Prometeo tv n.30 del 24 luglio 2024

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Sostenibilità, l’impegno di Ferrarelle per generare valore

A2A, Positivo il terzo bilancio di sostenibilità territoriale della Puglia


00:00Sustainability, the commitment of Ferrarelli to generate value.
00:16A2A, positive, the third balance of territorial sustainability of Puglia.
00:26Maximum commitment to generate value for society and territory,
00:29Ferrarelli and Benefit, fourth player in the mineral water sector in Italy,
00:34presents the 2020 Sustainability Balance with the numbers
00:37that certify the progress in the S&G area of the company.
00:40Ferrarelli, in the 2020 Sustainability Balance,
00:44publishes an improvement of its score via Benefit Impact Assessment at 87.7 points.
00:53This year, the company is able to further improve the score
00:58related to the S&G that it is going to insert in its impact relationship
01:03within the exercise balance.
01:05The year 2023 is therefore an extremely positive year,
01:09both in terms of economic and financial results,
01:14but also in terms of results and S&G in relation to sustainability.
01:20In this dynamics, 1 million euros is also included
01:29in terms of activities and social projects.
01:35Some data.
01:35In terms of environmental sustainability,
01:37Ferrarelli used 5,000 tons of recycled PET to make its own bottles
01:42and produced 4,670 gigajoules of clean energy through solar panels, not only.
01:49The important data is certainly the attention to the consistent reduction
01:57of waste and water dispersion along the path that leads to bottling.
02:04So, for example, the replacement of pumps for energy savings
02:11to make water resource management more efficient.
02:14In terms of social sustainability,
02:16the share of women employed in companies is equal to 31.5% today.
02:21The number of contracts in time on the total number of employees
02:24has reached 93%, while the number of hours of training required
02:28has increased by 10% compared to 2022.
02:31On the front of economic sustainability,
02:33three key data.
02:35The million euros that Ferrarelli invested in 2023
02:38in support of the community,
02:39222 million euros of economic value distributed to stakeholders
02:44and 87% of the spending on Italian suppliers.
02:47This is certainly a historical period of great change
02:51and innovation and sustainability are the two key points
02:56on which our company aims for the future.
03:00They represent a driving force for change
03:05and the awareness of the limits of natural resources
03:12and the impacts of human activities on the environment.
03:16Therefore, it is essential today, even more than before,
03:20to measure such impacts and to make use of them more efficient.
03:25These are the two words that, in my opinion,
03:28represent the key elements to focus on.
03:33A year marked by the plus sign.
03:36Months, those of 2023,
03:37in which the economic value generated on the territory of Pugliese
03:41was equal to 35 million euros,
03:43recording a growth of 35% compared to 2022.
03:47A group that is based in Puglia region,
03:50on which he invested 9 million euros in infrastructure.
03:53These are some of the figures of the third balance sheet
03:55of territorial sustainability of Puglia,
03:57presented by the company A2A Abrindisi.
04:00The document not only accounts for the environmental,
04:03economic and social benefits of the group on the territory,
04:06but also announces its next plans of activities.
04:08The objectives of the group,
04:09aligned with those established by the Agenda 2030,
04:13provide for a boost in terms of commitment also in Puglia.
04:16As for the future,
04:17we intend to maintain and expand our commitment in Puglia
04:22with these investments and with other investments in infrastructure.
04:27We want to increase our ability, let's say,
04:30to generate sustainable value for the territory.
04:33An important indicator is, for example,
04:36that already today we avoid the emission of 150,000 tons per year of CO2
04:42as a result of our activities.
04:43We want to increase this data,
04:45we want to increase our presence,
04:49our, how can I say, activity on this territory.
04:53A2A is now a historical presence for the industrial area of Brindisi,
04:57which has never believed in the industrial monoculture,
05:00said the mayor of the city Giuseppe Marchionna,
05:02so it is essential to have more and varied productive realities.
05:06We think, as a city and therefore as a territory,
05:10to have to support on the one hand,
05:13but on the other hand to help these large enterprises
05:16to give a hand to the city,
05:18both in terms of scientific capacity,
05:23of development, of identification of sustainable development paths,
05:27and in terms of preparation of technical and professional skills
05:33that serve to support such a complex and articulated path.
05:39From this point of view, we focus on this aspect,
05:44that is, the economy of knowledge as an expression of culture,
05:50and on this we fund our application to the Italian Capital of Culture for 2027.
