• 2 months ago
00:00You have to be f***ing careful. Do not use emails, do not, like, just face-to-face or
00:10encrypted phones. Nothing else is safe. Just believe me. Please. Like, I can get everything
00:15I want within 24 hours. And if I can, they can too. I'm really worried. You have to be
00:22careful with communication. Everybody has to be careful with communication, like, extremely.
00:30Our creator, our founder, Dr. Ruja. I've been called a lot of things. And probably the
00:56best thing that the press called me was the biller. She was definitely a visionary. She's
01:03got this magnetism that just draws people in. Everybody was buying one coin. No other
01:10cryptocurrency has as many users as we do. Everything was geared to get more investment
01:17and we will spread this cryptocurrency around the world. It was very motivating. Oh my God,
01:22it's working. I'm going to end up making millions of dollars off this and I can do so much with
01:26my life. Are you pumped up? Are you fired up? Repeat after me. One coin. One coin. One coin. One coin.
01:36I knew people were falling for it. This thing's getting too big too quick.
01:40Hallo, Ruja, meine Liebe. Wir lieben One Coin!
01:46Etova found one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, peddling a fake cryptocurrency
01:52to get everyday people all over the world to part with their hard-earned money, real money.
01:57Was ganz klar ist, dass es bei One Coin von Anfang an ein Betrug war.
02:04The cracks were starting to happen and that's why Ruja exited the stage left.
02:08She disappeared into thin air. She hasn't been seen or heard from since.
02:14One coin at anywhere between 4 and 16 billion. It's so much, no one really has a handle on it.
02:23This was carefully, carefully orchestrated. Did she disappear voluntarily?
02:29It's just an assumption. Do you believe in luck?
02:33Well, I always say fortune favors the brave.
02:44I'm a Bitcoin enthusiast. I love it. I've built a little bit of a collection here.
03:07I have an old Bitcoin magazine and a movie I co-produced.
03:12I have some friends in Africa who carved this in 2014.
03:16They use Bitcoin over there all the time in many of the areas in Africa.
03:20And then I have one of my favorite art pieces right here.
03:23And if you look at it through this app right here, it has like a hidden AI
03:30that reveals when the fiat money goes away, the Bitcoin stays forever.
03:35Can't be confiscated or inflated. So that's pretty cool.
03:41My name is Tim Curry. I'm also known as Timtation online.
03:45I discovered Bitcoin in early 2013 and I thought that it would be a great experiment
03:51and I wanted to participate in it.
03:58In the 2008 financial crisis, we saw banks that were leveraging their monies in highly risky assets.
04:09People were on pins and needles when they entered the building
04:11and they were like, uh-oh, what's going to happen? How many shoes are going to drop today?
04:15The market crash and the value of money fell through the floor and just kept declining and declining.
04:21And so saving your money has been disincentivized because of what happened.
04:28Banks got bailed out! We got bailed out!
04:32If these guys understood that working people are suffering as well,
04:37then it would be different, but they just don't get it.
04:39When I first began studying Bitcoin, the more it opened up my mind to this decentralized financial system.
04:48You can't put it in your wallet. Your computer makes it and it trades like a stock. It's called Bitcoin.
04:55It's not an electronic credit card. It's not an electronic check. It's really electronic cash.
05:00You put some of your money, real money, online and it turns into Bitcoin, virtual money,
05:06which you can then use to buy things online. Have you got that?
05:09It's really catching on because people are getting a little tired of these central banks.
05:12The value of them have skyrocketed in the last few weeks.
05:15I mean, to the point where they're more valuable than almost every currency out there.
05:20Taking back the power of our money, wow, this can change the world. And they were right.
05:29So everybody bought into the Bitcoin story because everybody wants to spend a dollar and win a million.
05:36That's the attraction.
05:39I made two million dollars in 10 months with Bitcoin.
05:43I would say I have quite an expensive pace. Gucci, Louboutin.
05:48Today, I'm getting my first Bitcoin.
05:51I feel super grateful for the life that I inherit because I've never dreamt three years ago to have a life like this.
05:57Bitcoin was basically the holy grail for me to elevate to another level.
06:06Bitcoin is money for the people. Money of free will.
06:10If you can't do it, you can't do it.
06:15So we're going to be trading Bitcoin.
06:17Bitcoin is money for the people money of free will but bitcoins got a problem here
06:22Not just myself, but the average person didn't fully understand how this really works. I knew it was 1,200 bucks a coin
06:29That was it. I didn't understand a blockchain or anything like that at that point
06:33I'm thinking how was adoption supposed to happen like I'm thinking well can't I'm like hey one coin
06:40Bitcoin shows us the way
06:42But the best is still to come already expanding into a worldwide mining network and creating history again in the cryptocurrency
06:51industry one coin is aiming for the skies I
06:57Heard of it in
07:0128th of 2015 when someone over Facebook had contacted me and said hey
07:06I noticed you're into Bitcoin and there's this great founder a double doctorate and 200 plus IQ and stuff and
07:14That this cryptocurrency one coin would be you know, the next Bitcoin, you know saying how in six months time
07:21This is gonna be worth, you know five times what it was
07:25or ten times what it was or you know, you better get in now, then I'm like
07:30Okay, but what is one coin and how does it how does it work?
07:44Well, I'm Tommy warning and coming from Finland I'm like a former athlete
07:51I was in our national team as long jumper back
07:56after that, then I started to make
08:00Caricatures funny faces big head small body and did these
08:0518 years in Finland and then after that I got the phone call
08:10concerning about this
08:12one coin
08:16The first cryptocurrency that is easy to mine easy to trade and easy to use
08:23No complicated hardware or in-depth knowledge necessary to start and I didn't understand much
08:30About cryptocurrency at that time. So I told to the and who introduced this thing to me
08:36I will do nothing before I meet the owner. I
08:42Met the Roussia in Helsinki Finland 27th of September
08:472014 she was kind of you can say
08:51Very sharp, but also a bit
08:55How I say
08:56mathematical or technical person I
08:59Really started to like her quite fast when we met
09:03To that meeting. I was invited to businesswoman of the year gala here in Sofia
09:11400 VIP people there red carpet
09:14Roussia got the first prize from the mayor of the Sofia that at that time
09:27We really created this company and our currency two months ago
09:32One coin is the name of the better Bitcoin. So please remember this as a woman in business. I
09:40Would like to say a quote is Marilyn Monroe. I think she said it's a man's man's world outside
09:46But I love being a woman here
09:57Loses vision was to build a global
10:04It means that it's all about
10:07Helping each other helping people
10:10Clearly a new era is born in digital currencies
10:13And today you have the unique chance to participate in this success through a new currency called one coin
10:21We sell education
10:23financial educational modules
10:25One coin will be introduced through our education program where you learn about trading
10:31strategies and how to profit from trading with cryptocurrency and
10:35Together with this education
10:36They got also tokens these tokens will give you the possibility for trading in on our exchange with thousands of other
10:44Practice your skills and let you profit from what you have learned through our one Academy program and with tokens
10:51They got their one coin at that time
10:54The one tokens can be exchanged once you feel proficient enough to start trading with cryptocurrency
11:01You educate them help them to get people in to help them to get people in and so on so on so on so
11:08There I really understood that this is something else. I started to be more and more interested. I
11:14Was amongst first 300 in whole world's when I joined
11:19It's the face of one coin founder of the company
11:23Ruja Ignatova
11:29How many of you have lost bitcoins
11:33again all of us
11:35Retracing the steps of a multi million pound mistake when James Howells brought his old
11:41Computer hard drive to this dump in the summer. He had no idea. He was binning a fortune
11:48he'd forgotten it contained seven and a half thousand bitcoins a
11:53Virtual currency, which is now worth serious hard cash. It was a penny-dropping moment
11:59And yeah, it was a sinking feeling
12:02What have you done, you know?
12:04You cannot lose one coins unless you lose your computer your passwords and everything and even then we can help you
12:12The second thing why I believe that one coin has a huge advantage
12:17We are not an anonymous currency like Bitcoin if you are anonymous you give individuals the opportunity for money laundering and for bad
12:25things the terrorists and the ransomware scammers and the consumer scammers and the rogue nations
12:32North Korea that is financing about half of its nuclear missile program with crypto understand a defense
12:40That says no. No, we we've got to make sure that there's a place for those guys like caught
12:46This is something that we do not want to do with one coin. We do this to show that we are legit business
12:53So this is my mission for this year
12:56One coin needs to become visible in the financial world. And so we are at the beginning of a very very exciting journey
13:02Thank you very much
13:36Some Alton the bigger the more I do some
13:51Who's a bitch a dino go to burr priya tell you didn't tell me cuz I'm a lot of people
13:56Kaja kakosom Kupila in the pocahontas hit club of Bulgaria Koya to
14:01Iskutulna's garage as a story architect or in pamitnik
14:04Dwight Coy to some bill of party to me hot fear
14:07Which I cuz I could be who's got a hoodie back is that when you can because it was a million a level
14:14Every miss is ponium. It's a cuz I travel to the prime of criminal in a russian club
14:19Gloria mess and I'm gonna be up in a private manner. No, it's not mean it's a party. So quite often
14:37This building is the reason I got interested into one coin
14:43back in 2015
14:44I learned from sources that this building has been sold to a mysterious woman
14:50nobody had heard about her nobody knew what she was doing exactly and
14:56the price tag was
14:584.2 million euro, which was what like Wow huge sum. I'm Nikolai Stoyanov. I'm a
15:06Journalist with capital weekly a newspaper in Sofia Bulgaria
15:12We are a business additional people who are wealthy enough to spend millions
15:18You there are no traces of mortgage or bank loan or something like that
15:23which okay, it's a huge amount of money for some startup and
15:30I started looking into her business. The only thing we knew is someone on cryptocurrency business is buying this property
15:39And we had never heard of her. I started looking into one coin and who is dr. Rouge as a person I
15:49Never imagined it would be something big
15:52Roja is born in 1980 in northern Bulgaria
15:58But this time Bulgaria was a country
16:02when the Berlin Wall fell down and Bulgaria too, there was a wave of unemployment and
16:10a lot of people started emigrating
16:13Roja's family were this huge wave of
16:17immigrants who
16:19Went to Germany
16:30The family Ignatov lived in the inner city of Schramberg. There were modest conditions, I would say
16:37There was also a new addition in such a small town as Schramberg at that time
16:43There was also a new addition in such a small town as Schramberg at that time
16:50The East Europeans, what do they want from us? They take away our jobs. This mood was already there
16:58So to get into such a society as an underdog is difficult and that underdogs
17:07Strong elbows to get through to boxing is not a novelty now
17:14Ruth came as a nine-year-old in the third grade
17:17Has very quickly in the school
17:20Foot grasped, learned German and then switched directly to the fifth grade in the gymnasium. So he skipped a class, which was quite amazing
17:29It probably looked very similar here when Roja went to school here and here in this
17:35Classroom she probably also had German lessons
17:40I talked to a lot of people who went to school with her and they all said
17:45Because I was smart and clever and very ambitious, I gave the diploma to one of them and then she writes
17:54Jurisdiction in Heidelberg
17:56Then I will be an incredibly successful lawyer
18:00Marry a rich man, bring my life on one of his
18:06Caribbean islands
18:07So she already had big dreams there
18:11She studied as quickly as possible and then got a degree and went to Oxford. She always wanted to do something special
18:18Also somehow wanted to prove something
18:23After she graduated she was always
18:26Generating ideas of how to get rich. I was working for McKinsey
18:30I was quite frustrated because I felt somehow everything got invented, you know
18:34Facebook it was invented Google the Internet all these cool things, you know
18:38Where people come from zero to hero were all there and there was nothing left
18:42Somehow I was looking at Bitcoin and this was actually an opportunity
18:46That I saw and I got excited about it. Once I started thinking where the opportunities are
18:51We have two billion people who are currently not banked. These people sit on the table like we are, you know
18:58We can go and buy a nice dress out there
19:00We can do a money transfer or whatever
19:02But these two billion people cannot if we use cryptocurrency to bring these people, you know, then we have created something amazing
19:21She was thinking that the most positive impact would be this hundred thousand members during the first year
19:28But it exploded and we got a billion
19:34Company made first billion during first 10 months
20:00When I look at a company it's all about I look at who the owner is
20:04And that's why I absolutely fell in love with one coin is really because of dr. Ruja. She is a really
20:12Brilliant, you know well educated. I like the way she's very honest
20:17And very direct and I feel very good about it's her at one coin
20:44She was presenting the way of life you want to be
20:48Like me to go to parties to to have luxury around you
20:54This is the train you have to catch
20:56She was not simply offering an investment she was suffering herself a way of
21:01Being something like a copy of russia
21:05How does it feel a super boss lady in this field?
21:08I do not believe actually that women are softer in business ask why people are very focused and I believe that women are so
21:15communicative and so
21:17Eager to change the world in a good way think only about money
21:21They think about the bigger vision and I really believe that they can join us and they can do very very good things
21:33From bulgaria from sofia my grandfather was born in sofia
22:00My name is estere
22:02I'm an artist a singer used to be and also I participated at the eurovision song contest
22:26Never stop when my voice stops then I will stop but right now my voice is still there for me. Thank god
22:35I was married, but my husband
22:38Unfortunately became sick and I took care of him about 23 years
22:44He had ms
22:46Eventually he passed in 2016
22:50He left me some life insurance not a lot but a lot for me and
22:59My lovely son god bless him got me into cryptocurrency
23:04And then he told me about one coin and about dr. Ruzsa
23:08my first impression of ruzsa
23:11Was she seemed like she has a good heart like she wants people to win to really help people
23:15She was very good at the way. She expressed herself. She was very smart actually a genius
23:21So I thought to myself if I don't get involved with this this could be the worst decision
23:27I've ever made i'm not doing it. So i'm like, you know what?
23:30You can make a lot of money and help a lot of people everybody wins sounds good to me
23:34We need to take some money from from the life insurance policy and we knew we need to put it in this
23:44We got the biggest package you could
23:46Triple combo I think was the name of it. It was like
23:4855 000
23:50The first thing that would happen is you see your tokens in there and then you can tokens and actually put them into mining
23:57And so that's what I did
24:00And more and more coins were being mined that was creating as far as I knew demand
24:06And that's what was causing the price to go up
24:09I'm, actually seeing it on my screen this wealth being created before my eyes and eventually it comes to fruition
24:16What if we can do more because i'm gonna end up making millions of dollars off this and I can do so much
24:20I can really do good things. I wanted to
24:23Have this money so I can start helping my sisters and you know people that I loved in my life that struggle
24:30We ended up a total of a hundred and
24:33Fifty five thousand or something around there. We bought three triple combos
24:47She was so believable, you know
24:49I believe that she had good intentions at least at the beginning
24:54And now after we achieved so many things together
24:58I will be very honest with you
25:01Whatever I do
25:02Make it big. I want to make it
25:05Extremely successful and I want to see this coin in one year to be the number one coin on the market
25:35Hi everybody, this is vas green with your 001 master distributor of one coin you as a leader
25:43You as a distributor can really change your life
25:48Can change your people's lives and this is what we are doing. So thanks to you
25:55You've taken the right decision
25:59the company
26:01We will change the world. Thank you very much
26:05personally for me the first
26:08Meeting in finland back then 2014. I met him there
26:12He was very humble
26:13And very polite and so on so on to describe in three to five words is
26:18Not that easy, but I would say that I am very dedicated
26:23Hard-working and i'm a passionate for building people
26:27That explains actually who I am
26:30But I know that russia met sebastian before to be part of one coin
26:36in beginning
26:37The idea was how to bring
26:39A good concept an interesting concept out to the people
26:45There I have a personal friend. His name is sebastian greenwood who has been active in network marketing for quite a while
26:54She needed someone from network marketing to build the business world
27:00Bitcoin is a kind of a network and started by geeks talking to each other
27:05But we were using this concept of real professional network marketers because otherwise this crypto would never work
27:13We are the monsters of the vips be on the red tables
27:23Way to make business
27:26Now let's go to a little town in new jersey where things are really popping
27:30Yes, there's a party going on at martin's house. It's a tour party. It's fun
27:35So multi-level marketing is a way of selling
27:39Products so one of the best known um
27:42Multi-level marketing programs is tupperware going doing tupperware parties selling to friends and family
27:47There's a demonstration by one of the tupperware dealers who lives in your community
27:51Watch her show the way to use tupperware's patented seat
27:54So you host the tea and some of them like the tupperware some of them but there's an extra opportunity
27:59You'll be able to earn a small commission or a large commission
28:03from other people who are selling to
28:06Also given for past achievements
28:11National sales and recruiting contests provide the opportunity to earn exciting gifts
28:19I personally want to congratulate all of you for a great achievement
28:23Because one of you or maybe several of you
28:27Will go to the very top
28:31We want to see you achieve of course
28:35A crown division you get to make money by not just selling a product
28:39But you're helping your friends and family and wider co-workers get really rich. So it's an easy sell
28:47So when they bring in more people and those people bring in more people
28:50You have money going back up the pyramid all the way to the top with small amounts spliced off at each level
28:57And with things like the internet and social media these things can happen so much faster today
29:03Than they could back in the 60s in tupperware
29:08When you ask me these questions about the blockchain and all these difficult questions here
29:15That's not fancy it's really really simple
29:17Everybody starts off at the same level and they have a chance to work their way up to the top
29:22I have is trust the process
29:25Your main goal here today is to help others
29:29Grow the community build the business. Oh the community build the business
29:35This commission base when I make the sale to you
29:39I get paid the commissions on top of the sale
29:41So the bigger your team grow the bigger your income happens to be why because your team represents
29:47The amount of new customers who are driving to this new product. So in other words by introducing others
30:03I'm leila. I work for the nhs as planning manager. I'm also a life coach
30:07So I provide support to people that have mental health issues
30:11I'm also a life coach. So I provide support to people that have mental health issues loss of esteem
30:18I had something which literally took 20 years to save up
30:22The main priority was to buy a house after my father's death so I can
30:26She killed my brother and my mom who's a widow and my brother who has you know learning needs
30:32And that's when I got introduced to one coin by the family friend that had known for over 12
30:38He actually sent all group of us and what's up text message, you know about the educational packages
30:45Go to the event
30:48So lots of other
30:50Safi muslim lots of women wearing headscarf and at the event they were using a certificate saying
30:57One coin cryptocurrency is a product that legally approved islamic
31:01financial board and is sharia compliant
31:04My friend said leila in the name of god say bismillah go in
31:08It is legit. I want to help you
31:11told me to invest
31:13A minimum 6 900
31:15For a currency packet which will give me over 18 000 pound. I didn't have a reason to doubt
31:23People were buying these packages and of course those people
31:28Who were?
31:30Who were
31:32like top leaders
31:34They got commissions from those people who bought those packages
31:39So recruiting a lot of people to make a lot of money to themselves fast
31:43And people are greedy
31:45So they wanted to have as much as possible. So a lot of people made money. They made millions
31:52Is the latest most amazing product one coin has to offer you to know and I know that the coin value is the most
32:00important parts of our
32:03Whatever the money you invested you just keep it safe in the safe and you just calculate the interest you can get that
32:11Nowhere, there's no bank on this planet where you get that interest by saving money
32:17You can make even more money save money money
32:36How are you today
32:40Of course we're 2 million
32:42But if 2 million people invite two people you are on the good way to financial freedom
32:49Now you're going to make some money as well. Talk to people about why one coin is
32:57the only cryptocurrency
33:00That's going to be number one
33:02Believed from the beginning if we want to be the future of payments if we want to do transactions
33:07We have to be also in africa. We have to be in india. We have to be in latin america
33:11We are
33:15We are
33:20That's the correct answer
33:26I remember me and my father sitting down
33:29Looking at beautiful houses around kampala hills
33:35It was a lot of dream traveling and all that
33:39Basically one coin promised a lot and gave us a lot of hope
33:47My name is danielle in heart we are a family of seven
33:52five boys
33:53my father
33:54We are railing
33:57And what the banana plantation
34:01Doing some potams cassava everything
34:06You can just eat
34:10What you can afford but not what you want so it's just a fair life not a decent one
34:20I got introduced to one coin in 2016
34:25And it was our friend
34:28that came
34:30Looking all good. Beautiful putting on expensive clothes
34:34We just believed
34:36Her appearance and thought she was doing the business that we wanted to do
34:42At the one coin offices. We are told in our friends
34:46Our our neighbors and people good
34:50Because one coin was a good business and so we wanted to be rich and also the society around us
34:59Rejecting that over was like a queen very intelligent
35:03Very connected to everyone
35:05She looked expensive. She was always putting on beautiful gowns and the beautiful
35:12red lipstick
35:14And then her biography it was really amazing
35:18All that made us believe in ruja ignatova
35:24Then I sold off my three goats back in the village remember we are farmers and I bought the starter package
35:32Because I was in very good with my uncle
35:35I told him that you know what you should not miss out this opportunity to be part of
35:41the cryptocurrency world
35:44And he bought the idea
35:47He invested in several times and I also made a 10 commission from the money routine
35:54So by spreading good news of one coin to people
35:58It was also very possible for you to make some good living
36:06We could log in into our one coin accounts
36:10You could see how many coins you have you could see
36:13The value growing it was all amazing
36:18I'm like, okay, so I invested 6,900 I can see it, you know, 12,000 13,000 money's maturing. Oh my god. It's working
36:26So if you want to become a coin millionaire, you can't do it alone talk to people
36:31and become a millionaire
36:33Everybody was by one coins. The best thing that the press called me was the bitcoin killer
36:43Thank you
37:06While I was conversing with this guy at that time
37:09One coin was only about six or eight months old and it was apparent from their website written by someone who was not
37:17Knowledgeable in cryptocurrency yet. That's what they're selling. That's what they're promoting. That's what they're embracing and that's what they're passionate about
37:24At that time they had multiple packages that ranged up to like a 5 000 euro tycoon package
37:31And there was education supposedly that came across with this
37:35uh with these packages
37:37And I found out that you can actually access with just a simple web link these education packages
37:44So that tells me something probably about the cryptocurrency
37:48One coin itself if you can access these 5 000 euro
37:52Packages just by having the web link
37:56There's there's trouble that's happening
37:58They didn't even offer a payment in bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency and that was just absurd
38:04uh to have a
38:06That didn't accept bitcoin or cryptocurrency
38:09It was very clear
38:11that this was
38:14something to be trusted
38:19And then I started
38:21Seeing one coin pop up more and more in facebook feeds and people will be talking about one coin and there's this
38:27You know picture of russia and there's these quotes or whatever
38:31And then one day they announced that one coin was coming to the usa
38:38Huh, I wonder what that would be like I would like to see these people
38:42In person and see what the hell this is all about
38:49Get in my car I drive up the five freeway an hour away of the outskirts of los angeles
38:54And I pull up on some sort of a office facility that someone had turned into like a little mini church
39:00That was apparently being rented out, you know for this for this event
39:06It was not very grandiose whatsoever there was a little tiny stage up in the front
39:10How many of you missed the bitcoin revolution this guy?
39:15I recognized as someone who was a prominent promoter in the u.s
39:19Of one coin saying how bitcoin is super difficult and it's made for nerds
39:24You know how it's how bitcoin is too technical and one coin has come along
39:28Uh in order to make everything easy and payments easy and it's going to put you into a financial freedom for your lives
39:35There is an intermission
39:37And I went up to question him and I so can you answer this for me because it's supposed to be by the way
39:42Cryptoeducation is what these packages were supposed to be about. What is one coin mining?
39:47How do you how does the blockchain work? How do how are the coins created stuff like this?
39:51he's like
39:55You don't need to understand how the technology works so you don't need to know how email works
40:00One coin takes care of all that in order to mine. All you have to do is push a button
40:04And i'm like, whoa, what is this going on?
40:09It was very clear that
40:11These people didn't know what they were talking about now
40:13It's gonna time right everything goes silent the lights dim all of a sudden comes on. I think it's like I had a tiger or something
40:20This guy comes on in the mic and he's just like who's here is a winner who's here is a winner
40:24Do you want to change your lives? Because that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna break through
40:31We're gonna have a breakthrough that's what he's gonna do he's dr. Breakthrough
40:37And i'm sitting back there and people are like on the edge of their seat and he's like we're gonna change your lives
40:41And we're gonna smash the old norms
40:48It's marketing every company does marketing, you know, that's how it works but this is just so absurd
40:55This is so weird. So weird
40:58It's unbelievable, but people were just lapping it up
41:01And it got worse online. There was more people posting it was growing exponentially
41:07And then I watched this video of her in dubai
41:10On a massive stage, there's probably five thousand people in the audience for us
41:15It is extremely important to become visible on the market
41:19And to make people trust us. We all know it's a very bad world outside
41:25So what we did
41:26in the last months
41:28is we
41:30hired her to audit our blockchain
41:34So come and let's welcome again dianne
41:36And he will explain and tell you everything about the audit about our blockchain whatever you always wanted to know about this
41:43Thank you very much
41:46And i'm like what in the hell the entire purpose of a blockchain
41:50Is that it's self auditing it's audited of an entire network every 10 for other cryptocurrencies perhaps every few seconds
41:59What gives cryptocurrency its realness or its physicality is it being on a blockchain a blockchain is just a ledger that is
42:08Public to view anyone can go to a website and download it and store it on their computer
42:14And anyone could look at it and see it and be like, okay chain of blocks. That is mathematical
42:19You can't go back and you can't erase anything or change anything
42:23Coin, you were never allowed to see it. It was private. So it was set
42:27You can't verify anything you can't see your transactions you can't
42:32know that if you send
42:34coins to a friend or
42:36A merchant that they received them or not if it's centralized. It really is just a database
42:42It's just an a glorified excel spreadsheet
42:44and this is like
42:46antithetic to blockchain and I believe one coin is maybe the first one that
42:53That is a client of an auditing company in order to verify their transaction
42:58I didn't understand my blockchain. I'm like, you know what?
43:02This is not important what they told us the office
43:06That is what go with
43:07I thought
43:09Everything was okay. I mean
43:11You had so many people that put in money and they were a lot smarter than me, too
43:14I mean people in their 40s or 50s or 60s. I'm 22 at the time. What do I know?
43:19Auditor audits every month that all transactions that are done are really in the blockchain
43:25And it all coins mine are really also recorded in the blockchain
43:30There was no way of proving transactions or balance or anything. It wasn't open. No one knew
43:35What was what but that point I knew that one massive fake cryptocurrency
43:41The victims of one coin didn't realize they were victims
43:46She's gonna rule and that was the moment that I got the most pissed off and just was really committed to just
43:53Just just attack people and exposing them
43:56We want to make this the biggest cryptocurrency ever with over 3 million users
44:01We are bigger than anyone out there
44:04And now I think the time has come that we ought
44:07And show actually the world who we are how big we are and what the huge potential of one coin is
44:25Support information for the issues raised can be found online at channelford.com
44:30slash support
44:31And fugitive the mystery of the crypto queen continues here tomorrow night at 10 or you can stream all episodes right now with channel 4
44:39Up next board is one of only 50 women on death row