TV ve DiziDöküm
00:00I'm gonna see.
00:02My love is timeless.
00:04A deep love.
00:06A love of the soul.
00:08A love without pride.
00:10This love is timeless.
00:12How is it?
00:14How is it?
00:16My love, she's beautiful!
00:18All this is for you.
00:20Oh, good.
00:22She's beautiful.
00:24The strawberries, they look great on you.
00:26I wanted to do it to your liking.
00:28With everything you like.
00:30This is you, it's your essence.
00:32I love you, thank you.
00:34I love you too.
00:36I love you so much.
00:38I wanted it to be the most special day of our lives.
00:40It's special.
00:42Because today we turned two years old together.
00:44And what we're missing.
00:52I didn't know you were here.
00:54I had a stomach ache and I got here early.
00:56In fact, I made an appointment with a lawyer
00:58who recommended my sister to me.
01:00Come on, let them take care of what I have.
01:02Where are you coming from?
01:04Oh, please.
01:06As if you cared what I do, I stop doing it.
01:08Let's see, Ana, I've always cared.
01:10Oh, please, Gonzalo, stop pretending.
01:12It's just you and me.
01:14If you cared so much, you wouldn't have abandoned me a year ago.
01:16Let's see, let's see, again.
01:18I didn't abandon you, please.
01:20Let's see, we broke up
01:22because I didn't want my children to see us
01:24fighting all day long.
01:26Besides, that was a long time ago.
01:28Oh, yes, as if it had been yesterday, huh?
01:30Makita finally fell asleep.
01:32I mean, of course.
01:34After telling her the same story three times.
01:36No, it's your fault.
01:38Mine? Why?
01:40Well, because I already told you, you have to tell her once,
01:42turn off the light,
01:44but she has taken the measure from you.
01:46Oh, my love, but of course she has taken the measure from me.
01:48If it's my weakness.
01:50And you too.
01:56Mario, tomorrow I have a date
01:58with Dr. Vallejo.
02:00Forget about him for a little while, yes.
02:02We have to let things work out,
02:04don't you think?
02:10No, no, no, no, Mario.
02:12Let's see, stop. It's important.
02:14Wait, stop.
02:16Not again.
02:20Hey, Fatima.
02:22Look, please.
02:34Yes, yes, please.
02:36I mean it.
02:38I mean it.
02:42I love you.
02:50Do you want to marry me?
02:52I don't know what to say.
02:54Well, you can tell me yes,
02:56I would appreciate it very much,
02:58but I can also say no.
03:00I love you.
03:02I love you.
03:08I'm going to dedicate myself to making you
03:10the happiest person in the world.
03:14In the world.
03:20Don't you get tired of fighting?
03:22You keep saying the same thing.
03:26It seems like you enjoy making our relationship
03:28a living hell.
03:30What happens is that you don't value
03:32the fact that I gave you an opportunity.
03:34Me? You gave me an opportunity.
03:36I gave you an opportunity.
03:40Because you couldn't stand the idea of facing the world
03:42divorced and with three children.
03:44If you had given me the opportunity,
03:48you wouldn't have been unfaithful to me.
03:50I've never been unfaithful to you.
03:54Thinking of a man for more than 75 years
03:56you don't consider him unfaithful.
03:58Of course not.
04:00Since I fell in love with you, I haven't seen him again
04:02or heard from him.
04:04That's the least of it.
04:12It's incredible that to have relations with my wife
04:14I have to make an appointment.
04:16Or do I have to ask the gynecologist?
04:20I'm tired of that.
04:22Maria, you agreed to do the treatment step by step.
04:26Besides, we might have good news
04:30Honey, that treatment has been going on for months
04:32and this looks more like a laboratory experiment
04:34than a relationship.
04:36Honey, why don't you stop being obsessed
04:38with being a mother again?
04:42You have Maca, you have me.
04:44We have a divine family.
04:46Aren't we enough for you?
04:48Of course we are, Mario.
04:50Of course we are.
04:52But I want to have another child.
04:54Is that so hard to understand?
04:58But you haven't been able to get pregnant
05:00for as many treatments as you've tried.
05:02And you haven't realized
05:04that we haven't been making love for years.
05:06Because you only want to have relationships
05:08to get pregnant.
05:10Not because you want to be with me.
05:14I'm late.
05:16Maybe I'm pregnant.
05:18Barbara, for God's sake.
05:20How many times have you been late?
05:22And nothing happens. We've been through this.
05:26It's beautiful. I can't stop looking at it.
05:28And I didn't see the time to give it to you.
05:30I saw you and I said,
05:32I'm going to give it to you.
05:36I love you.
05:38I love you too.
05:40And the surprise doesn't end here.
05:44Of course not.
05:46Are you ready?
05:48Where are we going?
05:50The surprise continues.
05:54And look at the sky.
05:56In one of those,
05:58this is a pregnancy.
06:00Yes, of course. In one of those, yes.
06:02Yes. But
06:04it could be another false alarm.
06:06And even if you were pregnant,
06:08that doesn't stop you from making love to me.
06:12And this has made you
06:14an unsatisfied woman.
06:16What's wrong, Mar? You gave yourself up for love.
06:18Really? Yes.
06:20Well, if it's so unbearable for you to live with me,
06:22what are you doing here? What are you doing?
06:24You know perfectly well
06:26that I can stand your
06:28disdain, your indifference.
06:30And if I can't stand it,
06:32it's because of my children.
06:34And if I hadn't stayed here
06:36to be with my children,
06:38this house, this family,
06:40I would have screwed it up
06:42many years ago.
06:44And don't trust yourself, Greta.
06:46Don't trust yourself. My children are already grown up.
06:48And my tolerance
06:50is reaching its limit.
06:52And this pain
06:54that I have in my stomach, that doesn't stop hurting me,
06:56I have to make it clearer.
07:08Hello, hello.
07:14Hello, my love.
07:16I missed you.
07:18I missed you too.
07:20How are you?
07:22You didn't leave me alone for so long.
07:24I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
07:26I missed you like crazy.
07:28Hey, I'm sorry for being late. How did it go?
07:30Good, good. I had to go to the pantheon to leave some flowers for my mom.
07:32Remember that today is her 22nd birthday.
07:36I honestly don't understand you.
07:38Are you going to visit your mom's grave every year?
07:40And your dad, who is alive,
07:42you almost never see him.
07:44Well, it's just that my mom didn't take... Dinner?
07:46Please, love.
07:48It's just a matter of his life.
07:50On the other hand, he does.
07:52Yes, but you can't deny that he's always been very attentive to you.
07:54He even comes to visit you in New York.
07:56And well,
07:58he never stops giving you his monthly allowance.
08:00Although, clearly, you don't need it anymore, right?
08:02I know, but surely...
08:04Thank you, my love.
08:06I don't think he's interested in my life.
08:08Rather, I think he's doing it because of guilt.
08:18And that's nothing, look.
08:22Adrian, you thought of everything.
08:24Almost everything.
08:26It's so beautiful, my love.
08:32May I?
08:34Of course, please.
08:42Let's toast
08:44to a future together.
08:46To a future together.
08:50Because I love you.
08:52I love you.
09:04Look, I don't know why he does it,
09:06but what I don't understand is why he doesn't accept his money.
09:08He's a very rich man,
09:10and you're his only son.
09:12Look, Verania.
09:14I don't owe that man anything.
09:16Since I've been self-sufficient,
09:18I haven't touched that bill, and I'll never touch it again.
09:46I didn't want his money.
09:48All I wanted was his love,
09:50his presence when my mom died.
09:52Now I don't want anything from him.
09:54Okay, but don't get mad at me, okay?
09:56I know, my love, I'm sorry.
09:58Come on, let's change the subject.
10:00I don't know how to put the subject.
10:02But don't worry, because fortunately,
10:04your mom was American.
10:06So you have double nationality.
10:08So if you want to be away from your parents,
10:10you can.
10:12If you want to be away from your dad or Mexico,
10:14you can stay here with me
10:16for the rest of your life.
10:18What do you think of the idea?
10:20You almost convinced me.
10:22What do you mean, almost?
10:24Almost convinced.
10:26There's nothing I like more than making love to you.
10:28I love it.
10:30Did you like it?
10:32Did you enjoy it?
10:38From the first moment I saw you,
10:40I knew you would be the love of my life.
10:42Yes, you're a liar.
10:44No, it's the truth.
10:46In fact, what I appreciate most about my dad
10:48is that he took me to the gallery where you worked.
10:50Because that day when I saw you,
10:52I said, please.
10:54It was like we were going to get married
10:56and we were going to be together all our lives.
11:00I love you.
11:02I love you.
11:06I want the whole world to know.
11:12We're getting married.
11:14We're happy.
11:16Happy, happy.
11:24What is it?
11:26Fatima is getting married.
11:28Didn't you see the video she sent to the family chat?
11:32Adrián gave her the ring.
11:34I knew that man
11:36is a committed,
11:38serious, responsible boy.
11:40Well, she's happy.
11:42That's what matters.
11:44Oh, I'm so excited.
11:46I'm going to call her.
11:48No, leave her alone.
11:50If she wanted to call, she would have done it herself.
11:52Let her enjoy it in her own way.
11:54She'll tell us.
11:56Oh, no. If she sent us the video,
11:58it's because she wanted to share her happiness with us.
12:00Oh, wait.
12:02My love.
12:04We have to get ready for the wedding as soon as possible.
12:06I don't want to be in a hurry.
12:08Mom, please.
12:10You know how I feel.
12:14We're getting married.
12:16We're happy.
12:18Happy, happy.
13:16I thought you had already gone to college.
13:20I didn't have the first class today.
13:22Mom, don't forget
13:24that money I asked you for.
13:26It's a lot of money, my love.
13:28Isn't it worth it?
13:30Come on.
13:32All right.
13:34But let it be between you and me.
13:36I don't want to have problems with your father.
13:38And since you didn't have class,
13:40get up and have breakfast with us.
13:42Fatima shouldn't be long
13:44and we want to celebrate her commitment.
13:46The only thing I'm going to celebrate
13:48is how happy we're going to be
13:50when Mrs. Perfect gets married.
13:52So don't expect me to have breakfast.
13:56Oh, please, Mom. I want to sleep. I'm awake.
13:58All right, my love.
14:00Let's see.
14:02Oh, the door.
14:04I also want coffee.
14:06Yes, ma'am.
14:08Pablo's car is in the parking lot.
14:10Didn't he go to school?
14:12He didn't have class in the morning.
14:14Oh, the poor thing is so awake.
14:16He arrived very late last night
14:18because he was studying with his classmates.
14:20Do you think I'm going to swallow that necklace?
14:24I thought it was clear
14:26that I don't want any lazy people in this house.
14:28What am I doing?
14:30You're studying for a college degree.
14:34This is the third degree I'm studying
14:36and I haven't finished any.
14:38Well, you don't always find the vocation
14:40in the first one.
14:42But of course,
14:44since you want me to be like Fatima.
14:46I wish I were half as responsible
14:48as her sister.
14:52See how you always come out
14:54to show off your pampering and your qualities?
14:56All I ask is for Pablo to be a useful man.
14:58A good man.
15:00No, he is.
15:02Yes, he is.
15:04Hi, Dad.
15:06How are you?
15:10I'm glad you're having breakfast, honey.
15:12Oh, yes.
15:14My mom asked me to do it.
15:16I have an appointment at 12, so I have time.
15:20I'm glad you're here, honey.
15:22What did you think of Fatima's commitment?
15:24I liked it a lot,
15:26although I think it's a little strange
15:28that Adrián didn't tell us anything.
15:30Well, we didn't have to do it.
15:32Barbara is right.
15:34Adrián should have told us
15:36like Mario did with her.
15:38Of course.
15:40He did have that courtesy with us.
15:42Well, not everyone is the same.
15:44Hi, family.
15:46Hi, girlfriend.
15:50Hi, Daddy.
15:52Congratulations, sister.
15:54Thank you, thank you.
15:56Congratulations, honey.
16:04Congratulations on your commitment.
16:06Renata told me.
16:10And when is the wedding?
16:12Well, actually, we don't have a date yet.
16:14We're working on it.
16:16But I promise you that as soon as we know,
16:18you will be the first to know.
16:20That day there with us...
16:22Really, sir.
16:24And don't worry about the projects we have on the way.
16:26I'm not going to neglect any of them.
16:28You don't even have to tell me.
16:30Well, I'll leave you.
16:32I'm going to the hospital to see Mr. Alfonso.
16:34How is he doing?
16:36He's doing very well.
16:38You don't know how sorry I am.
16:40He's been a good friend,
16:42my right hand
16:44and my vice president for 10 years.
16:46But I don't think he's going to continue
16:48collaborating for us
16:50after the diagnosis he gave him.
16:54Well, congratulations again.
16:56Thank you, sir.
16:58Let me see the ring.
17:00I want to see it up close.
17:04Well, it's not as big as the one Mario gave you.
17:06That's no less, Greta.
17:08The important thing is that...
17:10The important thing is that he already gave him the ring.
17:12He's going to marry us.
17:14He's going to marry us.
17:16Well, the next thing is to set a date.
17:18I already told you last night
17:20that I don't want to be rushed.
17:22Don't start pressuring me.
17:24Please, Greta.
17:26Dad, it's not pressuring.
17:28If he wants the wedding to be the same as mine,
17:30there are many more things.
17:32The banquet, the food, the music, the flowers.
17:34A thousand things.
17:36Well, but there will be time for all that.
17:38Right now, the truth is that what is urgent
17:40is that Adrián wants me to go see an apartment
17:42that he's very likely to be able to buy.
17:44Oh, honey!
17:46Hey, and as soon as he buys it,
17:48tell him to put your name on it.
17:50Oh, Mom.
17:52No, I'm serious.
17:54Well, and if you don't like apartments,
17:56you can tell Mario that he's doing spectacular apartments.
17:58What a great idea!
18:00Thank you, yes.
18:02Of course, look, and besides, look,
18:04the important thing is that they are happy, right?
18:06I want you to be happy.
18:08And fill my house with grandchildren.
18:10Oh, but it's wonderful, huh?
18:12I didn't say that, I just said it was one.
18:14Well, if you want me to help you decorate the apartment,
18:16I can help you.
18:18You know I'm an interior designer.
18:20It's fantastic, although it doesn't exercise, but it's very good.
18:22My daughter!
18:24They brought you flowers!
18:28Thank you.
18:30I love you.
18:32I already forced myself to be my wife.
18:34Oh, my love, and who else was it going to be?
18:36You won the lottery with that boy.
18:38No, no, no, the one who won the lottery
18:40with my princess was him.
18:46How beautiful they smell.
18:48My flowers are beautiful, thank you.
18:52Are you jealous?
18:54I'm all screwed up.
18:56How can I be jealous of you?
18:58I wasn't talking about your health, but about your family.
19:00You were an intelligent man
19:02who knew how to give the value
19:04Nelly and your daughters deserved.
19:06She and my grandchildren are everything I have.
19:08I hope you reconcile with your son.
19:10That's what I wish the most.
19:14But Sebastián has a lot of resentment against me.
19:16Look for him.
19:18Get close to him, even if he doesn't want to.
19:20Don't wait for life
19:22to play a bad game on you
19:24like it just did with me.
19:26You know I've tried.
19:28I try to go to New York
19:30at least once a year to see him,
19:32to be with him.
19:34Despite that, our relationship is still distant.
19:36Don't give up, Federico.
19:38Keep trying.
19:40Go to New York more often.
19:42Be more present in your son's life.
19:44I don't know if he allows it, right?
19:46Look, Federico, we don't have a controlled life.
19:48And that's why
19:50now that I'm so aware
19:52of the little time I have left,
19:54I want to dedicate it to my family
19:58Soon you will recover, you will see.
20:00No, Federico, one does not recover from old age.
20:02I'm more there than here.
20:06I'm not going back to the company.
20:08You have to find someone to replace me.
20:14Brenda, how are you?
20:16Fine. Thank you for closing.
20:18Hey, I talked to Mr. Federico.
20:20He went to see Mr. Alfonso at the hospital
20:22and it is very likely that the Ruco will not return.
20:24Do you know what that means?
20:26Do you know what that means?
20:28Who better to be the new vice president
20:30than me? Who? Tell me.
20:32Adrián de la Fuente. Vice President?
20:34Sounds good, right?
20:38Aren't you going to say anything?
20:40Oh, yes.
20:44on your commitment.
20:48When were you going to tell me, Adrián?
20:50I had to find out through social networks.
20:52You know that Fatima and I have a relationship
20:54and that I love her very much.
20:56Yes, yes, yes, yes, but you never told me
20:58and that changes things a bit.
21:02You and I agreed to grow together,
21:04to support each other.
21:06We are very close to reaching the top.
21:08Brenda, don't get like that.
21:12At this moment, the only one who can
21:14take your place is Adrián de la Fuente.
21:20Don't you think Adrián is the right one?
21:22No, I don't think so.
21:24Adrián is a very ambitious man.
21:26He is not good at business.
21:28You and I are.
21:30Yes, but we have our feet on the ground
21:32and the decisions we make are not
21:36On the other hand, Adrián is a man
21:38too impulsive for a position
21:40where the head has to be cold.
21:44he and we see life very differently.
21:46He recently told me that
21:48our way of operating was archaic
21:50and that being so conservative
21:52was going to lead us to lose leadership.
21:54That's what Adrián told you?
21:56No, no.
21:58Besides, you were very clear with me
22:00from the beginning of our relationship.
22:02You told me, I don't want to get married,
22:04I don't want to have children,
22:06I don't want to form a family.
22:08I do.
22:10Yes, of course, of course.
22:12And Fátima is the ideal woman for that, right, Adrián?
22:18Well, yes.
22:20Let's see, Brenda.
22:24we are the best lovers
22:26in the world.
22:28Don't waste what so much work
22:30it has cost us to build.
22:36Wow, friend!
22:38What a surprise!
22:40I know, I know, I didn't see it coming.
22:42I mean, I knew it was going to happen soon,
22:44but I didn't expect it like this.
22:46I don't know if to congratulate you
22:48or give you my condolences.
22:50You know that Adrián
22:52is the center of my devotion.
22:54What do you want?
22:56He's not going to be a man for you.
22:58No, no, he's not super neurotic,
23:00he's possessive, he's controlling.
23:02I mean, he's not what you deserve.
23:04Well, Adrián, it may be a little bit
23:06all that you're saying,
23:08but he's also very nice to me.
23:10He's sweet, he's detailed.
23:12Did you see everything he did
23:14to give me the ring?
23:16Yes, yes, I saw.
23:18But I hope you manage to
23:20control that jealousy,
23:22because it seems like Shakespeare
23:24was inspired by him to write Othello.
23:26No, Triana, you're exaggerating.
23:28I don't want to be with Charlos,
23:30but you already talked to him about his little problem.
23:34No, no, no,
23:36I didn't dare.
23:38I was so happy, it was such a beautiful moment
23:40that I couldn't do it.
23:42Don't you think it's time
23:44to tell your future husband
23:46that you've had enough,
23:48and that you've never had an orgasm with him?
24:02I'm not pregnant again, right?
24:04No, you're not, Barbara.
24:10I thought this time it was going to work.
24:12Why not?
24:14Artificial insemination didn't work,
24:16but we have other alternatives,
24:18like in vitro fertilization or ovulation donation.
24:20No, that's my last alternative.
24:22Then let's do
24:24in vitro fertilization.
24:28The problem with that is
24:30getting into more hormones,
24:32injecting myself every day,
24:34that puts the nerves on edge, and it's going to make me fat.
24:36I know that perfectly well, Barbara.
24:38But if you want to have another baby,
24:40that's what you have to do.
24:42If you want to have another baby,
24:44you have to meditate and take it in pairs.
24:46Look, think about it,
24:48and make an appointment
24:50to explain the procedure,
24:52the risks, the expenses,
24:54and all the details
24:56so that you make the right decision
24:58and are well informed.
25:00Do you agree?
25:02Well, yes.
25:04So I'm going to have to talk to him.
25:06It's always the same.
25:08Look, do it.
25:10Do it!
25:14I know I should have told him a long time ago,
25:16but I really thought
25:18we were going to get along little by little
25:20and that his problem would be solved.
25:22Yes, but it hasn't happened.
25:24And having good sex with your partner is basic,
25:26especially if you're going to marry him, don't you think?
25:28Yes, I know, but I really don't know how to tell him.
25:30I don't want to hurt him.
25:32It's something very delicate.
25:34I know it must be difficult,
25:36but in a relationship, in a marriage,
25:38sexual life is very important
25:40for the emotional stability of both.
25:42I'm not an expert on the subject,
25:44we know that,
25:46but Ana, as a psychologist,
25:48I've heard it said many times.
25:50I know, and I know that in a relationship
25:52communication is the most essential,
25:54but I don't know how to tell him.
25:56Well, naturally.
25:58Yes, yes, yes, as you know,
26:00contact, but taking the bull by the horns.
26:02I already asked Ana
26:04why a man suffered from premature ejaculation.
26:06Well, she told me there were several reasons.
26:08It could be because in adolescence
26:10they had such rapid sexual experiences
26:12that they didn't learn to contain themselves.
26:14Others could be physical affectation,
26:16and others psychological,
26:18that is, they have depression, anxiety,
26:20stress, or insecurity.
26:22That's why they can't take it.
26:24No, well,
26:26I don't know why Adrián suffers from it, really.
26:28Well, for whatever reason.
26:30For whatever reason, but there is a remedy.
26:32And you have to tell him
26:34no matter how difficult it is,
26:36so that he can ask for professional help.
26:42The truth is, I'm starting to worry a little
26:44about Bárbara's obsession with that.
26:46Well, she only thinks about that.
26:48Once she starts to worry about something else,
26:50I don't know, that she works,
26:52that she starts doing social work,
26:54I don't know, plans with her friends,
26:56like my wife does.
26:58Yes, of course, let's see, we've already talked about that,
27:00and she does want to resume the interior design she had,
27:02but she doesn't want to get sick at work if she gets pregnant.
27:04She wouldn't be the first or the last woman
27:06to work while pregnant, right?
27:08Of course.
27:10I was thinking of inviting her, I don't know,
27:12for a trip.
27:14A few days, but with the amount of work we have,
27:16it's going to be great.
27:18I don't see such a problem, man.
27:20Why are we partners if it's not to make money, right?
27:22Look, if for you it's important to invest time,
27:24money, and effort in preserving your marriage,
27:26go for it.
27:30We're talking about two or three weeks,
27:32if you can.
27:34Okay, look, you go on vacation with your wife,
27:36and then I'll disappear with the one in charge.
27:38Hey, has it ever occurred to you
27:40that you can do it with your wife?
27:42It's just that she sees her every day,
27:56Why can't you do it, mom?
28:00Oh, my precious.
28:02I wish you all the happiness in the world.
28:04You deserve it.
28:06Thank you, thank you.
28:08Good morning.
28:10Love, what a beautiful surprise.
28:12I wasn't expecting you, my dear.
28:14What are you doing here?
28:16I need to talk to you.
28:24I already congratulated you in the office,
28:26but I missed you.
28:28Thank you, sir, really.
28:30I'll leave you. Excuse me.
28:32To work, huh?
28:34What's up, love?
28:36You have a face.
28:38You didn't tell me you were coming.
28:40I'm sorry, but...
28:42I need your advice.
28:44I just saw Alfonso and he's going to retire.
28:46Your suspicions were fulfilled.
28:50And what do you think?
28:54He didn't agree with Adriana taking his place.
28:56He says we see work life
28:58diametrically opposed.
29:00I agree with him, love.
29:02I've never liked Adriana
29:04and I don't like Fátima either.
29:06I mean, I respect his decisions.
29:08But, well, you're telling me
29:10and I'm honest and I'm telling you
29:12he's not the right one.
29:14Your opinion is very important to me.
29:16So I'm going to have to
29:18think very carefully about my decision.
29:20Have you thought about Sebastián?
29:22My son?
29:24For God's sake, Renata.
29:26My son doesn't want to know about me.
29:28He doesn't want to know about the company.
29:30But don't assume things. Find out.
29:32Maybe he can separate
29:34personal matters from professional ones.
29:36Besides, the position you're going to offer him
29:38will add up in his career.
29:40If someone has the right to be your successor,
29:42it's him, your son.
29:44It's curious that Alfonso
29:46also advised me not to take my finger
29:48off the ring in my relationship with Sebastián.
29:52I'm being honest.
29:54I'm afraid he'll also reject me in this area.
29:56I know, honey.
29:58But it's a risk
30:00that's worth taking.
30:02Sebastián is a man.
30:04A very successful professional.
30:06He could be the right arm
30:08you and your company need.
30:10Think about it.
30:22And... cut!
30:24Excellent, girls.
30:26It's wonderful.
30:28Very good.
30:32Oh, the make-up!
30:34Sorry, I forgot.
30:36Thank you for coming.
30:38You're so sweet.
30:40You know why I'm here.
30:42I'm here for you.
30:44I'm here for you.
30:46I'm here for you.
30:48I'm here for you.
30:50You know, that's why I'm here.
30:52Hey, guess what?
30:56They called me The Marshals.
30:58The job is mine.
31:00The make-up?
31:02Hey, get ready because in three months
31:04we're going to Detroit.
31:08Yes, in three months they'll open a new floor
31:10and they want me to be the CEO.
31:12It's a great job opportunity.
31:14Besides, it's a higher position
31:16they were going to offer me in Los Angeles.
31:18Los Angeles with Detroit, right?
31:20What am I going to do there?
31:22For me, that would be my worst nightmare.
31:24No, no, Verania.
31:26I thought what you cared about was
31:28that we were together, that we made a family.
31:30You never told me what place you cared about.
31:32I think it's obvious.
31:34Look, honestly, Sebastián,
31:36I think you're being very selfish.
31:38You're only thinking about yourself and your future.
31:40Of course not.
31:42And not about me.
31:44For me, going to Detroit would be like
31:46And I'm not going to allow that.
31:48No, no, no, please.
31:50If you allow me,
31:52I have to keep working.
32:14And Maca?
32:16She's washing her hands.
32:18I'm going to say hello.
32:22I'm not pregnant.
32:24Yes, I thought so.
32:26You should have told me
32:28to tell me the news.
32:32Well, the doctor wants us to go
32:34so he can explain the other treatment.
32:36Another one?
32:38Another one, Barbara?
32:40Just yesterday we argued about it at night
32:42We didn't argue.
32:44You give your opinion and I don't share it.
32:50You're not going to have classes in the afternoon either?
32:52It's incredible that you're still fired.
32:54Don't worry, what's wrong with you?
32:56What's wrong with me?
32:58I'm reaching my limit, Pablo.
33:00This house is not a hotel.
33:02You get up whenever you want
33:04and you don't do anything useful.
33:06I warn you,
33:08this is the last career I pay you.
33:10And you end up
33:12and you receive yourself
33:14or you forget my support forever.
33:16Is it clear?
33:18I don't know what they did to you today.
33:20They put you in a very bad mood and you're arguing with me.
33:22I don't think it's fair.
33:24Do you know what's not fair?
33:26This life you lead.
33:28Let's see, was it clear to you what I just told you?
33:30Yes, very clear.
33:32Go to bed.
33:40What's up?
33:44I'm going to the casino to get some money.
33:46Today we're going to get some nice money.
33:48I don't know
33:50how to make you understand
33:52that I'm not comfortable with this, Barbara.
33:54I feel like an animal,
33:56like a cemental every time you need me
33:58to get pregnant, please.
34:00Cemental? Where did you get the word cemental from?
34:02That's how I feel.
34:04Okay, okay.
34:06The next option
34:08that Dr. Valero says
34:10is in vitro fertilization.
34:12Please, we have to talk to him so he can explain it to us
34:14and we'll make the right decision, okay?
34:16Please, Mario.
34:18Even if it means listening to him.
34:24I wasn't going to tell you anything until you were armed.
34:26But I'm planning a trip.
34:28Yes, a trip for us
34:30to celebrate
34:32our 10 years of marriage.
34:34You need to relax, Barbara.
34:36You need to think about something else, not maternity.
34:38Mario, why are you like this?
34:40It's not a time to travel!
34:42Because your obsession with having another child has worn me out.
34:44Value what you have and forget what you don't have.
34:46It's not there!
34:48Because if you don't, you're going to end up destroying our marriage.
34:50Now I'm going to destroy the marriage.
34:52Then you're going to...
34:54Are you fighting again?
34:56No, we're not fighting, Macarena, no.
34:58Come here.
35:00Daddy, I like that you come to eat.
35:02Me too, honey, I love it.
35:04I know I can't always do it,
35:06but I really enjoy having you
35:08and your mom close.
35:12You two are my whole life.
35:16And I don't need anything else.
35:20How are you?
35:22You're going to throw me.
35:26What do you think?
35:28Hey, it has a lot of light.
35:30I love it, it's very spacious.
35:32It's new.
35:34The previous owner went to live outside of Mexico
35:36and decided to sell it.
35:38He lived here for two years.
35:40Well, it's super well taken care of.
35:42I love it.
35:44I love it.
35:46I love you a lot.
35:48What did your parents say about the ring and the wedding?
35:50No, man, they're happy.
35:52Yes, you see, but you see how my mom is.
35:56She's already pressing that we set the date,
35:58that the wedding, that when, that when.
36:00In a month?
36:02No, are you crazy? It's too soon.
36:04Look, we have to enjoy the preparation process,
36:06we have to furnish the apartment,
36:08plan the honeymoon.
36:10Can we do this in a month?
36:12Well, yes, we can,
36:14but there's no rush.
36:20Honey, I'm glad you're here.
36:22Dinner will be ready in five minutes.
36:24I'm not going to dinner, I'm not hungry.
36:26Well, but...
36:28If you have a glass of wine,
36:30maybe that'll give you an appetite.
36:34No, thank you.
36:36I already had a glass of wine at dinner,
36:38and you know that with my daily calories
36:40I can't go over.
36:48Forgive me.
36:50You're right.
36:52I was selfish in thinking only about my needs.
36:54Yes? I accept it.
36:56That's why I spoke to the director of Marshall's
36:58and he offered me a deal to give me a job in Los Angeles.
37:02What deal?
37:04I'm going to Detroit to open the plant,
37:06and in a year I'll be transferred to LA.
37:08And what are you waiting for? For me to be a year without working?
37:10No, no, you can't keep working.
37:12You travel when they need you,
37:14and when you're not working, you stay with me in Detroit.
37:16Of course, wonderful.
37:18And all those trips, what?
37:20It's a lot of money.
37:22No, no, no, look, you don't have to worry about that.
37:24You don't have to worry about paying the flights, the tickets.
37:28It's a year, it's going to pass very quickly.
37:30Detroit is very important for my resume.
37:32Think about it.
37:36Are there things we still have to talk about?
37:38We're going to talk about everything you want.
37:40Everything, everything, everything you want.
37:42But first, let's set a date.
37:44Let's check the calendar. Six months, for example.
37:46Saturday, October 19.
37:48It's perfect.
37:50And surely by this date we can register the apartment.
37:52I'm going to put it in your name.
37:54Thank you, but in fact, I think we can buy it between the two of us.
37:56And we'll put it in your name and mine.
37:58No way. I'm going to buy it.
38:00And it's going to be in your name.
38:02I appreciate it very much.
38:04But I want our life together to be more equitable.
38:06I want to share the expenses,
38:08share the activities of the house,
38:10of the children.
38:12Let the two of us do everything, you know?
38:14Not the traditional scheme where the man is the provider
38:16and the woman is the one who does the housework.
38:18I don't want that.
38:22The important thing is that we already have a place to live.
38:24We already have a date to get married.
38:26Let's do one thing.
38:28You take care of the preparations, the church.
38:30Together we make the guest list.
38:32And I'll take care of the honeymoon.
38:34What do you think?
38:36I like it.
38:38I love you, I love you, I love you.
38:40I love you, I love you.
38:46Look, every time I imagine that I'm going to live in Detroit,
38:48I get sick.
38:50What am I going to do with the thousands of followers I have?
38:52How am I going to generate content?
38:54If Detroit is dead, nothing happens there.
38:56My life, I'm sure you'll find a way to do it.
38:58To solve it.
39:02Veronica, think about it.
39:04A year in Detroit can change our lives favorably.
39:06My love, why don't we stay here?
39:08Like we are now.
39:10Because I don't have a job here anymore.
39:12I propose something to you.
39:14These three months that I'm going to be here
39:16before going to Marshalls,
39:18let's go on a trip.
39:20Wherever you want.
39:22Let's see, what doesn't get into your head?
39:24Sebastian, I have a lot of work.
39:26How am I going to go on a trip?
39:28Okay, I'll adapt to you, to your times, to your calendar.
39:30I just want us to be together.
39:38I'm going to have dinner.
39:40Think about it.
39:44I love you.
40:08I love to know that soon you will be my wife
40:10and that you liked the apartment I bought for you.
40:14I love it and I'm happy.
40:20Think about it.
40:22We're going to have dinner this week.
40:24I have several things to talk to you about.
40:26Let's go wherever you want, my love.
40:32I love you. I love you.
40:34Have a nice rest.
40:44How do I tell you without making you feel bad?
40:46I don't want our marriage to be a failure
40:48because of that problem.
41:14I don't understand why you get like that.
41:16Well, are you or are you pretending?
41:18Help me understand, my love.
41:20No, don't call me my love.
41:22Do you know who you can call like that?
41:24Your future husband.
41:26I don't understand why you get like that.
41:28It was to be expected that sooner or later
41:30my wife would have a baby.
41:32Do you know what I think is incredible?
41:36That Fatima didn't realize that you get into her bed,
41:38but that you also get into mine.
41:44I don't know.
41:46What would you think if she found out about us?
41:48Look, don't threaten me.
41:50And don't try to control me
41:52because the only thing you're going to achieve
41:54is that this goes to hell.
42:04If you already know what to do,
42:06behave well, my love.
42:08And besides, you look spectacular, as always.
42:14I love you.
42:44I love you.
43:14I love you.
43:16I love you.
43:18I love you.
43:20I love you.
43:22I love you.
43:24I love you.
43:26I love you.
43:28I love you.
43:30I love you.
43:32I love you.
43:34I love you.
43:36I love you.
43:38I love you.
43:40I love you.
43:42I love you.
44:12Six months?
44:14No, no, no.
44:16We have to hurry, my love.
44:18We have to leave the church, the banquet,
44:20talk about the dress.
44:22Yes, yes, mom.
44:24Mom, I'll take care of everything, okay?
44:26I don't want to hire a wedding planner.
44:28Why not?
44:30Aren't we going to need one?
44:32Hey, I can't trust you with how distrustful you are, Fatima.
44:34I'm sorry to tell you.
44:36Besides, I want your wedding to be perfect,
44:38like your sister's.
44:40Don't worry. Here I am.
44:42I'll make sure everything is perfect, my love.
44:44Mom, mom, mom.
44:46Let me plan my wedding to my liking.
44:48I'm the one getting married, not you.
44:50Yes, but I pay.
44:52So things are going to be my way.
44:54Well, I'm sorry, mom.
44:56But we're going to have to reach an agreement.
45:00I was reading about in vitro fertilization.
45:02And I see it's a very exhausting process, my love.
45:04Especially for you.
45:06Yes, I know.
45:08Is it really so much your need
45:10to have another child
45:12as to undergo another treatment?
45:14Yes, Mario.
45:16I want to try it.
45:20Let's see, my love.
45:24Why don't you give yourself time to think?
45:28And while we can, we can go on a trip
45:30wherever you want.
45:32Mario, I don't have to think about anything.
45:34I'm going to have a child.
45:36It's the last thing I do.
45:38Do you understand?
45:40Well, I don't.
45:42This is a matter of two.
45:46Look, Mario, I'm begging you.
45:48I'm asking you.
45:52You know what the problem is, my love?
45:54You always want things to be as you say.
45:56As you plan them and as you plan them.
45:58And you know what?
46:00I'm tired of that.
46:02Adrian and I
46:04want to have a small wedding.
46:06Maybe outside of Mexico.
46:08I don't know if on a beach.
46:10San Miguel de Allende, Oaxaca.
46:12We don't want a spectacular wedding
46:14like Barbara's, Mom.
46:16So, really, I can organize it.
46:18No, no, no, no, no, no.
46:20Not small, not out of town.
46:22You know I have a lot of commitments,
46:24a lot of friends.
46:26I don't want to be mean to anyone
46:28just because you want a small wedding
46:30Mom, please.
46:32But nothing.
46:34Fatima, really.
46:36Getting married outside is a problem.
46:38You're missing half the people, the transportation.
46:40It's a problem. Please forget that nonsense.
46:42Mom, on a good note.
46:44I don't want a wedding like Barbara's.
46:46You invited people I've never seen in my life.
46:48I want something more intimate.
47:00Let's go.
47:18What do you think?
47:20I don't know. Put it on and I'll tell you.
47:24Let's see.
47:26It's very pretty.
47:28It's a brand. I like it.
47:30It's what you deserve, my love.
47:32Don't call me my love, Adrián.
47:36I hope this makes it clear to you
47:38that I care about you
47:40and that I want to take the party in peace.
47:42You want to take the party in peace?
47:44Then you're going to have to pamper me a lot more,
47:46because you don't think that with this
47:48it's already forgotten, Adrián.
47:50And tell me a lot more.
47:52Don't make it hard for yourself.
47:54No. And you?
48:12Thank you.
48:14Who left my office?
48:16Sir, I don't know.
48:18I was the ringer. I've been coming back.
48:20And you didn't see anyone leave this way?
48:24Well, the only one I saw leave quickly to the elevator
48:26was that woman.
48:28I don't know, sir.
48:30Excuse me.
48:40What are you doing here so early?
48:42Weren't you going to have breakfast with Federico?
48:44He left for New York last night.
48:46And that?
48:48I went to see his son.
48:50His son? I didn't know he had a son.
48:52Yes, I know I hadn't told you.
48:54But I sincerely hope that changes very soon.
48:56I hope so.
48:58Yes. He doesn't like to talk about it.
49:00And that's why I hadn't told you anything.
49:02They're very distant and it hurts a lot.
49:04So that's why I was like...
49:06I can imagine. But why?
49:08Why are they so distant?
49:10It's a long story.
49:12Well, tell me.
49:14Well, I'll tell you.
49:16But we have to see the music.
49:18I'll tell you, but don't tell anyone.
49:20No, I won't tell anyone.
49:30Honey, I was just calling you.
49:32Hi, son.
49:36It's a pleasure to see you.
49:38You look great.
49:40What are you doing here?
49:42I came to see you to talk to you.
49:44Talk about what?
49:46Can I come in?
49:50That's why I'm trying to reconcile.
49:54Well, I'm going to go through some orders.
49:56You go through the pieces because Fermin is a little confused.
49:58Yes, I'll tell him.
50:04If you have things to do, we can meet later.
50:06When you tell me.
50:08No, no, no.
50:10It would be better if we do it now.
50:12You always tell me when you're coming, so...
50:14I guess it's important. Please.
50:18Let's see.
50:20Are you there?
50:22Wait a minute.
50:26What are you doing here?
50:28I'm calling your cell phone, but you don't answer.
50:30I'm sorry. I bring it in silence.
50:32Look, better.
50:34What I have to tell you is better to talk about it in person.
50:36I have three calls, but yours is like 30 in advance.
50:38Let me call him first.
50:40No, don't call him.
50:42It's precisely from him that I have to talk to you.
50:44What happened?
50:46Girlfriend, do you remember that you and I had agreed
50:48that if we knew that our boyfriends cheated on us,
50:50we were going to tell each other?
50:54Fatima, I'm very sorry about what I'm going to tell you,
50:56but Adrián cheated on you with Brenda,
50:58a girl from the office.
51:00No, no, no.
51:04What did I do, Adriana?
51:06You cheated on my friend with Brenda.
51:12Is it a joke?
51:14My love, you know that I would never cheat on you.
51:16And more.
51:18Let's see, don't be cynical.
51:20Today I saw you kiss Brenda twice,
51:22and from the last kiss I have a photo here on my cell phone.