Fred's Head - Sweet Sixteen Surprise

  • 2 months ago


00:19Hope we haven't traumatized him for life because for me clowns and birthdays go hand-in-hand
01:18What are you gonna do I must find out after all memory is like a magnificent forest of magnolias in which you find
01:26A tatami made of rose petals and which rest a chobot unsue of memories. You'll simply have to open the right draw
01:34My dear bosom buddy. Let me be the first to wish you a very joyous day before your birthday day
01:40It was 16 years ago in this place on that special day that Carol in a moment of absolute
01:45Screaming agony and at the price of a few stitches brought into this world her firstborn
01:50Thanks, Gigi
01:54If you don't have anything special planned for the day, I would be happy to share with you a list
01:58I have prepared of all the things you should do before you turn 16
02:02You should according to me get rid of anemone find your vocational calling
02:07Experience a pedicure in a top-of-the-line salon check on your fertility
02:11Study up on bank loans and various interest rates and declare your love for a name
02:31Think about you all the time. You're always in my dreams. I love you
02:58Are a troubled little man, I'll make one concession. I'll remove the pedicure while you're at it get rid of all of them
03:09Fine I'll do two things go see the guidance counselor and demand that anemone leave me alone once and for all now
03:15That's what I would call a great gift. That's what I would call a miracle
03:21Fred doesn't suspect a thing Gigi and me will spend all day Saturday with him as usual. How's your end come?
03:27I'm making party sandwiches with pink bread
03:31Kitch's back in New York. We could also dust them with some edible gold sequins
03:35It'll be so biz especially served with purple juice and the music Benji made a CD up with eight hours of dance music
03:43Well, it's not dance music. I mean it's eight hours of music that we can dance to I better go
03:48Thanks for everything Benji
03:54Especially for me
03:56Melody do you always talk to yourself? I said that out loud
04:01Do you like the danger of electric shock? No the smell of smoke? No
04:08Inhaling toxic dust from plaster what we'll have to go with questions that delve a little deeper
04:15What do you feel like doing when you look at pies depends if I'm hungry
04:19Does the sight of stitches make you smile? No, are you inspired by an English garden? No
04:26Hmm I was like you at your age your lifelong vocation seems to loom in front of you like a black hole on the edge
04:32of a hostile galaxy
04:44After all if you're coming to Fred's party you deserve something special in return exactly
04:49So why are you busting your ass for him? Listen Jody? I knew I couldn't trust you with anything
04:53That's why I didn't tell you let's just say I've waited a long time to have Fred's friends in the same place
04:59You're not gonna declare your love for him. I hope I'd be the only one left
05:08You can't give lip gloss as a party favor, there are guys invited
05:12What do you think the guys like to nibble on during the slow songs?
05:15Let's buy one for everyone. I think you should go for something more unisex. It's something that says Chico Chica
05:30And I'm gonna become a guidance counselor
05:37Don't know why it's taking me such a long time to see it
05:41What are you doing tomorrow? I've got nothing planned. I'm not involved in any professional or leisure activities
05:46Not even I've rented three classic horror films you in I'm there. I'll meet you
05:52Well time for my appointment
05:54Good luck
05:56I'm starting to wonder if Fred's gonna like what we've planned. Come on
05:59He can't help but be overcome with emotion and happiness at this show of deep affection
06:04I found this amazing pinata filled with gift certificates for the beauty salon
06:12Why are you being more irritating than usual
06:22The subject has personally asked for an appointment
06:25I hope this means that he's finally reached his goal of confronting his inner self his undernourished ego and his withered pride
06:35Fact I'm here to demand that you stop harassing me, but I'm not harassing you Fred. I merely observe
06:41Teenagers are an interesting breed
06:43They suffer through every bad moment in their youth not realizing that adolescence is a normal part of life
06:49But they really do need me to help them and you in particular, but you've been spying on me for years
06:55I can't take it anymore. I'm a teenager. I need to find myself. It's normal. It has been said
07:00I don't remember by who the quest for a full life is paradoxically done alone
07:05So find another subject, okay?
07:08Very well after that demonstration
07:10You have left me no choice
07:12But to put an end to my thesis on the evolution of the teenager in a biotope hostile to its development
07:18Really, but of course I will now study the phenomena of the teenager pathetically trying to forge its own personality
07:25Who furthermore starts with a very cute but tentative self-assertion?
07:35As it turns out your list of ideas was pretty moldy
07:39moldy if only you had the courage to make your declaration of love then your future like mine would be finally bathed in oil like
07:47a deep-fried shrimp a
07:50Declaration of love to who well it doesn't matter who what's important is to love
07:58Laughs more
08:13Yeah, I'm sure tomorrow is a special day our wedding anniversary, maybe
08:20You don't know either, huh?
08:33Love organizing parties, but it leaves me no time to get ready
08:36You should have seen me go two hours to do everything not a hair out of place
08:40I do believe it's a personal record. Do you have the key?
08:46No, hey, why would I have it Debbie Ann said it was under the mat
08:58Just like that you're in love no, I'm not she's just nuts a little bit of music it I was relaxed
09:07I'm always concealing my love
09:13I just can't see what you mean to me. You'll never know how much
09:22Oh man, I hope you're not in love with me
09:46You know your balloons don't have to be super big for me to like them
10:03Boo somebody today is your lucky day
10:08Pick out anything you like. Hmm
10:11Something that I hope will make your heart go a flutter
10:14Enjoy his addition to your useless objects collection. Hey, thanks guys. You are true friends
10:20You know how to celebrate a birthday. I like my mother with her lame surprise parties
10:29Yeah, I know you don't really like birthdays but surprise birthday parties aren't exactly the same thing
10:44Did test surprise parties and I don't want any cake and I hate icing it's for me sunshine
10:5012 years ago today. I became your mother
10:54I just wish the communication was better between you and me and that you would light up whenever I talk like a good little tweener
11:05Detest surprise parties. Why would you want to force someone to do something on their birthday instead of letting them do what they want?
11:12I think I'd better cancel I repeat
11:16Cancel my new subscription to sausages of the world magazine. Wow. Now that was subtle
11:35When you open a flea market in the country
11:47Impossible to get in touch with Penny and Benji. Should we just tell Fred about it?
11:51But then what is my bosom buddy gonna think?
11:53He's gonna realize that his two best friends don't really know him at all and set him up for something that he hates
11:58Then what do you want us to do?
11:59I will skillfully lure Fred far away from your place by proposing a vast array of activities each one more enticing than the other
12:12Hey there Fred, uh, what do you say we treat ourselves to a delicious meal somewhere?
12:17I know a great restaurant where they serve jelly calf head with pickled dates
12:22No, I'd rather go back and watch movies. How about a knockdown game of bowling then deal with the big balls?
12:30Billiards curling bring it sounds fun, but I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to go relax at fabs
12:37I've recently been planning some little tricks convenient breakdowns to occur when on a drive with pretty ladies
12:43This is a perfect time to do a little test. I'll take this one. There's nothing more useless
12:49It's too ugly to even put out as decoration
13:02Love your biceps when you're putting balls of chips on the table
13:11Come on answer you airhead
13:24You guys are acting really strange today people always say I'm a little strange
13:28Hey, I was just wondering to myself. Which horror film should we start with one that really gives us massive goosebumps?
14:02Don't know what you're doing in my truck, but for the eighth time I told you I don't know why today is special
14:29My name's Fred LeBlanc, this is Fabienne ledger. Welcome to st. Jude Gregory Gilbert play rosti
14:59Fresh herring for sale. No, no
15:14My whole life just flashed before my eyes shame here and all of my favorite sausages were there, too
15:21Looking death in the eye makes you think maybe I should stop watching so much TV
15:25Well, my idea didn't work out exactly as I hope but on the other hand this could work in our favor
15:29You could try calling Penelope again and cancel everything cancel what?
15:34They are a horror movie marathon. Yeah. Gee cuz God will never get the Fabienne's in time. What do you mean?
15:40They're rentals we can watch them anytime we want here call a tow truck that you put your verbal diarrhea to good use
15:57It's a miracle I remember why today so special
16:08Hey, why don't we play some truth or dare while we're waiting great idea I love sadistic games
16:14I'll start Fred truth or dare a dare if I have to that wasn't very smart
16:33So does it taste like frogs legs Fabienne, I believe it's your turn
16:38Choose truth or dare. Hmm. I pick truth. Perfect. What are you guys hiding from me?
16:49We organized a little surprise party for you at my place, are you crazy?
16:53You know how much I hate surprise parties lighten up. It's not gonna kill you at least we have an excuse for not going
17:13Wow, those are pretty puny balloons Penelope
17:23Who is Fred in love with?
17:25No, don't I have to tell the truth. I must adhere by the rules of this classic game
17:32What about the rules of friendship? If it's all the same, I would prefer to drink from this swamp too late
17:38You chose truth. Who is Fred in love with Gigi?
18:20Come you never told me
18:22You're friends with Annette. I'd be embarrassed each time we ran into her
18:26Oh, I can't believe this if only I'd known I could have told you she feels the same way
18:32But I had to tell her that you weren't interested all because you wouldn't confide in me your very best friend
18:42Wait and that is invited to your surprise party
18:44This seems like a perfect opportunity to take declaration of love off that list
18:49Hmm, come on. The tow truck should be arriving any minute now. I think this is your lucky day
19:02Hmm like I said, I think this is your lucky night was a buddy
19:24No way I saw my life flash before my eyes
19:46Melody tell me what's going on. I'm out of here
19:58Wow, that's interesting
20:01You know, it's not too late to catch a movie
20:06The other tow trucks coming. Oh, don't make that face. I said you should have chosen truth
20:18Okay, okay one last time make sure that no one knows that you know
20:25Yeah, that looks natural
20:30It's garbage pickup day and you forgot to take mine out
20:41Nobody's here moldy because I really wanted to see Annette and I think I finally had the guts to tell her tell me what
20:52Hmm Annette
21:02Annette I think about you all the time. You're always in my dreams. I love you. Oh
21:11Happy birthday Fred
21:22What the heck are you doing turn that music down I did a question this is just like in the movies
21:38So what words of wisdom can I tell you today what would you say to don't talk with your mouth full