I don't have the details.
08:01You should know, not much remains.
08:04Most of Kalenion's records were lost to invaders.
08:07An invasion?
08:09She must mean the demon invasion from ten years ago.
08:12It ended in a sweeping victory for the demons.
08:15There's something I don't get.
08:17How do you know about those two specifically?
08:20That's because I'm from Kalenion.
08:23I see. Did you witness the invasion?
08:25Yes. Luria and I escaped, the only survivors.
08:30We were branded as cowards who abandoned our nation, and so we've stayed under the radar ever since then.
08:37We are no longer permitted to even speak our own family names aloud.
08:41We are shunned by all who learn of our situation, and we're sometimes subject to harassment.
08:46That is the price of our survival.
08:48In moments of weakness, Luria and I considered taking our own lives, but we knew that would solve nothing.
08:53Our deaths can't erase them, the stains of our past.
08:56That's why we've decided to live on, and to make amends.
09:01And we'll reclaim Kalenion, the lost lands of the Anzalon family.
09:06How can two alone harbor such a lofty goal as that?
09:09That is what's at stake for my sister and myself, and why I made contact with the Organization.
09:14Now I understand. So that's how it is.
09:17I know that the members of the Organization oppose the Goddess.
09:21They share information, and technology as well.
09:25I hate to say it, but it makes them quite formidable.
09:28I was investigating them in the vain hope that I could somehow use their vast resources to reclaim Kalenion.
09:34But along the way, you ran into Lime, and the two of you were captured together.
09:40I understand now.
09:42I'll do everything I can to keep you safe. Please don't worry.
09:47Thank you. Truly.
09:53An Organization that opposes the Goddess.
09:56If they're powerful enough to recapture territory from the demons, I expect they'll join the war before long.
10:05Boss! It's him! That jerk who manhandled me is heading this way right now!
10:10Right. Go and fetch Sheiky here at once.
10:13I won't leave you!
10:17Tomoe and Mio? But why?
10:20It seems you're to face a difficult opponent.
10:23Stand down this instant, Lime.
10:25You're joking! You can't mean that!
10:27Trust that everyone has their role to play. You would only get in our way.
10:34With them here, we're good. We'll be fine.
10:39As you wish.
10:47It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild.
10:51I came to apologize for my behavior toward an employee of yours. The one called Lime.
10:58Well, that's my excuse. He's strong, but I have other business.
11:06Anyway, allow me to tell you the real reason I'm here.
11:10First things first. You there. Could you be a doll and serve me some fruit to go with this tea?
11:17Mio, please bring him some fruit.
11:20Very well. One moment, please.
11:24And if you happen to have any other kinds of tea leaves, I'd like those next.
11:31Go on, Guildmaster. Please state your business.
11:34No need to be hasty, Makoto. That's not very friendly, is it?
11:38And you can drop that telepathy business too, since I'm not a human.
11:42I don't know what you're talking about.
11:44How are you so adorable?
11:47I bet you'd like to know if the Goddess has found out about you, eh?
11:51Does that pique your interest?
11:53There's no need to fret. She's currently unaware of your circumstances.
11:58She's been making a lot of mistakes lately.
12:02Who are you, really?
12:04Wow, your real voice! It's nice!
12:07A man's voice should retain some youthful charm. Am I wrong?
12:12Just answer my question. Who are you?
12:15Oh, how rude. I haven't told you my name yet. Allow me to introduce—
12:19I have had enough of this mockery, Luto. He's Banshoku.
12:23Huh? Really? This guy?
12:27Indeed. He's a genuine greater dragon. Among the greatest, and undefeated.
12:33As his alias Banshoku suggests, Luto is the dragon of myriad colors.
12:41Greater dragons. The most powerful of them all.
12:44Mitsurugi, Bakufu, Sazanami, Akari, and Yamatoi are known as the five most famous ones in this world.
12:51Dear Sheen, were you asleep in the wasteland so long that you forgot all about manners?
12:57Don't interrupt my little chat with Makoto.
13:00Enough! You will not deceive him.
13:03One more thing. I no longer answer to that name. I'm Tomoe.
13:08Yeah, yeah. Trust me, Makoto. I have no intention of deceiving you. My intentions are pure.
13:17You've changed. How long have you lived as a man? Now would be a good time to stick with the truth.
13:25Just about 300 years. I was a woman so long, I eventually tired of those games.
13:31You got bored of being a girl?
13:33I should mention I had an unforgettable relationship with a man.
13:37I experienced emotional satisfaction and a feeling of euphoria unlike anything I'd ever known.
13:43At the end of this fine friendship, I found true love.
13:49Admit it, sweet Makoto. You're innocent. No shame in that. I love it.
13:54One day with me and it's over. I'll ensnare you with whichever body you like the best.
14:00That's a no!
14:03What's all this commotion?
14:06I was just seducing Makoto.
14:08You what?
14:09I mean, he's single, right? Then why shouldn't I express my interest?
14:15Tell me, Tomoe. This creature seems to be a dragon, but there's no problem with us killing it, is there?
14:21Of course not. Not even his bones will remain.
14:24Luto, speak your last words and I shall carve them upon your gravestone.
14:28No, wait. The flesh of a greater dragon has promise. I'm sure I can make a delicious meal using every morsel.
14:35We've never faced such a threat. I'll do everything I can to help you two.
14:40Wait, calm down. I didn't come here to fight. I'm really just here to talk.
14:44Oh, right. Forgot to mention. I wanted to have a chat with you about the Adventurer's Guild.
14:49Oh, it's about the guild?
14:50Young Master!
14:53Very well. You have my assistance, but you must allow me to handle the investigation.
15:00No complaints about my methods.
15:02Hmph. You're as wicked as ever, then.
15:07Kusunoha, this business with the Organization will give me a glimpse of your power.
15:13After all, I have already accomplished my original goal.
15:19Well, firstly, I really truly am the Guildmaster of the Adventurer's Guild.
15:24That's not all. I founded it a thousand years ago. Come now, you know you're impressed.
15:30No way.
15:31My first master was someone from another world. Not unlike Fair Makoto, as it were.
15:36The whole thing was his idea. So I suggested it to the Goddess, and then it came to pass.
15:43Incredible. That would mean the two heroes and I were not the first ones to come to this world.
15:49I carefully designed the guild and enjoyed establishing the system.
15:54It meant something to me, so I gave it my all.
15:57The guild went on to spread all across the world.
16:00We successfully solved all manner of problems for a great many communities.
16:04You'll be interested to know that guild members are awarded special licenses that display their current level.
16:10Strange, isn't it? The sophisticated guild cards use the term level.
16:16It's a familiar concept, is it not? One that's lifted from the video games of your world.
16:23Such things aren't typical here in our world.
16:26It's akin to spotting a skyscraper in the middle of a bunch of simple wooden buildings.
16:31Yet the words Adventurer's Guild suffice, to keep those from another world from questioning it.
16:37You're right.
16:39Why'd you do it? You created that system, after all.
16:43Well, to maintain this world's balance, of course.
16:46Under the Goddess' blessing, humans have multiplied and grown arrogant.
16:50It's a concern. The guild keeps them in check.
16:54In check? But doesn't the guild actively encourage humankind's growth?
16:59You're not seeing the forest for the trees, my dear boy.
17:02I've established levels and ranks within the guild. It keeps everyone climbing higher.
17:07And consider this. I also made the growth rate increase with level.
17:12Seeing it quantified motivates people.
17:15Joining ignites their ambitions. They long for the sweet taste of success.
17:20And then it happens. In a blink.
17:23They're destroyed by the weight of their own desires.
17:26So the guild thins out the human population, like magic.
17:31Thins it out?
17:33So this is what you mean by preserving the world's balance?
17:36That's just one method.
17:38Plenty of people are displeased with the Goddess. We never have to look very far.
17:43And I don't just mean in shady organizations.
17:47Fun fact! The guild's highest level is 65,535.
17:53I chose that number based on a passionately romantic speech one my master gave.
17:58How's that number romantic?
18:00It's the highest value in 16-bit computing. That's why it shows up in a lot of old games.
18:06What's this? Wanna form a contract with me?
18:09This'll be fun! I'll do anything to satisfy you, so don't be shy!
18:13Quiet! About your master!
18:15A thousand-year-old human. How could he have known about video games?
18:19Oh, that's easy enough to explain.
18:22But listen to the whole thing.
18:25If all of you stop listening, I'll force myself on Makoto.
18:28That's a prompt.
18:31I've got nothing to fear. Not with Mio's keen intuition on my side.
18:35He hasn't even started yet!
18:41The tremendous energy produced by the time paradoxes that result from time travel are known to cause major problems.
18:47But luckily, they're extremely unlikely to occur.
18:50And that's the crux of it. You see, it affects the flow of time.
18:54So it's different between this world and yours. It's extremely different, as a matter of fact.
19:02Okay, then what are my odds of successfully returning to my world?
19:06You must have some idea.
19:08You poor thing. You don't understand it.
19:11I mean, I failed to grasp the whole of your explanation myself, frankly.
19:17So you really want to know the odds of returning to your world?
19:21I'll tell you. There's hope, but it's very nearly impossible.
19:25What does that mean?
19:27At your current mana level, the teleportation itself has a high chance of success.
19:32But your destination would essentially be randomized.
19:36Optimistically, you have a 1 in 10 million chance of achieving your goal.
19:41I remember Shiki saying something similar.
19:45For now, I suggest you focus on the pleasures of this world.
19:49Now then, since we've exchanged greetings, I guess I'll take my leave.
19:53Wait for me. There's no telling what you might do if left unaccompanied.
19:58What a pity. You don't trust me at all, do you?
20:01Goodbye for now, sweet Makoto.
20:05A wise man once said one's hometown is best enjoyed in nostalgic song.
20:21Go on. There's something you wanted to ask me, right?
20:25How very observant of you.
20:27Naturally. Why did you tell him you didn't understand all of it, when really you understood every word?
20:35The Young Master's world. What happens to humans from that original world?
20:40Do they really die so young?
20:42Yes. In fact, it's rare for them to reach a hundred years.
20:46I see. That's so little time. So very little time.
20:51Well, there's no changing that. Just accept it.
20:55He's everything to me. If I lost him, this world that dazzles me so would forever lose its luster for me.
21:05Makes sense. There's no one from any world that I'd rather observe than him.
21:11Taking a life causes him no heartache at all.
21:14Yet it deeply hurts him to see one of his allies in pain.
21:17He's opaque and non-committal.
21:19His way of thinking and judgment are rather ordinary.
21:22And yet he's chosen an extraordinary path to follow.
21:27What now? What will he do?
21:30Do you think he'll try to return home?
21:33I'm not certain.
21:35Though if I had to guess, he's too much of a softy to abandon you.
21:39Not a single Catalyst could change all that.
21:44The other two heroes have already bid farewell to their original world and are treading new paths for themselves.
21:50A Catalyst could provide a third option.
21:53I mean something other than return home or don't.
21:56It goes without saying that this would change everything.
22:00What option could there be other than returning home or staying here?
22:05Traveling between worlds.
22:09Becoming a Superman of sorts, who can freely traverse both worlds at will.
22:14I look forward to finding out what that Catalyst is that awakens him to the possibility.
22:22Catalyst, huh?
22:24The possibility of that option never even crossed my mind.
22:28But if it allowed me to avoid a future without him, then perhaps...
22:32Hey Tomoe.
22:34I'm so glad to see that the pervert has finally left.
22:37Mio, you went out bundled up like that?
22:40Sure, why shouldn't I?
22:42Even at night I still don't approve.
22:45People will spread rumors about the Young Master.
22:47And we'll simply have anyone who sees me forget it immediately.
22:51I'm not changing.
22:53I refuse to shed this priceless token of the Young Master's affection.
22:57What are we gonna do with you?
22:59As if you're not the very same.
23:01That said, if you ever changed...
23:04If you ever lost your mind and tried to cause him harm, I promise...
23:11Luckily there's no chance of that.
23:13But if the time ever comes that I lose myself, you may slap me.
23:17Until I return to my senses.
23:20Done. Trust that I will not hold back.
23:29To be continued...
