Blaubär und Blöd (u.a. Dumm und Dämlich - Die Putzkolonne)

  • 2 months ago


00:00And off we go!
00:29Welcome to Blaubee & Blöd, the mega-funny super-show with the super-funny Mega-Bear.
00:35Today you won't see Captain Blaubee as a brave king...
00:40Thank you, thank you.
00:43And you won't see Captain Blaubee as a loving grandfather.
00:49Of course, of course.
00:51And you won't see Captain Blaubee as a dirty potato sack.
00:59What? You'll regret that.
01:04I'd rather make the announcement.
01:07So, welcome to Blaubee & Blöd.
01:11As always with a fantastic Captain Blaubee.
01:14Have fun.
01:24Stupid and stupid.
01:26Full of cream.
01:32Stupid and stupid.
01:33Good chaos at Captain Blaubee.
01:35The cleaning column.
01:36Hello, we are stupid and stupid.
01:38So, when are you coming to clean?
01:40We'll be right there.
01:41Right now?
01:43They're already standing in front of the door.
01:45Yesterday dirty.
01:47Today already cleaned.
01:50Then I'll let them in.
01:55My name is Dieter.
01:58And I'm stupid.
02:00What are you?
02:01No, his name is stupid.
02:05I'm stupid.
02:06Then come on in.
02:08So, Captain.
02:09We'll clean your ship from the bow to the stern.
02:12And we'll start at the back.
02:14At the bow.
02:15The bow is at the front, young man.
02:17That doesn't matter.
02:18Then we'll just turn the ship around.
02:22Let's go.
02:23Work doesn't stink.
02:28This is a mess.
02:31Be glad you don't have to stick your fingers in there, Captain.
02:35I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
02:37So, I'll just throw the dirt away.
02:46And that stinks.
02:48The boss should get that.
02:51Boss, where are you?
02:56Here, stupid.
02:59Here you have to be especially careful when cleaning the bow.
03:03These three Chinese vases from the Pling, Ming and Ding dynasties are extremely valuable.
03:11No problem, Captain.
03:12Caution is my second name.
03:15Then it's good.
03:18Caution, boss.
03:21What is it?
03:22Nothing, Captain.
03:23He just called me by my second name.
03:26Well, see you later.
03:29Caution, boss.
03:32Are you crazy?
03:33Now you won't even throw the third vase.
03:35I don't have a hand anymore.
03:39Do you have the third vase, boss?
03:41I do, stupid.
03:43I do.
03:45And with this steam jet you want to clean the window?
03:49Sure, Captain.
03:50It makes lightning clean and goes totally fast.
03:53Actually, the boss is the specialist for the device.
03:56But I don't know where he is right now.
03:59And how does the device work?
04:01Just push the lever down and the device starts.
04:05Full power.
04:14It worked great, Captain.
04:16If only the boss had seen that.
04:19I did.
04:22Now give me the device.
04:24What are you doing?
04:25No, no, no.
04:30And now get out of here, stupid.
04:32See you later.
04:34This was never my thing.
04:36You know what's next, don't you?
04:42Heinz Blödsinn.
04:45No, no, no.
04:56Hello, people.
04:58Welcome to a new episode of...
05:03Today I'll explain to you how a rainbow is created.
05:08You know, a rainbow is this colorful thing.
05:13Here's one.
05:14No, the other way around.
05:16Now turn your TV around.
05:19But then you'll get in trouble with your parents.
05:22Leave that for later.
05:24For a rainbow, the most important thing is to have sun.
05:29This lamp is the sun.
05:33And for the rain, we'll use this special rain can.
05:40So, when the sun shines through the drops of the rain,
05:45everything down here gets wet.
05:48So, crap.
05:49So, if you see a rainbow, get a rag,
05:53because then you'll have to wipe everything off.
05:58What's important with a rainbow is...
06:04...that nothing falls on the sun.
06:07Otherwise you can't see the rainbow and everything else.
06:12Well, that's how it is with rainbows.
06:15But better ask your parents, because I'm not so sure.
06:21Total short-circuit at home.
