Humor, romance and suspense entwine teenager Charlotte Moon and her crew HD ( Comedy, Mystery, Romance )

  • 3 months ago
Humor, romance and suspense entwine teenager Charlotte Moon and her crew HD ( Comedy, Mystery, Romance )
00:00:00Oh my God.
00:00:54God darn foxes!
00:01:06What are you doing out here?
00:01:08Come inside. Come on.
00:01:20Bread! You scared the crap out of me!
00:01:22What are you doing out here?
00:01:24Because I let Muffin out and he went away.
00:01:26You're supposed to be asleep in the guest room.
00:01:28Your mom would freak if she knew you were running around out here.
00:01:30What's this?
00:01:32It's a tie.
00:01:34A tie?
00:01:36Your dad wouldn't like you running around with his nice tie.
00:01:38It wasn't that, Yace.
00:01:40Uh-huh. Come on. Let's get you in bed.
00:02:02Charlotte Margaret Moon, wake up!
00:02:04You're going to be late for tennis with Bertie.
00:02:06You promised Ms. Kelly you'd help Bertie with her swing.
00:02:08Now don't keep them waiting!
00:02:26I'll be right back.
00:02:56Take it.
00:02:58Aubrey? Aubrey, I can hear you in there.
00:03:00Why is the door locked? Come on, let me in.
00:03:02Go away, Charlotte!
00:03:04Aubrey, I gotta get my bike. Unlock the door.
00:03:06Go away!
00:03:26Very funny, Aubrey,
00:03:28but I've got a lot to carry,
00:03:30and I mean my bike.
00:03:32Open this door.
00:03:34Or I'm telling Mom that you wore her Chanel dress
00:03:36to that party last weekend!
00:03:38You wouldn't dare.
00:03:40Oh, yes, I would.
00:03:42Now open this door
00:03:44before I'm late for tennis!
00:03:50Stop sucking Dalton's face
00:03:52and open the door!
00:04:06Holy sh...
00:04:08What happened
00:04:10to Dad's golf cart?
00:04:12I know. What have I done?
00:04:16Oh my gosh.
00:04:18Dad is going to be so pissed.
00:04:20Nope. Panic.
00:04:22I'm feeling panic right now, Dalton.
00:04:24I'm going to be grounded forever after this, okay?
00:04:26He's going to take away my phone,
00:04:28he's going to take away my car,
00:04:30my horse, you, my life!
00:04:32Alright, Aubrey, Aubrey.
00:04:34What happened?
00:04:36Dalton and I went joyriding
00:04:38in the golf course last night,
00:04:40and I kind of lost control.
00:04:42Ouch. There it is.
00:04:44Ripped off like a Band-Aid.
00:04:46It is so
00:04:50What exactly did you hit?
00:04:52I think it was like a fairway sign
00:04:54or maybe it was a fence.
00:04:56It just happened so fast.
00:05:00you are so dead.
00:05:02She's so right, too.
00:05:04I mean, we can't take it to the club for maintenance.
00:05:06They're just going to recognize it.
00:05:08But don't worry. I'm sure we can figure something out.
00:05:10Right now, I've got to go to work.
00:05:12I've got to start loading the beer cart.
00:05:14I'm sorry.
00:05:16Wait, you're just going to leave me?
00:05:18Yeah, um, sorry.
00:05:22Charlotte, do not leave me like he did.
00:05:24You have to help me with this.
00:05:26Okay, alright.
00:05:28I'll give you some advice.
00:05:30Pack your Gucci bags and book a flight.
00:05:32Dad is going to freak when he gets back from D.C.
00:05:34Charlotte, I am serious, okay?
00:05:36I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this.
00:05:38Please, help me.
00:05:40Alright, alright. We'll figure it out.
00:05:42But after tennis.
00:05:44You know, you are really pushing the bounds of sisterhood here.
00:05:48I got it.
00:05:50Meet me at the gazebo at one o'clock.
00:05:52We don't want mom to hear our noise.
00:05:54Now help me cover this.
00:06:04Where's my makeup?
00:06:12See ya.
00:06:32No thanks.
00:06:34I feel like I'm going to puke.
00:06:36I've got so much to lose here.
00:06:38Okay, so I've been thinking about it and I have two plans in mind.
00:06:40Do you want to hear plan A or plan B?
00:06:42Plan A, I guess.
00:06:46I want you to come over here with all the money they've got.
00:06:48Cash, credit cards, Starbucks gift cards, candies to sell, anything.
00:06:52I think I have about $60 in here.
00:06:56That's good.
00:06:58Because you're going to need to sweet talk that creep Tucker up the street.
00:07:00His dad owns teed up golf carts.
00:07:02They'll probably be able to get it picked up and fixed.
00:07:04But you're going to have to pay him a little extra to keep it secret.
00:07:06Wait, what?
00:07:08You expect me to seduce Tucker Gates into helping me?
00:07:10He'll never fall for it.
00:07:12Yeah, he will.
00:07:14He's had a crush on you since, like, ever.
00:07:16Better go on, put your big girl panties on and run over there.
00:07:18And be like what?
00:07:20Hi, Tucker.
00:07:22I know I've always treated you like you've had herpes,
00:07:24but will you please help me now?
00:07:26Uh, yeah.
00:07:28Do you want to live to see your junior prom?
00:07:30Listen, I'm telling you, you have to go over there.
00:07:32Be his damsel of distress, you know?
00:07:36I mean, Tucker, please.
00:07:38Please help me.
00:07:40You just have to be my hero.
00:07:42No, I won't be able to do it.
00:07:44What's plan B?
00:07:48Uh, plan B is kind of like the truth,
00:07:50but a little bit twisted.
00:07:52You know, like how the devil does it.
00:07:54Ah, Mom will be so proud you're putting your Sunday school lessons to good use.
00:07:56But I'm desperate.
00:07:58So let's hear it.
00:08:00We're going to have to get rid of the golf cart
00:08:02and pretend it was stolen.
00:08:06Wow, that's actually a really good idea.
00:08:08If we can pull it off, that is.
00:08:10Yeah, yeah, it'll be simple.
00:08:12We'll just have to go when it's dark
00:08:14and push the golf cart across the golf course
00:08:16and sink it into the lake.
00:08:18And tell Mom that you parked it in the driveway or something.
00:08:20Alright, that sounds doable.
00:08:22You're going to have to get Dalton
00:08:24to come to the utility doors at midnight
00:08:26and be dressed for stealth mode.
00:08:28Okay. Wait, but
00:08:30Brynn is still staying with us.
00:08:32What are we going to do with her?
00:08:34She'll be fine. You know her.
00:08:36She'll be completely tuned out with a movie on.
00:08:38Let's do it.
00:08:52Finn! You came.
00:08:54Well, you sounded pretty desperate, so here I am.
00:08:56What's up with the goth look?
00:08:58You said to wear camouflage.
00:09:00Are we going to a rave or something?
00:09:02Yeah, I wish.
00:09:04That's who
00:09:06you sent out to help us?
00:09:08I'm pretty sure I'm stronger than he is.
00:09:10Aubrey, be nice.
00:09:12I don't see Dalton here helping.
00:09:14Yeah, you're right.
00:09:16I should be glad that you found a replacement.
00:09:18Finn, thank you so much for coming out.
00:09:20I'm pretty sure you're stronger than you look.
00:09:22You know, one day I'm going to fill out
00:09:24and you will be drooling
00:09:26at the sight of me.
00:09:28Right. Okay, now
00:09:30come back here and help me push this.
00:09:34All right.
00:09:36You think Dalton could do this?
00:09:38Probably. He didn't ditch me.
00:09:42It's fine.
00:09:44All right.
00:09:48Keep pushing.
00:09:56Charlotte. Charlotte.
00:10:00What are you doing here?
00:10:02I know you said not to come,
00:10:04but we figured you'd need all the help you can get.
00:10:06We can't just sit by in your hour of need.
00:10:08We'll be your lookout.
00:10:12Scarlett made me come.
00:10:14You told them too?
00:10:16I had to. You know I can't keep secrets from them.
00:10:18Be happy
00:10:20I brought some muscle.
00:10:22You mean me or him?
00:10:24Him, silly. You're our oracle.
00:10:32It's a long way
00:10:34to go
00:10:36Back all your troubles
00:10:38in your old kid bag
00:10:40That's Mr. Allen. Dalton says he comes here
00:10:42every Friday and Saturday to booze it up
00:10:44and go golfing.
00:10:48Geez. That's a bad shot.
00:10:52It's a temporary
00:10:54It's a temporary
00:10:56It's a temporary
00:10:58It's a temporary
00:11:04I told you last night
00:11:06you can't be running around out here.
00:11:12My friend ran away.
00:11:16All right. Come on.
00:11:18I'll take you back and tuck you in.
00:11:20All right. Come on, you guys.
00:11:32Crap, dude.
00:11:34This thing keeps getting heavier and heavier.
00:11:36Yeah, man.
00:11:38I'm spent.
00:11:40Dalton, you made it.
00:11:42Yeah, sorry.
00:11:44I got off late from work, but I'm here now.
00:11:46Charlotte, thank God you brought in reinforcements.
00:11:50I think your sister's been eating too much again.
00:11:54Rude, okay?
00:11:56I am a beautiful, curvy woman.
00:11:58Oh, I'm sure.
00:12:00And thanks for defending my pride, babe.
00:12:02Aubrey, where's Scarlett and Roxy?
00:12:04Oh, they're up at the tee.
00:12:06Roxy said she'll whistle in Russian
00:12:08when someone comes.
00:12:10Whistle in Russian?
00:12:12Really, Aubrey?
00:12:14Oh, right. Duh.
00:12:16All right.
00:12:18Here's the plan.
00:12:20We're going to move it closer to the water,
00:12:22and, Aubrey, you steer it straight
00:12:24and jump off once it gets going.
00:12:26I'll go to this side, Finn, you take the other,
00:12:28and we'll have the two briefcates in the back.
00:12:30All right. Thank you.
00:12:32Got it?
00:12:34Got it.
00:12:38Come on.
00:13:10Aubrey, are you okay?
00:13:12Just breathe. Breathe.
00:13:14Holy crap!
00:13:16What was that?
00:13:18It was a dead body for sure.
00:13:20I know what I saw.
00:13:22It wasn't a guy floating for fun looking at the stars
00:13:24I can't believe that. That's my first dead body.
00:13:26He looked like a bloated fish.
00:13:28It was way scarier than in the video game.
00:13:30We have to call the police.
00:13:36No. I can't be a part of this.
00:13:38My dad will kill me.
00:13:40But we gotta.
00:13:42No, it's true. We don't know how or why he got in there.
00:13:44Please, I just want to forget all about it.
00:13:46Babe, I really don't think that's a good idea right now.
00:13:48I agree with Dalton.
00:13:50Please, Dalton, just take me home.
00:13:52Aubrey, you're wet and shaking.
00:13:54No, please, just take me home. I'm done.
00:13:56She's right. We should all just go home.
00:13:58There's not really much we can do for that guy.
00:14:00Yeah, if we just leave it here,
00:14:02tomorrow morning one of the morning walkers,
00:14:04they'll find him and they'll report him.
00:14:08Sure. Okay, we can do that.
00:14:10You guys okay?
00:14:12You took off so fast in the dark.
00:14:14We couldn't see you. What happened?
00:14:16It's, uh, hard to believe.
00:14:18But we're fine. We're all fine.
00:14:20Speak for yourself, Charlotte.
00:14:22Take me home. I'm in shock.
00:14:26It's crazy what it'll do for a girl.
00:14:30We gotta get you home. Come on.
00:14:32Please just let her ride with you.
00:14:34Me, Finn, and Charlotte, we can run back.
00:14:40Listen, I'll talk to you two tomorrow morning
00:14:42at the park.
00:14:44Okay, sounds good.
00:15:02Oh, good morning, sunshine.
00:15:04Hey, Mom.
00:15:06Hey, Brynn. What, no church today?
00:15:08No, we've got Brynn visiting.
00:15:10I thought we'd just take it easy this morning.
00:15:12But, uh, don't we have to take
00:15:14the food donations in?
00:15:16Oh, we can take it tomorrow.
00:15:18Bree was up late last night, and she's probably gonna sleep
00:15:20till noon, so. Come on up. I've got breakfast out.
00:15:22And why no white bikes?
00:15:24Not today, Brynn.
00:15:26Why not? Yeah, why not?
00:15:28Please ride bikes with Brynn.
00:15:30I don't think I'll have time.
00:15:32Then make the time.
00:15:34You know how much she adores you.
00:15:36Alright, but I gotta see Scarlett and Roxy
00:15:38at the park this morning at ten. Is lunchtime okay?
00:15:40Yeah, great. Oh, you know what?
00:15:42You should ask Grant to join you.
00:15:44I haven't seen him around here in so long.
00:15:46Mom, I don't even
00:15:48hang out with Grant anymore.
00:15:50Well, that's a shame. You two are such good friends.
00:15:56Mom? Yeah, honey?
00:15:58Dad's car.
00:16:00I, uh...
00:16:02I think it was stolen.
00:16:04Oh, honey, why would you say that?
00:16:06Have you checked the utility room?
00:16:08Of course. It's not there.
00:16:10Well, it's probably up on the driveway.
00:16:12You know Aubrey's always leaving it out up there.
00:16:14Yeah, I checked there too.
00:16:16I'm telling you, it's gone.
00:16:18I don't know.
00:16:20Let's go, Floddy.
00:16:22Let's go, Floddy.
00:16:24Let's go.
00:16:30I can't believe it.
00:16:32That's so terrible.
00:16:34I know our neighborhood is filled with drama,
00:16:36but that's just so unreal.
00:16:38Oh, my poor Cal.
00:16:40I mean, he was really, really shaken up last night.
00:16:42He didn't say anything to me on his way home.
00:16:44Were his parents waiting up for him?
00:16:46His mom was, but his dad's out of town.
00:16:48I'm sure he doesn't want them to know anything.
00:16:50I heard the siren this morning
00:16:52and saw Chief Budd racing into the neighborhood.
00:16:54I just figured some old person had a heart attack.
00:16:56Poor Aubrey.
00:16:58Yeah, she was...
00:17:00She was pretty shaken up about it.
00:17:04Your plan just got a lot more complicated.
00:17:06Yeah, this is serious.
00:17:08Now your cart's linked to a dead guy.
00:17:10You're right.
00:17:12I didn't even think about that.
00:17:14What have we done?
00:17:16So your mom reported the cart as stolen?
00:17:18I assume she will
00:17:20after she talks to Aubrey.
00:17:22Well, that's good.
00:17:24We gotta find out
00:17:26what Chief Budd thinks about this scene.
00:17:28Cal's dad says Chief Budd is rode.
00:17:32Retired on active duty.
00:17:34It's military slang.
00:17:36But my cousin Tanner
00:17:38still respects him a lot.
00:17:40He says he really knows his stuff
00:17:42after 30 years of policing.
00:17:46I remember Tanner.
00:17:48Damn, I bet he looks good in uniform.
00:17:50Y'all have got to calm down.
00:17:52He's like a brother to me.
00:17:56There's what, like
00:17:58five people staffed there?
00:18:00I bet it's like a fishbowl.
00:18:02Scarlett, do you think you could
00:18:04talk to Tanner this afternoon and see what you can find out?
00:18:08I can make him some of my lemon pound cake.
00:18:10That'll get him talking.
00:18:12Oh, also, he told me
00:18:14the medical examiner is a little sweet on him.
00:18:16So that might help us get some answers.
00:18:20I'll see you guys later.
00:18:24I'm totally coming with you to see Tanner.
00:18:36Morning, Helen.
00:18:38Oh, Chief Budd.
00:18:40You not at church with Bunny?
00:18:42No, it's been a busy morning.
00:18:44The choir was going to have to do without me today.
00:18:46Dixie radioed me and tells me
00:18:48your golf cart's gone missing.
00:18:50Yes, and I can't believe it.
00:18:52I mean, I've never heard of anything like that happening around here.
00:18:54Well, it's rare,
00:18:56but sometimes things do have a way of wandering off.
00:18:58When's the last time you saw it?
00:19:00Oh, well,
00:19:02Jack's out of town. Of course, I don't use it.
00:19:04The girls like to use it, though.
00:19:06Actually, Aubrey was the last one to use it a couple days ago.
00:19:08She said she left it parked in the driveway.
00:19:10Is that right? You were driving?
00:19:14And when you parked it,
00:19:16you left the key in it?
00:19:18Yeah, I mean, we always leave the key in it.
00:19:20I was going to move it down to the utility room in the morning.
00:19:22And you didn't think about it
00:19:24at all yesterday?
00:19:26Um, no.
00:19:28Actually, I forgot all about it.
00:19:30So you figure
00:19:32it's been missing over 24 hours?
00:19:34Yeah, Charlotte noticed it was gone this morning.
00:19:38What's it look like?
00:19:40Well, it's white.
00:19:42It has Carolina Panthers stickers on it.
00:19:44You know, Jackie just loves his football.
00:19:46Well, I think I already found it this morning.
00:19:48Oh, that's wonderful.
00:19:50You know, I just figured some kids took it joyriding.
00:19:52It probably hadn't gone far.
00:19:54No, no, it didn't.
00:19:56But it looks like it might have been involved
00:19:58in a bit of an incident.
00:20:00I have to hold on to it for a few days.
00:20:04It's nothing serious, I hope.
00:20:06Chief Budge there.
00:20:08Yes, Dixie, I'm here.
00:20:10Bunny called.
00:20:12She said you left your cell phone at home again.
00:20:14She wants you to pick up some vanilla wafers
00:20:16for the banana pudding on your way home.
00:20:18All righty, darling.
00:20:20Will do.
00:20:22I'm not sure
00:20:24what to make of what happened to your car right now.
00:20:26But when Jack gets back,
00:20:28just have him give me a call.
00:20:30That's all for now.
00:20:32Y'all have a nice day.
00:20:34All right, Chief Budge. Thank you.
00:20:38You okay?
00:20:40Oh, yeah.
00:20:42I guess
00:20:44we'll just have to start locking things up around here.
00:20:58Hey, Tanner.
00:21:00Hey, baby girl. How are you?
00:21:02I'm good. How's your mama?
00:21:04Ah, you know her.
00:21:06Stirring the pot around town, as usual.
00:21:08Do you remember my friend Roxy?
00:21:10Yes, ma'am.
00:21:12How are you doing, Miss Roxy?
00:21:14Hotter than ever.
00:21:16If you mean the weather,
00:21:18it is, um,
00:21:22So, what'd you bring me?
00:21:24You know I'm a slave to your baking talents.
00:21:26Scarlet Lemon Pound Cake.
00:21:32Hello, Officer Hart.
00:21:34Looks like you have some good company today.
00:21:36Good afternoon, ma'am.
00:21:38You working on a Sunday?
00:21:40Oh, no, not really. I just remembered
00:21:42something that I needed to talk to Chief Budge about.
00:21:44Well, I'm sorry he's not here right now.
00:21:46Can I help you?
00:21:48Oh, gosh, no.
00:21:50No, thank you.
00:21:52I'm Scarlet, Tanner's cousin.
00:21:54This is my friend Roxy.
00:21:56Oh, hello.
00:21:58Dr. Sarah Owens, the county's new medical examiner.
00:22:00So nice to meet both of you.
00:22:02Would you like to have some lemonade and cake with us?
00:22:04Oh, gosh, I couldn't.
00:22:06But, uh,
00:22:08thank you so much.
00:22:12You just got some, um,
00:22:14vet hair.
00:22:16Right here.
00:22:18Oh, my.
00:22:20How embarrassing.
00:22:22Thank you. Um, I, uh,
00:22:24I'll be back, uh,
00:22:28Have a good day, Dr. Owens.
00:22:38you mentioned I had to, uh,
00:22:40earn this here cake.
00:22:42What is it you want, exactly?
00:22:44Nothing big.
00:22:46Just a little information
00:22:48on a recent death in my neighborhood.
00:22:50Oh, you mean the demise of Harley
00:22:52to Doe.
00:22:54Well, it is the talk of the town and station.
00:22:56Well, then, I'm sure it's
00:22:58not hard to hear a few tidbits in that tiny
00:23:00office you all share.
00:23:04So, what's on your mind?
00:23:06Well, we're wondering what killed him.
00:23:08Is it natural or
00:23:12Yeah, so weird,
00:23:14him dying out on the golf course in the middle of the night.
00:23:16What morbidly
00:23:18curious minds you do have,
00:23:20little ladies.
00:23:22I like it.
00:23:24But it's gonna cost you.
00:23:26This pound cake,
00:23:30peach cobbler
00:23:32next week, and a
00:23:34pecan pie the week after that, and
00:23:36I want a three-cup coffee
00:23:38every day. Miss Roxy's working from that
00:23:40java joint until the end of that period.
00:23:46Drive a hard bargain,
00:23:48Officer Hart.
00:23:56Call me later with the details.
00:23:58You've been saying that medical examiner lady's
00:24:00sweet on you. Shouldn't be hard.
00:24:02All right, now, never you mind.
00:24:06Oh, I got my ways.
00:24:08Oh, I got my ways.
00:24:12Y'all stay out of trouble now, all right?
00:24:14Oh, we will.
00:24:16Bye. Bye.
00:24:20Hey, what you got?
00:24:22Oh, no. Hands off.
00:24:24Hands off. Like a vacuum,
00:24:26Em, don't you dare touch these.
00:24:28Come on, share.
00:24:30Why do you always get the goodies
00:24:32and the girls? Poor Em gets nothing.
00:24:34Don't you feel sad for me?
00:24:38As a matter of fact, I do feel sorry for you.
00:24:40All the time.
00:24:42Because you're nothing but a pathetic
00:24:44beggar. And don't you be eyeballing
00:24:46those girls, all right? That's my cousin and her friend.
00:24:48Oh, I know that.
00:24:50Well, they're just kids.
00:24:52Geez, what kind of person do you think I am?
00:24:54I'm not talking about them, either.
00:24:56I'm talking about proper young ladies that come around here.
00:24:58You're always catching their eyes
00:25:00and I'm just like Grandma's wallpaper.
00:25:02Just kind of hanging there.
00:25:04All right. You can have a piece of cake.
00:25:06Just quit whining.
00:25:08You're ruining my appetite.
00:25:10Would you open the door?
00:25:12Where's Cal?
00:25:14What, he doesn't want to join our round table?
00:25:16No, he's sticking
00:25:18close to home these days. His mom was pretty
00:25:20upset he was out so late. I think he's
00:25:22grounded. He couldn't talk when I called.
00:25:24Aw, no boy for a few days?
00:25:26How will you survive?
00:25:28Don't tease me, Roxy. He had a traumatic
00:25:30experience and I wasn't there to hug him
00:25:32through it. You can give me a hug if you
00:25:34want. I'm short hugs. Actually,
00:25:36I'm pretty sure my hug jar is empty.
00:25:38Finn, you desire actual
00:25:40human contact?
00:25:42Oh, just hilarious,
00:25:46Oh, get this.
00:25:48Dish is the victim
00:25:50is Harley Trudeau.
00:25:52The notorious liar off
00:25:54Hull 4? I didn't look like him in the pond.
00:25:56That's because his face was all frozen like.
00:25:58Oh, come on.
00:26:00His face wasn't that bad.
00:26:02Okay, that is not funny. That was the most horrific
00:26:04experience I've ever had in my life, okay?
00:26:06And I saw the Saw movies.
00:26:08It's different when it's real.
00:26:10Come on, can we please just remember that
00:26:12Aubrey, you,
00:26:14correction, we, are in
00:26:16big, big trouble here.
00:26:18What else did you find out?
00:26:20Tanner said the victim is in his early 60s,
00:26:22obese, and known to be a heavy smoker
00:26:24and drinker. Also,
00:26:26his body is believed to have wounds from both
00:26:28strangulation and hit and run.
00:26:32so, the golf
00:26:34cart, your golf
00:26:36cart, is what Chief
00:26:38Bud thinks he was hit with.
00:26:40Oh, sugar running iced tea. This is what I get for lying.
00:26:42Chief Bud is probably wondering if the
00:26:44driver was Aubrey or a thief, right?
00:26:46He doesn't know for sure, or else
00:26:48Aubrey would already be arrested.
00:26:50Oh, gracious. I'm going to the big house.
00:26:52No, no, no, no, no. Come on.
00:26:54I'm sure that's not the case.
00:26:56I mean, Chief Bud knows our family from church,
00:26:58so that probably helps.
00:27:00And it'll take him a few days to come
00:27:02to his final decision.
00:27:06all we need to do is
00:27:08figure out who killed Harley
00:27:10Trudeau before Chief Bud
00:27:12can jump to the wrong conclusion.
00:27:14No, we have to tell the truth.
00:27:16Giving my college money to your dad to fix the cart
00:27:18is better than going to prison
00:27:20for murder and then getting F'd there.
00:27:22You know what? I know when it's time
00:27:24to get out, and
00:27:26that time is now.
00:27:28But, I'm sorry, Char, but fight or flight,
00:27:30I gotta fly. Later.
00:27:32Finn, come on!
00:27:34We can do this.
00:27:36Guys, it's not over
00:27:38until the fat lady sinks.
00:27:40Or until one of us gets arrested, but
00:27:42three days is all I'm asking.
00:27:44Chief Bud is going to
00:27:46need some time to conduct his investigation,
00:27:50Who's with me?
00:27:52I am.
00:27:54We are. Okay, we're in.
00:27:56So, where do we start?
00:28:02You sure
00:28:04this is the Trudeau house? Yep.
00:28:06I don't see any of their cars,
00:28:08except for Harley's Jag. I don't see
00:28:10their cart, either.
00:28:12Maybe she's just out to dinner.
00:28:14Yeah, let's just probably wait it out for a bit.
00:28:16I agree.
00:28:22Do I hear
00:28:24someone coming?
00:28:26No, it's probably fine.
00:28:34I guess that could be...
00:28:36Oh, they're coming this way. Get down.
00:28:44You think he saw us?
00:28:46I don't think so.
00:28:48You think he saw us?
00:28:50No, I don't think so.
00:28:52That's Larson, her son, but, I mean,
00:28:54he doesn't live at home anymore.
00:28:56What is he doing here?
00:28:58I don't know.
00:29:00Let's go check it out. Okay.
00:29:42Can he see us? Oh, my gosh.
00:29:44There he is.
00:29:46I don't think he saw us yet.
00:29:48Okay, he's right there.
00:29:54Shoot, someone's coming.
00:29:56Come on, let's go.
00:30:10Get down.
00:30:12Get down. I don't want my son
00:30:14to see you.
00:30:16I'll be right back, sweetheart.
00:30:18I'll be right back.
00:30:26Where is it?
00:30:28Where's what, sweetheart? Where's Dad's wheel?
00:30:30I know you know where it is.
00:30:36Who is that guy?
00:30:38That's Foster. He's one of the
00:30:40bartenders at our club.
00:30:42What is he doing here?
00:30:44I don't know.
00:30:46You know what, you're worthless. Just forget it.
00:30:50Oh, yeah, just go to your little
00:30:52copy place or whatever it is
00:30:54you do these days.
00:31:02Dad's always been an asshole to me.
00:31:04The least you can do is go find that wheel.
00:31:06When I get home,
00:31:08better be on my side.
00:31:20Come here, sugar.
00:31:22It's time to play.
00:31:24Oh, my goodness.
00:31:26Did I see what I thought I just saw?
00:31:28I think so.
00:31:30Mrs. Teach doesn't seem
00:31:32too bereaved.
00:31:34All right.
00:31:36Let's go.
00:31:38All right.
00:31:40Let me see what's going on here.
00:31:44Can you see them?
00:31:46Not yet.
00:31:48Oh, there's Foster.
00:31:50All right.
00:31:52What is he up to?
00:31:56What's he doing?
00:31:58Oh, looks like
00:32:00he's making that wheel.
00:32:02Oh, looks like he's making
00:32:04them some drinks. All right.
00:32:08Where's Mrs. Trudeau?
00:32:10Oh, there she is.
00:32:12Looks like she's in
00:32:14some sort of robe.
00:32:18All right.
00:32:22Oh, looks like some
00:32:24swaying and canoodling.
00:32:28You know, like fun cuddling.
00:32:30Let me see.
00:32:38Hello, bartender.
00:32:40It's ever so hot.
00:32:42I'm burning up just looking at you.
00:32:44Oh, why, yes, Mrs. Trudeau.
00:32:46I've got exactly
00:32:48what you're thirsting for.
00:32:50Oh, perfect.
00:32:52But please call me Winona.
00:32:56All right.
00:32:58Oh, geez.
00:33:00She's really going for it.
00:33:02Oh, I don't think
00:33:04I can watch this.
00:33:06I feel like an unfortunate fly on the wall.
00:33:08Let me see.
00:33:10I just don't want you to see that.
00:33:12Just let me see.
00:33:16Yeah, okay.
00:33:18Let's just get out of here
00:33:20and you can check up on her in the morning.
00:33:22All right.
00:33:52Hey. Did I wake you?
00:33:54No. What are you doing here, Grant?
00:33:56I don't think you've thrown rocks at my window
00:33:58since we were, like, ten.
00:34:00I just wanted to talk. Cal said you all were in trouble,
00:34:02but he won't say what.
00:34:04We're fine. We're fixing it.
00:34:06You tell Cal to shut up.
00:34:08Come on. Why don't you trust me?
00:34:10I mean, we've been friends
00:34:12since the fourth grade.
00:34:14And ever since we hit, like, puberty,
00:34:16you just stopped talking to me.
00:34:18Come on, Charlotte. What's going on?
00:34:20No, Grant. I don't need you.
00:34:22Now go home.
00:34:28Charlotte Margaret Moon!
00:34:30Grant, only my mother
00:34:32calls me by my full name.
00:34:34Now go home.
00:34:36What? Go home.
00:34:46Did you take your medicine?
00:34:50All right, good. Bathroom. Did you use the bathroom?
00:34:52It's you!
00:34:54Yeah, yeah, I got it.
00:35:22All right.
00:35:48All right, let's sit here for a second.
00:35:52Come on.
00:35:54Do you have your drink?
00:35:56Yes. All right, good.
00:35:58I'm, uh, I'm gonna go look at something real quick.
00:36:00You find some bugs.
00:36:54what are you doing?
00:36:56I'm, uh, looking for bugs.
00:36:58Looks like there's none here.
00:37:00Come on, friend.
00:37:02Let's, uh, let's go
00:37:04look someplace else.
00:37:06Here. You can, uh, use your binoculars
00:37:08and look for some birds.
00:37:12All right. Just, uh, stay here, and I'll be right back.
00:37:52You're so silly.
00:37:54Brent, stay hidden.
00:37:56You don't want to scare the bugs.
00:38:00Brent, uh, hand me your spade.
00:38:02The, the tiny shovel in your hand.
00:38:04Give it to me.
00:38:06Come on.
00:38:08Brent, uh,
00:38:10hand me your spade.
00:38:12The, the tiny shovel in your hand.
00:38:14Give it to me.
00:38:16Brent, uh,
00:38:18hand me your spade.
00:38:50Okay, let's do it.
00:39:20It's time to go.
00:41:08Well, hello there.
00:41:10Usually it's older men on the golf course staring in my windows, but this is a nice surprise.
00:41:16Have you come here to comfort me?
00:41:21Usually I like a younger man's attention, but, uh, I think you might be a little bit too young for me.
00:41:30Now shoo, before I call your parents and tell them what their precious little baby boy's been up to.
00:41:39Don't tell me there's such a thing.
00:41:43You mean the kind that's, like, interesting and, um...
00:41:52Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Carver.
00:41:55Good morning, Judge Talbot, Miss Talbot.
00:41:58Miss Wyatt, I love your hat.
00:42:03Is there anyone here you don't know?
00:42:05Very few, but if your family lived here as long as mine, you'd know everyone, too.
00:42:09Or at least their business.
00:42:11All right, well, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, okay?
00:42:16Hey, Sullivan. Hey, Birdie.
00:42:18Hi, Scarlett. I saw your boyfriend running across the golf course the other night.
00:42:22Shh. Don't tell on Carol.
00:42:24Morning, Mrs. Kelly.
00:42:26Hello, Scarlett. How are you?
00:42:28I'm good. Not sure I'm too hungry, though, especially after hearing about Mr. Trudeau.
00:42:33Oh, I know. Isn't that just so awful?
00:42:36Yes, it's hard to believe. I just feel bad for Mrs. Trudeau and Larson.
00:42:41Sullivan, how about you take Birdie to get some more waffles?
00:42:44Okay, Mom. Come on, Birdie.
00:42:46Help me get lots of whipped cream this time.
00:42:50Sadly, I don't think they'll be missing him much.
00:42:55I'm not saying Wynonna did him in.
00:42:57I think Harley is worth more to her alive than dead.
00:43:00But they did get into it pretty good at the club's cocktail party the other evening.
00:43:05Oh, that party. It was such a pretty sight.
00:43:08There were flowers and candles and garden lights around the tables.
00:43:12I took lots of pictures.
00:43:14You were saying about the Trudeaus?
00:43:18Oh, yes. So, toward the end of the night, about ten,
00:43:22they took off on their golf cart just to rant in a raven.
00:43:26From what I hear, their son Larson is a bit of a spender and a gambler.
00:43:32He and his daddy used to argue quite a bit about it.
00:43:35Wouldn't surprise me if Larson did him in.
00:43:39He's got a temper on him.
00:43:41Kind of like his daddy.
00:43:55Hey. I'm back.
00:43:57I just heard Mrs. Kelly say she took lots of pictures at the club cocktail party.
00:44:03Be right back.
00:44:33I'll be right back.
00:44:36Hi, Jeff.
00:44:38Hey, hon.
00:45:02Well, I, for one, wouldn't be missing a man's big mouth around the club.
00:45:06Range of my ass.
00:45:08I don't know, Colonel.
00:45:10Mr. Trudeau had some pretty good war stories.
00:45:13I'm telling you, there's no way he served.
00:45:17I served for 30 years.
00:45:1930 years.
00:45:21Trust me, he's an imposter.
00:45:24His tail's as tall as my boat.
00:45:28I expect you're right, Colonel.
00:45:30Carlos, one of the groundskeepers, says the same thing.
00:45:34You know who he served?
00:45:36Yes, I do.
00:45:37Now, that's a good soldier.
00:45:39Nothing burns me up more than a prideful bastard
00:45:44who steals somebody's respect and glory, who rightfully served.
00:45:49Now, Carlos said he often had run-ins with Mr. Trudeau,
00:45:53especially at night on the golf course.
00:45:55He'd catch him out there drinking, pissing, tossing his empties on the greens.
00:45:59Do you believe that?
00:46:01Yeah, I believe it.
00:46:04Why Winona ever hooked up with a guy like that,
00:46:09I never know.
00:46:12She deserves better.
00:46:16I agree, Colonel.
00:46:18I agree.
00:46:22Let me check on that breakfast for you.
00:46:29You are not going to believe what I'm about to say.
00:46:32You're not going to believe what I just heard.
00:46:34Well, you're not going to believe what I just did.
00:46:37I airdropped her pictures from the club cocktail party to my phone.
00:46:41You are so awesome.
00:46:43I know.
00:46:45Let's get out of here. We've got to go visit my mom at the bank.
00:47:03Hey, Gina. Going for me?
00:47:12Hey, Char.
00:47:24Well, hello, lovely lady. You come here often?
00:47:27Hello, Cal. Hi, Finn. I see you've both recovered.
00:47:31Oh, no. The emotional scars are still there.
00:47:34Well, I'm glad to hear you're a survivor.
00:47:37Yeah, and mom's got me on a short leash now.
00:47:39Thank you very much.
00:47:41Yeah, but I really do appreciate the sacrifice.
00:47:44You should, because now he's grounded from his girlfriend and other unsuitable influences.
00:47:51Uh-huh. Cal, you have a big mouth.
00:47:55Yeah, I know.
00:47:57Anyways, enough chatter.
00:47:59Want to play some touch football with us?
00:48:02No, thanks. I don't want to touch you at all, you freak.
00:48:06Anchors away!
00:48:08Paint them all!
00:48:13Hey, you know what, Cal? You're a real gentleman.
00:48:16Scarlet will be so pleased you treat her best friend like this.
00:48:19I don't know why she dates you.
00:48:29Hey, kid. You're in my personal space.
00:49:01Oh, I don't like her.
00:49:03Hey, don't mind her. Getting in your space is her way of being friendly.
00:49:06She's autistic.
00:49:11Hey, Larson.
00:49:13So, can I get you anything? I got soda, beer.
00:49:17No, thanks.
00:49:19Aw, you can get me something.
00:49:29Or am I too poor?
00:49:48I said not to call me.
00:49:52I will get it.
00:49:54Dude, I will get it.
00:49:58Stop calling me.
00:50:10Come on, Jill. Let's go.
00:50:12Babe, we just got here.
00:50:14Jill, now. Come on. Let's go.
00:50:16Give me one second.
00:50:19Caitlin, you're so grouchy.
00:50:43She's fine. She's tough.
00:50:45I just took my eyes off her for a second.
00:50:51It can happen fast. That's why I'm here.
00:50:54Hey. Hey, Bryn.
00:50:56Can you swallow any water?
00:50:59Can you swallow any water?
00:51:01Um, what's your name?
00:51:05How many fingers am I holding up, Bryn?
00:51:07High five.
00:51:12Come on, Bryn. I think that's enough swimming for today.
00:51:15Hey, is he down with your sister? Tell him to call me.
00:51:18I want to go later for pizza.
00:51:20That is, if he can pull himself away from his girlfriend.
00:51:23Yeah, okay.
00:51:28Later, loser.
00:51:31Come on, Bryn.
00:51:36Wow. Bryn and you were busy little detectives, huh?
00:51:39I admit, it was pretty cool.
00:51:41Uh, this is everyone we have on our suspect list so far.
00:51:44Hey, guys.
00:51:46Did you guys solve the murder yet?
00:51:48Glad you could join us, Cal.
00:51:49I'm on parole, so it's good to be here.
00:51:52Alright, so based on what I found on the golf course,
00:51:54it seems that Harley was killed in the sand trap and had his body dragged into the cove.
00:51:59Yeah, I think you're right, but who on your list could have done that?
00:52:02Not Winona.
00:52:03But Winona has a motive.
00:52:05We saw her come home all liquored up and happy with a bartender from the club.
00:52:09Yeah, Foster Davis.
00:52:11Foster's a friend of Tanner's.
00:52:14So, they're having an affair?
00:52:18Foster is known to be a favorite with the club cougars.
00:52:21I think I might be a favorite with the club cougars.
00:52:24Winona caught me outside her house this morning.
00:52:27Yeah, I thought she was going to pull Miss Robinson on me.
00:52:31Yeah, but she sent me packing this, so it was alright.
00:52:33That earring that Charlotte found in the sand trap could be hers.
00:52:36Mrs. Kelly doesn't think Winona would kill Harley.
00:52:38He was worth more to her alive than dead.
00:52:40And it definitely wasn't Foster.
00:52:42I mean, he might entertain wealthy women, but he definitely would not kill for them.
00:52:46Well, unless they have alibis, they're staying on the list.
00:52:49Miss Kelly does see their son, Larson, doing it.
00:52:52He's known for his temper and blowing all his money.
00:52:55That earring could be his fiancee's.
00:52:57Yeah, and the other day at the pool, I heard him take a phone call.
00:53:01He seemed really mad about it.
00:53:02Something about money.
00:53:03The colonel was mad at brunch today.
00:53:05Yeah, I guess Harley boasted at the club that he was a part of the Army Rangers.
00:53:10The colonel didn't believe it.
00:53:11Called Harley a liar.
00:53:12Veterans can take a serious offense to fakes.
00:53:14It's called stolen valor.
00:53:16It can even get violent.
00:53:18Well, sounds like the colonel is going to be added to our list, too.
00:53:22Wait, well, what about the fights between Harley and the greenskeeper?
00:53:26Yeah, he lives in a trailer behind the ninth hole.
00:53:29He would have been on the greens that night because he patrols it.
00:53:32I don't see him killing some rich asshole just because he let him get to him.
00:53:35No, put him on the list.
00:53:37There are times when I'm sneaking across the golf course at night to Scarlett's house and he chases me.
00:53:42You know, Miss Kelly said the Trudeaus were at the club cocktail party the night Harley died.
00:53:47She said they got in a fight and left together on their golf cart about ten.
00:53:51Oh, I got their party pics.
00:53:56Yeah, looks like all our suspects were there.
00:54:00Yeah, and all of them drive their own carts to the parties.
00:54:03Yeah, we're in Foster's case. Have access to carts.
00:54:06Scarlett and I went to my mom's office at the bank.
00:54:09I'd say Harley doesn't look like he's hurting for money.
00:54:13My dad said Harley and his business partner had a pretty good relationship.
00:54:17Alright, we'll take him off the list for now.
00:54:22So that leaves us with Winona, Larson and Jill, Foster, the colonel, and Carlos.
00:54:27Well, we do know what time Harley and Winona left the party.
00:54:31Yeah, so Scarlett, go back to Miss Kelly's and ask her what time all the other guests left the party.
00:54:35Maybe she'll know.
00:54:37Oh, she'll know. Once she gets a babysitter, she stays out as late as she can.
00:54:41So, we just have to find out what each suspect was doing from the time the Trudeaus left the party at ten
00:54:46and when we found Harley's body at twelve-thirty.
00:54:50Uh, Roxy, do you want to stake out Carlos with me?
00:54:54Don't you have a friend in, uh, a lab or something?
00:54:57Oh, my cousin Stacy. She works at Gen Lab.
00:55:00Cool. Do you think she can run a test on this and see if it's a match to Harley?
00:55:04Sure. She's cool.
00:55:07And, uh, can you two follow up on Winona?
00:55:10Oh, I can't. I gotta go to the barn tomorrow and then to work.
00:55:14Well, I guess it's just you, Dalton. You take Winona.
00:55:18Take her where?
00:55:19Cinderella's Ball. Hello? Are you listening?
00:55:22Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'm just hungry. I'm actually gonna go meet Von for pizza, so I'll see y'all later.
00:55:26Wait, Dalton. I thought we were gonna get dinner together.
00:55:29Well, no. It's bro time and I gotta talk to him about the jet ski.
00:55:34Can we have snacks at our next meeting of the minds, please?
00:55:37Uh, hello? Focus!
00:55:39Alright, um, I'll take Larson and the fiancé.
00:55:42Jill works at the wine store next to the coffee shop.
00:55:45They come in after she's done around two.
00:55:47Great. Um, I can go over there and see if they drop any clues.
00:55:50Scarlett, um, you talk to Tanner. See if he can, I don't know, bro-talk Foster into telling him what's up with him and Winona.
00:55:56Okay. I can talk to the colonel, too. He's friends with my dad.
00:56:00Great. Excellent. We're done.
00:56:02Okay. Dance-off time. Us two versus you two. You in?
00:56:06You two are on. Come on, Char.
00:56:16Ew. Could you pick a cleaner hiding spot?
00:56:18No. We have to hide. Oh, and, you know, blend with nature.
00:56:23Well, I don't want to be one with nature. You know nature and I don't mix very well.
00:56:28I know, but you're also one of my very best friends who will do anything to support me.
00:56:33This is true.
00:56:37Huh. This maintenance cart doesn't seem to have any damage to it.
00:56:42It is so romantic to see a guy speaking softly in Spanish.
00:56:46Here comes Carlos.
00:56:49I can't tell what he's saying, but he seems really upset.
00:56:57I'm telling you, man. Stuff keeps going missing around here.
00:57:03I get up the next morning and more parts are gone.
00:57:08I'll never get this Chevy running again at this rate.
00:57:11I'll never get this Chevy running again at this rate.
00:57:16You gotta see my golf cart.
00:57:22Bro. I totally messed it up.
00:57:28I hit him so hard. There was blood everywhere.
00:57:32Holy sugar, Roxy.
00:57:45We gotta go.
00:57:47Hey, who's there?
00:57:58Hey, Gigi. Later, Grant.
00:58:00I know what you're up to, Charlotte.
00:58:01You think that cow didn't tell me you're crazier than you look?
00:58:08Carlos didn't get past the dog.
00:58:10Thank God.
00:58:16It's your crush.
00:58:19Hey, Char.
00:58:20What are you two doing?
00:58:22Running from the boogeyman?
00:58:24Good one.
00:58:25What are you doing around here?
00:58:27I was just over at Dalton's.
00:58:28He and I are going in on a jet ski.
00:58:31Cool. Those are fun.
00:58:33Do you want to ride?
00:58:34Drop you off at Char's house?
00:59:01Yeah, Mom?
00:59:02Oh, it's almost ten.
00:59:03I've got to go show a couple homes, but I'll be back by lunch.
00:59:06Okay, Mom.
00:59:07Oh, Charlotte.
00:59:08While I was at the ship store, I signed you up for sailing lessons.
00:59:11I mean, they were pretty full, but I had this last-minute consolation,
00:59:14so I was able to get you in.
00:59:16Mom, what did I tell you about signing me up for things?
00:59:19Oh, come on, Charlotte.
00:59:20You know how much I love sailing.
00:59:22And just like Jane Aubrey, I want you to learn.
00:59:25Alright, but am I going to be in a group lesson with a bunch of little kids?
00:59:28No worries. I signed you up for private lessons.
00:59:32Is Jay coming home for the weekend?
00:59:34I haven't seen him all summer.
00:59:35Oh, no, honey.
00:59:37He's going to be taking classes all summer long.
00:59:39I know you miss him.
00:59:41Look, I've got to go, okay?
00:59:43I love you!
00:59:44Bye. Love you, too.
00:59:48So glad Mom is gone.
00:59:50I don't want to face her till after this craziness is over.
00:59:53Well, that'll be hard.
00:59:54Mom wants us to go to the country clubs next year.
00:59:57The country club's next party.
00:59:59Oh, yeah.
01:00:00Dawn promised we'd go together.
01:00:01Lately, I think he's been ditching me a lot, but hopefully it'll be fun.
01:00:04No, it won't.
01:00:06Aw, cheer up, sis.
01:00:08Oh, um, Carlos chased me and Roxy last night.
01:00:12He's looking very suspicious.
01:00:14He chased you?
01:00:19Charlotte took us through the list of the times our suspects left the party.
01:00:22According to Miss Kelly, the Trudeaus left about 10,
01:00:25the Colonel at 10.30,
01:00:26and Larson and his fiancé around 10.45.
01:00:30Mrs. Kelly stayed till the party ended at 11,
01:00:32and as she was walking home, she saw Foster driving out of the neighborhood about 11.15.
01:00:37So does that mean Foster's off the suspect list?
01:00:40No, because he just could have come back.
01:00:43Hopefully Tanner has something to tell us today.
01:00:45Well, tell me about Carlos.
01:00:48But you have to hurry it up.
01:00:50I've got to get to the barn soon.
01:00:52Well, it was both terrifying and fun all at the same time,
01:00:55but I'll tell you everything once everyone's here tonight.
01:01:01Hey, get a load of this.
01:01:03Chief Graham is still investigating the death of prominent local lawyer Harley Trudeau.
01:01:08Mr. Trudeau's body was found in a cove along the Queen's Crown Golf Course early Sunday morning.
01:01:13Mr. Trudeau is believed to have passed sometime between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. Saturday.
01:01:19Few details have been released regarding the suspicious death,
01:01:22but Mr. Trudeau appears to have been the victim of a hit-and-run by a small vehicle.
01:01:27Sources also report a resident of the exclusive neighborhood came forward,
01:01:31saying he was out late walking the court sometime around midnight on the night in question
01:01:35when he saw a unicorn chasing a white fox.
01:01:39Pretty muffin.
01:01:41This is a curious case indeed.
01:01:43The investigation is ongoing.
01:01:45Well, no news is good news.
01:01:48They haven't said anything about you.
01:01:58Hey there.
01:02:00This cart's kind of flat.
01:02:01I keep filling it up, but it just gets low again.
01:02:03Maybe you should go get cart two.
01:02:04It's fine. I'll fill it when I come back.
01:02:06No, you should probably go get cart two.
01:02:10Are you all right?
01:02:11I'm not sure. It's just really hot.
01:02:14Are you going to be okay to work?
01:02:17So kind of you to worry.
01:02:19Well, now I'm afraid to let you go.
01:02:21Then don't.
01:02:23Admit it.
01:02:24You want me.
01:02:27Dalton, make no mistake.
01:02:30I'm a woman, and I'm nothing like that little teeny bopper girlfriend of yours.
01:02:36So the question is, is the man in you ready for me?
01:02:40I think I'd like to find out.
01:02:43And the little princess?
01:02:45You'd dump her for me, right?
01:02:50So why do you do this job when I hear you're rich?
01:02:55My parents have money, not me.
01:02:57And I'd say we're well off.
01:02:59Plus, rich is relative.
01:03:02Well, relative to me, you're rich.
01:03:05Well, I'm not a trust fund kid.
01:03:07I have to make my own way like my dad did.
01:03:09Oh, how boring.
01:03:11And here I was, briefly interested in you.
01:03:20Hey, buddy.
01:03:21Oh, uh, hey. What's the word?
01:03:24The word?
01:03:28Just don't get caught up in her web.
01:03:37Well, hey, pastor. Nice to see you.
01:03:40Hey, hey. Long time, man.
01:03:42What you been up to?
01:03:44Hope you ain't been working all the time.
01:03:46I've been squeezing in time for fun.
01:03:48You know me.
01:03:51Yeah, I do. Ever since you dated my sister in high school.
01:03:54Yeah, ouch. Don't remind me.
01:03:57You know, high school's further back for me than you.
01:04:00Well, uh, speaking matters of the heart and, uh, other body parts.
01:04:07Hear you and Mr. Doe were an item.
01:04:10Oh, uh, where'd you hear that?
01:04:13It's Wednesday gossip.
01:04:16Isn't that true?
01:04:18Yeah. Yeah, it's true.
01:04:21Been going on for, uh, a few months now.
01:04:24I mean, it's nothing serious, but, uh, don't tell anyone, all right?
01:04:29Dude, what's up with that?
01:04:32You got, like, what, 25 years on you?
01:04:35What can I say?
01:04:37I mean, she was offering, and really, she's a blast.
01:04:45What about her, uh, husband's suspicious dad?
01:04:49I don't worry you none.
01:04:51Nah, she's a genuine sweetie.
01:04:54I've known some sly women.
01:04:56She's not one of them.
01:04:59It's weird, though.
01:05:01My wife's been winding up in the lake while she's waiting for me at my place.
01:05:05You sure about that?
01:05:07Yeah, man. I mean, Winona and Harley left the club cocktail party, uh, about 10 or so.
01:05:12You know, same time I sent Gina home.
01:05:15By 1025, she was sending me pics from my condo.
01:05:19Check these out.
01:05:24You see a timestamp?
01:05:26You know they estimate Harley's time of death after 11, so...
01:05:30Besides, Chief Budd found Harley's golf cart back at the club.
01:05:33Not a scratch on it.
01:05:38So you just went right home after work?
01:05:41Yeah, briefly.
01:05:43So, uh, you asking all this officially or unofficially?
01:05:48Unofficially. Of course.
01:05:50Of course.
01:05:53Well, I'll tell you the same thing I told Chief Budd.
01:05:56Yeah. Got home 1120, changed, and, uh, Winona and I went out to a chill martini.
01:06:02Got there about 22 midnight.
01:06:04When'd you leave?
01:06:06Stay till closing at two.
01:06:10You know, you asking a lot of these unofficial questions, man.
01:06:14No worries, man. Just... idle curiosity.
01:06:19Chief Budd's working the case, not me.
01:06:22Yeah, alright. I doubt that, Tanner.
01:06:25You trying to beat Chief Budd to the punch on this?
01:06:28I admit I'd like him to trust me a little more, but, uh...
01:06:33No, that's not it.
01:06:36This is so unusual.
01:06:38Harley dying out there on the golf course like that.
01:06:40Yeah. Well, I'm not surprised.
01:06:43I mean, don't let these luxury homes and manicured lawns fool you.
01:06:47I see and hear plenty.
01:06:50Sure you do, my friend.
01:06:53Sure you do.
01:07:01Why do I keep letting you talk me into this stuff?
01:07:03Because I didn't want to go alone and you're my friend.
01:07:06You torture me, Charlotte.
01:07:08I felt a lot braver last night when we were playing Call of Duty, but now I'm just tired.
01:07:13Here. Have my latte.
01:07:16This is my payment for being your bodyguard? Half a latte?
01:07:20Do you want my cookie?
01:07:25So what are we supposed to do?
01:07:27Just talk to them and act like we don't notice them.
01:07:30But what do we talk about?
01:07:32Same thing we always do, you know, like video games, skateboarding, anime stuff.
01:07:37Here they come.
01:07:39You sure you don't want to talk to me?
01:07:42You sure you'll be ready? I mean, maybe we just need to postpone.
01:07:45I'm fine, Jill. We're not postponing.
01:07:51My dad and I weren't close anymore.
01:07:55Okay. If you say so.
01:08:00Oh, shoot. I think they messed up my drink order again.
01:08:03You did order me a skinny soy ginger latte with organic whip, right?
01:08:07Of course.
01:08:09It tastes funny for some reason.
01:08:11Oh, my gosh. I just remembered. I had the best idea for our wedding.
01:08:16Let's decorate your go-kart to be the escape vehicle for our reception.
01:08:21Sorry, hon. I got rid of it.
01:08:23What? Why? We had so much fun in that car.
01:08:25I'm sorry, babe. I had to sell it.
01:08:28I don't understand. Why?
01:08:30Just trust me, Jill. I had to get rid of it.
01:08:32Okay. Jeez.
01:08:34It's like one of those little trust exercises.
01:08:36But after our marriage, no more secrets. Okay, babe?
01:08:40Just kiss me, beautiful.
01:08:42Sorry, babe. Can't yet.
01:08:44I'm serious about us taking a break until after our big day.
01:08:47Jill, we've lived together for two years now. Come on.
01:08:50I know. But if we take a little break, it'll be just that much more special.
01:08:54You know, our first time as husband and wife?
01:08:57Come on now, babe. No pouting.
01:08:59Hey. Good news.
01:09:01I've got enough money to pay for boat trips.
01:09:03To Paris and Venice.
01:09:05In every country, we'll be doing it along the way.
01:09:08Please, Larson. Okay, your kart was awesome,
01:09:11but it's not enough to fund our honeymoon, babe.
01:09:13No, of course not.
01:09:15Don't worry. I've taken care of it.
01:09:18We're going to have plenty of money soon.
01:09:22I'm sorry.
01:09:24I've taken care of it. We're going to have plenty of money soon.
01:09:29It's another trust exercise.
01:09:38Let's take a walk down to the bridal shop
01:09:40and show me what outrageous dresses you picked out to torture those bridesmaids with.
01:09:44Yes! Oh, now.
01:09:46What are we going to wear to the club's cocktail party tomorrow night?
01:09:49Oh, wait. I know. I'll wear floral. You wear gingham.
01:09:52We'll look as fresh as a summer picnic.
01:09:54Come on, Jill.
01:10:17This looks ridiculous!
01:10:20Now, you know you can afford to have the name properly painted on there.
01:10:25I will. I will.
01:10:30Your knee still aching?
01:10:33Bill, I have told you a hundred times to go get that looked at.
01:10:38Now, why haven't you gone yet?
01:10:40Marilyn, I've been busy.
01:10:43I forget it hurts until it hurts.
01:10:46You know me.
01:10:48Yes, I do know you.
01:10:50So if you need me to call and make an appointment for you, I will.
01:10:53You just got to tell me when.
01:10:55Marilyn, thanks, but I don't need you to make no appointment for me.
01:11:00I do it when I do it.
01:11:02You're just fussing because you want me to finish your to-do list.
01:11:05My to-do list?
01:11:08Our to-do list.
01:11:10Now, we may be divorced, Bill,
01:11:12but you promised me you'd help me take care of our family home.
01:11:16So I'm going to hold you to that.
01:11:18And besides, Jill's wedding will be here before you know it.
01:11:21And I know you don't want to let your baby girl down.
01:11:24I know that.
01:11:25So get that knee looked at.
01:11:27Because you don't do anybody any good sitting around on your bum all day.
01:11:31Yes, ma'am.
01:11:35Hi, Miss Conner.
01:11:36Hi, Scarlett.
01:11:37Have a good day.
01:11:39Hello, Colonel.
01:11:41Hey, Miss Lady. What you up to?
01:11:43Looking for someone to share my coconut cupcakes with.
01:11:46I made them for Daddy, but he had to fly off to New York.
01:11:49That's an offer?
01:11:50I love one.
01:11:51Think your mama want one?
01:11:53Oh, you know her.
01:11:54She's on a diet.
01:11:56I should be on one myself,
01:11:58but you only live once,
01:12:01and I don't want to have any regrets.
01:12:06Miss, you are one of the best bakers I know.
01:12:09It's like it's your superpower.
01:12:12So, Colonel, I noticed your golf cart isn't in its usual parking space.
01:12:17Well, um, I had an incident and, uh,
01:12:20sent it off for repairs.
01:12:22Oh, my.
01:12:23Um, what happened?
01:12:25Uh, well, it was late and dark,
01:12:29and I was coming back from the club,
01:12:31and, you know, I hit something.
01:12:33Oh, my.
01:12:34I sure hope it wasn't a person.
01:12:36Oh, God, no.
01:12:37It was racist.
01:12:38No, it was, it was like, uh,
01:12:40it was like a, you know,
01:12:42it was like a post, you know, in the parking lot.
01:12:45You know?
01:12:47Oh, oh, yeah, yeah.
01:12:48And, in the end, I got to,
01:12:50I got to go get dressed for dinner, and, uh,
01:12:53no, no, no, I understand that,
01:12:55but, hey, yeah, it's time for you to go.
01:12:57You're late, and, uh, yeah.
01:12:59Yeah, I'm, what it really is,
01:13:00I'll see you and your parents tomorrow night at the club,
01:13:03and, hey, you have,
01:13:04uh, yeah, yeah, you have a good night.
01:13:06Thank you.
01:13:07Oh, yeah.
01:13:09Yeah, bye.
01:13:20Oh, hey, Shore.
01:13:21You've finally come to learn from the master.
01:13:23Uh, you're my sailing instructor?
01:13:26I know, right?
01:13:28Um, all right, so I am going to take us for a sail.
01:13:31Uh, I'll just teach the parts of the boat sailing terms
01:13:33while we're out on the water.
01:13:34Is that cool?
01:13:36All right.
01:13:37First things first, life jacket on,
01:13:39safety rule numero uno.
01:13:41Got it?
01:13:44All right.
01:13:45There is not much wind in here right now,
01:13:48so I hope you like to paddle.
01:13:51You need, you need help?
01:13:53You got it?
01:13:54Yeah, I got it.
01:13:56Yeah, you just cross.
01:13:58No, like this, this one goes here.
01:14:01One there, two.
01:14:05All right, how much strength do you got in those arms?
01:14:08It'll do.
01:14:09All right, you want to help me push it in?
01:14:10All right, let's go.
01:14:12Okay, more straight, more straight.
01:14:14All right, so the front's called the bow,
01:14:16back's called the stern,
01:14:17left side's port, right side starboard.
01:14:19Got it?
01:14:20I guess.
01:14:22Don't worry, the more you sail, the easier it's going to get.
01:14:24Hey, you know why this is called the boom?
01:14:28So when we cross wind, if you don't duck,
01:14:30that's the sound it's going to make when it hits you in the face.
01:14:35All right.
01:15:05Hey, Scarlett,
01:15:30I want you to invite another person to Shardy's dinner party tomorrow night.
01:15:33Okay, who?
01:15:36Well, I think it'll be really nice if she sees him.
01:15:42Hey, Dalton, where are you?
01:15:45Um, I'm helping my dad rebuild the deck.
01:15:48He's probably not going to let me go right now.
01:15:51Oh, that sucks.
01:15:53I know.
01:15:54We've just been working a lot, and we've got to get this done.
01:15:58Okay, I understand.
01:16:00Scarlett and I were just talking about Shard's dinner party tomorrow night.
01:16:03You are coming, right?
01:16:05I'll be there.
01:16:06I promise.
01:16:07Okay, bye.
01:16:10Okay, so Roxy can't come tonight, but we have Finn here with us.
01:16:15New cut and all.
01:16:16Please, hold your applause.
01:16:18Dalton can't make it tonight.
01:16:20We already know who killed Harley.
01:16:21It was totally Carlos.
01:16:23Shari even said that the cart was all banged up and had blood all over it.
01:16:26Case closed.
01:16:29But speaking of blood, Roxy's cousin was able to test the blood from the sand trap.
01:16:33Turns out it was a match to Harley.
01:16:35So we do know where he died.
01:16:37Then we're done.
01:16:38We know who and we know where.
01:16:40We've got to call Chief Budd.
01:16:41I don't know just yet.
01:16:42Carlos seems like a pretty smart guy.
01:16:44If he were to kill Harley, he wouldn't leave the cart next to his camper.
01:16:47He would have dumped it.
01:16:49Yeah, but you know who did get rid of his cart really fast?
01:16:54That's right.
01:16:55We overheard him say that he sold it.
01:16:56He told his fiance, Jill, that he's going to have some big money coming in.
01:16:59I knew it.
01:17:00Larson killed his father so he could take his money.
01:17:03That earring could belong to Jill if they were working together.
01:17:07I think we need to do a little bit more investigating on Larson before we go call Chief Budd.
01:17:11I don't think Jill's involved though.
01:17:13She plays a pretty clueless bride-to-be.
01:17:16Maybe the earring isn't related at all.
01:17:19The cart manager did tell Dalton that one of the beer carts was off for repairs.
01:17:22He said that was weird because they usually do it in-house.
01:17:25What about Foster and Winona?
01:17:27Are we sure that they're both clear?
01:17:29Based on what Tanner said, Foster and Winona sound pretty innocent.
01:17:33You know, Roxy knows the managers at the Chill Martini.
01:17:35Some of her art is displayed there.
01:17:37We can have her go and find out what time they left.
01:17:40What about the Colonel?
01:17:42He sounded pretty guilty.
01:17:44Aubrey, you should tell Dalton to track down the Colonel's cart at the local repair shops.
01:17:48See if he can find out what happened to it.
01:17:51And it has to be done by tomorrow because our three days ends tomorrow night.
01:17:56If any of you find anything, text me.
01:17:58Maybe we'll see some of the suspects at the club.
01:18:01Yeah, that's true. We could probably spy on them at Char's dinner.
01:18:05I don't know why my mother insists on giving me a birthday party at the country club.
01:18:08Not exactly my scene.
01:18:10Because the food is awesome and you know she likes the reason to get dressed up.
01:18:14Alright, I'm going to play some COD.
01:18:18I'll go get snacks.
01:18:22I'm so happy we finally get to spend some time together.
01:18:28Dalton, do you think this is going to turn out okay?
01:18:32I hope so.
01:18:34I don't know if your little joy ride is going to cost us all.
01:18:36Hey, I wasn't out there alone.
01:18:38I thought we were in this together.
01:18:40Yeah, right up until the point where we both go to prison.
01:18:42They love birds.
01:18:44What are you doing here?
01:18:45That's called chasing you down for your half the jet ski money.
01:18:48We've only got like two hours until I lose my deposit.
01:18:52So, this is where you're always running off to.
01:18:56Come meet my secret love, Chanel.
01:19:01Are you scared?
01:19:02It's just a horse, man.
01:19:03Just a horse?
01:19:05She's my baby and we're a team.
01:19:07I trust her that she will take care of me over the jumps.
01:19:10She's pretty cool.
01:19:12But I admit I've never, um, I've never been around a horse before.
01:19:18Aw, so you do have holes in your armor.
01:19:21Don't be afraid.
01:19:22She's the sweetest.
01:19:27It's okay.
01:19:29Right there.
01:19:31Oh, she's actually soft.
01:19:34You can give her a treat.
01:19:39So, right there.
01:19:43There you go.
01:19:44I just like that one.
01:19:45Okay, I think that's enough fun on the farm time.
01:19:47Let's go.
01:19:48Let's ride.
01:19:49We got business to do.
01:19:50Keep dodging me, I'm going to be out a thousand bucks.
01:19:52I've been meaning to talk to you about that.
01:19:54See you tonight, babe.
01:19:56Oh, okay.
01:20:02Almost forgot these.
01:20:03Oh, thank you.
01:20:05Thanks for showing me your secret love.
01:20:08She's beautiful.
01:20:18Well, hello, Aubrey.
01:20:22Can I help you?
01:20:23Hello, Mrs. Graham.
01:20:24I've got groceries for the food pantry.
01:20:26Oh, great.
01:20:28We can set them on back there by the other boxes.
01:20:35I'll make sure it gets with the rest of the donations.
01:20:38We were going to bring them on Sunday, but then...
01:20:41Well, that's okay.
01:20:43It's not too late.
01:20:45The food bank hasn't even picked up yet.
01:20:48I've got more in the front of my truck.
01:20:50Oh, great.
01:20:51I'll help you.
01:20:54So, how are you doing?
01:20:56I'm doing great.
01:20:57How about you?
01:20:58I'm doing great.
01:20:59How about you?
01:21:00I'm doing great.
01:21:01How about you?
01:21:02I'm doing great.
01:21:03How about you?
01:21:04I'm doing great.
01:21:06So, how are you, dear?
01:21:08I hear you had some trouble with your golf cart.
01:21:11Oh, yeah.
01:21:18You know, when I have things on my heart weighing me down,
01:21:23I bring my worries to God.
01:21:26There's nothing your Heavenly Father can't handle.
01:21:29Just talk to Him.
01:21:32How about you take a quiet moment and go inside
01:21:38and sit down in the sanctuary?
01:21:41If you can't find the words, well, that's okay.
01:21:45You don't need to speak.
01:21:47He hears your heart.
01:21:54Thank you.
01:22:02Beep, beep.
01:22:25Hey, did you see the text?
01:22:28We're close now.
01:22:30Hey, are Dalton and you okay?
01:22:33Actually, I'm not sure.
01:22:35Sometimes he's great, and the next thing I know, he's gone.
01:22:39Yeah, I could see why you'd feel that way.
01:22:41I try to be patient.
01:22:42I know he's focused on trying to pay for half of his college tuition
01:22:45like his dad wants, but honestly,
01:22:47I think he's over me and hasn't told me yet.
01:22:50But are you really that into him?
01:22:52I'm starting to wonder.
01:22:53But I am looking forward to seeing him tonight.
01:22:55Are you looking forward to seeing anyone tonight?
01:22:59Maybe you should open your eyes more.
01:23:01You've got some sweet friends that would make some good boyfriend material.
01:23:04No, Aubrey.
01:23:05Okay, if you say so.
01:23:08Hey, will you help me with my hair?
01:23:17Mom texted. She's running a bit late.
01:23:20Death Flight was diverted to Raleigh.
01:23:21She's going there to pick him up.
01:23:24Should Dalton be here by now?
01:23:26Yeah, he's coming. He promised.
01:23:34I guess he's not coming after all.
01:23:36Excuse me.
01:23:38Aubrey, it'll be okay.
01:23:41Hey, Brynn, I like your onesie.
01:23:43Brynn, don't run off!
01:23:46Hey, Betsy.
01:23:47Hey, sweetie.
01:23:48I could not get her to put on her dress.
01:23:50I just finally gave up.
01:23:52You know, with autism, you have to pick your battles carefully
01:23:54because there's so many.
01:23:56Right, well, I like it.
01:23:58She looks party ready.
01:23:59I know I am.
01:24:00I need a drink.
01:24:01I'll be right back.
01:24:02I need to find Brynn.
01:24:07Why is Grant here?
01:24:09Oh, Scarlett invited him.
01:24:11Roxy, I love your dress.
01:24:15Hey, Finn.
01:24:16Charlotte pulled you out again.
01:24:17Well, I've been in high demand lately.
01:24:19Lucky Finn.
01:24:20Isn't he the popular one?
01:24:22Grant, you clean up nicely.
01:24:25I'm trying to get noticed by someone special.
01:24:28Come on, Grant.
01:24:30Let's go grab drinks for everyone while we wait.
01:24:33Is this a thing?
01:24:36No, this is not a thing.
01:24:38Are you jealous?
01:24:40Are you flirting with me?
01:24:43If that's what it takes to get your attention, then yeah.
01:24:51Oh, this is interesting.
01:24:55Uh, come on, Roxy.
01:24:57Let's go get those sodas.
01:24:59Oh, right.
01:25:00Yeah, I love a good root beer.
01:25:04Actually, I can't stay.
01:25:06My uncle's visiting, so I have to have dinner with my family.
01:25:09But I just want to say, happy birthday.
01:25:12Charlotte Margaret Moon.
01:25:17Hi, Grant.
01:25:18Hi, Grant.
01:25:20Happy birthday!
01:25:21Happy birthday, Charlotte.
01:25:24Okay, Cal.
01:25:27I don't know if someone told her someone here is getting older.
01:25:30We love her smile.
01:25:31We love her face.
01:25:32She's someone we can't replace.
01:25:33She loved me better when we started.
01:25:34Now her nose goes down her fart.
01:25:36Who's this girl we love by far?
01:25:37Happy birthday.
01:25:38Her name is Char.
01:25:41Cal, I...
01:25:43I have no words.
01:25:46Did Scarlett put you up to this?
01:25:48Now can we go inside?
01:25:49I'm starving.
01:25:50Cal, behave.
01:25:52Hey, Cal.
01:25:54The table's not ready yet.
01:26:05Hey, what can I get you?
01:26:06Uh, three cherry sodas and root beer, right?
01:26:10Yeah, I really do like root beer.
01:26:12All right, you got it.
01:26:14We are on our way from Target.
01:26:20Uh, hey.
01:26:21Oh, hey.
01:26:22What are you doing here?
01:26:23I've got a date.
01:26:25Oh, another country club princess running up Daddy's tab?
01:26:28Of course, that's my favorite type.
01:26:30Why are you here?
01:26:31We're celebrating Char's birthday.
01:26:33Oh, where's Don?
01:26:35Is he not your date?
01:26:36Um, he bailed on me.
01:26:40I'm pretty sure we're over.
01:26:42You know, if that's true, he should have met up and tell you.
01:26:46Look, you're not the only one getting dumped.
01:26:48He completely left me hanging on the jet ski deal.
01:26:50Oh, I'm sorry.
01:26:51You lost your deposit?
01:26:52Yeah, well...
01:26:57Aubrey, you look really pretty today.
01:26:59Oh, thanks.
01:27:02I'm sorry he made you come alone.
01:27:05Whatever his reasons, I hope it was pretty damn important.
01:27:08Because he's a fool.
01:27:11Excuse me.
01:27:24Okay, thank you.
01:27:25I'll see you out there.
01:27:38Figured I'd find you here.
01:27:42Mom, I did what you asked.
01:27:46You wouldn't lie to me, now would you?
01:27:48Your daddy used to lie to me, and I know you wouldn't lie to me.
01:27:51I'm not.
01:27:52You paid off all your gambling debts.
01:27:54All of it.
01:27:56We agreed.
01:27:57Yes, I sold my boat, jet skis, and the golf cart to do it.
01:28:01That's my good boy.
01:28:03Now, will you pay for my honeymoon?
01:28:05Of course, baby.
01:28:07I'll always make sure we're taken care of.
01:28:11Thanks, Mom.
01:28:16And here's that root beer.
01:28:20Thank you.
01:28:35Hey, sugar.
01:28:37Mr. Dub.
01:28:39What can I do for you?
01:28:40I think you know.
01:28:43All right, Winona, simmer down.
01:28:46I'm gonna go home and pack a overnight bag, and then I'm gonna head on over to your house.
01:28:51If that's all right with you.
01:28:53Well, yes, ma'am.
01:29:18Found her.
01:29:20Oh, oh, there's Gina.
01:29:22Oh, there's Gina.
01:29:23I want to get a drink.
01:29:27Goodness, I am losing my mind.
01:29:29Don't worry, I'll get her.
01:29:30The hostess said our table's ready.
01:29:40Oh, thanks for the drink, Finn.
01:29:41Oh, no, no problem, Charlotte.
01:29:53Where did you get that?
01:30:04You're the Unicorn Witness?
01:30:06Aubrey, Carlos isn't the killer, Gina is.
01:30:10Yes, and I have proof.
01:30:11Gina killed Harley.
01:30:12I'm in the bathroom now.
01:30:23Gina's the killer.
01:30:24Her and Harley were having an affair.
01:30:27Are you sure?
01:30:28Yes, I'm sure, and I think Brynn witnessed the murder.
01:30:30She was on the go, of course, the night Harley died.
01:30:32Gina's after her, and we have to find her.
01:30:34Come on, let's try the parking lot.
01:30:36We gotta tell Chief Budd.
01:31:06Get off me, asshole!
01:31:07What is wrong with you?
01:31:08That's enough out of you.
01:31:09Get her up.
01:31:10I didn't do anything.
01:31:11Get her up.
01:31:12Come on, now.
01:31:13You get her cuffed, and we'll sort this out.
01:31:14Take her in.
01:31:20Mom and Dad are on their way back from the airport.
01:31:22Did you send your friends home?
01:31:25I don't know.
01:31:26I don't know.
01:31:27I don't know.
01:31:28I don't know.
01:31:29I don't know.
01:31:30I don't know.
01:31:31I don't know.
01:31:32I don't know.
01:31:33I don't know.
01:31:34I don't know.
01:31:35Did you send your friends home?
01:31:36Yeah, their parents are picking them up now.
01:31:49Oh, I'm so worried.
01:31:52All right, Charlotte.
01:31:54We did find Miss Young pursuing your cousin rather aggressively.
01:31:59I had Sergeant Hart take her back to the station.
01:32:03Now, how about you tell me what's got you so worried?
01:32:08I know that Gina killed Harley Trudeau.
01:32:10And you know this how?
01:32:13I've got pics of Harley and her together.
01:32:15I got them off of her phone.
01:32:16I'm pretty sure they were having an affair.
01:32:21Anything else?
01:32:22See those expensive earrings?
01:32:24Pretty sure Harley gave them to her.
01:32:26Go on.
01:32:28She had them on at the club cocktail party the night that he was killed.
01:32:31Bren was outside playing around the golf course,
01:32:33and she found the earring in a sand trap near the crime scene.
01:32:41And that's where I also found its match.
01:32:49You're going to want this sandbag, too.
01:32:53Harley's body was hit by a small car, or cart in this case.
01:32:56Look at this.
01:32:57I took pics of the tracks around the sand trap just after the murder.
01:33:00Two cart tracks lead into the trap.
01:33:02Three tracks lead out,
01:33:04and you'll find Harley's blood soaked into the sand if you dig.
01:33:10See the tracks here? And here?
01:33:12In this pic, Gina and Harley?
01:33:14Look at his tie.
01:33:19This is the tie Harley was wearing the night he died.
01:33:22You could see it in the party pics.
01:33:25I'm sure that Bren saw Gina run over Harley with the cart.
01:33:28That's why Bren's been running away from her,
01:33:30and that's why Gina chased after her.
01:33:32Harley's body was found in the cove.
01:33:35That's why there are three track marks leading out of the trap,
01:33:38and why he had strangle marks on his neck.
01:33:40Gina tied his necktie to the cart hitch and dragged him to the pond.
01:33:45Oh, good lord.
01:33:47It's a wonder his head didn't pop off like a grape.
01:33:50We've heard enough.
01:33:51Bren and I are going to wait for you outside.
01:33:53Come on, Bren. Let's go outside.
01:33:58Charlotte, you were saying?
01:34:00So, after Gina put his body into the lake,
01:34:04she lost the tie and lost the earrings,
01:34:07and that's when Bren came and found them.
01:34:09Your evidence does suggest that she's guilty,
01:34:12but what's her motive?
01:34:15Everyone at the club has seen how Gina chases after the wealthy men.
01:34:18She finally caught one.
01:34:20Or so she thought.
01:34:21William must have betrayed her,
01:34:22and she turned into a jilted lover green with envy.
01:34:25She wanted to be the new Mrs. Trudeau.
01:34:28You form a convincing theory, Charlotte.
01:34:30So good, in fact, I'd say it matches nicely with our own findings.
01:34:34Well, what about Carlos Harris?
01:34:36Did he help Gina?
01:34:37I mean, Charlotte said his cart was beat up with blood all over it.
01:34:40Carlos reported that he had a deal with his cart a week ago.
01:34:45The story checks out.
01:34:47So I sent Sergeant Hart to take a visit to the dump.
01:34:53Beer cart number two was found behind a trash heap.
01:34:56And it had the damage you would expect from hitting Harley.
01:35:00Well, what now?
01:35:02First off, while I appreciate your sharp and inquisitive minds
01:35:07and your courage in trying to keep Aubrey from getting in trouble,
01:35:12you need to let me handle this.
01:35:15Second off, you and your friends need to come down to the station tomorrow
01:35:21and give me a full statement.
01:35:23Chief Spottage, you there?
01:35:28Yes, Dixie, I'm here.
01:35:31Tanner says Miss Young is singing like a bird.
01:35:33You better get back here.
01:35:36All right, Dixie, I'm coming.
01:35:39All right, so you two, get home safe and sound.
01:35:43And please, try to stay out of trouble.
01:35:47Y'all have a good night.
01:36:13Good night.
01:36:31So now you know, my love, why I did what I had to do
01:36:37and why I couldn't tell you.
01:36:43I will miss you terribly.
01:36:47You made me feel alive again.
01:36:50I've never felt so beautiful and happy.
01:36:55And for that, I'll be forever grateful.
01:37:14I couldn't have had a better alibi.
01:39:21Oh, gosh!
01:39:22You going somewhere, foster?
01:39:23Hold...hold up.
01:39:27Why don't you take a seat?
01:39:31Looks like you've had quite a night, Mr. Davis.
01:39:36Where's Winona Trudeau?
01:39:38I don't know.
01:39:40Look, she left about 20 minutes ago.
01:39:42She's getting away.
01:39:43She's the one you want.
01:39:45Better put an APB out on her.
01:39:49You know we've been talking
01:39:50to Ginny Young down at the station.
01:39:52I swear, I had nothing to do with Harley's death.
01:39:55Winona fooled me too.
01:39:56Is that right?
01:39:58It looks like she left you a nice little parting gift
01:40:00and then all wrapped in ribbon.
01:40:02Take it.
01:40:03I want nothing to do with this.
01:40:04All right, Mr. Davis.
01:40:06How about you give us a short version
01:40:08of what went on here tonight?
01:40:10Winona tricked me.
01:40:12I thought we were playing a game.
01:40:14Next thing I know, I'm tied to a chair
01:40:16and she's pointing a gun at me.
01:40:19Oh, you didn't see that one coming?
01:40:24Winona said that about a month ago,
01:40:26Harley told her he was going to divorce her
01:40:27and marry his secretary.
01:40:29Winona signed a prenup.
01:40:31And over the years, Larson lost favor with his daddy.
01:40:34So she was determined to do whatever it took
01:40:36to maintain their lifestyle.
01:40:38How'd Ginny Young get involved?
01:40:40Winona said that her revenge would be even sweeter
01:40:42if she had one of Harley's slings do the dirty work.
01:40:45She said she was killing two birds with one stone.
01:40:47So she approached Gina.
01:40:49And you had no part in this.
01:40:51No, I didn't.
01:40:54Winona told Gina that Harley's been cheating on her
01:40:57and how he's planning to run off
01:40:58with his latest flavor of the month.
01:41:00That was enough to fuel the fire.
01:41:02But Gina went nuts.
01:41:04Then, all Winona had to do
01:41:06was offer to pay Gina to kill him.
01:41:07And that was enough to seal his fate.
01:41:09Did she tell you the plan?
01:41:12Just that, Winona made sure the drinks kept flowing
01:41:15Harley's direction last Friday at the club cocktail.
01:41:18She knew he'd get drunk and that they'd get in fighting
01:41:21and that he'd go looking for Gina
01:41:22after he dropped her off at home.
01:41:24And sure enough, he found Gina leaving the club.
01:41:28Then, Gina took him for a ride on the beer cart.
01:41:31She pushed him out of the cart and he's stumbling around
01:41:34so she chases him down into the sandpit and runs him over.
01:41:38According to Winona, one groan and he's gone.
01:41:42That sounds about right.
01:41:43Don't you think so, Tanner?
01:41:45No, I'd say so.
01:41:47Same story Gina told us at the station.
01:41:50You're a lucky man, Foster.
01:41:53You got an alibi and Gina claims Winona
01:41:55didn't want you mixed up in all this.
01:41:58Thank God.
01:42:01That's all for the night, Mr. Davis.
01:42:04But I'm gonna need you to come down to the station
01:42:06in the morning to give us your full statement.
01:42:10Tanner, collect that for me, will you?
01:42:13Yes, sir.
01:42:19Toodles, Foster.
01:42:29Oh, it's you.
01:42:30You didn't have to wait so long.
01:42:31I was gonna get you something to drink.
01:42:34Come on, get in the car.
01:42:35I'm late.
01:42:36Come on, get in the car.
01:42:37I'm late.
01:42:38I'm late.
01:42:38Get in the car.
01:42:39Get in the car.
01:42:40You're late, you're late.
01:42:41I'm late.
01:42:42I'm late.
01:42:43I'm late.
01:42:44I'm late.
01:42:45I'm late.
01:42:45I'm late.
01:42:46I'm late.
01:42:47I'm late.
01:42:48I'm late.
01:43:49I'll see you in the next one.
