• 2 months ago


00:00:00Mephisto's our deadliest enemy.
00:00:01He traded. Strasse was chasing him.
00:00:03I remember every detail.
00:00:05The bomb was planted by Lazar Kiss.
00:00:07Why was your father still obsessed?
00:00:09Two different types.
00:00:09Looks like our killer has someone helping him.
00:00:11He had a friend he spoke about, Senor Carillo.
00:00:15No possessions, just this.
00:00:17Mephisto has a network in Riga's palace.
00:00:19It's a rendezvous.
00:00:20The soldier, the baron, and the actress.
00:00:23There is no restriction on what you can bet.
00:00:25You actually gamble with people.
00:00:26People, possessions, secrets.
00:00:29One word, and I'll be silent forever.
00:00:31If you ever lay a finger on her again, I'll kill you.
00:00:34Oscar, drop the weapon!
00:00:40I'm lost. I'm alone.
00:01:30Clara, are you all right?
00:01:33I'm fine. It's Max.
00:01:35Inspector, what happened?
00:01:37How is he?
00:01:40He was shot.
00:01:46Doctor, doctor, can we see our son?
00:01:49No, he's in surgery at the moment.
00:01:51Please tell me you can save him.
00:01:52We're doing everything in our power.
00:01:55There was an assailant.
00:01:57He got too close, and then...
00:02:00Please come with me.
00:02:02I'll find you somewhere more private you can wait.
00:02:06It's all right.
00:02:08It's okay.
00:02:17Damn you for coming into his life again.
00:02:26Let's go.
00:02:56Max, I need you more than ever, even though you're not here.
00:03:01I need to understand what went on.
00:03:07I'm terribly afraid of something.
00:03:11I know.
00:03:13I'm afraid of you.
00:03:16I'm afraid of you.
00:03:18I'm afraid of you.
00:03:20I'm afraid of you.
00:03:22I'm afraid of you.
00:03:23I'm afraid of you.
00:03:24I'm afraid of you.
00:03:26The bullet that hit you...
00:03:33I think it came from my gun.
00:03:36I'm the one who shot you.
00:03:46Drop the weapon!
00:03:56From an automatic.
00:04:01My gun.
00:04:06What happened here last night?
00:04:29Excuse me, sir.
00:04:34It's very dark.
00:04:50Very well, sir.
00:04:55There was only one shot.
00:04:57So why are there two cases?
00:05:01It doesn't make any sense.
00:05:08I'm so sorry, Inspector.
00:05:10Of course, I'll give you all the help I can.
00:05:12I need to identify the man in the tunnel.
00:05:15There was a prearranged handover of a firearm.
00:05:18Someone used this place as a secret rendezvous.
00:05:21He escaped through the back of the tunnels.
00:05:24I need access to your register of members.
00:05:30It includes some very important people.
00:05:33You think that makes them above the law, Fräulein?
00:05:35I'm sorry.
00:05:36I'm not at liberty to disclose their names.
00:05:39Not without their permission.
00:05:40My friend has been shot.
00:05:42He's in hospital fighting for his life.
00:05:44Please understand my position.
00:05:46I'd say your position is precarious, Fräulein.
00:05:48You know the name of everyone who comes here.
00:05:51And some of them may be involved in a conspiracy.
00:05:54So I'll come back next time with a warrant.
00:05:56If you obstruct my investigation, you'll be arrested.
00:06:17How is he?
00:06:18He's out of surgery.
00:06:20The bullet did a lot of damage, but we were able to drain and suture the lung.
00:06:24The bullet glanced off the ribcage and passed straight through him.
00:06:29A rifle, I guess.
00:06:35Oh, my God.
00:06:39Drop the weapon!
00:06:50Drop the weapon!
00:06:56I need to know who he was.
00:06:58The man who shot you.
00:07:00Could it have been Mephisto?
00:07:05Don't leave me alone here, Max.
00:07:20Always restless.
00:07:23Always had an adventurous spirit.
00:07:29When he was four, he disappeared one day.
00:07:32Have you heard this story?
00:07:40His mother couldn't find him.
00:07:43She was in a panic.
00:07:46I was working as usual.
00:07:50And little Max suddenly decided he wanted to visit his father after hours.
00:07:56So off he went.
00:07:58On his own.
00:08:00Of course, I never imagined that that spirit would lead him to such dark places.
00:08:10You have to let children be themselves.
00:08:15It was almost like a game for him.
00:08:19The two of us investigating crimes.
00:08:23Like schoolboys playing.
00:08:28I never dreamed it could end up like this.
00:08:31I should have protected him.
00:08:35I was blind.
00:09:12It's a puzzle.
00:09:13A total enigma.
00:09:15The tunnels are silent.
00:09:16You could hear a pin drop.
00:09:17Why didn't I hear the second bullet fire?
00:09:20Oh, it's something I saw.
00:09:22A contraption.
00:09:23Attached to a rifle.
00:09:25Well, that's unusual.
00:09:27Anything you can find out for me, I'd be very grateful.
00:09:30I do my best.
00:09:32And then there's this.
00:09:41Smells familiar.
00:09:44Might be our friend from the Vienna woods.
00:09:47Found it at the casino.
00:09:48Thank you, Fräulein.
00:10:04I'm sorry about your doctor friend.
00:10:08Have a seat.
00:10:12I had a call from someone at the ministry.
00:10:16Concerning Helena Rieger.
00:10:18You interviewed her, apparently.
00:10:22She's a material witness.
00:10:26She has powerful friends.
00:10:29So she tells me.
00:10:31People are nervous.
00:10:38Certain special clients of hers.
00:10:41They want me to back off.
00:10:43Is that what you're telling me?
00:10:45Look, Reinhard.
00:10:46Dr. Lieberman was shot.
00:10:49He might die.
00:10:51I know.
00:10:53I know.
00:10:54But we must tread carefully.
00:10:58You don't understand what's really happening.
00:11:08A traitor.
00:11:11In the heart of the establishment.
00:11:13Strasser asked me to investigate.
00:11:16He begged me before he died.
00:11:21You have any proof?
00:11:23Only what Strasser gave me.
00:11:27This is all very irregular, Reinhard.
00:11:31I'm afraid so.
00:11:34This is all very irregular, Reinhard.
00:11:38I must alert the new director of security.
00:11:41Excuse me.
00:11:44We can't trust anyone.
00:11:47We need to keep this between ourselves.
00:11:51Just for now.
00:12:04You don't believe me?
00:12:07But he's here.
00:12:08In Vienna.
00:12:12I'll find you some proof of his existence.
00:12:15Just give me 24 hours, Commissioner.
00:12:33Come in.
00:13:01What is it?
00:13:04Promotions that need confirming and some duty orders to sign.
00:13:12Did you hear about that business at Regas?
00:13:17The shooting.
00:13:19It's in the morning papers.
00:13:34Weren't you there that night?
00:13:39You are never to mention my presence there, do you understand?
00:13:54That fellow is outside again.
00:13:57Who invented that contraption.
00:14:00I'm happy to send him away.
00:14:02No, no, wait.
00:14:04Bring him in. We'll see him.
00:14:30I'm afraid to report, Madam, that your weekend entertainment regrettably must be cancelled.
00:14:39What's happened?
00:14:41His Excellency, he refuses to be burdened with the cost any longer.
00:14:46My one little pleasure.
00:14:49The Emperor will never refuse me.
00:14:52With regret.
00:14:54You don't approve of me.
00:14:56You and the rest of the household.
00:14:59You think I'm beneath you.
00:15:03It's not my place to approve or to disapprove.
00:15:06Well, at least we can agree on something.
00:15:10It frightens you to have a commoner so close to the seat of power.
00:15:16Tell His Excellency I expect him to indulge my private passion.
00:15:47I only need five minutes, General.
00:15:52Five minutes to change the face of warfare forever.
00:16:07A giant rotating frame built around a motorised centre.
00:16:12It would crush anything in its path.
00:16:14You and I are going to rewrite the rulebook, General.
00:16:22How was the meeting?
00:16:25Do you think it's worth pursuing?
00:16:28Give me an infantryman with a rifle any day.
00:16:31Wars are seldom won with melodies and triplets.
00:16:41Look what I found.
00:16:42Just patented.
00:16:44By an American.
00:16:46An inventor called Hiram Maxim.
00:16:51It's a silencer.
00:16:53It means the rifle makes no sound.
00:16:55Bought from a specialist arms dealer.
00:17:06This is his part in it.
00:17:07This is how he connects to the story.
00:17:12A gun like this...
00:17:15must have a special purpose.
00:17:38Are you all right?
00:17:41I was worried.
00:17:43You were out all night.
00:17:46Where's Hannah?
00:17:47In the bedroom, sleeping.
00:18:08need to get some things from our apartment.
00:18:13Let me go back there first.
00:18:15I'll make sure that he's gone.
00:18:19Promise me.
00:18:24No more violence.
00:19:28There is a Danhofer's husband.
00:19:30Well, that's going to make things difficult.
00:19:33Yes, thank you. I'm aware.
00:19:58What do we have?
00:19:59A vicious knife attack.
00:20:01You know the circumstances?
00:20:03Sir, we have a witness.
00:20:05The neighbor next door says he heard a commotion.
00:20:13Tell me what's happened.
00:20:16I heard a row.
00:20:17I heard two men arguing.
00:20:21Did you see the man?
00:20:23Two men arguing.
00:20:24Did you see a face?
00:20:26Yes, quite clearly.
00:20:29Do you think you could identify the other man?
00:20:34It was him.
00:20:37I saw you arguing with him.
00:20:40Murderer, arrest him.
00:20:42Arrest him.
00:20:44He's the murderer.
00:20:45He's the murderer.
00:20:46Take the victim.
00:20:47You are the murderer.
00:20:48Get him out of here.
00:20:50You're the murderer.
00:20:53Please make way.
00:21:00Any clues to his assignment?
00:21:05In an initial examination,
00:21:07I found some fibers under his fingernails,
00:21:10similar to your coat,
00:21:12encrusted with blood, inspector.
00:21:19Yes, it's true.
00:21:23I was here that day.
00:21:27He assaulted a friend of mine.
00:21:31I came here to tell him to leave Vienna,
00:21:33but he refused.
00:21:42You're under arrest,
00:21:48We have a witness.
00:21:49He didn't see the actual murder.
00:21:51He just heard us quarreling.
00:21:52I have no alternative.
00:21:55You came here that day.
00:21:58You obviously fought with the man.
00:22:00He's torn fibers from your coat.
00:22:02I killed him.
00:22:03Why would I come back?
00:22:04To hide evidence?
00:22:07You're officially relieved from duty.
00:22:26Don't make me handcuff you
00:22:28and march you through the streets, please.
00:22:34Fristo's out to get me.
00:22:37He's obviously set me up here.
00:22:39He's responsible for what happened to Max.
00:22:42And now he's trying to destroy me.
00:22:44He's trying to kill me.
00:22:46He's responsible for what happened to Max.
00:22:48And now he's trying to destroy me
00:22:50before I can find out his identity.
00:22:54Who did you tell?
00:22:57When I came to you.
00:22:59When I told you I have evidence of a traitor,
00:23:01who did you share it with?
00:23:03Don't be absurd.
00:23:05They're trying to discredit me.
00:23:08Please, Commissioner.
00:23:17Maya! Get him!
00:23:19Get him!
00:23:42Where are you going?
00:23:44To the synagogue.
00:23:47The rabbi is holding a refuge lemma service.
00:23:50Do you want me to come with you?
00:23:52Better if you wait here
00:23:54in case the hospital telephones.
00:23:58Oh, well.
00:23:59Say a prayer for me.
00:24:02I want to...
00:24:16I want to...
00:24:46I want to...
00:25:16I want to...
00:25:17I want to...
00:25:47Don't be afraid.
00:25:52Whoever it is,
00:25:53they know I'm on to them.
00:25:55Max got too close as well.
00:25:58I need your help for that.
00:26:00The same way you needed Max's help.
00:26:03You're the reason he's in hospital.
00:26:05You and your damned adventures.
00:26:09Where are you going?
00:26:10We're going to the synagogue.
00:26:12You and your damned adventures.
00:26:16Where are you going?
00:26:17What do you think?
00:26:18I'm telephoning the police.
00:26:21I understand that you're angry,
00:26:23but I'm trying to find out who shot your brother.
00:26:26He was my friend.
00:26:29He is my friend.
00:26:34I just need somewhere
00:26:36to hide for a little while.
00:26:40Don't say it.
00:26:42All right, I won't.
00:26:47What was I going to say?
00:26:49Our actions betray us.
00:26:52Well, that's psychology.
00:26:58I made myself seem guilty by running away.
00:27:01But I have to find Mephisto.
00:27:03I was merely a suspect before.
00:27:07Now they're damn certain I'm guilty.
00:27:11You're alone now.
00:27:12I still have you.
00:27:14At least...
00:27:15in this room.
00:27:21What the hell is going on here?
00:27:41Oh, no.
00:28:11Oh, excuse me.
00:28:13Who are you?
00:28:15I'm... I'm so sorry to disturb you.
00:28:19I'm a friend from the police station.
00:28:21I didn't mean to intrude.
00:28:23Please forgive me.
00:28:27I'll be going.
00:28:46Rather unexpected, what happened.
00:28:48The director is highly concerned.
00:28:52Reinhardt is good as admitted his guilt by running.
00:28:55We understand your struggle.
00:28:57You're loyal to him.
00:28:59I'm not.
00:29:01I'm not.
00:29:02I'm not.
00:29:03I'm not.
00:29:04I'm not.
00:29:05I'm not.
00:29:06I'm not.
00:29:07I'm not.
00:29:08I'm not.
00:29:09You're loyal to him.
00:29:10So, we're standing you down.
00:29:14It's a conflict of interest.
00:29:15Better if you were to take some leave.
00:29:17No, sir.
00:29:18I want to be part of this investigation.
00:29:20I can't just walk away from it.
00:29:24Very well.
00:29:26But we can't put you in charge.
00:29:27I'm sure you understand why.
00:29:34Thank you for coming.
00:29:36We're giving you a big responsibility.
00:29:39Find Reinhardt.
00:29:40And quickly.
00:29:41Yes, sir.
00:29:48You can go with him, Hausmann.
00:30:31You're married to Wenzel Tannhofer, is that correct?
00:30:34Yes, sir.
00:30:37What's happened?
00:30:40I'm sorry to have to tell you he's been murdered.
00:30:47And Oskar Reinhardt is the prime suspect.
00:30:51Mommy, help me.
00:31:01Did Reinhardt say anything to you?
00:31:04Did he ever talk about killing him?
00:31:08If you truly think he's capable of murder, then you don't know him.
00:31:16I know.
00:31:17Your life is hard.
00:31:21You live in a slum.
00:31:24Oskar Reinhardt has money, has a decent job.
00:31:26You think that's why I'm friends with him?
00:31:30Your husband was a bad lot.
00:31:34I'd understand if you wanted to get away from him.
00:31:37Maybe you're just glad he's gone.
00:31:43But if you were hiding something,
00:31:47this could get very bad for you.
00:31:53And for your daughter.
00:32:05Are you all right?
00:32:07I heard about your friend.
00:32:10Do they know how he is?
00:32:12Any word?
00:32:13Still hasn't regained consciousness.
00:32:19Are you sure you should be at work?
00:32:22You want some time off?
00:32:26I've got a lot of work to do.
00:32:28I've got a lot of work to do.
00:32:30I've got a lot of work to do.
00:32:32I've got a lot of work to do.
00:32:34I want to get this finished.
00:32:36Helps me get my mind off it.
00:32:56Actually, the woman was living at his apartment.
00:32:59We went over and found her there.
00:33:00So you think that's what this is about?
00:33:03You think his motive could be jealousy?
00:33:05Brilliant thought.
00:33:07The inspector is an honorable man.
00:33:09She'd been beaten.
00:33:11With scars on her face.
00:33:13At least Reinhardt was honest about that part.
00:33:17Obvious what happened then.
00:33:19He went there to avenge her.
00:33:21He has a violent temper.
00:33:23No doubt about it.
00:33:25Where else could Reinhardt be right now?
00:33:31How dare you come here knowing what we're suffering?
00:33:40I'm sorry, Ferdinand.
00:33:42We have no choice.
00:33:44When my brother wakes up, he'll have something to say about this.
00:33:49The inspector made himself a fugitive from justice, Ferdinand.
00:33:55you're going to go upstairs now.
00:33:56They just promoted him.
00:33:58He seems to be enjoying it.
00:34:27I'll meet you back at the station.
00:34:32I'll need to apologize to her again.
00:34:35It's important.
00:34:37I know the family well.
00:34:39I owe it to them.
00:34:57Where is he?
00:35:01He's been here.
00:35:04I know it.
00:35:15What are you doing here?
00:35:17I guess I'm a better detective than you.
00:35:19You're not.
00:35:21You're not.
00:35:23You're not.
00:35:24I guess I'm a better detective than you thought.
00:35:26I guess I'm a better detective than you thought.
00:35:28I want to help.
00:35:30You're a fool.
00:35:32Maybe, but I'm the only friend you've got.
00:35:34Von Buber has convinced everyone you're guilty.
00:35:36Meyer has been put in charge.
00:35:38He's taking the job very seriously.
00:35:40Dragged Theresa in for questioning.
00:35:43He doesn't trust me because of you.
00:35:48All right.
00:35:50We need to go back over the crime scene, piece by piece.
00:35:54Whoever killed Tannhofer,
00:35:56they must work for Mephisto.
00:35:58He's trying to protect himself
00:36:00and he sent someone to follow me.
00:36:02They knew where I was headed.
00:36:04They knew about Theresa and her husband?
00:36:11They must have seen me enter their apartment that night.
00:36:14Must have waited till I'd gone
00:36:17and then went in.
00:36:19Have you noticed someone shadowing you?
00:36:37Everything you said was right.
00:36:40I do have feelings for you.
00:36:44I think I've hidden them for so long
00:36:46I barely even acknowledge them anymore.
00:36:48Funny, me being here makes me just a little braver.
00:37:02Please come back to us.
00:37:22I've been thinking
00:37:25once he gets better
00:37:28maybe we should go home.
00:37:32To England.
00:37:34But then it doesn't feel like a place where we belong.
00:37:38In Fremont.
00:37:40Oh, my love.
00:37:44Here, Rachel.
00:37:46Where's Max?
00:37:50He still hasn't woken up.
00:37:54I need a drink.
00:37:56Rachel, Leah, do you want one?
00:37:58Papa, just one minute.
00:38:00Before you go in there.
00:38:02You can't tell anyone
00:38:04he's here.
00:38:07What on earth is going on?
00:38:09I'm afraid it's complicated, Herr Lieberman.
00:38:12Difficult to explain.
00:38:14Try, would you please, Inspector?
00:38:17I'm trying to find out who shot your son.
00:38:20I don't know.
00:38:22I don't know.
00:38:24I don't know.
00:38:26I don't know.
00:38:28I don't know.
00:38:29I'm trying to find out who shot your son.
00:38:32But I can't be seen on the street.
00:38:37I've been unjustly accused of a crime.
00:38:39The people who attacked Max
00:38:41are trying to frame me.
00:38:43I need you to believe me.
00:38:47You were always a friend to Max.
00:38:51I think there may be some sort of conspiracy
00:38:54within the Viennese establishment.
00:38:58There was an officer
00:39:00hanging around the hospital in his room.
00:39:03Young chap?
00:39:07That's him, behaving rather oddly.
00:39:09I need to track him down.
00:39:13and I'll need to borrow some clothes.
00:39:15What again?
00:39:23You need something?
00:39:25You've taken over Inspector Reinhardt's investigation?
00:39:29What is it you've got?
00:39:31Cigarette butts.
00:39:33Found in the woods.
00:39:35And also at the casino.
00:39:37I think I've identified the expensive one.
00:39:39A Turkish-Egyptian mix.
00:39:41They sell it at a store on Byburgasse.
00:39:44And they're willing to give me their client list.
00:39:55It's better you leave it with me for now.
00:39:58I'll make sure it's followed up.
00:40:00All right?
00:40:02I've made an appointment to visit them.
00:40:04That won't be necessary.
00:40:09You can go now.
00:40:25I know what you're going to say.
00:40:28Numbers were down a little.
00:40:30It's a warm evening.
00:40:32People stay in the country.
00:40:34People have heard about the killings.
00:40:36It can sometimes feel like a burden, Colonel.
00:40:40All this responsibility on my shoulders.
00:40:44It would have been much easier
00:40:46if you had stayed with me.
00:40:48I'm sorry.
00:40:50I'm sorry.
00:40:52I'm sorry.
00:40:54I'm sorry.
00:40:56I'm sorry.
00:40:58I'm sorry.
00:41:00I'm sorry.
00:41:02I'm sorry.
00:41:04He would have been very proud of what you've achieved.
00:41:08Fräulein, he truly loved you.
00:41:33I'm sorry.
00:41:35I'm sorry.
00:42:03I'm sorry.
00:42:34Everyone's looking for you.
00:42:39Why are you following me?
00:42:41I thought this was a conversation
00:42:43we'd have privately.
00:42:46Tell me it wasn't you.
00:42:52You're a good officer.
00:42:54I like you.
00:42:56Tell me it wasn't you who betrayed me.
00:42:59Who betrayed us all.
00:43:01You're under arrest for the murder of Wenzel Tannhofer.
00:43:09If I'm under arrest,
00:43:12why are you looking so nervous?
00:43:23How much does Mephisto pay you?
00:43:25How much is your conscience worth?
00:44:01It's over, Leiter.
00:44:03It's over.
00:44:17It was you who framed me.
00:44:21You killed Wenzel Tannhofer.
00:44:28Is that why you gunned down Burgstahler's killer?
00:44:32So we wouldn't be able to question him?
00:44:44Were you paid to dispose of Carrillo too?
00:45:02Stop him!
00:45:07You must be useful for Mephisto.
00:45:09To have a hired gun in the police force.
00:45:13Come here, come here.
00:45:19What about Max?
00:45:21Are you responsible for this too?
00:45:23You don't know what Mephisto can do.
00:45:27You don't realize.
00:45:28You shot him.
00:45:29Kill me.
00:45:31Kill me.
00:46:02What the hell is going on?
00:46:06An officer gunned down on the street.
00:46:09Well, the situation is worse than we thought.
00:46:14And look, look what we found on the scene.
00:46:17It's his.
00:46:18It's Reinhardt's.
00:46:22So he was there.
00:46:26He was.
00:46:28So he was there.
00:46:29He's involved.
00:46:32What are you going to do?
00:46:35I want him found.
00:46:37I want him charged.
00:46:39I take over the case.
00:46:43Personally, from now on.
00:46:48We need to find Reinhardt.
00:46:50He's at large in the city, still somewhere.
00:46:52Get moving.
00:46:54Sir, yes sir.
00:46:56What's going on?
00:46:57What's happening?
00:46:59You heard about Maya?
00:47:04Then Buddha has convinced himself that the inspector is responsible.
00:47:10That's absurd.
00:47:13What will they do?
00:47:14Search the city until they find him.
00:47:16I've spent my life observing people.
00:47:19I've seen them.
00:47:21I've seen them.
00:47:22Search the city until they find him.
00:47:24I've spent my life observing people.
00:47:26Gathering information.
00:47:28The inspector has a good heart.
00:47:30He couldn't have done this.
00:47:32He's going to need his friends around him.
00:47:45I need to see the inspector.
00:47:47He no longer works here.
00:47:49He's been suspended.
00:47:53They know you were on the scene.
00:47:55They found evidence you had been there.
00:48:01What is it, Oscar?
00:48:02What's wrong?
00:48:04Why didn't Mephisto kill me?
00:48:09He had a clean shot.
00:48:11He had every opportunity.
00:48:14Why spare my life and not the others?
00:48:25They think I'm responsible for Maya's death.
00:48:32He was in league with Mephisto.
00:48:34And he killed Tannhäufer.
00:48:36We both know it.
00:48:40Now he's dead.
00:48:42I have no choice.
00:48:44I have no choice.
00:48:46I have no choice.
00:48:48I have no choice.
00:48:50I have no choice.
00:48:52I have no way of proving it.
00:48:54No way to extract a confession.
00:48:58Don't know where to turn next.
00:49:01Somebody wants to see you.
00:49:03Claims it's urgent.
00:49:42Last night, the window was smashed and one of the locks forced open.
00:49:47They rifled through my papers.
00:49:49Is anything missing? Was anything stolen?
00:49:52Some of my documents and ledgers have gone.
00:49:55Maybe someone is trying to protect their identity.
00:49:59You may have been right all along.
00:50:01Maybe one of the players has a dark secret and they think I know about it.
00:50:08Why choose me?
00:50:10I'm no longer on active duty.
00:50:14So I discovered.
00:50:15You're a wanted man, the police don't trust you.
00:50:18Frankly, that means you're the only one I trust right now.
00:50:26I see.
00:50:28Some of your clients are senior officers.
00:50:33I'll do everything I can.
00:50:36But first, I need to understand this game, Fräulein.
00:50:44follow me.
00:50:51It started as a joke.
00:50:55Just idle banter between two players.
00:50:57What would you be prepared to wager?
00:51:00If gambling had no limits, how far would you raise the stakes?
00:51:03Everyone is looking for the next big rush of excitement.
00:51:07The next thrill.
00:51:09And that's how it started.
00:51:11They had an agreement, nothing was off the table.
00:51:24Anyone who takes this token is accepting the rules of the game.
00:51:29You can wager anything.
00:51:31Possessions, people, titles.
00:51:36It's for people who have too much of everything, too much power.
00:51:40They like to feel an element of risk.
00:51:43And you've worked out how you can provide it?
00:51:46I told your friend I'm an amateur neurologist.
00:51:56Franz Burgstahle was killed
00:51:58because he was about to give away the name of a traitor.
00:52:02And you?
00:52:03Franz Burgstahle was killed
00:52:05because he was about to give away the name of a traitor.
00:52:10Someone giving vital state secrets to our enemies in Serbia.
00:52:15Grio was involved too.
00:52:17As a messenger, a go-between.
00:52:21I don't understand. How does it concern me?
00:52:24A rendezvous
00:52:26was planned at this casino.
00:52:33Grio had a token, just like this.
00:52:36We know he was part of this game.
00:52:40One of the players must be the traitor.
00:52:43I need you to give me their names.
00:53:04Ladies and gentlemen, the new gamer will be joining us tonight.
00:53:08The Englishman.
00:53:10We are powerless in flight.
00:53:12This is the actress.
00:53:14That's what makes it so delicious.
00:53:22Use me. Breath is impure.
00:53:25This is the soldier.
00:53:27There is no strategy here.
00:53:33A simple choice, my friend.
00:53:36Are you going for Wager or not?
00:53:38And this is the Baron.
00:53:44Whoever's after me,
00:53:47they broke in once.
00:53:49Most likely they'll return.
00:53:53I'll protect you, Fraulein,
00:53:55if I can,
00:53:57in return for what you have given me here.
00:54:04Call whenever you need me.
00:54:34I can't print this.
00:54:39I'm sorry?
00:54:41Your piece.
00:54:43It's worthless to me.
00:54:50But, why?
00:54:52Too lightweight.
00:54:54No substance.
00:54:56I expected a piece of serious journalism.
00:54:59But it's not.
00:55:00I expected a piece of serious journalism.
00:55:03I gave you a big chance,
00:55:05and you squandered it.
00:55:07But I included everything you asked of me.
00:55:10Go back to your gossip columns.
00:55:12You've wasted this opportunity.
00:55:30Madame Schratz.
00:55:32Ah, Friedl.
00:55:34I've been expecting you.
00:55:37The Emperor asked me to come.
00:55:40To express his apologies, no doubt.
00:55:44I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:46I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:48I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:50I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:52I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:54I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:56I'm afraid I can't.
00:55:58I'm afraid I can't.
00:56:00He regrets his complaint about your gambling.
00:56:04I'm sure he does.
00:56:07That means he plans to visit me tonight?
00:56:14You've been sent here to check on my mood.
00:56:20He mentioned your grandfather's votive mass.
00:56:24Of course, he will still be attending.
00:56:26It's a gesture of friendship.
00:56:39One 27mm quick-firing cannon.
00:56:42Two 8mm machine guns.
00:56:44The weight is 7 tons.
00:56:46And it has 6.4 horsepower per ton.
00:56:49All in all, it has 45 horsepower with a truck engine.
00:56:54This machine will revolutionize war.
00:56:58It only has one purpose.
00:57:00To break the deadlock in a land war.
00:57:03To drive into the ranks and scatter them with its firepower.
00:57:10You won't regret this.
00:57:12We will change the nature of combat, General.
00:57:17You don't have to convince me.
00:57:31From today, we're partners.
00:57:38Whoever Mephisto is, has access to diplomatic secrets.
00:57:45All three of the names on the list are at the center of political power.
00:57:49Straub is the most senior military officer in the world.
00:57:52He's the only one who has access to diplomatic secrets.
00:57:55He's the only one who has access to diplomatic secrets.
00:57:58Straub is the most senior military officer in the land.
00:58:01And Straub is the Emperor's confidante.
00:58:03Whatever he knows, surely she knows as well.
00:58:07And Herzog?
00:58:09He has half of Vienna's politicians in his pocket.
00:58:17We need to find a way to get close to them.
00:58:28We don't know which of them it is.
00:58:31The Baron.
00:58:33The soldier.
00:58:35The actress.
00:58:38I still can't see the whole picture.
00:58:40First principles.
00:58:42Go back to the start.
00:58:44Examine each scrap of information for what it is.
00:58:48Mephisto is a traitor.
00:58:50He's slipping secrets to our enemies.
00:58:53Buchsteller knew his identity.
00:58:55Carillo too.
00:58:57They're both dead now.
00:59:00What else, Max? What am I missing?
00:59:03What's the relevance of the casino?
00:59:10Follow the game.
00:59:12Interpret the rules.
00:59:15What happens at the gambling table?
00:59:22Someone wins, someone loses.
00:59:24Yes. And what else?
00:59:27Debts are settled.
00:59:29Money changes hands.
00:59:31You're missing the point.
00:59:34You can wager anything.
00:59:37It's not all about money, not that game.
00:59:41So what is it about then exactly?
00:59:44How are the debts being paid?
00:59:47You said it yourself.
00:59:49Mephisto knows everything before anyone else.
00:59:55What's the most valuable thing in the world to them?
00:59:58What do they crave more than money?
01:00:12There's a conspiracy in Vienna.
01:00:15A traitor giving secrets to our enemies.
01:00:18Codename Mephisto.
01:00:20He's responsible for what happened to Max.
01:00:23He may even be the one who pulled the trigger.
01:00:28I need your assistance in finding him.
01:00:35All right.
01:00:37Paul Herzog. You work for him, don't you?
01:00:40Why? What's he got to do with you?
01:00:43I need to get close to him.
01:00:46And you may be my passport.
01:01:28Yes, everything is in place.
01:01:32Don't make the mistake of underestimating me.
01:01:35You may come to regret it.
01:02:24What are we searching for?
01:02:26Something. Anything.
01:02:28You think he's mixed up in this conspiracy?
01:02:31He might be Mephisto. He was at the gaming tables.
01:02:34And he certainly has access to Vienna's secrets.
01:02:42Wait, Inspector, look.
01:02:44An editorial.
01:02:47Data the day after tomorrow.
01:02:48About the threat of war with Serbia. He asked me to write this piece.
01:02:52So what of it?
01:02:54Herzog has altered my position.
01:02:57What do you mean?
01:02:59He seems to be calling for war. He's demanding immediate military action.
01:03:03He spent the last few years preaching peace.
01:03:07What made him change his mind, I wonder?
01:03:11If Max were here, he'd tell us it's not random. There has to be a cause.
01:03:16I suppose.
01:03:18No, think about it.
01:03:20Think about his methods.
01:03:25I do little else.
01:03:29I know we always joke about it, but let's be serious for a moment.
01:03:34Max preaches, patterns of behavior are always deeply ingrained.
01:03:39What would cause someone like Herzog to change his mind so suddenly?
01:03:45The game.
01:03:48Someone could exert some pressure on him.
01:03:52You think if he were to lose at the tables?
01:03:55Exactly. One of the other players might have a hold over him.
01:04:18Sad day, Fraulein. Your grandfather was a fine man.
01:04:25His Excellency will just slip in quietly at the back during the service.
01:04:31Very well.
01:04:33He'll be in civilian clothes, so that nobody knows he's attending.
01:04:37He won't have guards, so his presence won't be too ostentatious.
01:05:08One moment.
01:05:12There's a telephone call for you.
01:05:15It's a woman.
01:05:19Thanks for coming so quickly. I didn't know where to turn.
01:05:22He came back again.
01:05:24He broke in again. We found the back door smashed in.
01:05:27There was glass everywhere, and this time he left a note for me.
01:05:30Is there a name on it?
01:05:31No, it's anonymous.
01:05:32He wants to meet me in half an hour at the cathedral.
01:05:35I would have to leave right now.
01:05:39He knows you could identify him.
01:05:41He can erase himself from the ledgers, but he needs to erase you, too.
01:05:45If you go there, you'll be killed, Fraulein.
01:05:49What should I do? Help me, please!
01:05:53I'll go in your place.
01:05:55Maybe I can identify him.
01:05:56Stay here.
01:06:04How's mum?
01:06:05The pistol's in the kitchen. Hurry!
01:06:49Why did he choose the cathedral?
01:06:52Is it because nobody would be armed?
01:06:55Perhaps the escape routes. So many of them.
01:07:02I don't know.
01:07:04I don't know.
01:07:06I don't know.
01:07:08I don't know.
01:07:10I don't know.
01:07:12I don't know.
01:07:14I don't know.
01:07:16I don't know.
01:07:18Where is he, Max?
01:07:20Why isn't he here yet?
01:07:30Maybe it was Mephisto who shot you.
01:07:33Means you're the only one who's seen his face.
01:07:36Help me.
01:07:41It has to come from you.
01:08:05Max, stop playing games. We don't have time.
01:08:08Retrace my steps.
01:08:11In the tunnels that night, what happened? What did I witness?
01:08:14Your face.
01:08:17You were staring at the gunman?
01:08:18Yes, and...
01:08:20Damn it, Max. Spill it out.
01:08:22You have everything you need to work it out for yourself.
01:08:46Look at where we are.
01:08:48You made these rooms.
01:08:50You brought me here to be with you.
01:08:52And you filled them with...
01:08:53With what?
01:08:59You mean...
01:09:01The killers represented in these rooms?
01:09:04You mean I have a memory of them somehow?
01:09:08You and I met them before.
01:09:10The man who shot you.
01:09:12You recognized him.
01:09:14Someone from our past.
01:09:16That's why he had to kill you, because you knew you'd identified him.
01:09:20Someone who pledged to destroy the Empire.
01:09:24Someone in league with the Serbians.
01:09:28Someone who slipped out of our clutches once before.
01:09:31An unsolved case.
01:09:44But they told us he was dead.
01:10:11The Emperor.
01:10:23The Emperor.
01:10:53The Emperor.
01:11:38Come on!
01:11:54Come on!
01:12:05This has been a long time coming.
01:12:13They told me you were dead.
01:12:17I'm not so easy to kill.
01:12:20I need to pay you back for my friend.
01:12:24Somehow you knew the Emperor would be here.
01:12:28Burgstahler provided the weapon.
01:12:30Karija was your go-between.
01:12:33How many lives are you willing to sacrifice?
01:12:42It's your turn now.
01:13:49Ready to join your friend, Inspector?
01:14:36Give me your hand!
01:15:05Don't tell anyone you were like this.
01:15:08The Emperor has sent you his personal congratulations.
01:15:14You are to be reinstated, of course.
01:15:17And the letter of commendation will be sent to the Ministry.
01:15:20The Commissioner will want to write it himself, no doubt.
01:15:27Absolutely delightful.
01:15:29Thank you, Inspector.
01:15:37Write it.
01:15:42Congratulations, Reinhard.
01:16:04I just wanted to say I'm very grateful for your assistance.
01:16:09You have nothing to fear now.
01:16:11And your friend?
01:16:13I can only pray for him.
01:16:14Professor was an old adversary.
01:16:16One that I first met a few years ago.
01:16:19A Serbian mercenary.
01:16:21A fanatic.
01:16:23He tried to kill the Emperor at the cathedral.
01:16:25But thanks to you alerting me, it all came to nothing.
01:16:35I hope we meet again, Fräulein.
01:16:40Oh, one last thing, Inspector.
01:16:41I thought you'd like to see this.
01:16:53This is you?
01:16:57With my father.
01:17:00Must have been quite a man.
01:17:04He left me a great legacy.
01:17:07A vast, steel empire worth of history.
01:17:09A vast, steel empire worth of fortune.
01:17:15Every tramline, every telegraph wire,
01:17:19every razor and every table knife,
01:17:23he built this city.
01:17:26He was Vienna.
01:17:29Every tramline, every telegraph wire,
01:17:32every scalpel and razor and table knife,
01:17:35I built Vienna.
01:17:37You govern this place, not me.
01:17:39It's a repository of all your memories.
01:17:46Oh, Camillo.
01:17:48I arrested him for murder.
01:17:52He was your father?
01:17:55Died in prison.
01:17:59I was forced to change my name,
01:18:02but I wanted to keep his legacy alive in the casino.
01:18:07Why didn't you tell me anything?
01:18:10Why didn't you mention it when...
01:18:21You are Mephisto.
01:18:40Sometimes your hand is so good,
01:18:42you want to reveal it to the opponent.
01:18:46I don't understand.
01:18:48They paid me in secrets.
01:18:50And you gave those secrets to the Serbians.
01:18:55There are only so many bridges that can span the river.
01:18:58Only so many railroad tracks.
01:19:00We must expand.
01:19:05You are trying to make me believe
01:19:08you are trying to start a war.
01:19:11War is good business.
01:19:13You won't regret this.
01:19:15We will change the nature of combat, General.
01:19:20I see.
01:19:22You assemble the players.
01:19:25You let them lose their fortunes and their souls in your game.
01:19:29And in return, you blackmail them to be a part of your strategy.
01:19:33Hansel will use his newspaper to call for war.
01:19:37Straub will authorize manufacture.
01:19:41And Schradt gave your assassin his opportunity.
01:19:47Kill the Emperor
01:19:49and the war is a certainty.
01:19:54You did well, Inspector.
01:20:10You wanted me to kill Kiss.
01:20:14You needed his corpse to advertise the Serbian aggression to the world.
01:20:22And you picked me because of a personal grudge.
01:20:27My father died deprived of his liberty.
01:20:29A humiliated man.
01:20:32I just couldn't resist telling you.
01:20:39You can't hurt me. I'm protected.
01:20:46Why not?
01:20:48Your part in this isn't over.
01:20:52Oh, God.
01:20:54You're in her debt, too.
01:20:57And in the woods that day, it was you.
01:21:03You're going to be lauded for saving the Emperor.
01:21:06And when war is declared, you're going to keep your mouth shut.
01:21:10What makes you think I'll do that?
01:21:13You'll need to ask yourself what's important.
01:21:17The people you love.
01:21:19Or your pride in seeing them die.
01:21:21You're threatening me.
01:21:24Why not just kill me?
01:21:28You're a hero.
01:21:30Our call to arms.
01:21:32The man who killed the assassin.
01:21:35You've already sounded the battle cry.
01:21:40You're a hero.
01:21:42Our call to arms.
01:21:44The man who killed the assassin.
01:21:47You've already sounded the battle cry.
01:21:51You're a hero.
01:21:56Sometimes we have to accept there are no neat resolutions.
01:22:03Be happy.
01:22:08You managed to track down my assassin.
01:22:13But Mephisto...
01:22:17There's nothing you can do.
01:22:19She owns the future.
01:22:21She owns the future.
01:22:37I'm finished.
01:22:39Fetch another.
01:22:52What's the matter?
01:22:54What's wrong?
01:23:22I've prepared a eulogy.
01:23:27A reading.
01:23:29In case.
01:23:31For my funeral?
01:23:35Want to hear it?
01:23:37I've been practising it in my head for days.
01:23:41Yes, of course.
01:23:43I've been practising it in my head for days.
01:23:46Yes, of course.
01:23:48I've been practising it in my head for days.
01:23:52One's own funeral oration.
01:23:54What a treat.
01:24:13The first time I met Max Lieberman, he irritated me.
01:24:17And the second time.
01:24:19And the third.
01:24:21Every time I met him, he managed to do that to me.
01:24:24Max was always right.
01:24:27As far as he was concerned, there were no other opinions that mattered.
01:24:32Whether it was art, music, medicine...
01:24:36Max knew best.
01:24:38And the rest of us could, frankly, keep our mouths shut.
01:24:43The most arrogant, opinionated, stubborn man I've ever known.
01:24:49He couldn't help it.
01:24:51He was so self-assured that nothing could shake him from his conviction.
01:24:57I sound as though I hated him.
01:25:01Don't I?
01:25:05I didn't.
01:25:09I loved him.
01:25:14And I was a better man because I knew it.
01:25:32It's very nice.
01:25:38Very touching.
01:25:42I hope you get a chance to use it.
01:25:45I hope I don't.
01:25:51I hope I don't.
01:26:21I love you.
01:26:51Did I miss...
01:27:04You were...
01:27:06right here.