Alps no Shoujo Heidi - Ep40 HD Watch HD Deutsch

  • il y a 2 mois
00:00Sous-titrage MFP.
01:00Sous-titrage MFP.
01:30A la fin du cinquième siècle,
01:35l'économie a disparu,
01:40le travail de la pauvreté a disparu,
01:45le travail de la pauvreté a disparu,
01:50et la société a disparu.
01:55Sous-titrage ST' 501
02:26Hey, hey!
02:27Come on, let's go back to the house where you were born!
02:31Let's go!
02:36Chi-chan, if you don't listen to me, I'll leave you behind!
02:51Keiji, are you going home?
02:54Yes! See you later!
02:56Oh, are you going to the mountains already?
02:59I'll come back in the winter!
03:01Oh, wait a minute!
03:05These are cookies I baked.
03:07Eat them while you walk.
03:09Thank you!
03:11Take care!
03:12Are you going home?
03:14Yes, I'll come back!
03:15Aren't you going to school?
03:17I'm going!
03:25Oh, it's Grandma Haiji!
03:27Oh, is that so?
03:31I'm on my way back to the mountains!
03:36Here, I got this for you.
03:38Eat it!
03:40There are so many!
03:42It's Haiji's, isn't it?
03:43It's good!
03:44It's good!
03:45Where's Seita?
03:46He's gone to the forest to pick up some watermelons.
03:49Is that so?
03:50Grandma, I'll come back!
03:53Thank you!
03:54Take care!
04:06Come on, Keiji!
04:07We're going to the mountains!
04:31What's wrong, Keiji?
04:35There's so much snow left!
04:37You're such an idiot!
04:38You'll slip if you get on here!
05:19I'm home, Momino!
05:23I'm home!
05:29Can we go in now?
06:22Ka Wow!
06:28Is it okay, miss?
06:31I don't want to eat.
06:35You need to eat well every time.
06:39That's the first thing you need for your health.
06:42Come on, Miss!
06:43Comme d'habitude...
06:44je jette mes doigts vers les mesures de ré Ost.
06:46C'est de très bonnes sensations !
06:48Quand on écoute le bruit de l'oiseau
06:50on écoute la chanson de la petite mourille de Mr Orokin.
06:53Il est la chanson de la petite mourille de Mr Orokin.
06:56Quand on en écoute deux fois,
06:58les deux chansons s'intégrent dans le son.
07:00A la fin, il y a une chanson de la petite mourille de Mr Orokin.
07:04Quand on entend le bruit,
07:06on a l'impression d'être en chassement.
07:09Comme ça, on change de plateau de manière une peu importante.
07:16Mademoiselle, est-ce que vous n'avez pas encore dormi?
07:20Je ne veux pas dormir.
07:22Non, quand le temps arrive, c'est décidé que vous allez dormir.
07:26Je comprends. Bonne nuit, Lotte Meier.
07:29Bonne nuit.
07:35Le soleil est rempli de fleurs et d'arbres.
07:38Si vous dormez ici, comme vous l'avez dit,
07:42votre maladie pourrait s'échapper.
07:45Je vous en prie.
08:04Je vous en prie, venez chez moi tout de suite.
08:08Nous allons écouter la flûte des arbres,
08:11voir la montagne brûlante,
08:13et placer des fleurs.
08:18Qu'est-ce que c'est?
08:19Lotte Meier a besoin de vous.
08:21Pouvez-vous l'emmener?
08:22Oui, je comprends.
08:29Oh, vous avez déjà fini votre soirée?
08:32Lotte Meier, écrivez à papa tout de suite.
08:38Qu'est-ce qu'il s'est passé?
08:41J'ai promis papa.
08:42J'ai peur qu'il l'oublie.
08:46Quels sont vos promesses?
08:49J'irai à la montagne.
08:52À l'Alps?
08:54C'est pas possible.
08:56C'est pas possible.
08:59Il n'y a pas d'autres solutions.
09:01Il n'y a pas de moyen pour la fille d'aller à la montagne.
09:04Mais papa m'a promis.
09:07Il m'a dit qu'il voulait aller à l'Alps.
09:09Il m'a demandé de l'écrire.
09:11Je n'y crois pas du tout.
09:13Le maître n'a pas fait de promesses inutiles.
09:16Mais je l'ai fait.
09:18En tout cas, j'attends votre retour.
09:21Si Lotte Meier ne l'emmène pas, je l'écrireai.
09:25Non, ce n'est pas possible.
09:27Je vous en parlerai plus tard.
09:30C'est l'heure du repos.
09:35Amène la fille à sa chambre.
09:40S'IL VOUS PLAIT, Écoutez la recette.
09:49Monsieur, j'ai-je reçu mon lettre?
09:52Oui, il est de retour.
09:55Est-ce qu'il a bien écrit?
09:57Je ne sais pas.
10:00Parce qu'il n'a pas répondu.
10:03Non, ce n'est pas le cas.
10:05Je ne sais pas. Je pense qu'il est en train de répondre.
10:10C'est vrai. Clara a beaucoup de choses à écrire.
10:28Madame, vous n'avez pas envie de manger, mais vous ne vous sentez pas bien ?
10:37Alors pourquoi ne vous mangez pas ?
10:40Je ne mange pas parce qu'il ne me laisse pas aller à Alpes.
10:43Qu'est-ce que vous dites ?
10:47Madame, vous ne pouvez pas dire quelque chose de si incompréhensible.
10:51Allez, mangez. Si vous ne mangez pas, votre corps se touchera.
10:54Que se passe-t-il avec mon corps ?
10:58Que dites-vous ? Si quelque chose se passe à madame, je serai la seule à être critiquée par mon maître.
11:04Je ne veux pas être critiquée.
11:06Alors, si j'ai envie d'aller à Alpes, j'ai besoin de vos lettres.
11:11Ce n'est pas la même chose.
11:14Je vois.
11:16Allez, mangez.
11:17Non, je ne mange pas.
11:23Madame, s'il vous plaît, sortez d'ici.
11:26Qu'est-ce que vous faites ?
11:39Je n'ai pas le choix.
11:41Je vais demander à mon maître d'aller me voir.
11:45Vraiment ?
11:47Vraiment, madame.
11:49Oui, je vous en prie.
11:51Je vous offrirai à manger.
11:53Très bien.
11:55Je vous en prie, sortez d'ici, madame.
12:01Sébastien ! Sébastien !
12:03Allez, mangez !
12:18Bonjour, Heidi !
12:20Bonjour !
12:22Vous n'avez pas envoyé vos lettres ?
12:26Non, je n'ai pas envoyé.
12:28Je vois.
12:30Je ne sais pas si vous n'avez pas lu mes lettres.
12:33Vous n'allez pas ?
12:35Non, je vais.
12:37Je vous offrirai à manger.
12:48Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
12:52Heidi !
12:55Vous ne vous sentez pas bien ?
12:58Je vais y aller.
13:00Pourquoi ?
13:02Je vais envoyer une lettre à Clara.
13:04Je vais l'envoyer à la ville.
13:06À Clara ?
13:08Oui, s'il vous plaît.
13:10Hé, Heidi !
13:18Non, non, non !
13:20Vous devez rester ici.
13:22Si vous ne mangez pas vos graines, vous ne devriez pas grandir.
13:27Non, non, non !
13:29Je ne peux pas vous laisser jouer aujourd'hui.
13:31Allez, retournez chez Peeta.
13:36Allez, allez !
13:47Hé, Heidi !
13:49C'est toujours Clara !
13:50C'est toujours Clara !
13:51Clara !
14:16Oui, Kei.
14:20how are you?
14:22I'm fine, too.
14:25I'm worried because you don't reply.
14:31Welcome back, Papa!
14:35You look well.
14:37According to the letter from Mr. Rottenmeier,
14:39you didn't eat anything for the lecture.
14:42But Papa promised me...
14:44...that he would come back.
14:46I see.
14:48I see.
14:50I see.
14:51I see.
14:52I see.
14:53I see.
14:54I see.
14:55I see.
14:56I see.
14:57I was worried that you had forgotten your promise.
15:01I want to see you.
15:04I don't forget anything.
15:06But I have one thing to tell you.
15:09No, I'm going to Alps.
15:13I'm not telling you not to go.
15:16Then what is it?
15:19I want you to go to Alps as much as possible.
15:23But what does the doctor say?
15:26The doctor knows Kurara's condition very well.
15:30What if the doctor says no?
15:34Then you have to give up.
15:38But Papa promised me!
15:42I'll ask the doctor.
15:45That's what matters, Kurara.
15:49It's not a lie, is it, Papa?
15:54What is it?
15:56The doctor is here.
15:58I'll ask him.
16:15So you called me at the right time.
16:19Where are you going?
16:21I'm going on a vacation.
16:23I'm not going anywhere.
16:28So what is it about Kurara?
16:32Kurara wants to go to that Swiss girl.
16:37Ah, the Alps in Haiji?
16:41You know that I promised Kurara that I would take her to the Alps.
16:49It's a big trip for Kurara.
16:53I don't know what to do.
16:56Kurara is getting stronger these days.
16:59I was thinking of taking her to the Alps.
17:02So you're going to let her go?
17:04No, it's a different story.
17:08Do you know what it's like to be in the Alps?
17:12Besides, Kurara doesn't have to stay there for a month or two.
17:17She just has to get used to it.
17:20So you can't go unless she's willing to go.
17:26That's true.
17:28But it's up to Kurara whether it's a good place to live.
17:34The Alps is a good place to live for Kurara.
17:38But in Haiji, there are a lot of hills and mountains.
17:45I don't know if Kurara can use a wheelchair.
17:50It's not possible.
17:54It's better to give up.
17:57I see.
17:59It's not possible.
18:01I'm weak.
18:08By the way, Doctor.
18:11You haven't decided where you're going, have you?
18:14No, I haven't.
18:16You're going to the Alps.
18:20Yes, that's the best.
18:22You'll be able to see the Alps.
18:25And you'll be able to go to Haiji instead of Kurara.
18:28That's a good idea.
18:30Wait a minute.
18:32If Kurara can't go to the Alps,
18:35I'll let her go.
18:38But Zeze...
18:40Don't worry about it.
18:43I'll let Kurara know right away.
18:55I can't let you go to the Alps right now,
18:58but I'll let the doctor go instead.
19:02The doctor?
19:04No, I'm not going yet.
19:08The doctor doesn't know where the Alps are,
19:11so he can't let you go.
19:15Wait a minute.
19:17I'm going to ask the doctor
19:19if it's really good for you.
19:22I see.
19:25What if the doctor says no?
19:30I don't want to go there for my health.
19:33I want to go to Haiji.
19:35That's true, but...
19:42I understand.
19:44I'll go to Haiji.
19:49The doctor wants to let you go.
19:53He's going to check on you,
19:55so it's not going to end badly.
20:00I see.
20:03I understand, Doctor.
20:09Please go to Haiji.
20:12And when you get back,
20:14don't forget to tell him about the Alps.
20:17Tell him about Haiji,
20:19about Peter, Joseph and the goats.
20:23They're all my friends.
20:26Of course.
20:28I'll tell him everything.
20:32I want you to bring me something to give to Haiji.
20:36I've been thinking about it for a long time.
20:38I want to give something to Grandma and Grandpa.
20:42All right.
20:43I'll bring you everything.
20:46Thank you.
20:54I'm looking forward to your return.
20:57You're a good girl, Kurara.
21:01You're a good girl.
21:04Now we're even.
21:06Thank you, Doctor.
21:08You're welcome.
21:09I'm going to ask Mr. Rottenmeier
21:11to prepare your luggage.
21:14I'll write a letter to Haiji right away.
21:28Good morning.
21:30Did you get my letter?
21:32Yes, I did.
21:34That's great.
21:36Kurara, you have to read it this time.
21:42Wait for me.
21:43I'll bring your lunch.
21:44Kurara sent you a letter.
21:51It's true!
21:52Thank you, Peter.
21:54That's great.
21:58Thank you for the letter.
22:00I'm fine.
22:02I'll be right there.
22:04My doctor is on his way to Mt. Alm where Haiji is.
22:09The doctor is coming!
22:21Kurara's doctor is coming!
22:24Haiji's souvenir is a nice overcoat.
22:28Please wear it in winter.
22:30I'll bring a thick shawl for Peter's grandmother.
22:35I prepared a tobacco for Grandpa.
22:39Peter has a souvenir too.
22:41It's a sausage.
22:45A sausage!
22:46It's from Frankfurt, right?
22:48It's delicious!
22:50Please don't give the sausage to Peter.
22:55Peter will be happy.
22:57He can't eat all the sausage at once.
23:00Please give the sausage to Peter
23:04when he finishes eating for his grandmother and mother.
23:08Oh, no!
23:10I'm sure we'll meet again soon.
23:12Please take care of Grandpa.
23:14Haiji is looking forward to seeing Kurara.
23:22I'm glad, Haiji.
23:25I'm glad too.
23:31Kurara is coming!
23:34Haiji didn't think that Kurara would come.
23:38He was dreaming of the day he would see Kurara.
23:45The End
23:54Haiji was looking forward to seeing Kurara.
23:58He was disappointed to learn that only the doctor had come to the mountain.
24:03But the doctor explained to Haiji that the mountain of Alm
24:08had come to find out whether Kurara's illness was good or not.
24:13When Haiji heard this, he asked the doctor to take a good look at the mountain of Alm
24:18and to take Kurara with him.
24:23Next time, we'll talk about the doctor's promise.
24:26Stay tuned!
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24:50See you next time!
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25:25See you next time!
25:43Thank you for watching!
