L'ape Maia - Ep 063 - Insetti della città

  • 2 months ago
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00:00La Peppa Yabba
00:02Curiosa e piccola
00:04La Peppa Yabba
00:08La Peppa Yabba
00:10E va in paura nuova
00:12Buon vedersi il mondo
00:14E' veramente tondo
00:16E non vi muore il giorno
00:18Quando è come perché
00:20Proprio come te
00:22Proprio come me
00:24Si arrabbia quando piove
00:26Si arrabbia quando piove
00:28Si arrabbia quando piove
00:30Si scalda con il sole
00:32Si scalda con il sole
00:34Piange quando è sola
00:36Piange quando è sola
00:38E non lo sa perché
00:40Proprio come te
00:42Proprio come me
00:44E appena vede un fiore in un vaso
00:46E appena vede un fiore in un vaso
00:48Si sacrificca il naso
00:50E dappertutto va cercando
00:52Qualche novità
00:54Qualche novità
00:56La Peppa Yabba
00:58Culo di piccola
01:00La Peppa Yabba
01:04La Peppa Yabba
01:22Che vento
01:26Che vento
01:50Che bello, finalmente spuntato il sole
01:52E pensare che fino a ieri c'era un tempaccio
01:56Forza, toccati adesso
01:58Forza, toccati adesso
02:16Ecco la casa
02:18C'è nessuno in casa, signor Alessandro?
02:22Per favore, puoi aprirmi la porta
02:24Che cosa c'è?
02:26C'è una lettera per lei dalla città
02:28Sono proprio curioso di sapere chi mi scrive
02:30Adesso devo andarmene
02:34Arrivederci e grazie
02:38Che bella notizia
02:42Voglio provarci anch'io
02:44Guarda, anche la tartaruga vuole tuffar
02:46Ma quel rame troppo sottile per lei
02:54Anche qualcun altro poco tempo fa è caduto nell'acqua
02:56A chi ti riferisci?
02:58Hai dimenticato l'avventura di Alessandro
03:00Quando si è infilato dentro la bottiglia
03:02Ha bevuto tanto di quella spremuta di lampone
03:04Che non ce la faceva più ad uscire
03:06Si, si, ora mi ricordo
03:12Le formiche hanno cercato di farlo uscire
03:14Tirandolo per la coda
03:16Ma purtroppo i loro sforzi non sono serviti a nulla
03:18Poi Willi ha avuto la bella idea
03:20Di portare la bottiglia sulla collina
03:22E farla rotolare giu
03:24Sperando che si rompesse liberando così Alessandro
03:34Poi è successo l'imprevisto
03:36La bottiglia rotolo giu
03:38Solo che sfortunatamente non si rupe come pensavamo
03:40Ma finino a rusciare
03:44E cosi tra urla e grida di aiuto
03:46Comincia il viaggio del nostro Alessandro
03:48Un viaggio disastroso
03:50Perchè la bottiglia precipitò
03:52Senza che noi riuscissimo a far nulla
03:54In una cascata
03:56Scomparendo definitivamente dalla nostra vista
04:00Eravamo tutti disperati
04:02Specialmente Willi
04:04Che si addossava tutta la colpa della morte di Alessandro
04:06Ma per fortuna
04:08La vicenda ebbe un lieto fine
04:10Già, dopo una settimana
04:12Quando avevamo ormai persa ogni speranza
04:14Alessandro si presentò nel nostro prato
04:16Fu davvero una grande gioia per tutti quanti
04:18A proposito
04:20Non ci ha più raccontato
04:22Come è riuscito a cavarsela
04:24E neanche che cosa ha fatto durante tutti quei giorni
04:26Evviva, evviva
04:28Vengono a trovarmi
04:30I miei amici che abitano in città
04:32Erano qui a casa mia
04:34Come sono contento, che bello
04:36Avrò degli ospiti, evviva, evviva
04:38Ma insomma cos'è tutto questo bacano
04:40La gente non ha più rispetto
04:42Neanche per l'arte
04:46La città mi vengono a trovar
04:48Che bello tra...
04:50Ehi, come mai tutta questa fretta
04:52Aspetto una visita di alcuni miei amici di città
04:54Quindi devo andare
04:56Ci vediamo
05:00Villi, hai sentito che cosa ha detto
05:02Certo, gridava
05:04Sarei curioso di vederli questi suoi amici
05:06Io invece no, quello che fa Alessandro non mi interessa affatto
05:08Saranno senz'altro degli insetti molto raffinati
05:16La pioggia di ieri sera ha rotto l'argine
05:18Dobbiamo ricostruirlo immediatamente
05:34Guarda Flip, c'è Alessandro
05:36Venite presto, devo dirvi una cosa
05:38Cosa c'è, perchè sei cosi eccitato
05:40Ho ricevuto una lettera dalla città
05:42I miei amici mi vengono a trovare
05:44E chi sarebbero se non sono indiscreto
05:46Sono quelli che mi hanno salvato la vita
05:48E quando è successo tutto questo
05:50Alla fine di quel mio pazzesco viaggio
05:52Che feci chiuso nella bottiglia
05:54Che strano
05:56Stavamo parlando proprio adesso di questa tua avventura
05:58Lo sai che non c'è più raccontato
06:00Come andate a finire
06:02Rimettiamo subito
06:04Ora vi dirò quello che è successo
06:06Dunque, venite, venite
06:08Cosi lo racconterò una sola volta
06:10Un momento, vogliamo ascoltare anche noi
06:12Des, sinis, des, sinis, des
06:14Se non diamo troppo disturbo
06:16No, no, restate
06:18Tutto quello che racconta ce l'ho inventato
06:20A me basta che sia divertente
06:22Sono curiosa di sapere che razza di insetti
06:24Verranno qui
06:26Allora, quando sono precipitato nella cascata
06:28Sono svenuto dalla paura
06:30In altre parole ho perso conoscenza
06:32Dopo mi sono sentito spallottare a destra e a sinistra
06:34Una sensazione molto spiacevole
06:36Ne, ne, ne, ne
06:38Ne ne ne ne ne ne ne
06:40Tutto questo movimento
06:42Mi ha fatto risvegliare
06:44E quando ho aperto gli occhi mi sono reso conto
06:46Che ormai avevo superato la cascata
06:48Ma i guai non erano finiti
06:50Perchè mi accorsi che stavo andando dritto
06:52Verso un enorme scoglio
06:56Veramente era solo un sasso, però era sempre molto pericoloso
06:58The little propeller slowly turned into a river.
07:06The waters became calmer and my bottle was whitening less and less.
07:10From this point on, my navigation became more pleasant.
07:13I was traveling in the bottle, as if it were a ship, and felt like a tourist on vacation.
07:19The bottle crossed under the first bridge and I understood that I was approaching the city.
07:26But it was getting dark, and I was getting more and more worried.
07:30Yes, um, well, um...
07:33Look, I can't remember what happened to me afterwards.
07:36That's not true. You're doing it on purpose. Don't torture us like that.
07:39Go on.
07:41The little reason goes on and doesn't hurt you too much.
07:44Okay, there's no need to yell.
07:46After, as I told you, I ended up in the city's bushes.
07:52At this point, I had my third fright, because I thought of...
07:55...staying attached to the fence forever.
07:58Luckily, instead, the bottle passed through the bushes,
08:01and I rushed inside, turning and slamming everywhere.
08:06Until, with an astonishing noise, the bottle broke, and I was free.
08:10I couldn't believe it. I was finally free.
08:17But my joy didn't last long.
08:19I looked around, and saw that I was in a horrible place.
08:25It was dark and humid, and I could smell a nauseating stench.
08:28I started walking, passing from one channel to the other,
08:31but it seemed like there was no way out.
08:39At some point, however...
08:57Finally, I'll be able to have a nice lunch.
09:07It's incredible. I was so frightened that I got the chills just...
09:11Tell us what you did.
09:13How did you manage to dig it up?
09:15It wasn't easy, but I did it.
09:17We want to know the truth, not your fairy tales.
09:20Don't worry. I'll tell you the whole truth.
09:23Help, Mom!
09:29Help, Mom!
09:37Oh, Mom!
09:40No, no, no!
09:42Oh, Mom, what have I done?
09:48If I jump into the water, I'll drown.
09:52And if I don't jump, that beast will eat me!
09:59Now you're safe.
10:01We played a good joke on you.
10:03You saved my life. I'm not...
10:27And now?
10:29Hey, friend spider, send down a few threads.
10:31Here they are. Don't worry, they're very strong.
10:41They're too far away.
10:45It's a bit dry.
10:47Oh, but I haven't introduced myself yet.
10:49My name is Alessandro, and I live in the wild parrots' meadow.
10:52A meadow?
10:54Excuse me, but what kind of place is this?
10:56You mean to tell me you don't know what a meadow is?
10:58Oh, it's a beautiful place, with birds chirping.
11:01But really, you've never seen it?
11:04Never seen it?
11:06I thought everyone knew what a meadow was.
11:09I didn't know either.
11:11Like an old proverb says,
11:13only someone who's been around the world can know what a meadow is.
11:16And so, when we said goodbye,
11:18I told them to come and see me whenever they wanted.
11:20And now they've written to you, saying they'll be here tomorrow, right?
11:23That's right.
11:24I've got an idea. Why don't we prepare a big welcome in their honor?
11:28It would be nice of us.
11:30Yeah, it's their first time in the country.
11:33It's only right that we do our best
11:35to welcome your city friends as we should.
11:37We'll have a great party!
11:39I'll be there playing my last composition.
11:41We could also organize some games.
11:43Like, for example, a race to see who eats more honey.
11:46Let's get to work and not waste any more time.
11:48Thank you very much. It's very kind of you.
12:03Your friends are late.
12:07What is it? Have you seen them?
12:09A boat is approaching.
12:11It could be them.
12:13It's them! My friends!
12:15Hurray! They're finally here!
12:18We're here! We're here!
12:20Hey, come this way!
12:22If you knew how happy I am to see you again!
12:24We're very happy too! Very happy!
12:26And these would be your city's finest guests.
12:30Welcome to the wild poplars' meadow,
12:32my dear friends.
12:34And this would be the meadow where you live.
12:36Wow, what a huge place!
12:38Very happy to meet you.
12:40I'm the Mayan monkey.
12:42And I'm Flip, the little horse.
12:44Come, please.
12:46So we can start the celebration.
13:00Look how many strange things they've prepared.
13:02It's true. I've never visited a place like this in all my life.
13:05Let's go.
13:10On behalf of all the inhabitants of this meadow,
13:12I have the pleasure to welcome you.
13:16It's an honor for us to receive your visit.
13:19So, pretend this is your home.
13:24Oh, no!
13:28Attack! One, two, three, four!
13:31One, two, three, four!
13:33One, two, three, four!
13:35One, two, three, four!
13:51These insects have really strange habits.
13:54They pinch me everywhere.
13:56These flowers make me sneeze.
13:58Stop grumbling and try to behave yourself.
14:00Strange, they don't seem to have fun.
14:05This cake was made especially for you by Mrs. Cucinella and me.
14:18Don't you like it? Maybe there's not enough honey.
14:20Why don't you try this leafy thing? It's very fresh.
14:31How nice!
14:35Oh, no!
14:42I'm sorry, it's just my habit.
14:44Very bad, if I have to be honest.
14:46I wouldn't behave like this if I were someone's guest.
14:49But you didn't do it on purpose, Mrs. Cucinella.
14:51No, this is bad manners.
14:53I'll take you to my children.
14:55I don't like your guests. They're not refined.
14:58So, I'm leaving. Bye, your father.
15:00Wait for me, Billy. I'll come with you.
15:02See you another time.
15:05Excuse me, my wife is waiting for me.
15:07Don't worry, I'll cheer her up with my new composition.
15:18The others were right. You're a bunch of rude people.
15:23Come, we'll show you our most beautiful flowers.
15:26This is a good idea. What do you think, Alessandro?
15:29Yes, they'll like it.
15:35Look, here are the most beautiful flowers in the whole forest.
15:38What do you think, my friends?
15:40Don't you think it's a wonderful show?
15:42I don't know.
15:44Listen, what a nice smell.
15:46Who has this?
15:52Hey, what's wrong? Don't you like the smell?
15:54I don't want to complain, but according to our taste,
15:56these smells are a little too sweet for us.
16:03It's really incredible.
16:05So you don't even like the flowers?
16:07Then what do you like? The filth, maybe?
16:09Why, is there such a thing on your lawn?
16:11We'd like to go there, if it's possible.
16:19Here, this is the place where we throw our waste.
16:21Ah, wonderful!
16:33These insects make my stomach hurt.
16:35I don't understand.
16:37They eat the stuff we throw away.
16:41Look, they're playing on the garbage can.
16:43Let's go too!
16:45Yes, let's go!
16:49Guys, come down!
16:51What are you doing?
16:53Come back here!
16:56Come back here!
17:02Here are your children, Mrs. Coccinella.
17:04We're having fun, you know.
17:06If you hadn't given them the bad example,
17:08they would never have gone among the garbage.
17:10Shame on you!
17:16Your friends are very strange.
17:18You won't believe it, but I suspect
17:20they want to make fun of us.
17:22But they're nice.
17:25No, no.
17:27Let's go back to the lawn,
17:29but I don't want to stay in this place for long.
17:31I have the feeling we're stuck
17:33among strange insects.
17:39Wait a moment, please.
17:43If you allow me,
17:45dear lady, I'll help you.
17:47Oh, thank you!
17:49You're still so kind.
17:51You'll see.
17:59People like this
18:01would like to be here every day.
18:05Easy, easy!
18:07What are you doing?
18:15I'm going to make dinner.
18:17You stay here, okay?
18:19Yes, Mom!
18:22Hurry, hurry, hurry!
18:24Let's do the slide, guys!
18:40What's going on?
18:42Help, help!
18:44The three little pigs fell
18:46into a very deep hole.
18:48They're in there.
18:50They fell in there?
18:52Yes, yes, they're down there.
18:54We have to save them, quickly!
18:56Don't worry, we'll take care of it.
19:04I hope these villains
19:06go back home soon.
19:08They pose a threat
19:10to the children's education.
19:12How is it possible?
19:14They've caused a lot of trouble recently.
19:16But we can't kick them out,
19:19otherwise my children
19:21will become very rude.
19:23Well, you can't kick them out.
19:25He's right.
19:27Okay, I understand.
19:29I'll tell them to leave.
19:33I'm responsible for their behavior here.
19:35They're my guests, aren't they?
19:37Right, we didn't invite them.
19:39Mrs. Cucinella,
19:41your children fell into a deep hole.
19:45My children?
19:48Hurry, hurry!
19:50Let's go, let's go!
19:52Hurry, hurry!
19:56The villains are coming!
19:58The crew is over there,
20:00after the hill.
20:02Don't worry,
20:04we're experts in rescuing.
20:14It's me, your mommy!
20:17Can you hear me?
20:21The heavy rain yesterday
20:23has washed away a lot of land.
20:25I'm going down, I want to take a look.
20:29Maya, don't be imprudent!
20:32You caught them!
20:34Are they all right?
20:36They don't even have a scratch!
20:38We're fine, nothing happened to us!
20:40Oh, that's great news!
20:44So, where are you guys?
20:46Answer me if you're still alive!
20:48We're here!
20:50We're here!
20:52We're here!
20:54We're here!
20:56We're here!
20:58We're here!
21:00We're all fine!
21:02The city's insects saved us!
21:04Oh, that's great news!
21:06Oh, that's great news!
21:08Oh, that's great news!
21:12Oh, my mom!
21:14Our friends from Alessandro saved us!
21:20Congratulations, you behaved in an exemplary way!
21:22A joke!
21:24It was the least we could do!
21:26And we treated you so badly,
21:29We weren't offended at all by how you treated us!
21:31You were very warm to us,
21:33and we wanted to thank you before we left.
21:35Of course!
21:37What? Have you decided to go back home?
21:41We're used to being in the middle of the wastelands,
21:43and sooner or later we'll ruin your meadow,
21:45kept so well!
21:47But no, no, you can stay as long as you want!
21:49Please stay and don't take it,
21:51and I'm sorry if I said some unpleasant things earlier.
21:53The fact is that we're better off in the city!
21:55We're used to living that way now!
21:58We'll come back to see you again!
22:00Of course, if we go through these woods!
22:10It would be nice to say goodbye!
22:12They're strange insects, but nice!
22:14Yeah, and they saved my life!
22:16And I'll never forget my children!
22:18As the saying goes,
22:20never judge an insect only by its appearance!
22:22No one beats you to say a saying, Willy!
22:24Even if that spider was a bit ugly,
22:27I must say it had its charm!
22:29What a shame!
22:35Come back whenever you want!
22:37You'll always be welcome here!
22:57Take it easy with the hummingbird!
22:59Under the tree of the party,
23:01tonight there will be an orchestra!
23:03The choir will dance!
23:05The sky!
23:07And the cricket will sing!
23:09The sky!
23:11The rhum will dance!
23:13With a hairy spider,
23:15a curious tango!
23:17And the fly will laugh!
23:19The music will play!
23:21The tanguro!
23:23With the rhythm of the tanguro!
23:26And the umbrico will dance!
23:28With the thousand feet,
23:30the feet will dance!
23:32And the fly will laugh!
23:34Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
23:38Hola, hola, casa la pemaia!
23:40I'm coming back from Peru!
23:42I'll buy a pizzeria on the Himalayas
23:44and honey on Cefalu!
23:46Under the moonlight,
23:48without clouds,
23:50but what a fortune!
23:52I'll buy a pizza on the Himalayas
23:54and honey on Cefalu!
23:56Under the moonlight,
23:58without clouds,
24:00but what a fortune!
24:02And the clouds,
24:04one by one,
24:06make jumps of happiness!
24:08The pemaia will dance!
24:10The sky!
24:12And the cricket will sing!
24:14The sky!
24:16The rhum will dance!
24:18With a hairy spider,
24:20a curious tango!
