Frasier Season 3 Episode 6 Sleeping With The Enemy

  • 3 months ago
Frasier Season 3 Episode 6 Sleeping With The Enemy


00:00Well, my husband is always criticizing me because in restaurants I like to listen in
00:06on strangers' conversations. I don't know why he makes such a big deal out of nothing.
00:13Well, June, I suppose your lack of interest makes your husband feel invisible. Imagine
00:21what it must be like to sit across from someone who's constantly scanning, searching, craning
00:28their neck to see just what the hell is going on out there.
00:31Oh, gosh, you're right. I've been insensitive. It's just common decency to stay focused on
00:38the other person.
00:40Huh? What? Oh, well, good for you, Jane.
00:47Oh, yeah, well, whatever. Uh, this is Dr. Frasier Crane, KACL. Have a seat.
00:57What is going on?
00:59Oh, our beloved station manager decided we're not getting our raise this year.
01:04What? This is an outrage! I have a contract!
01:08Don't palpitate. It doesn't apply to the on-air talent.
01:12Oh, thank God.
01:15I'm sorry. I was being selfish, wasn't I? I, uh, feel very ashamed. It is, nevertheless,
01:33uh, an outrage. It is not a personal outrage, but certainly a family of man outrage.
01:40Frasier, I spent that raise already on my new diamond earrings. I love them. I love
01:46them so much, I slept with them.
01:48Well, Roz, as long as you're doing it for love, it's a step in the right direction.
01:56Real supportive, Frasier. We've been getting that raise every year, and now this Nazi in
02:01nylons comes waltzing in here and cancels it with some vague crap about corporate belt
02:09tightening. This isn't fair!
02:11No, actually, you're right. Maybe you should tell her what you just told me. Except I would
02:18leave out the Nazi in nylons bit. It's not your best icebreaker.
02:24No, you're damn right we're gonna tell her.
02:28We've all been here a hell of a lot longer than she has.
02:32She pushes us, we push back.
02:37She's standing right behind me, isn't she?
02:41Yeah. Is there a problem?
02:45Nope. Good.
02:49Uh, these people would like to speak with you.
02:52No, I'm sorry. I can't talk right now. I've got a meeting.
02:56I'm sorry? Excuse me? I think your meeting can wait five minutes. Now, they're a little
03:01upset about your memo. I think you should discuss it with them.
03:05Dr. Crane, I wrote the memo, I signed the memo, I posted the memo. If I had anything
03:11more to say, I would have put it...anybody?
03:15In the memo?
03:18Okay. If she wants to play tough, we'll play tough back. We still have a lot of power here.
03:26Now, we could go on strike.
03:30No, no. You know what? I think you should listen to Roz. Every year, in exchange for
03:36your hard work, you receive a five percent raise. Now, you've fulfilled your part of
03:41the bargain. She has blithely changed the deal.
03:44In the hood, they call that being dissed.
03:48Yes, my street-wise friend.
03:53You have a right to stand up for yourselves.
03:57Okay. We gonna do this? Are we together?
04:00What's the point? If we strike, they'll just replace us. They only care about the on-air people.
04:07So we'll get their support. Fraser just said he's on our side.
04:11I did?
04:12Well, yes, I did. I did. Yes, but my meager endorsement is meaningless without the support
04:20of the other talent.
04:22Did you hear that? Fraser's gonna get everyone on our side!
04:28I'd love to help, but I'm already in hot water with that woman. You can't ask me to raise
04:34a mutiny against her.
04:37The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one. James Tiberius Kirk, Captain
04:45Starship Enterprise.
04:52Go away, you annoying little man.
05:02Oh, all right, all right. You organize your people, I'll talk to mine.
05:22Hey, beat it.
05:29Hey, you can't run with a bulldog, stay in the porch.
05:36Oh, good evening, Fraser. You left your Mont Blanc in my car, so I...
05:46I see cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, milling.
05:53By the suspicious type, I'd say you were throwing a party to which I was not invited.
05:58Feel like a winner now?
05:59Indeed I do.
06:06Niles, this is not a party, and Dad, that is $14 a pound andouille sausage.
06:11Wow, means that ate about 30 bucks worth.
06:19Niles, these people are colleagues from the station. We're here to discuss a labor dispute.
06:23Oh, well, fight on, people.
06:27You know, there is no greater friend to the working man than my own Maris. Remember when
06:32our stable boy Joaquin's appendix burst?
06:35She had him driven back to the border at her own personal expense.
06:42Ah, good evening, Fraser.
06:44Oh, Cheryl Floyd.
06:46Oh, what a stunning apartment. The palette is pure, subtle elegance.
06:53The detailing, well, it's inspired. And the furnishings...
06:59Oh, dear.
07:02Is that a chair?
07:05That is my father's chair.
07:07Oh, well, this must be your father.
07:11Marty Crane, you put on quite a show.
07:14Oh, you've heard my little program.
07:16No, I mean just coming through the door.
07:22Doc, Doc, can we hurry this thing up? I got a charity event tonight.
07:26She's not much to look at, but what the hell?
07:29Okay, well, since we're all here, um...
07:33Now, regarding management's claim of financial distress,
07:36I've done some checking around and I've found that the advertising revenues are up 11 and a half percent.
07:44Ah! Gil Chesterton, the restaurant critic.
07:47Oh, I just love those wicked things you say when the food is bad.
07:52Well, keep bringing these and you won't be disappointed.
07:55The wage freeze is unwarranted.
07:57It is simply a ploy of an overly ambitious station manager
08:00and typical of this woman.
08:02She has terrorized us. She has tampered with our shows.
08:04It's time we said no to this princess of darkness.
08:08I got a better idea.
08:10Why don't we just walk up to Mike Tyson and tell him he talks funny?
08:16What about our support staff?
08:19If we don't back this up, we're going to lose our jobs.
08:24If we don't back this strike, they may lose their jobs.
08:27They're powerless without our support.
08:29Freeze, you old man. Why do they need raises?
08:32They're talking about people who eat corn dogs and nachos.
08:39That statement is appallingly elitist.
08:42Well, thank you, Mr. Everyday People.
08:47Hey, I'm sure we'd all like to help these people, but we need our jobs.
08:51We're working stiffs too, living from paycheck to paycheck just like they are.
08:55Excuse me, someone's blocking me in downstairs.
08:58Who has a BMW?
09:04A red BMW.
09:08With a red interior.
09:10Oh, well, that's me.
09:12Just give me your key. I'll leave it with the doorman.
09:14Oh, no, no. I was just leaving.
09:16Oh, I'm going to.
09:18Where are your ethics?
09:20Where's your conscience?
09:22Where's your John? I need to slap on some canoe.
09:28Hey, I'm with you people.
09:30Back with the workers. You got yours.
09:32Damn right.
09:34And chances are, after the station manager crushes the little people,
09:39she won't come after you big shots.
09:43Why would she?
09:46Well, I mean, suppose that she's trying to save money.
09:49You're the big ticket items.
09:51And after all this,
09:53well, she won't have to worry about the support staff backing you guys up, will she?
09:57Oh, but no, that's crazy.
10:01You're not suggesting that Kate might be coming after our money next?
10:05No, she wouldn't do that.
10:07She's a peach, right?
10:09Soft as a cream puff.
10:11And we all know no one here is overpaid.
10:13Suddenly I'm feeling very Norma Rae.
10:18Great. I'll get us some more wine.
10:22Dad, that was brilliant using reverse psychology.
10:24I guess living with me is rubbing off on you a little bit.
10:27Well, I guess it's only natural
10:29that environmental factors would influence personality development.
10:34All right, Dad.
10:36Oh, wait, I hope I didn't hit some long repressed Oedipal nerve.
10:40Very funny.
10:43The last thing we want is for you to be sublimating your anger passive-aggressive.
10:46Oh, oh, right.
10:48Just stop it, you wise-ass.
10:50Looks like I'm rubbing off on you, too.
11:02All right, people.
11:04I have spoken with the on-air talent, and I...
11:08Ixnay, Dr. Crane.
11:13Oh, yes.
11:15You've really dropped the cone of silence now.
11:21Anyway, I have delivered on my promise.
11:24The talent is behind you.
11:26If you strike, we strike.
11:28All for one and one for all.
11:32Okay, so who is our spokesperson?
11:34Who is leading the charge?
11:36I am. You want to make something of it?
11:38Oh, shoot. I smiled again.
11:40Oh, shoot. I smiled again.
11:46Rosalinda, a word?
11:55Our leader is Noel Shemsky.
11:57The man is on the backbone of a paramecium.
12:01What? Do you think that is my idea?
12:03Noel and I were the only two who volunteered.
12:05Of course, they voted me down.
12:07I'm smarter than he is.
12:09More confident, more articulate.
12:11But those stupid little wusses think I'm a hothead.
12:17But no, Ros.
12:19A lot of people's jobs are riding on this,
12:21including mine.
12:23Then you do it.
12:25Me? No, no, me?
12:27I've done enough already.
12:31Dr. Crane, I can see that you're concerned
12:33about my negotiating skills, but don't be.
12:35I have a secret weapon.
12:38I can faint at will.
12:40Check it out.
12:50Okay, people, there's been a coup.
12:52I am now your leader.
12:56To the land of the she-wolf!
13:10what have we here?
13:12We are dissatisfied
13:14with the wage freeze, and we demand
13:16to speak to you about it.
13:18Don't we?
13:22All right, but aren't you people still
13:24on the clock?
13:26You'd better believe it.
13:32Well, hi-ho the derry-o.
13:34The cheese stands alone.
13:38They're a shrewd group.
13:40They only
13:42flex their muscle when they have to.
13:44Well done!
13:48Yeah, Nick,
13:50will you get in here?
13:54I'm kind of surprised
13:56to see you here. This really isn't your fight,
13:58is it?
14:00I am honored to have been chosen by my
14:02colleagues to speak for them.
14:04Oh, that's a shame.
14:06I'm looking forward to seeing Shemsky fame.
14:10Well, we have a lot to do,
14:12so we may as well just get to it.
14:16A new hairdo? It's very fetching.
14:20Is that a new tie?
14:22It just lights up your pretty face.
14:26But what is it about us?
14:28I mean, why all this friction between us?
14:30No, for my own part,
14:32your intolerable smartness
14:35reminds me of my ex-wife.
14:37But what is the source
14:39of your antipathy toward me?
14:41Was there some intimidating male
14:43figure in your childhood?
14:45A father? A priest?
14:47A department store Santa?
14:49I don't know. I'm just spitballing here.
14:53I have an idea about the source
14:55of our antagonism.
14:59Do let me hear it.
15:01I'm a woman, I'm as smart as you,
15:03and I'm your boss.
15:05Coincidence is all.
15:09I don't want to analyze your hang-ups.
15:11I already got a full-time job.
15:13Let's just get down to business, okay?
15:15Oh, very well.
15:17There's really very little to discuss.
15:19These people were promised a raise.
15:21They have fulfilled their part of the bargain.
15:23It's time for you to honor yours.
15:25You have 24 hours.
15:29We walk en masse,
15:31You have?
15:35Why are you gunning for me?
15:37Gunning for you?
15:39This isn't about you.
15:41It's about what you're doing to those people.
15:43It's the shame of Seattle.
15:45No, no. This is about your ego,
15:47which is the size of Seattle.
15:51Every suggestion, every decision
15:53I've made has been met by this
15:55impenetrable wall of arrogance
15:57masquerading as righteousness.
16:00Oh, that's a desperate shot
16:02attacking me because I have a social
16:06What you have is a fat contract
16:08and so do the rest of your cronies.
16:10So when it came time for staff raises,
16:12there was no more money left in the till.
16:14Oh, you are twisting things
16:16to make it look like it's my fault.
16:18Oh, it's true what they say.
16:20The devil comes disguised as a beautiful woman.
16:26There would have been raises
16:28if I hadn't taken all the money
16:30to pay for those Armani suits.
16:32Oh, what about you?
16:34Let's not overlook that pricey little
16:36Fendi scarf you're wearing.
16:38What about this designer cologne on you?
16:40Well, how about those pouty lips
16:42that must have cost you a fortune
16:44in collagen injections?
16:46These lips are mine, you arrogant gasbag!
16:48You intractable despot!
16:50Low hard!
16:57Get out!
17:19Hey, Niles.
17:21Maris found a gray hair.
17:23Daphne, get Niles a brandy.
17:27It was right at the apex
17:29of her widow's peak.
17:31Better bring the bottle.
17:33She blames me, Dad.
17:35She said it's from the stress
17:37I caused her last night
17:39when I thoughtlessly turned on the light
17:41while she was getting undressed.
17:47Oh, good evening, Dr. Crane.
17:49Oh, good evening, Dr. Crane.
17:51Oh, let me take that for you.
17:53After all,
17:55you are the friend of the working man.
17:57Thank you, Daphne.
17:59Defender of the little people.
18:01All right, Daphne.
18:03Standing up to the boss
18:05on behalf of the downtrodden,
18:07selflessly risking your own...
18:09Don't you have some meat to boil?
18:13I'm sorry.
18:15I'm sorry. I apologize.
18:18It's been a bad day.
18:20I was elected
18:22by the employees
18:24to present our demands
18:26to Kate.
18:28That was a smart move.
18:30Did you give her a good tongue-lashing?
18:40In a manner of speaking, yes.
18:44I'm proud of you, son.
18:46Oh, don't be, Dad.
18:48I'm a fraud.
18:50I was in her office,
18:52tempers flared,
18:56the next thing I knew
18:58we were locked
19:00in a passionate kiss.
19:02in a passionate kiss.
19:04Oh, go on.
19:06Daphne, I'm really not that comfortable
19:08talking about this in front of you.
19:10Oh, no need to be shy around me.
19:12I'm a professional
19:15healthcare worker.
19:17I've seen it all.
19:19I've helped your father in and out of the bathroom.
19:21Okay, Daphne.
19:23I've seen his bits.
19:25Oh, for God's sake.
19:27Just tell him, will you?
19:29Oh, all right.
19:31It was like nothing I've ever experienced before.
19:33It was just
19:35pure sex.
19:39Unexpected. Animal-like.
19:41Oh, well, we've all experienced that.
19:43Who hasn't?
19:49I'm no stranger
19:51to that feeling myself.
19:53It can strike without warning
19:55and you don't know who it will be.
19:57Why? You could be
19:59standing next to a person month
20:01after month and then the next thing
20:03you know you're tearing each other's clothes
20:07There's a word for it.
20:13Oh, this is madness.
20:15I'm actually lusting
20:17after a woman that does nothing but great
20:19on my nerves. I can't stand
20:21her. Oh, really, Dr. Crane?
20:23Can a man want to have sex
20:25with a woman he doesn't even like?
20:27Yeah. Absolutely.
20:31What about her?
20:33Maybe she's been
20:35harboring feelings for me.
20:37Is it possible
20:39that she could have been lusting after me all this time?
20:41It could be, but
20:43you know, you're in the middle of
20:45a negotiation. Maybe she
20:47let that smack her on you just to rattle
20:49your brain. Dad has a point.
20:51Your musk-drenched
20:53animal-magnetism aside,
20:55it's quite possible
20:57she was simply manipulating you.
20:59Well, I hardly think so.
21:01The woman's passion
21:03seemed genuine.
21:05Yes, it always
21:11Do you suppose it's possible she's just
21:13using sex to sway me to her
21:15side? Oh, figure it out.
21:17Who made the first move, you or her?
21:19There was no first move. It was more like
21:21spontaneous sexual combustion.
21:23There's always a first move. Think.
21:29I was standing in front of her desk like so.
21:31She was facing me.
21:33Now, I'll suffocate. I will not.
21:35Well, just stand up.
21:37I'm always the girl. In every prep
21:40school play, I was the girl.
21:44Marion the Librarian, 8-0 Annie.
21:46Well, no more. I'm through with it. When do I get
21:48to be Shoeless Joe from Hannibal Moe?
21:50This is getting me
21:52nowhere. All right.
21:54Just have to go down there
21:56and confront her myself.
21:58Find out if
22:00what she was feeling was actually genuine
22:02or if she's simply being a
22:04conniving femme fatale.
22:06Come on now, Dr. Craig.
22:08It's not like men have never used sex
22:10to get what they want.
22:12How can we possibly use sex
22:14to get what we want?
22:16Sex is what we want!
22:44I think we have some issues to discuss.
22:46Me too. Have a seat.
22:48I'd prefer to stand.
22:50Me too.
22:54Let's talk about the kiss.
22:56Yeah, let's. All right.
22:58Why did it happen?
23:00Some possibilities.
23:04Passion. The stress
23:06of the situation.
23:14is interesting.
23:16What's interesting is that you focused
23:18on manipulation. Why?
23:20Because there's a possibility of manipulation.
23:22So you admit that
23:24you were manipulating me?
23:26Me? I'm talking about you.
23:28How dare you think I'd do a thing like that?
23:30It's not unheard of for a woman
23:32like you to use her feminine
23:34wiles to get what she wants.
23:36Oh, very clever. What about you
23:38using your masculine wiles to get
23:40what you want?
23:42You think my wiles are masculine?
23:46No, I am not
23:48going down that road again.
23:50Of course you're not.
23:52Because at the end of that road
23:54is our
23:56cul-de-sac of vulnerability.
24:00That's not you, is it?
24:02No, Paul, you're a cement heart.
24:06of vulnerability?
24:10Alright, listen. You see me
24:12for a couple of hours out of every day
24:14and you think you know me?
24:16The me-me?
24:18Alright, I can be tough.
24:20Okay, I've gotta be. I can also
24:22be tender.
24:34I could climb
24:36you like a scratching post.
24:38Damn you!
24:46What are
24:48we doing?
24:50There are people out there
24:52counting on us. You're absolutely
24:54right. We've gotta put personal pleasure
24:56aside until we get this thing resolved.
24:58Absolutely. We all are today.
25:00It takes every minute of every hour of
25:02every day and every ounce
25:04of strength we have. We have got to settle
25:06this strike. Alright.
25:08Those people deserve a
25:10five percent raise.
25:12I'll give you three. Four. Done.
25:22Hey, any news?
25:24Fraser's hanging tough.
25:26He just keeps pounding that desk
25:28and saying more, more, more.
25:44Good news.
25:46She's offered three percent.
25:48We'll take it. We'll take it.
25:50No. Never.
25:52I'm going to get you four.
25:54I don't care if I have to stay in there all night.
26:12Hey baby, I hear
26:14the blues are calling. Tossed salads
26:16and scrambled eggs.
26:18Oh my.
26:20And maybe I
26:22seem a bit confused.
26:24Yeah, maybe. But I
26:26got you pegged.
26:30But I don't know what to do
26:32with those tossed salads and scrambled
26:38They're calling again.
26:42Scrambled eggs all over my face.
26:44What is a boy
26:46to do?
26:49Goodnight, Seattle!
26:51We love you!