Killer from Above 1977

  • 2 months ago
English dubs.
Dao jian ba wang quan
Cool Face Hero 1977
00:00:00I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:01I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:02I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:03I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:04I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:05I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:06I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:07I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:08I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:09I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:10I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:11I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:12I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:13I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:14I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:15I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:16I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:17I don't know what you're talking about.
00:00:41Where are you from?
00:00:48Your reputation has preceded you, your fast reactions, and your great endurance.
00:01:05Who are you?
00:01:06I belong to the Keen Blade Brotherhood.
00:01:09I'm the killer, Shen Wu Hai.
00:01:11Ah, you're the pupil of Gou Eyi.
00:01:16Ou Tian, better prepare yourself.
00:02:59My friend, what do you want with me?
00:03:02You wouldn't by chance be Shen Xiaowei.
00:03:05That's right, I do happen to be Shen Xiaowei.
00:03:08And you?
00:03:09My name's Shen Wu Hai.
00:03:13You're the knife killer, Shen Wu Hai.
00:04:28Brother, is this the place we're meant to meet?
00:04:30Looks like it.
00:04:31Must be the place.
00:04:32That son of a bitch Shen has tricked us into coming out here, but he hasn't the guts to turn up.
00:04:41I don't need courage to meet with you, nor do I need courage to kill you.
00:04:56Shen Wu Hai, you may be able to kill the doctor in Jiang, but you'll find we're different.
00:05:01I've never failed in an assignment to murder.
00:05:05Well, there's always a first time.
00:06:01Sheikh Long Liang!
00:06:13I'm going to kill you.
00:06:15I'm going to kill you.
00:06:17I'm going to kill you.
00:06:19I'm going to kill you.
00:06:21I'm going to kill you.
00:06:23I'm going to kill you.
00:06:25I'm going to kill you.
00:06:27I'm going to kill you.
00:06:29I'm going to kill you.
00:06:31I'm going to kill you.
00:06:33I'm going to kill you.
00:06:35I'm going to kill you.
00:06:37I'm going to kill you.
00:06:39I'm going to kill you.
00:06:41I'm going to kill you.
00:06:43I'm going to kill you.
00:06:45I'm going to kill you.
00:06:47I'm going to kill you.
00:06:49I'm going to kill you.
00:06:51I'm going to kill you.
00:06:53I'm going to kill you.
00:06:55I'm going to kill you.
00:06:57I'm going to kill you.
00:06:59I'm going to kill you.
00:07:01I'm going to kill you.
00:07:03I'm going to kill you.
00:07:05I'm going to kill you.
00:07:07I'm going to kill you.
00:07:09I'm going to kill you.
00:07:11I'm going to kill you.
00:07:13I'm going to kill you.
00:07:15I'm going to kill you.
00:07:17I'm going to kill you.
00:07:19I'm going to kill you.
00:07:21I'm going to kill you.
00:07:23I'm going to kill you.
00:07:25I'm going to kill you.
00:07:27I'm going to kill you.
00:07:29I'm going to kill you.
00:07:31I'm going to kill you.
00:07:33I'm going to kill you.
00:07:35I'm going to kill you.
00:07:39Mr. Parr.
00:07:41Lord, have mercy.
00:07:43Mr. Parr.
00:07:45You have your men everywhere.
00:07:47You can find out where the killer is hiding.
00:07:49Well, Abbott, he is most elusive.
00:07:51After every killing,
00:07:53he just seems to disappear.
00:07:55My men have been looking all over,
00:07:57but they haven't come up with a thing yet.
00:07:59Mr. Shee!
00:08:07My friends,
00:08:09sorry to keep you waiting.
00:08:11Sit down.
00:08:15Mr. Shee,
00:08:17you're our chairman for this year.
00:08:19It is your responsibility to stop him.
00:08:21This killer mustn't survive.
00:08:23The killer claimed
00:08:25that he was a pupil of Kowai,
00:08:27and that he was a member
00:08:29of the Kowai family.
00:08:31He was a member of the Kowai family.
00:08:33He was a member of the Kowai family.
00:08:35He was a pupil of Kowai.
00:08:37And isn't Kowai a brother of yours?
00:08:39My friend,
00:08:41have no worries.
00:08:43I shall first make myself known to him.
00:08:45He'll come to me.
00:08:47No, you should come out into the open.
00:08:55My friends,
00:08:57please, you must listen to me.
00:08:59This man is homicidal.
00:09:01It is my duty
00:09:03to hunt him down.
00:09:09But since he has declared
00:09:11that he is my brother's pupil,
00:09:13and my brother's disappeared
00:09:15from sight a year now,
00:09:17I must first of all try to find him.
00:09:19It's imperative
00:09:21that I discuss this with him first.
00:09:25I will tell you what I have decided.
00:09:27Mr. Shee,
00:09:29if the man who's the killer
00:09:31is your brother,
00:09:33then you...
00:09:35First, justice must be served.
00:09:37Even if the man was my own son,
00:09:41I'd still have to execute him.
00:09:43Buddha's name be praised.
00:09:57Well, gentlemen,
00:09:59it's time for our tournament
00:10:01to choose the new chief.
00:10:03In the meantime,
00:10:05you must remain here
00:10:07until that day.
00:10:09Then I will be pleased
00:10:11to hand the killer over to you.
00:10:15Yes, Master?
00:10:17You can spread the word
00:10:19to our fraternity.
00:10:21I'll give a thousand gold tails
00:10:23to whoever finds the killer.
00:10:25Yes, sir.
00:10:29Let's go.
00:10:59Hey, come on.
00:11:01Let's get inside.
00:11:03I'm getting a little bit hungry.
00:11:05Yeah, me too.
00:11:07Let's find a place to get some dollars.
00:11:09Hey, what about this place?
00:11:11Let's go in here.
00:11:13Here? All right.
00:11:15Waiter! Hey, waiter!
00:11:17Coming, coming.
00:11:19What are you two doing here again?
00:11:21You know you've no more credit here.
00:11:23Oh, my credit's gone!
00:11:25Shut up!
00:11:27Shut up!
00:11:29You call me a thief?
00:11:31God damn it!
00:11:33You're insulting me!
00:11:35Who wants credit?
00:11:37Only beggars need credit.
00:11:43please forgive me.
00:11:45What would you like to order?
00:11:47Fish and onions, baked mushrooms,
00:11:49pickle beet, roast duck.
00:11:51Bring whatever you have.
00:11:53You can take these dishes away.
00:11:57I'll bring you all your food in just a moment.
00:11:59Thank you.
00:12:05What did that waiter call us just now?
00:12:09Gentlemen? So we're gentlemen?
00:12:11Why not? If our money is good,
00:12:13then we are.
00:12:15What difference does money make?
00:12:17If we're poor,
00:12:19then we're rotten bastards.
00:12:23I've been a gentleman, not a bastard.
00:12:25Don't you worry.
00:12:27Very soon,
00:12:29we're going to have lots of money.
00:12:31You remember that the word is on the streets
00:12:33that if we can find a killer by ourselves,
00:12:35then we'll get a reward of 1,000 gold tails.
00:12:37So all we have to do
00:12:39is find him, and it shouldn't be hard.
00:12:41And once we have all that lovely money,
00:12:43then we'll be men of considerable means.
00:12:45We won't be just gentlemen.
00:12:47We'll be treated like lords.
00:12:49Oh, Toppo, you've forgotten.
00:12:51If we don't know where the killer is hiding, what'll we do?
00:12:53That's no problem. The word on the street has it
00:12:55the killer's got a hat and a carving knife.
00:13:13The killer!
00:13:15What's the matter with you?
00:13:17The killer! Hey, hold it! You!
00:13:27Hey, quickly!
00:13:29Look for him! Come on!
00:13:31Come on!
00:13:45Oh, goddammit!
00:13:47Close your eyes! What are you doing?
00:13:49I am looking!
00:13:53Hey, where is he?
00:13:55Why ask me? How do I know?
00:14:01You're looking for me?
00:14:03Do you happen to be the killer?
00:14:05That's right.
00:14:07My name's Toppo.
00:14:09And you would like to capture me and collect the reward.
00:14:11Is that it?
00:14:13That's right!
00:14:35So you two must be
00:14:37the famous acrobat brothers Po.
00:14:39I could have hurt you just now.
00:14:41Oh, no.
00:14:47You shouldn't laugh at us like that.
00:14:49Because now you're aware of who we are.
00:14:51You leave us no other choice.
00:14:53We're going to have to turn you in.
00:14:55Is that right?
00:14:57You'd better leave.
00:15:01You mean you're letting us go?
00:15:03I am. Or do you want another beating?
00:15:07Does he look like a bad guy?
00:15:09A bad guy wouldn't let us go free.
00:15:11Right. I never kill an innocent person.
00:15:17Then why'd you kill the doctor and Cheng?
00:15:19They were evil.
00:15:21Hold it!
00:15:23What now?
00:15:25You surely don't want another fight?
00:15:27No, but we can tell a good man when we meet him
00:15:29you could have killed us and yet you let us go.
00:15:31We must repay you.
00:15:33Right. It's our duty.
00:15:35So you two really are decent men.
00:15:37In that case you can do me a small favor
00:15:39and then we'll call it quits. Agreed?
00:15:43Wait! We draw the line at something.
00:15:47All right. Nothing crooked.
00:15:49You two are to get jobs as Chen Yan's bodyguards
00:15:51then report to me.
00:15:53That's a piece of cake.
00:15:55I'll meet you in the temple gardens tomorrow.
00:15:57Good. We'll be there.
00:16:07The killer has just turned up in the town.
00:16:11Brother, don't let him out of your sight.
00:16:15Don't worry, you'll not get away from me this time.
00:16:17See that he doesn't.
00:16:21Come inside.
00:16:37Hello, miss.
00:16:39What will you have?
00:16:41Waiter, I'd like a plate of freshly cooked buns and hurry up.
00:16:43Sure, right away.
00:16:45Take a seat first.
00:17:07Don't worry.
00:17:19You there! Are you deaf or something?
00:17:25Now listen!
00:17:27Hand over every cent you've got.
00:17:29Come on, hand it over.
00:17:35Come on!
00:17:39Come on, let's have it.
00:17:41Come on, let's have it.
00:17:45Lester, be so kind as to return my money.
00:17:47It's a loan from some friends.
00:17:49My father's very sick. I beg you.
00:17:51I need it for medicine.
00:17:55You're a very persuasive young lady.
00:17:57I'll give it back to you.
00:17:59But first...
00:18:01You'll have to give me a good time.
00:18:19Can you handle this fight?
00:18:21Or do you want me to help?
00:18:25You there! I'm from the bandit country.
00:18:27You better stay well clear of me.
00:18:29If you hurt me, I'll kill you.
00:18:33What's that? Are you serious?
00:18:37I can't believe you really mean it.
00:18:39Damn it! Who are you?
00:18:43I'm Sheng. Shen Wu Hai.
00:18:47You? You're the killer Shen Wu Hai?
00:18:59Come on!
00:19:15Let's go!
00:19:19Thank you, sir.
00:19:21Thank you, sir.
00:19:23Don't mention it.
00:19:25It was nothing.
00:19:27I'm doing my job.
00:19:29I just don't like troublemakers.
00:19:33Miss, it's yours.
00:19:37My friend, that money belongs to me.
00:19:39What right do you have to give it to her?
00:19:41No, you can't...
00:19:43No, Miss.
00:19:45It's my money as a reward for saving your life.
00:19:49Well, if you're going to keep it, then I'll have to stop you.
00:19:53My friend, you better watch your luck.
00:19:55Or else you might be going too far.
00:19:57Suppose I don't believe you're Shen Wu Hai.
00:19:59How would you know that?
00:20:01You've never met him.
00:20:03Is that so? You're talking to him.
00:20:25If you hadn't turned up to save me,
00:20:27I would have been dead by now.
00:20:29I'm sorry.
00:20:31I'm sorry.
00:20:33I'm sorry.
00:20:35I'm sorry.
00:20:37I'm sorry.
00:20:39I'm sorry.
00:20:41I'm sorry.
00:20:43I'm sorry.
00:20:45I'm sorry.
00:20:47I'm sorry.
00:20:49I'm sorry.
00:20:51I'm sorry.
00:20:53If you hadn't turned up to save me,
00:20:55then I wouldn't have been able to return
00:20:57to take care of my father.
00:20:59Please, Miss.
00:21:01Don't you go and upset yourself.
00:21:03You've gone and got yourself hurt because of me.
00:21:05Take a good rest.
00:21:07I'll see that you get home safely tomorrow.
00:21:09Oh, thanks very much.
00:21:13You're right.
00:21:15Take it easy.
00:21:17Get up now.
00:21:23If you...
00:21:25If you...
00:21:27If you want me now...
00:21:37It's getting cold.
00:21:39You'd better put this on.
00:21:41It is getting cold.
00:22:29Get away!
00:22:47Let me give you a little advice if you value your own life say what I say
00:22:52Get out of here now general. Hi, you think you're pretty good. Don't you pity because now you've had it
00:22:59There's no way you're gonna get out of this jam
00:23:02Hey, miss, are you? All right?
00:23:05Yes, I am. Don't worry about me quick run away. Nobody is leaving here
00:23:11My friend the way you talk you're not long for this
00:23:27Why are you turning on me
00:23:32Shen Wu I
00:23:34Drop pretenses. I'm the widow spider. You can call me madam June
00:23:39So you're the widow spider. I should have guessed it woman can never be trusted
00:23:44Hmm you men are all alike you think you're gods and you're the smiling killer
00:23:54Quite right
00:23:55You should have known the widow spiders with me. The name is sing Chen then I can assume you're after the gold
00:24:02You're a clever man why else but money would I have put up with the pain
00:24:07So many against one aren't you all but doing it
00:24:11Shen Wu hi, we're aware of your reputation
00:24:14How else but by deceit could we help to capture you?
00:24:18Shen Wu hi, don't try to escape. I stabbed you with my poison ring. You'll soon fall into unconsciousness
00:24:30Tie him up
00:24:32Tie him up
00:24:35My friend money's dangerous women even worse you be careful or this woman will double-cross you as well. That's enough. Let's go
00:25:06Mister where are you going?
00:25:57Watch him closely don't let him escape
00:26:02Hey, come on
00:26:17Hey miss, could you please help us? Oh
00:26:21Thank you, you're becoming an old man what's wrong with you when you can't even move a tree away
00:26:35Never reckoned to such idiots could use their brains
00:26:42Hey, you meet you in okay, I gather that they have lost the gold
00:26:46They guarded and the owner has insisted that unless the chief guard returns the money to him soon
00:26:52He's gonna have him thrown in jail
00:26:56How much is it
00:26:586,000 gold tails
00:27:00Aren't you friends with child a head guard? I'm not I just heard he's a good son. I
00:27:06Always feel when a good man's in trouble. He needs help, right? I could not agree with you more
00:27:10I am dedicated to helping the good and exterminating the evil
00:27:24Know you've made a mistake by tangling with us. I know that you're pretty plucky for a woman
00:27:29I don't want to kill you, but you must make me an offer
00:27:34Name your price. I'll give you 4,000 tails
00:27:44Haven't finished yet. Thank you. I'll give you a 4,000 tails if you'll take it to the chief guard job
00:27:52Just like that. Yeah me
00:27:55Right, then it's a deal
00:27:58Come you got so much gold. Hey, don't forget that. I'm now worth 10,000 gold tails
00:28:05You want us to take you to their headquarters, that's right
00:28:07Oh, mr. Shen, you're crazier than I thought why go looking for death when you're still a young man
00:29:29Wait, mr. Maher, I'm alright
00:29:34Fusco you should be nominated as a chief again this year as well
00:29:42Someone has just brought the news they have arrested a killer Oh who made the arrest the smiley killer sing to and the widow spider
00:29:56You mean just the two of them caught him I find that hard to believe it's impossible they tricked him into it, sir
00:30:06Send out some men right now to bring him back here and try to find out what has happened to my brother while you're on
00:30:12your way
00:30:13Master, we'll do as you say. We'll bring him back. Hmm. Off you go, sir
00:30:23Mr. Maher, yes, sir
00:30:40Where is he
00:30:46Here he is
00:30:57Assistant you can keep it. It belonged to my teacher
00:31:01Shenwu hi, you are indeed a hero
00:31:04You'll laugh and nothing seems to bother you
00:31:07But laughing is not gonna help me much now, is it? Hmm. You're right laughter won't help you. Let's go
00:31:43Don't understand what mr. Shen is up to in this business. God damn it. You'll never understand. Why don't you keep your mouth shut?
00:31:51Hey, why should I if mr. Shen tells us to do something for him then we do it Oh
00:32:01For the very first time I've so much money
00:32:07Wait on there we have only got part of it
00:32:23Suppose Shen should escape we'd be in for it
00:32:34Well, but he's in their headquarters now. He can't escape from them
00:32:38No, don't underestimate him. If he wasn't sure of himself, he wouldn't have let himself be taken there
00:32:47I don't know
00:32:51Once they get rid of him
00:32:53Then we will be in the clear
00:33:12Come in do you want a room for the night? Yeah, of course. Oh, please come in then
00:33:21This way please
00:33:26Hey fellas
00:33:51These two poisonous darts kill in seconds, so you'd better be careful when you're handling them
00:33:59Okay, Shannon's gonna meet his death finally tonight for sure
00:34:03Hey, I'm going now, but don't you do a disappearing trick with the money?
00:34:08She why should I come off it? Oh
00:34:12Not now
00:34:21Take care
00:34:34Brother be careful. I'll meet with you at the temple. Good. That's all right. I'll be waiting
00:35:29Check yeah, how's he doing? Hey still there. Be careful. Yes
00:36:06What's that noise go down and see
00:36:20Litchi what the hell's happened? Where is Shenmue? Hi
00:36:23I'm a pig
00:36:32Litchi you failed in your job. Why because I had two good friends who came to my rescue and you friend
00:36:38You know me a special favor
00:36:40Then why don't you get away?
00:36:42A man has to do what he's got to do. If I go it's only fair. I'll let you know. Sorry. I'm gone
00:37:15Mr. Sun she's riding a carriage out of town
00:37:29Don't you
00:37:33Madam Jew, what's that?
00:37:44Madam Jew, how are you?
00:37:49Are you still alive?
00:37:51What a woman is as beautiful as you how could I go to hell alone the person who died was my brother sing to you
00:37:57Please you must forgive me
00:38:00But I just couldn't help myself
00:38:02It was too much money
00:38:05But I promise I'll not do it again. Please. I'll be faithful
00:38:12That's what you say today, but what are you gonna say tomorrow madam Jew
00:38:18Stop it. I know you too. Well
00:39:19Money corrupts everybody
00:39:24General I you
00:39:27You see just like you I'm alive
00:39:33However now you're gonna die
00:39:50Most people when they are poor go to their friends, but if they're rich they don't want any friends. Mr
00:39:56Shoe, what is it that you want from me? Oh
00:39:59Originally, I wanted to go in a town. I'd enlisted the aid of two friends to get the ten thousand gold tails
00:40:04We could have got through I noticed and helped ourselves to it, but things have changed I've got to make other arrangement
00:42:21Want you to take this money to chow immediately and you can keep the remaining 4,000 no, no, really I don't want to go
00:42:28I don't need it
00:42:30Right. I'm not happy when I'm money and a poor man usually lives longer
00:42:34Right. I hope you can get this money through to chow
00:42:37and I want you to inform him that this money's been sent to him by shout you and that I trust he'll make it to
00:42:42headquarters for the contest so he can take part I
00:42:46Do what? Will you be doing? Oh, I'll go back. There is a prisoner
00:42:52Of course I am it'll be clear to you later on bye
00:43:02Quick after him. He can't have gone very far. Hi
00:43:06It's not necessary. I decided to come back
00:43:10What did you say?
00:43:11Life on the run is no fun
00:43:13Everyone wanted to kill me. I figured I'd be safer here
00:43:19Come on Shane you're not talking to a kid what kind of a game you're playing up
00:43:24I've gotta go to headquarters sometime and with you as escort. We'll make it fast and safely
00:43:31And you will come by yourself
00:43:34Aren't I here? What are you waiting for? All right, man. Yes, sir. Time up tightly
00:43:40Come on you heard me
00:44:03Can't say that I really do
00:44:06This rope is intertwined with nails whatever it is you've got in mind you're not gonna get away this time
00:44:13Assistant I'll double the money if we get there safely. We'll discuss it later
00:44:20We will see you've lost your chance. Come on headquarters
00:47:15Am low-key
00:47:17My teacher happened to be chun-yi kun Johnny gun
00:47:23My teacher was killed by their four men
00:47:27The ones known as the special killers
00:47:31In fact, they have learned black magic
00:47:34They're dedicated to murdering everyone in their way
00:47:38and so I
00:47:40Have taken an oath
00:47:43That whoever gets rid of them
00:47:46Will have my undying loyalty
00:47:49I'll do everything in my power for him
00:47:54But then the doctor and Cheng passed themselves off as men of that you to when in fact they were evil
00:48:01Mr. Shen one thing still puzzles me
00:48:05You're so skilled in kung fu. How come they arrested you? I wanted it
00:48:10Huh, mr. Lowe, I appreciate you saving my life and I'm grateful but you've upset my original plan
00:48:18What do you mean I was arrested because that was part of my plan
00:48:24Mr. Lowe, thanks once again for what you've done, but now we go our separate ways
00:48:30But if you do want to help then go and find child the Chen Yan bodyguard
00:48:36Before the contest at their headquarters, then you'll understand
00:48:44I've heard it said that you're the pupil of Kauai
00:48:50If that's so, why hasn't he shown up to help you? I don't know
00:48:56It's strange. I'm puzzled
00:48:59Well now if you really don't want to talk about it
00:49:04I'm not gonna force you
00:49:07All right, we'll go now
00:49:09Mr. Shen take good care same to you. Goodbye. Goodbye
00:49:57Know I'm gonna escape from headquarters without dying marshal hadn't we better talk first
00:50:02Look here. This has nothing to do with you
00:50:06I want that guy's head on a plate and if I don't return with you to headquarters, what happens to you then?
00:50:14Of course you do realize that if I wanted to leave no one here could stop me
00:50:31Give up your life for me
00:50:33Shen will hide
00:50:35I'll agree to your terms
00:50:37However, you'll have to surrender first. No, let him go first
00:50:42Alright, I'll let him go first
00:50:44But he couldn't get very far from my poison darts and my men could always hunt him down when they were told
00:50:50That remains to be seen
00:50:52Mr. Lo let us say goodbye
00:51:02Let him go
00:51:09Come on you better tie me up. Otherwise, I might escape
00:51:18What do you say oh
00:51:20Well, mr. This money has been sent to you by mr. Shen, right, right, you know, Shen will hi
00:51:27Sen will hi
00:51:30But he's the killer I
00:51:32Don't know him. What's dead? You don't know him then. Oh
00:51:37I'm convinced Jenny's if he's rocker giving go to a straight
00:51:41Stop talking gibberish and mister. He told us to inform you that it was sent to you by shout
00:51:48Right the cavalryman shouts you
00:51:51That's not you. That's right. And he wants you to meet him at the martial arts tournament
00:52:03Master the killer Shen wu-hai is here. Bring him in bring in
00:52:26Untie him
00:52:29You're a man of courage
00:52:38And so you
00:52:40Why did you kill the four special expert?
00:52:43Because there were dangerous men working on your orders. Oh, so you want to kill my man?
00:52:49Only those who deserve to die, huh?
00:52:54Brother go IE. Where is he now?
00:52:57Hmm. I don't want to talk about it. Oh, really
00:53:02When will you talk about him?
00:53:05What I told you when I feel like it not till then
00:53:16Why did you surrender voluntarily
00:53:19Well, I gather you have a deep-water dungeon here a prisoner survives no longer than three days I'd like to try
00:53:27Aren't you afraid?
00:53:29But what is there in death an end to life? That's all
00:53:35Assistant. Yes, sir. Take him to the dungeon that sublides the gentleman
00:53:46Attention be careful how you sleep many die because they fall off in their sleep and then they are drowned
00:54:50The Emperor's fist fraternity was founded by me
00:54:57Coaching chung wanted to involve me and my brother Shay
00:55:03But the doctor changed our way and his four killers
00:55:09Met together in a secret room
00:55:13To plan a way to rid all opposition to the chain
00:55:18When everyone gathers for the annual contest
00:55:23They intend to kill them all
00:55:54Felt obligated to my brother
00:55:57So I tried to dissuade him in the hope I could change his mind
00:56:02But he refused to listen
00:56:04He got very angry and then he tried to have me kill
00:57:26Thought there was a chance see my change
00:57:30After all, he was my brother. I wanted to spare him
00:57:34But when I had turned my back on him, he attacked me
00:57:54But he also wanted to learn the secret of my skill the deadly finger
00:58:00So he didn't have me killed
00:58:04Instead he put me in the water dungeon
00:58:07What he didn't know was that I had designed the dungeon myself
00:58:29However, when I tried to make my escape I
00:58:32Found out that he had been mixing poison with my food
00:59:26Because I wanted others to know about his evil scheme I
00:59:31Started keeping a book which I placed in this box
00:59:36Along with the sacred knife. I
00:59:39Then floated it out on the water in the hope it would be found and the conspiracy halted in time
01:01:31What is it the ceremonial platform is ready and we can start whatever you say
01:01:38Where is Jinfu he's here master
01:01:46Mr. Ma, yes, sir. Are you quite sure the Chen is absolutely secure?
01:01:52But he's in the dungeon and there's nothing he can do there
01:01:56Better double the guard
01:01:59Better double the guard. I can't take any chances. Yes
01:02:13Mr. Shan you'll catch your death
01:02:42I'm sorry, you're gonna die on my part. Huh death holds no fear for me
01:02:50Shen Wu hi, I told you we'd eventually catch up with him
01:03:15Only a really wicked man could have built this place
01:03:18Loci, you're quite wrong there. It was built by my teacher, but you said it was built by cool
01:03:26Can tell you the truth now, I suppose since I have come here to find the truth myself
01:03:31What is this place?
01:03:34The teacher was locked in here by shoe and if I can find him, I'll be able to expose shoes plans
01:03:39Why should shoot do this to his own brother?
01:03:43Well, it's a long story
01:03:45Hey, no
01:03:46Gee, we better find the secret passage first and get my teacher up and we'll know exactly what you plan to do when he set
01:03:52up this meeting
01:04:07First we search around these walls for an opening. I'm convinced it's here somewhere
01:04:21Hey, at least I know now why you surrendered because you wanted to find out that's right
01:04:26He played into my hands. She was still curious, but he'd no other choice. He had to put me in the cell
01:05:27Never thought shoe could be capable of such evil
01:05:31These are for power can corrupt quicker than money
01:05:34Hey, do you think your teacher could still be alive?
01:05:37Since he knows the way out of here. There's every chance
01:06:01The third annual martial arts festival is about to begin
01:06:05The first contestant for the bout is the monk known as North wind
01:06:18Master let's forget mister, please
01:06:53Thanks for being so considerate
01:06:59The second contestant on the list is mr. Hall and
01:07:09The martial arts contest has begun
01:07:12Mr. Shin, we better find a way out quick even if we do get out if I can't find teacher
01:07:17How do I know what shoes planning to do? Yeah
01:08:32Hope he'd still be alive
01:08:35Now all my hopes are completely dashed
01:08:42Platform explosive, what does he mean by that? Could you have possibly dynamited the entire structure?
01:11:54The killer there's no hurry
01:11:57There are some friends here
01:11:59You may like to see
01:12:00They came here to be with you right men bring them out here now
01:12:12So you're the horseman shout you Massey I've got bad news
01:12:21Loci is behind all this. No, you're telling lies
01:12:26Loci you're gonna be the first to die. No, the first one to die is you
01:16:32You know, you really do have something about you
01:16:35You're the first one to escape from the dungeon
01:16:39However, you're not going to escape from me now
01:16:44Mr. Shu, I've got to admit you have certain talent. You're calm and you're cunning
01:16:51Thank you
01:16:53But I'm not that calm
01:16:55Otherwise, I would have realized that there was a tunnel
01:17:00I'm not cunning
01:17:03Because I didn't know my brother's already dead you're a cold-blooded murderer
01:17:11General hi because I'm cool. I've risen to great power
01:18:25How can we believe a word he says
01:18:49What is all this fuss about master you reckon that you can take the word of a murderer
01:18:56Master I can guarantee with my own life that what mr. Sen says is true. Mr
01:19:01Sir, have you really gone and put dynamite under the stage? Mr. Parr the killer and joy are a conspiracy
01:19:08Want to ruin me?
01:19:11The killer is trying to confuse you and set us all against you. Why not ask him to prove his allegations if he can
01:23:05Should have killed you in the water dungeon. I'm afraid it's too late for regrets