When I Advised Stepsister to Be Aggressive in Love, She Handcuffed Me While I Slept…

  • 2 months ago
When I Advised Stepsister to Be Aggressive in Love, She Handcuffed Me While I Slept…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Naoto Suzuki, and I'm the president of the Literary Club in my second year of high school.
00:07The other member is the most beautiful girl in school.
00:10It's like something out of a novel, but...
00:13That book you recommended to me the other day was really interesting!
00:17I see.
00:19Good. Here, try this now.
00:22Oh, thank you.
00:24It's been a year, but she's still as cold as ever.
00:28But thanks to her, our club was saved from disbanding.
00:32Just having her around is enough to be grateful for.
00:35Her name is Lisa Ikeda.
00:37She's a junior, one year below me.
00:40We first met about a year ago during the freshman recruitment for clubs,
00:44when every club was bustling with excitement.
00:48Join our club!
00:50No way! I asked her first!
00:54Is she the one my mom was talking about?
00:57How about Ikeda's daughter from my workplace?
01:00Seems like she's having a tough time.
01:03Having a tough time because she's too popular, huh?
01:07Yeah, she does seem troubled.
01:10Hey, over here!
01:13She's even cuter up close!
01:15Anyway, let's head to a quieter spot.
01:19Phew, we should be safe here.
01:22Uh, thank you. Who are you?
01:26Ah, um, sorry for suddenly calling you over.
01:30My mom asked me to help you out, so...
01:33I heard about that from my mom, too.
01:36Thank you for helping me out.
01:38She's cute, but hard to read.
01:41Anyway, I think it's calmed down outside now, so shall we?
01:47Ah, this isn't a suspicious place or anything.
01:50It's actually the Literary Club room.
01:53If I join the Literary Club, can I read all of these books?
01:58Well, yeah, I guess.
02:01I'll join.
02:02Huh? Really?
02:04Yes. I like novels.
02:08And so, the hottest girl in school joined our club, which was on the verge of disbanding.
02:14As the club president, I had an important duty to fulfill.
02:17She's still incredibly popular.
02:20Excuse me for a moment. Over here.
02:25Sorry for always troubling you.
02:28No, not at all.
02:30But being so popular must be tough.
02:34Well, this is the least popular club room in the school, like our secret hideout.
02:39Feel free to relax here.
02:41I really appreciate it.
02:43Oh, here's my recommendation.
02:47And so, after school, we spent our days reading books together.
02:51She recommends books to me, but she always looks so expressionless.
02:56As an older student, I'd like to get closer to her.
03:01Is that book good?
03:03It's really good. You want to read this too, Lisa?
03:06Yes! Then let's read it together.
03:11Here you go!
03:13Thank you.
03:14Oh man, I have no idea what she's thinking.
03:17Does she not realize that we sometimes get too close?
03:21But maybe Lisa just likes books.
03:24I gotta watch out not to misinterpret things and end up getting on her bad side.
03:29And so, those indescribable days pass by for a year.
03:33Spring break's coming up next week, meaning I'll be a third year student.
03:39Meanwhile, Lisa, who is now in her second year, seems to be into some new kind of books.
03:45She's reading romance novels again.
03:48She used to like mysteries.
03:50Surprisingly, she's into that kind of stuff too.
03:53Maybe that means I've got a shot too?
03:58I have something I want to talk to you about.
04:02Oh, of course! Tell me anything!
04:05The person I like isn't noticing me.
04:08Oh, I see!
04:10It's totally normal for her to have someone she's into.
04:14I guess I should try to help her out with whatever she's worried about.
04:18By the way, have you been making any moves?
04:22Yes. I've been trying my best to appeal to him in my own way.
04:26Maybe she's actually proactive, but just hasn't shown it to me?
04:32What if you just go for it, like full-on attack mode?
04:36But he always bolts as soon as I make a move.
04:40Then how about tying him down?
04:43Once you free yourself, he might start opening up too.
04:46Free myself?
04:48Plus, what guy wouldn't enjoy being attacked by you, right?
04:53Wasn't this volume missing?
04:57If that's the case, I have it at my place.
05:00Do you want to come to my place?
05:02Huh? Where?
05:04To my place.
05:06Oh, but I'm not ready yet.
05:08Can you come over another day?
05:11Sure, but...
05:12What's the preparation?
05:16Wow! You have so many books!
05:19Feel free to read any you like!
05:21Huh? What's this music?
05:24I always play this when I'm reading in my room.
05:28It's very calming!
05:30And so, I found myself reading novels in Lisa's room for the first time.
05:35But perhaps due to the familiar background music,
05:38I ended up feeling more relaxed than I expected.
05:44Where am I?
05:46Ah, Lisa's room.
05:48Sorry, I dozed off.
05:51What's this?
05:54Th-this is...
05:58You said it, right, Naoto?
06:00Y-you're Lisa, right?
06:03Your eyes look different than usual.
06:05I'm setting myself free.
06:10You said to attack, right, Naoto?
06:16Hold up!
06:17I only advised you to confess to your crush, didn't I?
06:20It's your fault.
06:25Even though I tried my best to appeal...
06:28No way!
06:29Your crush could be...
06:31Nah, nah!
06:32You never showed any signs of that to me!
06:35For someone who loves novels,
06:37recommending a book is the ultimate form of appeal!
06:40I-is that so?
06:42But it's also my fault for not being able to express it properly.
06:46I'm surprised.
06:47But why someone like me?
06:50You're my lifesaver.
06:52That club room is like the only safe place in the whole world.
06:56My oasis.
07:00Since middle school, I've always been pursued by boys.
07:04I never had a quiet place to read books.
07:07Even in high school, I was about to give up hope.
07:11But then you took me to that room.
07:14She had been going through such tough days.
07:17You have always taken care of me like this.
07:20That's why I decided.
07:22From now on, I'll take care of you.
07:25Why did it come to that conclusion?
07:28B-but what about school?
07:31Tomorrow is the start of spring break, remember?
07:34But still, my mom will be worried.
07:37Of course!
07:39I have permission from both families.
07:41Your mom also said take care of him.
07:43She planned it out flawlessly?
07:47And thus began a spring break stranger than fiction.
07:51Although I was constantly handcuffed, everything else was perfectly arranged.
07:56Shall we have dinner?
07:58Is this Lisa's true nature?
08:00And did I cause this to be unleashed?
08:03Here, say ah.
08:06W-wait a minute.
08:08Make sure to chew your food thoroughly, okay?
08:12After dinner, let's take a bath and then...
08:15H-hey, I can at least take off the handcuffs for the bath, right?
08:20Yes, of course.
08:22Shall we go then?
08:24Why are we...
08:26The idea to tie you down was also your suggestion, right?
08:30No guy wouldn't enjoy being attacked by me, right?
08:35I-I really need to take a bath by myself.
08:40Then I'll wait for you outside the bathroom.
08:43She's cute but terrifying at the same time.
08:48And so, the traveler sailed into the vast ocean.
08:52She even reads bedtime stories to me while I'm still handcuffed.
08:57If this lifestyle continues throughout spring break, I wonder what will become of me.
09:03Now tell, did you fall asleep already?
09:06Ah, I just woke up from that.
09:10After that, I was always handcuffed except when using the toilet or bath.
09:15And sometimes even my mom joined us at the dining table.
09:19Say ah now, Toh.
09:22Love comes in various forms, you know.
09:25It reminds me of when I started dating my husband.
09:28I don't feel bad about it, but this is getting really dangerous.
09:33Definitely dangerous.
09:35Alright, let me strip you down.
09:39Um, hey, can we please stop this already?
09:44I'm gonna turn into a total mess if we keep this up.
09:48Well, you're right.
09:51Without you going this far, I...
09:54Wait, Lisa?
09:56Ugh, I've always been bad at expressing my emotions.
10:01I-I didn't mean to make you cry or anything.
10:04I'm aware that there are parts of me I can't control.
10:08But that doesn't mean I'm not happy.
10:12Yeah, I'm happy to be with you.
10:17So, have I made it so that you can't live without me?
10:24Eek! Do whatever you want!
10:28Ultimately, Lisa's cute yet frightening rampage continued throughout spring break.
10:33And then, in the new semester, I thought things would return to normal at school.
10:39Now, Toh, let's go to the club room.
10:43Uh, okay, but you don't have to come pick me up every time.
10:48What are you talking about?
10:50It's just a return for all the times you came to pick me up.
10:53I-Is that so?
10:55The stares around us are intense.
10:58Oh, by the way...
11:00Eek! Don't tell me we're using handcuffs at school too!
11:04That would definitely be against school rules, so I didn't bring them.
11:10Besides, starting today you're free to go back to your own home.
11:15Huh? Are you serious?
11:17Yes. Well then, I have some shopping to do, so I'll head home first.
11:22F-Freedom! It's been so long since I've felt free!
11:28B-But why am I here? Could it be that my body is craving this?
11:34Hm? What's up with you now, Toh?
11:37H-Huh? No, it's just that...
11:41Are you feeling lonely already?
11:46Don't worry, okay? I'll make your favorite hamburgers tonight.
11:51Wh-She totally predicted I would come here!
11:55And so, the new semester continued with us spending every day together.
12:00However, even we couldn't escape from that particular event.
12:05Being apart for three days... is tough.
12:09W-Well, it can't be helped. It's a school trip!
12:13Plus, why don't you enjoy a day to yourself occasionally, Lisa?
12:18I got it!
12:20But please, don't forget about me, okay?
12:24Of course not! Well then, I'll be off!
12:30Phew! It's nice to have some alone time sometimes.
12:34Alright, I'm going to check on the students, so get some rest!
12:40Well, it's just me and the teacher in the room since nobody asked me.
12:44Alright, let's check my phone while he's out.
12:48Wow, I'm getting bombarded with messages!
12:51I'm good on my own, alrighty!
12:54But still, it feels somewhat empty being alone.
12:58I wonder if her presence has become more of a given than I realize.
13:05Tomorrow is the amusement park.
13:07I guess I'll just enjoy some solo time.
13:15Next day.
13:16Alright, pair up and enter freely!
13:19Ugh! Well, I'll just go solo.
13:25Huh? What's touching my hand? Could it be a real ghost?
13:30Hey, chill out!
13:32This voice, could it be?
13:35It's not a ghost, it's me!
13:38Lisa, why are you here?
13:41I was worried!
13:43After all, we have a holiday from school!
13:46That's not the point!
13:50I'm scared, Naoto!
13:52Don't worry, I'm here with you!
13:57She's becoming more cute than scary.
14:00But if the teacher finds out, it'll be bad.
14:05Naoto, didn't you enter alone?
14:08Who were you talking to?
14:11Well, you see, it was a ghost!
14:14A ghost, huh? Are you alright?
14:17Alright then, let's head back to the inn.
14:22She surely won't follow me all the way to the inn, right?
14:27Um, it's Ikeda, the one who booked for three people.
14:31What the heck? And even my mom and the others are here?
14:35Alright, let's enjoy our girls' trip.
14:38Is this for real? Jeez, seriously.
14:42Well, they surely won't come all the way to my room, right?
14:47But I'm more concerned about...
14:52The bath was nice, wasn't it?
14:55I knew it! She's here after all!
14:58Maybe I overdid it?
15:00I think you definitely did.
15:03I just couldn't stay away!
15:06But seriously, why all this for me?
15:09I forgot something.
15:13Naoto, you're still awake?
15:15I'm going to check around, so go to sleep, okay?
15:20I'll go to sleep now.
15:22Huh? Is there someone else in your bed?
15:25What are you saying? It's a ghost! A ghost!
15:29Oh, a ghost, huh? Don't bring it back to school with you.
15:36We managed to get through somehow, didn't we?
15:39It was really close though, right?
15:42But am I really some guy who's being obsessed over by such a beautiful girl?
15:47Will she get tired of me eventually?
15:49Oh, right! Please come on my class trip too!
15:53Oh, unless you've graduated.
15:55Yeah, Lisa is only in her second year, but I'm already in my third year.
16:00Graduation is inevitable, but...
16:03What should I do about the entrance exams?
16:06The nearby university is more reasonable given my current academic level and proximity from home,
16:12but I'm more interested in the central city option.
16:15Though honestly, it's quite a risky challenge.
16:18But wouldn't being closer to home be more convenient in many ways?
16:22That's right, Naoto. You couldn't live alone anyway.
16:26No, I'm aiming for a university in the city!
16:29I want to be able to stand on my own two feet!
16:33After that, whether in the club room or Lisa's room, I continued studying toward passing the exams.
16:39If I could pass, of course, I would move alone to the city.
16:43But this is to become a man worthy of Lisa!
16:47And if I pass, then I can...
16:49Let's take this off.
16:51Ah, no! I mean, having it is rather reassuring.
16:56I'll stop relying on your kindness like that.
17:00I gotta start being independent too!
17:02And hey, keep up the good work with your studies!
17:07A few months later...
17:09I did it! I actually passed!
17:12That's amazing! We need to start preparing for everything right away!
17:16Congratulations, Naoto!
17:19It's thanks to you too, Lisa!
17:21By the way, there's something I've been wanting to say.
17:24If you're up for it, why not apply to the same university as me next year?
17:29Then we can be together again.
17:32I'll pass.
17:35It's impossible for me with my academic abilities.
17:38But I managed to pass with effort, and I'm not particularly talented.
17:43Besides, you're free now.
17:46Thank you for everything up until now.
17:48I guess she's grown tired of me after all.
17:52Then the seasons changed to spring, and I officially became a university student in the city.
17:58I could pursue my dream of studying literature,
18:01but my room felt unusually spacious.
18:04I felt like there was this huge gap in my heart that nothing could fill,
18:09and I just couldn't shake off the loneliness.
18:12But this is my real life.
18:14I'm sure she's doing well.
18:16It's just returning to being alone again, like before.
18:21A year passed.
18:23Join the tennis club!
18:25We're recruiting new members!
18:28It's already that time of year.
18:30Which means that spring when I met Lisa was already four years ago.
18:36Hey, who's that cute girl over there?
18:39Isn't she a freshman?
18:44Hey, wanna join our club?
18:46I was the one who called out to her first.
18:49Why? Why is she here?
18:55I was mistaken.
18:57Turned out I was the one who couldn't live without you.
19:02A year ago, I realized I was too clingy with you and decided to back off.
19:07But I couldn't bear the loneliness.
19:10That's why I tried to meet you so many times, but held back.
19:14I worked hard and passed, so I could be a woman worthy of you, Naoto.
19:19What? Isn't that the same as me?
19:23Huh? But you did it to run away from me, right?
19:28No, I aimed for this place to become a man worthy of you too.
19:33But over this past year, I've realized it.
19:36I really can't live without you.
19:40Thank you for coming, Lisa.
19:42But from now on, will you stay with me forever?
19:45Of course!
19:47We'll always be together.
19:49Yeah, stay with me until, like, it's almost scary how much time we spend together.
19:55By the way, I haven't rented a room yet.
19:59It's okay. My place is a two-person apartment.
20:03I wanted to believe you'd come.
20:05I love that about you.
20:09And so, we started university life together,
20:12worked at the bookstore together, and enjoyed spending every day together at home.
20:17While working on our studies, we both pursued careers in the publishing industry, albeit at different companies.
20:24Oh, right! I found something nostalgic while cleaning the room.
20:28Huh? That is...
20:31How about these?
20:33Shall I try putting them on you after a long time?
20:37No, I don't need that anymore.
20:40I know, right.
20:42Instead, let's...
20:44This will be our new bond, connecting us.
20:47Aww! I'll never let you go for life, I swear!
20:52You're still as scary as ever, but happiness prevails!
20:56Surely, our love handcuffs will never be unlocked from now on.
