• 2 days ago


00:00Morning. Morning Helen.
00:13Just going to bring all these in.
00:15It's intriguing.
00:19I wonder what could be in them.
00:21I wonder why you're three minutes late.
00:23I'm a partner now Victor.
00:24You're not the boss of me.
00:25I can do what I want.
00:26And I'm doing a big announcement in the kitchen at 10am.
00:29Big announcement? Should I get a mud cake?
00:31No we don't need a mud cake.
00:32Well then it's not a big announcement.
00:34That's right Mr Chen. Big announcement, mud cake.
00:36Ross's rules.
00:37Well Ross doesn't make the rules around here anymore.
00:39I do.
00:40Should I tell Ross that?
00:41No don't tell Ross that.
00:42Just big announcement in the kitchen, 10am.
00:45You're going to like it.
00:47No mud cake?
00:48No thank you.
01:00Well I've had my suspicions for a while and this costume confirms it.
01:10So she gave me a free consultation.
01:12That's her job.
01:13She's a fashion psychologist.
01:14Yes and what is that exactly?
01:16She helps you reveal your true self.
01:17I mean look at what she's uncovered here.
01:19A 1970s maths teacher who can't afford socks anymore.
01:22I'm wearing sockets.
01:24And so how long have you two been consulting?
01:27Friends for three months, benefits for three weeks.
01:29Oh good God.
01:30Knock, knock.
01:31Just letting you know, 10am in the kitchen, big announcement.
01:36I could use some good news.
01:37Turns out Raymond's been dating one of the members of our networking group.
01:40Oh congratulations.
01:42Thank you Fisk.
01:43Gee I like your skivvy Ray.
01:44I can't wear skivvies, they block my airway.
01:46I think my neck's too fat.
01:47Anyway, 10am, my first big announcement as partner.
01:50Don't miss it.
01:53Right, well unfortunately the rule is no romantic liaisons within the networking group.
01:58She's going to have to leave and find a different business and breakfast chapter.
02:02Why does Mellie have to leave?
02:03Why is it always the woman?
02:05Where's your female solidarity Ross?
02:07Oh I'm sorry.
02:08Do you want to leave the networking group that you and I spent years putting together?
02:12No I do not.
02:13I'll make the call.
02:16Hello my lady love.
02:22All sorted Rossie.
02:24I'm quitting the group.
02:33Ah welcome Ross.
02:35Notice anything different?
02:37Where's the mud cake?
02:38There's no mud cake.
02:40Oh could this day get any worse?
02:42There's no mud cake.
02:43No because I bought a proper coffee machine.
02:48Big announcement.
02:50Courtesy of me, there is now barista grade coffee in our own office.
02:58Back to the maiden voyage again.
03:02And there.
03:12What in God's name are you doing?
03:13I'm grinding.
03:14I'm on the phone.
03:15Oh good as you were.
03:21Let's get a new doubler.
03:40Oh yay.
03:41My first customer.
03:42People are trying to work.
03:44You can have this back at the end of the day.
03:47Don't even care.
03:48Good bean.
03:49Fresh grind.
03:51I like my coffee how I like my men.
03:55Bitter and slightly unpleasant.
03:58Can you at least stay until after my webinar?
04:00I can't cancel it.
04:01No you can't.
04:02You've had four sign ups already.
04:03I'm just going to get my jug and then I'll be out of your hair.
04:06I said end of the day.
04:09Victor's trying to resign.
04:12I mean I don't care but why?
04:13Well the judge has his book launch coming up and he's going on a signing tour.
04:16He needs me to manage everything.
04:17Oh did you want something?
04:18Just my jug.
04:19Well Victor said you can't have it.
04:20I'll remind you I'm a partner now so let's all be grown ups and give me my jug back.
04:25Also Victor's not the boss of me.
04:27Not now Helen.
04:29Hey I...
04:31At least tell me the teaser's finished.
04:33Oh absolutely.
04:40I'm Rosalind Gruber.
04:42Founder and CEO of Conch Mediation Services.
04:46Every day I help people resolve their problems just by listening.
04:50A special kind of listening.
04:53Not with the ears but with the heart.
04:56Oh well that has lifted my mood.
04:59I am constantly surprised at how photogenic I am.
05:03And I've had nothing done.
05:07Need to see you in my office.
05:08Yeah or maybe just take a seat here and we can talk in my office because I'm a partner now.
05:15I can't believe I'm meeting in my office.
05:19Oh no jacket.
05:20Strong choice, right?
05:22I'm a partner.
05:23Surely I have couch privileges now.
05:27Because my new lady love also...
05:29Oh don't say lady love.
05:30What do you want me to call her?
05:31My lover?
05:33My beloved?
05:35My boo?
05:38Definitely not.
05:39Go back to lady love.
05:41Point is I have to leave the Copeland BAB group.
05:43What's a BAB again?
05:44Business and Breakfast.
05:45Our networking group.
05:46And I need you to take my place.
05:48Oh no thank you.
05:49Networking is not really my thing.
05:50Well clearly but as you're so fond of saying you're a partner now and do you know what partners do?
05:56They bring in new business.
05:57And at the moment I'm bringing in 90% of new business.
06:02Yes Fisk.
06:03How do you think I do that?
06:06And where do we network?
06:07In the networking group.
06:10I'm always networking.
06:11I've always got the feelers out.
06:13On the golf course.
06:16The cycling club.
06:17Sometimes I'll pop into the local paint and sip.
06:18I often network in the sauna.
06:20Oh come on.
06:21Everybody's equal in the sauna Fisk.
06:22No expensive suits.
06:23Just balls out.
06:24Let's talk.
06:25Oh right.
06:26I can't even network with my clothes on let alone with my balls out.
06:27That's what the networking group's for.
06:28Once a month all the professionals in the area get together.
06:29Talk turkey.
06:30Swap clients.
06:31Find out about any new clubs you can join.
06:34Do you belong to any clubs?
06:35Dog walking clubs.
06:36Dog walking clubs.
06:37Dog walking clubs.
06:38Dog walking clubs.
06:39Dog walking clubs.
06:40Dog walking clubs.
06:41Dog walking clubs.
06:42Dog walking clubs.
06:43Dog walking clubs.
06:44Dog walking clubs.
06:45Dog walking clubs.
06:46Dog walking club?
06:47Is that a club or are you just telling me you walk your dog?
06:49Maybe but the reason we make such a good team is because you like networking and I like working.
06:56It's the perfect business partnership.
06:58I'm the worker.
06:59You're the queen.
07:01Like bees in the hive.
07:03And Ros is the drone.
07:05Oh Helen don't go there.
07:06Why are you doing that?
07:07That right there is an example of how not to network.
07:10Don't be banging on about bees in the networking group.
07:14Got it.
07:15Got it.
07:16No bees at BAB.
07:33Hey Murray.
07:35Thanks for doing this.
07:36No problem Helen.
07:37Just being neighbourly.
07:38How you settling in?
07:39Yeah good thanks.
07:40Listen I spoke to a real estate agent.
07:41I found out how much you paid.
07:43Oh okay.
07:44It's a bit awkward.
07:47I saw you coming.
07:49That's good to know.
07:50What's with the crappy car?
07:51I thought a big time fancy lawyer with loads of money would be driving like a Mercedes or a Beemer.
07:56I'm not a big time fancy lawyer.
07:58I'm just a real estate lawyer.
07:59Well that's interesting.
08:01Let me run a hypothetical past you.
08:03Could we maybe do it a bit later?
08:05I've got to get all this stuff inside.
08:06I've got to walk my dog.
08:07Do you mind?
08:08Forgive me for trying to share my grief.
08:09I just lost my dad.
08:10I'm confused.
08:11Is your dad actually dead or hypothetically dead?
08:13He passed about a month ago.
08:16Sorry for your loss.
08:18Did you want a probate lawyer?
08:19Slow down Fangio.
08:21Get your hand out of my wallet.
08:22I just want a bit of neighbourly advice.
08:24Do you want neighbourly advice or legal advice?
08:26Pu'que no los dos?
08:28I don't know that.
08:29Is it Latin?
08:31Why can't it be both?
08:32You know like the taco ad.
08:34Well the problem is I can't give you specific legal advice unless I'm your lawyer.
08:38There it is the hard sell.
08:39I knew that was coming.
08:40Just forget it.
08:41I'll do it myself.
08:42If you want to take my card.
08:43Pop into my office.
08:44I'm happy to give you some free general advice.
08:46Talk you through the probate process.
08:48Etc. etc.
08:52Well the offer's there if you want it.
08:58Thanks for doing my lawn.
09:05That's the list.
09:06You've got one member from each profession.
09:08You've got real estate agent, accountant, Stefan financial advisor.
09:12He's annoying.
09:13There's a conveyancer, a chiropractor.
09:15Is there a butcher?
09:18Candlestick maker?
09:19Don't mock Helen.
09:20It's a serious networking collective.
09:22Well said buddy.
09:23Mediation, that's Roz obviously.
09:25Wills and Estates, that's me.
09:27You've got Mellie, my lady love.
09:29Congratulations Ray.
09:30Very happy for you.
09:31Thanks buddy.
09:32She's a fashion psychologist.
09:33What is that exactly?
09:34She helps you realise it's what's on the outside that counts.
09:37Or something like that.
09:38Look it up.
09:39Oh, spanner in the works.
09:41The word's got out that Ray's leaving and now Debbie Lim and Bob Stanley have both put up their hands for the Wills and Estates spot.
09:47Oh no.
09:48There's going to be a vote.
09:50Oh no, but it's your group.
09:51Why does there have to be a vote?
09:52You can just branch stack it with me or gerrymander me in.
09:55Not how it works Fisk.
09:56You have to verse all the other candidates.
09:58Winner takes all membership and bragging rights.
10:01I'll be bragging for weeks.
10:02Unlikely because you won't win with that attitude.
10:04The vote's next week.
10:05We're having it here.
10:06Oh that's great Helen.
10:07Home court advantage.
10:08Each candidate will have two minutes at the podium.
10:11So, two minutes.
10:12Should I do a PowerPoint presentation or Webmaster can you teach me how to use Canva?
10:16Oh Helen, that's for babies.
10:17Is it?
10:18I quite enjoy Canva.
10:19No, there's no tech allowed.
10:21Why not?
10:22It's old school.
10:23To prove you can network you have to win them over with your personality and people skills.
10:33Should we just concede?
10:34Throw our vote behind Bob?
10:36I think so, yeah.
10:37Hang on.
10:38No, I mean I don't really want to join a networking group but if it's important, is it important?
10:42Yes, it's important.
10:43Every one of these twelve people refers to their clients.
10:45To me that's a lot of potential coin.
10:47The ultimate quid pro quo.
10:49Like the taco ad.
10:50That's por que no los dos.
10:52Okay Georgie, we're going to need a photo and a quote for the banner.
10:57This is all your fault.
10:58You happy now?
10:59I am happy actually, Rosalind.
11:00For the first time in a long time.
11:03I had some stuff on my agenda.
11:13Helen, your neighbour is here to see you for free.
11:16Oh hey, Murray.
11:18It's free right?
11:19That's what you said.
11:20Yes, I did say that.
11:21I said pop in any time.
11:22So come on, thirty minutes.
11:23Let's do it.
11:24Free, you heard that.
11:25You're my witness.
11:26I'm not paying for this.
11:27No, you're not paying for this Murray.
11:28Nor am I giving you any specific advice pertaining to your particular circumstances.
11:32Not pertaining.
11:33I get it Helen, you're a lawyer.
11:34Yeah, but do you get that I'm not your lawyer?
11:36This is general probate advice only.
11:38Okay, so I'm going to give you a checklist.
11:41Start the clock.
11:42I want the full thirty minutes you just promised.
11:47Have you got a timer?
11:49I was pretending, but I did look at the time.
11:51Okay, so here's what happened.
11:52No, I don't want to know what happened.
11:53That's a specific.
11:54I said general advice only.
11:55But I need to know whether...
11:56No, no, stop talking.
11:57You're wasting your free thirty minutes.
11:58Let me talk.
11:59Okay, you shush.
12:18And I think that's it.
12:19We're all done.
12:20But I warn you, probate is a long and tedious process.
12:24Good luck Sue.
12:25I'm not done.
12:26I've still got ten minutes left.
12:27Let me show you something.
12:28Is this about your dad?
12:30Turns out before he died, he was paying his gardener with IAUs.
12:33There's sixty-three of them.
12:34Okay, well I can't look at those.
12:36Don't look at them.
12:37I'll read them to you.
12:38I owe Felix Bindara fifty dollars to be paid upon my death
12:41for gardening service and sweeping.
12:43How's that?
12:44They're more than three grand.
12:45Okay, so?
12:46Well, do I have to pay them?
12:47Are they signed and dated?
12:49Are you the executor?
12:51Well, then I would say probably yes.
12:52Probably, but not definitely.
12:54So what you're saying is, it's a grey area.
12:57What I'm saying is, I'm not your lawyer.
12:59I don't know the specifics.
13:01Therefore, I can't give you legal advice one way or the other.
13:03Yeah, yeah, yeah.
13:04I get it.
13:05You can't confirm it or deny it.
13:07Oh, that's my pretend alarm going off.
13:09That's our time.
13:10Last chance.
13:11Do you need my help?
13:12Do you want to engage me as your lawyer?
13:14Find some other sucker to fund our next real estate purchase.
13:19Good luck Murray.
13:25Oh no, buddy.
13:26Don't go here.
13:27Don't go here.
13:28No, no, no, no, no.
13:30I hope you're going to pick that up.
13:32I might just wait for it to leave his bum hole first, if that's okay.
13:34And don't put it in my bin.
13:35Whatever, mate.
13:37I hope you're going to pick that up.
13:39I might just wait for it to leave his bum hole first, if that's okay.
13:41And don't put it in my bin.
13:43Whatever, mate.
14:06Sit still and put that hand back on your head, please.
14:09Sorry to keep you waiting.
14:10Hi, Helen Tudor Fisk.
14:11Now, what can I do for...
14:12Oh, take your son to work day.
14:13That's fun.
14:14G'day, champ.
14:15Ignore him, please.
14:16So, I understand you represent Murray Trumbull.
14:20I don't represent Murray.
14:21He was very clear about that.
14:22Well, that's not what he said.
14:23According to Murray, he spoke to a lawyer.
14:25This lawyer.
14:26And you advised him he didn't have to pay these 63 IOU's.
14:29Never advised him.
14:30Absolutely not.
14:31I was very clear about that.
14:32Oh, really?
14:33Because he said, you said it was a grey area.
14:35Which means he probably doesn't have to pay them.
14:37No, I never said grey area.
14:38He said grey...
14:39Oh, my God, that man's annoying.
14:41Yeah, that man's annoying.
14:42That's enough.
14:43Well, that is enough, but he's right.
14:45He is annoying.
14:46Sorry, can we just go back a bit?
14:47I'm confused.
14:48I assume you're representing the gardener?
14:50Yeah, she is.
14:51He's my son.
14:52One more time with a hat and I'll take it.
14:54Oh, I'm sorry.
14:55This is the gardener.
14:56This is who was getting paid with IOU's.
14:59He is a high-energy child.
15:01He likes mowing lawns,
15:02so we encouraged him to start a little business.
15:04He likes all the equipment.
15:05The earmuffs, the leg thingies.
15:07They're gaiters.
15:08I have gaiters.
15:09Yes, thank you.
15:11Now, according to my research,
15:12these are promissory notes.
15:13Yes, they are signed and dated.
15:15That is correct.
15:16Which makes them legal tender.
15:17Yeah, well, that's a bit of a stretch.
15:18I'm not sure you could buy your groceries with them.
15:20Hey, mate, maybe don't menace the greenery.
15:22Can he stop that?
15:23Just ignore him.
15:24So you agree that Murray is obliged to pay these IOU's?
15:27Yes, but what I'm telling you is,
15:28you're not going to get any money out...
15:30Mum, look, plastic's not real.
15:31How interesting.
15:32Why don't you go and take a look at all the other plants
15:34and see how many are real and how many are fake.
15:35Go on.
15:37Okay, what I'm saying is,
15:38you're not going to get any money out of Murray Trumbull.
15:40Not without a fight.
15:41You probably need a lawyer.
15:43Oh, I see.
15:44So now you want me to pay you
15:45just so I can get the money that's rightfully owed to my son.
15:49That's not what I said.
15:50Why doesn't anyone listen to me?
15:51What I said was,
15:52why don't you just...
15:54This one's real.
15:55Yeah, maybe don't...
15:56Oh, whatever.
15:57I'm actually a partner here at Gruber & Fitz.
16:01And I've been here in biro.
16:03And for a worthy cause such as this,
16:05I would be willing to take it on pro bono.
16:07It's a kitchen.
16:08There's a fridge in here.
16:09Don't you climb into that.
16:11Felix, stay out of the fridge, please.
16:14What were you saying?
16:15How would you like me to represent Felix free of charge?
16:17Sorry, is he climbing into the fridge?
16:19I didn't come in here for charity.
16:20I came in here to get what's rightfully owed to my son.
16:23Okay, well, if you feel insulted,
16:25I'd be happy to charge you $450 an hour.
16:28Pro bono will be just fine, thank you.
16:30Same team.
16:31Let's get married.
16:33Oh, God, what is he doing?
16:40By covering my eyes, I'm removing one of my key senses.
16:45This will help me listen not just with the ears,
16:48but with my whole heart.
17:00Oh, come on.
17:01Who did that?
17:12Yeah, I think so.
17:13All right.
17:14Close the door, Georgie.
17:19Now, vis-à-vis the upcoming vote,
17:22Victor has brought it to my attention
17:24that Helen can have a rather aggressive conversational style.
17:28It's more she gets jagged on certain topics
17:30to the point where it can start to feel like an interrogation.
17:33I think she just likes to drill down.
17:35I don't mind it.
17:36Good on you, buddy.
17:37But when you work in a room, you've got to keep it light.
17:39You've got to stay agile.
17:40You can't get bogged down.
17:41You've got to keep moving like a shark.
17:43I've put together a list of topics she should avoid.
17:46Put bees on that list.
17:47She was banging on about those the other day.
17:49Maybe coffee.
17:50She is a bit obsessed with the size of the grind.
17:52All right, so I want everybody on Helen Watch tomorrow at the vote.
17:56If you see her getting jagged on anything,
17:58just step in and move her along.
18:04Hi, guys.
18:05Is there a big announcement?
18:06Did I miss it?
18:09No, we're all just working.
18:10Come on, Mr Cheek.
18:11Excuse me, Helen.
18:12What's happening, George?
18:13I'm on the next one.
18:16There's a pile punch.
18:17Got to deal with that?
18:18Yeah, punch and piles.
18:21It's working.
18:39Not here, Ray.
18:40This is a workspace.
18:41Of course.
18:44I'd like you to meet Melissa, my boo.
18:45Oh, don't say that.
18:47Copeland's premier fashion psychologist.
18:50Nice to meet you, Melissa.
18:51You too.
18:52What's your take on this?
18:53Oh, what's it saying?
18:56Talk to me.
18:57Talk to me.
18:58Is it weird?
18:59Well, I'm sensing you don't prioritize your appearance.
19:01Now, is that a bit of shame?
19:05No, it's not shame.
19:06What is it?
19:07Why this color?
19:08Why so shapeless?
19:09What is it saying?
19:11I think it's saying, vote for Helen.
19:14Can I count on your vote?
19:15Too desperate, mate.
19:16Darling down.
19:17I think I'll reserve my judgment
19:18till I've seen all three presentations.
19:21And you're the whole reason why I have to quit the group.
19:23Did you just sling me your vote just out of...
19:25I'm terribly sorry.
19:30So, no dog?
19:31No, I don't have a dog.
19:34No, no pets.
19:35None, really?
19:36You got allergies?
19:37No, I don't have any allergies.
19:39Hello, hello.
19:40Because I heard the word allergies
19:42and I thought that's an unusual topic for conversation.
19:45Lisa, how are you?
19:46Currently under interrogation for not having pets.
19:48I wasn't interrogating her,
19:49I was just saying she must be really sad
19:50because she doesn't have a dog.
19:51And let's just move you along.
19:53That's your life as a female.
19:55Imagine that.
19:56If you don't get picked as queen,
19:57your only option is to be a drone.
19:59You can't even be a worker.
20:00That's only for males.
20:01Oh, bees.
20:02I was talking about wasps.
20:06Thank you, Rosalind.
20:07Well, I see a lot of familiar faces
20:10bringing back a lot of wonderful memories.
20:12Patrick, Pam, of course.
20:14Mrs Newgreg, I love that.
20:15Couldn't enjoy it.
20:16Let's move it along.
20:17Everyone is busy.
20:18Good point.
20:19Today we have three highly qualified candidates.
20:22Bob Stanley from Stanley and Sons,
20:25Debbie Lim from Furstenberg Grey
20:27and, of course, my personal favourite,
20:29Helen Tudor-Fisk from Gruber and Fisk.
20:33I withdraw the comment.
20:34She's not my favourite.
20:35Bob, you are.
20:36I'm joking.
20:37You're all my favourites.
20:39May the best Wilson Estates lawyer win.
20:42I think that went well.
20:46Now, each candidate will have two minutes
20:48and I will sound the bell at 1 minute 30.
20:50Let's begin with Debbie Lim from Furstenberg Grey.
20:55All right.
20:57Here's what you need to know about Debbie Lim.
20:59Nothing gets in the way of my networking.
21:01Oh, looks like there's something in the way of my networking.
21:04What is it?
21:05It's this cop that told you!
21:08Debbie Lim, I've got a lot of clients.
21:11Debbie Lim, call me any time.
21:13I'm here for you.
21:14Debbie Lim, you need clients?
21:16I've got heaps.
21:17More than Bob, more than Helen.
21:19Save your objection.
21:20No one's interested.
21:21Don't ring that bell, Ros, cos I'm done.
21:23Why don't I use my whole two minutes?
21:25Cos I don't waste time.
21:27Not yours, not mine.
21:28We are important people.
21:30Debbie Lim, vote for me.
21:35Do you want a hand with that, Ros?
21:36Yes, thank you, Bob.
21:37Very forceful and powerful.
21:41Fairly convincing.
21:42But stay here, cos you're speaking next.
21:44Please welcome Bob Stanley.
21:46Thank you, everyone.
21:49I'm not going to get up here and knock over the podium,
21:51but I might knock you over with a cracking anecdote.
21:53How does that sound?
21:56Are you all familiar with the actor Russell Crowe?
21:58Oh, the big man.
22:00Rusty and I go way back, and years ago he called me up
22:03and he said, Bob, Robert, Roberto, I need some advice.
22:11That's 30 seconds, Bob.
22:12But look, take all the time you like.
22:13I think people are really enjoying themselves.
22:15Thanks, Ros.
22:16Anyway, I said to Rusty, come on, mate.
22:19Are you not entertained?
22:21Oh, shit.
22:22That's from 38 on.
22:23He just put his arms around me like a big bear,
22:25and he said, mate, can I use that?
22:28And the rest is Oscar-winning history.
22:32It's a good story, but I don't get what any of it's got to do
22:34with the networking group.
22:35Well, he's just proven he's a great guy.
22:37He's got good anecdotes.
22:38He knows famous people.
22:40Now, we all want to be part of his gang.
22:42That's networking.
22:44So I need to get people in my gang.
22:47Stories about famous people.
22:49And now to our final candidate for today,
22:51Helen Tudor Fiske, Gruber and Fiske.
22:54I think I'm going to go off the cuff.
22:55No, don't, babe.
22:57Yeah, no, it's okay.
22:58Bob, just remind me I've got a good anecdote about Gladiator.
22:59On the cuff.
23:00On the cuff.
23:02Good morning, everyone.
23:03Listening to Bob's excellent anecdote,
23:05I was reminded of the time I went to see the movie Gladiator
23:09and sitting right in front of me was, wait for it,
23:14Nicole Kidman's sister.
23:20Oh, it's a name I've forgotten.
23:21She's got heaps of kids now.
23:23No one cares.
23:24Oh, hey, no heckling.
23:26Anyway, I was thinking this here is like a coliseum
23:33and we are all bees in the hive.
23:37The point is...
23:38What is the point, Helen?
23:39Yeah, what's the point?
23:40Can you tell them no heckling, Ross?
23:42Can you please get to the point, Helen?
23:44The point is this group of networker Gladiator bees...
23:50Do you want to go back on the cuff?
23:53Can you start the clock again, Ross?
23:54No, one minute.
23:56Bob got extra time.
23:57Bob had the crowd.
24:00And while it is true that I'm generally not good in social...
24:03Oh, Ross, no.
24:05In conclusion, I will network so hard
24:08and bring everyone lots of referrals
24:10and that is my promise to you all.
24:14Not amen, just thank you.
24:18Antonia Kidman, that's who it was.
24:22It was Antonia.
24:23Thank you, Helen.
24:24Antonia Kidman.
24:26All right, time to vote.
24:29And the newest member of our Business and Breakfast
24:32Networking Group is...
24:34Congratulations, Bob Stanley.
24:38Welcome to B.A.B.
24:39Are you people kidding me?
24:41This is a networking group, not an anecdote festival.
24:44Enjoy the bullshit stories.
24:48She punched him.
24:49She punched him.
24:52Bob, would you like to come up and say a few words?
24:55Maybe hit us up with another anecdote, buddy.
24:58You bet.
24:59But I might need a little bit of sustenance.
25:01Straight through to the breakfast?
25:02We dispensed with the breakfast element a while back, Bob.
25:05What? This is meant to be enjoyable.
25:07It's business and breakfast.
25:08Put in all the sauce.
25:09Yeah, exactly.
25:10The taco ad.
25:11Why can't we have both?
25:12You know, Greenhills have a terrific spread
25:14and they're the most successful B&B chapter in the state.
25:16Yeah, they even have an omelette station.
25:18Let's see if they've got an opening.
25:20Anyway, thanks everyone.
25:21Happy networking.
25:23Thank you, Nate and Rusty, for us.
25:30All right, well, on a count back,
25:32the person with the most votes is Debbie Lim
25:36and she's made her feelings about the group very clear.
25:38So with two votes, our newest member is Helen Tudor Fisk.
25:44Welcome, Helen.
25:46Well done, Bradbury.
25:47Hey, look, should I make a speech?
25:48No, no.
26:00Hey, Murray.
26:22Morning, Two-Face.
26:23Geez, you really sold me down the river, didn't you?
26:26Come on, the kid's 12 years old.
26:28What do you care?
26:29A few thousand bucks.
26:30A few thousand bucks?
26:31Is it Miss Moneybags?
26:32Well, I rang the ombudsman to complain.
26:34What did the ombudsman say?
26:36Not enough evidence.
26:38I don't know if you're a clever arsehole or a lucky one.
26:42Okay, and I lost DOS.
26:45Come on, buddy.
27:01All done?
27:04Now there is $50 for the lawn mowing and a $5 tip
27:09because I'm nicer than that guy.
27:11Thank you, Helen.
27:12Remember, don't accept anything but cash in future.
27:19Hi, guys.
27:21Mind if I join?
27:28It's pretty hot in here.
27:31I'm Helen Tudor Fisk.
27:35I do rules on probate.
27:37If you've got any clients that think that, Helen Tudor Fisk,
27:43I'm not going to get my balls out.
27:44If that's okay with everyone.