The Pastor (2024)

  • 2 months ago
In a forgotten part of town overrun by a ruthless gang, a community struggles with its faith as they see their neighborhoods torn apart and their youth targeted for gang recruitment. But all that is about to change..
00:01:22This is for you go ahead open it
00:01:39You said you could use some work this place it's a lot of work
00:01:49Take care of it
00:01:51Like if he was your own
00:01:54Just remember
00:01:56Now I'm responsible for you
00:01:59For them
00:02:02His house my rules
00:02:50Hey, I expect to see you in church on Sunday bring your brother don't come back again
00:02:55Do you think that kid's gonna come to the church, I don't think so nothing ever change believe me
00:03:11Sure you want it all off tonight
00:03:39Know who I am
00:03:41So I'm here to ask you a few questions. My name is Carmen Reyes, and I've been appointed as your public defender
00:03:48this is
00:03:50for the record
00:03:53On a scale of zero to four, how would you rate how you're feeling today? Okay
00:04:01Your mood my mood. Yes, I don't understand. Are you feeling angry depressed anxious?
00:04:10feeling okay, I
00:04:13Keep asking for water, but they don't bring me water with all my meals and a blanket. It's only a sheet
00:04:21Um, so let's go from zero to four, how would you rate how you are sleeping?
00:04:31To leave the lights on all day and all night too. So if you had to rate how you're sleeping
00:04:37Maybe you can talk to them
00:04:39I'll see what I can do
00:04:42But um, I
00:04:44Need you to understand that everything from now on depends on you on your good behavior. So if the court sees you as
00:04:52Unrepentant in any way or just another thug with a grudge and a chip on his shoulder. They're not gonna budge with your sentencing now
00:04:58I'm gonna work on getting you out of solitary. But if
00:05:03When I do you can't associate with any of your former gang members for any reason? I mean no reason
00:05:10Is there anything else you want to say to me? There's nothing else in here
00:05:14but me
00:05:17When that door shuts it's real quiet in here only the sound of that light buzzing can you hear that?
00:05:24You can hear your own heart in here your own breathing
00:05:29Feels like the walls are closing in and your minds trying to escape
00:05:36You know how long I've been in here you were removed from general population 30 days ago for your own safety
00:05:42Just white-knuckle it it won't be too long
00:05:47They attacked me. I have your statement. They tried to kill me and that's why you're here for your own protection
00:05:56And have any enemies in here?
00:05:59This was a hit
00:06:01It was organized from the outside
00:06:03Luca Ramirez
00:06:05He set this up. Do you have proof of that? I don't have that in my report. I know he's taking my spot
00:06:12I know he's seeing my wife. I
00:06:16Couldn't protect her from here and he can I get it did he threaten you directly things don't work that way
00:06:26My wife and I we've known each other since we were kids I think about her all the time
00:06:35You know, there's nothing else to look forward to but a tray
00:06:40There's nowhere else to go but inside your own mind
00:06:44Hang in there, I'll be back as soon as there's some movement in your case
00:06:52Not normal
00:06:54No human touch
00:06:56No contact. No visitors. No sunlight. Okay, I didn't put you here you did
00:07:02This is how you pay your debt to society
00:07:05On a scale of zero to four, what do you think are my chances of getting out of here? I
00:07:11Can't answer that
00:08:22That's what Kamara let us take one picture at the beginning of the year I'm sending you mine
00:08:29Thank you for the Bible you sent me
00:08:32Find it hard to read anything here
00:08:35Something keeps me coming back to it. Even when I don't feel like it's any use. I
00:08:42Hope I hear back from you again
00:09:11Read one passage every day
00:09:14Hebrews 4 12 says for the Word of God is living and active
00:09:20Sharper than any double-edged sword
00:09:22It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit joins and marrow
00:09:28It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart god bless pastor Kamara
00:10:29They're saying you did this to yourself, that's a lie. They saw me trying to talk to another inmate and they beat me
00:10:36You are not allowed to have any contact with any former gang members
00:10:42They're just doing their job. They don't want to hear the words. They don't want others to be free in here
00:10:50Hey, they're saying that you're refusing medical attention
00:10:53That you've given your life to Jesus. I
00:10:57Will be made whole
00:11:00What are you talking about you have come so close to getting out
00:11:07Why are you doing this I
00:11:11You think you're the first guy to come up with this kind of scam
00:11:15If the court thinks that you are using your relationship with pastor Kamara to game the system
00:11:21They'll throw the book at you. You will be locked up in here forever
00:11:26Is that what you want?
00:11:29Don't blow it
00:11:31They already tried to kill you in here once you survived
00:11:35You just got lucky. I
00:11:37Don't call it luck
00:11:48Just make sure to keep changing the bandages on this and you'll be fine
00:11:56I'm following your instructions pastor Kamara. I feel the strength of his words
00:12:04Like he knows my struggle
00:12:08Even in here I am lighter easier. I
00:12:14Don't know what you heard, please don't stop writing me
00:13:12Hey kids settle down settle down take a seat right there
00:13:21I'll take this from here. Thank you
00:13:29How many of you are still in school hmm and who's planning on staying in school
00:13:38What do you think you're gonna end up if you're not in school be gangster be a rapper go to jail
00:13:44How you gonna be rapping in jail?
00:13:46All right
00:13:48I'm gonna do a little exercise. I need a volunteer
00:13:51You're gonna be my partner
00:13:54It's called look and listen
00:13:57First you're gonna talk to your partner where you're from
00:14:01Your favorite music your favorite food anything you want to share when I call time up. I'm gonna switch
00:14:09So now I'm gonna show you how it's done set up in front of each other and you go here partner
00:14:25Perfect now I go my name is pastor. I'm from Brooklyn. My favorite food is tamales and my favorite music is hip-hop
00:14:35I'm gonna show you how it's done set up in front of each other and you go here partner
00:14:50And switch
00:15:09You guys did great take a seat
00:15:14What do you think we did all this
00:15:16So we can listen to each other
00:15:18Exactly, right so you could listen because if you can't really listen you can't hear anyone else
00:15:24And if you go around feeling like nobody listens to you
00:15:28Then you get mad and you do dumb stuff
00:15:30I wanted each one of you to know what it feels like to have someone listen to you
00:15:35Who knows what a parable is?
00:15:42It's a story with a lesson repeat after him it's a story with a lesson
00:15:49Hmm, okay. Say you you was the smallest kid
00:15:57And you had no friends no brothers no backup
00:16:02Let's say you had to fight the toughest meanest kid around that when no one messes with that when everyone's scared of
00:16:11There was no way around it
00:16:14So, what'd you do get a gun shoot him I'll hide so I could follow him home. This is some crazy answer
00:16:23Do you want to get caught with a gun
00:16:26Do you know you can get jail time if you're caught with it?
00:16:30That's not we want to celebrate your birthdays in prison
00:16:37You know who had to face the same type of situation I'm talking about
00:16:50David he was about your age
00:16:53Had to find his own way
00:16:56Herding sheep and goats all day
00:16:59Rain beaten down or Sun hot as hell
00:17:02Sleeping outside most nights so he could take care of his flock. So nobody would steal it from him
00:17:08He learned to keep it together no matter what
00:17:14So one day David's minding his own business
00:17:17When he learns that the Philistine army is coming and they're gonna try to cross the mountain right where his flock is
00:17:23And he knows how these guys do they're gonna kill his sheep
00:17:27Roast his goats and feed them to their army
00:17:33Unless he can find a way to stop him
00:17:37What's he gonna do? It's just a kid, right?
00:17:41So he goes down the mountainside and he finds the Australian Kings army there too ready to fight
00:17:48Except there's a problem they got tanks, right?
00:17:53This is 3,000 years ago, but there's only foot soldiers and spears and arrows and swords
00:18:00So there were two big armies, but neither of them wanted to fight the other it was a standoff
00:18:08The Philistines are now they're gonna send one guy their biggest toughest guy to go up against one of the Israelites in single combat
00:18:16And they had to choose someone
00:18:22Who's it gonna be?
00:18:24It turns out no one
00:18:26No one
00:18:28Nobody wants to face the Philistines best guy Goliath. He's huge massive a giant
00:18:36He annihilate anybody they sent it's a done deal
00:18:39but then
00:18:41David comes up and he says I'm gonna go fight that dude
00:18:47Everybody's like you're crazy. You're gonna get killed. You're too skinny. You're too little. All you have is a slingshot
00:18:56You know what it says here in chapter 33 verse 16
00:19:06It says the king will not be saved by a great army
00:19:14Nor shall the giant be saved by his own great strength
00:19:59I'm sorry. I was just hoping she was here. Why can't you work this out? She won't talk to me. She won't see me
00:20:08You were leading that crew in prison now, you're scared of your ex-wife
00:20:14You got me she's the one who made this complicated ma, I'm not your ma not to you not now
00:20:20You messed up bad, I know you're right. I'm trying to fix that now
00:20:28Building that church back up was yeah me and poppy. It's a good thing
00:20:36It's a good man
00:20:41The kid what's his name?
00:20:44Hector I
00:20:48Take care of him when she works
00:20:51So now you go and find her
00:20:56Baker see you talk to you
00:21:01Here it's her address
00:21:04Do you know that I dream I
00:21:09Dream that you and me we have a nice house
00:21:16An apartment
00:21:19And eventually we have a child
00:21:23And we have a house
00:21:27And we have a family
00:21:29An apartment
00:21:32And eventually we have a child
00:21:36We share a lot of things together I
00:21:39Want to be together
00:21:43Especially when I'm listening to music
00:21:47And I don't go out anymore I don't go dancing I
00:21:54Other couples dancing and it brings them down so
00:21:59I stay home
00:22:02And then they play a song that we loved and I
00:22:24I can't help myself
00:22:26Something inside me still can't let you go
00:23:21Hey take whatever you need so what is there for
00:23:29Can you sign in
00:23:38Miguel your mother comes here, right? You have a sister
00:23:45You're not leaving at home anymore, are you
00:23:49Can I ask why
00:23:55Miguel there's help for you here if you want it. No more questions asked
00:24:17You're gonna send all those little video for elite in there
00:24:21Asked me no, no, please
00:24:27Joking with you. I kill kids like you just for fun. What's going on here. What does it look like pastor? Huh?
00:24:35I'm gonna smoke this little piece. There it is. Why don't you put the gun down and probably talk better that way. Don't you think?
00:24:46Neto it's net all right. You're the only one talking you speak for your crew here
00:24:55So, why don't you let everybody go and you and me figure this out sound good
00:25:00Just walk away faster. You don't belong here. You don't want you here
00:25:06Making a big mistake net. Oh, leave me
00:25:09Things can only a badly for you friend. I don't want that. Shut up
00:25:16Listen put the gun down. Let me kill the others go they were never here. You understand
00:26:59This is my family who I live and die for
00:27:09There have always been only three roles for us to travel
00:27:14Prison death
00:27:22What gangsters
00:27:24Our crazy
00:27:32Of also people with feelings
00:27:40And I like to express my feelings for little sister over there who lost her brother tonight
00:27:48Without loyalty in the gang, there's nothing
00:27:54Blood in
00:27:58Blood out
00:28:03I am here with you
00:28:09Cops and knuckles have been coming down hard on us pushing us back
00:28:13So no banger can make a living anymore, but hear me now, I
00:28:20Grew up on these streets. I go inside and I come back out and I come back here
00:28:29Because this is home
00:28:33And no one's gonna keep us off our streets
00:28:37And no one's gonna keep us off our streets
00:28:45No kind of narco cop
00:28:49No kind of holy joke pastor neither
00:28:56We won't familiar
00:29:00For Vida
00:29:08Use the gun I gave you yeah
00:29:13You didn't close the deal
00:29:18You want to be a closer son
00:29:27Look at me look at me
00:29:31Now what you're gonna do exactly what I tell you
00:29:42There's not a no
00:29:53Rape show gang unit
00:29:55As of about Wow, literally three hours ago. I just got assigned to this area
00:30:00You know, your church is right in the middle of a highly active neighborhood, right? You're aware of that. Yeah
00:30:06I call it the green zone
00:30:08It's a place. I hope these kids can look to a better future than what these gangs have to offer
00:30:13Okay. Well just be careful. I
00:30:16Know I'm sure you do
00:30:19You get a look at the shooter pastor. No seen him around before
00:30:24They called them neto neto, is that right?
00:30:28Okay. Well, we're cameras in the area. So we'll call you down in the precinct as soon as we find anything
00:30:33Looks like they're trying to send you a message of some sort any idea what that might be
00:30:40They're trying to send me a message. It's obviously because they started hearing my message
00:30:45I'm only gonna continue
00:30:52Rookie sir. I got the slug out. Should I get just ballistic? Yeah
00:31:01We'll be hearing from us
00:31:38Shut up
00:31:53You talked to him didn't you pastor I
00:32:04It was real smart
00:32:20Your bro your brothers, I know mom
00:32:56My son was
00:33:04He wasn't part of any gang he used to go along as well
00:33:32Used to be these kids
00:33:41It's gotta change I'm not going anywhere
00:34:12Smoking will kill you. You're right and shooting won't
00:34:21Did you know where your brother got mixed up in
00:34:27Where it is, you did some serious time and then you found Jesus before you got out
00:34:38You could say that
00:34:41Everybody knows you can never get out
00:34:45What about you
00:34:47Are you like everyone?
00:34:50Ain't like some other sisters. I know how to mind my own business
00:35:01Should have done better looking out for him
00:35:29You better think this through Nero cops are out looking for you
00:36:00I don't see no cops bastard
00:36:06No, I can't stop this bastard
00:37:03So they recruit the kids young usually elementary school sometimes junior high if cops are tired with their communities
00:37:09How many more kids could be saved? Okay, you want to talk community outreach?
00:37:13You should leave a car for my rep, but right now I'm trying to ID a shooter
00:37:16So do me a favor and look at this video you recognize anybody
00:37:22Sure, but that doesn't mean they did it
00:37:25I want you have a seat here guys. Okay, we're we're on the same side pastor. You should remember that
00:37:35Anyway, we bottlenecked Ramirez and his outfit down to here this line right there
00:37:40Which means he's not able to make his regular illegal income weapons and drug trafficking gambling extortion. You name it
00:37:45So instead he's got kids out there snatching phones robbing stores doing stick-ups
00:37:49they pull it off and
00:37:51Load in that's right. Now. They're a bonafide gangbanger. It's nice
00:37:57Anyway, officer Glenn here trolls through these sites during the day trying to ID known offenders before they hit again cyber banging
00:38:04They make these videos where they threaten kids even their parents or teachers
00:38:08So it is a brave stupid new world out there since you were out on the streets
00:38:15It's like this someone shot a kid last night and it's my job to put that person away
00:38:20We're come to the memorial tonight at 6
00:38:23Maybe you'll find somebody who's willing to talk to you
00:38:28I'll stop by
00:39:07See ya I see ya
00:39:50See ya
00:42:17Are you doing
00:42:20Where's Luca I want to talk to him. He's busy. He asked me to check up on
00:42:28I'm worried about my kid
00:42:32Lucas not gonna hurt you
00:42:35It's not like that. I
00:42:38Need to get back to my son
00:42:43Can you understand
00:42:56Could get a message out to him
00:42:59You got a number I could reach him by
00:43:02I could call him and let him know that you're okay
00:43:06Then you'll be back home soon
00:43:11Yeah, okay
00:43:13I'll give you the number but make sure you let him know soon. All right, you got it
00:43:18And I'm one seven five five five
00:43:24Seven two
00:44:10Don't stab the messenger. All right, I have a message from Luca you want to hear it
00:44:20Hector I have a message from your mommy from mommy
00:44:23Are you alone Hector? You answer the phone all by yourself?
00:44:32Bye bye
00:45:13Maybe you're wrong about me puppy
00:45:17Leopard can't change his spots
00:45:20So you go back to that cop and you tell him everything, you know, you're not a bad guy anymore
00:45:28No matter what I do Luca won't hesitate to kill them
00:45:39Many Sundays ago. I
00:45:43Was out with my wife
00:45:46Arguing what?
00:45:48What to have for dinner?
00:45:51When they started shooting up the car
00:45:53With us inside
00:45:58Somehow I survived
00:46:01Call it faith tragic, but I survived
00:46:07My wife
00:46:10Took only one of those bullets to take her life away
00:46:13She died in my arms
00:46:17Looking at me
00:46:20Both was open like
00:46:25She was trying to say something to me
00:46:30At that moment I had to make a choice
00:46:36But since that day
00:46:39I feel
00:46:42He's him the shoulder he's lonely my heart
00:46:52I think God brought us together to fulfill a very powerful mission
00:47:00So whatever you do remember you cannot serve two masters
00:47:07You cannot be both a man of God
00:47:13And a killer of men
00:47:17I appreciate everything you've done for me
00:47:21Here and in prison
00:47:25You saved my life
00:47:30But if I'm not here in time, I know you'll give the service
00:48:04Have I'm gonna bring them to you
00:48:17Got one all right, okay
00:49:07Stop just like
00:49:33Keep it coming
00:49:51What brings you here pastor
00:50:01People need favors all the time
00:50:04They usually don't ask out of consideration
00:50:07out of respect
00:50:09You never even came by to say hello until now pearls got rules until you need something
00:50:17So you want what what can I do for you, huh? I need protection
00:50:26Okay, not for me for my church
00:50:30All I want is for my church to be left alone and for my family to be safe is that all
00:50:36You sure I did eight years on the inside
00:50:39Solid I never gave up anyone
00:50:42Never took anything. They offered me. I
00:50:46Paid my debt
00:50:49Well, that was way before my time man
00:50:52But I like a good story
00:51:06Inside my division was the most productive
00:51:13One that carried the most junk most guns
00:51:19No one ever out of pocket any of my deals, so what do you want a
00:51:25benediction what eight years
00:51:28Inside a six by eight feet cell
00:51:30Time was up
00:51:33And they got to me
00:51:36Inside my own cell
00:51:45And they stabbed me here
00:51:56Just missed my home
00:51:58I just missed my heart
00:52:04I was asked if I want a retaliation
00:52:09I said no, I said I wanted a better path
00:52:15Today I have new life new purpose
00:52:22In my church, it's my territory your boss
00:52:32Got your thing
00:52:37And it's a good thing
00:52:41You know, I still take my will eat at the church sometimes and I feel bad for the kid
00:52:51Get the others take them up top
00:52:58Come on over here pastor
00:53:06Come on closer a
00:53:14Lot of different people crawling around down there all different kinds every kind
00:53:22You want to help them I
00:53:25I want to help all those I can why?
00:53:28Why is that pastor I mean, there's no money involved in it. That's a damn sure
00:53:38You've got your faith in a bunch of people you've never even met
00:53:45You're right I shouldn't have come here it was a mistake
00:54:05Luca has my wife
00:54:09Why should leave you anyway I
00:54:14Told her not to wait
00:54:19You know a lot of stories on the inside come out in the open
00:54:24I heard your wife was with Luca while you were doing your time
00:54:29Word is that kid she says is his ain't really his
00:54:42Look that hurt
00:54:45But about that favor, here's my answer you ain't one of us no more
00:54:54You don't get to ask no favors get him out of here
00:56:24I'm sorry
00:56:35You keep apologizing
00:56:38But we're past that I
00:56:41Have forgiven
00:56:44But not forgotten Luca, please
00:56:54He had two options we're left with only one and then bring him back here
00:57:04You can just tell me now I'm gonna see you about Hector
00:57:22It doesn't matter
00:57:25The truth will come out
00:57:28Sooner maybe later
00:57:32So we can all feel some
00:57:37Peace of mind
00:58:16Identify the shooter meadow Sanchez 17 to priors figured you want to know
00:58:21Being that you're violating your parole
00:58:24What I want to know is why?
00:58:26Does it matter go on charge me with something? What were you doing with Alfonso's guys? Huh? Personal? It's personal
00:58:31It's first you don't trust us
00:58:33Don't believe cops care. Don't believe you want to stop scraping kids brains off the street. Is that what you think?
00:58:37I don't know what you want. Look some of these kids out there saying they're gangsters have no remorse. I got no brains period
00:58:42Okay, all they want to do is blame someone else. I got nothing so I need to sell drugs
00:58:45Nobody cares about me boo. So I'm gonna go I'm gonna go shoot someone. That's what these kids think
00:58:50You know what? I see. What do you see those kids in the video?
00:58:52I see 14 15 16 even 18 years of lonely. I'm beaten down
00:58:58They suddenly boom they snap and everybody's trying to figure out why okay, so you're saying boo-hoo to that
00:59:03Is that what you're saying? No, no
00:59:05What I'm saying is if you really want to find out who is responsible you gotta start by looking at yourself in the mirror detective
00:59:11We're all our brother's keeper
00:59:14So go
00:59:17Go keep on walking. What are you waiting for?
01:00:19Let me start by saying that God our Creator has the right to rule over life and death
01:00:25We're stumped in the image and likeness of God
01:00:31This one makes us human
01:00:35And God demands us to
01:00:38preserve life
01:00:39because life
01:00:41Human life as we know it is the only form of life that he created in his own image
01:00:45The Bible says in the book of Genesis 1
01:00:4826 and 27 and let me read
01:00:51Let us make man in our image in our likeness
01:00:56As humans, we're the only ones that can talk walk and fellowship with God
01:01:02This is the source of our great value and dignity as human beings
01:01:07So what's the value of human life? How do we measure it?
01:01:11But how successful someone is
01:01:14What type of cars he can drive how much money he has how much power?
01:01:21We like to think that we know
01:01:24We like to think that we know
01:01:33Or like our new pastor to take you from here
01:02:10Am forever grateful to pastor Kamara the puppy
01:02:19For everything he's done for this community
01:02:24And I wish that was enough
01:02:31By one pastor and one church cannot be the only thing standing
01:02:37between our kids
01:02:40And the violence that's out there every day and every night
01:02:50It's a prohibition of God you shall not murder
01:02:57You shall not murder and yet we do
01:03:15The Hebrew root word for vengeance is to deliver
01:03:21to liberate to restore
01:03:25To punish or defeat
01:03:31So what does it mean?
01:03:39Believe it means it's up to us to take back our streets our schools our community
01:03:46To take back this word vengeance go back to its roots
01:03:50Its true meaning you tell us what we need to do. You know, why is it gotta be us to do more?
01:03:55I want all of us to make my son's life worth something
01:03:59I'm not here to upset you or disrespect you ma'am or your family
01:04:06But if you're going to take care of each other now and in the future
01:04:11We have to stop accepting that we are powerless because that's exactly what's expected of us
01:04:21I'm banging all my life
01:04:23I'm banging all my life
01:04:28Never wanted no child of mine to ever run in no game never
01:04:35What you saying here tonight pastor
01:04:39It's true
01:04:44It's taking me my whole life learning I
01:04:48Don't want these boys to have the same road
01:04:51You do what you can
01:04:55We got your back
01:04:58We got your back
01:05:04This brother's courage and heart is what we're fighting for here tonight tomorrow and every day after
01:05:14On Sunday I
01:05:17I started telling the story of the battle of David and Goliath
01:05:26The moral of this story
01:05:28It's not that the weak beat the strong
01:05:32But that expectations were beaten
01:05:37The expectations of everyone
01:05:41Everyone who thought that David would fail
01:05:44And that Goliath would win
01:05:49If I see you all here tonight
01:05:52under the eyes of society I
01:05:55May be fooled into expecting you to fail to fall down to be beaten down by life
01:06:02To end up just another statistic
01:06:06Dead or in jail
01:06:09Or in jail
01:06:13But if we come together here tonight in this house of God in this community to beat those expectations
01:06:21And something amazing will have happened
01:06:24And our biggest enemy
01:06:27Will be defeated
01:06:35Couldn't be more proud of you tonight
01:06:40What I'm about to say hurts me so much
01:06:46You got to go
01:06:49You have to leave here
01:06:53This church
01:06:56This neighborhood
01:07:01You can stay
01:07:09As long as you do there'll be trouble nobody's safe
01:07:54Stay with the kid like I told you
01:08:09Pastor leaving a mess
01:08:36You know what they call this position
01:08:41In Guantanamo they call it
01:08:44enhance interrogation
01:08:50The rules in our neighborhood already been written
01:08:55There's nowhere to run to
01:08:59Know what I
01:09:06When you're in the position of leadership people watch for your mistakes
01:09:13They watch you every move watch the sea you fall down
01:09:27That's not gonna happen pastor
01:09:29I thought they kill soft guys like you in prison. Hmm. Why don't you just give up? Huh?
01:09:39What you don't even know
01:09:43Bring over here where they could see each other better
01:09:50Come on drink drink
01:09:59Ha ha ha ha what a reunion
01:10:06Tell us the truth my CEO which one of us is your boys father, hmm
01:10:15Take away
01:10:17No, no
01:10:25Love it. I think it just got more interesting
01:10:38Go on give it to him
01:10:41Give it to him go ahead help him drink. Maybe he just wants to say something
01:11:08Do buddy
01:11:12Wow, I didn't have this kind of stuff at all
01:11:22Hold a you know
01:11:27And three-quarters Wow eight and three-quarters you're getting big
01:11:35You love me mommy don't you huh?
01:11:39Good she loves you too
01:11:42And I'd like to see the two of you to be able to go back home, would you like that?
01:11:47Yeah, excellent, you just have to answer truthfully whatever I asked you do you
01:11:56Actor do we have a deal? I don't want to have to hurt you mommy
01:12:03Are you ready to tell me the truth, huh?
01:12:07Good good. Now look at me. Look at me. Look into my
01:12:11Have you ever met your daddy before
01:12:17Have you ever met me before today
01:12:22Look carefully now
01:12:27Do you remember ever seen me with your mommy before today
01:12:34Just say the truth
01:12:37Did your mommy ever mention Luka or uncle Luka or mr. Ramirez
01:12:52Don't know
01:12:57Don't know
01:13:01Don't know
01:13:05Don't know
01:13:35Go home.
01:13:51You're no use to me here.
01:13:53But you said I could stay.
01:13:56Are you deaf?
01:13:59I said to go home.
01:14:01You should be mourning your brother.
01:14:04Show some respect.
01:14:32I told you.
01:14:33Nobody ever gets out.
01:14:36It's because of you that my brother is dead.
01:14:38And now you're going to die too.
01:14:40Didn't I tell you to go home?
01:14:41Don't you listen?
01:14:44I want to watch him die.
01:14:48You're one messed up chickadee.
01:14:52I'll keep out of the way, Âżentiende?
01:15:04Take her to see her boy.
01:15:05No, no, no.
01:15:06You don't have to do this.
01:15:07You don't have to do...
01:15:08Luca, please!
01:15:09You don't have to do this!
01:15:13If you kill them, you're only going to make him stronger.
01:15:17See, he believes in sacrifice, like Jesus in the Bible.
01:15:22Well, it's not like I can let them go.
01:15:27Well, first her, then him.
01:15:35What do you think, huh?
01:15:37Let the wife and kid go.
01:15:39Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
01:15:42Are you crazy?
01:15:44He loves her.
01:15:45Look at him.
01:15:46She lied to him, but he still loves her.
01:15:52Look how he's shaking in his boots.
01:15:58I found this.
01:16:01Long before I cried with my boys, God heard the anguish in my heart.
01:16:09You wrote that, Pastor?
01:16:13You see?
01:16:14This Pastor thing ain't no joke.
01:16:17This thing is full of notes.
01:16:19He actually thinks he's been saved.
01:16:22Make him fight you one-on-one, and then we'll see.
01:16:36Untie him, fellas.
01:16:44Let's make him a little more comfortable, huh?
01:16:49That's it.
01:17:14That's it.
01:17:16That's it.
01:17:18That's it.
01:17:22That's it.
01:17:23Come on.
01:17:24Come on.
01:17:25Show me something.
01:17:26Come on.
01:17:45Come on.
01:17:51Come on.
01:17:52Say your prayers.
01:17:55Come on.
01:17:59Are you turning the other cheek, pastor?
01:18:03Fight like a man, not a priest.
01:18:12I'm not a priest.
01:18:15Back up a little.
01:18:17Get him.
01:18:18Come on.
01:18:19Come on.
01:18:20Come on.
01:18:21Finish him.
01:18:23You got it.
01:18:24Come on.
01:18:25Come on.
01:18:26Come on.
01:18:27Come on.
01:18:28Come on.
01:18:29Come on.
01:18:30Get him.
01:18:33Get him.
01:18:34Get him.
01:18:36Come on.
01:18:38Oh, crap.
01:18:39Oh, crap.
01:18:40Come on, man.
01:18:41Come on.
01:18:48Come on.
01:18:49Get up.
01:19:07Back off, he's mine!
01:19:10So you're your best, huh?
01:19:12A man of God?
01:19:14You have the guts to kill me.
01:19:20You have nothing!
01:19:22You're nothing!
01:19:24You're nothing!
01:19:45Put your hands on your head!
01:19:47Hands on your head, little!
01:19:54Come on!
01:19:58Interlock your fingers.
01:20:00Interlock your fingers.
01:20:03Hands behind your head!
01:20:05Put your hands on your head!
01:20:53You're nothing!
01:21:12You gotta be kidding me.
01:21:53You gotta be kidding me.
01:22:53You gotta be kidding me.
01:23:23You gotta be kidding me.
01:23:53You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:23You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:25You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:26You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:28You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:29You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:31You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:32You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:34You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:35You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:37You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:38You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:40You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:41You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:43You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:44You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:46You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:47You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:49You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:50You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:52You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:53You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:55You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:57You gotta be kidding me.
01:24:59You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:01You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:03You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:05You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:07You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:09You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:11You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:13You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:15You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:17You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:19You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:21You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:23You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:25You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:27You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:29You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:31You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:33You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:35You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:37You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:39You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:41You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:43You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:45You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:47You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:49You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:51You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:53You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:55You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:57You gotta be kidding me.
01:25:59You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:01You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:03You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:05You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:07You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:09You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:11You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:13You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:15You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:17You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:19You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:21You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:23You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:25You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:27You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:29You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:31You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:33You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:35You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:37You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:39You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:41You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:43You gotta be kidding me.
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01:26:47You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:49You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:51You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:53You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:55You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:57You gotta be kidding me.
01:26:59You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:01You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:03You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:05You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:07You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:09You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:11You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:13You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:15You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:17You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:19You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:21You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:23You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:25You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:27You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:29You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:31You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:33You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:35You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:37You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:39You gotta be kidding me.
01:27:41You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:11You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:13You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:15You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:17You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:19You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:21You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:23You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:25You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:27You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:29You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:31You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:33You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:35You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:37You gotta be kidding me.
01:28:39You gotta be kidding me.