Marta y Fina (Mafin) Parte 46-60

  • 2 months ago
Marta y Fina (Mafin) Parte 46-60
00:00:00I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there.
00:00:07Come in.
00:00:13Are you better?
00:00:17I think you've cried a little more.
00:00:20You see, the ice woman cries a lot.
00:00:24I can't stop her.
00:00:28You'll always have this man to help you whenever you want him to know.
00:00:34Shall we sit down for a while?
00:00:48Have you ever thought why we stopped doing the things we liked?
00:00:52I quite like my job.
00:00:56Why did you stop writing?
00:00:58How do you remember that?
00:01:01Because you won a narrative and poetry contest at school.
00:01:05The decoration has to be stored somewhere, somewhere.
00:01:08Yeah, but you said it at school, it doesn't mean much.
00:01:12What do you mean?
00:01:15You also won a drawing contest at school.
00:01:20Drawing was what I liked the most.
00:01:23But I hardly practice it anymore.
00:01:27Why do we stop doing the things we like?
00:01:32I guess because we get older, I think it happens to everyone.
00:01:38That's bad.
00:01:40It's as if to face maturity we had to give up our talents and passions.
00:01:45Well, I remember some of those verses from that poem and I don't know if there was a lot of talent there.
00:01:52I expressed myself by drawing.
00:01:55Even when I had a bad day, I fixed it with my paintings and my folios.
00:02:01Because you have always been the artist of the family.
00:02:04Yeah, but I left it for a while.
00:02:07When I started having girlfriends, I studied like crazy.
00:02:12And I realized that I had lost that magic I had when I was little.
00:02:17And I took it back.
00:02:20And it was liberating.
00:02:22Where do you want to stop? I know you.
00:02:26I should resume writing.
00:02:30And can you tell me where I'm going to get the time to write?
00:02:33The problem is not the time.
00:02:35The problem is if you are able to gather enough courage to express your concerns on those pages.
00:02:43I think it's going to be a useless exercise.
00:02:46Living life is useless in general.
00:02:48You have to give it a meaning.
00:02:50Yes, when you think it already has a meaning, it turns out that you were going in the opposite direction.
00:02:55Believe me.
00:02:56Look, that same reflection can open your new notebook.
00:03:01Why are you so stubborn?
00:03:04Because you are not happy.
00:03:10And I'm going to do everything in my power to make you be, Marta.
00:03:15Come here.
00:03:35How are you?
00:03:38Who's asking?
00:03:40My boss or my ex-lover?
00:03:43What's the difference?
00:03:46A lot.
00:03:48A lot.
00:03:50I would never tell my boss that I can barely sleep because I can't stop thinking about her.
00:03:55Nor that while we lived our love, even if it was hidden,
00:04:00I felt that nothing could go wrong when she looked me in the eyes.
00:04:04And that when she hugged me, I felt more alive than ever.
00:04:10I would never tell that to Mrs. Marta de la Reina.
00:04:18So what would you say to the other one?
00:04:23Well, I have made a difficult decision.
00:04:29Very difficult, but necessary.
00:04:33And I have understood that I have to overcome myself because I have my whole life ahead of me.
00:04:38And I will learn to live with it.
00:04:43And how are you?
00:04:45Who's asking?
00:04:47My boss or my ex-lover?
00:04:49You choose.
00:04:52Well, one of the Reina would never show her vulnerability.
00:04:57I understand that it is my boss who has answered this question.
00:05:02The answer that your ex-lover would give you would not fix things.
00:05:08I feel the same as you.
00:05:10Broken inside.
00:05:12Although on the outside you only see a woman condemned to ...
00:05:15to keep appearances.
00:05:18It comforts me to have tried.
00:05:21I would never forgive myself for having lost what I have lived with you, Marta.
00:05:25I swear I keep every promise and every moment.
00:05:38Carmen, since you are here, I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you that I will soon
00:05:42visit the stores in Madrid again.
00:05:46And I would like you to accompany me this time.
00:05:52I still don't have more details, but I'll let you know so you can get organized.
00:05:56As you wish.
00:05:59I'm going to help Fina with the warehouse.
00:06:07I always found those paragraphs about the heartbreak that I read in the pink novels exaggerated.
00:06:13Maybe that's why I stopped reading them soon.
00:06:16Because I thought that no one in their right mind could feel something like that.
00:06:20Now I am the protagonist of one of those stories.
00:06:24Feeling that I am losing my life as it moves away from me.
00:06:29We have agreed to move on.
00:06:32But I don't even feel capable of finishing writing this book.
00:06:39I guess you are very busy, but I need to talk to you.
00:06:42If you need it.
00:06:50What's that tone?
00:06:53Nothing. Forget it.
00:06:59Marta, are you going to tell me what's going on?
00:07:02And don't tell me anything, because the food number has not gone unnoticed by anyone.
00:07:07I'm sorry I gave a show.
00:07:12I've never seen you like this.
00:07:14I know.
00:07:16I've been holding my emotions since I was a child.
00:07:19At some point I had to burst the balloon of colors.
00:07:23What's going on, Marta?
00:07:25You are very irascible.
00:07:27And more emotional than usual.
00:07:30How do you know what is normal if you have been appearing here for years?
00:07:36So that's it.
00:07:39Because I have stayed for you.
00:07:42For us.
00:07:43So that you will never be alone again.
00:07:45Without consulting me.
00:07:47I don't have to consult you, Marta. I'm your husband.
00:07:49When it suits you.
00:07:51You're bored of the boat. That's it.
00:07:54I don't deserve these accusations.
00:07:57I felt that our relationship was going to go wrong if I didn't stay by your side.
00:08:00And that's why I made the decision.
00:08:03I would have preferred you to care about my opinion before taking it.
00:08:07But with you, you don't know how to get it right.
00:08:11What are we playing at?
00:08:14Don't you realize that you only move for what you need?
00:08:17I just told you that I'm here for you.
00:08:20You are here because you are afraid of losing me.
00:08:23Again, it's for you.
00:08:25Or are you going to deny that?
00:08:28That you are afraid of losing your sweetheart?
00:08:30Of course I'm afraid, Marta.
00:08:32Of course.
00:08:33And the sweet thing is yet to come.
00:08:36Did you really think you could leave the boat and come back as if nothing had happened?
00:08:39But what has happened?
00:08:41Why do I have the feeling that you can't stand me?
00:08:44And don't tell me it's because of the photographer, because I don't believe it.
00:08:47You only believe what interests you.
00:08:49You can't say that I have lost myself in this time.
00:08:51To have the feeling that I am facing an unknown.
00:08:55You have lost everything, Jaime.
00:08:58My worries, my illusions, my rise to the company, my fear, my failure, my laughter.
00:09:03And it seems that I have arrived just in time to find your tears.
00:09:07Don't worry, if that's the problem,
00:09:10you won't see me cry.
00:09:15Marta, I just want to help you.
00:09:17But you have decided to separate me from your life.
00:09:23You can't help me.
00:09:29Well, then it is clear that I am your main problem.
00:09:58Yes, I know that Sebastián was necessary to distribute the longings.
00:10:01But what did you want me to do?
00:10:02You shouldn't have let your wife organize that dinner.
00:10:05There was no need to involve the family in business matters.
00:10:08Things always go wrong.
00:10:10We are family and we work together.
00:10:12And you need me to explain the difference seriously.
00:10:16I'm sorry if I'm being so hard on you.
00:10:18No, you're just honest.
00:10:21Well, let's trust that the launch of the longings will go well despite the setbacks.
00:10:26You just made a good promotion.
00:10:28As we did with the essence of the queen.
00:10:30Well, as you did.
00:10:31Everything was thanks to you.
00:10:33I'm sorry.
00:10:39We were going to have a drink. Are you in?
00:10:41Well, I wouldn't say no to a soda.
00:10:48We can't lose the concept of modernity.
00:10:51The photographer you hired captured it very well.
00:10:56What was his name?
00:10:58Marcos Carvajal.
00:11:01Although I think we should differentiate longings from previous products.
00:11:05And for that we would have to make changes.
00:11:08Yeah, but what are you thinking?
00:11:11Forgetting about that photographer and hiring a photographer.
00:11:14I don't know, Marta. It's going to be hard for you.
00:11:16You're not used to seeing a woman behind a camera.
00:11:19Well, I'm aware that it won't be easy.
00:11:21But I think the approach should be totally feminine.
00:11:26Jaime, you're married to an eminence.
00:11:28And you don't know how sorry I am.
00:11:30I'd rather you didn't need her so much at the factory
00:11:33and dedicated a little more time to me.
00:11:35Would you rather she was tied to the bed?
00:11:38Woman, your husband said it as a joke.
00:11:41There are things you can't joke about.
00:11:48Marta, stop, please.
00:11:58Do you mind if I ask you a question about the photographer?
00:12:01You heard him, I'm not going to hire him.
00:12:03For various reasons.
00:12:05And am I one of those reasons?
00:12:07No, I just think it's not the most appropriate option.
00:12:13I would have preferred you to say yes.
00:12:16That you wanted to save me that bad drink.
00:12:18I'm sorry.
00:12:19My comment has seemed insensitive to you,
00:12:21as it has seemed to me yours.
00:12:26Are you okay?
00:12:28Yes, yes, yes.
00:12:30It's just that ...
00:12:31Well, I don't know, I would like to look at you
00:12:33and that you would give me back the look.
00:12:35That you would come home and have a smile.
00:12:37You used to do it.
00:12:38It's funny that you blame me for something you haven't done either.
00:12:41I've told you a thousand times, Marta.
00:12:42I'm very sorry to have left you alone for so long.
00:12:45But now I'm here, I've come home
00:12:47and I'm doing things right.
00:12:49Do you know what I would really like?
00:12:52That we get old together, like this.
00:12:54And to be able to tell our grandchildren
00:12:56how much we loved each other.
00:12:58Grandchildren? What are you saying?
00:13:01I would like to start a family with you.
00:13:04Are you proposing that we have a child?
00:13:07Yes, why not?
00:13:09We have always proposed it and this would be a good time.
00:13:11Precisely, given the circumstances,
00:13:13I don't think it's the best idea.
00:13:14These circumstances are going to unite us, Marta.
00:13:16I thought we had discarded the idea of ​​having children for years.
00:13:20At least I had.
00:13:21Me too, but ...
00:13:23I've come home and I've come back to my senses.
00:13:26I think a child would unite those of the queen.
00:13:29I would give your father back the illusion.
00:13:31And I'm sure Andrés wants to have a nephew.
00:13:33Having a child to satisfy others ...
00:13:34Stop taking everything out on him, Marta, please.
00:13:37We need something that unites us, you and me.
00:13:40Something that gives this marriage a minimum of hope.
00:13:43A child, Marta.
00:13:44Yours and mine, Marta.
00:13:47What do you say?
00:13:49Excuse me.
00:13:59Thank you very much.
00:14:00Is it worth living without love?
00:14:02Many poets and writers have struggled to find an answer.
00:14:06And I just say ...
00:14:07Is it possible to live without breathing?
00:14:10Maybe it's the same question and ...
00:14:11And you don't have to think much more.
00:14:19I came to prepare an infusion and look who I found.
00:14:22There was not much movement in the store and ...
00:14:24Well, the girls manage on their own.
00:14:26That's very good, that you know how to delegate.
00:14:28It's not all work.
00:14:30Well, don't believe it.
00:14:31It was precisely where you returned to the launch of the chest with the new products.
00:14:36And you write everything down there, in that notebook?
00:14:38It looks more like a diary.
00:14:41Andrés has given it to me.
00:14:42It's for use.
00:14:52I wanted to tell you something.
00:14:56About what we talked about this morning.
00:14:58It is a very important issue to pass along, right?
00:15:03And it seems that you are very clear.
00:15:06Let me explain my reasons to you.
00:15:10I confess that when you proposed to me to have a child,
00:15:13more than anything, you surprised me.
00:15:17Well, now that I'm not going to travel and I'm going to stay here,
00:15:20I thought it was a good time.
00:15:23We have been leaving it and ...
00:15:26Life goes on.
00:15:28And the years go by, especially for me.
00:15:33Jaime, I don't think having a child will solve our marriage.
00:15:38But ...
00:15:40Do you want to be a mother?
00:15:42Do you want to have a child someday?
00:15:46In the past I thought about it, yes.
00:15:49I would have liked it.
00:15:53Now I'm not in my best moment with you.
00:15:57You don't have to swear it.
00:16:01I'm sorry to be so hard.
00:16:02No, please.
00:16:03Don't excuse yourself.
00:16:04I know how you are.
00:16:10A child does not solve problems.
00:16:13As much as it alters or hides them.
00:16:18Look, when we were dating, you told me that you wanted to have six children.
00:16:24And that I had to work very hard to give them a good life, all of them.
00:16:28It's true.
00:16:30We were kids and ...
00:16:31Well, we didn't know anything about life.
00:16:35And then our marriage ...
00:16:37It has not been a very normal marriage.
00:16:41I don't know if I would have the strength now.
00:16:44And I'm focused on my job.
00:16:49And you and I are not well.
00:16:50Yeah, well ...
00:16:51Stop repeating that, please.
00:16:54We will be.
00:16:56I will do everything in my power to get you back.
00:16:59If one day we get well again, would you consider it?
00:17:06If we were well, I don't know, I could always consider it, of course.
00:17:09That's what I'm good at, my love.
00:17:11I don't want you to harbor false hopes.
00:17:13Well, that you haven't given a nod makes me have them.
00:17:19It's just that ...
00:17:23I think it would be very good for me to have a child.
00:17:25I need it.
00:17:27You need it.
00:17:30I think that if one does not leave a mark on life,
00:17:34life is not worth it.
00:17:38I discover new things about you every day.
00:17:41That's because I can still surprise you.
00:17:47You are an incorrigible optimist.
00:17:50It will be that.
00:17:52It will be that.
00:18:16How beautiful you look, man.
00:18:18Can I have one?
00:18:20Aren't you a little small to have one?
00:18:22I don't know why you say that.
00:18:26Don't you know how many social events I attend?
00:18:29What a danger you have.
00:18:31Be careful, it's not a toy.
00:18:34Weren't you doing your homework?
00:18:36It's just that this is going to take a long time and I'm tired.
00:18:40At the moment I've seen you very focused.
00:18:43It's just that Aunt Maria told me to finish something, but I've already done it.
00:18:47Is she helping you?
00:18:48Yes, much less bad.
00:18:50A while ago she went to Toledo to the stationery
00:18:53to get some materials that I need for a job.
00:18:56Maria is nice, isn't she?
00:18:58The truth is that she has helped me a lot.
00:19:00Like you other times.
00:19:03How are you, young ladies?
00:19:05Julia, how are your homework?
00:19:09Do you want me to tell Teresa to bring you something to eat?
00:19:12No, I've already had a snack.
00:19:14And you?
00:19:15No, thank you.
00:19:16Are you sure?
00:19:17I need it for dinner.
00:19:18No, I'm not hungry.
00:19:19Thank you.
00:19:21What I do have is a desire to put on makeup.
00:19:26I knew it.
00:19:27I did it unintentionally.
00:19:28Yes, it's okay, it's okay.
00:19:29I'll clean it right away.
00:19:30Don't stain your clothes.
00:19:32It's okay.
00:19:33What a disaster.
00:19:35I'm really sorry.
00:19:37I did it unintentionally.
00:19:38This can happen to anyone, honey.
00:19:41That's it.
00:19:42I'm a threat.
00:19:45Digna is right.
00:19:46This can happen to anyone.
00:19:47Don't listen to me.
00:19:49It doesn't matter.
00:19:52Come on.
00:19:53We'll take the coat to Grandpa and then we'll go to the kitchen.
00:19:55No, Digna.
00:19:56There's no need.
00:19:58Because I think you can help me with some important work decisions.
00:20:02Very good.
00:20:04You see, I want to try a color that is my favorite,
00:20:07but I don't know how it can look on the brunettes.
00:20:10Shall we try it?
00:20:12Let's see.
00:20:19How does it look on me?
00:20:20I think it suits you very well.
00:20:23Let's see.
00:20:25Let's see how it looks on me.
00:20:34Let's see.
00:20:35Be careful.
00:20:38I think it came out a little.
00:20:40I think you left me like a clown.
00:20:45I look like a clown, Julia.
00:20:49What's going on here?
00:20:50What's going on here?
00:20:52Don't tickle me, please.
00:20:53Yes, tickle me.
00:20:54Come on.
00:20:55Come on.
00:21:14Come on.
00:21:20Wait, please.
00:21:21I can't answer it now.
00:21:24It's me.
00:21:25Can I come in?
00:21:26Yes, of course.
00:21:27Come in.
00:21:29I came earlier, but you had a lot of people waiting.
00:21:33There are a lot of workers getting sick.
00:21:35Yes, the situation is forcing us to set exhausting schedules.
00:21:39Yes, I know.
00:21:41Since you don't have anyone in consultation and I've taken a break,
00:21:45maybe we could go for a walk and talk a little.
00:21:51Yes, it would be a short walk.
00:21:52In fact, I have a meeting with my father and my brothers soon.
00:21:56Well, if you have a meeting ...
00:21:57No, but I have time.
00:21:59Come on, and we'll go out a little.
00:22:01It's just that ...
00:22:03I have a lot of paperwork pending and I don't want to leave the consultation alone.
00:22:07Well, if a patient comes, let him wait a little.
00:22:09Or put one of those posters that says,
00:22:11I'll be back in ten minutes.
00:22:12Marta, I'm not going to leave my job for a walk.
00:22:16If you don't mind, we'll talk about it another time, please.
00:22:19You are punishing me for my attitude towards your proposal to have a child.
00:22:22I'm not punishing you for anything.
00:22:23I'm just asking you to talk about it another time.
00:22:25If you don't mind, let's go out.
00:22:29Is something wrong?
00:22:31I'm perfectly fine, thank you.
00:22:33Please, Marta.
00:22:35Yes, yes, I understand you, I don't bother you anymore.
00:23:08Jaime, answer me, please.
00:23:10Jaime, react!
00:23:19What happened?
00:23:21Can you move?
00:23:24I'll help you.
00:23:26Come on.
00:23:28Let's go to bed slowly.
00:23:31Let's go.
00:23:33That's it.
00:23:34Very good.
00:23:36Careful, careful.
00:23:38That's it.
00:23:41Dr. Borrell?
00:23:45That's it.
00:23:47Let's go this way.
00:23:53What happened?
00:23:55Did you pass out?
00:23:57Yes, a little.
00:23:58Yes, a little.
00:24:00I started to see blurry and I fell.
00:24:05Do you know when it was?
00:24:07And how long have you been there, on the floor?
00:24:11Marta had just left.
00:24:16One, one and a quarter.
00:24:20I know, about 15 minutes.
00:24:22It's not bad.
00:24:23Imagine that you stay there longer, lying on the floor,
00:24:25almost not coming.
00:24:27My arm hurts a lot.
00:24:28I guess from the fall.
00:24:29Now, take a look.
00:24:31First, how many fingers do you see here?
00:24:36Follow my finger with your gaze.
00:24:41That's it, very good.
00:24:43What hurts a lot is the head.
00:24:46Is it the first time you lose consciousness?
00:24:51But it wouldn't have been suddenly,
00:24:53you wouldn't have felt anything before.
00:24:56Yes, a feeling of asphyxiation and a lot of heat.
00:25:01I saw alterations in the sight.
00:25:04Lately, I saw blurry and ...
00:25:08But it had never hit me so hard.
00:25:11Jaime, this could be something more than a migraine.
00:25:15It could be a neurological problem.
00:25:19I completely agree with your diagnosis, doctor.
00:25:23When do you have the visit from the neurologist?
00:25:27I had it today.
00:25:29But I wasn't feeling so well this morning.
00:25:32It hasn't been, has it?
00:25:34There was a lot of work here, Luz.
00:25:36I can't believe it.
00:25:39As soon as I recover, I will call Dr. Rocha again
00:25:42and he will give me an appointment, I promise.
00:25:43Jaime, this is important.
00:25:47Now rest, Ana.
00:25:49Take a break.
00:25:57I wanted to see you today
00:25:58because I'm going to tell you my plans
00:26:00for the land we have acquired in Olite.
00:26:02Sit down, please.
00:26:11What I have in mind is to build a plant
00:26:13to distill the lavender in an industrial way.
00:26:16A distillery.
00:26:18Good idea, father.
00:26:19In favor.
00:26:21Sorry, but I think we should wait for Marta.
00:26:23There are still five minutes left for the appointment, right?
00:26:25When Marta arrives, we set the date.
00:26:27We don't want to waste time.
00:26:29Very well, I will take that into account
00:26:30when you arrive late.
00:26:31I mean, never.
00:26:35Have you already started?
00:26:38You could have waited a minute for her to arrive.
00:26:41It's not even half past.
00:26:42Excuse me, but since the three of us were here,
00:26:44we have begun to comment.
00:26:45You are right, we should have waited for you.
00:26:47It wouldn't have happened to me.
00:26:48Please sign.
00:26:49I hope so.
00:26:51I'll summarize it for you.
00:26:55Father wants us to distill in Olita
00:26:57the production obtained there.
00:27:00A distillery.
00:27:02The truth is that it is an extra expense,
00:27:03but we would reduce a lot of transport costs.
00:27:06In the medium term, it compensates with increases.
00:27:11we agree?
00:27:13Now a study and a budget,
00:27:14but it doesn't sound bad at all, father.
00:27:19More things.
00:27:21I have good news.
00:27:22I have spoken with the deputation
00:27:23and I have confirmed that the works of the character of the SAC
00:27:25will begin soon.
00:27:27The engineers have gone today to put the beacons.
00:27:32one less matter to think about.
00:27:35Thank you for your successful management, son.
00:27:37You're welcome.
00:27:40Well, Marta, how is our next launch going?
00:27:43Everything is going well with women's longings.
00:27:45In fact, I have already contacted the photographer
00:27:47who recommended me.
00:27:50Yes, photographer.
00:27:52Women also know how to shoot a camera.
00:27:55Save the irony, Marta.
00:27:56I thought we would call the photographer
00:27:58from the previous campaign.
00:27:59What's wrong with him?
00:28:01Well, it's something I already briefly discussed with Andrés and ...
00:28:04What else?
00:28:05I am the one in charge of the communication campaigns, right?
00:28:08Well done, daughter.
00:28:10And were you going to keep me informed
00:28:12or were you going to keep it a secret?
00:28:14I'm reporting now.
00:28:15Stop touching your noses.
00:28:17Jesús, leave it now.
00:28:19What Marta decides is fine.
00:28:21She is responsible for this campaign
00:28:23and knows what she is doing.
00:28:25Can I continue?
00:28:26Of course, Your Majesty.
00:28:30I will meet with her soon
00:28:31and as soon as she presents her proposals to me,
00:28:34we will see them and decide together.
00:28:39Well, if there is no other issue,
00:28:41any other issue to discuss,
00:28:43then we end the meeting.
00:29:01I thought you would be eating.
00:29:04In fact, I just closed
00:29:05and I was going to look for the girls to eat with them.
00:29:07Well, see that the canteen fills up right away.
00:29:16Marta, how long are we going to have to avoid each other?
00:29:21It's hard to be so close
00:29:25and so far away at the same time.
00:29:28Are you going to want me to work somewhere else?
00:29:31It would be the easiest.
00:29:33For God's sake, I would never do something like that to you.
00:29:37Nor would I do it to me.
00:29:40What a difficult decision we have had to make, Marta.
00:29:44How hard.
00:29:46Not only have we given up what we love most,
00:29:48but we have had to give up being ourselves.
00:29:52But you don't have to give that up.
00:29:56I want you to find someone who loves you like me.
00:30:00You deserve to be happy.
00:30:03And you deserve it too, Marta.
00:30:06But I understand your situation
00:30:08and you are not as free as I am.
00:30:14I am not.
00:30:15I am not.
00:30:18Well, you have to do something to fill that void.
00:30:21Something that excites you.
00:30:25I refuse to see you locked up in your gold cage,
00:30:28watching the days go by with nothing to hold on to.
00:30:35Marta, I want you to be happy.
00:30:37Is it so easy to say?
00:30:40I know.
00:30:42But you have to try.
00:30:46Do you promise?
00:30:52I will.
00:30:57Although it is a difficult void to fill.
00:31:04Go away.
00:31:11Go away.
00:31:21What is clear is that since Jaime has been here,
00:31:24my life has taken a turn.
00:31:26A turn for the better, I suppose.
00:31:29Jaime has proposed something to me
00:31:32that I would like to tell you.
00:31:34To me?
00:31:35Yes, since my mother is gone,
00:31:37you have always been there for whatever we need.
00:31:39You know you can count on me for whatever you want.
00:31:42I know.
00:31:44Jaime has proposed that we have a baby.
00:31:46But that is good news.
00:31:49I wish one of my children would cheer up and make me my grandmother.
00:31:54But you are not so happy, are you?
00:31:57If he had proposed it to me years ago,
00:32:00but it has become a complicated moment for me.
00:32:03I have had to make difficult decisions.
00:32:06Yes, I have noticed something, yes.
00:32:10I feel that the absolute terror of disappointing everyone
00:32:14is something I cannot fight against.
00:32:16Fear of not being up to the task in the company, in the family,
00:32:19with my father, with my brothers,
00:32:21with all the people I love.
00:32:23Although that means giving up on yourself.
00:32:26I have already given up on that, believe me.
00:32:29And I accept it.
00:32:31My life is what it is and I do not regret it anymore.
00:32:35We have to look ahead.
00:32:36I would like to find something of my own that would make sense to me.
00:32:42Well, maybe having a child, if that is what you decide,
00:32:47can help you.
00:32:49You need something that makes you ...
00:32:51to have hope again.
00:32:54To see life with less seriousness, Marta.
00:32:57Do you think?
00:32:59Think that you have never been a girl like the others.
00:33:02Being different will not make you a bad mother.
00:33:06It makes you unique.
00:33:09And if I am the only useless one who does not know what to do with such a small creature?
00:33:15It is normal to be a little afraid when you think about motherhood.
00:33:20It is the responsibility of bringing a being to such a small and vulnerable world that depends only on us.
00:33:26But other feelings are awakened.
00:33:29And I can assure you that it pays off with growth.
00:33:32Are you sure?
00:33:33Oh yes, very much.
00:33:36The first time I could see the face of each of my children.
00:33:41The world stopped for me three times.
00:33:44And if I stand still without knowing what to do?
00:33:47You will know.
00:33:49You can also count on your husband.
00:33:51Jaime looks like he's going to be a good father.
00:33:56I know.
00:33:58He would be a very good father.
00:34:01Suddenly you love someone in a way that cannot be explained.
00:34:06That love is born from where they are born.
00:34:09From our guts.
00:34:11And no matter how much you love your husband, your parents or your family.
00:34:16I can assure you that life is only given by a son.
00:34:21It sounds so powerful that it scares.
00:34:24It is powerful and magical.
00:34:26Weaving that invisible thread that unites you and your son forever, whatever happens.
00:34:32It is the greatest gift that life gives us.
00:34:35Come on, come here, come.
00:34:43My girl.
00:34:45You will be, despite your doubts, as good a mother as yours was with you.
00:34:53Thank you.
00:34:56My mother.
00:35:26Good night.
00:35:34You can't sleep either.
00:35:36I had to put some things in order.
00:35:39And you?
00:35:41Why are you awake at this time?
00:35:43I'm a little worried about the launch of women's wishes.
00:35:46And well, I don't stop making numbers in my head.
00:35:50And they come out?
00:35:53But it's not a matter of skimming in the final stretch, is it?
00:35:59Kiss me.
00:36:04Are you okay?
00:36:08You are like me the other day when you found me in front of the pool.
00:36:12Alone, with your worries.
00:36:15You see, I'm not a hidden genius either.
00:36:19But this time you were lucky because I found you.
00:36:22Tell me.
00:36:25The power sends me to Orite.
00:36:30It wants me to set up the exploitation to destroy our own lavender.
00:36:34And you need an engineer.
00:36:36But that would mean moving there for a season.
00:36:39I'd rather move.
00:36:42Maria is already with me and I think it would be something definitive.
00:36:46And you don't want anything?
00:36:50But it's for the best.
00:36:52There has to be someone who controls all that and monitors the exploitation.
00:36:56Well, you could do that in a relatively short time.
00:37:00Come here on weekends and then it's a matter of finding someone trustworthy,
00:37:04who stays in charge and that's it.
00:37:06No, I don't want my father to see it that way.
00:37:08Well, you'll have to explain it to him.
00:37:10I volunteer, if necessary.
00:37:12I appreciate it, but it's better to leave it that way.
00:37:15From a distance, the moon comes to everyone.
00:37:17To everyone?
00:37:19Are you talking about Jesus?
00:37:22Yes and no.
00:37:24Let's leave it at that, life is complicated.
00:37:27And more if your last name is De la Reina.
00:37:30Come on, give me your hand.
00:37:33I already explained this to you the other day.
00:37:40You remember too?
00:37:42I've never felt anything as comforting as a mother
00:37:45squeezing her hand when she was scared.
00:37:50Have you tried to write?
00:37:52I'm working on it.
00:37:54Well, something similar.
00:37:59And you?
00:38:01Have you been drawing lately?
00:38:04I've been fighting with the drawing.
00:38:06You can think of something else.
00:38:08Since I got here,
00:38:10I feel like I'm doing everything wrong.
00:38:13You don't know how much I regret coming back.
00:38:16No, don't say that.
00:38:20Whatever happens to you,
00:38:23you can tell me.
00:38:27I'm sure it will make you feel better.
00:38:29But I don't want to.
00:38:31I don't want to hurt you.
00:38:33I don't want to hurt you.
00:38:35I don't want to hurt you.
00:38:37Thank you.
00:38:39But it's late. You have to rest.
00:38:43Jaime will worry if he doesn't see you by his side.
00:38:46And you're not going to sleep?
00:38:48Because if Maria wakes up, she'll be scared if she doesn't see you by her side.
00:38:51Maria is in Madrid.
00:38:53She hasn't come back yet.
00:38:58Maria and you are fine, right?
00:39:01Well, as good as we can be.
00:39:03My God.
00:39:08Don't you think that sometimes this house is like a big theater?
00:39:12And we are just characters who try to represent their role.
00:39:17And sometimes you don't even believe what they're doing.
00:39:22We'll always have the butterflies to show how we really are.
00:39:27Get some rest.
00:39:30Of course.
00:39:38I guess you've already had coffee.
00:39:41Not for breakfast, but it doesn't matter.
00:39:44Well, I appreciate it because I've thrown half of it away on the way.
00:39:49I think there's something left.
00:39:51Thank you.
00:39:54I didn't like anything as much as yesterday at the dispensary.
00:39:57There were no forms.
00:40:01Although I suppose that from time to time I deserve something of my own medicine.
00:40:08Where were you this morning?
00:40:12I went to pick up some blood samples.
00:40:15Well, you've missed the bomb that was at breakfast.
00:40:18Andrés and Maria are moving to Olite.
00:40:21To Navarra?
00:40:23All of a sudden?
00:40:25Olite is fine, it's very beautiful, but what has Andrés lost there?
00:40:29Well, we've bought some lavender lands and the idea is to bring the distilled essence of origin.
00:40:34And Andrés has accepted?
00:40:35He's practically 100% accepted.
00:40:37My father proposed it.
00:40:39Yesterday I spoke to Andrés and he didn't like it.
00:40:42But he accepted.
00:40:44What a remedy.
00:40:46And you're going to miss him a lot.
00:40:48You don't know how much.
00:40:50Just think that I'm going to have to fight with my brother Jesús.
00:40:53Well, you're not going to be alone.
00:40:55Look, I think that when they settle in, we can take a walk and pay them a visit.
00:41:06Are you okay?
00:41:10It's just that I haven't had breakfast, I'm a little...
00:41:15You haven't proposed that trip thinking of a family visit.
00:41:19Why do you say that?
00:41:21Because I know you.
00:41:23You were thinking of a romantic escape.
00:41:25What happens is that they must have given you the seven evils when remembering our conversation about having a family.
00:41:29No, it has nothing to do with that, Marta.
00:41:31I have other concerns.
00:41:32Let me tell you one of them.
00:41:36Wait, wait, wait.
00:41:38Have you thought about it again?
00:41:41What's wrong with changing your mind?
00:41:46We could try.
00:41:54I'm sorry to take away your brother's exclusivity, but the real reason is that I don't know.
00:41:59I'm sorry to take away your brother's exclusivity, but the real reason is that I don't know.
00:42:04And that change.
00:42:06Well, your words about the joy of having a son didn't fall into disrepair.
00:42:11And then I had a couple of conversations that were key.
00:42:16I spent the afternoon playing with Julia and remembered a lot of things.
00:42:20And I started to see everything more clearly.
00:42:23Well, very good for Julia.
00:42:26And who else do I have to thank?
00:42:30I want you to find someone who loves you like me.
00:42:34You deserve to be happy.
00:42:37And you deserve it too, Marta.
00:42:40But I understand your situation and you are not as free as I am.
00:42:47I'm not.
00:42:50Well, you have to do something to fill that void.
00:42:54Something that excites you.
00:42:59My aunt reads me like an open book and she always knows what to say.
00:43:03I hope when I'm older I look like her.
00:43:06Of course you do. Well, no.
00:43:08You will be a little prettier.
00:43:10Oh, don't be silly. I'm talking about her wisdom.
00:43:12How she raised her family.
00:43:14Her concept of responsibility, of sacrifice.
00:43:17But you do that here every day, in this office.
00:43:20How are you not going to do it with your children?
00:43:22Children? I'm talking in singular.
00:43:24Well, it's a way of speaking. We don't know.
00:43:37Good morning.
00:43:39Good morning.
00:43:41I'm going to go to the dispensary, I have things to do.
00:43:45Good morning.
00:43:48And good morning.
00:43:50Come here.
00:43:51Come here.
00:43:58I already feel that this time I didn't get caught with a photographer.
00:44:04That was not funny.
00:44:07Let me punish you a little for sending my brother to jail.
00:44:12Do you think it was easy for me to make that decision?
00:44:17Excuse me.
00:44:19Let me give you a joy.
00:44:22About what we were talking about marriage, you were right.
00:44:26I had a very romantic idea of ​​marriage.
00:44:29And, well, in the end, life clears your mind.
00:44:34You have realized that marriage is not just loving each other.
00:44:37It's building something together.
00:44:40And Jaime and I are in it.
00:44:43We want to be parents.
00:44:44We want to be parents.
00:44:55That's why the cat was so happy.
00:45:01Yes, of course, I'm waiting.
00:45:03At the hospital.
00:45:07Yes, it's me.
00:45:15Sure, I'll get in touch with you.
00:45:19Very well, thank you.
00:45:26Jaime, what have they told you?
00:45:35I have a ...
00:45:39a brain tumor.
00:45:45And if you don't mind, I'm going to get some air.
00:46:02I don't notice you nervous.
00:46:04No, no, no, not at all.
00:46:06In fact, I wanted to propose that we go to the theater tonight.
00:46:09I have seen that they represent the last Devoro Vallejo in the main at nine.
00:46:12Sounds good.
00:46:14Great, well, before going to the dispensary, I go to Toledo and buy the tickets.
00:46:18And do you have a little while to have a coffee before work?
00:46:22Yes, I would love to.
00:46:25Tere, put us two coffees alone, please.
00:46:34Man, couple.
00:46:36Jaime, I'm going hunting now.
00:46:38And with him you would like to accompany me as you did years ago.
00:46:41Well, I wanted to take advantage of this time with his daughter and then go to work if he doesn't mind.
00:46:46Well, I don't want to interrupt you.
00:46:49You will have many things to talk about.
00:46:52Have a good afternoon, father.
00:47:00Don't tell me you've told him.
00:47:02Forgive me, it's just that lately we've been a bit tense and I knew it was going to be a long day.
00:47:07Thank you.
00:47:08Thank you.
00:47:11Precisely on that subject I wanted to tell you something.
00:47:14I also want to tell you something.
00:47:16Because since we spoke this morning, he has not stopped thinking about the amount of things we have to agree on.
00:47:22Like what?
00:47:24Well, the most obvious thing is how we are going to make it compatible with our busy lives.
00:47:30Well, I guess you'll have to make a stop, like other working mothers.
00:47:34I knew you were going to give an answer like this, that's why I also have an answer.
00:47:39I'm not going to give up my job at the factory.
00:47:42No, no, no, I'm not asking you that.
00:47:44But raising a child takes a lot of work.
00:47:46Yes, and we'll have to see how we organize ourselves.
00:47:49But today it is something irresistible for me.
00:47:52You know how hard it has been for me, twice as hard as my brothers, to get to where I am.
00:47:56Marta, all I want is to see you happy.
00:47:59And I think I am.
00:48:01Since this morning I have been surprising myself by wandering and making plans for the future when I already thought that no ...
00:48:07That no what?
00:48:10That I did not know if I could expect much more from life or our marriage.
00:48:14But I think we can do this well.
00:48:17And I'm excited.
00:48:19Yes, me too.
00:48:22But ...
00:48:24But why are you getting so serious now?
00:48:26I don't know, it has been so hard for us to get to this point.
00:48:30To see you at least happy by my side.
00:48:33Let's look ahead, let's plan the future without looking back.
00:48:42And this silence, now?
00:48:45I don't know, I still don't believe it.
00:48:49That we are here together talking about ...
00:48:51about having a son, of a future.
00:48:54You're going to start crying now.
00:48:56No, no.
00:48:58No, no.
00:49:00Well, I just remembered that you are the strong one here.
00:49:03If you tell me about the ice woman, I really get angry.
00:49:06You have no idea how difficult the last few months have been.
00:49:09So if you start crying, I assure you that I will go after you and we will look like two clowns.
00:49:18Do you have to go now?
00:49:19Do you have to go now?
00:49:21No, I have a little time for coffee.
00:49:32Do you want us to take the opportunity to go up?
00:49:40Yes, of course.
00:49:45Let's go.
00:49:49Let's go.
00:49:53Get better.
00:49:56How did you know it was the glass without feeling it?
00:50:00By the symptoms and the analysis.
00:50:03Anemia, pain, lack of appetite.
00:50:07Now the important thing is to discover the cause.
00:50:10Well, we'll see how it evolves with the treatment.
00:50:13Thank you for the lesson.
00:50:15I'm going for you tomorrow, for me.
00:50:17And are you going to do something to make that tomorrow possible?
00:50:25You would have to have gone to the specialist.
00:50:28To see what can be done.
00:50:30There are tumors that can be operated.
00:50:32In the head?
00:50:34Come on, doctor, we both know what we're talking about.
00:50:37Well, then you will know that at some point you will have to stop.
00:50:40The symptoms will increase and that tumor continues to grow and you do nothing to prevent it.
00:50:46For the moment it does not prevent me from working and it is what I intend to continue doing.
00:50:57Have you already spoken to your family?
00:51:02Don't you want me to tell my wife that ...
00:51:07We are trying to have a child.
00:51:09And it has to be right now, Marta, around 40.
00:51:12Jaime, you are going to delay the treatment of a tumor.
00:51:16For a pregnancy that seems impossible.
00:51:19You have been married for years, you have not had children.
00:51:22Well, I have been away for a long time and our marriage has not been the best time.
00:51:26And I don't know why I have to talk about this with you because it is part of my private life.
00:51:30Okay, don't get me where I don't belong.
00:51:32You are making it clear.
00:51:34Because I worry about you, Jaime.
00:51:37And for Marta.
00:51:40I really appreciate your wife, I've known her more since I've been here and if there's anything she has, it's strength.
00:51:45I'm sure she will be understanding if you be honest with her.
00:51:49Well, I'm not going to steal the opportunity from her to be a mother.
00:51:52And do you think I would like to be a mother without you?
00:51:55Sorry, I shouldn't have been so hard.
00:51:57But if you don't treat yourself, you already know what's going to happen.
00:52:00Doctor, you'll see what I do.
00:52:04I'll tell you when I can or want to.
00:52:07This is part of my private life.
00:52:09It doesn't concern you at all.
00:52:12Is it clear?
00:52:37I'm so excited.
00:52:39I also feel like crying just thinking about how much I'm going to miss you.
00:52:44And I miss you, Marta.
00:53:03This is for you.
00:53:05How wonderful.
00:53:09I love it.
00:53:12It's my way of showing affection to the people I love the most.
00:53:18You know it well.
00:53:20I know.
00:53:30She's a lot.
00:53:32Yes, it must not be easy to interpret such a manipulative woman.
00:53:35No, I wasn't referring to the protagonist,
00:53:37who was also very well, but to the sister.
00:53:39I was surprised.
00:53:40The mood.
00:53:42If all this, all that she was able to transmit without saying a word.
00:53:45Yes, yes, of course.
00:53:47A drink?
00:53:50Don't you prefer that we go up to the room?
00:53:52I am now unable to reconcile sleep.
00:53:54But a drink helps.
00:53:55A drink helps.
00:54:03We don't have to sleep, Marta.
00:54:08Right now I have my head elsewhere.
00:54:11At the launch of the chest.
00:54:14We still don't have a clear idea for the launch.
00:54:17Thank you.
00:54:18A lot of work in the store.
00:54:21Look, I'm sure the girls can take care of the store tomorrow
00:54:23and you focus on the campaign.
00:54:25But, as I know you, you are not going to listen to me
00:54:28and you will want to do everything yourself.
00:54:30And how do you organize yourself?
00:54:32Do you share the work with Dr. Borrello?
00:54:35Yes, yes.
00:54:37Dr. Borrello and I have our functions perfectly defined.
00:54:40I'm glad you understand each other so well.
00:54:43The one I would like to understand well is with you.
00:54:48Marta, it seemed that you were very excited about being a mother,
00:54:51but, well, you are not putting much on your part.
00:54:54If we don't get down to it ...
00:54:57Well, now I'm not in my fertile days either.
00:54:59What else is there?
00:55:01Don't tell me we have to wait for those days.
00:55:04Well, the ideal thing is for us to draw up those agendas
00:55:07and agree on when you have guards to coordinate us.
00:55:10It's the best way.
00:55:12Yes, and the most romantic in the world.
00:55:16I'm sorry, you're right.
00:55:18No, no, it's okay.
00:55:20I'll do it your way.
00:55:22I have a congress in 15 days.
00:55:24Then we'll have to wait for the next cycle.
00:55:27Of course.
00:55:30Marta, do you really want to be a mother?
00:55:35Of course.
00:55:39Yes, yes, of course.
00:55:42Then we will find the moment.
00:55:46A toast to that.
00:56:05Claudia, where are you going?
00:56:07Don't even think about it.
00:56:09Let's see if you get in your head that in your state you can't make an effort.
00:56:12You don't tolerate that.
00:56:14Well, I bet I'll bring a table and I'll see how you two work.
00:56:17No matter how you get on, we'll take care of you until that child is born.
00:56:20You can go.
00:56:22And I'm going to let Carmen take care of me, but you have to understand that I have to keep working.
00:56:25Good morning.
00:56:27Today I will be focused on the launch, so I will not be able to be in the store much.
00:56:31Don't worry, Mrs. Marta.
00:56:33As I have called the press, it is possible that they want to take pictures at the store.
00:56:36Specifically, I have asked for a photograph of the high-seam magazine.
00:56:40Oh, I love that magazine.
00:56:42My mother always buys them.
00:56:44They give you advice to take the house forward, to learn to dress well.
00:56:47Yes, the magazine is very good.
00:56:50Although I don't have all the details of the launch,
00:56:53I would like to ask you to help me with some tasks, since Russia is starting to be a bit overwhelmed.
00:56:58Of course, whatever you need.
00:57:00Well, you'll see.
00:57:02Claudia, I would like to have classes with Gaspar so that I can develop a list with the suppliers of the best champagne and see who we can entrust the agape to.
00:57:07Carmen, think about where we can place the chests.
00:57:11What I'm clear about is that I don't want them to be stuck or that people hit each other at the same point, that they are separated.
00:57:18As for the decoration, it will be very good.
00:57:20Anything, I'm in the office.
00:57:22Very well.
00:57:23Thanks to the three of you.
00:57:24See you later, Mrs. Marta.
00:57:27Hey, girls, do you mind if I go see Gaspar now?
00:57:30Maybe he's very busy later and he can't attend to me.
00:57:32No, of course, don't worry.
00:57:33I'll be right back.
00:57:42What's wrong with you?
00:57:44You look very serious.
00:57:47Marta hasn't even looked at me, Carmen.
00:57:51Well, I didn't notice.
00:57:52I was aware of what you were saying, I didn't notice.
00:57:54Well, you've been avoiding me all the time.
00:57:57Well, you should care, Fina.
00:58:00Don't turn around, come on.
00:58:02But how do you want me not to turn around?
00:58:03Do you know how hard it has been for me to get this job?
00:58:06I'm very afraid that with all of this, right now, it's going to be a zero to the left here.
00:58:10But what zero to the left?
00:58:11Not even zero to the left?
00:58:12If you're so busy decorating the store, for your good taste.
00:58:16Don't think about it.
00:58:17Come on.
00:58:21Are you sure?
00:58:23Doña Marta.
00:58:25Why are the chests still without makeup?
00:58:28Well, because they haven't done enough yet.
00:58:30As soon as they arrive, we have them here to prepare them.
00:58:33And why is the production so slow? What's the problem?
00:58:36Well, look, Doña Marta, the compressor machine has its own rhythm.
00:58:39And if it revolves a lot, it spends a lot of fuel.
00:58:42You're kidding.
00:58:43No, I'm serious.
00:58:46And what happens if more fuel is used?
00:58:49Well, I guess the budgets are shot.
00:58:52You're telling me that there is no makeup because of a matter of savings.
00:58:54Who has given that ridiculous order at this point?
00:58:57I have no idea.
00:58:58I only tell them what the machines have told me, which are the ones who are aware of everything.
00:59:01How long have they been saving fuel?
00:59:04Well, I don't know.
00:59:05Me neither.
00:59:06In fact, I hadn't heard anything about it.
00:59:08This is incredible.
00:59:09We organize everything to double the production and we save on fuel.
00:59:14Is my brother Jesus aware of all this?
00:59:17I only tell him what the machines have told me, Doña Marta.
00:59:19But no one here has any idea of anything.
00:59:21Right now I'm going to order the compressor machine to start working as God commands,
00:59:25so that the trunks are ready in time.
00:59:27Anyway, make sure that enough fuel is not going to be spent.
00:59:30What would be missing?
00:59:41Aunt, have you seen Jesus?
00:59:43Isn't he in his office?
00:59:44I thought I understood that he was working at home today.
00:59:46No, and he's not at the factory either.
00:59:48Well, I don't know what to tell you, daughter.
00:59:50Do me a favor, if you see him, tell him that I'm looking for him, it's important.
00:59:53Marta, before you leave, I want to ask you something.
00:59:56I know you are very busy, but I could consult with you the order of the day.
01:00:01I always do this with Begoña, but I haven't seen her all morning.
01:00:04Do you know where she has gone?
01:00:05No idea.
01:00:06What order?
01:00:08Today is the birthday of the abbess of Las Clarisas and I would have to give her a gift.
01:00:12Las Clarisas?
01:00:13Yes, Las Clarisas.
01:00:14We have a very good relationship with them, thanks to Don Agustín.
01:00:17They even helped in the Mercadillo de María.
01:00:19Well, if you're going to ask me to go, it's impossible for me.
01:00:22Although if the convent is quiet, maybe I'll go and stay in there.
01:00:25Well, I can do that.
01:00:27But the most important thing is missing.
01:00:29You really can't take care of this kind of thing.
01:00:31Teresa, the maid.
01:00:33She has asked for a few days to go to town to take care of her mother because she is sick.
01:00:36I don't know how many days she's going to stay.
01:00:38I see.
01:00:39Someone needs to be hired to replace her.
01:00:41She needs me to give her a good look.
01:00:43Marta, organizing a house requires making decisions.
01:00:46She knows I'm not good at organizing a house.
01:00:48Because you don't want to.
01:00:50Because you are capable.
01:00:52The same as you are to do it in the factory, by the way.
01:00:55The only thing that is required is determination to take the reins.
01:01:00Tell me.
01:01:01Teresa has almost everything resolved.
01:01:04She has spoken with some girls in the village who need to work.
01:01:07And this afternoon ...
01:01:09So everything is already resolved?
01:01:11No. I was going to tell you that this afternoon they are coming to do the interview.
01:01:14If Begoña has not arrived, I think you should be there.
01:01:17No. You take care of that.
01:01:20I'm sure you'll choose the right candidate.
01:01:22I fully trust your judgment, girl.
01:01:24I appreciate your trust.
01:01:26And I appreciate that you try to make me the perfect housewife.
01:01:31I hope my attempts are not the only ones.
01:01:42Have you seen Jesus?
01:01:44What are you looking for him for?
01:01:45To run the factory.
01:01:47Is there a problem there?
01:01:49We are delayed with the production of the makeup that goes in the box of rings.
01:01:53Because apparently the compression machines are working at half gas so as not to waste fuel.
01:01:57And who made that decision?
01:01:59That is the great mystery that nobody knows.
01:02:01Not even Jesus, because he is not supervising the production.
01:02:04I have to remind him how much we play.
01:02:06Well, of course I am aware of what we play.
01:02:10Sorry. What has happened is that ...
01:02:14What happened, father?
01:02:17That there has been a problem with the distributors of the crown and Jesus is taking care of that.
01:02:23And that is more important than the launch of rings?
01:02:25It is what there is, daughter.
01:02:28Well, Andrés.
01:02:30He must still be in Madrid, ask him to go back, delay his transfer to Olite,
01:02:33and stay here until the launch of rings is on its way.
01:02:36It is not possible. Someone has to take care of things there.
01:02:40Don't count on Andrés.
01:02:42Well, give me power and I'll take care of everything.
01:02:47We cannot leave the ship without anyone on the helm at such a crucial moment.
01:02:50And are you going to run the company? You? Alone?
01:02:53I consider myself as capable as any of my brothers.
01:02:57I don't see it, daughter.
01:02:59Look, if necessary, we delay the launch of rings.
01:03:01No, not that.
01:03:03You don't think I'm capable of so much responsibility, do you?
01:03:06No, it's not that, daughter, it's not that.
01:03:08A decision like that is too important to take lightly.
01:03:12Listen, father.
01:03:13We cannot slack off at the last minute.
01:03:16We have invested a lot of money, we cannot hesitate now.
01:03:20And if you don't trust me, okay, but face it.
01:03:24There has to be someone on the helm.
01:03:28Are you going to do it or not?
01:03:30Father, we need a solution now.
01:03:35Take care of everything.
01:03:37I trust you.
01:03:43He will not regret it.
01:03:53I need you to say what you are doing and pay me all your attention.
01:03:56Is something wrong, Mrs. Marta? Is everything okay?
01:03:58This morning an unforeseen event has emerged
01:04:01and up to nine notices have been sent to me by the management of the company.
01:04:05Congratulations, Mrs. Marta, what great news!
01:04:08Because it's good news, right?
01:04:10Well, it's a temporary measure.
01:04:12But your congratulations are appreciated.
01:04:15To begin with, I already have to take care of an urgent problem.
01:04:18Something important?
01:04:20A delay with the production that I hope to solve as soon as possible.
01:04:23But what bothers you has to do with the launch of the chest.
01:04:26Well, you know that we are here for whatever you need.
01:04:29I know.
01:04:31That is why it has occurred to me that ...
01:04:33that I want to count on your imagination
01:04:35so that you can propose me new ideas for the launch of yearnings,
01:04:38which should be different from that of essences.
01:04:41You say something just as innovative but different from what we use in essence.
01:04:47And I fully trust your criteria.
01:04:49But don't worry, Mrs. Marta.
01:04:51Trust us, we will not fail you.
01:04:53We will give you a good idea that you will like.
01:04:55I'm sure.
01:04:58I also wanted to thank you in advance
01:05:01for all the effort and dedication you are putting into this campaign.
01:05:04It would be necessary more.
01:05:07Well, if everything is in order, I will go back to the factory.
01:05:10Don't worry, we'll get to work.
01:05:13See you later.
01:05:17But hey, how much responsibility, right?
01:05:23Marta trusts us a lot.
01:05:25So we can already give you a good idea that you really like.
01:05:29We have to start now.
01:05:30Come on, let's write down the ideas in the notebook.
01:05:41Well, it's not that easy, of course.
01:05:47I have an idea.
01:05:49Can we put the chest inside a crown like the ones in the magazines?
01:05:54A crown like the one that Queen Isabel takes out, so big.
01:05:57We put the chest inside.
01:05:59Yes, it could be, of course.
01:06:01Yes, I don't understand it very well, but I'll write it down.
01:06:06Let's see.
01:06:08If Doña Marta wants something different from the previous one,
01:06:11and in the last campaign we were the protagonists,
01:06:15in this campaign the clients can be the protagonists.
01:06:19And how do we do that, Carmen?
01:06:22Well, by making her up.
01:06:24We make her up with the chest.
01:06:26We all like to be made up, right?
01:06:28To look pretty.
01:06:30We could even give her beauty tricks.
01:06:32What a good idea, Carmen!
01:06:34That way we get more out of the chest.
01:06:36Right, Fina?
01:06:37Yes, yes.
01:06:38Let's see, it's fine.
01:06:39But we've just started.
01:06:41I'd give it more thought, see if we can think of something else.
01:06:44We're not going to keep the first thing that comes to mind, are we?
01:06:49Well, I'll write it down.
01:06:53Hello, good morning, ma'am.
01:06:55How can I help you?
01:06:57Ah, look, come this way.
01:07:05I've already told you, Joaquín.
01:07:07We have to increase the production of make-up to forced marches.
01:07:11I've already told you that the slogan is to save fuel.
01:07:16Well, if you need more fuel, ask for it.
01:07:19I don't see the problem.
01:07:21The problem is that the trucks that transport the fuel are too big.
01:07:26And the Sagra highway has limited access to these vehicles because of the works.
01:07:30Joaquín is right there.
01:07:32The trucks couldn't have access to the factory.
01:07:35And no one thought this could happen?
01:07:37Marta, the works started just a few weeks ago.
01:07:40These eventualities happen.
01:07:42No, not before such an important launch.
01:07:45But what the hell was my brother Jesus thinking, not to foresee something like this?
01:07:48Jesus knew and that's why he asked us to save fuel.
01:07:51Well, it's clear that that's not the solution.
01:07:53That he should have bought more fuel.
01:07:56Listen, you don't have to save on important things.
01:07:59Marta, this is a decision of Jesus.
01:08:02What do you want me to do?
01:08:03Well, Jesus is not here and I see it in another way.
01:08:06So the slogan is going to change for a new one.
01:08:08And we are going to increase the production of make-up.
01:08:12Let's see, I think I didn't explain myself well.
01:08:16Marta, the decision to save fuel is not out of whim.
01:08:20I have not said otherwise.
01:08:24Look, Marta, a few years ago the same thing happened to us with a production of talc and we took the same decision.
01:08:28If Jesus were giving you these orders, would you be arguing about it so much?
01:08:36I'm just following your father's orders.
01:08:39He has ordered me to take care of everything.
01:08:41Including the management of the factory.
01:08:43No, of course not.
01:08:44Shut up, I thought, because it's me who has the power to do it.
01:08:50And running the company means that you are both going to do what I have told you.
01:08:54Whether you like it or not, to start in a couple of hours I want a sheet with the production levels on top of the table in my office.
01:09:04I'm glad everything is clear.
01:09:07Look at that leg, I need you a hundred percent.
01:09:16If all this ends badly, it's your fault.
01:09:19But we are going to end up carrying it, as always.
01:09:26The truth is that I really liked your idea.
01:09:29I don't know what's wrong with Fina, really.
01:09:31She's been weird all afternoon.
01:09:34Okay, let's see.
01:09:36I've been thinking about Carmen's idea.
01:09:38Well, it's great, huh?
01:09:39Yes, yes, yes, it is.
01:09:41But I think we need something more ... more elegant.
01:09:46More elegant? Like what, Fina?
01:09:48Well, I thought we could hire a famous actress.
01:09:51Or a singer to be the image of Eneluz de Mujer.
01:09:54Someone famous?
01:09:56Like Sarita Montiel.
01:09:58Man, what happens is that Sarita Montiel has to charge a lot of money.
01:10:01What she must have is a complicated agenda, complicated.
01:10:05I think Carmen's idea is more viable, Fina.
01:10:08Let's see, I know Mrs. Marta very well and I know that this idea goes more in her direction.
01:10:12She's not going to want to waste money on something like that.
01:10:15Oh, I don't know.
01:10:16Mrs. Marta told us it was something new, her decision.
01:10:19Mrs. Marta told us it was something new, different from the essence,
01:10:22but she didn't tell us anything about being elegant.
01:10:24Nor did she say anything about us keeping the first idea that crossed our minds.
01:10:28Well, that's it.
01:10:30We present her with both ideas and let her choose whichever she wants.
01:10:33Well, if we agree, even better.
01:10:35Carmen, but you've already made it clear to me that my idea doesn't quite convince you.
01:10:40Well, what do you want me to tell you?
01:10:45What do you say?
01:10:48What Mrs. Marta decides.
01:10:50Well, that's it.
01:10:52I'm leaving, I have things to do.
01:10:54Fina, wait.
01:10:57What's up?
01:11:00That if all this is because of what you told me before about Marta,
01:11:03that you want to show her whatever she wants ...
01:11:04No, no, Carmen, please don't go there.
01:11:07I'm just proposing to present both ideas and let her choose the one she likes the most.
01:11:12That's what I'm working on.
01:11:13But Fina, let me ...
01:11:14Carmen, please stop turning around.
01:11:16If we don't agree, this is the best option.
01:11:28May I?
01:11:29Come in.
01:11:31That leg.
01:11:32Good. The doctor has already seen me.
01:11:34Do you know where the company's accounting book is?
01:11:40Do you mean this?
01:11:42Thank you.
01:11:44Did you bring the sheet with the production levels I asked you for?
01:11:47No, they won't be necessary.
01:11:48With the pace we are going at, tomorrow at the first hour we will run out of fuel, Marta.
01:11:53I already told you.
01:11:54We couldn't increase the rate of production.
01:11:56And isn't there an emergency reserve for these cases?
01:12:00Is there anything we can do?
01:12:02No, no.
01:12:03I already told you that the remains of the Sagra road cannot be transported by truck.
01:12:07It is impossible for us to get fuel tomorrow morning.
01:12:11How many delivery vans are there in the factory?
01:12:15About 15.
01:12:16Why do you ask me?
01:12:18Because perhaps the dimensions of the trucks are too large to pass through a road in works.
01:12:23But those of the vans, no.
01:12:25Those vans are necessary in the factory.
01:12:28Well, for delivery. What else is there? I'm sure there is some free.
01:12:31Very good, Marta. I see where you're going.
01:12:33And where are you going to deposit the fuel?
01:12:35Because it is a very dangerous material and cannot be transported in any way.
01:12:39We will use the cans that we use to transport the material with which we then make perfumes and cosmetics.
01:12:45No, no, no. Those cans are not made to transport fuel.
01:12:48But they could be useful.
01:12:50But it is not regulatory, Marta.
01:12:52It is a limited situation.
01:12:53If there is a moment to break the rules, it is this one.
01:12:56Marta de la Reina encouraging you to break the rules.
01:12:59Really, cousin, I don't know who I'm talking to right now.
01:13:02With a desperate woman who will do whatever it takes to get the coffers out.
01:13:07You command.
01:13:12We will use the cans that we find.
01:13:15Look in the warehouse, in the trucks, wherever you can think of.
01:13:20Any more objections?
01:13:22Well, yes. The truth is that yes.
01:13:24Who is going to drive the vans?
01:13:26Because it is very dangerous and I am not going to ask the drivers of the factory.
01:13:30Or are you also going to break that rule?
01:13:32I will drive one of those vans myself.
01:13:35If they see me do it, if I risk it, they will not risk it.
01:13:38Are you serious?
01:13:40It is a critical situation, Joaquín.
01:13:42I will do whatever it takes.
01:13:44Marta, are you running away?
01:13:46What do we do if not?
01:13:49Very well.
01:13:50Well, I will ask the drivers of the trucks.
01:13:53After all, they are used to working with chemical substances.
01:13:57The danger is the same.
01:13:59You can ask him.
01:14:02I will start organizing it right now.
01:14:05Thank you.
01:14:06You're welcome.
01:14:12The store would have a corner where the makeup artists would fulfill the dreams of the customers.
01:14:17That is what would make the customer feel the protagonist of the campaign.
01:14:21We can start with our store as a testing ground.
01:14:27What do you think?
01:14:30The truth is that I think it's a great idea, Carmen.
01:14:35It is a very good way to create an emotional bond between the desires of women and buyers.
01:14:39Yes, that's what I was just thinking.
01:14:43Well, we will have to put together a list of contacts, both from customers and from stores.
01:14:47And we will have to make a lot of calls.
01:14:49Organize the event and ... well, call them.
01:14:53Here is the notebook with the contacts.
01:14:55The idea of ​​Fina is missing.
01:14:57The idea of ​​Fina.
01:14:59You did not agree?
01:15:01Well, there were two ideas and we thought it would be best if you listened to them and decided which one you wanted.
01:15:06Sure, but there is not much time.
01:15:08Do not worry. For the calls, there is plenty of time.
01:15:11Yes, I would like to hear the idea of ​​Fina.
01:15:13Sure. But come as soon as possible.
01:15:17Congratulations on the job.
01:15:19Thank you very much.
01:15:22See you later.
01:15:24Tell me that the vans have arrived.
01:15:26No, I'm sorry.
01:15:28It can be.
01:15:32The fuel will not arrive.
01:15:34It is better that we assume it now.
01:15:36No, the chest has to come out tomorrow.
01:15:38Well, you will tell me how we finished the production without the necessary fuel.
01:15:41We are not going to start raising our voices, are we?
01:15:43Forgive me, forgive me.
01:15:45Okay, I'm just very nervous.
01:15:55Mrs. Marta, it's Tassio.
01:15:57Tell me something good, Tassio.
01:15:59Look, the last machine has just stopped and there is no fuel.
01:16:02Do you know when the refueling will arrive?
01:16:04We are on it.
01:16:07But well, what do we do then? Everything is stopped.
01:16:10Give me a break, do you want?
01:16:14What do we do?
01:16:16Wait, we can't do anything else.
01:16:19Look, I admit it.
01:16:21Okay, you were right, it was a good idea, but it didn't work out.
01:16:25We have to stop the launch.
01:16:27No, no way, Joaquín.
01:16:29Please, there is no other solution.
01:16:31Stopping the launch is not a solution.
01:16:33It's a defeat.
01:16:35Can you stop talking as if you were Napoleon in a battle?
01:16:39One hour.
01:16:40Give me one hour.
01:16:42No, Marta, we don't have time. Please, do the favor of being reasonable.
01:16:45We could delay the presentation to the afternoon.
01:16:48Marta, we don't have time.
01:16:50Listen to me, Joaquín.
01:16:53If the fuel has not arrived in an hour, we stop the launch.
01:17:02Carmen told me you have ...
01:17:04Yes, I came to tell you my proposal for the campaign.
01:17:10But if it's not a good time ...
01:17:12No, yes, yes.
01:17:14Go ahead, it's better to have your head focused on that than anywhere else.
01:17:18Can I ask you where else?
01:17:21In very boring business matters.
01:17:25I see you have it written.
01:17:27Yes, I get very nervous with the oral exams, you know.
01:17:30Well, it's not an exam.
01:17:34For me, a little bit.
01:17:39Marta, you are not well.
01:17:43Sometimes you forget how much I know you.
01:17:46Nothing, I focus for a moment and that's it.
01:18:01What do you think about Sarita?
01:18:03What Sarita?
01:18:04Marta, aren't you reading?
01:18:06Yes, yes, I'm reading.
01:18:08Well, in the third point I say that I have thought of Sara Montiel to promote Anhelos de Mujal.
01:18:12I see it, I see it.
01:18:14It is clear that it is not a good time.
01:18:16That's it.
01:18:17You can see what's wrong with you, Marta.
01:18:18I'm telling you that we have a serious problem that I have to solve.
01:18:21Can you wait for me outside? I have to take it.
01:18:34Marta de la Reina.
01:18:37Joaquín, tell me.
01:18:40My God, I can't believe it.
01:18:44We did it!
01:18:47Thank you, yes.
01:18:48Thank you, cousin, we did it.
01:18:50I'm going right now.
01:18:51I'm going there and I'll help you with whatever you need.
01:18:53Thank you.
01:18:59Zina, I have to go, see you later.
01:19:14I don't know, girls.
01:19:16Do you think it will be enough with two shelves alone?
01:19:19I see it a bit poor, right?
01:19:21Man, we can't put them in a hurry.
01:19:23We have to give them space.
01:19:24As if they were jewels.
01:19:26Do you think it's fine, Zina?
01:19:31It's just that it's very strange, very strange, very strange.
01:19:34Well, I think we're also going to clear the display, Claudia.
01:19:38Yes, very well, because it's the first thing you see as soon as you enter.
01:19:41So we're going to go around the whole store now.
01:19:44No, Zina, Carmen is right.
01:19:46The best thing is that the customers, as soon as they enter,
01:19:48find the chests.
01:19:49Of course, Carmen is right about everything.
01:19:51Look, Zina, that's it.
01:19:52We have the launch, unless a rooster sings,
01:19:54and there are still many things to do.
01:19:56But the chests have arrived.
01:19:57Well, but they will arrive.
01:19:58Tassio has told me that the production continues.
01:20:00Look how nervous Mrs. Marta is.
01:20:02Haven't you seen her?
01:20:03Well, but that's because of the emotion of the moment.
01:20:05Barbarous emotion.
01:20:08Good news.
01:20:10Tomorrow, God willing, and as we had planned,
01:20:13we will do the launch of the women's dianas.
01:20:16How nice, Mrs. Marta.
01:20:18Soon they will bring you the rest of the missing chests
01:20:20so that you can place them around the store.
01:20:22Have you already thought about where and how?
01:20:24Yes, we want to give it enough space and let them be seen as soon as they enter.
01:20:28Perfect. Fundamental for buying by impulse.
01:20:31What we are not entirely clear about is how the launch itself will be.
01:20:35You already know what idea you are going to choose.
01:20:37Yes, I also came to close that matter.
01:20:41I see more in agreement with the spirit of the case,
01:20:43to turn customers into the maximum protagonists
01:20:45by making them up with our products.
01:20:47What a good idea.
01:20:49In addition, we also give you advice so that you can take advantage of the chest.
01:20:51We will have to review the makeup arts well.
01:20:53Well, I have an infallible trick
01:20:55so that they make up perfectly to the line of the eye.
01:20:58Listen to me, don't let it happen to you, huh?
01:20:59Let's see if the client comes out of here looking like Sofía Lorenz.
01:21:09Your idea of ​​looking for a famous one for the launch, I think it was ...
01:21:13I know you think it's terrible.
01:21:14You don't have to crush it for me.
01:21:16No, I don't think it's terrible at all.
01:21:19It's just that maybe it's better for a more exclusive product.
01:21:22With desires, we want to reach a clientele as wide as possible.
01:21:27Whatever you consider.
01:21:30Can you not treat me like you, please?
01:21:33I thought it was for the best, taking into account the relationship we have now.
01:21:37What's wrong with you?
01:21:40I don't think it's fair that you punish me like that.
01:21:43I'm sorry if I haven't been able to attend to you before.
01:21:46We were about to suspend the launch.
01:21:50Marta, you just clarify one thing for me.
01:21:54Not taking my idea is for our sake, right?
01:21:57Now you are losing your mind.
01:21:59What else?
01:22:02Hiring Sarita Montiel is complex.
01:22:04Maybe at another time, with more time.
01:22:07Really, don't look for problems where ...
01:22:08No, I'm not looking for anything, Marta, I'm not looking for anything.
01:22:10But I have eyes on my face.
01:22:12And for a few days now, when you enter the store, you don't even look at me.
01:22:15You don't even look at me, you don't even listen to me.
01:22:18I'm afraid that's why you rejected my idea.
01:22:21Are you serious?
01:22:22Of course.
01:22:23I've been like this since this morning.
01:22:25Carmen's idea is better than yours.
01:22:28There is no more.
01:22:30So I don't know what this is all about.
01:22:34You see, I have made a professional decision that has nothing to do with our breakup.
01:22:39And I'm surprised that at this point you don't know what your place is.
01:22:43My place?
01:22:46Well, maybe my place is no longer in this store.
01:22:48I've seen it.
01:22:58What are you doing here?
01:23:00We don't know where you were with all the things you have to do.
01:23:17I'm not here to scold you.
01:23:19What happens is that we haven't seen you for a while and we were worried.
01:23:23Now I'm going, leave me alone.
01:23:26Now I'm going, leave me alone.
01:23:28Yes, leave me alone, what do you think that is?
01:23:30Since when do you leave a friend alone?
01:23:32And more if you go crying in the corners.
01:23:35Oh, Carmen, that will happen to me.
01:23:39Are you really like that?
01:23:41Because Mrs. Marta preferred my idea instead of yours?
01:23:45Fina, don't be childish, huh?
01:23:47This is a stupid joke that she has given you.
01:23:49I already know, Carmen, if I'm not like that.
01:23:51If I never behaved like a child.
01:23:53But it hurts me that she treats me so unfairly.
01:23:56Well, she's our boss.
01:23:58And she has to treat you the same as everyone else.
01:24:00Yeah, but I'm not the same as the rest.
01:24:02Now yes, Fina.
01:24:04Although it hurts you.
01:24:06Well, yes.
01:24:07And a lot.
01:24:10Fina, listen to me.
01:24:12Although she and I had a relationship,
01:24:14now Mrs. Marta has to become with you the same boss she was before.
01:24:18The same.
01:24:19Yes, I know, Carmen.
01:24:20But I can't stand her treating me with such indifference.
01:24:24If before, in the store, when she looked at me,
01:24:27it was as if she was scolding me.
01:24:29She treated me in a special way.
01:24:31I was her confidant.
01:24:33You are taking distance from me.
01:24:35Which is the same thing you should do.
01:24:37No, she is taking the personal to the professional.
01:24:39No, Fina.
01:24:40You are doing that.
01:24:42And from experience I tell you that it is a bad tactic.
01:24:44In the end, you end up suffering the same or more.
01:24:47And what experience are you talking about?
01:24:48What experience are you talking about?
01:24:50You, how do you think I feel?
01:24:53Seeing my partner and friend getting pregnant with my husband every day.
01:24:59You see me putting a bad face on Claudia.
01:25:05Because the process goes inside.
01:25:07And it hurts me a lot, too.
01:25:12But I can't allow Claudia to pay Pato.
01:25:15For Claudia, for the job, for Tassio, for everything.
01:25:18Carmen, I thought you were doing better.
01:25:21Well, it's that I'm very good at pretending.
01:25:24If not, what do I do?
01:25:27I send Tassio and Claudia to take a breath of fresh air, don't you believe me?
01:25:30That many times I have not felt like it.
01:25:31It's just that I don't know how you can control yourself.
01:25:33Well, by making a fine effort.
01:25:35And thinking with this one, but also with this one.
01:25:38I don't want to annoy Claudia.
01:25:39And of course, I refuse to end that life that I have always dreamed of with Tassio.
01:25:45And you have to do the same.
01:25:47You have to separate one thing from the other.
01:25:50If not, you're going to have to go look for a job far from Marta.
01:25:53Don't think I haven't thought about it.
01:25:55Don't lie to yourself.
01:25:57You're not going to leave your father here.
01:25:59And you're not going to leave that job that you like so much.
01:26:06What are you doing here at this time?
01:26:08Well, let's say that ...
01:26:09that I have slept poorly a couple of hours in the office
01:26:12to be aware that the machines work at 100%.
01:26:16In the end, your fuel plan turned out well.
01:26:20A little to the limit.
01:26:22Come on, cousin.
01:26:23Don't take away your credit.
01:26:25If you love it.
01:26:26I admit it, yes.
01:26:28But another like this and I assure you that I die in the attempt.
01:26:34It has been very good for you, huh?
01:26:35The truth is that I think this is the most important launch I have made to date.
01:26:42Thank you for your trust.
01:26:44You're welcome.
01:26:46Yes, I admit that at first, when we ran out of fuel,
01:26:49I doubted you.
01:26:51You were not the only one.
01:26:53But in the end you got it.
01:26:55We got it.
01:26:56No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:26:57Again, don't take away your credit.
01:26:58The success is all yours.
01:27:00In fact, in production you have quite a few achievements.
01:27:02The success is all yours.
01:27:03In fact, in production you have quite a few achievements.
01:27:05Come on, don't exaggerate.
01:27:06No, I'm not exaggerating.
01:27:08There are many people who are impressed with your efficiency at the helm of this launch.
01:27:12In the end, you're going to make me blush.
01:27:20Do you remember when we played as kids?
01:27:22All together.
01:27:23Your brothers, mine.
01:27:26We played without more, we fought, but we were happy right away.
01:27:29Without dramas.
01:27:31Come on, I haven't heard of that.
01:27:35But our relationship was always distant.
01:27:38Well, maybe because she was the only girl.
01:27:41Do you know how I remember you?
01:27:45It's the same.
01:27:46No, no, no, no, no.
01:27:47Now you can't shut up.
01:27:49But don't take it the wrong way, please.
01:27:52I remember you...
01:27:57How high?
01:27:59High, serious, distant.
01:28:02You impressed me, Marta.
01:28:05Yes, in fact...
01:28:07You still impress me.
01:28:12Well, I guess it's because I grew up surrounded by men.
01:28:15Either they impressed me or they stepped on me.
01:28:19It has taken me a long time to be seen as something more than a nice dress.
01:28:23Well, now...
01:28:25No one doubts that you are worth the same.
01:28:29Or more than any of your brothers.
01:28:32A woman's longing is much more than a supply of cosmetic products.
01:28:36It is a way to bring the woman of the 20th century closer to a more modern, more groundbreaking aesthetic.
01:28:41I'll leave you to try the artichokes.
01:28:49Mrs. Teresa, your champagne soup.
01:28:52We apply with a brush and always from inside to outside.
01:28:56Don't put the lipstick from top to bottom.
01:28:58Then I better not tell you what it's going to look like because I want you to take a chest.
01:29:01By the way, Mrs. Teresa, if you buy it today, you have a discount coupon for your next visit.
01:29:06Let's see.
01:29:07Your lipstick looks great.
01:29:10Mrs. Nicolasa, your champagne soup.
01:29:12Drink it quickly, I'll paint your lips.
01:29:14My God, you are beautiful.
01:29:17It has been a success to choose that tone.
01:29:20But Marta, you have left everything beautiful.
01:29:24You have inherited the good taste of your mother.
01:29:26Thank you.
01:29:27The truth is that it has been quite a triumph to get the product ahead.
01:29:31Excuse me.
01:29:32Isabel, how are the photos coming out?
01:29:35Great, Mrs. Marta.
01:29:37Above all, let's focus on the makeup and the girls who are using it in the background.
01:29:43It's good that he has encouraged himself.
01:29:45Yes, things are a bit messy.
01:29:47Yes, things are a bit messy at home, but I couldn't miss it.
01:29:51Has something serious happened?
01:29:52I'm not going to tell you my problems.
01:29:53You have enough with the presentation.
01:29:56Well, as soon as I finish, one of my colleagues will put on makeup.
01:29:58Do I put on makeup?
01:29:59Of course.
01:30:00Mrs. Teresa, you are spectacular.
01:30:02Be careful with your husband because I don't think he's going to be able to contain himself.
01:30:07Carmen, I'll take care of it.
01:30:13Congratulations, Carmen.
01:30:14Carmen, you have it all.
01:30:17You are beautiful, nice, good dependents, and you also know how to put on makeup.
01:30:22Well, thank you very much.
01:30:24Now it's your turn.
01:30:25We're going to do your makeup.
01:30:26Come here.
01:30:27No, daughter, no.
01:30:28If I leave here, I'm going to be in the fire again.
01:30:30Oh, but of course not.
01:30:32Come on.
01:30:33You don't have this right to feel beautiful while you make that piece of stove that you have made famous.
01:30:37Here we don't have to look beautiful just when it's the feast of the saint or when our cousin marries us, the one from the town.
01:30:43We have to do this for ourselves.
01:30:45To feel great and divine.
01:30:47Sit down.
01:30:48Anyone who says no.
01:30:50Let's see how you put me on, huh?
01:30:52Don't leave me like a cabaret actress and take me out in a couple, like those from your land.
01:30:56Don't worry, aunt.
01:30:58Carmen is an excellent makeup artist.
01:31:00And our best seller.
01:31:02I give faith.
01:31:03Lina, your champagne glass.
01:31:06I'm going to get out of here.
01:31:08And the most beautiful too, you'll see.
01:31:11Everything is going well, right?
01:31:13It seems so.
01:31:15And who was going to say it just a few hours ago?
01:31:22One of the clients, Mrs. Rosario, gave me a hundred peseta bill for makeup.
01:31:27And I'm not surprised, with those hands, what art you have.
01:31:29You just have to see how you have made it worthy.
01:31:31Well, yes, the truth.
01:31:33It was beautiful.
01:31:35For me it was important that it was worthy and that all the clients felt special.
01:31:39Even if it's for one day.
01:31:41You had a brilliant idea of wanting to present women's desires in this way, Carmencita.
01:31:46I'm sorry.
01:31:51Of course, as proof for the campaign, it has been a total success.
01:31:54We'll have to wait and see how it works in the rest of the stores in Spain.
01:31:57There is a lot of work ahead.
01:31:59I'm sure it's going very well, Mrs. Marta.
01:32:01Count on us for whatever you need.
01:32:03Thank you.
01:32:04I think we should immortalize this unforgettable day, right?
01:32:09Isabel, do you mind taking one last picture?
01:32:11Of course.
01:32:13Where is Claudia?
01:32:15In the room. She was a little upset.
01:32:17Something always happens to her lately.
01:32:19And I see her weird.
01:32:21Are you sure? Do you see her well?
01:32:22Yes, yes, it's just tiredness.
01:32:24It's just that lately she hasn't been able to sleep very well.
01:32:26But nothing to worry about.
01:32:29Well, are we ready?
01:32:31Very good. Well, if you stand there.
01:32:39Come a little closer.
01:32:47A little more.
01:32:50Very good. One more.
01:32:55For the success of this new product.
01:32:59And because all wishes will come true one day.
01:33:09I'm sorry if what I told you before about Carmen has bothered you.
01:33:11Marta, no, don't worry.
01:33:13Yes, it is true. Carmen is the one who sells better.
01:33:18You are the only one who has not gone through our hands.
01:33:21Oh, do you want to make me up?
01:33:23Do you want to?
01:33:25I don't know, what would you do to me?
01:33:28Well, I would apply a little makeup here on the cheekbone.
01:33:34But very light.
01:33:36Because you have a special shine on the skin.
01:33:40And it would be a shame to cover it.
01:33:46I think I should tell you something.
01:33:49No, just so you know.
01:33:53Jaime and I are trying ...
01:33:56We are looking for a baby.
01:34:02Ah, well ...
01:34:04That's good.
01:34:06I'm very happy for both of you.
01:34:09I hope it happens soon.
01:34:11Are you okay?
01:34:13Well, let's see.
01:34:15I was a little surprised.
01:34:17But in the end, I was the one who encouraged you to look for something that would fill the gap.
01:34:24Well, anyway ...
01:34:27I wish you the best.
01:34:31Come on, I'll put on your makeup.
01:34:46Well, the important thing is that the presentation has gone well.
01:34:50More than well.
01:34:52I am very happy.
01:34:54It has exceeded all my expectations.
01:34:56Well, how wonderful.
01:34:58You have worked hard for it to be so.
01:35:00Your father is very lucky to have you by his side in the factory.
01:35:04Do you think I'm afraid?
01:35:09Why do you ask that question?
01:35:12You see, this morning I had a conversation with Joaquín and ...
01:35:16And he told me something similar.
01:35:18And I've been thinking all day about ...
01:35:20I don't know, what part of reason he will have.
01:35:31Come on.
01:35:32But ...
01:35:35Look, look at his face, right?
01:35:40Bad person.
01:35:45Well, maybe this is what people expect from you.
01:35:48A bit of spontaneity.
01:35:50I don't know, you are so ...
01:35:52So correct and so powerful that ...
01:35:55That you can be distant.
01:35:57But you know it's just a mask, right?
01:35:59Maybe this is a good time to take it off.
01:36:03Especially now that you are going to be a mother.
01:36:05A child needs to know at all times that his mother loves him.
01:36:09I don't know if I'm going to know how to be a good mother.
01:36:12Of course you will know.
01:36:14It is something instinctive.
01:36:16Protect and take care of the baby.
01:36:19Well, it sounds very unromantic, put it that way.
01:36:21I tell you that men and animals, in some respects, are identical.
01:36:29You are going to do very well, Marta.
01:36:33How lucky I am that you are by my side in this adventure.
01:36:36Because I couldn't do it alone.
01:36:40No, of course you could.
01:36:43You have plenty and you have enough.
01:36:46You say it because you have me in very high esteem.
01:36:49But no.
01:36:50It's because I love you.
01:36:59You haven't put sugar in it?
01:37:01Well, I'm going to do it now.
01:37:07Are you okay?
01:37:09Yes, yes, yes.
01:37:11I have the hands of butter, sorry.
01:37:13Did you get burned?
01:37:14No, no, it's okay.
01:37:16Wait, I'll pick it up.
01:37:26I'm sorry, look how I put the table.
01:37:28Nothing, it will be picked up in a moment.
01:37:31You're shaking, are you sure you didn't get burned?
01:37:33No, no, no, everything is fine, really.
01:37:35Look, you're a man.
01:37:36I know.
01:37:44Good morning.
01:37:45Good morning.
01:37:47Leave me alone.
01:37:49Jaime has stayed upstairs, resting.
01:37:51After the night, what happened?
01:37:54You didn't find out?
01:37:58Begoña's points were skipped.
01:38:00He lost consciousness.
01:38:01How is that possible?
01:38:03His wound opened when he got out of bed.
01:38:06My father found him unconscious in the corridor.
01:38:08Apparently he was so weak that he fainted due to the effort.
01:38:11Is he okay? I'm going to see how he is.
01:38:12No, calm down.
01:38:14Jaime has sutured the wound again and has forbidden him to get out of bed.
01:38:19Let her rest, she will be exhausted.
01:38:22But what was she doing out of bed?
01:38:24Well, nobody knows.
01:38:26But luckily she was left alone in a scare, there were no adults.
01:38:31Thank goodness.
01:38:35Andrés, what's going on?
01:38:40What's going on? I don't understand.
01:38:43You had left, we had said goodbye.
01:38:46Father didn't even want to call you when he saw that we had problems at the factory.
01:38:51He wanted you far away.
01:38:53And now you're here, back.
01:38:56I found out about the trigger when we arrived in Madrid.
01:38:58And we decided to return.
01:39:01And honestly, I'm very calm with the atmosphere in this house.
01:39:05You don't know how happy I am that you're staying.
01:39:08Are you okay?
01:39:11I've been better.
01:39:13I don't give up.
01:39:15Too many new responsibilities at the factory.
01:39:18I thought you liked to carry the rudder.
01:39:20One thing is to carry the rudder and another to the factory on my shoulders.
01:39:23And I've only been there for two days.
01:39:25Two very productive days for the company.
01:39:28You managed to get ahead in the distribution of women's rings.
01:39:31And the presentation with the clients was a success.
01:39:34But what?
01:39:36Well, no one realizes how lonely the one at the top of the pyramid is.
01:39:42Oh, little sister.
01:39:44I checked it when Jesús was in the hospital.
01:39:46It wasn't easy either.
01:39:48And you know what's the worst?
01:39:51That I feel like a fraud.
01:39:54Wow, I didn't expect that.
01:39:55Because everyone trusts that I have the solution to all the problems
01:39:58that appear as if they were mushrooms.
01:40:01And deep down I'm just as terrified as they are.
01:40:03Marta, everything will be fine.
01:40:07By divine intervention, more than human.
01:40:09It will be less.
01:40:12Are you going to fly soon?
01:40:15I already have the tickets ready.
01:40:18Better today than tomorrow.
01:40:19So soon?
01:40:21I thought you would stay a little longer
01:40:23until things were a little calmer.
01:40:26Andrés would do me a favor
01:40:27if your delay wasn't so imminent.
01:40:31Are you asking me to stay?
01:40:34It's very cold up there.
01:40:36You would need to stay until the launch is in full swing.
01:40:40It would be a couple of weeks, at most a month.
01:40:45Think about it.
01:40:47Think about it.
01:40:48I see you also have a lot to say.
01:40:50Of course.
01:40:51We'll think about it.
01:40:53And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the factory.
01:41:10You don't have to hide it from me.
01:41:14You can speak openly.
01:41:16I prefer it that way.
01:41:17What's wrong, María?
01:41:18I find it a little selfish
01:41:19that you put your needs before ours.
01:41:22Are you saying that to ask...
01:41:23To ask Andrés to stay.
01:41:25We have our plans, our life.
01:41:28It's far from this city and the factory.
01:41:30Well, you can decide to continue with your plans.
01:41:33After begging your brother to stay?
01:41:35Marta, you know perfectly well
01:41:36that he's unable to say no if someone needs him.
01:41:40That's why you did it.
01:41:42You're taking advantage of his goodwill.
01:41:49I've forgotten about being a mother for so long
01:41:52that now, with the hope back,
01:41:55there's nothing that makes me look to the future with more hope.
01:41:58Thinking about discovering the world through his eyes
01:42:01makes me smile.
01:42:02And Jaime,
01:42:03who wants it above anything else.
01:42:06I know he's going to be a great father.
01:42:11But, to be honest,
01:42:13if I were free,
01:42:14I wouldn't be able to do it.
01:42:16You'll see.
01:42:17If I were free,
01:42:18I wouldn't choose him to accompany me on this adventure.
01:42:22I would choose the person with whom I discovered true love.
01:42:27I miss her.
01:42:29She's my life.
01:42:31And I survive without her,
01:42:33being satisfied with the memory of her smell
01:42:36and the warmth of her breath.
01:42:39Hi, darling.
01:42:41What were you doing at the factory?
01:42:42I'll be right there.
01:42:44Have you been able to rest a bit more?
01:42:47Yes, yes, a bit.
01:42:49It's a good thing I'm not the only doctor in the dispensary.
01:42:52The light can cover me.
01:42:55I see you're still working.
01:42:57Well, I was right.
01:42:58More than work,
01:43:01I write
01:43:02what I feel,
01:43:03things that go through my head.
01:43:07Does it help you get what worries you?
01:43:10I get moments of calm
01:43:12moments for me and my things,
01:43:13which I've been missing lately.
01:43:16Thank you for sharing it.
01:43:17You didn't have to tell me.
01:43:19I'm telling you because I trust you.
01:43:21And you've always respected my privacy.
01:43:25Would you mind sitting down for a moment?
01:43:29Page 15, please.
01:43:31The review of the presentation of women's rings.
01:43:33I'm going to buy Tolero's brochure from the press in Madrid.
01:43:35The important thing is that the article highlights
01:43:37that the success of the event was thanks to you.
01:43:39I'll put it here.
01:43:40Doña Marta de la Reina.
01:43:42And the girls come out.
01:43:44It's good to name them.
01:43:46A captain is no one without his army,
01:43:48no matter how many galons he has.
01:43:50Besides, you're generous.
01:43:52You're going to be a great mother.
01:43:54I don't know.
01:43:56What I do know is that I'm very excited about that new stage.
01:43:59And I want to see if I'm going to be indebted
01:44:01to such a project.
01:44:03Of course you are.
01:44:04That little one is going to need you strong
01:44:06and willing to do anything.
01:44:07Do you think we should celebrate it tonight?
01:44:09We're going to have dinner at that new restaurant.
01:44:11Are you booking it?
01:44:13Of course, Captain.
01:44:15At nine o'clock?
01:44:17I guess I'll have to get rid of the flies
01:44:19that come up to ask you for an autograph, of course.
01:44:21Don't be silly.
01:44:23Doña Marta, whenever you want, we'll go to the factory.
01:44:26Let's go now.
01:44:28Isidro, is he okay?
01:44:30He's white as a sheet of paper.
01:44:32Well, a little tired.
01:44:34Spring is coming and with it the heat.
01:44:37Do you want me to get his attention
01:44:38and we'll see that everything is fine?
01:44:39No, no, I'm fine, don't worry.
01:44:40When I get a little air, it goes away.
01:44:43I'll wait for you in the car.
01:44:49I'll see you tonight.
01:45:17Oh, this pregnancy has put me
01:45:20in a bad mood the whole day.
01:45:22That's because the pregnancy?
01:45:24Why would it be that way?
01:45:26I don't know.
01:45:27I thought it had something to do
01:45:28with the departure of some seminarist.
01:45:32I've really missed Mateo.
01:45:35His advice,
01:45:36His talk, his hand, friend, always willing to help me.
01:45:40Of course. Thanks for the part I get.
01:45:42Don't get mad.
01:45:44Carmen and you are the best friends I could dream of.
01:45:47I know, but we are not, Mateo.
01:45:51Don't worry, I understand it perfectly.
01:45:54There are times when you meet someone who gets you so deep that...
01:45:57that when he gets away from your life, you feel like you're drifting away.
01:46:01Look, we're in the press!
01:46:05Under the baton of Marta de la Reina,
01:46:08the dependents made the delights of the stores that came to try
01:46:12what will be the new success of Perfumerías de la Reina.
01:46:16And her photo with Doña Marta.
01:46:17Look, look, look, they are both beautiful. Look at them.
01:46:21And Doña Marta too. Doña Marta is very photogenic.
01:46:24Look how beautiful she is too, huh?
01:46:26Well, right now I'm going to make a cutout of this
01:46:28and I'll send it to my mother so she can show off as a daughter to the people.
01:46:30Maybe you'll come out better than better, right?
01:46:32Bah, that doesn't matter.
01:46:33Look how beautiful you are.
01:46:34I'll see you later.
01:46:35Come on.
01:46:36Tell us what the doctor says.
01:46:43Hey, how about Doña Marta yesterday?
01:46:47You were alone, weren't you?
01:46:50And there's nothing she told you?
01:46:53What do you want her to tell you, Carmen?
01:46:56I don't know.
01:46:58Well, she's looking for a child with her husband.
01:47:00She opened the earth under my feet when she told me.
01:47:04A child?
01:47:05A child.
01:47:07Oh, fine, Norma.
01:47:08Even if it's like that, come on.
01:47:10Come on.
01:47:14I'm very sorry.
01:47:15I'm the one who's sorry.
01:47:17I'm doomed to lead a life full of sacrifices
01:47:21and renunciations.
01:47:22Don't say that.
01:47:25Yes, Carmen, because...
01:47:27Maybe one day I want to be a mother too, you know?
01:47:31But for that, I'd have to get married and stop being me.
01:47:35And if I want to be true to myself,
01:47:37I'll never be able to start a family.
01:47:41I feel so trapped in this.
01:47:43So alone.
01:47:45No, you're not alone.
01:47:46You have me.
01:47:47You have Claudia, your father.
01:47:49Yes, but you have your own life.
01:47:51And you do well to have it.
01:47:53And I have to assume that things are not always as they seem.
01:47:56And that's it.
01:47:58It is what it is.
01:48:00But well,
01:48:02fortunately or unfortunately, life goes on.
01:48:05But I don't know how long I'll be able to go on like this.
01:48:13I was going to look for you now.
01:48:15What's up, Marta?
01:48:17I don't want you to feel forced to stay in the factory.
01:48:21Or that you think I'm selfish for asking you.
01:48:23Or that I'm abusing your goodwill.
01:48:26Wait, when did I say that?
01:48:31You haven't figured it out yet.
01:48:32That doesn't matter.
01:48:34No, Marta, I don't care.
01:48:37What matters right now is that you feel free
01:48:39to go far away with Maria if that's what you really want.
01:48:43Don't worry about me.
01:48:44I'll get through this.
01:48:46It was Maria, wasn't it?
01:48:47I can't believe she dared to come face to face with you.
01:48:50Well, it's normal.
01:48:52She's your wife.
01:48:54And she wants to leave Toledo
01:48:56to live a life with you, far away from all this.
01:48:59Believe me, I understand her.
01:49:01She married me knowing she had a family.
01:49:04And some commitments with us.
01:49:06But she's alone in the world.
01:49:08She doesn't have siblings.
01:49:09Maybe she doesn't understand that kind of commitment.
01:49:11Well, she'll have to deal with it.
01:49:13For some things, maybe it's something immature.
01:49:15That's it.
01:49:17That's it.
01:49:19I can feel bitterness in that tone of voice.
01:49:22I never thought marriage would be something so complicated.
01:49:26No one tells us the details.
01:49:29You see, even the soap operas end just when the couple gets married.
01:49:33And everyone assumes that the life they expect
01:49:35will be a wonderful life.
01:49:38You're right.
01:49:39The life they expect will be a wonderful life.
01:49:43Are you happy?
01:49:46Who can say that he's happy every minute of his life?
01:49:49Well, I just saw from your answer that, of course, you're not.
01:49:57It's my father-in-law's car.
01:49:58It seems there's someone inside.
01:50:00I need to go.
01:50:05Slow down, please.
01:50:06I need to go.
01:50:10I'll take your legs.
01:50:11Be careful.
01:50:23We're not going to lose him.
01:50:24We're not going to lose him.
01:50:26I don't want to.
01:50:27Hold on.
01:50:39I don't want to.
01:50:45He seems stable.
01:50:46His heart is pumping normally.
01:50:48Thank goodness we had nitroglycerin and we were close.
01:50:51Because if we took a little longer,
01:50:53it doesn't count.
01:50:55You had Isidro's case, didn't you?
01:50:57Yes, I'll give you the date.
01:50:59I recently found out he had a heart failure
01:51:01and I gave it to a specialist.
01:51:05Here's his report.
01:51:06He has a serious congestive heart failure.
01:51:10I see.
01:51:12His ventricles have narrowed so much
01:51:14that his heart is unable to pump blood efficiently.
01:51:18And the worst part is that he can't do anything.
01:51:27Isidro, calm down.
01:51:28Calm down.
01:51:29Don't get up.
01:51:30Don't get up.
01:51:31Calm down.
01:51:32He's in the infirmary.
01:51:33He suffered an attack.
01:51:34What happened to him?
01:51:35What happened to him?
01:51:37I don't remember anything.
01:51:40He was in the car and he had a heart attack.
01:51:44Luckily, the doctor and I were able to take care of him in time.
01:51:50What's going to happen now?
01:51:52You, doctor, already know my history.
01:51:55Isidro, don't worry about anything now.
01:51:57Just rest.
01:51:58No, doctor, no.
01:52:00You have to tell me something.
01:52:02Tell me, of course.
01:52:03But now.
01:52:07You see, Isidro, his heart is very delicate.
01:52:12We could say that it's on the edge.
01:52:17So he saved me from a miracle.
01:52:24How much life do I have left?
01:52:27Knowing that in his condition is impossible.
01:52:30He could suffer an attack today, tomorrow...
01:52:32No, doctor, no.
01:52:34You and I already have a lot of confidence.
01:52:38How much?
01:52:43It could be a matter of days.
01:52:49I came running as soon as I found out.
01:52:51Is he okay?
01:52:52What happened?
01:52:53Look, your father has suffered an attack.
01:52:54He has overcome the crisis.
01:52:56But now he needs peace of mind and not make an effort.
01:52:59Don't worry.
01:53:00I'm perfectly fine now.
01:53:02Now I would go to the streets where...
01:53:05Father, please, I'm not kidding.
01:53:09He's telling me everything.
01:53:10Look, daughter.
01:53:13You should talk to him.
01:53:24What does he have to tell me?
01:53:26Talk to me seriously.
01:53:27Talk to me seriously.
01:53:31It seems that it's serious.
01:53:35Well, but...
01:53:37But there will be a treatment or a medication or something.
01:53:40No, no, no.
01:53:42The reality is that my heart is already very old.
01:53:45What old? No, no, no.
01:53:46Neither old nor nothing.
01:53:47No, you are strong.
01:53:48You didn't recover from the other scare.
01:53:50Well, from this one too.
01:53:51No, Fidel.
01:53:53Listen to me.
01:53:55I'm not going to make the same mistake.
01:53:58Daughter, I'm in my last days.
01:54:01The doctors have been very clear.
01:54:03It may be a matter of days.
01:54:05But doctors are wrong many times.
01:54:08I know it's scary to say it, but...
01:54:11You have to be prepared.
01:54:15I'm not going to leave this point without telling you what I have to tell you.
01:54:19I need to know that you will be fine.
01:54:26Don't be afraid.
01:54:28Look at me.
01:54:29Look me in the eyes.
01:54:30No, no, father.
01:54:31Shut up, shut up.
01:54:32You are not going to die, do you understand me?
01:54:36Sorry, I didn't want to bother you.
01:54:37I just found out.
01:54:38Paspar, stay with him.
01:54:39I'm going to talk to the doctor because I get the feeling that my father hasn't understood anything.
01:54:52Can you do it?
01:54:53Yes, yes.
01:54:54Come in.
01:54:55I'm alone.
01:54:56Luz just went out to the canteen to pick something up and...
01:54:59I was just trying to sort out a bit of all this.
01:55:01It's been a chaotic day.
01:55:02I know.
01:55:03I found out about Isidro.
01:55:07I was just coming to see him, but...
01:55:09Where is he?
01:55:11Not even half an hour ago, your father and Mrs. Agustín took him home.
01:55:14My God, what a coincidence.
01:55:17How do you see him?
01:55:19His daughter is...
01:55:21quite worried.
01:55:23It's very delicate, Marta.
01:55:26And I'm afraid there's not much more we can do.
01:55:30It's a matter of days before his heart stops working.
01:55:34Is it that serious?
01:55:36I'm afraid so.
01:55:41No wonder he looked so bad this morning.
01:55:43Yes, yes.
01:55:46I should have noticed.
01:55:47It happened to me, I don't know.
01:55:48No, don't get upset.
01:55:49I know you.
01:55:50I know you.
01:55:51You told me there was nothing we could do.
01:55:54He has very advanced cardiopathy, Marta.
01:56:00I can't believe that...
01:56:02Isidro is leaving us.
01:56:06That man is like family, you know?
01:56:10He took us to school, he watched over us in the parks.
01:56:15He saw us grow up.
01:56:18Don't worry, darling.
01:56:20I can't imagine...
01:56:23how bad Fina must be going through.
01:56:26It's the only thing she has in life.
01:56:29She was destroyed.
01:56:31It's going to be very hard for her to get over this.
01:56:34It's horrible.
01:56:37I'm sure she has all the support of her classmates and yours.
01:56:41You're all heart, Marta.
01:56:44You treat your employees like family, and that's beautiful.
01:56:48Fina is a young girl.
01:56:50She'll get over it.
01:56:51It'll be hard for her, she'll feel alone, but...
01:56:54that's life.
01:56:56She'll meet someone, get married, have children.
01:57:00Like us.
01:57:04Do you mind if we go out for dinner another day?
01:57:07I'm not in the mood.
01:57:08Don't worry.
01:57:09I've already canceled the reservation.
01:57:12It's not the time to celebrate anything.
01:57:14There will be an opportunity.
01:57:17Of course there will.
01:57:21Because we...
01:57:23Give it to me.
01:57:24Thank you.
01:57:28We at least have time.
01:57:31Of course.
01:57:35My heart shrinks when I think about Isidro's death.
01:57:39Life is unfair, inflicting so much pain on the people we love.
01:57:43And I don't know how Fina will recover from a blow like this.
01:57:47What hurts the most is not being by his side the way I'd like to be.
01:58:01I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.
01:58:03I was told you were here.
01:58:07I'm really sorry about your father, I can't get it out of my head.
01:58:10I don't know how to deal with it.
01:58:14I'm really sorry.
01:58:17It can't be that he's leaving, Marta.
01:58:20It can't be.
01:58:22It's okay.
01:58:26Don't worry.
01:58:31Be very careful at home.
01:58:34And if anything happens, we'll let you know right away.
01:58:37I know.
01:58:39I'm here for whatever you need.
01:58:44If you need to spend some time at the store, you have my support.
01:58:48You know that.
01:58:49Yes, I know.
01:58:50Thank you, Marta.
01:58:51I still haven't decided how to do it.
01:58:55Today I do want to be by his side.
01:58:58And if it's true, he'll die at any moment.
01:59:00No, don't think about that.
01:59:07Is everything okay? Did something happen?
01:59:09Fina will stay here to sleep with her father.
01:59:13Now he's resting.
01:59:15Yes, Mrs. Marta told me.
01:59:17It would be good if you didn't wake him up, he needs rest.
01:59:20And if something happens, whatever you need, let me know at any time.
01:59:24Thank you, Mr. Jaime.
01:59:32Shall we go upstairs?
01:59:33Of course.
01:59:43Let's go.
02:00:16This little angelic girl...
02:00:22I dreamt I was singing a lullaby as if I were a baby.
02:00:26It's your favorite lullaby.
02:00:28Do you remember?
02:00:30I'm supposed to be the one who should take care of you.
02:00:34I saw you sleeping with that angelic face you made when you were a baby.
02:00:39And I remembered this lullaby.
02:00:42It seems a lie how fast time has passed.
02:00:50I know this is very difficult for you, daughter.
02:00:53Don't worry.
02:00:56I still have hope that it will heal.
02:00:59If I have to wait for you to be ready, I will wait.
02:01:03I promise.
02:01:05Then you can never die.
02:01:08Come here, let me hug you.
02:01:12Come here, darling.
02:01:20Come on, go to work now, you'll be late.
02:01:23No, Mrs. Marta has given me permission to be absent from work and so I can stay with you.
02:01:27Well, what an exaggeration. And that I were to die.
02:01:29Father, please, forget about saying those things, for whatever reason.
02:01:33Good morning.
02:01:34Can I come in?
02:01:35Would you like me to help you?
02:01:38How was your night?
02:01:41Well, I slept like a log and I feel much better.
02:01:46Woman, you didn't have to be late for breakfast.
02:01:49I could have come.
02:01:51Yes, man, really, what a jerk.
02:01:53I don't care what he says.
02:01:55Let's see if it's clear to you, you're like in a hospital.
02:01:58Stop telling stories, because we're going to take care of you whether you like it or not.
02:02:02Why don't you tell this sergeant?
02:02:05Come on, listen to your father now and get out of here.
02:02:08You see, I'm well watched.
02:02:10He is.
02:02:12Oh, really.
02:02:15Well, father, behave well and let yourself be taken care of.
02:02:18I promise.
02:02:21See you later.
02:02:22Goodbye, daughter.
02:02:23Thank you.
02:02:24Have a good day.
02:02:28You have to see what a good daughter you have always been, Fina.
02:02:31Let me ... I'm going to organize this for you and now I have the tray.
02:02:35I think ...
02:02:37What will it be of her when she is no longer.
02:02:42We have a promise, do you remember?
02:02:44You don't have to remind me anything.
02:02:47The day we are missing, I will take care of her.
02:02:50I love her very much.
02:02:51And even if I hadn't promised you, I would do the same.
02:02:57Isidro, you don't have to worry about her.
02:03:01She is a wonderful woman.
02:03:04One day she will meet a good boy, get married and have her own family.
02:03:09I don't know.
02:03:10What's wrong?
02:03:11Don't you doubt it?
02:03:13Fina is a very special girl.
02:03:17I'm afraid that ...
02:03:20That never happens.
02:03:21Well, what I think is that it is impossible for what you say to happen.
02:03:26Because she is beautiful and everyone loves her, starting with me.
02:03:29And well, if she decides not to get married, she won't have to dress like a saint either.
02:03:34She is independent.
02:03:36And she loves to travel.
02:03:37She has a friend in Paris.
02:03:39And who knows, maybe she'll take me on a trip with her.
02:03:42In the end, you're going to keep winning and everything.
02:03:47Come on, get in, we're going to have breakfast.
02:03:50No, no, don't talk.
02:03:51No, no, no, no.
02:03:52Now I'm going to the bathroom.
02:03:53You didn't order.
02:03:54Yes, yes.
02:03:55And then I'm going to have breakfast sitting in the office with you.
02:03:58Because if I don't, I'll die of boredom.
02:04:00Shut up.
02:04:06Oh, Isidro.
02:04:08Who has seen you and who has seen you?
02:04:12It is incredible how well the sales of the chest are going.
02:04:14Orders and more orders in the stores.
02:04:16In some it has already run out.
02:04:18We had never done so well with a new product.
02:04:20I'm very happy.
02:04:22Yes, I see it.
02:04:23Yes, I see it.
02:04:25Anyone would say that it bothers you that he has directed the launch with so much success.
02:04:30I have other more important concerns right now.
02:04:33But since you say it, I remind you that I launched that launch.
02:04:37I don't know, now it will turn out that the success of the launch is yours.
02:04:40No, but as you speak of him, it seems that it is only yours.
02:04:44And when I have had other achievements in the past,
02:04:46I have not spent my life rubbing it on everyone's noses.
02:04:49Yours is incredible.
02:04:50You no longer have a good word, not even for me.
02:04:55My anger is not with you, little sister.
02:04:57Calm down.
02:04:59I am worried about the future of the company.
02:05:02With Luis now in the management for a whim of our father.
02:05:05Luis deserves it with creases.
02:05:07So don't try to convince him not to accept.
02:05:10Good morning.
02:05:11Good morning.
02:05:12Good morning.
02:05:13Good morning.
02:05:16How is Begoña?
02:05:18What happened to you last night?
02:05:19Well, fine.
02:05:21Are you also going to ask me about Julia
02:05:23or are you just worried about my wife's condition?
02:05:26No, I was going to ask you now.
02:05:28But I guess she's at school, right?
02:05:30Well, you guess wrong.
02:05:31The baby has woken up with a headache and is going to stay at home.
02:05:34She hasn't even wanted to go down to have breakfast.
02:05:37Why didn't you tell me anything before?
02:05:40You haven't asked me either.
02:05:42Obnubilated as you are with the good sales of the safe.
02:05:45We are all, Jesus.
02:05:46The figures are not for less.
02:05:47We hope that both Begoña and Julia recover soon.
02:05:50And please keep us informed of her evolution.
02:05:53No, I think it will be better if you go up yourself directly to ask her.
02:05:56No, nothing to go up to see her.
02:05:58If you are so interested in my wife's condition,
02:06:00I will give you the part every afternoon.
02:06:02I don't know if she will last so long without news.
02:06:06He is very worried about her.
02:06:08And me too, of course.
02:06:10Gemma, could you please prepare me two scrambled eggs?
02:06:14I'm very hungry today.
02:06:15Today I'm very hungry.
02:06:17Yes, I'll tell Sara right now.
02:06:20And that appetite at this time?
02:06:23You haven't had much breakfast.
02:06:26I have some news to give you.
02:06:30From now on I will have to eat for two.
02:06:34Don't tell me you're pregnant.
02:06:38Thank you.
02:06:39What a joy.
02:06:41Congratulations to both of you.
02:06:43Since when do you know?
02:06:45Not long ago.
02:06:47Andrés didn't want us to tell you yet, but...
02:06:49Try to understand me, dear.
02:06:51With so much bad news, I wanted to give the family a good news.
02:06:55Yes, yes, I thought so.
02:06:58Maria, congratulations to both of you.
02:07:05Thank you very much for your purchase.
02:07:07It has been a pleasure to serve you.
02:07:09As always.
02:07:10Thank you.
02:07:14Fina, dear, what a mess.
02:07:16No one can stop you today.
02:07:18Come on, a client comes in and she's in a hurry.
02:07:20I know.
02:07:22It's not good to have your head busy to think less about my father.
02:07:26Well, look, maybe that's why you should get into a cinema double-session program.
02:07:31Fina, didn't Mrs. Marta tell you that you could choose the days you needed?
02:07:35Why don't you take an afternoon off?
02:07:37I prefer to stay here, if you don't mind.
02:07:40Good morning.
02:07:42Good morning.
02:07:44How are you?
02:07:46Very well, Mrs. Marta.
02:07:48Women's longing continues to sell wonderfully.
02:07:50Yes, I see that there are some empty shelves.
02:07:52Go to the warehouse for some chests, I want to talk to Fina.
02:07:54Of course.
02:08:00I was looking for you.
02:08:02I haven't seen you leave the house this morning and I was worried.
02:08:05My father has kicked me out of his room with all his affection.
02:08:08He says I can't abuse your trust.
02:08:11And he also told me that he's going to wait for me to be ready to die.
02:08:16I already told you that you can take the time you need without asking for a leave.
02:08:21That any of your classmates can cover for you.
02:08:23If necessary, I'll take someone.
02:08:25No, really, really.
02:08:27It won't be necessary.
02:08:29But have you seen the face you have?
02:08:31It shows that you haven't paid attention.
02:08:33Fina, what I don't want is for you to get sick now.
02:08:37I'm going to rest after dinner, really.
02:08:39Don't worry.
02:08:41As you wish.
02:08:44You already know that you have me for what you need.
02:09:01Fina, go to rest now, please.
02:09:02Oh, really, can you stop harassing me?
02:09:09Good morning.
02:09:11How can I help you?
02:09:13Good morning.
02:09:15I want a colony water for my father.
02:09:17Make it soft.
02:09:19Make it soft.
02:09:21Come with me and I'll show you.
02:09:27This is the softest we have.
02:09:29It has a wooden base.
02:09:31And jara notes.
02:09:40It's ideal, isn't it?
02:09:44It's elegant but discreet.
02:09:48It's perfect for men who don't want to attract attention
02:09:52but who inspire confidence.
02:09:55In fact, it's the one my father uses.
02:10:01Oh, miss.
02:10:03What's wrong?
02:10:05I'm sorry.
02:10:10I'm sorry.
02:10:12No, darling.
02:10:14What can I do?
02:10:16In the end, you harass me so much that look how I get.
02:10:22Claudia, what am I going to do if my father dies?
02:10:25No, darling.
02:10:26At first, you're going to have a bad time and you're going to miss him a lot.
02:10:31But in time, you'll see how he comforts you,
02:10:34knowing that you're there in heaven waiting for him.
02:10:38But while he's alive, you have to keep the hope that he'll get better.
02:10:42I dedicated the mass to him this morning and I won't stop praying for him.
02:10:46And he'll listen to you more than to me.
02:10:48Because I'm a sinner up to here.
02:10:50Don't say nonsense, Fina.
02:10:52Please, you're one of the best people I know.
02:10:59Look, we told you to take a break.
02:11:02And you, nothing.
02:11:04I know, I'm sorry.
02:11:06That's it, I don't cry anymore.
02:11:08No, if what you have to cry about is drowning.
02:11:10And stop acting tough, huh?
02:11:12We're your friends, Fina.
02:11:17I love him so much.
02:11:26I love you too.
02:11:33Does it bother you?
02:11:37We're going to eat soon and Dignan asked me to let you know.
02:11:40And well, I assumed you'd be here.
02:11:44Are you hungry?
02:11:46Now that you mention it, yes.
02:11:48The truth is that when I start writing, I've gone all over the world.
02:11:52How lucky.
02:11:53You've got two patients in your head.
02:11:55That's because you're too good.
02:11:57A good doctor and a better person.
02:12:00How's our Isidro?
02:12:03He's still holding up.
02:12:05It's amazing how strong that man is.
02:12:08And Fina? Have you seen her today?
02:12:10Yes, in the store for a moment.
02:12:12I don't know, it seemed to me that she was very affected.
02:12:15I assumed she wouldn't go to work.
02:12:17She's trying to act tough as if nothing was happening.
02:12:21But inside she's devastated.
02:12:23I suppose.
02:12:25Well, you know her better than anyone.
02:12:27Like all my employees.
02:12:29We spend many hours working together.
02:12:31I imagine the same thing will happen to you with Dr. Borrell.
02:12:34Is everything okay with her?
02:12:37What do you think?
02:12:40I don't know what we do talking about other people
02:12:43when we should be talking about us.
02:12:46Do you have any news to tell me?
02:12:49Well, yes, now that you mention it.
02:12:50I was thinking we could go back to the plan we came up with last night.
02:12:55We could go out for dinner and whatever comes up.
02:12:59Do you want to?
02:13:02I'd love to.
02:13:04Well, I'll see you tonight.
02:13:09Let him cook.
02:13:13Marta de la Reina.
02:13:17No, Rosa must have it.
02:13:20No, I'm sure.
02:13:23Okay, I'm going.
02:13:25No, no, I'm going.
02:13:30Do you really have to go?
02:13:34An important order has arrived and it doesn't match the register.
02:13:37Rosa must have transcribed the list.
02:13:39Go and find out.
02:13:41But I'll see you at dinner.
