La cultura è un propulsore economico: le attività musicali in Italia un pilastro per il PIL

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Quasi 1 mln e 900mila spettatori nel 2023, un forte contributo dei privati contro esigue risorse Ue, nonostante le attività musicali contribuiscano ad aumentare il PIL. Questi i punti cardine del Rapporto annuale sulle attività musicali in Italia e all’estero, curato dall'Associazione Italiana Attività Musicali (AIAM), e presentato al Ministero della Cultura.

Il rapporto evidenzia numeri significativi, che fanno da sfondo all'appello del presidente AIAM, Francescantonio Pollice, per aumentare il Fondo Nazionale Spettacolo dal Vivo fino all’1% del PIL.

"La cultura è un propulsore economico. Ogni euro investito dallo Stato ne genera tre di ritorno", ha detto Pollice, evidenziando l’impatto economico complessivo delle attività musicali, che includono costi del lavoro pari a 64 milioni di euro e versamenti allo Stato del 76,23% dell’importo assegnato.


00:00Almost 1,900,000 spectators in 2023, a strong contribution of the private sector against the following resources of the European Union, despite the musical activities, contribute to increase the PIL.
00:15These are the key points of the annual report on musical activities in Italy and abroad, curated by the Italian Association of Musical Activities and presented to the Ministry of Culture.
00:24The report highlights significant numbers that are based on the appeal of President IAM Francesco Antonio Pollice to increase the national show fund from the living up to 1% of the PIL.
00:35Culture is an economic propeller, every euro invested by the State generates three in return, then said Pollice, highlighting the overall economic impact of musical activities, which include costs of labor equal to 64 million euros and transfers to the State of more than 76% of the allocated import.
00:53We make a ministerial contribution of the national show fund of 20 million euros, our Cuban budget 100 million euros, we spend for musical work over three times the contribution that gives us the FUS, about 65 million euros.
01:08We work in all regions of Italy with almost 11,000 concerts, with an audience of about 1,900,000 spectators, we believe that based on the data we have, they are the most representative in Italy.
01:21The event saw the participation of prominent institutional figures, including Deputy Secretary Gianmarco Mazzi, who underlined the importance of music as a motor of culture and social cohesion, but also important economic and occupational reality.
01:35Welcome these numbers, I am here today to hear how they are commented, they are an important instrument also for the Ministry, but above all they are an important instrument for the whole music community, to try to be heard and respected at the tables that then decide the distribution of resources, among which we are also evidently, but we know them well.
01:56The sector is in full resumption, with very high percentages of success appreciation, then underlined Federico Mollicone, President of the Culture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.
02:05It is a very important phase, as you know we have approval in a few days also to the Chamber of the extension of the delegation for the live show, which we are making fly, because it is a necessary extension not from a delay of the government, but precisely from this phase of listening that had never been done before, including the categories of the live show and music, just to listen, collect all the indications and write a decree, a new code of the show,
02:34that can contemplate them all.
02:37The report also placed the emphasis on private entries, equal to 16.5 million euros, follow the sponsorships and private contributions and the delivery of bank foundations and art bonus.
02:48It requires, instead, the resources from the European Union, with only 217,000 euros. However, the report highlights significant criticism, such as the lack of musical structures in many regions, especially in the south and in the islands, disparity due to the lack of theaters, orchestras and concert companies.
