Marta y Fina (Mafin) Parte 16-30

  • 2 months ago
Marta y Fina (Mafin) Parte 16-30
00:00:07I've been looking for you.
00:00:09I needed to move.
00:00:12In the office, he won't stop going around.
00:00:14It's horrible.
00:00:15Oh, yeah?
00:00:17I can't believe our cousin ValentĆ­n did something like that.
00:00:20And poor Clotilde.
00:00:22I haven't slept a wink thinking about them.
00:01:55I don't want to be left alone.
00:02:00Me neither.
00:02:02My father spent the night in the pantry.
00:02:06Yesterday he had a stroke, but everything was left in a shock.
00:02:12I'm sorry.
00:02:14If I can do something, please ask me.
00:02:18Don't look at me like that, Marta, don't do this to me.
00:02:22Yesterday you told me that we could only be boss and employee.
00:02:26And I asked you to distance yourself.
00:02:28Well, that I can't offer you what you want doesn't mean we're not friends.
00:02:33No, Marta, I don't want to be your consolation or your pity only when you're interested.
00:02:41I'm sorry.
00:02:42It's okay.
00:02:43I just... I just wanted to help.
00:02:46I'm sorry it's so direct, Marta, really.
00:02:49I know you don't do it on purpose, but you confuse me.
00:02:55And you hurt me.
00:03:09I'll talk to him.
00:03:11Okay, tell me.
00:03:16What a face you have.
00:03:18Nothing, my father is in shock.
00:03:21Is it something serious?
00:03:23No, no, small bruises.
00:03:26The good old Isidro.
00:03:28I don't want anything to happen to him.
00:03:30What a nice father you have.
00:03:32You don't know how much I appreciate him.
00:03:34He also appreciates you a lot.
00:03:40You know, I'd be happy to see you with someone.
00:03:43That you can enjoy as I enjoyed with your mother for so many years.
00:03:47And that I can see it.
00:03:50Gaspar, you'd do me a huge favor.
00:03:53You don't have anything else to ask for?
00:03:58I don't feel like it.
00:03:59Come on, ask for that mouth.
00:04:02Would you go out with me?
00:04:04Are you asking me out?
00:04:05Yes, but without commitment.
00:04:07Like friends?
00:04:08Yes, but let's look like something else.
00:04:10More than friends?
00:04:12But without becoming a couple?
00:04:13But let's look like it.
00:04:14I'm lost.
00:04:15Let's see.
00:04:17As I told you, my father is not very well.
00:04:20And he would like to see me with a good boy.
00:04:22And you are a very good boy.
00:04:24Oh, so you'd go out with anyone?
00:04:26No, no.
00:04:27You like him very much.
00:04:28Let me get this straight.
00:04:30You want us to pretend to be a couple so your father can see you with someone?
00:04:33That's it.
00:04:34And it has to look like we're very serious.
00:04:36But if it wasn't serious?
00:04:37Just face the gallery.
00:04:38But who do you think I am?
00:04:40Hey, Gaspar, if it doesn't look good to you, tell me and that's it.
00:04:43So I had you for a sensible girl and you get me with this?
00:04:45But in what head does such a proposition fit?
00:04:47Gaspar, please, calm down.
00:04:49I don't think it's that bad.
00:04:51Yes, of course.
00:04:52That maybe you think no girl is going to look at me again, right?
00:04:56No, no.
00:04:57Poor Gaspar.
00:04:58Gaspar, no, I didn't say that.
00:04:59Look, I'm telling you, don't count on me for that crazy idea.
00:05:02And I thought twice before proposing to someone because they're going to think you're crazy.
00:05:15Oh, what a shock, Mrs. Marta.
00:05:33I thought they were coming in to rob.
00:05:35What are you doing here?
00:05:37I knew you were escorts and I took the opportunity to bring coins.
00:05:41And you?
00:05:42Half an hour to the opening.
00:05:44I wanted to fill up the soap basket, the balance basket.
00:05:49Remember to put them under the inventory.
00:05:52Be careful.
00:05:53I'm really happy that you decided to stay and work with us.
00:05:57You've had a lot to do with that decision.
00:06:01Then I deduce that there was a reason to ask for the transfer.
00:06:04That it had nothing to do with changing airs or personal growth.
00:06:09Well, you already knew that.
00:06:11Me? No way.
00:06:12I know what you told me.
00:06:14That, about growth.
00:06:17Yeah, that's why Otasio mysteriously passed the night shift the next day.
00:06:22I'm not subtle, am I?
00:06:24Not at all.
00:06:25But I appreciate it.
00:06:28As I told you, sometimes you have to put the workers in their place.
00:06:32Now you don't have to worry about Tasia, you have to worry about yourself.
00:06:36Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.
00:06:42Mrs. Marta.
00:06:45Do you know everything about Tasia?
00:06:51Something came to me.
00:06:53Although I don't like gossip, this place is small, as you said.
00:06:57And the other thing you know?
00:07:00Well, you don't know that actually when I went to the hospital ...
00:07:04I don't want you to give me explanations.
00:07:06No one should go through that and much less feel ashamed or uncomfortable.
00:07:10You have all my support.
00:07:12Thank you very much.
00:07:14So Tasia has been part of the night shift as punishment for what she did to me?
00:07:20Let's say they are measures for the well-being of my employees.
00:07:25I don't want you to come to work uncomfortable.
00:07:28It's not fair.
00:07:30Mrs. Marta is behaving very well with me, I thank her.
00:07:34You're welcome.
00:07:36But for my part, Tasio can recover his usual shift.
00:07:41Did he ask you?
00:07:42No, no, no.
00:07:44This is my thing.
00:07:46I think he really regrets what he has done.
00:07:51Do you believe it or do you know it?
00:07:53Well, I don't really care.
00:07:55I do this for me.
00:07:57I don't want to be a resentment.
00:07:59What you are is too good.
00:08:01You say it a lot.
00:08:03If I were you, I would be taking shifts in the moonlight for a few more weeks.
00:08:07Well, do what you want, Mrs. Marta.
00:08:09I'll think about it.
00:08:11The truth is that despite everything, she does a lot of work and is very useful in her usual shift.
00:08:17And as for you, you are worthy of admiration.
00:08:20There are many people who hold on to resentment to get strength from weakness.
00:08:23Well, it's a matter of education.
00:08:25My mother always tells me that resentment makes me look like vinegar.
00:08:29Then nothing.
00:08:31Well, I'm going to continue, Mrs. Marta.
00:08:37Good morning.
00:08:41Did we meet?
00:08:43I was in Portoledo and well, after your father showed up the other day at the office,
00:08:48I was worried about how he could have taken it.
00:08:51No, everything is fine.
00:08:53But hey, you could have called, you didn't have to come.
00:08:57Well, we were also looking to complete the new job.
00:09:01You told me you wanted to select more photos.
00:09:03Well, that's not going to be necessary in the end.
00:09:06You're not making it easy for me.
00:09:10The truth is that I wanted to see you again and invite you out one of these days.
00:09:16Well, you're not making it easy for me either.
00:09:20I'm also going to be honest.
00:09:24I'm a married woman and it's not going to happen.
00:09:27When you called me the other day, it gave me the feeling that there was something more than work.
00:09:33I let myself go.
00:09:35I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I confused you.
00:09:38You let yourself go.
00:09:41Is this really because you're married?
00:09:44What are you insinuating?
00:09:46Your interest may go in another direction.
00:09:49Why do you insist on the same thing?
00:09:52Does it bother you so much that a woman rejects you?
00:09:54Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with that.
00:09:58They had never rejected me in this way.
00:10:02I'm sorry.
00:10:04I just hope it's clear that my heart is already occupied.
00:10:10By a husband you see a few times a year.
00:10:14Marta, I think you deserve to be loved full time.
00:10:18Look, I'm tired of dealing with suppliers who try to sell me things.
00:10:23And when I'm tough with them, it's because I know what I want.
00:10:45Are you putting on soap again?
00:10:48Well, the offers have flown.
00:10:50Well, go on, take a break.
00:10:52You've earned it, very good job.
00:10:54But I don't expect Carmen or Fina to come.
00:10:56No, I'll stay.
00:10:57Besides, Fina will be about to return from her break.
00:11:00Well, if Gaspar doesn't entertain her.
00:11:03Because what about Gaspar?
00:11:05Oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Marta, I don't want you to think I'm a snob.
00:11:09It's just that, as it is said by the factory, I thought you had already found out.
00:11:13Well, if it's a public domain, I can also find out, right?
00:11:17Of course.
00:11:20Well, Gaspar and Fina have started dating.
00:11:24Yes, yes, yes.
00:11:25Come on, it's something very recent.
00:11:28But, well, they make a couple.
00:11:31Gaspar is very good.
00:11:32And Fina deserves all the good things that happen to her.
00:11:35But well, I'll shut up now.
00:11:37She talks a lot.
00:11:38She talks a lot.
00:11:39As my mother says, in a closed mouth against a fly.
00:11:43Well, Mrs. Marta.
00:11:54Am I late?
00:11:56I thought Claudia would cover for me until she arrived.
00:11:58She left earlier, as I indicated.
00:12:02Is something wrong?
00:12:04Does the break bring any news?
00:12:07But if you tell me why you are so serious, we will finish earlier.
00:12:10You ask me for sincerity.
00:12:12This is the last straw.
00:12:14Look, Marta, I don't know what's wrong with you today.
00:12:21I found out that you are dating Gaspar.
00:12:24Who told you?
00:12:26She is so happy about how happy that good man is going to make you,
00:12:29that she couldn't stand the secret.
00:12:31Let me explain it to you.
00:12:33Explain what to me?
00:12:35That you are going to use that poor man to keep your secret safe?
00:12:37No, no, no.
00:12:38It's not that.
00:12:39Oh, so what is it?
00:12:40That you like men now?
00:12:41Marta, don't get sarcastic.
00:12:42You know I don't.
00:12:43No, I don't know anything anymore.
00:12:44Why one day you tell me that I don't have the courage to be together,
00:12:47and the next day you dump your boyfriend?
00:12:49Hey, Marta, you are married.
00:12:50It's not the same, don't be hypocritical.
00:12:53Why is it not the same?
00:12:54Because your last name is De la Reina.
00:12:55Oh, so now the class complex comes to light.
00:12:57Are you really going to attack me here?
00:12:58No, you have taken the whole issue.
00:12:59Look, enough.
00:13:00You have your private life and I have mine.
00:13:02That's clear.
00:13:03Like water.
00:13:04Then why are you so interested in not knowing who I go out with or stop going out with?
00:13:16Answer this to your question.
00:13:33What are you doing to me?
00:13:43Come in.
00:13:51Come in and close the door.
00:14:03Better sit down.
00:14:06We better keep our distance.
00:14:13I wanted to explain to you about Gaspar.
00:14:14I have no right to get into your life.
00:14:16I love that you kiss me.
00:14:22And I want you to know that I have nothing with him.
00:14:25And I feel nothing for him.
00:14:28So you're with him just to keep appearances?
00:14:32No, I would never do that to him.
00:14:35But my father will leave this world much calmer if he thinks he leaves me alone.
00:14:39And accompanied by a good man.
00:14:42I'm doing it for him.
00:14:44For my father.
00:14:45And all this that you tell me, does Gaspar know?
00:14:48Yes, yes, yes.
00:14:49Of course.
00:14:50I asked him to follow the farce without giving him explanations of ...
00:14:55Of everything else.
00:14:59But it seems that every day he is taking me more at face value and ...
00:15:03I can't believe it.
00:15:06He doesn't deserve it.
00:15:07He's not good.
00:15:08And your father doesn't deserve it either and you're cheating on him too.
00:15:12And ...
00:15:13How did you do it with your husband when you got married?
00:15:17I got married in love.
00:15:18Or believing that I was in love.
00:15:23I couldn't think that ...
00:15:24I could feel something like that.
00:15:28And much less for a woman.
00:15:30I don't believe that.
00:15:32I couldn't understand or even imagine that it wasn't my nature.
00:15:37I guess everyone discovers it when ...
00:15:39I've always been clear about it.
00:15:43I knew it since I was a child.
00:15:45I've known you since then and I never would have said that ...
00:15:49Well, they don't teach us that there are other options either.
00:15:54What do we do now, Fina?
00:15:57Let's go far from here.
00:15:59Far from everyone.
00:16:03I'm going to Madrid tomorrow.
00:16:05If you stop ...
00:16:06Because we're leaving right now.
00:16:09But ...
00:16:10We have to watch out that they don't discover us because ...
00:16:12We'll watch out.
00:16:13Don't worry.
00:16:15I hope you can fix it with Gaspar as soon as possible.
00:16:18And I hope your husband doesn't show up at your brother's wedding,
00:16:21which is in two days.
00:16:22He neglects you.
00:16:23I don't know.
00:16:25I haven't even written him to tell him to get married.
00:16:29What a disaster!
00:16:33And do you still have doubts?
00:17:24Good afternoon, Fina.
00:17:26Good afternoon, ma'am.
00:17:43It was a very nice dinner.
00:17:46And your rice pudding was delicious.
00:17:49It really is my favorite dessert.
00:17:51What a score!
00:17:53It was nice to see your father believing that we are a couple in love.
00:17:56That illusion is better than any medicine.
00:18:02Look, Gaspar.
00:18:05I thank you very much for everything you have helped me so far,
00:18:08because really my father is much calmer.
00:18:12But we both know that this is a party.
00:18:15And the sooner we finish the joke, the better.
00:18:18And if I tell you that I would prefer to continue,
00:18:20a little more time, nothing more.
00:18:22Through the canteen?
00:18:24I see myself living in the little flat that my father is looking for.
00:18:26How can we continue like this?
00:18:27Well, it would be very nice.
00:18:28Imagine it, full of light, of plants.
00:18:30No, Gaspar, don't make it more difficult for me, please.
00:18:33It may be that over time you look at me with different eyes.
00:18:36That is not possible.
00:18:37But why not?
00:18:38Well, because it is clear that I don't feel the same, Gaspar.
00:18:41For now?
00:18:43Things don't work that way.
00:18:44Your father and you make me feel very uncomfortable.
00:18:46Can you stop getting my father involved in this conversation?
00:18:48Yes, yes.
00:18:49We need more things to have a serious relationship.
00:18:52We need to be in love, at least.
00:18:55Believe it or not,
00:18:57I've started to feel something in my stomach
00:18:59every time I see you enter the canteen,
00:19:01or I see you in the final colony.
00:19:02No, no, no, Gaspar, listen to me.
00:19:03What you want is to grab a burning nail after what happened to Sonsoles.
00:19:07But I, frankly, want to be with you.
00:19:10Well, tell me what it is, and I'll give it to you.
00:19:13You're getting confused.
00:19:15Can we do something?
00:19:17You have been honest with me, and I thank you for it.
00:19:20And it has become clear to me that for now you don't feel anything at all.
00:19:23No, I'm not going to feel it.
00:19:25Well, we don't have to decide on that either.
00:19:28But we can improve your father's health
00:19:30by continuing with the game a little finer.
00:19:33The truth is that it is better than what happened to Sonsoles.
00:19:36A little finer.
00:19:39The truth is that it is better than ever since we spent time with him.
00:19:42You see?
00:19:43You do it for him.
00:19:44And then God will tell you.
00:19:47Look, if I have to make you rice with milk every day to make you,
00:19:50I'll do it for you.
00:19:52Oh my God, Gaspar, what am I going to do with you?
00:19:54Well, if I told you.
00:19:56Come on.
00:20:07Thank you very much.
00:20:11Is everything ready?
00:20:12There's something left over here.
00:20:25That basket is too small.
00:20:27It's going to be stuck together. You need something bigger.
00:20:30And it won't be a little poor.
00:20:33If you put paper on it.
00:20:43So that the products support.
00:20:46That way it looks better.
00:20:48You have very good taste.
00:20:52Also, if you resist any composition,
00:20:55ask for it here.
00:20:58Also, if you resist any composition,
00:21:01ask for it here.
00:21:03It has golden hands for these things.
00:21:05I'll call you so you can go to the rescue again.
00:21:10I won't be able to rescue you this afternoon.
00:21:12I was just coming to tell you.
00:21:15I'm going to Madrid to supervise the change of sandpaper.
00:21:18To Madrid?
00:21:19I'm going with Carmen.
00:21:20So you'll be alone.
00:21:23Don't worry, we'll get along.
00:21:32Is something wrong with me?
00:21:35No, why?
00:21:37Because you already told me about Madrid and I thought that maybe ...
00:21:43Last night I saw you with Gaspar and ...
00:21:45and I thought it would be better to put a little distance.
00:21:47No, no.
00:21:48I was just going to tell him not to keep seeing us.
00:21:51But my father came and asked us to have dinner together.
00:21:53Yes, of course.
00:21:54I was so excited ...
00:21:55What's wrong, don't you believe me?
00:21:56No, no, you'll know.
00:21:58But ...
00:21:59But it is that for according to what things you never find the moment.
00:22:01Marta, I just wanted to save a disgust for Gaspar,
00:22:04but especially for my father and things as they are.
00:22:06You won't be able to save the disgust for either of them.
00:22:10I know.
00:22:12But there are steps that are difficult to take.
00:22:14Even if you are convinced that it is what you have to do.
00:22:17And you think about the consequences,
00:22:19and what they will say and ...
00:22:21And then you go on and on.
00:22:23And you think that one day you will have the courage to do it.
00:22:27That day never comes, Fina.
00:22:29And you go on and on.
00:22:31And then you think, well, now what for?
00:22:33And you keep going until one day ...
00:22:37One day, all you can do is stay in the cage.
00:22:41That's how you feel.
00:22:44Like in a cage.
00:22:46Don't delay it any longer.
00:22:49Don't get to a point where there is no going back.
00:22:52Listen to me.
00:23:10I wanted to invite you to a coffee.
00:23:11My body has been bad after the conversation before.
00:23:15A coffee, Gaspar.
00:23:17Of course, Mrs. Marta.
00:23:19I'll take the table.
00:23:26You have to repeat dinner with your father.
00:23:30But next time at my house.
00:23:32At your house?
00:23:33My mother is going to love you.
00:23:35You have a lot in common.
00:23:37Thank you.
00:23:46Just in time, Mrs. Marta.
00:23:47Here is your coffee.
00:23:49Thank you, Gaspar.
00:23:50No, tomorrow is Don AndrƩs' wedding.
00:23:53Are you going with your husband?
00:23:55No, he's on a cruise.
00:23:57Oh, my God.
00:23:58I'm so sorry.
00:23:59No, because at these events,
00:24:01it seems that you still don't like to go accompanied, right?
00:24:04I've gotten used to it.
00:24:06The day I had to live,
00:24:08I live it.
00:24:10Have your coffee.
00:24:11Thank you very much.
00:24:13Thank you, Mrs. Marta.
00:24:14I'll be right there.
00:24:19You have to see how sad this woman always seems to me.
00:24:22It's true that she doesn't miss me.
00:24:24She must lead a very unfortunate life,
00:24:26always alone, the poor.
00:24:27Gaspar, I'm not going to your house.
00:24:29Oh, well.
00:24:30Well, it's okay.
00:24:32No, neither.
00:24:34I just don't feel good about what's going on.
00:24:36Well, Fini, we've talked, right?
00:24:38We can handle it.
00:24:39Gaspar, this game is not doing us any good.
00:24:41Neither of us.
00:24:42Well, it does your father.
00:24:44Well, okay, okay, okay.
00:24:46I'm not getting your father in this conversation.
00:24:48No, because we're not going to be like this forever
00:24:50just to please my father.
00:24:51And besides, it's not fair for him.
00:24:55I just don't want to stop, Fini.
00:24:58No, Gaspar, don't do this to me, please.
00:25:00Don't do this to me.
00:25:01There are things that you can't avoid even if you want to.
00:25:04And you're such a wonderful woman.
00:25:07Listen to me.
00:25:09Maybe you don't feel the same now,
00:25:11but over time...
00:25:12No, no, Gaspar.
00:25:13We can't live in a lie.
00:25:15We can't.
00:25:16This is not good for us.
00:25:18And for my father, neither.
00:25:20A life full of expectations that are not fulfilled
00:25:22is not life.
00:25:23It's a cage.
00:25:25Do you understand what I mean?
00:25:28I can't forget you, can I?
00:25:30Please, Gaspar, don't get mad at me.
00:25:32I beg you.
00:25:33No, no, no.
00:25:34Don't get mad at me.
00:25:35If you don't get mad at me...
00:25:37But it hurts.
00:25:39A little bit.
00:25:41I'm sorry.
00:25:42It's just that...
00:25:44I haven't been able to avoid having my hopes up
00:25:46these days with you.
00:25:47I know.
00:25:49That's why I have to end this now.
00:25:52I don't know if Isidro's good guy
00:25:54is going to take it as well as I do.
00:25:57I don't know.
00:25:59I'm going to have to try to make him understand.
00:26:04Maybe I can help you with that.
00:26:27Come on.
00:26:28I think he's going to understand, right?
00:26:30I don't know.
00:26:35What's up, partner?
00:26:36Hello, Isidro.
00:26:38What's up, Gaspar?
00:26:40Because last night was a long night.
00:26:41Oh, shut up, shut up.
00:26:42It took me a lot to get up this morning.
00:26:44But well, I think it was worth it, right?
00:26:46Well, let's move on from the movie.
00:26:48We'll have to repeat this one day.
00:26:49Don't you think?
00:26:50No, Father.
00:26:51It won't be necessary for Gaspar to come by more often.
00:26:54Well, I know
00:26:56that you want your privacy,
00:26:58but I'm looking forward to seeing him from time to time.
00:27:01Especially to get to know your boyfriend better.
00:27:03It's just that...
00:27:06I'm not his boyfriend, Isidro.
00:27:11Okay, okay.
00:27:12That's it.
00:27:13Have you quarreled again?
00:27:14No, Father.
00:27:15No, we haven't quarreled.
00:27:16Not now, not the next day.
00:27:18Because we can't quarrel
00:27:20if there's nothing between us.
00:27:24What do you mean?
00:27:27Let's see.
00:27:28Come with me. Sit down.
00:27:38I'm very sorry.
00:27:40But I made him believe that he had a relationship with Gaspar
00:27:42so that he would stay calm.
00:27:44And so that he would stop thinking
00:27:45that I was going to be alone for the rest of my life.
00:27:53And you say you did it for me.
00:27:55Father, I really didn't want to lie to him.
00:28:02A glass of water, please.
00:28:13Here, Isidro.
00:28:14Thank you.
00:28:22There, there.
00:28:25What is it that worries you, Isidro?
00:28:27What worries me
00:28:29is that one day I'll leave
00:28:32and my daughter won't have a husband
00:28:34or a family to rely on.
00:28:38But all her friends will be by her side,
00:28:41who love her and respect her
00:28:43and who won't leave her helpless
00:28:45if she ever has a problem.
00:28:47I'll be the first, Isidro.
00:28:49There, there.
00:28:50But her friends will have their lives, their families.
00:28:54And my daughter will come home and be alone.
00:28:59In any case,
00:29:00we're getting ahead of ourselves
00:29:02and we're assuming
00:29:03that Fina will stay to dress as a saint.
00:29:06One day she will find someone who will suit her.
00:29:11What happens, Gaspar,
00:29:13is that my daughter is very demanding
00:29:15and not worth anyone.
00:29:17Father, please.
00:29:18Okay, okay, okay.
00:29:19I won't insist anymore.
00:29:21I'll leave you alone.
00:29:25Let it be what it has to be.
00:29:28And let it be whenever you want.
00:29:32I appreciate it.
00:29:35I'll pay you back later.
00:29:38What an actor you two are.
00:29:40I don't know if you'll forgive me,
00:29:42but you've done a good job.
00:29:45Yes, especially you.
00:29:47Why did you look at her like a lamb
00:29:49every time you looked at her?
00:29:53In any case,
00:29:54although everything has been a mess,
00:29:56you have to admit
00:29:57that you have left the bar very high
00:29:59for him to come after you.
00:30:01He has left it, yes.
00:30:07I'm going for a walk.
00:30:12I have to digest all this.
00:30:15Of course.
00:30:16Of course.
00:30:21Oh, Gaspar.
00:30:25Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:30:28All that you've said about me has been beautiful.
00:30:32Shut up.
00:30:34This has been almost worse than my breakup with Sonsol.
00:30:52It's done.
00:30:55What's done?
00:30:56I've already told my father
00:30:57that my relationship with Gaspar was a lie.
00:31:01And how did he take it?
00:31:03Well, at first it was terrible.
00:31:05In fact, he was short of breath and everything.
00:31:07But when things started to get ugly,
00:31:09Gaspar arrived.
00:31:11And he started throwing flowers at me
00:31:12and at one point he deactivated my father.
00:31:14It was incredible.
00:31:15Let's see if in the end you're going to end up really falling in love, huh?
00:31:20No, Marta, no.
00:31:22I know perfectly well what I feel.
00:31:27Are you okay?
00:31:29You've been very brave.
00:31:33And it's a shame that we're not free
00:31:35to scream the whole truth to the four winds,
00:31:37with how good it is that one remains when I face it.
00:31:41But of course,
00:31:43there are steps that are difficult to take.
00:31:46I'm really glad you were able to clear it up with your father.
00:31:49I'm glad too.
00:31:52And now, Marta, I want to clear things up with you.
00:31:58Marta, listen to me.
00:32:01But hey, who changed the tape box?
00:32:04Well, I don't know, Carmen, but don't blame me.
00:32:06I haven't used it in a long time.
00:32:08Look at them.
00:32:09What a job to find it.
00:32:11I'm sorry, Mrs. Marta,
00:32:12but I have to wrap a lot of soap
00:32:14and I'm seeing that in the end I'm late today.
00:32:17Then it will be better if you accompany me, Fina.
00:32:20Accompany you where?
00:32:22To Madrid.
00:32:23They have called me from the sand store
00:32:24and they want me to talk to the new escapee, so ...
00:32:26Yes, yes, better.
00:32:27Let's do it like this
00:32:28and you have time to finish what you are doing.
00:32:31Do you mind?
00:32:32No, of course not.
00:32:36Then I'll confirm the time.
00:32:46And what have we done to her?
00:32:47Well, I don't know, Carmen,
00:32:49but I'm sorry because I know that you are the one
00:32:51who usually accompanies her to these things.
00:32:53No, don't worry about me.
00:32:54The truth is that today I felt very bad.
00:32:56But really, because if I don't talk to her
00:32:57and tell her that I'll come another day ...
00:32:59No, no, calm down.
00:33:02Come on, I already have my plans made and everything,
00:33:04for tonight.
00:33:05But don't go to Madrid
00:33:06without bringing me some purple candies.
00:33:09No, I'll try.
00:33:14Come on.
00:33:36We could have stayed in Madrid, but ...
00:33:39But tomorrow by tomorrow we wouldn't have made it in time to the store.
00:33:47Do you like the hotel?
00:33:49What hotel?
00:33:50Yes, I'm in a cloud right now.
00:33:59Wait, I'll help you.
00:34:01Thank you.
00:34:05I'm on a break.
00:34:07I know.
00:34:09It's normal, it's all very new.
00:34:11I can tell.
00:34:14You haven't stopped shaking since we got into the room.
00:34:16And that's because of the heat.
00:34:19I'm sorry.
00:34:20Don't worry.
00:34:22Marta, and if nothing happens tonight,
00:34:26we can blame Carmen again
00:34:28that we have to go to Madrid
00:34:29and then we go back to this beautiful hotel in Illescas.
00:34:33We can wait for whatever it takes.
00:34:36I'm where I want to be and with whom I want to be.
00:34:43It's just that ...
00:34:46this is ...
00:34:48very new to me.
00:34:50I know.
00:34:53Come on, let's make it easy.
00:34:59You're right, I think ...
00:35:02I need space.
00:35:05Whatever you need.
00:35:09I don't think I'm good at these things.
00:35:13With Jaime, relationships aren't that ...
00:35:16that flow too much, let's say.
00:35:19And I'm not just saying it because of the few nights of intimacy.
00:35:21Marta, don't get overwhelmed.
00:35:23Of course I'm overwhelmed.
00:35:26I disappointed him completely.
00:35:30I don't want that to happen to me with you.
00:35:32That's it.
00:35:34No husbands today.
00:35:36Nor fake boyfriends.
00:35:39Because you know what?
00:35:41Fear is fought with a lot of affection.
00:35:47And many kisses.
00:35:56I'm giving you the night.
00:35:57Calm down, really.
00:35:59If I just look you in the eye, I already have enough.
00:36:03I finally have Mrs. Marta in my arms.
00:36:05Don't you dare call me that again.
00:36:09Whatever you say, Marta.
00:36:13And when did you look at me for the first time?
00:36:20No, seriously.
00:36:21Tell me.
00:36:23Since always.
00:36:25I've admired you since I was a child.
00:36:29Always so independent, so ...
00:36:32so sophisticated, so elegant.
00:36:35So distant.
00:36:37Yes, yes.
00:36:38Remember that at first you scared me.
00:36:40I'm not a man either.
00:36:42No, but when you get angry ...
00:36:45When you get angry, it's better to stay away.
00:36:48Not like now, I hope.
00:36:52Not like now.
00:36:56Well, what about you?
00:36:57What did you like about me?
00:37:01That you are very happy.
00:37:02That you are very happy.
00:37:04Your mouth.
00:37:06The contagious smile when you laugh at Carmen's nonsense.
00:37:09You see?
00:37:10You split your hair like that, above your shoulders.
00:37:14When you try to control that fighty character you have.
00:37:17Stop, stop, stop.
00:37:19No, I'm not going to stop.
00:37:20I'm never going to stop.
00:37:24I want to know everything about you.
00:37:26Every detail.
00:37:29Every corner.
00:37:40Is it really okay if we just hug?
00:37:43Yes, Marisa.
00:37:45We have our whole lives ahead of us.
00:38:02I love you.
00:38:12We left the hotel too soon.
00:38:16Next time don't think about getting up so early.
00:38:20Next time?
00:38:23As you wish.
00:38:32It's been the best night of my life.
00:38:40Mrs. Marta.
00:38:41What are you doing working on your brother's wedding day?
00:38:43Come on, we don't have to do it anymore.
00:38:45Well, it will only be a moment.
00:38:47I left some things to check before going to Madrid.
00:38:50How did it go for the beauty of Cortes?
00:38:52How beautiful the city is on this date, huh?
00:38:54We could hardly enjoy it because, pff, how much work.
00:38:57No, and Arrenal's escaparatistas are doing an incredible job.
00:39:00A lot of talent.
00:39:04In this trip you've seen a lot more than work.
00:39:07It's not out of disrespect, but it's been a long time.
00:39:10Carmen, I don't know what you mean.
00:39:13What am I going to mean?
00:39:15That you left because of wine?
00:39:17Come on, don't worry, I'm not going to say anything
00:39:19because I would have been the first one to leave.
00:39:21What are you laughing at?
00:39:22Come on, in a million years,
00:39:24I wouldn't even think about drinking at work hours.
00:39:27Sorry, Mrs. Marta, if you don't mind.
00:39:29Well, be careful with that tongue.
00:39:33I'll go get the fans of the ceremony.
00:39:35Very well. Have a good time.
00:39:38Mrs. Marta.
00:39:42And now you're going to tell me the truth.
00:39:44Why did you leave because of wine?
00:39:46Well, yes, Carmen, we drank a little.
00:39:47But I'm not going to tell you in front of her.
00:39:50No, I know it's a stretch.
00:39:51It's hard for me to imagine Piripi.
00:39:54The only thing is that she has never left because of wine.
00:39:57But the truth is, what luck, huh?
00:39:59She can travel to Madrid,
00:40:00spend the afternoon, spend the night.
00:40:03And why do you have to work now?
00:40:05But she's leaving for a wedding.
00:40:07It's good that some live.
00:40:09You know what, Carmen?
00:40:10That you and I don't need to go anywhere
00:40:12to have a good time.
00:40:14In fact, we have the herbs and the wine
00:40:16that Mr. DamiƔn has given us.
00:40:17Did you go for him?
00:40:20No, and Tassio didn't go either,
00:40:22because he suffered, I don't know what important thing.
00:40:24What important thing?
00:40:26Well, that's not the worst thing, Fina.
00:40:29Oh, Carmen.
00:40:30What has that bastard done now?
00:40:33I'll take him to the Civil Guard.
00:40:39Hi, Rosa.
00:40:40I wanted to talk to Mrs. Marta.
00:40:42Fina, come in.
00:40:48Rosa, with the ceremony there won't be much work.
00:40:50Take the afternoon off.
00:40:54Thank you.
00:41:00I was waiting for you.
00:41:02How did you know I was coming?
00:41:04I didn't know.
00:41:06But I was looking forward to it.
00:41:18You're not dressed yet.
00:41:20You have to comb your hair.
00:41:22This is for the old ladies.
00:41:25Are you nervous about the wedding?
00:41:27It's an important day for AndrƩs
00:41:29and I want everything to go well.
00:41:31But I know it won't be perfect.
00:41:35Because for it to be perfect,
00:41:37you would have to come.
00:41:39We would have to be able to go together.
00:41:42That's a lot of paperwork.
00:41:43Can you imagine?
00:41:44I've been imagining it several times
00:41:46and with different endings.
00:41:48And you always win the most fun.
00:41:55Who are we going to fool?
00:41:59We'll never be able to have a relationship like the others.
00:42:04As long as we're together, what do we care?
00:42:06Of course it matters, Marta.
00:42:09We'll never be able to walk hand in hand
00:42:11or kiss in public
00:42:13or even have dinner with our families at Christmas.
00:42:15Don't talk about that now.
00:42:18All I want to think about
00:42:20is that you'll be our next escape.
00:42:23I know.
00:42:25And I'm dying to do it.
00:42:27As much as you are.
00:42:29But I know what it's like to hide.
00:42:32And, Marta, I want you to be aware
00:42:35that it's going to be very hard.
00:42:38You think I don't know?
00:42:41I'm a married woman.
00:42:43We're two women and all of this is crazy.
00:42:47I don't want to stop feeling happy.
00:42:50Not today, Fina.
00:42:53I think we have to focus on that.
00:42:56On the now.
00:42:59I've never felt so alive or so strong in my life.
00:43:03I think I've never been in love before.
00:43:07It was something else, yes.
00:43:09But nothing like this.
00:43:12And I don't want to give it up.
00:43:15Do you think I'm crazy?
00:43:17Totally crazy.
00:43:19As much as I am.
00:43:23This is going to test us both, Marta.
00:43:27And we have to be prepared.
00:43:29I'm willing to face it.
00:43:46Your wife is looking for you.
00:43:47Are you about to take out the cake?
00:43:49Yes, I am.
00:43:50But I'm not going to cut it if you're not here.
00:43:58Sister-in-law, I've told you already that you look gorgeous.
00:44:02Another compliment to compensate for my husband's absence.
00:44:05No, please.
00:44:07Are you wrong?
00:44:08I was telling you the truth.
00:44:10Besides, I wasn't going to ask you about him.
00:44:12Thank you.
00:44:13Thank you.
00:44:14Well, he must be the only person.
00:44:16A while ago, an aunt, my aunt...
00:44:19I don't know, a distant aunt, I don't remember the name.
00:44:22I asked him and he did it with a sad face.
00:44:26Well, Jaime is crossing the Mediterranean, the way to Cyprus, or...
00:44:31It seems that I'm the only one who got used to his absence.
00:44:35It's hard.
00:44:36Kiss, kiss, kiss.
00:44:43All weddings are the same.
00:44:45They seem written by the same author.
00:44:47It's true.
00:44:48Always the same.
00:44:50The nerves, the ceremony, the guests, the celebration.
00:44:53And they kiss, they kiss.
00:44:57But then no one tells you.
00:45:00Do you mean the wedding night?
00:45:02Or not, the idealization of marriage.
00:45:04But yes.
00:45:05Since you say it, the wedding night deserves a separate chapter.
00:45:10Especially for us.
00:45:13Well, for them it's also important, isn't it?
00:45:15I guess.
00:45:17No one asks them to be virgins at the wedding.
00:45:22So most of them, at least, already know where they're going.
00:45:27With so much idealization, disappointments are inevitable.
00:45:31Disappointments are inevitable.
00:45:33It doesn't matter if it's the wedding night or days later.
00:45:38You're right.
00:45:39No one explains to us that marriage is not a path of roses.
00:45:44Although I have no complaints about mine with Jesus.
00:45:48Although you complain a little, it wouldn't be serious either.
00:45:53We should tell the wedding author to put a rule.
00:45:56Please, one day.
00:45:57One day we can choose our companion.
00:46:00Right? One day.
00:46:04What we should do is start writing our own story.
00:46:08Without caring what others think.
00:46:12I toast to that.
00:46:17Let's go.
00:46:19Your brother is able to wait for us to cut the cake.
00:46:22For how little you've treated him, you know him well.
00:46:25Well, Andres is like an open book.
00:46:28Not like Jesus.
00:46:32Let's go.
00:46:34I'm going now.
00:46:35I want to make a call to the store before they close to see how it is.
00:46:39It's fine.
00:46:40Oh, by the way.
00:46:42Excuse me, the doctor has called me to tell you to call her as soon as you can.
00:46:47Thank you.
00:46:58Good morning.
00:47:24Marta, you look gorgeous.
00:47:27Thank you very much.
00:47:29You too.
00:47:31Now I understand why you took so long.
00:47:33I loved that you called me, but I was caught by surprise.
00:47:36I made you so happy at the wedding.
00:47:38I don't think anyone has realized that I've left there.
00:47:40Has all this given you time to eat something?
00:47:43I had to run to catch the bus.
00:47:45And Yescas is a long way away.
00:47:47We would have to look for a closer place.
00:47:50No, no, no.
00:47:52I haven't said anything.
00:47:53No near places.
00:47:58And that?
00:47:59The gift your family gave us for the wedding.
00:48:05And bread.
00:48:06Well, it's going to be perfect with the champagne I asked for at the ceremony.
00:48:11Champagne and cheese.
00:48:13Good combination, yes, ma'am.
00:48:17I'm just missing the bones.
00:48:20Let's toast.
00:48:22To the scandal.
00:48:23To the scandal.
00:48:50With you everything is new and different.
00:48:53I know.
00:48:57With you I'm learning to feel alive again.
00:49:01To love.
00:49:19To love.
00:49:37Are you sure?
00:49:39I'm sure.
00:49:49To love.
00:49:50To love.
00:50:27Good morning.
00:50:29Oh, don't look at me, please, I must be horrible.
00:50:32You are beautiful.
00:50:34I hate that you wake up before me and see me with this sleepy face.
00:50:39And I hate that we have to go to work.
00:50:42But what time is it?
00:50:47Well, if we skip breakfast, we can eat a little more.
00:50:52I would stay here forever.
00:50:56I've booked another week at the hotel.
00:51:00Another week?
00:51:01If you feel like it, we can come tonight.
00:51:03But with what it costs a week here, you can pay a whole flat in Madrid.
00:51:08Well, there are more expensive hotels.
00:51:11But it's not a bad idea.
00:51:13What? Rent a little flat?
00:51:15A garƧonnier.
00:51:16That's what they call it in France.
00:51:19That's what they call the small apartments they rent for...
00:51:23for love meetings.
00:51:25Like the French, my goodness.
00:51:29Right now you could be in Paris with Esther.
00:51:32And lose this?
00:51:35Sometimes I feel a little sorry that the reason you stay is for your father's health.
00:51:40Even if we can be together like this.
00:51:42Well, I also stayed for you, silly.
00:51:45Although Esther would say that you wouldn't dare to take the step.
00:51:49Well, you can tell Esther that she's very wrong.
00:51:53I'm willing to rent that little flat so that...
00:51:55so that we can meet whenever we want.
00:51:58No, Marta.
00:51:59Marta, you're crazy.
00:52:01They could put us in jail, right?
00:52:03If they find out.
00:52:05They wouldn't find us in a flat.
00:52:09Can you imagine how well we would be...
00:52:12without having to pretend that we are cousins?
00:52:14No, Marta, I can't imagine it.
00:52:16I don't like to have illusions of things that are impossible.
00:52:19Maybe it's not that impossible.
00:52:20I know it's impossible, yes.
00:52:22They could report us.
00:52:24And you're a married woman.
00:52:25With a marriage that hasn't worked for years and...
00:52:28I've never felt this way for you.
00:52:31What do you want me to do?
00:52:32Oh, my love.
00:52:41I'd like to be able to live this love...
00:52:43without having to hide.
00:52:48I'd run away with you to the end of the world.
00:52:50But you know that's not the solution, right?
00:52:54We have no choice but to accept what we have.
00:52:58And I don't want you to suffer.
00:53:16Open up.
00:53:17Just in time.
00:53:18Open up.
00:53:19I'm coming.
00:53:20We're the first ones.
00:53:21Carmen hasn't even arrived yet.
00:53:27I bring you back to reality.
00:53:28That's right, Mrs. Marta.
00:53:33If you think how little I like to pretend...
00:53:36I know.
00:53:37But here you're my boss.
00:53:39And that's it.
00:53:40I don't have any problems.
00:53:41The hours go by very quickly.
00:53:46Good morning.
00:53:47Good morning, Carmen.
00:53:48I was going to place the poster right now.
00:53:50We just arrived.
00:53:51Yes, we have to reposition it.
00:53:52I'll bring it here, Mrs. Marta.
00:53:54Last night I left it ready to be placed today at the first hour.
00:53:58I'll be in the office.
00:54:06Look, Carmen.
00:54:07I couldn't go get your violets, but I brought you cat tongues.
00:54:11I know you love them.
00:54:12Thank you very much for the detail.
00:54:15Carmen, what's the matter with you?
00:54:18I don't understand, Fina.
00:54:20I don't know when Mrs. Marta decided
00:54:22that she didn't pay for the representation.
00:54:25Oh, Carmen.
00:54:26I don't decide whether to go or not.
00:54:29Well, but you don't say anything to her either.
00:54:32And I don't have a grudge against you, Fina.
00:54:34For God's sake, you know that.
00:54:35But she's leaving me aside.
00:54:39Better deal, Fina.
00:54:41I've been here longer than any other and it's not for nothing,
00:54:43but I do more sales than anyone else.
00:54:45Well, look, that's precisely why she wants you here.
00:54:48For how well you sell.
00:54:49Well, so she can make me sales manager of the whole company.
00:54:51But no.
00:54:52She leaves me here, repositioning, disgusted.
00:54:55I'm sure she thinks that with Tassio I already have enough.
00:54:58What does Tassio have to do with this?
00:55:00Well, I'm sure Mrs. Marta has already found out
00:55:01that I'm back with Tassio.
00:55:03And she will think that one day we are going to get married
00:55:05and that goodbye is very good.
00:55:06Well, no.
00:55:07Carmen, Carmen.
00:55:08Don't go crazy either.
00:55:10Anyway, you are going to get married someday.
00:55:12Which is what you have always wanted, right?
00:55:14What worries me right now is to prosper.
00:55:16It's my profession.
00:55:18And for that, I have to make a career here in the company.
00:55:20Because the actress and model was the flower of a day.
00:55:23Carmen, listen to me.
00:55:24You are worth a lot.
00:55:26You will get what you want in life.
00:55:28It will depend on Mrs. Marta.
00:55:29If I get it or not.
00:55:31So, I'm going to talk to her.
00:55:33Let her tell me what's wrong with me.
00:55:37Well, Carmen, what are you going to tell her?
00:55:39You calm down.
00:55:40Let nothing hurt you.
00:55:41I just want to know why.
00:55:43Why have you stopped trusting me?
00:55:45Because if I have no future here, turn it off and let's go.
00:55:47You won't think about leaving here for this nonsense, right?
00:55:52Fina, for me it is a very serious thing, huh?
00:55:55If Mrs. Marta thinks that because of this contagion
00:55:57I already have a life to solve, she is very wrong.
00:55:59And give her a contagion that has nothing to do with it, Carmen.
00:56:01Well, she will tell me when I stand in front of her.
00:56:04Think about it.
00:56:06Look, you shouldn't face the boss.
00:56:08Well, you calm down.
00:56:09That I also know how to be very fine
00:56:11when it comes to asking for something fair.
00:56:13And as my mother said, who does not cry, does not mother.
00:56:19You tell me what you wanted.
00:56:21I wanted to talk to her about my future in the company, Mrs. Marta.
00:56:26Your future?
00:56:28I need to know if you have any problems with me.
00:56:31Why would I have a problem with you, Carmen?
00:56:33Well, because you have stopped treating me like before.
00:56:35I have gone from being the image of the company
00:56:37and your trusted person to being the last monkey.
00:56:39I didn't think you were interested in working as a model anymore.
00:56:41And you hadn't told me in advance.
00:56:44Sit down.
00:56:46But that doesn't mean that I can continue to perform
00:56:48the work of representing the perfume.
00:56:51And travel.
00:56:52Even if it's alone, I don't care if you don't want to accompany me.
00:56:55Or don't you trust me anymore?
00:56:57Not at all.
00:56:58Quite the opposite.
00:57:00Well then, recognize my work, Mrs. Marta.
00:57:04Take me on a trip, as you do with Fina.
00:57:06And I don't want to harm my partner at all.
00:57:09Because besides, Fina works very well.
00:57:12But it seems that you only trust her.
00:57:15It's not just a matter of trust.
00:57:18Well then.
00:57:19Then I have no choice but to think
00:57:21that you think that I have other interests.
00:57:25What do you mean?
00:57:26And be clear, please.
00:57:28About my relationship with Tassio.
00:57:30Carmen, you are very free to get married or stay single.
00:57:33I don't make business decisions
00:57:35based on the civil status of my employees.
00:57:38Very well.
00:57:40Then there is nothing to do.
00:57:42Keep working as before.
00:57:45And since you bring up the subject ...
00:57:47Forgive me, but ...
00:57:50Think if you are interested in that relationship with Tassio.
00:57:55So that's it.
00:57:57Tassio has never been a saint of his devotion
00:57:59and he doesn't see with good eyes that I'm with him.
00:58:01I'm just worried that he will hurt you.
00:58:04He already did it with you and ...
00:58:07And with Claudia.
00:58:08Mrs. Marta, don't change the subject.
00:58:10What really bothers me is your comparative aggravation.
00:58:12What comparative aggravation?
00:58:13Well, you know that I am not the only one
00:58:15who can be upset by your favoritism towards Fina.
00:58:17We can all be demotivated if we are not recognized for our work.
00:58:21Well, you will see what you do.
00:58:23If your dedication decays,
00:58:25then yes, I will have to be forced to take measures that ...
00:58:28that I don't want to take.
00:58:32Anything else?
00:58:34No, Mrs. Marta, that was all.
00:58:37Have a nice day.
00:58:55I'm here.
00:59:01All good?
00:59:02You haven't spoken to Claudia, have you?
00:59:04I haven't seen her since this morning. What happened?
00:59:07Tassio, he asked me to marry him.
00:59:11Very good.
00:59:12Well, and that you have wanted for so long,
00:59:14now it makes you sad.
00:59:16Because your face doesn't look very happy.
00:59:18I told him no, Fina.
00:59:21We've only been dating for a week.
00:59:24Well, that's technically a lie,
00:59:26you've been together for about two years.
00:59:28Well, but where are we going to live?
00:59:33Because I have something saved from Modena's job,
00:59:36but not much less, it gives us to pay for a house, come on.
00:59:38But then it's an economic issue.
00:59:40You didn't have a problem with that before.
00:59:42Well, because Tassio had a salary.
00:59:44But now, you know how hard it is in the store.
00:59:47Why do you say that?
00:59:50Do you remember that you warned me not to talk to Mrs. Marta, right?
00:59:53Because of how I felt in the company.
00:59:56Well, she doesn't even listen to you.
00:59:58Well, very good.
00:59:59Well, great.
01:00:00It has been a pleasure to give you advice, Carmen.
01:00:02Fina, I thought it was very unfair
01:00:03that she was so angry with me
01:00:04and that she didn't realize my age.
01:00:06What do you want me to tell you?
01:00:07No, I couldn't help it.
01:00:08Well, what did she say to you?
01:00:11Well, she took it badly.
01:00:12Badly, but badly.
01:00:13And I, the truth is that I didn't express myself very well either, let's say.
01:00:16Right, Carmen?
01:00:17Well, look, I'm sorry.
01:00:19I'm more sorry because she let me fall
01:00:21that I was going to get on my knees in the street.
01:00:23Marta wouldn't do that.
01:00:25What are you talking about?
01:00:26I wouldn't do it with you.
01:00:27That, for whatever reason, they have a thing for you.
01:00:29But with me?
01:00:30She has a thing for me, Fina.
01:00:31But how is she going to have a thing for you, Carmen?
01:00:33If you are the best shop assistant.
01:00:35Well, if she has to take someone on a trip, she takes you.
01:00:37If she has to do a tedious task in the warehouse, I do it.
01:00:40That you speak is all heard.
01:00:41That I speak as if I were listening, you see.
01:00:43Fina, I feel it, I feel it.
01:00:45Carmen, but it's not because she doesn't like you.
01:00:47She even has legs in the street.
01:00:49No, of course she likes you more, it's clear.
01:00:51Yes, I like her more.
01:00:52Don't you see? Even you yourself say it.
01:00:55Carmen, you haven't understood me.
01:00:57Fina, really, what do I have to understand?
01:01:01Tell me.
01:01:02What do I have to understand?
01:01:04Well, that we have fallen in love.
01:01:13But let's see.
01:01:15Mrs. Marta is getting married?
01:01:17How is it going to be?
01:01:18Well, it is.
01:01:20And please, I ask you for absolute discretion.
01:01:22No one can know about this.
01:01:24If my father finds out, he will die instantly.
01:01:27I can't imagine the consequences it can have, really.
01:01:31Oh my God.
01:01:33But Fina, what do you think will happen if his family finds out?
01:01:36It would be the end.
01:01:37That's why you have to swear to me for your whole life that this is not going to get out of here.
01:01:42Fina, really, I thought you were smarter, huh?
01:01:44Hey, don't talk to me like that, I'm your friend.
01:01:46But let's see, since when has a romantic relationship with a boss gone well?
01:01:50Do you know many or what?
01:01:51I don't need to know.
01:01:53Fina, your lover is called Marta de la Reina.
01:01:57The owner of the store, the boss's daughter, a married woman.
01:02:01How long is this diversity going to last you?
01:02:02I really shouldn't have told you, huh?
01:02:04No, I shouldn't have gotten you into this mess.
01:02:06It's just that we haven't decided.
01:02:07Don't you see?
01:02:09We've fallen in love.
01:02:11I thought you could understand it, that you're my friend.
01:02:14Well, no.
01:02:15No, Fina, I can't understand it.
01:02:17And now I'm the one who warns you.
01:02:19You're getting into the lion's den.
01:02:34Come in.
01:02:41Come in.
01:02:47May I?
01:02:48And close the door.
01:02:59Last night I really wanted to be with you.
01:03:01And me.
01:03:05Do you forgive me?
01:03:07I don't have to forgive you.
01:03:09You had a family commitment.
01:03:10It's understandable.
01:03:12And you don't know how boring it was to be listening to my sister-in-law talk about her honeymoon.
01:03:17While I could only imagine us walking around Venice.
01:03:20We'll go some day, right?
01:03:23Would you like that?
01:03:24Of course.
01:03:27We're going to the hotel tonight.
01:03:29Tonight, yes.
01:03:30See you at the exit, as usual.
01:03:38Marta, I have to tell you something.
01:03:41I've been thinking about it, but I think it's better if you know.
01:03:44Tell me.
01:03:45I don't know how you're going to take it.
01:03:49I had to tell Carmen about us.
01:03:57Are you crazy?
01:03:59Are you crazy?
01:04:01How dare you tell Carmen?
01:04:02No, Marta, Marta.
01:04:03Before you panic, I'll tell you that Carmen is the best friend I have.
01:04:06And I assure you that she won't say anything.
01:04:08But I had no choice.
01:04:09How dare you?
01:04:10She told me that she had come to the office
01:04:12and that she was worried about a conversation you had.
01:04:15The poor thing didn't understand anything.
01:04:17Of course, and what did you want me to tell her?
01:04:19I practically made it up to explain to her
01:04:21why I'm taking you to Madrid and not her.
01:04:23Well, because she feels that you don't value her work
01:04:25and that you have something against her.
01:04:27That's nonsense.
01:04:29No, now I do have reasons to be tense with her.
01:04:33What if she blackmails us?
01:04:35No, no.
01:04:37Fino, you can't expose me like this in front of an employee.
01:04:39Marta, no.
01:04:40I put my hand in the fire for her.
01:04:43She was convinced that our trips to Madrid
01:04:45were a professional reward.
01:04:47That's why I had to explain it to her.
01:04:49And you couldn't make up anything else?
01:04:50No, no.
01:04:51I had to tell her the truth.
01:04:53I couldn't justify it any other way.
01:04:56Marta, really.
01:04:58Really, trust me.
01:05:00Carmen is the best friend I have.
01:05:02And she would never hurt us.
01:05:06She's like a sister to me.
01:05:14Thank you very much for your purchase.
01:05:15You'll see how your husband will love it.
01:05:18See you later.
01:05:25Well, Carmen.
01:05:26What a surprise.
01:05:28Oh, Fina.
01:05:30That I'm getting married.
01:05:32What are you saying?
01:05:33That I'm marrying Tassio.
01:05:34I said yes.
01:05:36Well, I'm very happy for you, Carmen.
01:05:38Well, I know it's not funny to you because Tassio...
01:05:41No, no.
01:05:42Let's see, Carmen.
01:05:43Tassio is what he is.
01:05:44But it looks like he's focused, doesn't he?
01:05:46And I want to trust that he has changed.
01:05:48You see, Claudia.
01:05:49And you.
01:05:50Oh, Carmen.
01:05:53If what I want is the best for you.
01:05:55Thank you very much for your sincerity, Fina.
01:05:57But I really know that this time it will go well.
01:06:00Let's see.
01:06:02I don't want to be the one to spoil this moment of happiness.
01:06:05But I have to talk to you about something else.
01:06:07What's wrong?
01:06:08Come with me.
01:06:09Come on.
01:06:15I told Mrs. Marta that you are aware of what is ours.
01:06:20Of your...
01:06:23Fina, how do you do that?
01:06:25You know in a hurry, now that I see her.
01:06:27Oh, Carmen, I couldn't help it.
01:06:29I felt like I was betraying her.
01:06:31How was I going to hide it from her that you knew?
01:06:33Hey, you're in love there.
01:06:36Well, what did he tell you?
01:06:37Well, he's worried.
01:06:39But in the end I made him see that you are confident and that you are not going to say anything.
01:06:42AndrƩ, of course.
01:06:43And please, I'm asking you, Carmen, please.
01:06:45You, when you are with her, you have to do as always.
01:06:49Don't show yourself weird or different or anything.
01:06:52You as always, so that she doesn't feel uncomfortable.
01:06:58Hello, Mrs. Marta.
01:06:59Good afternoon.
01:07:00We have to reposition.
01:07:01Where are the new remittances of the queen's essences?
01:07:04The store can't seem out of stock or out of service.
01:07:07Don't worry, I'll go.
01:07:20Well, they said it was going to be cold today.
01:07:23In the end, look what a good weather we have.
01:07:28It's been a good day.
01:07:31The weather doesn't give a shit.
01:07:34Of course, I also say that it has to be very complicated to do so, right?
01:07:37Because between the anticyclones, the storm, the clouds ...
01:07:41I guess.
01:07:44Oh, look, Mrs. Marta.
01:07:46I have to tell you.
01:07:48I want you to be very calm.
01:07:50And I speak to you as a good friend of the end that I am.
01:07:53That you don't have to worry about anything.
01:07:56I don't know what you're talking about.
01:07:58What are you talking about?
01:08:01About his situation.
01:08:04I say that for me Fina is like a sister.
01:08:07And I have never judged her.
01:08:08Come on, you can be so calm that no one will know about me.
01:08:12I have no idea what you're talking about and I have a lot of work in the office.
01:08:15When Fina comes, you reposition.
01:08:17Let's go.
01:08:27And Mrs. Marta?
01:08:29Oh, Fina.
01:08:33I've got my foot in the bottom.
01:08:35Carmen, it hasn't even been a minute.
01:08:48Marta, are you still angry?
01:08:54It's not that I'm angry.
01:08:56It's just that I still don't believe what you've done.
01:08:58How could you tell her everything and ruin it?
01:09:01Marta, really, I just wanted to get rid of a problem for you.
01:09:04You left me naked in front of her, do you understand?
01:09:06I just wanted to get rid of a real problem.
01:09:08Well, you've created a bigger one for me.
01:09:11I can't even look her in the face.
01:09:13I feel uncomfortable, helpless.
01:09:15But don't take it so seriously.
01:09:17Carmen took it very naturally.
01:09:19Really, it's okay.
01:09:20Are you crazy? She's your friend, not mine.
01:09:22She's my employee.
01:09:23She even dared to tell me to keep the secret.
01:09:26Do you know the power that comes from that?
01:09:28But she would never use it. She's not like that.
01:09:30That's what I'm telling you.
01:09:32And now she's back with Tassio.
01:09:34Do you know about secrets that are told in bed?
01:09:38Fina, you have to understand that I'm also your boss.
01:09:42And that you can't expose me like that in front of my employees.
01:09:46Unfortunately, I can't go back anymore.
01:09:50But I can.
01:09:52What do you mean?
01:09:55That it would be best if we left this madness here and now before it goes any further.
01:09:59No, Marta.
01:10:03Marta, listen to me.
01:10:05What we have here is worth it.
01:10:08I can't. I'm not capable.
01:10:09Yes, you are. What are you going to do?
01:10:11Are you going to give up now that you know what you really want in life?
01:10:13Maybe I've let myself go and...
01:10:14No, no. What you feel is real and it makes you happy.
01:10:19Then why have you ruined everything?
01:10:24Are you going to tell Carmen that you made it up?
01:10:28That you and I are not together, we've never been together.
01:10:30I'll tell her what she needs. Really, if it's what you want, I'll do it.
01:10:33But please, I'm asking you to see us alone one more time.
01:10:37Just once. Marta, just once. I'm asking you.
01:10:39Let's try to fix this together.
01:10:44Good afternoon.
01:10:45Good afternoon.
01:10:50Mrs. Marta.
01:10:58This afternoon, when the shift is over, we'll meet as usual.
01:11:13Good afternoon.
01:11:29Come on, Marta, please.
01:11:39My God, my father's game.
01:11:43I'm sorry.
01:12:03I wasn't going to come.
01:12:04You were in your right.
01:12:14I'm alone here to do things right.
01:12:17I didn't want to end up like this after everything we've been through.
01:12:21Can I talk?
01:12:23Of course.
01:12:25Marta, I need to apologize.
01:12:28You really don't know how bad I feel for you.
01:12:30I thought it was normal for you to expose me in front of Carmen.
01:12:33No, no, of course not.
01:12:35I told her to avoid...
01:12:36To avoid a problem like this. Leave it.
01:12:39And if I confess it to you, Marta, it's because I don't want there to be a single secret between us.
01:12:42Not a single one.
01:12:44Because I wanted this relationship to be...
01:12:49And me too.
01:12:51But between you and me.
01:12:53No one else.
01:12:54I know. You're right.
01:12:57Very good. Very good, partner. That's it.
01:12:59I want to see it.
01:13:01It's okay, man.
01:13:03This is done.
01:13:05And let's see how it ends.
01:13:11Come on, Isidro.
01:13:12The play is coming.
01:13:14I told you at the end that it was coming.
01:13:16No, no, no. No idea.
01:13:19Do you think I wouldn't like people to take our relationship for granted?
01:13:27It's not like that, you know that.
01:13:29I know.
01:13:31I've been suffering all my life.
01:13:34But you, on the other hand, had a happy and settled life.
01:13:37With your job, with your husband...
01:13:39My husband.
01:13:41Well, maybe not with your husband.
01:13:43But you had a life made.
01:13:45And I've had to come to put my feet up.
01:13:48Absolutely feet up.
01:13:51And that's why I feel guilty, Marta.
01:13:54Because I see you suffering.
01:13:56Is Isidro playing or not?
01:14:01Nothing, Isidro happens, I'm telling you.
01:14:09Congratulations, huh?
01:14:11You deserve it.
01:14:14I feel exposed, waiting for everyone to judge me and despise me.
01:14:21I've been having nightmares with my father and my brothers.
01:14:24They point at me and yell at me.
01:14:27My God, Marta.
01:14:29Since I've known you, I've never seen so much fear in your eyes.
01:14:32I'm a coward, Irina.
01:14:34No, you're not a coward, Marta.
01:14:36You haven't been since the moment you decided to take the step and start something with me.
01:14:41Because I thought it was worth it.
01:14:43That we could create a small, exclusive world for both of us.
01:14:47And we will continue to have that world within our reach.
01:14:50Of course we will.
01:14:54But I will understand it perfectly if you decide to close the door.
01:14:58And end this.
01:15:01I even prefer it so as not to see you suffer.
01:15:07Marta, I love you too much.
01:15:09I love you very much and I feel very selfish.
01:15:12Forgive me.
01:15:14I am where I am by my own decision.
01:15:18If I have learned something, it is that no one will ever force me to do something again.
01:15:22Neither my family nor my father.
01:15:24No one.
01:15:25My life before I looked at you and you at me was normal.
01:15:30It was very empty.
01:15:33What a disaster. I guess that...
01:15:37I guess that fear, hope and uncertainty are emotions of life.
01:15:43Especially of love.
01:15:47Who would want to go through this life without...
01:15:50Without love?
01:15:52Who would want to go through this life without...
01:15:55Without loving and being loved?
01:16:01That's what I think.
01:16:08Does this mean that...
01:16:11That you will continue to bet for what is ours?
01:16:15It means that despite everything, I don't want to live without you.
01:16:17I don't want to live without you.
01:16:20There will be many lies in front of others.
01:16:23But I will never lie to myself again.
01:16:39Herbal soaps.
01:16:41I had to go to the packaging office because there was not even one left.
01:16:43I know. Since yesterday they have been prioritizing shipments to perfumeries.
01:16:47I don't understand how they do things here.
01:16:49But well, how much do you spend, right?
01:16:51If you should be happy like a chestnut,
01:16:53they have already told me the number of your fiancƩ in the canteen.
01:16:56If I had the face I had when I saw that man crying that we were getting married.
01:17:00Oh my God.
01:17:02You don't know how happy it makes me to see you happy.
01:17:05And for me that you see it that way too.
01:17:07Because look, you've been given another one.
01:17:09I'm not going to get into that.
01:17:11Let's see if you're going to catch me after everything I've said about being...
01:17:13Liar, shameless, cool, whatever you want.
01:17:15If I'm the first one who has said it.
01:17:17What do I tell you?
01:17:19Well, nothing, friend.
01:17:21That the past is this.
01:17:23It's the past.
01:17:25And now what you have to do is focus on our life in common.
01:17:27That gives me a little respect, really.
01:17:30But why?
01:17:32If you already know Tassio from the right and from the wrong.
01:17:34No, Tassio yes.
01:17:36But his mother...
01:17:40We have talked about not living with her until we have some savings to buy our house.
01:17:44And I think I said yes very quickly, Fina.
01:17:49Well, because she came to the canteen as a surprise.
01:17:53I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
01:17:55There, Carmen.
01:17:57She must want to congratulate you, right?
01:18:00That she has finally managed to get over her son's pearl.
01:18:05Not now, seriously.
01:18:07I don't know, give the lady a chance.
01:18:09I'm sure she's a beautiful person.
01:18:11No, you're right.
01:18:13Look, all I want is for everything to go well,
01:18:15for that lady to love me, to accept me.
01:18:19If you are the most beautiful thing in this world?
01:18:21Oh, you are beautiful.
01:18:23On the inside, it's more than on the outside.
01:18:25By the way,
01:18:27thank you very much for coming with Mrs. Marta.
01:18:29Oh, are you still with that?
01:18:31Man, I didn't take it out of my head.
01:18:33The truth is, it has to be very uncomfortable for her
01:18:35that I know what I know.
01:18:37Well, we've had a little bump because of that.
01:18:39Oh, don't tell me that, Fina.
01:18:41No, don't worry, everything is more than solved.
01:18:43Now only you are overwhelmed.
01:18:45It's not easy to assimilate all that.
01:18:47First, I never in my life imagined
01:18:49that the boss was ...
01:18:51And second, that with you, Fina,
01:18:53I, what do you want me to tell you?
01:18:55I'm worried.
01:18:57Oh, Carmen, I don't understand you.
01:18:59Because I'm from two very different worlds.
01:19:01And she's from a very different social class than yours.
01:19:03If something goes wrong,
01:19:05the one who loses is you.
01:19:07Yeah, yeah.
01:19:09And it's true that she'll never be able to shout in the canteen
01:19:11that she loves me or that she wants to marry me, but ...
01:19:12It's just that ours is always going to have to be clandestine.
01:19:15I'm so happy, Carmen.
01:19:17It's true, I'm so happy.
01:19:19And don't miss, I don't know,
01:19:21showing yourself as a normal couple.
01:19:23You're going to have to see each other every other day.
01:19:26Yeah, but I'm okay with that.
01:19:28But until when?
01:19:30Because a marriage is for life,
01:19:32and I don't think you're going to break it for you.
01:19:44Are you okay? What happened?
01:19:46Yes, no, nothing happens, I'm sorry.
01:19:48I came to bring you the dessert,
01:19:50to see if you like it.
01:19:52We'll talk later.
01:19:54Thank you.
01:19:57Double coffee at this time?
01:19:59Then you won't be able to sleep.
01:20:01We'll see about that.
01:20:03I'm exhausted.
01:20:12What are you doing here at this time?
01:20:14Are you okay?
01:20:16Yes, yes, yes, I'm fine. And you?
01:20:19Of course, why wouldn't I be?
01:20:21I don't know, you'll know.
01:20:24Father, what's wrong? I feel very strange.
01:20:26It's just that I'm worried about you.
01:20:30Lately you've been giving me a lot of beatings.
01:20:33One day you're very happy,
01:20:35and the next day you're as if you were ending the world.
01:20:37Do you want me to tell him the truth?
01:20:41I felt terrible losing your game, Domino.
01:20:44I felt very guilty.
01:20:46Well, we've already talked about that.
01:20:48You're forgiven.
01:20:50Besides, you were working in Madrid,
01:20:52weren't you?
01:20:56But you're always above work.
01:20:58You know that perfectly well.
01:21:00And how can you trust me?
01:21:02You can tell me anything that happens to you.
01:21:04You know that too.
01:21:06Father, sometimes it gets so intense
01:21:08that it scares me.
01:21:10You don't have to worry about me, really.
01:21:13Well, I'm leaving.
01:21:15I've left Carmen alone in the bathroom.
01:21:18Gaspar, will you write it down for me?
01:21:20Of course.
01:21:41Hey, watch it!
01:21:50What are you doing here? You shouldn't come in.
01:21:52This is a private area.
01:21:54We need to talk.
01:21:57Come in.
01:22:12I'm very worried about you.
01:22:14And that's why Gaspar sent me to spy on you.
01:22:19it hasn't even been two hours since I stepped in.
01:22:21It's not Gaspar's fault.
01:22:23It's your fault
01:22:25for talking about me behind my back.
01:22:27And on top of that, you were out there
01:22:29listening to other people's conversations.
01:22:31Hey, I...
01:22:33I overheard Carmen and you talking by accident.
01:22:35And I told Gaspar
01:22:37because I was so worried
01:22:38that you were going to get rid of me.
01:22:40Get rid of you?
01:22:42Father, tell me now
01:22:44because I'm going crazy.
01:22:47You have to end that absurd relationship right now.
01:22:51If you don't open up
01:22:53to someone you already know,
01:22:55you're going to be a disgrace for the rest of your life.
01:23:00I'm sorry.
01:23:02I didn't want him to find out this way.
01:23:04It's shameful
01:23:05to be treated like two vulgar criminals.
01:23:07Father, please understand.
01:23:09It's impossible for me to have a normal relationship
01:23:11like the rest of the girls.
01:23:13No, it's not true, Fina.
01:23:15You've had many opportunities,
01:23:17but you've rejected them all.
01:23:21And now you're stuck with the worst,
01:23:23the most hateful, the most disgusting.
01:23:25No, Father, because we love each other.
01:23:27And even if it's hard for you to understand
01:23:29where there's love,
01:23:31there's nothing disgusting.
01:23:33Please, daughter.
01:23:35We're a family.
01:23:37You'll never be happy
01:23:39living there in a hidden way,
01:23:41that kind of love.
01:23:43An adult man is not the best option
01:23:45for a deceptive girl.
01:23:49Who do you think I'm seeing?
01:23:51Well, I don't know his name.
01:23:54I do know he's a married man.
01:24:00You're making a mistake again.
01:24:02I'm making a mistake?
01:24:03What mistake?
01:24:05That he's not married?
01:24:07Tell me, or I won't understand the mystery.
01:24:09Father, leave him alone.
01:24:11I know better now than ever
01:24:13that I would never understand him.
01:24:15But you wouldn't understand what?
01:24:17Leave him alone, I'm telling you.
01:24:19No, I won't leave him alone.
01:24:21And stop playing the cat and mouse with me.
01:24:23Come on, let's see who he is.
01:24:25Is he from here, from La Colonia?
01:24:27Is he a foreigner?
01:24:29No, no.
01:24:33you're my daughter, really.
01:24:39Are you going to tell me who that man is?
01:24:41Father, leave him alone, will you?
01:24:43We'll talk about this another day at home.
01:24:45No, I won't leave him alone.
01:24:47And I won't stop until you tell me.
01:24:49Tell him what, father?
01:24:51If there's no man.
01:24:53Come on, you're denying it, obviously.
01:24:55Don't tell me it's not the truth.
01:24:57I'm telling you there's no man.
01:24:59What don't you understand?
01:25:01Then what? I don't understand.
01:25:04I'm in love with a woman, father.
01:25:12No, no, no.
01:25:14You're not one of those.
01:25:17Please, tell me it's not true.
01:25:19Tell me you're saying it just to hurt me.
01:25:23I would never hurt you.
01:25:26But I am what I am.
01:25:29And I can't help it.
01:25:31And I can't help it.
01:25:40For once in your life,
01:25:43you've made me happy
01:25:45that your mother is dead.
01:26:01Look, Fina's coming this way.
01:26:03I'll pretend she's mad at me
01:26:05for conspiring with you.
01:26:07The manzanilla is delicious,
01:26:09Mr. Isidro.
01:26:11Hi, Fina.
01:26:15Good morning, father.
01:26:19Well, if you need anything, let me know.
01:26:25How are you?
01:26:27How is she?
01:26:31Why are you doing this to me?
01:26:34What I told you doesn't change anything.
01:26:36What I feel for you doesn't change anything.
01:26:38And I hope what you feel for me doesn't change either.
01:26:45You're not going to say anything?
01:26:51You don't know how I regret telling you the truth.
01:26:54I should have kept quiet,
01:26:56like I've been doing for so long.
01:27:01I'm sorry to see you like this.
01:27:04I've grown fond of both of you.
01:27:07So do me a favor and fix this once and for all.
01:27:10I'm going to see how much he wants to fix things.
01:27:13Don't you think you could put a little more on your side?
01:27:16I have to put on my side.
01:27:18He's the one with the problem, not me.
01:27:20Don't burden him too much, just him.
01:27:22And do it for the best. Don't talk about what you don't know.
01:27:24I don't know what you're talking about.
01:27:26I don't know what you're talking about.
01:27:27Don't burden him too much, just him.
01:27:29And do it for the best. Don't talk about what you don't know.
01:27:32I wasn't born yesterday.
01:27:34And I'm old and filthy enough to know that a married man
01:27:36offers you gold and moro,
01:27:38but then, if I've seen you, I don't remember.
01:27:40But that man only exists in my father's imagination,
01:27:42I've already told you.
01:27:44And now, if you don't mind, stop meddling in my life,
01:27:46especially when you have no idea what's going on with me.
01:27:53The cardamom soap is very good for the skin.
01:27:55It has many properties.
01:27:57They're very good properties, very...
01:27:59very healing.
01:28:01Do you want to try it?
01:28:11What's wrong with you?
01:28:15No, Fina, you're not fooling me.
01:28:17That client came in, decided to buy a soap,
01:28:19and left with nothing.
01:28:21And that's not your fault.
01:28:23It's my father's fault.
01:28:26What's going on with Isidro?
01:28:28He's worse.
01:28:30No, no, that's not it.
01:28:32Fina, then?
01:28:34Well, I went to the canteen before.
01:28:36I tried to talk to him,
01:28:38but he didn't even look me in the face.
01:28:40He ran away in a bad way.
01:28:42Why did he run away?
01:28:44I don't understand.
01:28:48What happened?
01:28:50What did I tell you, Marta?
01:28:55What did you tell him?
01:28:57That I've fallen in love with a woman.
01:29:00For God's sake!
01:29:04Come here.
01:29:08You did the same with Carmen,
01:29:10and we almost broke up.
01:29:12No, Marta, it's not the same.
01:29:14Because I didn't tell him who,
01:29:16so it only concerns me.
01:29:18My father thought it was worse.
01:29:21My father thinks you're...
01:29:23a pervert.
01:29:25I don't know what you're thinking.
01:29:27You look like a fool.
01:29:29Don't insult me.
01:29:31I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
01:29:33First Carmen, now your father,
01:29:35and then who?
01:29:37Do you realize that anyone could ruin our lives?
01:29:40My father is not just anyone, is that clear?
01:29:42My father is the person I trust the most in the world.
01:29:45I know he's your father,
01:29:47but a man his age,
01:29:48who you talk to about a woman
01:29:50who loves another woman,
01:29:52he thinks it's a mortal sin
01:29:54or something worse,
01:29:56not to say vulgarity.
01:29:58Don't talk about my father because you don't know him.
01:30:00And you do.
01:30:02Fina, does he talk to you now?
01:30:04Does he look at you now?
01:30:06Our parents will never understand.
01:30:10For God's sake.
01:30:14Tell me why!
01:30:16Because I'm tired of living like this, Marta.
01:30:18Of having to lie to the people I love.
01:30:20But those lies are also to protect you.
01:30:23You and the people you love.
01:30:25I'm sorry, Marta.
01:30:27I'm really sorry,
01:30:29but now at least my father knows who I am.
01:30:31You know people are arrested for this, right?
01:30:33Of course I know.
01:30:35Do you think I'm naive?
01:30:37Of course I know.
01:30:39But I hope my father will eventually understand.
01:30:41My father won't report me.
01:30:43Don't you see?
01:30:45I'm all he has.
01:30:46I don't know how many families have been arrested for something like this.
01:30:49Sometimes it's the social network that discovers people,
01:30:51but other times it's the family itself that sets the alarm.
01:30:53We're talking about prison, Fina.
01:30:56We live in the time we live in,
01:30:58and we can't change that.
01:31:00Of course we can't change it.
01:31:02But my father loves me, and he will eventually understand.
01:31:04I'm telling you.
01:31:06Not all parents are the same, I mean.
01:31:08Your father will be whatever you want, but mine...
01:31:14Your father what?
01:31:16My father knows sin, but not the sinner.
01:31:19So your perfect life
01:31:21and your indelible reputation will be safe.
01:31:24Don't worry.
01:31:46Don't worry.
01:32:03What a happy time, right?
01:32:07I came here when I was about six.
01:32:09And you, well, you were a kid.
01:32:12And life was so easy that everything seemed possible.
01:32:18Until what happened, happened.
01:32:21You're a little older,
01:32:23but I...
01:32:25It was so hard to say goodbye.
01:32:28We had a good time there, huh?
01:32:31The farm is a very special place for everyone.
01:32:34I wouldn't like to lose it either.
01:32:36No one could forgive us for losing the farm.
01:32:39Even though it was the only thing that was put to an end, the loan.
01:32:43But is it because you don't trust that the operation will go well,
01:32:46or just because it was Jesus' idea?
01:32:48You too, really?
01:32:50Don't get mad, it wouldn't be so strange.
01:32:52It's just that you're always the same.
01:32:54Well, I think it has many points to be successful.
01:32:56If I had the money, I would put it without hesitation.
01:32:58But I don't want to take risks.
01:33:00Well, in this case, the risk is minimal.
01:33:02Think about it.
01:33:04I don't want to influence you anymore.
01:33:06I don't even know if I'm partying or not, it's just that the plan is annoying.
01:33:08For me, we are much more than the good times we spent there.
01:33:10I know.
01:33:12Mom spent a lot more time with you there.
01:33:15She was always so busy here.
01:33:18It almost seemed like part of the service.
01:33:21I never forgot where I came from.
01:33:24They grew up in the Alps without knowing that those lands would someday be worth what they are today.
01:33:28They have been in their family for many generations.
01:33:31Even if it was just for that, Jesus and I would not risk losing the farm.
01:33:35I know you wouldn't play it if you had doubts.
01:33:37What I'm not so sure about is that we deserve to succeed with this new plan, Marta.
01:33:41Come on, don't be more papist than the Pope.
01:33:43The way the information has been obtained is floral.
01:33:46I don't think it's good.
01:33:48And it shouldn't be here either.
01:33:50It's the competition.
01:33:52It's business, Andres.
01:33:54The war.
01:33:56I hear Jesus, Marta.
01:33:58The end does not justify the means.
01:34:00The market laws are tougher than we would like.
01:34:03And I guess more for someone like you.
01:34:05Are you calling me soft?
01:34:07You are one of the strongest people I know.
01:34:10But you are also sentimental.
01:34:13And feelings in business don't work.
01:34:16Well, they should.
01:34:18Growing up or dying is the only thing that matters.
01:34:22If you're not in your place, others take the place, without contemplation.
01:34:27Look, I'm not trying to convince you.
01:34:31If you want to dedicate yourself to this,
01:34:34sometimes you have to leave your heart aside to think with a cold head.
01:34:37But things are like that.
01:34:39I don't question them.
01:34:56We have already talked about everything we had to talk about.
01:34:59Father, please.
01:35:01I came straight from work, rushing to rest to eat.
01:35:05Is he not going to address me again in his life?
01:35:10Father, I'm still the same as always.
01:35:13That's what hurts me the most.
01:35:16How deceived you have made me.
01:35:18No, Father, I have not deceived you.
01:35:20I have only hidden a part of me that I assure you has hurt me more than anyone else.
01:35:24No, no one has forced you to be like that.
01:35:26I have not chosen him either.
01:35:28My mistake has been to tell him.
01:35:31I thought I could understand myself.
01:35:34That he could support me.
01:35:37And Father, I still need him as always.
01:35:40I don't need you.
01:35:42It doesn't do me any good to have you by my side.
01:35:47I would have liked to disappear from the map.
01:35:49I can't understand you anymore.
01:35:51I can't support you anymore.
01:35:53I can't see you as my daughter anymore.
01:35:55But I'm still the same as always, Father.
01:35:57I have always been.
01:35:59Nothing has changed, I assure you.
01:36:01What I feel has accompanied me since I have reason.
01:36:02Shut up, please.
01:36:04If your mother heard you, she would die of shame.
01:36:06My mother would have understood me anyway.
01:36:08Of course not.
01:36:10Your mother was a straight, devout woman.
01:36:12From the beginning.
01:36:14You would have killed her in disgust, like you are killing me.
01:36:16Enough, Father, enough.
01:36:18I have come here to fix things and I am already regretting it.
01:36:20I don't deserve to be spoken to like that.
01:36:22And me?
01:36:24Do I deserve what you are doing to me?
01:36:26I have given you such a bad life.
01:36:28Well, of course I haven't given you the best life I could have given myself.
01:36:30Well, then?
01:36:32What do you want me to see?
01:36:34If I have two children left, I'm going to have such a relationship.
01:36:36Let's leave it.
01:36:38It will be impossible for him to understand.
01:36:42I don't want him to get worse because of me.
01:36:44Yes, let's leave it.
01:36:46Mine has no remedy.
01:36:48But yours does.
01:36:50If you wanted to.
01:36:52But the view is that you don't want to, since you have told me.
01:36:56I wish I had died before hearing you say it.
01:37:00Because I'm going to die.
01:37:04And you have ruined the days I have left of life.
01:37:23Well, Mrs. Berta.
01:37:25Thank you.
01:37:30Thank you.
01:37:33The notary fell today, Pater.
01:37:35Worried, rather.
01:37:37Cheer me up a little, CafƩ Gaspar.
01:37:40I keep thinking about something I talked about with Isidro.
01:37:43Well, maybe it's crazy, but ...
01:37:45Tell me.
01:37:47Maybe from my humble position I can help you.
01:37:50Come on, you have your parish and I have mine.
01:37:53It's true, you have to see everything in this cellar,
01:37:55that sometimes when people drink, they get their true being.
01:37:58If I told him, Pater.
01:38:01Hey, you ...
01:38:03Do you have any evidence that there is ...
01:38:06some deviation around here?
01:38:10Some deviation here in the colony?
01:38:13Do you want to lower your voice?
01:38:15It's not about generating a collective hysteria now.
01:38:18But what does that have to do with it, Pater?
01:38:20Do you know someone?
01:38:22No, no, I don't, but talking to Isidro gave me the feeling
01:38:24that I suspected something strange.
01:38:25I just wanted to find out and get out of my mistake.
01:38:28Well, I'm telling you, I have a sixth sense to face people
01:38:31that here in the colony there is no inversion, Pater.
01:38:36I hope you're right, Gaspar.
01:38:39Those people are like cancer, you know?
01:38:41If you don't take it in time, it can spread throughout the body.
01:38:45Are you saying that homosexuality is contagious?
01:38:49And ...
01:38:51Well ...
01:38:52Well ...
01:38:55Someone like that is a bad example for the whole community.
01:38:59It can cause confusion and you will know.
01:39:02That is the biggest stupidity I have heard in my life, if you allow me, Pater.
01:39:05No, I knew it was true science, but I would like to know who it is
01:39:08to try to cut the trend. I don't know if I explain myself.
01:39:11And put the sinner in a belt?
01:39:13It's not like that.
01:39:15Do you think it's wrong? I do it for the good of the factory.
01:39:18There are behaviors that we must correct
01:39:20before it's too late.
01:39:22Mrs. Marta, Mr. AgustĆ­n means ...
01:39:24Yes, I know exactly what he means.
01:39:26It's not that I think it's wrong to correct the behavior of those people.
01:39:31But I deny the greatest.
01:39:33There are no homosexuals in this colony.
01:39:36And the last thing we want is for a rumor to spread like that.
01:39:40I understand your concern.
01:39:42We don't want the colony to be associated with a nest of ...
01:39:45Sarasas? Violetas?
01:39:47Let's call it what it is.
01:39:49But it's not my intention to judge anyone,
01:39:51but to cut the root problem before it ends up rotting the earth.
01:39:55And for that I must know who it is.
01:39:58Why are you so sure of the existence of that person?
01:40:01It's an intuition.
01:40:03We all lack intuition.
01:40:05It is not believed.
01:40:07For these issues, instinct does not fail me.
01:40:10Well, they're going to leave it here,
01:40:12because my family has more important things to deal with.
01:40:13More important than having a black sheep running around here,
01:40:16doing nothing, you know what?
01:40:18I'm going to be clear.
01:40:20In no way do I want a rumor to spread
01:40:23that compromises the honor of my family and this company.
01:40:29Is it clear to you?
01:40:32I can't hear you. I don't know if it's clear to you.
01:40:34It's clear, Mrs. Marta.
01:40:36I'm sorry to have worried you.
01:40:38I just wanted to do things right.
01:40:40Well, to do things right,
01:40:41so we can have a conversation
01:40:43and the issue won't be brought up again.
01:40:45Do you agree?
01:40:47Of course, Mrs. Marta, of course.
01:40:49I'm glad.
01:40:51Good morning.
01:41:08We work in the same space.
01:41:09It's inevitable that we're close at some point.
01:41:12I'd rather we don't talk about this here.
01:41:14I don't know what's going on with me.
01:41:16I feel like I have leprosy.
01:41:18No one wants to be close to me.
01:41:20Don't say that.
01:41:22You know it has nothing to do with it.
01:41:29Today is my mother's death anniversary.
01:41:31I know.
01:41:33You know?
01:41:35I kept the date the last time you told me.
01:41:37You didn't tell me anything.
01:41:39I know, I'm sorry.
01:41:41I'm sorry.
01:41:43I'm very worried, Fina.
01:41:45I'm afraid your father has spoken too much.
01:41:48About me?
01:41:50Not exactly, but...
01:41:52Good morning.
01:41:54We'll take care of you right away.
01:41:56Fina, come with me.
01:41:58Apparently, your father spoke to Mr. Agustin.
01:42:01He didn't give him any details, but the priest isn't stupid.
01:42:04And he found out that there's a sick person among us.
01:42:07I had to cut off the conversation in the canteen.
01:42:09Oh my God, why does this have to happen to us?
01:42:12We'd be doing so badly.
01:42:14Don't punish yourself.
01:42:16Right now, what we have to do is...
01:42:19We have to find a way out.
01:42:21We have to find a way out.
01:42:23We have to find a way out.
01:42:24Right now, what we have to do is...
01:42:26We have to find a way out.
01:42:28Do you agree?
01:42:32Even outside the colony?
01:42:37They could see us, Fina.
01:42:39Do you realize how dangerous this is?
01:42:44I was going to ask you to come with me to my mother's grave.
01:42:48To bring her flowers.
01:42:50To the cemetery.
01:42:52Are you crazy?
01:42:54What are you doing there? How is she going to react?
01:42:56My father doesn't want to go with me.
01:42:58It can't be.
01:43:00He doesn't want to show up in front of my mother's grave with a whore like me.
01:43:08I'm sorry.
01:43:11Right now, I'd give you the tenderest hug in the world.
01:43:19I know he doesn't want her to suffer.
01:43:22The thing is, I didn't know how to do it better.
01:43:25I shouldn't have told Marta.
01:43:28It's too late to think about that.
01:43:32Right now, the only thing we can do is...
01:43:35Keep our distance.
01:43:42What does that mean?
01:43:45For the moment, it's best if we don't see each other.
01:43:48Until when?
01:43:51Until when?
01:43:55Cina, please.
01:44:07Mrs. Marta.
01:44:09How are you? And how is Mateo?
01:44:12Fine. I left him upstairs with Dina. He's in good hands.
01:44:15I'm glad.
01:44:17Can I go now?
01:44:19Come with me.
01:44:21We haven't seen each other in a long time.
01:44:24I've always enjoyed our little chats.
01:44:26That's mutual.
01:44:28You've always been for me and for my family.
01:44:31I could say the same.
01:44:33It's been many years holding on to us and our whims.
01:44:37Well, I've always been very happy working here.
01:44:41And the truth is, I've never felt like a burden.
01:44:44What's that?
01:44:46I remember when I was a kid,
01:44:48listening to you tell my father about his trips to Madrid and Barcelona.
01:44:52Yes, I remember that too.
01:44:54You were kids.
01:44:56You, Don JesĆŗs, Don AndrĆ©s.
01:44:58Things you did to entertain him.
01:45:00He was so good at it.
01:45:02He had so much art.
01:45:04From a simple trip, he made an adventure.
01:45:06I'm sure Afina liked listening to him too.
01:45:10Yes, she liked him too.
01:45:11I've given him his grace and his kindness.
01:45:14We just need to see them together
01:45:16to understand the love they have for each other.
01:45:19Well, you know, Mrs. Marta,
01:45:21how can you not love a daughter?
01:45:23Girls are so pure, so innocent.
01:45:26But it's much more than that.
01:45:28What they've always shared
01:45:30is an understanding,
01:45:34and a huge love
01:45:36that I've envied a lot.
01:45:38I wish my father had given me one of those hugs.
01:45:41What about you?
01:45:43Well, Mrs. Marta,
01:45:45love isn't just about giving hugs.
01:45:47I'm sure DamiƔn loves you.
01:45:49And above all, he's given you a good education,
01:45:51a good discipline.
01:45:53My God, Isidro, it's like you're talking to me about the army.
01:45:56Discipline is very important
01:45:58because it helps our children understand the right thing
01:46:00and achieve it.
01:46:02It's the path to virtue.
01:46:04DamiƔn has made you straight people
01:46:07with principles.
01:46:09Sometimes I wonder
01:46:11if I've been able to do it, if I've done enough.
01:46:13You really doubt it.
01:46:16When I see Afina, I see an excellent girl,
01:46:19hard-working, kind, with many virtues.
01:46:23In the end, the result has been just as good.
01:46:26I could even tell you that I think it's better.
01:46:29Maybe you're exaggerating a little.
01:46:31No, when I hired her at the store, I had my doubts.
01:46:33But seeing her work every day,
01:46:35the only thing I do is reaffirm
01:46:38that I was right with my decision.
01:46:39You have to be very proud of her, Isidro.
01:46:42Very proud.
01:46:44She's been given an excellent education.
01:46:48Afina is an extraordinary woman.
01:46:51Thank you, Mrs. Marta.
01:46:59Thank you, Tere.
01:47:06You're not going to leave me alone.
01:47:07Why didn't you go to the cemetery?
01:47:09How do you know?
01:47:11Because Petunia's bouquet
01:47:13that she leaves every year on her mother's grave wasn't there.
01:47:15I see.
01:47:17She knew she didn't want to go with me,
01:47:19but she thought she would go on her own.
01:47:23Out of disrespect?
01:47:25I don't understand that.
01:47:27How can I honor your mother's memory
01:47:29knowing what I know about you and not tell you about it?
01:47:31But how can you be saying that?
01:47:33And we couldn't go after...
01:47:34Enough, Father, enough.
01:47:36Don't you see the terrible damage you're doing to me?
01:47:40I'm still Afina, her daughter,
01:47:42not a whore.
01:47:44And you've also destroyed me, daughter.
01:47:46You've broken my heart in two.
01:47:48Father, please.
01:47:50I don't know if you could at least tell me
01:47:52that it happened to you or that you were confused.
01:47:54That it happened to me?
01:47:56Yes, that you really regret it.
01:47:58Maybe we could go back to where we were before.
01:48:00We weren't happy.
01:48:02How do you want me to regret something that's inevitable?
01:48:04No, not someone else.
01:48:06My daughter, the one from before.
01:48:08But your daughter, the one from before,
01:48:10has always been like that.
01:48:12That's what I'm trying to make you understand
01:48:14for the last time.
01:48:16If you didn't know, you wouldn't change who I am.
01:48:18Very well, if you don't come to your senses,
01:48:20there's nothing to do.
01:48:22No, Father,
01:48:24because I'm not going to deny myself.
01:48:26As much as I love him
01:48:28or as much as I miss him,
01:48:30I'm not going to do it.
01:48:32How dare you come into this house, Afina?
01:48:34I've told you everything.
01:48:36You don't deserve it.
01:48:38And much less that a queen speaks well of you.
01:48:40Who has spoken well of me?
01:48:42Obviously your boss,
01:48:44the one you have so deceived.
01:48:46DoƱa Marta?
01:48:48DoƱa Marta, yes,
01:48:50who has filled her mouth
01:48:52by telling her how professional
01:48:54and wonderful you are.
01:48:56And I didn't even know where to look
01:48:58if I really knew.
01:49:05What a cutie Maribi has lent you
01:49:07her wedding dress.
01:49:09Yes, it's a love.
01:49:11And it's practically new.
01:49:13Oh, I'm so happy, really.
01:49:15And my Tassio, when he sees me
01:49:17with the wedding dress,
01:49:19he's going to look at me
01:49:21because he thinks I'm going to marry
01:49:23your jacket suit, Afina.
01:49:25Well, it's pretty.
01:49:27Yes, but it has nothing to do with it.
01:49:29Come on, let's go.
01:49:31Come on, let's go.
01:49:32Yes, but it has nothing to do with it.
01:49:34Come on, let's toast,
01:49:36I know you want to celebrate.
01:49:38Carmen, but I don't drink alcohol
01:49:40and that AnĆ­, that's very strong.
01:49:42Come on, but this Anisete,
01:49:44this is lowered.
01:49:46Well, pour me a little bit, huh?
01:49:48Come on.
01:49:50Carmen, don't pour me,
01:49:52I don't feel like drinking.
01:49:54But where are the parties?
01:49:56Forgive me, you're right,
01:49:58you're right, come on.
01:50:00Come on.
01:50:03Come on.
01:50:05Long live the bride, right?
01:50:07Long live, long live.
01:50:09Our Carmen is getting married.
01:50:14A little stronger.
01:50:17You're going to be beautiful, Carmen.
01:50:19And I'm not just saying it because of the dress.
01:50:25Take it.
01:50:27Oh, no.
01:50:30But what's this?
01:50:35We wanted to give you back the one you lost.
01:50:38It's from Eurol.
01:50:40We wanted to give you something special
01:50:42and that it was good.
01:50:44It's beautiful.
01:50:47Oh, thank you very much, my daughter.
01:50:51I'm coming.
01:50:56Good evening.
01:50:58Good evening, Mrs. Marta.
01:51:00I know it's a little late
01:51:02and I don't want to interrupt your celebration,
01:51:04but I wanted to see Carmen for a moment.
01:51:06Don't interrupt anything, Mrs. Marta.
01:51:08Come in, please.
01:51:10You look stunning.
01:51:12Thank you very much.
01:51:14I came to give you a wedding gift.
01:51:18Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.
01:51:20I really didn't need it.
01:51:22I hope you like it.
01:51:23Thank you.
01:51:32What a beautiful necklace.
01:51:36I'm glad you like it.
01:51:38Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.
01:51:43Carmen, I really wish you to be very happy with Tassio.
01:51:46He appreciates you.
01:51:48Thank you very much.
01:51:50Would you like to have a drink with us?
01:51:53Thank you very much,
01:51:55but I don't want to interrupt your celebration.
01:51:57No, no, no, Mrs. Marta, don't interrupt.
01:51:59On the contrary, with all the trouble you've taken to come,
01:52:01have a drink.
01:52:03Of course.
01:52:05Thank you very much.
01:52:07It's late for me.
01:52:09Have a good time tomorrow.
01:52:13Thank you very much.
01:52:15Good night.
01:52:17Good night.
01:52:19Carmen, how beautiful you are going to be
01:52:21with Mrs. Marta's medal.
01:52:23It's a wedding that doesn't deserve you less.
01:52:25Of course.
01:52:27It's bad luck that you gave me the same thing.
01:52:29Don't worry.
01:52:31We'll give it back and that's it.
01:52:33Of course.
01:52:35We can't give it back, it's recorded.
01:52:37We're stupid.
01:52:39But you can bring something else to our wedding.
01:52:41Of course.
01:52:43I can lend you some earrings that my aunt gave me from Salamanca.
01:52:47They're beautiful.
01:52:49They're turquoise blue and you'll look great with the dress.
01:52:51You'll see.
01:52:53How beautiful.
01:52:55They're very beautiful.
01:52:57Carmen, I can leave you some shoes
01:52:59that you'll look great with the dress.
01:53:01I'll go to the service and I'll look for them.
01:53:03We'll leave everything ready for tomorrow.
01:53:05Here, Carmen.
01:53:14You look beautiful.
01:53:16What a face of pancilas we had yesterday
01:53:18when Mrs. Marta showed up with the cardigan.
01:53:20I can't forget it.
01:53:21It's beautiful.
01:53:23A detail of very good taste.
01:53:25And a lot of power, right?
01:53:27It's not to be ostentatious, Claudia.
01:53:29Well, she who has it possible.
01:53:33The important thing is that Carmen
01:53:35is going to take my earrings and your shoes
01:53:37and she's going to have us present throughout the wedding.
01:53:39Yes, that's the most important thing.
01:53:47Claudia, are you okay?
01:53:49The truth is that I'm very upset.
01:53:51I don't know if it was the anisette
01:53:53that Carmen gave us or what,
01:53:55but I had thought of going for a strip
01:53:57before opening the store.
01:53:59Of course, go.
01:54:01If we open in ten minutes, go.
01:54:04Of course.
01:54:06Good morning.
01:54:08Good morning, Mrs. Marta.
01:54:10Does it matter that I'm absent for a moment?
01:54:12It's just that I don't feel very well
01:54:14and I wanted to have an infusion before I opened.
01:54:16Of course, leave.
01:54:17If when you open the store you still feel bad,
01:54:19let me know and I'll make up for the hours.
01:54:22Well, I don't think it's necessary,
01:54:24but thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.
01:54:28The rag?
01:54:39Do you have a lot left?
01:54:41With these two bottles, I'm done.
01:54:51Can I come closer now that Claudia has left
01:54:54or is it better that we keep our distance?
01:54:57I don't like you to joke about that.
01:55:05I wanted to thank you for helping me with my father.
01:55:09In the end, you went to the cemetery together.
01:55:14The truth is that lately you have been quite indiscreet
01:55:18and you kick me in something.
01:55:20As if you didn't know the consequences
01:55:22of going with the truth ahead.
01:55:24Why don't you tell that poor man anything?
01:55:26Are you crazy?
01:55:28I know.
01:55:30No, but ...
01:55:32I'm sorry, I'm not going to throw it in your face again,
01:55:34that in the end you're going to get me and I don't want that either.
01:55:36No, no, I don't want it either.
01:55:38I don't like to see your father and you angry.
01:55:40I'm very sorry that my talk with him was useless,
01:55:43not even to go to the cemetery together.
01:55:47I went alone to the cemetery.
01:55:49He didn't even pass for the first time
01:55:51since my mother died.
01:55:53And do you know why?
01:55:57Because he is ashamed to appear in front of his wife's grave
01:56:00knowing what he knows about his son.
01:56:02Did he tell you that?
01:56:04Look, for me,
01:56:06to be judged or rejected,
01:56:07who does not know me,
01:56:09it seems absurd and inhuman to me.
01:56:11But my own father,
01:56:13he says he doesn't know me,
01:56:15but I'm the one who doesn't know him.
01:56:17You're right.
01:56:19It's very unfair and it doesn't make any sense.
01:56:21But you're not the first
01:56:23and we're not going to be the last to suffer because of this.
01:56:26Things are like that.
01:56:28You know it.
01:56:30We have to settle.
01:56:32If we want to live this,
01:56:34it's going to have to be in secret.
01:56:35No, in real secret.
01:56:37But if I can't share
01:56:39the most beautiful thing
01:56:41that has happened to me in life with him,
01:56:43Marta, I feel very alone.
01:56:45But you are not alone.
01:56:48You will never be alone.
01:57:02Do you need help?
01:57:03Yes, thank you.
01:57:05The truth is that I'm getting a little messy.
01:57:07Go singing me the quantities.
01:57:11This is a tedious day.
01:57:14Between the two, it is the most bearable.
01:57:21before it gave me the feeling
01:57:23that you are no longer so angry with me.
01:57:25It is that it is impossible for me.
01:57:27Come on, superior to my strength.
01:57:30In fact, you are the one who should be hurt with me
01:57:33for not having accompanied you to the cemetery.
01:57:35No, Marta, no.
01:57:37I shouldn't have asked you.
01:57:39But I insist that our relationship is normal
01:57:41because it is what I would like most in this life,
01:57:43but it is not.
01:57:45But I have failed you.
01:57:47And I have strained the rope too much.
01:57:49The truth is that I don't know what's happening to me.
01:57:51I'm losing the sense of reality now.
01:57:53Come on, neither of us
01:57:55have done things too well.
01:57:57No, but it is very difficult to do things well.
01:58:00We can't act as we get inside.
01:58:01It is very difficult.
01:58:03Well, yes.
01:58:05To feel the corset, the lack of freedom,
01:58:07the pressure from outside.
01:58:09That's why, Marta, between us,
01:58:11between you and me,
01:58:13we should make things easy for ourselves.
01:58:15And that means being honest with each other,
01:58:17forgiving each other,
01:58:19supporting each other, covering each other.
01:58:21We agree.
01:58:23We agree.
01:58:25I have something for you.
01:58:31Take it.
01:58:39And this?
01:58:41The keys to the apartment I rented in Madrid.
01:58:43Madrid, a big city where no one knows us.
01:58:53I made the arrangements a few days ago,
01:58:55but with being angry with your father...
01:58:57Yes, there is nothing more to say in the world than this.
01:58:58A place where we can love freely.
01:59:00A secret place.
01:59:02For God's sake, Fina, a secret place.
01:59:04Yes, yes.
01:59:06I beg you.
01:59:08We won't have to pretend to be cousins anymore
01:59:10when we go to the hotels.
01:59:12We can go whenever we want
01:59:14and let go of our love
01:59:16and whatever arises.
01:59:19Marta, please tell me I'm not dreaming.
01:59:26Yes, yes, yes.
01:59:28I love you. I love you.
01:59:30I love you. I love you.
01:59:32I'm going.
01:59:36PerfumerĆ­as de la Reina, tell me.
01:59:39Mr. DamiƔn, do you need anything?
01:59:43Yes, yes, yes, it's around here.
01:59:47Mrs. Marta, it's for you.
01:59:48It's for you.
01:59:54Yes, Father?
01:59:59Did something happen?
02:00:05Yes, yes, I'm on my way.
02:00:13you scared me when you said you wanted to see me urgently.
02:00:15I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you.
02:00:17I wanted to see you at home
02:00:19to tell you about something
02:00:21that I found in the account a while ago.
02:00:23Sit down, please.
02:00:27Tell me.
02:00:32those two guys are getting married today, right?
02:00:34Yes, Carmen and Tarsio.
02:00:36The workers are very excited about the wedding.
02:00:38We should give them a gift from the company,
02:00:40don't you think?
02:00:42I've already given Carmen a gold chain
02:00:44that's beautiful.
02:00:46I think she'll wear it at the ceremony.
02:00:48But as a personal gift.
02:00:50Yes, but I can tell her it's for everyone.
02:00:52And Tarsio?
02:00:56I can look for something for him
02:00:58and with that,
02:01:00we'll all be satisfied.
02:01:02And would you have time today
02:01:04to buy him something?
02:01:06Yes, I'm going to Toledo right now.
02:01:08No, no, wait, wait.
02:01:10There's no hurry.
02:01:13I'm going to Madrid tomorrow
02:01:15and I'll think about what to give him.
02:01:17What are you going to Madrid for?
02:01:19By the way,
02:01:21I wanted to tell you
02:01:23that I've rented an apartment in Madrid
02:01:25for my work trips.
02:01:27What have you done?
02:01:29I've been doing accounts
02:01:31and with all the times I travel in the week,
02:01:33well, it pays off.
02:01:35It doesn't pay off at all.
02:01:37We're not for expenses, Marta.
02:01:39The cost is the same as the hotel.
02:01:41The cost is fixed at the moment.
02:01:43Well, I'll pay it with my money.
02:01:45If the offer had come from AndrĆ©s or JesĆŗs,
02:01:48it would already be approved.
02:01:50Where are you going?
02:01:52To Toledo, to get Tarsio's gift.
02:01:54No, wait.
02:01:56What do you want me to wait for?
02:01:58Father, he makes me come to,
02:02:00excuse me, to talk about skis.
02:02:02He knows I'm busy,
02:02:04I can't walk all day going and coming.
02:02:06Have you finished?
02:02:08I don't know, I've finished.
02:02:09Then turn around, come on.
02:02:20You didn't expect me, did you?
02:02:24Jaime wanted to surprise you
02:02:26and I was his accomplice.
02:02:28That's why I called you.
02:02:30Of course, I didn't understand anything.
02:02:32Thank you, DamiƔn.
02:02:34You did it as if you were a great actor.
02:02:36Marta didn't suspect anything.
02:02:38My life, you are...
02:02:40You are beautiful.
02:02:42Thank you.
02:02:45You look good.
02:02:47He's a sea wolf,
02:02:49fed by those seas of God.
02:02:51And how long are you going to be with us?
02:02:53I just got here
02:02:55and you already ask me when I'm leaving.
02:02:57It's a surprise, I didn't expect you.
02:03:08Where is that old sea wolf?
02:03:12What a surprise.
02:03:14Right, sister?
02:03:16Of course.
02:03:18Your surprise, that you got married.
02:03:20The free soul of the family.
02:03:22Maria, this is Jaime, my brother-in-law.
02:03:24How I wanted to meet him.
02:03:26To meet you, please,
02:03:28teach me that we are family.
02:03:30Now you have made him a gentleman,
02:03:32but when he arrived a while ago,
02:03:34what a beard,
02:03:35and now that I have you together,
02:03:37I would like to apologize
02:03:39for not being able to go to your wedding.
02:03:41It was completely impossible for me,
02:03:43I was on a boat on my way to Cyprus.
02:03:45There is nothing to apologize for.
02:03:47It was very difficult for you to come for a day.
02:03:49I felt bad for Marta.
02:03:51For me?
02:03:53Yes, everyone was in a relationship
02:03:55and you alone, I assure you,
02:03:57it was difficult to hide your sadness.
02:03:59Did you miss me?
02:04:01Of course.
02:04:02So elegant as always.
02:04:04Of course.
02:04:06BegoƱa, you are beautiful.
02:04:08Welcome home.
02:04:10Are you going to stay a long time?
02:04:12Well, I don't know,
02:04:14it depends on how long it takes to fix the boat.
02:04:16I guess three or four days,
02:04:18I don't think I can scratch much more.
02:04:20We will have to take advantage of the time.
02:04:22We will take advantage.
02:04:24I'm going to get a bottle of wine.
02:04:26We have things to celebrate.
02:04:28Yes, I'm going to ask Digna to serve us.
02:04:30I will accompany you, Maria.
02:04:32Thank you.
02:04:39I was thinking that
02:04:41maybe we can skip this meal
02:04:43and take a walk you and me alone.
02:04:45We have to get up to date on so many things.
02:04:49We can't make the family look bad.
02:04:52They are looking forward to enjoying you.
02:04:55Will we have time?
02:04:57Yes, yes, of course.
02:04:59Sit next to Father, you are the guest.
02:05:00As you wish.
02:05:02Thank you.
02:05:14A few days ago I thought ...
02:05:16I'm so sorry to see you like this.
02:05:18The truth is that your father
02:05:20has a harder head than a pedernal.
02:05:22But in this world you are not forever.
02:05:24And sometimes you have to give up.
02:05:26Maybe I'm not the one who has to give up this time.
02:05:30I'll think about it.
02:05:34Man, have you come to teach in the store?
02:05:36Of course.
02:05:38Well, I'll see you at home, I'm late.
02:05:42Good afternoon, Mrs. Marta and company.
02:05:44Jaime, do you remember Fina?
02:05:46Yes, of course I remember.
02:05:48I see you very well.
02:05:50And from what I see now, independent.
02:05:52I hope my wife is behaving.
02:05:54Your wife is an excellent boss.
02:05:55And if she doesn't, tell me.
02:05:57I'm sure I can do something.
02:05:59I think I still have some influence left.
02:06:01He's going to stay here for a long time, Mr. Jaime.
02:06:03As long as they take to repair his bow.
02:06:05I hope it's as late as possible.
02:06:07I must admit that the sea is starting to tire me a little.
02:06:10But if it's your life, you've always said it.
02:06:12Yes, yes, yes, it is, it is.
02:06:14But, well, loneliness weighs.
02:06:16And feeling that you see your loved ones
02:06:18two or three times a year is not enough.
02:06:21Of course.
02:06:22Fina, go get dressed for Carmen's wedding.
02:06:25So you'll have time. I'll close.
02:06:30Do you remember Carmen?
02:06:32Yes, I think so.
02:06:34The girl from the campaign you told me about at home.
02:06:37And she's getting married, right?
02:06:39With Tassio, another employee.
02:06:41Good afternoon, Mr. Jaime and Mrs. Marta.
02:06:43Congratulate the grooms on our behalf.
02:06:45Of course, sir.
02:06:47Well, I'll close and show you the old area of the factory.
02:06:50My sister has done a magnificent job with the rehabilitation.
02:06:53You see, Marta, I have no doubt about your brother's expertise.
02:06:56But I think I'd still prefer you to show me
02:06:59how much the mushrooms have grown along the river.
02:07:02As if you were going to notice the difference.
02:07:04No, no, I'm sure not.
02:07:06I'll only have eyes for you.
02:07:08Come on.
02:07:10After you.
02:07:16It's just that...
02:07:22The bank has already granted us the credit.
02:07:24We just have to close some gaps
02:07:26and start producing women's longings.
02:07:31Why are you looking at me like that?
02:07:33Women's longings.
02:07:36I like the way it sounds when you say it.
02:07:39And I like the way you talk about your work.
02:07:41Look who's talking.
02:07:43You haven't stopped doing it all afternoon.
02:07:44It's true, I'm passionate about it.
02:07:47Although I must tell you that what I said before is true.
02:07:51Solitude weighs on me.
02:07:54I can't help but remember those first years
02:07:58when we traveled together.
02:08:02We had a good time, didn't we?
02:08:05We had a good time.
02:08:08Do you remember that cruise across the Greek islands?
02:08:12I couldn't stop vomiting the eight days that the cruise lasted.
02:08:15You didn't stay behind either.
02:08:19It was our first trip together,
02:08:21just after we got married,
02:08:23when we didn't stop repeating how much we loved each other.
02:08:27But now...
02:08:30Now we barely see each other, Jaime.
02:08:32And we didn't text each other either.
02:08:34Weeks ago.
02:08:37You can text me too.
02:08:40Marta, I don't blame you for anything.
02:08:43I'm just expressing the pain that the situation we're in is causing me.
02:08:47But I don't want to be like this.
02:08:50I want us to go back to how we were.
02:08:53Our jobs are what they are.
02:08:55I know, I know, I know.
02:08:58That's why I thought you could come with me,
02:09:00like we used to.
02:09:06Jaime, you know, you can't ask me that.
02:09:10You know that.
02:09:11Yes, you're right.
02:09:12I'm sorry.
02:09:14I had to try.
02:09:19You haven't ruined everything, have you?
02:09:24Of course not.
02:09:33it's best if we go to bed.
02:09:41I should go over some business with the company before I go up.
02:09:45What time is it?
02:09:47I know, it's important.
02:09:49The launch had us all up in arms.
02:09:52Of course. As you wish.
02:09:54Thank you.
02:09:55No, please.
02:09:57Get some rest.
02:09:59Don't wait for me to wake up.
02:10:09What's up, miss?
02:10:10Aren't you going to give your uncle a kiss?
02:10:14Well, then what?
02:10:15What's the couple going to do today?
02:10:18To be honest, no.
02:10:19I hadn't thought of doing big things.
02:10:21I'm just going to stop by the store for a while
02:10:23to bother Marta a little.
02:10:25You could go to Madrid.
02:10:27I've read that there's a very interesting cartography exhibition
02:10:29at the Naval Museum.
02:10:31Look, you'll have a lot more fun
02:10:33than just going around the factory
02:10:35and looking at the paintings.
02:10:36Well, you could bring me closer, yes.
02:10:38I'm sure our father would like to go with you.
02:10:40Well, if you give him a hand.
02:10:42He went out for a walk a while ago
02:10:44and I think he was going to go
02:10:46to the Palo Roto waterfall.
02:10:48Is that far away?
02:10:49Well, about ten kilometers.
02:10:51If you're up for it, we can go one day.
02:10:53Oh, yes, please.
02:10:55It might be good if we did something similar.
02:10:57And we take that old camera
02:10:59that we bought, you know.
02:11:01I have a lot of work to do now.
02:11:03I'm going to go to Madrid.
02:11:04Now I have a lot of work to do.
02:11:06Are you going down to have breakfast?
02:11:13Good morning, Julia.
02:11:17Sit with us.
02:11:19Come on.
02:11:21Of course, of course.
02:11:34What are you doing with that?
02:11:36Looking for the most suitable color
02:11:38for the boxes of the new launch.
02:11:40In an art book.
02:11:42Well, you have to have as a reference
02:11:44the best.
02:11:46Let's see what you think
02:11:48of this gold that Klimt uses.
02:11:51And you?
02:11:53I think it's the right one.
02:11:55I would like women's longings
02:11:57to be a jewel.
02:11:59From his envelope.
02:12:01I don't know.
02:12:02A jewel.
02:12:04From his envelope.
02:12:06Of course, you are in everything, my daughter.
02:12:08Well, I like to take care of the little details,
02:12:10you know,
02:12:12and that each thing has a meaning.
02:12:14You are tremendously detail-oriented.
02:12:16I already told you that I have had good references.
02:12:18And you have been one.
02:12:20Yes, but you have not learned the best from me.
02:12:23What do you mean?
02:12:25For me, the company has always been very important,
02:12:28but my family has always been ahead.
02:12:31Do you have any complaints?
02:12:34I thought we had overcome that stage.
02:12:36I have no complaints, daughter,
02:12:38but I think you are neglecting your husband
02:12:40since his arrival.
02:12:42And why do you say that?
02:12:44Today he asked me to accompany him
02:12:46to visit the Naval Museum
02:12:48instead of going to the store
02:12:50to make plans with you.
02:12:52Well, it's not that you neglect him,
02:12:54it's that he understands that I am very busy.
02:12:56And last night I saw him go to sleep alone.
02:12:58He told me that you were going to stay
02:13:00to clarify all this.
02:13:02And don't tell me that you have a lot of work
02:13:04because that is no more than an excuse.
02:13:09I've been a little detached,
02:13:11it's true.
02:13:13Father, it's been many months since we've seen each other.
02:13:16With more reason, you should be in the bedroom
02:13:18recovering time, right?
02:13:20Please, father.
02:13:22We are adults,
02:13:24or are we going to walk around with remorse at this point?
02:13:26He's asking me for a conversation that ...
02:13:28No, that style is not going to work.
02:13:30What are you saying?
02:13:33What do you want me to tell him?
02:13:36That I'm not born to hug him for no reason
02:13:39or steal a kiss from him,
02:13:41not even to hold his hand.
02:13:43What's more, I feel uncomfortable when he does it.
02:13:45But why?
02:13:47Things have changed a lot.
02:13:49I understand, you've fallen in love.
02:13:53With that photographer,
02:13:55the one who made us the queen's essence campaign.
02:13:57The other day I caught you in a more than suspicious attitude
02:13:58and yesterday, to top it off, you tell me
02:14:00that you have rented that little flat in Madrid.
02:14:02I already told him at the time, father,
02:14:04that with the photographer there had been nothing
02:14:06and that the flat is to save costs in hotels.
02:14:08Ah, or to have a discreet place
02:14:10where to meet your lover.
02:14:12He doesn't know what he's talking about and offends me.
02:14:14Well, clarify it for me.
02:14:16Help me understand what's going on with you.
02:14:18With all due respect,
02:14:20if you want to help me,
02:14:22don't meddle in my life.
02:14:24It's very funny that you tell me that
02:14:25because you accused me of not paying attention to you,
02:14:28of not being understanding with you.
02:14:30Ah, you think you're being understanding with me?
02:14:32I get the impression that you're judging me.
02:14:34Do you think it's so strange that I'm worried
02:14:36because you're looking for comfort in the arms of another person?
02:14:40Marta, you have to stop fantasizing
02:14:42with stories that don't give you anything
02:14:44and give your marriage a chance.
02:14:46Jaime loves you.
02:14:48And what about what I want?
02:14:50And what do you want, daughter?
02:14:52What the hell do you want?
02:14:53Because sometimes you leave us alone with your coldness
02:14:56and your husband is about to freeze to death.
02:14:59Very encouraging.
02:15:01Very understanding, without a doubt.
02:15:03Maybe that's why I need to protect myself
02:15:05behind a shield.
02:15:07You created that shield yourself.
02:15:09Don't blame others for being the way you are.
02:15:11Listen to me, Marta.
02:15:13Jaime and you need to regain the complicity you had.
02:15:15It was nice to see you
02:15:17always joking,
02:15:19so accomplices, so friends.
02:15:21Maybe it was always just that.
02:15:23Best friends.
02:15:25Whatever you want, but he's your husband
02:15:27and he will be until the end of your days.
02:15:29It's in your hands to have a pleasant relationship with him
02:15:31or to live a calvary.
02:15:54Again here?
02:15:56Don't give up.
02:16:02Yesterday she was worthy in the store.
02:16:04Don't worry.
02:16:06I haven't told her anything about the reason for our argument.
02:16:09There's no argument if they don't want to.
02:16:12You're the one who's disgusted with yourself
02:16:14for judging your daughter so harshly.
02:16:18I have a very calm conscience.
02:16:20I don't want to hurt her.
02:16:21I have a very calm conscience.
02:16:23I'm sure I didn't educate you
02:16:25to become someone like that.
02:16:27No, she educated me to be a free woman
02:16:29with the right and the ability
02:16:31to decide what I like and what I don't like.
02:16:33And this is what I'm doing.
02:16:35Yes, yes, yes, offending me with your actions.
02:16:37Father, I can't control my nature.
02:16:39She can't see it.
02:16:41Yes, if you want to.
02:16:43I understand what society dictates to her.
02:16:45I really do.
02:16:47I understand what Don Agustin dictates to her.
02:16:49It's a crime, daughter.
02:16:51You can't change it.
02:16:53You can't change me either.
02:16:55You expect me to do it?
02:16:57Because you have to go down the wrong path.
02:16:59You just lack a little willpower.
02:17:03Father, it's not about being honest with yourself.
02:17:05Whether it's harmful to you.
02:17:07More harmful is a life full of lies, isn't it?
02:17:10I'm not hurting anyone.
02:17:12Your father, yes.
02:17:14You're selfish.
02:17:16Father, look at me.
02:17:21This person in front of you is the same as always.
02:17:24The one who was with you when the appendix was operated on.
02:17:27The one who accompanied you to CƔceres to meet your cousin.
02:17:31The one who knitted you a scarf so you wouldn't catch a cold.
02:17:33The one who didn't go to Paris to not leave you alone.
02:17:35And I promise I'll do it again and again.
02:17:37What do you want? For me to thank you?
02:17:39No, for you to realize that nothing has changed.
02:17:41Everything has changed.
02:17:43Look how stupid he is.
02:17:45And he doesn't reason.
02:17:47And you know what?
02:17:48That I'm tired of holding your hand and only receiving bites.
02:17:53You can't put doors in the field or stop the fury of a storm, that's what he says.
02:17:58What does he say? What does he say?
02:18:00That he can't repair what he's done to Ƒicos.
02:18:04And where's the willpower I was talking about a moment ago?
02:18:07On top of that, it's impertinent.
02:18:09Well, that's it. I've done everything I can.
02:18:11I'm not going to back down anymore.
02:18:14Then we'll waste more time.
02:18:19Goodbye, father.
02:18:22And this time, forever.
02:18:26Close the door and leave.
02:18:50What do you want?
02:18:52To know how you are.
02:18:54You've talked to your father, haven't you?
02:18:59I just made the last attempt to fix things with him.
02:19:02Because he doesn't accept me as I am.
02:19:05So value him.
02:19:07You don't know how I feel.
02:19:10But I'm sure you'll soon make things right.
02:19:13Your father and you love each other madly.
02:19:19Do you know what...
02:19:22what I would have needed from you?
02:19:29That you hug me tight.
02:19:31There's nothing I want more in the world.
02:19:35People coming and going, and my husband in the factory.
02:19:38Your husband. Of course.
02:19:40Your husband.
02:19:42Yes, my husband.
02:19:45I know what you're thinking.
02:19:49But I'm asking you to be patient.
02:19:51It'll only be a few days until the ship returns.
02:19:54I feel so ridiculous, Marta.
02:20:07Ridiculous because of what, love?
02:20:09And you're still asking me.
02:20:12Because I have to pretend that I don't care that he's back.
02:20:15That he holds your hand, that he caresses you, that he kisses you.
02:20:19That he seeks intimacy.
02:20:21That's not...
02:20:23I swear that hasn't happened.
02:20:25But it will happen, Marta.
02:20:27Well, I'll keep flirting with him.
02:20:29Then he'll wonder what's happening to you.
02:20:31He already does that.
02:20:33But I'll give him another excuse.
02:20:35Excuses end.
02:20:37He's your husband, Marta.
02:20:39Whatever happens,
02:20:42I love that woman.
02:20:44And it's with him that you'll spend the night.
02:20:46Do you think it's easy for me?
02:20:49That I like him or that I don't care?
02:20:52I'm the one who's going to be with him,
02:20:55holding on to something I wish wouldn't happen.
02:20:57Then do something, Marta.
02:21:00Forgive me.
02:21:03Forgive me, Marta.
02:21:05I'm behaving like a capricious girl.
02:21:07I don't have the right to...
02:21:10to stop you in something you can't.
02:21:12I don't have your red, Fina.
02:21:13I feel the looks, I have a position.
02:21:15And a scandal like that in my family,
02:21:17with everything that would mean...
02:21:19Of course.
02:21:22Look at me.
02:21:25Look at me.
02:21:29You're the love of my life.
02:21:32And there's nothing I want more in this world
02:21:34than to be with you.
02:21:37I just ask you to hold on a little longer.
02:21:40But I need you now, Marta.
02:21:42I know.
02:21:45And I need you to be strong.
02:21:48Soon we'll be together,
02:21:50you and me,
02:21:52without anyone else.
02:22:10What are you doing?
02:22:12Checking out the new merchandise.
02:22:14I've just robbed your father's library.
02:22:19Which one do you think I'll like more?
02:22:25Morel's invention.
02:22:27It's the best.
02:22:29It's the best.
02:22:31It's the best.
02:22:33It's the best.
02:22:35It's the best.
02:22:37It's the best.
02:22:39It's the best.
02:22:41Will you marry me before Flaubert?
02:22:43They're both great, but...
02:22:45Madame Bovary...
02:22:47She's very romantic.
02:22:49She'll make you sad.
02:22:52You know me so well.
02:22:54Well, we've been together for many years.
02:22:56One doesn't change that much in a few months.
02:22:58Well, I don't know if I agree with that.
02:23:00You've changed a lot.
02:23:02Yes, you've already told me that.
02:23:04It's true, you're...
02:23:06You're more and more beautiful every day.
02:23:07You're the one who looks at me with good eyes.
02:23:10That too.
02:23:12Although I'm not the only one who's in love with you.
02:23:17Your father adores you.
02:23:19They're all compliments for the...
02:23:22businesswoman, entrepreneur, and self-confident she has become.
02:23:27It's easy.
02:23:29With him by your side, you have to learn fast.
02:23:31Well, don't take away your merits.
02:23:33I know that the Queen's Essences campaign was a success thanks to you.
02:23:37All I did was not spoil the magic that my cousin created with that perfume.
02:23:41No, no, no, no, no.
02:23:43That's alchemy.
02:23:45Yours is magic.
02:23:47Look, you're exaggerating.
02:23:49I've also been told about the wonderful campaign you created with the faces of the company
02:23:53and the magnificent work that photographer...
02:23:56Marcos Carvajal.
02:24:00An artist.
02:24:02Yes, the truth is that everything was filmed.
02:24:04Don't lie to me.
02:24:05The people like Jesus had certain reservations about the campaign
02:24:08and in the end you came up with yours.
02:24:12As entrepreneurial as always.
02:24:15And to think that now you could be the gem of pastry.
02:24:19What do you mean?
02:24:21Don't you remember your plans to set up a pastry shop in Nice?
02:24:24I hadn't thought about it for a long time.
02:24:27What times, huh?
02:24:29Yes, far away, but not so bad.
02:24:33Although, the truth is, I can't imagine you surrounded by croissants
02:24:37and tarte tatin, waiting for my boat to arrive in Puerto, like Penelope.
02:24:41I guess you were expecting something more from me.
02:24:44No, no, no. I always knew how you were.
02:24:47And I've always been clear that the future I offered you was much narrower
02:24:51than the one you've created here with your family and your company.
02:24:56But hey, those were good times.
02:25:00And what about the couple?
02:25:02What, enjoying the day?
02:25:04Yes, yes, yes. The truth is that I don't see the time.
02:25:07Why don't you take advantage of it and go to Madrid this afternoon?
02:25:10The two of you together, alone. It would be a splendid day.
02:25:14I can't think of a better plan.
02:25:16You could go to the theater.
02:25:18They say that Aurora Bautista is proud of Enrique for a woman.
02:25:21Well, that would be great, wouldn't it?
02:25:23And we could have dinner at the Palace of Tares. Do you like it a lot?
02:25:26But we'd be back very late at night.
02:25:28You can't stay in the new apartment.
02:25:31That's what it's for, isn't it?
02:25:33What apartment?
02:25:35He rented an apartment not long ago in Madrid.
02:25:37There wasn't a week that he didn't spend two days there for work.
02:25:40Well, that would be perfect if we don't have to drive at night.
02:25:43Well, we'll talk about it later. I have business at the factory.
02:25:46And we're going there.
02:25:48Padre is coming with me.
02:25:58Good morning, Mrs. GuzmƔn.
02:26:00How can I help you?
02:26:02Excuse me, Mrs. Marta.
02:26:04It's a pleasure to see you, Pilar.
02:26:08Tell me.
02:26:10Look, we have a doubt in the warehouse.
02:26:12We don't know if Alicante's order is for today or if we have to prepare it for tomorrow.
02:26:15Did you check it?
02:26:19I don't think so.
02:26:21I don't think so.
02:26:23I don't think so.
02:26:25I don't think so.
02:26:26I don't think so.
02:26:36They are products for a first communion.
02:26:38They should be there tomorrow for tomorrow.
02:26:40So it's better to have them ready this afternoon.
02:26:42Well, I'll let you know in the warehouse right now.
02:26:44Thank you very much, Mrs. Marta.
02:26:46Look, come with me.
02:26:48Look, we have this baby water.
02:26:50But we also have the talcum powder that mothers and children like a lot.
02:26:53And if you need anything else, I'm here and I'll help you right away.
02:27:04Is something wrong with Mrs. GuzmƔn?
02:27:06No, no, no.
02:27:08On the contrary.
02:27:10It's pure admiration.
02:27:16I wonder where she will get the courage and strength to take care of that baby alone.
02:27:20Don't think that precisely for her it has been a road of roses.
02:27:26Mrs. GuzmƔn and I coincided a lot in the social club.
02:27:29And since she had the little one, she hasn't been there.
02:27:32Well, I imagine that the first few months were the most difficult.
02:27:36Well, in her case it has been discomfort for a long time.
02:27:42Let's see, Pilar has always been a very capable woman and with a very intelligent sense of humor.
02:27:47But since she had the little one, something has gone wrong with her.
02:27:52She entered a depression from which she is now just coming out.
02:27:56And if I tell you this, it's not for real gossip, you already know me.
02:27:59But it seems to me that women talk little about these things.
02:28:03And I assure you that it is not the first case I hear.
02:28:05Yes, yes, well ...
02:28:07How strange, with how much she is seen.
02:28:10Now yes.
02:28:12But she has had the support of her husband and an assistant, day and night.
02:28:14Otherwise, we don't know how long it would have taken her to get out of that melancholy.
02:28:18I wonder how the mothers who take care of their children will do.
02:28:22With a lot of effort, I imagine.
02:28:24I myself have wanted to have children.
02:28:27But well, with my husband so far away, me working all day, in the end ...
02:28:32I suppose that life is a little different from what we imagined when we got married.
02:28:39It is clear that to take care of a child alone you have to be very strong.
02:28:42And above all, have a lot of support.
02:28:45Someone to help you get that life ahead.
02:28:48Having children is a matter of two.
02:28:57Has the messenger arrived?
02:28:59Well, if you receive your customers like that, I'm leaving right now, where I came in.
02:29:04I guess he's not coming for glycerin soaps.
02:29:07Well, look, yes.
02:29:08Give me a couple.
02:29:10I'll take them to the big house.
02:29:12And I also want you to tell me at once what is happening to you.
02:29:17I already knew it.
02:29:19Well, look, Digna, the same thing happens to us as yesterday and the same thing as before yesterday.
02:29:23And I'm exhausted already.
02:29:25Daughter, but you told me you were going to fix it soon.
02:29:28I don't see the fix anywhere.
02:29:31Fina, your father needs you more than ever.
02:29:34Your father needs you more than ever.
02:29:37You can't be angry for another day.
02:29:40It's too late. We have broken our relationship.
02:29:43Well, it's over, huh?
02:29:45You don't bother me anymore, neither of you.
02:29:48Your father needs you and period.
02:29:50Do you know what he did to me today?
02:29:53I had to be in the consultation with him right now.
02:29:56Well, he arrived this morning and told me that he had already been there because they had postponed the appointment.
02:30:00Lie, of course.
02:30:02How do you know?
02:30:04I went to the consultation and they told me that your father had not gone there at any time.
02:30:08I can't believe it.
02:30:10I can't believe what's happening to you either.
02:30:13Daughter, for God's sake, don't drop your soul on the floor seeing your father like that.
02:30:17And what do I do?
02:30:19What do I do, Digna?
02:30:21If every time I approach him, he despises me.
02:30:23That hurts me too, you know?
02:30:25You don't have to stop being proud of anything.
02:30:27It's not pride, Digna, it's not pride.
02:30:29It's impotence.
02:30:31My father doesn't want to know anything about me.
02:30:33What do I do?
02:30:35How can I avoid it?
02:30:37Daughter, I'm going to get in where they don't call me.
02:30:42But I have to ask you.
02:30:46How much does that relationship bring you?
02:30:49The one you have with the married man.
02:30:55Digna, please, forget about the reasons.
02:30:58Forget it, if in the end this is something that concerns me and my father, that's it.
02:31:02What do you mean?
02:31:04We also care about the people we love.
02:31:06I care.
02:31:08Well, I'm really sorry.
02:31:10But I've already done everything I can.
02:31:12I can't do anything else.
02:31:14It's so hard and so sad.
02:31:16Well, I don't understand it.
02:31:18I don't understand it.
02:31:20It escapes me.
02:31:22Daughter, I will always take care of your father.
02:31:24That's why you don't have to worry.
02:31:26But only if he lets himself be taken care of.
02:31:33Is that all?
02:31:41Let me try that again.
02:31:47What do you say?
02:31:50This is sweeter.
02:31:54Try it.
02:31:56Sweeter? I don't think so.
02:31:58No, maybe more aromatic.
02:31:59It doesn't matter which one you choose.
02:32:01One is for you, the other is for your father.
02:32:03And with so many letters, we won't leave a single drop for the poor man.
02:32:05With the dry one.
02:32:07It's clear, I don't know why I'm asking.
02:32:10Only you would think of giving a bottle of cognac to your wife.
02:32:14And what did you expect?
02:32:16That she would bring you a lavender soap from Marseille?
02:32:20Hey, I remind you that when we were on the boat, you gave her a few drinks.
02:32:24Because we died of cold in those cabins.
02:32:27Yes, of course.
02:32:29Day by day.
02:32:31To forget me.
02:32:33Those days were much more bearable with you there.
02:32:35It was cognac nights.
02:32:37And human warmth.
02:32:41Are you really going to give my father an open bottle?
02:32:44Yes, I don't know.
02:32:46Is it bad or what?
02:32:48I had planned to fill this with a little water and that's it.
02:32:51Like when we emptied Captain Asensio's bottle.
02:32:56Do it, please.
02:32:57He deserved it for being stingy.
02:32:59For being stingy with the crew.
02:33:01Are those men still active?
02:33:03No, no, no.
02:33:05I think he retired two or three years ago.
02:33:08Can you believe that I miss him?
02:33:10It's normal, you spent many years together.
02:33:14But the one I miss the most, really,
02:33:17is the woman I left on the ground.
02:33:20I couldn't care less.
02:33:24Marta, thank you for this time.
02:33:27You made me remember what it was like to laugh together
02:33:30and have a good time.
02:33:34I don't know if it's appropriate to tell you this now,
02:33:38but when you welcomed me with such coldness,
02:33:41I dreamed of finding a moment when you were
02:33:44minimally relaxed.
02:33:48You caught me off guard.
02:33:50And you know I don't like surprises.
02:33:52I see.
02:33:53I shouldn't have come to your husband
02:33:55after so many months of absence.
02:34:00I'm sorry you felt that way.
02:34:04The last thing I want
02:34:06is to hurt you.
02:34:08I know, I know.
02:34:10You've shown it to me with your complicity tonight.
02:34:15But understand me,
02:34:17I'm going to be here for a few days
02:34:20and I'd like to share with you
02:34:21something more than a glass of cognac.
02:34:26I see.
02:34:49Are you okay?
02:35:00Let's go upstairs.
