Salon De Te La Moderna - Capitulo 210

  • 3 months ago
00:11Okay, Matilde no esta tamal como usted dice estos padecimientos mentales son engañosos señor Peñalver
00:17Si no se toman las medidas adecuadas cuanto antes es posible que los síntomas se agraven que te ha dicho el doctor Mendoza
00:23Va a necesitar más tiempo para estudiar tu caso
00:25La he llevado conmigo todo este tiempo solo así me podía levantar por las mañana pensando
00:31que algún día volveríamos a ser una familia y yo sigo enamorada de ti. Marta están casados
00:36y no sólo le unen los papeles
00:38un hijo oye nada
00:40usted cree que tiene alguna intención con Pietro pues no lo sé me ha llamado mi contacto en el ministerio del interior
00:46por el momento y hasta que aparezcan nuevas pruebas se va a parar la investigación por el asesinato de tu hija voy a ir
00:51en el descanso de la comida a preguntar por su vecindario
00:55No sé a lo mejor consigo alguna información
00:59No creo que sea buena idea Teresa
01:01como se entere y te descubra te vas a meter en un buen lío. Poco tengo ya que perder. Me ha puesto al corriente su
01:06sobrina Inés sobre el coloquio. Quizás quiera usted acompañarme. Me da un poco de
01:11apuro decírselo pero he quedado con un señor. Ya sabes si quieres trabajar con nosotros. Tengo que ver si puedo compaginar con mi turno en la
01:19Moderna no sé si podrían dejarme una llave o alguien podría venir a abrirme. Yo voy a venir todos los días a primera hora
01:25espero que lea con calma. ¿Qué es esto? Es su nuevo contrato para la corte de faraón
01:31yo le prometí que esperaría hasta que usted estuviese en plenitud de condiciones
01:36está todo reflejado ahí. Me gustaría pedirle perdón
01:39creo que me he confundido mucho con usted
01:41es un hombre de palabra y lo ha demostrado. Esto va a ser lo más parecido a la biblioteca que te puedas imaginar
01:46Pues sabes que te digo Salvita
01:48que lo he pensado y no voy a aceptar el trabajo. ¿Pero qué he dicho ahora?
01:51Que no soy una niña Salvita
01:53tengo necesidad pero no tanta o acaso creéis que no me doy cuenta de que lo que quieres es quedarte a solas conmigo
01:58creo que Agustín me está ganando poco a poco. ¿Te gusta?
02:06Aurelia no lo va a hacer de fábula no hay mejor cura ni los de verdad. Yo lo único que espero es que no meta la pata
02:11y que todo el mundo se acaba enterando de que nuestra boda es de mentira. Como tú eres sacristán
02:16y tienes la llave de la ermita
02:18necesitamos que nos cases. ¿Pero cómo os voy a casar? Si ya estáis casados. Una cosa es que yo no lo entienda
02:24y otra bien distinta que nos vaya a casar. Os caso una, dos o una docena de veces, las que haga falta
02:30¿De verdad?
02:31Claro que sí
02:32Esperanza yo sé que puede parecer una locura
02:34he oído la voz de Carla, venía de la terraza. Si no hacemos algo pronto el estado de Matilde empeorará. ¿Y Ñigo?
02:40Dime mi amor
02:42Todo esto es muy extraño dime la verdad
02:44El doctor Mendoza
02:46piensa que necesitas un tratamiento especial. ¿Ahora llaman así a los manicomios?
02:51Y Ñigo que no estoy loca. Yo quiero que estés bien por eso
02:54debemos valorar todas las opciones. ¿Entonces por qué nadie valora que haya alguien detrás de mi locura? ¿Por qué?
02:59¿Por qué?
03:11Le agradezco mucho que haya acudido tan rápido doctor
03:15quería hablar con usted a solas cuando Matilde no estuviera en casa
03:19Intuyo entonces que ha ocurrido algo, un episodio nuevo. No, no, afortunadamente
03:24pero se me antoja que lo que le voy a contar ahora es significativo
03:28Pero he estado hablando con Matilde de la posibilidad de ingresarla en un sanatorio. No le gustó la idea, ¿no?
03:36Se lo tomó a la tremenda y pasó todo lo que me advirtió
03:40incluso llegó a decirme que lo que quería era deshacerme de ella
03:43Su reacción entra dentro de lo normal, ya le dije pacientes con sus síntomas reaccionan de modo similar. Es que no lo entiendo doctor
03:51porque Matilde sabe que Carla está muerta pero está convencida de que la ve y la oye
03:56Su esposa está sufriendo un episodio maníaco en el cual no es capaz de distinguir las alucinaciones de la realidad
04:04no es algo que pueda combatir esgrimiendo argumentos lógicos
04:08¿Se reafirma entonces en lo que me dijo?
04:11Lo tenía bastante claro tras una primera exploración
04:14lo que me está contando no hace más que reafirmarme en ello
04:19¿Ha pensado en lo de su ingreso?
04:21No paro de pensar en eso doctor
04:24¿Y ha tomado alguna decisión?
04:28Mira doctor, tengo
04:31muchas dudas. Ya sabe usted las historias que se cuentan de los sanatorios y si Matilde
04:38evoluciona peor y si resulta que no sale de allí nunca
04:41Conozco bien esas historias de las que me habla y entiendo su prevención
04:45pero tampoco debería creer todo lo que se cuenta por ahí
04:48Entonces todas esas personas que salen peor de lo que entran ¿qué?
04:50En algunos casos es así si no se lo pudo negar
04:53pero en su mayoría se debe precisamente a que ingresan demasiado tarde y ya nada podemos hacer para revertir el deterioro cognitivo
05:02Y eso es justamente lo que quiero evitar a su esposa señor Peñalver
05:06empezar el tratamiento antes de que la enfermedad se vuelva crónica y no haya vuelta atrás
05:12Mire, yo le aseguro que supervisaré personalmente que Matilde se le administre la dosis adecuada de tratamiento
05:19Se lo agradezco pero sigo teniendo mis reparos
05:22y si voy a dar este paso quiero estar muy seguro
05:25Lo comprendo
05:27faltaría más
05:28pero entienda también que es mi obligación
05:31advertirle de los efectos adversos que puede tener no tratar a su esposa
05:34Hablando de eso ¿usted cree que es buena idea que siga trabajando?
05:39No es lo ideal desde luego
05:42si fuera desde casa y siempre acompañada
05:45Pues ni lo uno ni lo otro doctor
05:47Sigue empeñada en llevar una vida normal
05:50Es ahí el problema señor Peñalver
05:52que por mucho que ella no quiera verlo su vida ahora mismo es de todo menos normal
05:58espero haberle ayudado
05:59le agradecería que me comunicase su decisión tan pronto como la tome
06:38El mio
07:47If you had seen her and heard her, it would have been terrible.
08:01She claimed that Mrs. Carla herself was in the apartment and had spoken to her.
08:08But was there anyone there?
08:09Well, I guess not the Usso-Richards, of course.
08:15There was no one there.
08:16Neither alive nor dead.
08:17I looked at the terraces and all the rooms, but Matilde insisted that she had heard it.
08:27But despite the fact that you verified it, she continued to say that Carla had been there.
08:30It didn't look like the same Matilde that we know, smart and smart.
08:34Can't you see how she was shaking?
08:37And she had a lost look.
08:38I left there with a bad body.
08:39I'm not surprised.
08:40What she is describing is typical of a person who is about to return it.
08:49No, we don't increase that, no.
08:50The only thing that happens to Matilde is that she is very nervous.
08:53She has had many misfortunes in a short time.
08:55Yes, it's true, it hasn't had to be easy for her.
08:58But if she continues like this, without sleeping, without resting, my God, I don't know how it can end.
09:05What do you think?
09:06What can happen to her if she doesn't get better?
09:09I prefer not to think about it.
09:11Of course, seeing the panorama of one and the other, I go back to my house, I'm not that bad.
09:18I wish you could say the same.
09:22How about yours?
09:24Well, not very good, really.
09:26Yesterday Pietro came to me with news about Lucia, that she hasn't let me sleep all night.
09:31I already knew that she was a lizard.
09:33No, she doesn't get angry because she doesn't go out there.
09:36Well, they arrested her.
09:38Yes, and the police took her, claiming that she was a woman of dubious morals.
09:42And isn't that a lizard?
09:45What the police are afraid of is that she lives alone in a pension, that she doesn't have a permanent home,
09:50and that she doesn't know how to explain what she was doing in Madrid.
09:54But well, from what you're saying, they let her free, right?
09:58Yes, but what Pietro is afraid of is that the owner of the pension where Lucia stays,
10:03suddenly does the same thing as the police and kicks her out.
10:05And of course, he's so good that he won't leave his son's mother on the street.
10:11Well, but don't worry, because Pietro is very in love with you.
10:15So there's nothing to be afraid of.
10:17Yes, yes, I know.
10:20Well, let's go to work, I'll be right back.
10:33But well, Salvita, do you have a fever?
10:42Because I know that you, Salo, don't get close to a trap.
10:45A strange fever would be that.
10:47That instead of leaving you lying in bed, it makes you clean.
10:50So you yourself have woken up early in the morning just to leave this like the gold spills.
10:55That's right.
10:56And you can do the cotton test if you want.
10:58I assure you that you will not find a single drop of dust.
11:03Where are you going? I just locked you up.
11:05You locked me up?
11:06Come on, put on the rags.
11:09What I think is that you have not calibrated your idea well.
11:11Because this is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.
11:14Or are you going to take care of the cleaning every day?
11:17I was kidding.
11:18I only do this until Marta changes her mind.
11:20And as far as I know the girls, it doesn't happen today.
11:23Of course, because we still don't value the option of hiring another cleaner, right?
11:28Marta is ideal.
11:29Yes, except for the insignificant detail that she has rejected the offer.
11:33She is thinking about it.
11:34But I tell you that she will accept.
11:36Don't throw the towel because Marta is the best candidate.
11:40Clean a little over there.
11:42It is not that to sweep you need a lot.
11:45You have even been able to do it.
11:47Well, I'm good at it, but Marta has a taste for organizing things.
11:51A delicacy with the furniture.
11:53And if you saw her with the clients of La Moderna.
11:56Marta is what this bookshop needs.
11:58The bookstore or you?
12:01I don't know what that comes from.
12:03And so much that you don't know, Elvita.
12:04And so much.
12:05My mother has given you more strength than I thought with this girl.
12:08You want to hire her to keep her close.
12:10That you offered to get up early just to open the door.
12:12You, get up early.
12:15And if so, what?
12:17We both win, you first.
12:18Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see.
12:20Enlighten me.
12:23Hiring Marta, why is it a benefit for me?
12:26Because that would make me more motivated to work.
12:29Isn't that what you want?
12:30More motivated?
12:32To work?
12:34We would see that.
12:36But it's a first step, man.
12:38Don't you always complain that I never come to the bookstore?
12:40Well, with Marta here, I wouldn't even take half a walk.
12:43Well, I'm sorry, because I must insist that we must find another girl.
12:47Leave it to me.
12:48If you have other things to do.
12:50Your wedding, for example.
12:52Have you invited my father?
12:53Well, it's going to be an intimate wedding.
12:55With a few guests.
12:56But don't change the subject.
12:58Your father wants someone to take care of the cleaning and he wants it now.
13:01Give me one more day.
13:02If today, when closing, I haven't convinced her,
13:06I'll leave it.
13:08Have you ever done anything crazy for a girl?
13:11My God, if you only knew how many things I've done for love.
13:1524 hours.
13:16And one more.
13:18Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.
13:20Well, don't overdo it.
13:26The convention of pharmacists is going well, Mr. Popa.
13:29I have everything ready.
13:30If you think it's good.
13:33Have you been able to review the budgets?
13:35Yes, yes.
13:36At first glance, it seems reasonable.
13:38The only thing that worries me is that I have not seen the specified menu that we are going to serve.
13:43Have you thought of something?
13:46What happens is that I don't have it clear yet.
13:48I was waiting for you to approve the budgets.
13:51I see.
13:52The dishes are interchangeable and that would affect the price of the menus.
13:56But it all depends on the budget.
13:59But come on, in this folder you can check that everything is in order.
14:01And I think I've been able to solve everything well.
14:04Do you really think so?
14:06I affirm it.
14:07I affirm it.
14:08It was a way of speaking.
14:10Everything is in order, Mr. Firmin.
14:11And everything is going to be fine.
14:14I assure you.
14:16Very good.
14:17Very good. I'll study it.
14:18Very good.
14:19I know that you are a great professional, Matilde.
14:21So I don't want to steal more time from you than necessary.
14:24You can leave.
14:25Thank you very much, Mr. Firmin.
14:38What do you think, Teresa?
14:40Have you noticed how many times I have insisted that everything is under control?
14:44Well, yes, I have noticed.
14:46It is difficult to recognize the young woman who gave me so many headaches.
14:50I have never seen her so confused.
14:52And what Inigo tells me does nothing more than increase my anxiety.
14:57Hey, if it's not indiscretion, what did Mr. Peñalver tell you?
15:01Well, that his wife sees attitudes, how to call them, strange, anomalous.
15:07Well, he didn't want to go into details.
15:09Well, he was just quite distressed.
15:13Well, if you allow me, I think Inigo has reasons to be like that.
15:22You see, it is that Esperanza has told me something that I think I should know.
15:28Esperanza has many virtues, but discretion is not one of her strengths.
15:32Yes, but this is different.
15:33She told me before entering the office and she was really worried.
15:38Notice that she didn't know whether to tell me or not.
15:41Well, yes, it is serious, yes.
15:45Tell me.
15:47Well, it turns out that yesterday she says she witnessed a disconcerting episode with Matilde.
15:54What is it about, Teresa?
15:57Well, she says that yesterday she went to her house to take the menus for the boutique convention and that Matilde was out of her mind.
16:04That apparently she was listening to Mrs. Carla, as if she was talking to her.
16:08No, no, no, that can't be.
16:10Well, there was no way for her to be right.
16:15Does Inigo know this?
16:17She refused to tell him not to be alarmed, yes.
16:20It is normal that she does not want her husband to find out.
16:25Teresa, please, when you see Esperanza, tell her to come to my office, I want to talk to her.
16:29Of course.
16:34Boss, three coffees for table 7, two alone and one with milk.
16:38Right away.
16:44Oh, but good Trini, how well accompanied you come back from picking up the prey.
16:49Yes, this is Father Aureliano and he is here because we have to tell you something.
16:55So Father Aureliano.
16:58To serve you and God our Lord.
17:01What my fiancée and I want to announce here is that we already have a date and place to get married.
17:07Let's see if with so much running we will have time to prepare the invitation.
17:10It is that a wedding takes a lot of work.
17:12Don't worry about that, Esperanza.
17:14They can count on my help in everything they need.
17:16Man, of course, and with mine too, at a discount.
17:19But how imminent is the wedding? When?
17:22But do you already have a church where you are going to give the yes I want?
17:24Yes, yes, in a very special one.
17:27In the Hermitage of Santa María del Venado, in Camporreal.
17:30Hermitage of which I have been a priest since I was ten years old.
17:33Since you were ten years old?
17:35But that is not the age to be a priest.
17:38Let's see, he was a monk since he was ten years old.
17:43And then, of course, he ascended.
17:46Are you really going to get married in a hermitage?
17:49Don't be mistaken, ma'am.
17:51The Hermitage of Santa María del Venado is a marvel.
17:53You could say it is the cathedral of the hermits.
17:56Then you will officiate the ceremony, Father Aureliano.
18:00Because I suppose there will be a ceremony.
18:02Of course there will be a ceremony.
18:04Hot as in all weddings.
18:06Well, all that is very good, but when is the date?
18:09It is well known that finding a date to get married today is a miracle.
18:15But God, our dear Lord,
18:17may José Miguel and Trinidad
18:20marry next week.
18:22But your name is José Miguel?
18:24Next week?
18:25First, yes, in a hermitage.
18:27And now to get married there, in a sigh.
18:29Come on.
18:30Better, Esperanza.
18:31You don't have to leave life to chance to get the link.
18:34Because, remember, if not,
18:35the last weddings we've had around here have ended.
18:38Well, Elias, for God's sake, don't tempt the devil.
18:44Listen, Father, since we are here,
18:46I would like to apply as a hermit for the link.
18:49I say that Father Aureliano will have his men of confidence,
18:53his hermits of confidence, I mean.
18:55Well, but I am also of confidence, José Miguel.
18:59Elias Tejada, to serve you.
19:01Professional waiter and former monk of the church of my town.
19:04Ah, don't tell me.
19:05Well, you have experience in these ministries,
19:08so that makes you the perfect candidate.
19:11You flatter me a lot, Father.
19:13By the way, well, you know each other from the seminary, don't you?
19:19And José Miguel from the seminary.
19:22Yes, yes, Father Aureliano, you can say it quietly.
19:25Here we all know that José Miguel was a priest.
19:28He told us himself.
19:31Ah, yes, yes, yes, from the seminary, of course.
19:34We studied together, yes.
19:36José Miguel, tell him when the wine and the torrijas.
19:40The wine and the torrijas.
19:42Esperanza, will you accompany me for a moment?
19:44Well, the wine and the torrijas, has he ever told you?
19:47Yes, yes, yes, yes.
19:48As if he were looking at the priest like that,
19:50in the end he was going straight to hell.
19:52That's not it, girl.
19:54He doesn't look like a priest.
19:56He is a priest with the least face of a priest I have seen in my life.
20:02Tell me, mother, any news regarding Fabio?
20:07Eating from my hand, as it suits us.
20:13He took a terrible disgust when I told him that we wanted to liquidate part of the company
20:17and open an account in Switzerland.
20:19Well, now he worries about the future of the company.
20:23No, he was worried that I was planning my departure.
20:28I confess that I liked to see him so sorry,
20:30because I thought I was going to go very far.
20:33At least that nonsense of his has helped to get me out of the country.
20:37A little more liquidation never hurts, daughter.
20:40In any case, I will keep the account open.
20:42One never knows.
20:45Did you go out again last night?
20:47Yes, mother.
20:49And my raids at Inigo's house are doing me very well.
20:52He doesn't know what I found there.
20:55You were there again?
20:56Oh, mother, please don't get dramatic.
20:59I already told you that I would do it again.
21:01And more now that my plan is going on wheels.
21:03Carla, what you are doing seems like a fear to me.
21:06You should leave Spain as ...
21:08I'm not going to have this conversation with you again.
21:12What I was telling you ...
21:17I found a card in the apartment.
21:23From a certain Dr. Mendoza. Does it ring a bell?
21:30Yes, I understand that it is an eminence in his field.
21:33He has treated many ladies of high society.
21:37So you know who he is?
21:39I celebrate his departure because ...
21:41I trusted that he had some common contact,
21:44so that he could tell us what Matilde's diagnosis is.
21:46It is clear that he went to see her.
21:48I will try to find out.
21:49But I can't assure you that he finds out anything.
21:51Oh, mother, don't underestimate yourself.
21:53I'm sure he'll make it.
21:56Matilde is so close to the abyss,
21:58that just by causing a little breeze, she will fall into the void.
22:02We have her right where we wanted her.
22:06Mother, didn't you say that the service was going to take a long time?
22:08Go down to the basement, quickly.
22:09I'm going down to see you now.
22:17Here is your coffee, father.
22:19Yes, yes, as you hear, father.
22:21Three of the sacristans who passed through the parish of my town
22:24congratulated me for my good doing as a monk.
22:26Well, I will take your offer into account, I assure you.
22:29Well, and there is nothing that makes me more excited
22:31than being able to honor two of my best friends with my help at their wedding.
22:34Besides, I have a few ideas.
22:38And this priest, where did you get him from?
22:41A childhood friend, Cañete.
22:43But he is not a priest, but the sacristan of the hermitage.
22:45Look, at least there is some truth in all the pantomime you have told us.
22:51But maybe it's me, but ...
22:54he doesn't seem to have many lights.
22:56But they call him the bulb, of the few lights he has.
22:59Look, if he has little retentive, that we invited him to our wedding
23:01and the guy was wrong about the church.
23:03What a lampshade.
23:05And don't you have other friends who can help you with this ceremony?
23:08Yes, as if it were easy to get another priest out of the basket.
23:12But can a sacristan officiate a mass?
23:15Well, if no one finds out, yes.
23:18From what he has told us, the hermitage is somewhat far from the urban center of Camporreal
23:22and no one ever goes there, or when there is a robbery.
23:25Even so, Miguel, too much risk.
23:28Many things can go wrong.
23:30Starting with Elias.
23:32As they become friends, you can already pray well to the Virgin of the Venado.
23:36Oh my God.
23:38The altar. Everything on the altar.
23:40I had thought of filling it with red geraniums.
23:43I love it.
23:48Come in, please.
23:50Don Fermin, when he called me, he didn't tell me he would come accompanied.
23:54They bring me to strength.
23:56Esperanza, don't be like that.
23:58He knows as well as I do that the matter is serious.
24:01Has something happened to him, Matilde?
24:03Something, yes, but I already warn you that at the moment he is perfectly.
24:08Sit down, please.
24:20Esperanza, would it be so kind to refer to Íñigo the episode that Teresa told him this morning?
24:27Maybe he is already aware.
24:30Íñigo, Matilde told him what happened yesterday when Esperanza came to visit her.
24:36They had no idea that she had received a visit.
24:42I beg you, Esperanza, to tell me what happened.
24:45Because as you will understand, I am very worried about my wife.
24:49It should be your wife who would tell you.
24:54If I speak, it is because I am also very worried about her.
24:59What happened?
25:01Her behavior was not normal.
25:04And what she said made no sense.
25:09Esperanza, please tell me, what did my wife tell you?
25:16That Mrs. Carla had spoken to her as if she were here, in the house.
25:21Just in case, I checked all the rooms with her.
25:25Especially to make sure that no bad guy had sneaked in.
25:28And as you can imagine, they found nothing.
25:32But that didn't help Matilde to calm down.
25:35She insisted that she had heard Mrs. Carla's voice.
25:39It can't be again, right?
25:42I was very scared, sir.
25:45Because I had already heard that she had had a vision in the gallery.
25:49But to hear her swear and perjure that the late Mrs. de Morcuende spoke to her, well ...
25:56Do you understand now, Íñigo, the urgency I had to meet you?
26:00I don't understand.
26:03She told me not to tell anyone, but look ...
26:07And I thank both of you for coming to tell me.
26:10And I have to ask you that if it happens again, let me know.
26:15Of course, we will be attentive.
26:17Esperanza, if you are so kind to come to the living room, I would like to talk to Íñigo alone.
26:23As you command, Mr. Fermín.
26:26Esperanza, thank you very much for everything.
26:30Thank you.
26:50How are those stains going?
26:53Well, fine, after a lot of rubbing.
26:56It's what the stains have, they don't go away easily.
26:59And the dress, how is it?
27:00It seems good. And the hands, impeccable.
27:04I'm very glad.
27:05It would be a shame if hands as delicate as yours were damaged by something like that.
27:10They had never told me that about my hands.
27:14I don't know, I think it's obvious.
27:16She has beautiful hands, with very long and very fine fingers.
27:20Do you play any instrument?
27:22I don't know, maybe the piano, maybe the violin?
27:24No, no, nothing.
27:27The only instrument that I master is my voice, and that's it.
27:32And you wouldn't like to sing again?
27:35Yes, but for that I would have to do a long rehabilitation process,
27:39which doesn't even assure me that I can do it again.
27:43Time is relative, miss.
27:46Well, in this case it would be months.
27:48And I prefer to focus on my secretary job.
27:53Well, I wouldn't like to meddle where I'm not called,
27:56but from what Mr. Fermin has told me, it would be a real shame.
28:00He told me that he has been offered to be the protagonist of a play.
28:04Yes, The Court of Pharaoh.
28:08The producer wanted to wait for me to recover, but I asked him not to do it.
28:13With all due respect, wouldn't the decision be reconsidered?
28:17It has been very difficult for me to make this decision,
28:21and I prefer to leave things as they are.
28:24I have to go back to work.
28:33Excuse me, it's true that you have to go back to work,
28:36but I wouldn't like you to go so down.
28:39Maybe I can do something to cheer you up.
28:42And what do you propose?
28:45I read in the press that there is a concert of the municipal band
28:49in the temple of the retreat, at noon.
28:52Maybe we could go at the time of rest, even eat there.
28:55But will we have time?
28:57Yes, yes, yes, a little tight, but I think so.
29:00I don't know, maybe your uncle would like to come with us.
29:05Of course, he loves music bands.
29:09And so he won't be aware that we are a few minutes late.
29:13Well, don't talk to him anymore.
29:14I'm sure if his niece tells him, he can't deny it.
29:17And the truth is, now that I think about it,
29:20maybe it would be a bit ugly if his sister didn't tell him, right?
29:28You were right, don't you, Fermin?
29:32The situation would require both discretion and haste.
29:35What I regret is not coming earlier.
29:39But I assure you that I have gotten going
29:41as soon as Esperanza told me that Matilde did not want to call you.
29:45I have considered that you deserved to know all this.
29:48You are a very good friend.
29:50You are taking a lot of trouble for my wife.
29:52I wish I could do more.
29:55Inigo, have you been able to think about Dr. Mendoza's proposal?
30:04Well, I keep thinking about it.
30:07And every day that goes by, I worry more about Matilde.
30:11But at the same time, the solution that the doctor proposes to me is that it is difficult to take.
30:17But something will have to be done.
30:18Yes, yes, I know.
30:20I am the first to see the alarming drift that has taken the behavior of my wife.
30:24And I also know that I am delaying the inevitable.
30:28I am not in favor of advising anyone.
30:31Because in the end, everyone knows what they want.
30:33And as I told you yesterday,
30:35I would not like to give an opinion on such a delicate matter as this.
30:38No, Fermi.
30:39I would like to know your opinion.
30:42You, along with Jaime, are one of the most sensible and capable people I know.
30:46I think the good Mr. Jaime would agree with what I am going to tell you.
30:52Given the seriousness of Matilde's situation,
30:56I think the most convenient thing is that you authorize your entry.
31:01I know this is not what I wanted to hear.
31:05But I am convinced that it is the best for Matilde.
31:09Anyway, this is a decision that only you can make.
31:16And now, if you excuse me, I must return to the modern.
31:20May I accompany you?
31:23I would like to know how my wife is doing.
31:25Of course.
31:32I hope to see you again soon.
31:34Thank you very much for your visit and have a nice day.
31:42In the end, nothing has been taken, right?
31:44Well, I wanted some records that we don't have.
31:48By the way, how are you?
31:50Yesterday you left in a bit of a hurry.
31:52Fine, fine, fine.
31:54Nothing, the pressure of having to organize the event that made me nervous.
31:58Sure, normal.
32:00Well, then you can help me with some things that have accumulated with the conference.
32:06Laura, I wanted to talk to you.
32:10I wanted to apologize.
32:13Yesterday I ran away, I left you with the word in my mouth.
32:17If you want to finish telling me about Agustín ...
32:21Well, there is nothing to tell either.
32:25I already told you that it is true that I like him, but I prefer to go with my feet on the ground.
32:31Do you really like him?
32:33A little.
32:36Well, nothing ...
32:39I don't know, if you need help to get closer to that boy, you just have to ask me.
32:44Celia, you are a wonderful friend.
32:47Where have you been all this time?
32:49I ask the same thing, because you have not appeared in my life before.
32:53Well, then what?
32:55Don Fermín, how did the talk yesterday go?
32:57Well, I think better than we thought.
32:59Yes, right?
33:00The poor man came looking for a talk about literature and found a talk about feminist claims.
33:07But I think that Zenobia thought she was a wonderful woman.
33:10Although I think that if he dared to contradict them, it is because she is the wife of Juan Ramón Gironet.
33:15Well, I celebrate hearing it, that not all men are able to accept that they are taken the opposite from good to first.
33:21Although, well, the important thing is that the talk was a success and that the press says so.
33:25And as long as it continues like this, we will surely have my uncle's support.
33:29By the way, did you contact the international news agency?
33:32Yes, I called them to tell me the conditions of the position.
33:36They offer a good salary, but I would have to leave the store frequently and load you with more work.
33:42Well, I'm sure I'll manage.
33:44I just don't want you to sacrifice your job as an advertiser in La Moderna.
33:48So I told them that I'm going to do occasional collaborations.
33:51Well, that's very good, it's an intermediate solution.
33:54Do you like it?
33:56Well, I'm glad to hear it.
33:59Hi girls.
34:00Laurita, do you have a second?
34:04Let's see, I gave it to visit Inigo, I did it with all my good intentions.
34:08But of course, now I have to learn and recover the hours lost.
34:14Oh, if that's what I say. You can't be in mass and repeating.
34:19There he comes again.
34:22Do you want me to dispatch him? I don't care.
34:24No, don't worry Esperanza, I know what to expect from him.
34:27Good morning.
34:28Good morning.
34:30What a look you have on your face.
34:33If you want something, I can tell a colleague to serve it to you.
34:36And you can't serve me?
34:38Well, no, my job is to clean and I'm not going to play my position because a client wants it.
34:43You are the most responsible there is.
34:47Actually, what has caught my attention has not been the genre, but the clean and shiny that are the displays.
34:53Well, it shows that you are bad with these things.
34:55It's that he has a good teacher, that is, me.
34:59Good and very painterly.
35:03Hey, have you thought about what I told you?
35:06Come on, no, I already told you no.
35:08I'm not going to accept the job.
35:10I said yes, Marta.
35:11That the work in the room is very important and I don't want you to mislead me.
35:16I assure you that the work of your pupil will not have affected you.
35:18Well, it's just that the schedules don't even coincide.
35:21And then what do you want? For him to come to the room and bust?
35:23No, calm down, Esperanza, that's not going to happen.
35:26It's going to happen because I'm not going to accept the job.
35:29Let's see, Marta, I think you don't understand.
35:33You're going to earn some hard bonuses for working a little more.
35:36I just don't know what the problem is.
35:39I've already given you my reasons, don't make me repeat them to you again.
35:42I'm not for the job and period.
35:52You could already give me a hand, ma'am.
35:54Marta is going to give me extra money.
35:56What she's going to give you is that you leave her alone.
35:58She told you no, well, it's over, period.
36:01Don't you want to surprise her with a new opportunity?
36:05That's what I offer her, the possibility of growing up.
36:08My mother, not that I was offering her to be the president of the savings bank.
36:13Besides, I'm training her to replace me tomorrow.
36:18It's just that between the years, the lumbar...
36:21Lumbar? You? You're like a role.
36:25Oh, boy, don't give me that look.
36:28That when you go, I've already died four times.
36:30Let's see, when a girl gives you a hard time,
36:33what you have to do is bow your head.
36:35And don't insist anymore.
36:37No buts.
36:38You can't have everything in life.
36:40For God's sake, don't see Marta around again.
36:44Are you upset?
36:45Yes, yes.
36:46Come on.
37:04Can I come in?
37:05What are you doing here?
37:10I wanted to see you.
37:12Antonio told me you were here.
37:15I hope my presence doesn't bother the rest of your classmates.
37:19I needed to rest a bit and sort out my ideas.
37:23Sit down if you want.
37:36Has something happened?
37:38No, nothing.
37:39I already told you that I wanted to see you and know about you.
37:42How are you?
37:44I'm fine.
37:45I'm trying to focus so that I can do my job as well as possible.
37:53Can you do it?
37:58No, no matter how hard I try,
38:00I can't get out of yesterday's argument.
38:03I'm very sorry.
38:08I thought you'd want to go to war.
38:11Quite the opposite.
38:14I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have lunch with me.
38:18I see you didn't bring your lunchbox.
38:21I was going to have empanadillas later.
38:24Well, I'm not the one who despises the modern genre,
38:28but I think it would be good for you to have a hot meal
38:31and get some fresh air.
38:36I promise I won't bring up the subject if that's what worries you.
38:40What's happening to me isn't a subject.
38:42It's a reality like a big castle.
38:44I don't think it's the right time or place to talk about that.
38:48Besides, I want to be with you.
38:50What do you think if we plan a trip?
38:57Of course, now.
38:58I think it would be good for both of us to get some fresh air.
39:02I don't think it's the right time.
39:05I think it's as good a time as any other.
39:10What about my job, Inigo?
39:13It's been hard for me to get back to work.
39:15I don't want all that to go to waste because of an escape.
39:18We could make it not just an escape.
39:20We could allow ourselves to be away for a few weeks.
39:23We could travel around Europe, for example.
39:27No, we can't.
39:28I'm not going to quit my job.
39:30It's what gives me the most stability.
39:40We won't travel.
39:44Honey, what do you think about eating together?
39:51Okay, you're right.
39:53We'll be fine.
39:54It's not easy for you either.
39:56I think eating together can help us relax a bit.
40:03I'll wait for you outside.
40:34Well, it's been a very nice evening, hasn't it?
40:36It's been a delight to listen to the band.
40:39And the delicious rice pudding we had for dessert.
40:42Of course, they're a family of gourmets.
40:44They almost beat the pot with their fingers.
40:47If we were at home, we would have done it.
40:50Well, you had a great idea, Mrs. Lázara.
40:53It's been a while since I've had such a nice time with my nieces.
40:56Of course, it's not just about eating.
40:58Outside is just to accompany businessmen as boring as me.
41:02The truth is that we've had a good time.
41:04By the way, uncle, I remind you that tomorrow you have a meeting with the...
41:07Yes, Inés, I remember, I remember, I remember.
41:09By the way, why don't you go to the office and organize my schedule for next week?
41:12I would like to review it for a while.
41:14Yes, of course.
41:15I have to go, Taman.
41:16It will be in the afternoon.
41:17And if the boss puts you in a lot of work, you tell me and I'll arrange it.
41:21You would be able to do it.
41:26Well, I'm leaving too.
41:27I'm going to change to start working.
41:29Mrs. Lázara, one moment.
41:32May I offer you a coffee?
41:35Well, I allow you to invite me to accompany you.
41:39I will pay for the consumption because you have invited me.
41:42Well, we will negotiate that.
41:44Now that you have taken me out of the office, what it will cost you is to make me come back.
41:50Teresa, have Montero bring us two coffees to the table, please.
41:54Very well.
41:55Thank you.
42:01Montero, two coffees with milk for Don Fermín and Mrs. Lázara, please.
42:14Why are you so serious?
42:16Look, Mrs. Lázara's plan to seduce Don Fermín is going at full speed.
42:21They even make family plans and everything.
42:25I have to find a way to prevent him from taking advantage of him in that way.
42:29But the information I have gotten by going to talk to his neighbors is not enough to unmask her.
42:34And if there is no mask to remove, Teresa?
42:36Oh, I already tell you that yes.
42:38Hey, maybe Don Fermín is not the only one who has fallen into Mrs. Lázara's networks.
42:42No, no, no, not at all.
42:43I am clear with who is at the top.
42:45But someone has to be the devil's lawyer, don't you think?
42:48Well, the devil yes, but not that woman.
42:52Well, I'm sorry if it seemed to you that I was defending Mrs. Lázara.
42:56All I want, Teresa, is that you don't take a step to the false.
42:59Well, don't worry, I'm going to think about the steps I take, but hey, I'll tell you.
43:15Miss Celia, do you have a moment? I would like to talk to you about Laurita.
43:20No, no, no, it is that right now it will not be possible because I have to go to emails to put a claim
43:25that I have been sent a couple of gramophones that are not in good condition.
43:31I assure you that I am not going to steal it for a long time.
43:35Have you thought about what I asked you?
43:39I assure you that I can be very insistent.
43:45I don't think it is necessary for me to help you get closer to my friend Laura.
43:49Well, it's obvious that Laurita doesn't want to know anything about me and I'm going to respect her wish.
43:54That's what you think. Maybe you haven't been able to interpret the signals well.
44:00Has Laurita told you that she feels something for me?
44:03Look, what I talk about with Laura in confidence is our thing.
44:07I already told you that I don't like to hurt the intimacy of my friends.
44:10No, of course not, of course not.
44:13But I know Laura.
44:16And I know that between you and her, the spark could arise.
44:22And you could help me spark that spark, right?
44:29Hey, this won't be a trick to separate me from her, right?
44:32Please don't say nonsense, huh?
44:34No, it's not nonsense.
44:35The last time I saw her, she refused to help me and now suddenly she has changed.
44:38But what's wrong? Isn't that enough?
44:40If you keep going down that path, I'm going to get tired of you.
44:42I'm serious, Celia.
44:44I know you have a lot of affection for Laurita.
44:46If you help me, it will be for a reason, right?
44:51When he showed up at the store, I didn't know him at all.
44:54I don't like trusting strangers.
44:58But I've seen how he behaves with Inés and everything he's done for her.
45:04And you are a man of your word.
45:06So if Inés trusts you, so do I.
45:10Wow, so you've changed your mind about me.
45:14I'll have to thank Inés.
45:18Well, my offer has an expiration date.
45:20Take it or leave it.
45:24Of course, any help in this regard will come in handy.
45:29Very well, deal done.
45:31I'm going to help you get closer to Laura.
45:34But you have to know one thing.
45:37Laura can't stand lies.
45:39They're not funny at all.
45:44No matter how kind she is.
45:47No lies.
45:48It's a deal.
45:52Thank you, miss.
46:04Trini, send me two Swiss cheese, two salmon and a merengue, please.
46:09Very well.
46:11And Dissimola, keep working.
46:13But lend me your ears.
46:15I have some news to give you.
46:17But I don't want it to spread.
46:19So the order is just to keep me entertained?
46:22No, no, no.
46:23I need the ears.
46:24But I'm taking the opportunity to get you in the mood.
46:26I'm going to talk to Mr. Fermin.
46:29Very well, Elias.
46:30I don't know what you want me to tell you.
46:32I'm going to mediate for my risk account.
46:34I'm going to tell Mr. Fermin to close La Moderna for your wedding day.
46:37So we can all get in touch.
46:40I knew this wasn't a good idea.
46:42Well, no.
46:43It's not a good idea.
46:44No, because what we want is a simple wedding.
46:48With the family.
46:49Nothing else.
46:50Let's see, Trini.
46:51You don't have to pretend with me.
46:53I know this is all Miguel's doing.
46:55But you want a wedding, right?
46:57No matter what, right?
46:59No matter what, right?
47:01For once you get married.
47:03Of course, I'm not going to get married twice, Elias.
47:05What are you talking about?
47:06But I'm telling you no.
47:07And about talking to Mr. Fermin...
47:09If I marry him, I'll do it.
47:12Excellent idea.
47:13Because he might not listen to me.
47:15But of course, if his girlfriend asks him, he can't say no.
47:18But you're not going to do anything, are you?
47:19You promise me.
47:20I promise you, for Brita and baby Jesus.
47:22But if you change your mind, or need reinforcements, you know.
47:25Yes, okay.
47:26I'll tell you.
47:27I'm telling you it's not going to happen.
47:28Because we don't have the money to have a feast.
47:32But what if we tell Miguel?
47:34I'm sure he's very excited to see us all together.
47:37Do you really think Miguel is going to want to invite all the employees of La Moderna when he doesn't even know them?
47:42Well, yesterday Esperanza and I told him to have a wedding no matter what.
47:46And don't you see how his eyes were shining with excitement?
47:49Well, because he would have gotten an eyelash in his eye.
47:52But no, I know my future husband.
47:54And I know that he wants to go through the altar discreetly.
47:58Well, what a pity.
48:00Because Father Aureliano has told me that next to the hermitage there is a sale that would be priceless.
48:04Now, yes, we have to be at least 100 guests.
48:06100 guests, for God's sake.
48:07Have you dried your scarf?
48:09Come on, take it, take it, take it.
48:11Take this.
48:14We're leaving.
48:18Please God, help me.
48:25I told you that you would feel good.
48:27And not just for the food, but to spend the afternoon off work.
48:31Yes, but I can't help but feel guilty for taking the afternoon off.
48:38The afternoon off either.
48:40You've had a good time waiting for me in the living room to finish doing that couple of things.
48:45It only took me ten minutes.
48:47I'm sorry.
48:49I'm sorry.
48:50And you've had a good time?
48:54Yes, I've had a great time.
48:57I'm glad to hear it.
48:59Because the truth is that I didn't have all of them with me this morning.
49:02Shut up!
49:10Do you remember anything?
49:14I don't remember anything.
49:17Do you remember anything?
49:20My love, have you heard anything?
49:25What do you mean?
49:28I think you know what I mean.
49:32Have you heard Carla?
49:36Why do you say that?
49:39Because you heard her yesterday, didn't you?
49:42Matilde, Esperanza told me everything.
49:45She's very worried about you.
49:48Esperanza told you?
49:50I know I'm surprised.
49:52She's always liked to talk too much.
49:54My love, don't pay her.
49:55Because if she told me, it's because Mr. Fermin forced her to tell me.
49:58Mr. Fermin was here?
50:01So I guess he also thinks I'm crazy, right?
50:04No, Inigo, I'm not crazy.
50:06I'm not crazy.
50:07And I'm not going to let anyone question what I see or what I hear.
50:10Matilde, please.
50:11No, no, that's it.
50:12Inigo, everything I see is real.
50:14Everything I see is real, do you understand?
50:18My love, let's sit down and calm down.
50:19No, I'm not going to sit down.
50:21I can't believe that the whole world is talking about me.
50:23I can't believe it.
50:24My love, if they're talking about you, it's because they're worried about your condition.
50:26Because they love you very much, really.
50:28Well, let them worry.
50:29Let them worry, but don't turn their backs on me, do you understand?
50:32That's ugly, do you understand?
50:40Let's go.
51:13Come in.
51:20I really wanted to see you.
51:21We haven't seen each other all day.
51:23I'm sorry.
51:24I haven't had a minute or a breath in the lab.
51:30We've also been pretty busy in the living room.
51:34I think the clients have had a gulag attack and we haven't stopped taking out trays.
51:39The good thing about working so much is that you have an entertaining mind, right?
51:44But I, even when I'm sleeping, stop thinking about it.
51:52Sit down, please.
51:56What's wrong?
52:04The owner of the pension where Lucia is has found out that she's been arrested.
52:12Bad luck.
52:16We knew it was going to happen, didn't we?
52:19We knew she'd be fired.
52:22No one wants a woman with a mural under their roof.
52:30What's going to happen now?
52:31Lucia has one day to pack her things and then she'll be out on the street.
52:42You've made a decision, haven't you?
52:48Not the one I want.
52:51But do you think you should?
52:58I think so.
53:01She's the mother of John Carlos.
53:05I can't leave her on the street, can I?
53:10No one would want to be aware of leaving someone on the street.
53:18I didn't know if you'd understand.
53:22So you're going to live under my roof?
53:34Pietro, is there something between you two?
53:42Not for me.
53:47And for her?
53:54Lucia told me she's still in love with me, yes.
53:57I can't lie to you.
54:3113297, please.
54:36Put me through to Dr. Mendoza.
54:40Yes, I'll wait.
54:45Yes, I'm Inigo Peñalver.
54:48I've made a decision regarding Matilde.
54:54No, it's not getting any better.
54:58On the contrary, I'm afraid it's getting worse.
55:03Yes, that's what I want to avoid.
55:07That when we make the decision, it's too late for my wife.
55:17I've prepared everything to get her in.
55:25Don't worry, I won't tell her anything.
55:28Thank you.
55:43They're still married and have a son in common.
55:46Esperanza wanted to put me in the body.
55:48I congratulate her because she did it.
55:50Let's see that woman emigrated because of force majeure.
55:53What does that have to do with it?
55:54It has to do with the fact that she didn't leave because she wanted to or because she was scolded.
55:59What do I do? Do I put myself at the door as a bodyguard?
56:02Mrs. Lazaro, you're a blessing.
56:05You're also a blessing to me, Mr. Fermin.
56:17How are you?
56:18Good, Father.
56:20What a mess.
56:22Fake wedding, fake wedding.
56:25Fake wedding?
56:27What are you saying?
56:29What fake wedding are you talking about?
56:31I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. Do you understand? I'm not crazy.
56:35Matilde, don't shout.
56:37The only thing you're going to get is for people to think otherwise.
56:39That's what I've come to, Marta.
56:41If I deny that I'm crazy, it's because I am.
56:45It turns out that they have found carcoma in the veins of my case.
56:51What does that mean?
56:53That now that you're going to Matilde's house, you're going to put the homework there.
57:00With Lucia.
57:03Pietro, I trust you.
57:05But I can't say the same about her.
57:08Salvita, can you tell me why you had to give Tabas hope to let me work here?
57:12It's already clear to me that I'm not going to make you change your mind.
57:15All I can tell you is that I'm sorry and more than I'm going to feel it.
57:20Because I can't imagine anyone other than you cleaning here.
57:22Look, I even prefer to clean myself.
57:24I don't consider another way of seeing the world but through trust and sincerity.
57:29I share your vision.
57:33My neighbor has come here.
57:35It turns out that a woman has been asking about me at my house.
57:41Even for the neighbor.
57:43Look, I don't know what you're talking about and I have a lot of work. Excuse me.
57:47I'm not done, Teresa.
57:50What's more, I just started.
57:54Close the door and sit down.
57:56Since an agreement with Dr. Mendoza, who is the doctor who is treating her,
58:01we have decided to admit her to a sanatorium.
58:05Does she agree?
58:07She doesn't know.
58:09When will it be?
58:12I just had a very revealing conversation with a person who works in the sanatorium.
58:17She just confirmed to me that they are waiting for a new entry this afternoon.
58:21Did you get it, Carla?
58:23Have you managed to drive her crazy?
58:25It's not enough.
58:27Don't you think it's enough for her to be locked up?
58:29What else does she want?
58:31You said it yourself.
58:33She has taken too many risks and all that effort cannot be wasted.
58:36I love you.
58:42I love you.