A Young Couple's Journey To India To Collect Their Adopted Baby HD ( Drama, Romance )

  • 3 months ago
A Young Couple's Journey To India To Collect Their Adopted Baby HD ( Drama, Romance )
00:00:00There's one box on the luggage thing and it's not mine.
00:00:04First of all, you have to complain to the airlines.
00:00:07We can't complain to the airlines because nothing is open.
00:00:10It's 12 o'clock at night and these are the only clothes I'm wearing
00:00:13and you're telling me that's all you can do.
00:00:15I'm just so glad I have her documents in my...
00:00:18Welcome to India.
00:00:19Seriously, can you turn it off?
00:00:22So what are you saying?
00:00:24We're at the main entrance.
00:00:27Yeah, well, if there's anything you can do to locate the driver,
00:00:29that would be great.
00:00:32OK, well, we've been waiting half an hour.
00:00:38Did you watch it?
00:00:40Where did you get that?
00:00:41I made it as a snack.
00:00:46It's 12 o'clock at night.
00:00:47It's 12 o'clock at night. Shouldn't you be sleeping?
00:00:51Are you hungry?
00:00:52Are you hungry?
00:00:54Have you got any coin for me?
00:00:56I don't think it's a good idea to give money.
00:00:58Good idea, good idea.
00:00:59Ah, so he thinks it's a good idea.
00:01:03You know what, I tell you what, if you can find my car,
00:01:05I'll give you 50 rupees.
00:01:07OK, no problem.
00:01:09Find my car, good luck.
00:01:11Don't forget us.
00:01:30Mr Benz and White?
00:01:33Ah, so glad you made it.
00:01:35My name's Fiona.
00:01:38Yeah, I'm from the Calcutta Grand.
00:01:40Yes, sir. My name is Krishna.
00:01:42Please be accepting my apology.
00:01:43I lost my time track traffic for the village.
00:01:46Only one bag, sir?
00:01:48Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:01:49Yeah, I lost mine.
00:01:56OK, good work.
00:01:58Very good.
00:02:06No, no, no.
00:02:07Can we go?
00:02:13Nice tunes.
00:02:16Groovy now.
00:02:17Enjoying Mr Benz and White?
00:02:19I have a name, actually.
00:02:21My name's Fiona.
00:02:48Kolkata, my favourite city on earth.
00:02:54It's very nice here.
00:03:01Like five people just sleeping on the side of the road.
00:03:36Hey, wait here.
00:03:38This guy in there is giving Krishna a really hard time.
00:03:45I got it in the air, remember?
00:03:50He's really tearing shreds of it. Look.
00:04:04You all right, Krishna?
00:04:09My uncle.
00:04:11That was your uncle?
00:04:13Is he always like that?
00:04:16My wife, she just had a baby.
00:04:19But my uncle is also needing me here for work at the hotel, so...
00:04:22By me.
00:04:28I can be assisting you with anything you'll be needing.
00:04:31Tours, temples, nightclubs.
00:04:40I'm trading in all of the jacks.
00:04:43So you're a jack of all trades?
00:04:46That too.
00:04:49OK, well, we'll call you.
00:04:51Negative, right?
00:05:00Is that enough?
00:05:04Thank you.
00:05:07That's me here.
00:05:08No, I can't open the Debra on file.
00:05:10Well, can you just get him to re-send it?
00:05:14And make sure that he does so before the board meeting.
00:05:17OK? No, it's all right. I've got so much to go through.
00:05:20OK, thanks, Pete. Bye.
00:05:23I want a pakora.
00:05:28You're so... restless.
00:05:31I'm excited.
00:05:32Me too.
00:05:34Can you put the phone on back?
00:06:23Cannon rice.
00:06:24Oh, great.
00:06:26Thanks, Krishna.
00:06:30Um, what brings you to my country, Mrs Benz?
00:06:36My husband's sleeping.
00:06:39Oh, sorry. Sorry, Mrs Benz.
00:06:41You can call me Fiona.
00:06:43My husband and I have adopted a little girl.
00:06:47And we're just waiting to take her back home to Australia.
00:06:50You have adopted a little girl?
00:07:04I've already gone for a jog.
00:07:06I've eaten a full breakfast down at the buffet.
00:07:09I've contacted everybody at the office.
00:07:11You are a machine.
00:07:13Come on, they're expecting us.
00:07:21You all right?
00:07:25You OK?
00:07:26I think there's something really nasty in that pool.
00:07:29Come on, you ate about five tons of rich, greasy food last night.
00:07:35Drink the water.
00:07:36I'm wounded.
00:07:38Oh, what's all this shit doing here?
00:07:40I'm not cleaning up after you.
00:07:42Sorry, George.
00:07:43Please don't turn the hotel into an office.
00:07:46It was.
00:07:55I think we should have turned left back here.
00:07:59It must be walking distance.
00:08:01Well, you didn't say anything back there, did you?
00:08:03Well, I didn't think of it back then, did I, Ben?
00:08:13Yeah, sorry, mate.
00:08:14Give me the map, please.
00:08:15Give me the map.
00:08:16No money.
00:08:17Come here, give it here.
00:08:19Do you know how to read a map?
00:08:23Oh, man, I need a toilet badge.
00:08:26Like, right now?
00:08:27Yeah, I can't hold it.
00:08:28Excuse me.
00:08:32Do you have anything for dysentery?
00:08:35Chronic shitting?
00:08:38Oh, my God.
00:08:39Running stool.
00:08:41The men's room has diarrhea.
00:09:07Lock your nose.
00:09:09Oh, my God.
00:09:13Yeah, well, what do you reckon?
00:09:15Can you catch?
00:09:17Oh, shit.
00:09:18Oh, come on.
00:09:19Okay, okay, I'm sorry.
00:09:22Run away!
00:09:23Run away!
00:09:25Have you got the pipers?
00:09:26You're kidding, right?
00:09:27Oh, seriously.
00:09:34Yes, right now.
00:09:38Do you have an appointment?
00:09:40Excuse me?
00:09:41Do you have an appointment?
00:09:43I'm Fiona.
00:09:44This is Ben Simmons.
00:09:45And we're supposed to be here this morning.
00:09:49We're here to make arrangements to pick up our daughter, Lakshmi.
00:09:52So here's the visa and the paperwork.
00:09:54Yes, yes.
00:09:55You need an appointment with Didi Chatterjee.
00:09:59Ask her for me, kid.
00:10:00See you now.
00:10:03Is it possible for us to see Didi now?
00:10:07You will need to telephone Didi Chatterjee directly to make an appointment.
00:10:11She's your case manager.
00:10:14It's just that we've come all the way from Australia.
00:10:16Great, great.
00:10:17Mr. and Mrs. Simmons, do you have us in there somewhere?
00:10:20It's just a phone call, Fiona.
00:10:21Have you given them the money?
00:10:25This is a circus.
00:10:27Thank you.
00:10:29I just wanted to check the pronunciation of your name.
00:10:31It's Didi Chatterjee.
00:10:33We're looking forward to meeting you as well.
00:10:37Sorry, I didn't catch that. Hello?
00:10:40Not quite sure what happened there.
00:10:43Do I have an appointment?
00:10:52Garth, Deborah and her finally agreed to negotiate.
00:10:55So we need to get you on a plane this afternoon.
00:10:58We've got to set up a conference with the elders.
00:11:00This deal has got to be completely transparent.
00:11:03Can you...
00:11:05Ben, I've got it.
00:11:07Can you...
00:11:08Can you call me back?
00:11:12Excuse me?
00:11:13Two weeks?
00:11:14No, I don't think that's going to be possible.
00:11:15That's just my other phone.
00:11:17Can you hang on one sec?
00:11:19Garth, can you hang on one moment?
00:11:21Garth, I need to talk to Ben first.
00:11:25Yeah, hi Garth.
00:11:29I think that Didi woman has hung up on me.
00:11:37I finally got through to Didi Chatterjee.
00:11:40Yeah, and?
00:11:42We have an appointment in two days.
00:11:45Okay, that's good.
00:11:47Do you feel better?
00:11:51I was thinking of going for a swim.
00:11:54I wouldn't risk it if I were you.
00:11:55How are you?
00:11:59I don't know.
00:12:01Looks clean to me.
00:12:03Go on, jump in then.
00:12:13I didn't mean to snap at you before.
00:12:16I think it's just easier if one of us handles the agency.
00:12:20And who picked you?
00:12:56Where's Mark?
00:13:06No need to be alarmed, my dear.
00:13:08I didn't see it.
00:13:11Come, I'll give you something.
00:13:14I'll give you something.
00:13:20This is for welcoming Calcutta.
00:13:22For you and for her.
00:13:25Is she standing by you?
00:13:29It's just me here.
00:13:31Isn't your mother standing by you?
00:13:41I got dragged off by this guy.
00:13:43I thought you'd come with me.
00:13:44I want to get my camera.
00:13:45I want to film that.
00:13:49Nothing, I just thought I'd lost you for a minute.
00:13:51You alright?
00:13:55Yeah, it's big.
00:14:11Is that clean?
00:14:13Yeah, very clean.
00:14:15From bottled water?
00:14:16Yeah, bottled water.
00:14:18So what, you boiled it?
00:14:20Are you sure?
00:14:21Yeah, I'm sure.
00:14:25Check it out.
00:14:31This is a song I learned in the kitchen.
00:14:36Do you want me to play this for you?
00:14:37Here, give me this.
00:14:40You're a rock star.
00:14:41You're a rock star?
00:14:51What are you doing?
00:14:55What are you doing?
00:15:24A dog just peed on me.
00:15:27It's not funny!
00:15:29Even amongst all the chaos, you know,
00:15:30like there was a couple of cute voices there
00:15:32and they were pretty good.
00:15:33I think it'd be pretty awesome to just get them in a studio
00:15:36to see what happens, you know.
00:15:37Incorporate it in something, somehow,
00:15:39like do some project.
00:15:40Yeah, I think it would be great if you did something with your music.
00:15:46Would you?
00:15:49Well, it's easy to talk about these things, huh?
00:15:51What's that supposed to mean?
00:15:57I'm just tired and a dog pissed on me, Ben.
00:16:52My name's Fiona, but you can call me Mum or Fee.
00:16:59I feel like I'm getting to know a little bit more about you
00:17:03coming to your country.
00:17:04It's definitely different.
00:17:09Terrible, honestly.
00:17:11This was all your dad's idea.
00:17:17What do I want to say?
00:17:21I don't know how this is all going to work out
00:17:23between the three of us, Ben.
00:17:25I'm really looking forward to it and...
00:17:29I just want to be...
00:17:33I just want to be whatever you want me to be.
00:17:37Whatever that is.
00:17:40Whatever that is.
00:17:41Whatever you want me to be.
00:17:44Whatever that is.
00:17:53Are you tired?
00:17:55A bit.
00:17:57Is it the pills?
00:18:00It's not always the pills, Fee.
00:18:12These are my favourite shoes.
00:18:17Very expensive, understand?
00:18:18Very expensive.
00:18:19Thank you.
00:18:20Don't be such a bully, come on.
00:18:22I'm coming.
00:18:24OK, teach me.
00:18:27That's Ganesha.
00:18:29Lord of Obstacles.
00:18:33And that's Saraswati.
00:18:38Patroness of the arts.
00:18:39That's a god for everything.
00:18:43Oh, wow.
00:18:47Who's this?
00:18:49This is Durga.
00:18:52The queen mother goddess.
00:18:56She's a mother?
00:18:59She's a fighting spirit of mother.
00:19:01An incarnation of war goddess Kali.
00:19:06What's that?
00:19:08What's that woman doing here?
00:19:11She's praying to Durga.
00:19:14Probably for a child.
00:19:16Durga gives us protection, fertility, and many children.
00:19:20She must really want a baby.
00:19:22Daddy Simmons.
00:19:24It is you.
00:19:27Do you remember?
00:19:28Ali's studio.
00:19:29Yeah, wow, long time.
00:19:30Yeah, hey.
00:19:33Are you travelling?
00:19:34Yeah, I'm touring.
00:19:36Oh, that's so cool.
00:19:37Oh, good for you.
00:19:38Uh, Faye.
00:19:41This is my wife, Fiona.
00:19:44This is Scarlett.
00:19:47Look, why don't you come by and have a drink?
00:19:50We're at the Calcutta Grand.
00:19:52Yes, be good.
00:19:54Have fun.
00:20:07We should do it, eh?
00:20:09Only women can do this.
00:20:19I don't think so.
00:20:22Excuse me, Mrs. Benz.
00:20:23Uh, there's been word from the airline.
00:20:25They're still tracking your bags.
00:20:28Thank you, Krishna.
00:20:32Not gonna hold my breath.
00:20:36Thank you.
00:20:45Who was that girl today at the temple?
00:20:49It's Scarlett.
00:20:52She's a muser.
00:20:54Met her at some studio.
00:20:55I can't exactly remember when.
00:20:58Were you guys ever involved or anything?
00:21:05Of course not.
00:21:32Mr. and Mrs. Simmons.
00:21:33Namaskar. I'm Didi Chatterjee.
00:21:36It's wonderful to finally have the pleasure of meeting you both.
00:21:40Please come.
00:21:44So, the court orders have been approved and we have Lakshmi's visa.
00:21:51And you have an appointment on Wednesday morning at 9.20am.
00:21:57I just don't understand why we still have to wait.
00:22:00The paperwork is not completely verified.
00:22:03We've been waiting for two years, so we're very excited.
00:22:07This waiting, I understand you should be okay with it financially.
00:22:12Yes, of course.
00:22:17You're staying at the Calcutta Grand.
00:22:20Does that meet with the agency's approval?
00:22:23So that we can inform you if there is any development.
00:22:27Well, is it possible that we can meet Lakshmi?
00:22:30Absolutely. In a few days you can take her home.
00:22:32But not now, while we're waiting.
00:22:34Not possible yet. Not until finalising.
00:22:37Well, these are everyday people, Carla.
00:22:39We should be offering the maximum compensation.
00:22:41Can you hang on a minute?
00:22:42I've got to go.
00:22:43Well, these are everyday people, Carla.
00:22:45We should be offering the maximum compensation.
00:22:48Can you hang on a minute?
00:22:49Look, Maddy, can I call you back?
00:22:51Of course I'm going to see it as backing down.
00:22:53But it's vital if they want to maintain any kind of corporate image.
00:22:57I'm 100% certain on this.
00:23:00Yeah, of course I'm not going to be happy.
00:23:02Good luck making that call.
00:23:06I was thinking that we pick up Lakshmi and we go straight to Goa.
00:23:11Two day family holiday, relax, max.
00:23:14Then, on our make our way to Varanasi.
00:23:18And we finish the loop in Bhopal.
00:23:21Which will be less opulent, but obviously the most important.
00:23:24Because she gets to see where she comes from and gets to see her village.
00:23:28Sounds great.
00:23:29I just hope that we have enough time to put it all in.
00:23:32We will.
00:23:33Only if we get to pick up Lakshmi in the next few days.
00:23:36She did say that it would be soon.
00:23:38I don't know what soon means around here.
00:23:40We can only afford to stay another two, maybe three weeks.
00:23:43Then we move into a cheaper hotel.
00:23:44We could move into a cheaper hotel, but what would the agency think about that?
00:23:47They might think that we're running out of money.
00:23:50Are we?
00:23:53It's not really the point.
00:23:55I'm trying to run a case, if you haven't noticed.
00:23:58Can't just keep changing hotels.
00:24:00And besides, you know I've only got another three weeks.
00:24:02That's it.
00:24:03We've been working all the time we've been here.
00:24:05Maybe we need to start making a few sacrifices.
00:24:09To hear you say that.
00:24:10Because I would be curious to know what kind of sacrifices you've ever made, Ben.
00:24:24Hey, mate.
00:24:25Sorry for the disturb.
00:24:26There's a visitor downstairs.
00:24:31Hey, did he say there's a visitor?
00:24:34I'm just going to get changed.
00:24:35I'm just going to get changed.
00:24:36It's probably the agency.
00:24:37Well, I'm going down.
00:24:38No, hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, Ben.
00:24:40Don't say anything about the baby until I get there, okay?
00:24:45Go and get his book and I order it on the net.
00:24:47It takes like literally a year.
00:24:49I think that's a long time to wait.
00:24:51And then you go and adopt a child and talk about patient's fee.
00:24:55Look who dropped in the neighbourhood.
00:24:58How are you?
00:24:59I'm good.
00:25:00How are you?
00:25:03Are you okay?
00:25:04I'm just...
00:25:05You know...
00:25:08Sorry, it's me.
00:25:09Here's your drink, sir.
00:25:12Can I have a scotch, no ice?
00:25:16This place is so nice.
00:25:23Ben was just telling me you're a lawyer.
00:25:26And she's working really, really hard at the moment.
00:25:30It must be really interesting.
00:25:32Do you love it?
00:25:33Yeah, I love it.
00:25:34It's hard work but it's very rewarding.
00:25:38It's great.
00:25:43And you're good at it.
00:25:44Here is your drink, ma'am.
00:25:45Thank you.
00:25:46You're welcome.
00:25:58I'm going to go back up.
00:25:59I'll see you later.
00:26:01Hey, um...
00:26:02Do you mind if I take a shower here?
00:26:09Yeah, um...
00:26:11Our tour manager kind of enjoys us washing out of a bucket.
00:26:34Can you hang on a minute?
00:26:46Your afternoon tea, madam.
00:26:51I'll just clear that for you.
00:26:54So you cannot make children of your own with suspense?
00:26:59You're quite direct, aren't you?
00:27:03Yes, madam.
00:27:07It's complicated.
00:27:08That's why we're adopting.
00:27:10Um, Ben was just telling me about the baby.
00:27:13I just think it's such a wonderful thing.
00:27:16I'm really happy for you guys.
00:27:18Thank you.
00:27:19I should probably take this one.
00:27:21Thank you so much for letting me use the shower.
00:27:25Excuse me, darling.
00:27:27Didi Chatterjee.
00:27:29Yes, it is.
00:27:33So we're coming in on Friday, right?
00:27:35I'm sorry, there are delays with the final court paper.
00:27:38We have to reschedule it.
00:27:42I'm sorry.
00:27:43We have to reschedule it.
00:27:45I'm sorry.
00:27:46We have to reschedule it.
00:28:26We should record something while you're here.
00:28:34Here you are.
00:28:35My little Rapunzel.
00:28:39And they've invited us to a party.
00:28:42On the rooftop for the backpackers.
00:28:44So I'll give you something to wear if you like,
00:28:46or maybe...
00:28:48Yeah, Scarlett.
00:28:49If you ask Scarlett, she'll give you something to wear.
00:28:53She's rescheduled again.
00:28:57Didi Chatterjee.
00:28:58She apparently doesn't want to see us now until next week.
00:29:05I don't know.
00:29:07I just don't think it's good.
00:29:10You know, I've made a pact with myself
00:29:12that I'm not going to wallow in a rut
00:29:14or wherever it is I go when I'm at home.
00:29:16While I'm here, I'm just going to chill and enjoy it.
00:29:22I'm really blessed to be here for you.
00:29:30You know what? Why don't you just go?
00:29:32Have a good night.
00:29:33I mean, there's not quite enough space moving around.
00:29:35If you've got work to do...
00:29:37If you've got work to do...
00:29:38No, it's not just work.
00:29:41Yeah? Hold on.
00:29:43It's probably not the best time to talk about it,
00:29:45so just go and have a good night.
00:29:48An out-of-course settlement,
00:29:49and all the way from Calcutta.
00:29:51Well done, Fiona.
00:29:53Well, it helps having a great team,
00:29:55so have a drink on me, guys.
00:30:00Yeah, I have the whole thing in duplicate right here.
00:30:03This is your shorted partner.
00:30:04You know you're my pick.
00:30:06Don't let me down.
00:30:10SONG PLAYS
00:31:17You're an animal.
00:31:18You know, like an animal.
00:31:22Don't be a horse, please.
00:31:24Please don't do this to me.
00:31:29You want to just... like that?
00:31:31SHE LAUGHS
00:31:33Always fucking going down a small street.
00:31:35SHE LAUGHS
00:31:42SHE LAUGHS
00:32:11SHE LAUGHS
00:32:16Come on, let's go.
00:32:18Oh, come on!
00:32:20You're scaring all the boys.
00:32:22Dance with me!
00:32:26Come on!
00:32:36Straight run!
00:32:39Do you like this?
00:32:40Do you want her to come work for you?
00:32:45Oh, hey, good morning.
00:32:53Hold on.
00:32:56You all right?
00:33:01Take this off.
00:33:02Take this off.
00:33:04Hands in the air.
00:33:07Like a monkey.
00:33:11Can I have some more?
00:33:14SHE GULPS
00:33:17SHE SIGHS
00:33:36Just hang for it.
00:33:50Maybe you should get together with Scott.
00:33:54You guys could make music and babies
00:33:58and travel the world together.
00:34:03Maybe you could hook up with one of those guys
00:34:06that you're gyrating with tonight
00:34:08and that would make you happy.
00:34:11At least I'd get laid.
00:34:13SHE SIGHS
00:34:17Oh, man.
00:34:31Can we just keep out of each other's hair?
00:34:33Yeah, why not?
00:34:35That'll work for me too.
00:34:36When the baby comes, we're suddenly going to transform
00:34:39into this normal, functional family.
00:34:41Yep, sounds like a plan.
00:34:45Can you please not touch that? It's in order.
00:34:52I'm not kidding, Ben!
00:34:56What are you doing?
00:34:58Do you want to change first?
00:35:00Jesus Christ!
00:35:01Everything is on there!
00:35:02See, that is the problem.
00:35:03Everything is here with us together.
00:35:05We're not together.
00:35:07Because I'm carrying you.
00:35:08I'm fucking carrying you!
00:35:10Would you start acting like a child
00:35:12and start acting like a man?!
00:35:23I mean, what do you even feel?
00:35:25Well, I know most of the time.
00:35:29SHE SIGHS
00:35:32Don't walk away, Fi.
00:35:36Listen, stay here. Talk with me.
00:35:40Can I just let him get through to you, please?
00:35:42You used to be so cool to me.
00:35:45You know, you used to be passionate, alive.
00:35:49I remember you used to smile all the time,
00:35:51and now you're fucking picking up a child
00:35:53in between phone calls, Fi, like it's an inconvenience.
00:35:55I thought getting her was going to make you, like...
00:35:57you know, make us more loving people.
00:36:01I am a loving person, Ben.
00:36:03You just don't see.
00:36:07You just don't know.
00:36:12HE SINGS
00:36:28Hello, Mr Benz.
00:36:33If you don't mind, I must feed my lungs.
00:36:37Do you want one?
00:36:39I'll gather up, along with everything else.
00:36:43HE SINGS
00:36:58HE SIGHS
00:37:09So, your wife was telling me that you're waiting for a baby.
00:37:28This is all we know, apart from the photographs.
00:37:31Complexion, wheatish brown.
00:37:34Relinquished by birth mother in Bolpore.
00:37:39Transferred to Calcutta on October 17 for adoption finalisation.
00:37:46Bolpore is very close.
00:37:48It's very nice, actually.
00:37:50My home.
00:37:52It's no more than eight hours, max to max.
00:37:56Eight hours, max to max?
00:37:58I can take. No problem.
00:38:13Oh, Fee.
00:38:15Listen, we have to get out of here.
00:38:18This is driving us both crazy.
00:38:22We have to go to Bolpore. We have to see where she's from.
00:38:26I'm leaving tomorrow, with or without you.
00:38:32On the dot.
00:38:37HE SINGS
00:38:57BELL TOLLS
00:39:05Mr Benz?
00:39:09Mr Benz?
00:39:11You're ready?
00:39:21BELL TOLLS
00:39:26BELL TOLLS
00:39:32Hi. Hi.
00:39:39Let's see if she dies.
00:39:51Come, come, come.
00:39:53Get the children down.
00:39:56You all right?
00:39:58This compartment.
00:40:36Don't cry.
00:40:38Get on up.
00:40:42Get on up.
00:40:55I'll be back.
00:42:01He nominated for an ARIA Award
00:42:03and rocked it out with the boys at the MTV Awards in LA in 92.
00:42:08What did I know?
00:42:10I mean, lead guitarist started losing his hair
00:42:13and I was coked up to my eyeballs most of the time.
00:42:16Booze and meltdowns.
00:42:18I mean, you're going to have to convince me very convincingly
00:42:21if you want to do something creative with your life, little girl.
00:42:24I mean, you've got a sweet life.
00:42:26And it's to be married.
00:42:28Anyway, I've got a feeling in my stomach
00:42:30and it's not just dysentery that I...
00:42:33I think everything is the right way around,
00:42:36even if it doesn't feel like that sometimes.
00:42:39I can't wait to hold you in my arms.
00:42:42I just, more than anything, I just really hope that you like me.
00:42:46And your mum.
00:42:48Mr and Mrs Benz?
00:42:51They need to be checking the tickets.
00:42:56The conductor is asking you.
00:43:05Thank you.
00:43:07Thank you.
00:43:17Do you want to sit down, Krishna?
00:43:20Yes, yeah.
00:43:41No, um...
00:43:43Well, I'm just wondering about this motherhood.
00:43:51You being...
00:43:53Motherhood, you know?
00:43:58No, because it is a gift from God.
00:44:01So what are you saying?
00:44:03That because I can't have a baby the normal way,
00:44:06I shouldn't be a mother?
00:44:08You're a barren woman now.
00:44:10And this is a child of my mother India.
00:44:14I see.
00:44:16Krishna, there's actually no medical reason why we can't have children.
00:44:20It's nobody's fault.
00:44:22I don't know if I'm going to be a better mother than your mother India, Krishna.
00:44:26I just, I'm willing to take the risk.
00:44:37Come, come.
00:44:39Mind your step.
00:44:41Mind your step.
00:44:43Jaina, Jaina.
00:44:46Jaina, Jaina.
00:45:08He's hunting more flies.
00:45:10I'll see.
00:45:16I'll see.
00:45:46This is the closest that we've ever been to.
00:45:56What's up?
00:45:58I'm at home.
00:46:00Oh, thank you.
00:46:02Listen, do you have a cricketer's coat?
00:46:04Yes, come.
00:46:06We have a cricketer's coat.
00:46:08We have a cricketer's coat.
00:46:10We have a cricketer's coat.
00:46:12We have a cricketer's coat.
00:46:14We have a cricketer's coat.
00:46:25He says not today, it's a Muslim holiday.
00:46:28Are the sisters Catholic?
00:46:30Yes, but we all celebrate no matter what religion.
00:46:45What a luxury resort.
00:46:47Our very best hotel in Bolpur, Mrs. Benz.
00:46:50Managed by my brother's wife's family.
00:46:57Two or three days.
00:46:59How long will you stay?
00:47:01Two or three days.
00:47:05Let's just say they're running fast, shall we?
00:47:08Let's just say they're running fast.
00:47:12Let's just say they're running fast, shall we?
00:47:18It's very Indian.
00:47:22Let's suppose there's another hotel.
00:47:25Krishna would be a bit upset.
00:47:27I think he's trying to make money off us.
00:47:30What's wrong with him making money?
00:47:32He's helping us out.
00:47:34Besides, I thought we were doing this trip
00:47:36so I could understand Lakshmi a bit better.
00:47:40Ben, there's a chicken on the bed.
00:47:42There's a chicken on the bed?
00:47:46Hey, hello.
00:47:48Come here.
00:47:49I think you're in another room, man.
00:47:56It's chanting, mate.
00:48:02Lakshmi, this is the sound of people praying.
00:48:10And look, there's your mum.
00:48:13She's crying.
00:48:22You going okay in there?
00:48:26Very sanitary.
00:48:30Mr. Benz.
00:48:33Please come.
00:48:35Where are you going?
00:48:37I hope this isn't the part where the gullible foreigners
00:48:40are lynched by their trusty guide.
00:48:46Where am I going?
00:48:48Careful, huh?
00:48:50Ooh, snake.
00:48:52Yeah, snake.
00:48:53Quickly, come, come, come, come.
00:49:08Very happy.
00:49:14Oh, I thought you forgot.
00:49:18Thank you.
00:49:19Happy birthday.
00:49:20Thank you.
00:49:22All right.
00:49:25My mother.
00:49:28Where is she?
00:49:30My wife, Shormila, and my baby, Nili.
00:49:34Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.
00:49:37My son, my son.
00:49:39Say hello, say hello.
00:49:41Hey, little man.
00:49:44Nice to meet you.
00:49:47She wants to know into what age you are turning.
00:49:52Tell her a woman never reveals her age.
00:50:04She's saying she likes your hair.
00:50:27Very good, Mrs. Venn.
00:50:29Very good.
00:50:31Oh, no.
00:50:33Out at the force.
00:50:36Out, out, out, out, out.
00:50:39One more.
00:50:40Come on.
00:50:45Bring it on.
00:50:56Handicuff her, handicuff her.
00:51:00Handicuff her.
00:51:05I have no idea what that meat was.
00:51:08Yeah, I don't know.
00:51:09That was pretty tasty, though.
00:51:15It says here that adoptive parents must prepare initially
00:51:19for punishing behavior, insults, cruelty, and abuse.
00:51:22Sounds like a marriage.
00:51:26Happy birthday.
00:51:30Thank you.
00:51:42This man takes wedding salary.
00:51:45It's real simple.
00:51:47Gold-baiting, they tell.
00:52:01Put it on.
00:52:14Oh, God.
00:53:31I like this place.
00:53:36Lakshmi's mother must have sat right here.
00:53:41Sit, sit.
00:53:42Please sit.
00:53:44What can I do for you?
00:53:48Sister, we've adopted a little girl, Lakshmi,
00:53:51and she was here two years ago.
00:53:53We're wondering if it's all right for us to look around
00:53:56just to help us understand her a little better.
00:54:10This is where the babies first sleep when they come into here.
00:54:19They're so sweet.
00:54:21Yes, very soft.
00:54:25How do you get them?
00:54:26Do they just give them to you?
00:54:28I met a busker on the doorstep.
00:54:30This dog brings them to us, my child.
00:54:34What do you think?
00:54:44So this is where you used to play?
00:54:55She remembers Lakshmi?
00:54:56Yes, beautiful, they say.
00:55:05We would love to give Lakshmi any information
00:55:07about where she comes from and who she is.
00:55:10Do you know anything about Lakshmi's mother?
00:55:13It's time to pray the angelus.
00:55:15You're welcome to join us.
00:55:17Yeah, sure, okay.
00:55:19Please excuse me.
00:55:22You know I'm not Catholic, Ben.
00:55:24Go for your mother.
00:55:26As I kneel before you
00:55:31As I bow my head in prayer
00:55:37Give me this day
00:55:40Give me joy
00:55:43And fill me with your love
00:55:49Ave Maria
00:55:54Gratia plena
00:56:13What's your name?
00:56:15My name is Badas.
00:56:23Remember Lakshmi?
00:56:30Lakshmi's mother?
00:56:34Lakshmi's mother?
00:56:39Did you know Lakshmi's mom?
00:56:41She's a good woman.
00:56:42Follow me.
00:56:44Lakshmima, follow me.
00:56:48Be careful.
00:56:49Did somebody hurt her?
00:56:56Was it because she was a good baby?
00:57:17Are you okay?
00:57:26Now come.
00:57:27Please hurry.
00:57:28Please hurry before the sun is settling into the water.
00:57:33Most beautiful place, the river is here.
00:57:36Come on!
00:57:37Come on!
00:57:39Come on!
00:57:45Here is the most important Ghat, especially for you.
00:58:15This is the Ghat for the barren women.
00:58:18You must be sending a prayer into the holy river before the sun settles.
00:58:22Special for barren women. You understand, na?
00:58:25I think this is pointless, Krishna, because I don't believe in God.
00:58:28Oh, don't make a big deal out of it.
00:58:30I'm not making a big deal out of it.
00:58:31I'm just saying that I don't need hepatitis.
00:58:34No God?
00:58:37I'm sorry, I just, I don't.
00:58:40I don't believe in miraculous virgin births.
00:58:42I don't believe in elephants with six heads.
00:58:44I, I'm sorry, just, no God.
00:58:47But if you don't believe in God, what matter does it then to touch the waters,
00:58:52Mrs. Benz?
00:59:10Just need to be touching with the waters, Mrs. Benz, huh?
00:59:19Very good, Mrs. Benz.
00:59:24You better not get sick, Krishna.
00:59:26It is holy water, Mr. Benz.
00:59:42Very good, Mrs. Benz. Very good!
00:59:51Hey, hey, what are you doing?
01:00:50Oh, it's so beautiful.
01:01:01Well, I saw a pig, and I had a little piglet.
01:01:09And then I saw a goat, and I had a little...
01:01:14What do you call it?
01:01:17And then it's like every animal I saw,
01:01:20every person even,
01:01:23seemed to have a little one with them.
01:01:29It was smiling.
01:01:34You know, today I thought that
01:01:36one of those strange Ganges dolphins
01:01:39was gonna swallow you.
01:01:41You'd been caught in a rip or something.
01:01:46That was a transcendental experience for you, huh?
01:01:53What were you thinking when you're under the water?
01:02:02I was thinking that nobody told me
01:02:04it would be this hard to have another baby.
01:02:09What do you mean?
01:02:11I was thinking about Lakshmi's mom
01:02:15and how she had to give her baby away.
01:02:19And how we were gonna have a baby of our own.
01:02:24And I gave it away.
01:02:29I just put the deposit on the house.
01:02:32I was this far away from senior associate.
01:02:35You just...
01:02:37Got the studio together.
01:02:38Jobs were starting to come up for you.
01:02:40Wait, wait.
01:02:41You were pregnant.
01:02:47I'd just come out of hospital with that depression.
01:02:52I just thought that when the time was right,
01:02:58we'd have another chance.
01:03:00So you got rid of it.
01:03:03Look, I have to tell the truth.
01:03:08We have to see things for how they are.
01:03:15Don't tell me anything.
01:03:18There's nothing to tell.
01:03:45The other day I was teaching my son English.
01:04:09A is for Apil.
01:04:11B is for Mr. and Mrs. Benz.
01:04:15My family would love to see you both again.
01:04:18In fact, they're coming with me to my cousin's wedding.
01:04:21Perhaps my two Australians would be like to join me as well.
01:04:25Special guest.
01:04:31No matter.
01:04:33I'm only a small man and Kolkata is such a big city.
01:04:38It's full of famous artists and musicians, poets.
01:04:44Have you heard of Tagore, Mr. Benz?
01:04:50My most favorite poet.
01:05:15What did you do?
01:05:17Mr. Benz?
01:05:18Hey, stop.
01:05:28What are you doing?
01:05:29Why didn't you come to me feet?
01:05:30That's what really fucking killed me.
01:05:32Why did you lie?
01:05:34Do you remember that time?
01:05:35Don't keep smashing the past in my face.
01:05:38I think it was you that wasn't ready.
01:05:41You doubted me because you doubted yourself.
01:05:46Are you going to tell the agency or am I?
01:05:49We have an appointment in four days' time.
01:05:51We can pick up our baby and we can take her home and we can still do that.
01:05:55You're not listening to me.
01:05:56She deserves a real family.
01:06:00A real family, they share stuff with each other.
01:06:02They share their pain, they tell the truth.
01:06:06They believe in each other, so no.
01:06:20Mr. Benz, my wife and I quarrel.
01:06:24We always make peace very quickly.
01:06:27I can never be angry at her for too many hours.
01:06:30She's far too sweet because there's no defeating the wife, you know?
01:06:34I'm not really in the mood to talk for a while.
01:06:37Okay, no problem, Mr. Benz.
01:06:50Welcome, welcome back, ma'am.
01:06:53I hope you and your husband enjoyed your trip.
01:06:56Are there any messages for me?
01:06:58Yes, there were many phone calls from your place of work, your big boss.
01:07:03Are there any messages from India?
01:07:08No, I'm sorry, no messages from India.
01:07:12Your cheese toast, Mrs. Benz.
01:07:14And I brought this.
01:07:16When my wife feels sad, she eats kulfi.
01:07:19That is why she's so fat and beautiful.
01:07:27I can take this back, I'm sorry.
01:07:29No, it's okay.
01:07:34That ice cream.
01:07:36Something like...
01:07:38That looks really, really nice.
01:07:47That is quite nice.
01:07:49What is it?
01:07:54My mom gave it to me.
01:07:59I think you guys would have really liked each other, actually.
01:08:04She also believed in God.
01:08:08She used to say that every prayer is answered.
01:08:14God always listens.
01:08:23I'm so sorry.
01:08:25My uncle will be wondering after me and my uncle will beat me if he knows that I'm soft on my duties, so I should...
01:08:38This is a very sad story, you know?
01:08:42You know, it's funny.
01:08:47Because when my mom died, I just felt empty.
01:08:52She was just gone.
01:08:54But since I've been here, I have this feeling like she's with me.
01:09:02It's like she's been there the whole time.
01:09:08My mother, you met her.
01:09:10Such an old woman.
01:09:12But even from eight hours away from my village, I can hear her tell me what to do.
01:09:17Every moment.
01:09:19I know.
01:09:20How much do I owe you?
01:09:22No, no, no, no.
01:09:23Not this.
01:09:25Not this.
01:09:28You are a friend.
01:11:10No money.
01:11:12Excuse me.
01:11:14No money.
01:12:46So when will your husband arrive, Mrs. Simmons?
01:12:54To tell you the truth, Didi, my husband...
01:12:57Oh, welcome.
01:12:59Please sit down.
01:13:02Yes, um...
01:13:04The court orders were delayed.
01:13:06The system will always favor an Indian family
01:13:09over inter-country adoption.
01:13:12We were getting very anxious, waiting for so long.
01:13:15There are far more waiting children
01:13:17than there are waiting parents, Mrs. Simmons.
01:13:20So, uh, do we get to see her?
01:13:22Yes, of course.
01:13:24Um, this is the address.
01:13:28This is the address.
01:13:32Ask for Sister Tiscilla.
01:13:42Thank you.
01:13:44Thank you so much.
01:13:46Well, I can see you both will make very fine parents.
01:14:00I'm Sister Tiscilla.
01:14:04Please come in, please.
01:14:08So I'm really sorry.
01:14:10It's just we are very busy today,
01:14:12and the children have been rehearsing for weeks,
01:14:14and, you know, for this play.
01:14:16No, no, come this way, please.
01:14:18My office is here.
01:14:20It's my duty to tell you that she is a sickly child,
01:14:23but she's really gentle and really intelligent.
01:14:26I've asked her to visit her a few times.
01:14:29She's, you know, very small, but she'll understand.
01:14:33So, this is our queen, Rumi,
01:14:36and that's the rabbit that saves the world.
01:14:39Shaury, will you take your guest friend to see Loki?
01:14:48Raja, Moshai, Bidar, Sagar,
01:14:51Chalo taar kache
01:14:53Hai to tin hi koite paren
01:14:56Upai kichu ache
01:14:58Hai, hai, upai kichu ache
01:15:00Hai, hai, upai kichu ache
01:15:03Kehi na suniye samaye mile
01:15:06Chalilo dharmane
01:15:08Chalilo dharmane
01:15:14Kehi na suniye samaye mile
01:15:16Chalilo dharmane
01:15:19Premonha eke eke
01:15:21Janaye do taare
01:15:23Muni hai hai re
01:15:26Muni hai hai re
01:15:29Raja, Moshai, Raja, Moshai
01:15:32Chalo bote katha
01:15:35Chalo bote katha
01:15:40Yes, ma'am.
01:15:48Hello, darling.
01:16:04You want to go down?
01:16:06Rani, Rani, Rani, Rani.
01:16:09Hey, look.
01:16:15Do you remember?
01:16:17This is where you used to play.
01:16:21Rani, she's looking.
01:16:39Congratulations, Rani.
01:16:42Congratulations, Rani.
01:17:06Now we're trying to get rid of the water.
01:17:09Okay, how do you...
01:17:11It's okay. It's okay.
01:17:16Look at that.
01:17:21Okay, good. Ready?
01:17:36Where'd it go?
01:17:37Where is it?
01:17:38Oh, no.
01:17:40He was just tricking you.
01:17:42No, I shouldn't think you that, Janaye.
01:17:45Come on.
01:18:07This way, please.
01:18:11See? Hello, Bobby.
01:18:14It's okay.
01:18:16Okay, it's okay. Come on.
01:18:18She's just been feeling a little unwell.
01:18:32Do you like this?
01:18:34I think so.
01:18:36This is, like, five minutes.
01:18:38We're out there for five hours, you realize?
01:18:41Okay, then.
01:18:43I'll see you tomorrow.
01:18:53You and I are harmony
01:18:56You and I
01:19:01Please tell me how you feel
01:19:05Please show me what is real
01:19:11I want to tell you about your dad.
01:19:14I can't wait to see him be a father with you.
01:19:18I think he's going to be fantastic.
01:19:20And I promise you that I'm going to do the best job that I can possibly do.
01:19:25And we're going to have a fantastic life.
01:19:28I love you.
01:19:30I don't know you, but I love you.
01:19:33I love you.
01:19:35I love you.
01:19:37I love you.
01:19:39I love you.
01:19:45Please come tomorrow.
01:19:47Sister, we're here to see Lakshmi.
01:19:49Sister Tulsila Ache?
01:19:52Come, come.
01:20:10Hey, darling.
01:20:12Hey, Lakshmi.
01:20:16She was feverish yesterday.
01:20:18Yeah, she was coughing a bit.
01:20:20She's been very unwell.
01:20:28You see, it's impossible to be fully across the genealogy of each and every child.
01:20:36She has chronically weak lungs and has been in and out of hospital over the last few months.
01:20:42Lakshmi is sickly, and her immune system is unpredictable.
01:20:46She will need specialized care for the rest of her life.
01:20:54All right, well, if air travel is possible,
01:20:56can you figure out the legal precedence if the person is sick?
01:20:59The king and all of his subjects...
01:21:01Well, get her to call me and tell me about the international...
01:21:05And they all went home as happy as they possibly could be.
01:21:11The end.
01:21:14You're reading her Shakespeare.
01:21:17I'm working up to it.
01:21:26Can she hear us?
01:21:28She's sleeping deeply now.
01:21:32She's sleeping deeply now.
01:21:35Maybe she hears.
01:21:37Namaste, Lakshmi.
01:21:42I've been through all the paperwork,
01:21:44and it makes perfect sense according to our legal rights and any foreign adoption precedence.
01:21:49That's quite correct.
01:21:51But what can I do for you?
01:21:54There's nothing stopping us from taking her home.
01:22:01My recommendation is she should not be moved.
01:22:05But then you are the parents now.
01:22:08You two need to decide what is best for your child.
01:22:18We're right here.
01:22:22We're right here.
01:22:26I hope you'll be comfortable.
01:22:29Thank you.
01:22:30Good night.
01:22:45All right. Good night.
01:22:55Good night.
01:23:25Good night.
01:23:58Oh, thanks.
01:24:03There's a big bedroom just next to ours.
01:24:07Lots of toys.
01:24:09And outside, in the garden,
01:24:12there's a tree.
01:24:14It's sweet.
01:24:18I went and got all this timber and I built you a treehouse.
01:24:25I'm not a very good builder.
01:24:28Ben, are you okay?
01:24:35Your cousin, Ollie, she's six.
01:24:38She will not shut up about wanting to meet you.
01:24:42I'm sorry.
01:24:47In my head, I put all this pressure on her.
01:24:51Can I fix everything in my life?
01:24:55And with us?
01:25:01I just wish I could fix her.
01:25:04That's all.
01:25:07Here. Here.
01:25:15Need some water?
01:25:18Miranda, the fax is going to be much better.
01:25:21If you could do that, that would be great.
01:25:23Thank you.
01:25:25Okay. Bye.
01:25:37She's not better today, no?
01:25:41I think that we should put her on a plane and take her back to Australia.
01:25:49And move her?
01:25:51Well, I don't know what else to do.
01:25:54Lakshmi is our baby.
01:25:58And we have waited for her for years,
01:26:01and I can't even begin to tell you how hard this is for us.
01:26:08I've nursed her since she was a tiny baby.
01:26:11She's my child, too.
01:26:14So you understand.
01:26:17I do.
01:26:19You must act out of love.
01:26:22Not desperation or need.
01:26:48I think enough is enough.
01:26:50I think enough is enough, alright?
01:26:52I just want to get her home. I just want to take her home.
01:26:54I know.
01:27:02You have to be so sure.
01:27:09I don't know.
01:27:14Don't worry.
01:27:20Don't worry.
01:27:51Please, God.
01:27:55Durga, Kali.
01:27:59Please save our baby.
01:28:01Please help us.
01:28:06Please help us.
01:28:12Please help us.
01:28:20Please save our baby.
01:28:50Please help us.
01:30:54Zoom in on her.
01:30:58Come, son.
01:31:03Zoom in on her.
01:31:09Come, son.
01:31:13Om namo brahmano devayo go brahmanayo hitayo ca jagad hitayo
01:31:20krishnayo govindayo namo namo
01:31:23Papaham papakarmaham papatya papasambhavo
01:31:27Rahimang pundarikakho sarvopapo harahuri
01:31:31Om Narayanam namaskirtam
01:31:34Naram chaiva narottamam
01:31:36Devinga sarasvati chaiva
01:31:39Tato jaya mudirayat
01:31:42Om Gange chao jamunesh chaiva
01:31:45Godavari sarasvati
01:31:47Narmade sindhu kabiri
01:31:49Je din viziri janma hoyilo
01:31:57Vaithul mukha deshe yajani parilo
01:32:04Je din viziri janma hoyilo
01:32:13Vaithul mukha deshe yajani parilo
01:32:19Aja na suniya jato ka ferigan
01:32:33Aja na suniya jato ka ferigan
01:32:43Aja na suniya jato ka ferigan
01:32:53Aja na suniya jato ka ferigan
01:33:02Matiri putoli kalima padaya
01:33:08Musalman kareche
01:33:11Egi din bhave
01:33:14Ele Mohamud
01:33:17Islam pocha kurite
01:33:22Egi din bhave
01:33:26Ele Mohamud
01:33:29Islam pocha kurite
01:33:43Aja na suniya jato ka ferigan
01:33:49Musalman kareche
01:33:52Egi din bhave
01:33:54Ele Mohamud
01:33:57Islam pocha kurite
01:34:27Aja na suniya jato ka ferigan
01:34:55So you'll be attending my cousin's wedding tonight?
01:34:59Um, not really in the mood for celebrating Krishna.
01:35:03Mrs. Benz, it is very important not to indulge in excessive lamentations.
01:35:08It may affect the full transitions of your daughter into the heaven's worlds.
01:35:13Please come tonight.
01:35:25Come on, let's go.
01:35:55Let's play the drums.
01:35:57Come on.
01:35:59Come on.
01:36:01Come on.
01:36:03Come on.
01:36:05Come on.
01:36:07Come on.
01:36:09Come on.
01:36:11Come on.
01:36:15Aum Agni Prajapati Sri Gayatri Chanda
01:36:18Agni Devata Vibhao Humi
01:36:20Vinay Joga
01:36:22Aum Agni
01:36:24Om yetat gratat subhah vyavah karmah sarvah Devadbhivah svah Om
01:36:37So for 13th and appropriate
01:37:14You look beautiful.
01:37:25I know it's been really hard for us
01:37:27to say certain things to one another, and...
01:37:34I want to be your husband.
01:37:38I don't really like you to be my wife.
01:37:41If it's all right with you, I'd really like to hold onto you.
01:37:50Mr. Vance?
01:37:52Mr. Vance?
01:37:54Okay, uh...
01:38:02Mr. Vance, please come.
01:38:06Come, Mr. Vance.
01:38:15I want to dedicate this song to the new couple...
01:38:21and to my wife...
01:38:24and our little girl, Lakshmi.
01:38:28-♪ Please tell me how you feel ♪
01:38:32♪ Please show me what is real ♪
01:38:37♪ Please dance me through this night ♪
01:38:41♪ Please show me with your light that only love is real ♪
01:38:50♪ Only love is real ♪
01:38:55♪ Only love is real ♪
01:38:59♪ Only love is real ♪
01:39:04♪ Please be gentle, please be sweet ♪
01:39:09♪ Keep me steady on these two feet ♪
01:39:13♪ Please be patient when I don't get it ♪
01:39:18♪ Please remind me when I forget that only love is real ♪
01:39:26♪ Only love is real ♪
01:39:29♪ You and I are harmony ♪
01:39:33♪ You and I are harmony ♪
01:39:38The baby always belongs to the mother.
01:39:41Even in death, to every cow belongs a calf.
01:39:45You are mother, Mrs. Nelson.
01:39:59One month later
01:40:24Can I help this dance?
01:40:27Why, of course.
01:40:29Thank you.
01:40:59You are not alone, if someone does not speak.
01:41:05You are not alone, if someone does not speak.
01:41:10If everyone stays and turns their faces, everyone is afraid.
01:41:15If everyone stays and turns their faces, everyone is afraid.
01:41:20Oh, then the door will open.
01:41:28Then the door will open.
