Patient Zero (2018) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Patient Zero je naučnofantastični horor film iz 2018. u režiji Stefana Ruzowitzkyja i scenariju Mikea Lea. U filmu glume Matt Smith, Natalie Dormer, John Bradley, Stanley Tucci, Agyness Deyn i Clive Standen.
00:00In the near future, the mutated form of infamy, known as the infamous dog disease, will spread to the world, quickly transferring from animals to humans.
00:07It takes only 90 seconds for a bitten person to become infamous, and soon over 7 billion people will either die or be infected.
00:14Those who become zombies have a very high resistance to pain and suffer from hyperviolence, which means they are ready to kill.
00:20The world becomes a post-apocalyptic desert and the violent hordes of zombies become the norm.
00:25In an underground nuclear base, the army has gathered all the healthy survivors they could find.
00:30The soldiers also joined scientists from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention to conduct experiments and find a cure.
00:37However, to do this, they first have to find patient 0, because his blood contains the answer.
00:42They keep a bunch of zombies trapped in cages and regularly examine them to determine where it all started.
00:48Morgan is a civilian who is bitten and infected, but has not transformed.
00:52It seems that his blood is immune to the virus, but they still haven't managed to make a vaccine for it.
00:56Thanks to this bite, Morgan is able to understand and communicate with zombies, so he joins the team of Dr. Eugene to help with the research.
01:05The soldiers bring the infamous zombie to the examination, securing him for a chair inside a glass cellar.
01:10The process begins by playing music, which is painful for zombies.
01:13The infected guy blinks in pain on the table while trying to break the tie, but without success.
01:18When the zombie has suffered enough, Morgan turns off the music and begins to speak in a sharp tongue to communicate with him, while Genie sends notes via tablet.
01:26After giving the zombie a shot, Joe Morgan finds out that he is from Minnesota and one of the first few people who are infected.
01:33Trying to get in touch with Joe to force him to say more, Morgan admits that sometimes he himself feels intense urges and begins to talk about what is left of the world, saying that he hates it here as much as zombies do.
01:44At that moment, Colonel Knox uses a microphone to interrupt the examination, which leads Joe to another furious attack.
01:51Frustrated, Morgan leaves the glass cellar to give Joe time to calm down, but Knox thinks it's a waste of time and calls on Morgan to continue the examination.
01:59In the cellar, Joe becomes crazier as he irritates Knox so much that he finally shoots him out of frustration.
02:05Genie and Morgan immediately explain to each other that Joe could have caused more damage, and Genie threatens to remove Knox from the command post if he ever misuses his authority in his laboratory.
02:14Morgan hits his forehead, proving that he really has some violent urges that he has to control every day.
02:20After that, Morgan hides in the bathroom and tries to calm down.
02:24Soon after, Genie finds him and offers him an injection, so Morgan takes the opportunity to complain about the situation and the pressure he is under.
02:30Genie also offers him some medicine, but Morgan refuses and admits that he has nightmares about his wife, who is also bitten.
02:36Both admit that they lack a simple life and eventually give in to the passions in the bathroom.
02:41Minutes later, Knox sees them coming out of the bathroom and laughs at Genie because of her relationship with Morgan, so Genie accuses him of being lovesick and says that Knox would never have a chance with her.
02:50Meanwhile, Morgan goes into the underground cellar and stops next to a very specific cellar in the last part.
02:56It turns out that the zombie inside is his wife, Janet, who was bitten on the same day he was bitten.
03:01Morgan gives her an injection of serum based on his blood, which does not heal her, but at least slows down the infection and keeps her lucid.
03:07At first, Janet rejects the injection, but after Morgan asks her to cooperate, she says that she still remembers the music and takes the injection.
03:14The next day, the soldiers bring the zombie with Nadim Compete to the cellar.
03:18When they try to tie him to the chair, he fights against the tie until it breaks and immediately attacks the soldiers.
03:23While the soldiers are fighting to keep him, Dr. Scooter rushes to the cellar to help, but the zombies bite his hand in the process.
03:29Tim immediately takes Scooter to the medical room and Scooter constantly asks him not to let him transform.
03:34They give him an injection of serum and Genie reminds him of his hand just before he expires for 90 seconds.
03:39At first it seems that everything is fine and everything is fine, but suddenly Scooter is in shock and the group has to hurry to tie him before he transforms.
03:46They are not fast enough and Scooter manages to cut himself, so Nox shoots him and says that Scooter wanted it when the others were angry.
03:53Morgan and Genie have no choice but to accept that they are right.
03:56Later, while the soldiers are washing their faces, Nox gets drunk in the bathroom.
03:59Genie experiences a nervous breakdown in privacy, but Morgan manages to find a way through it.
04:04Then they visit the memorial for Scooter's son, leaving a small cake for his birthday.
04:09The next day, he tries to ask Pete again.
04:12Morgan is angry because of Scooter's loss and continues to use music to torture Pete longer than usual, burning and extinguishing several times just to torture him.
04:19When the questions finally start, Pete shares that he is from Minnesota and that he was infected in October, but refuses to say more.
04:25More and more angry, Morgan shoots Pete's gun, which still does not answer the question and just says, do it.
04:31Frustrated, Morgan leaves the cell.
04:33Later, Genie and Morgan meet with General Pierce and explain that Joe and Pete were also infected in Minnesota from a very early group.
04:40Genie wants to expand the search in Minnesota, because it seems that the chances of a patient are zero high there.
04:45Nox immediately complains about that idea, saying that they would only lose more soldiers.
04:49However, Genie continues to point out that the zombies have evolved into a more intelligent and dangerous species, showing their strategic attacks.
04:56Morgan also reminds him that zombies cannot lie.
04:59In the end, General Pierce accepts the search in Minnesota.
05:02After the meeting, Morgan brings Janet another injection.
05:05As they talk, Janet realizes that Morgan has mixed feelings towards her and Genie, but Morgan claims that Janet is all for him.
05:12Janet goes crazy as she wants to be released, saying that she would rather be free on the outside than safe in hell.
05:17She also mentions how she shares some human experiences, such as crying, so Morgan takes her hand and tells her not to lose hope, because her actions will help.
05:25All the time, Morgan continues to have flashbacks of his old life with Janet.
05:29He constantly insisted that he wanted a child, but Janet wanted him to wait for a real surrogate.
05:33The couple was still very happy together, and even had their own code for expressing love.
05:38Later, Genie takes another sample of Morgan's blood, complaining about the fact that they can't understand why he's the only one who's immune.
05:44She tried a few solutions on the pups, but nothing worked out so far, and the pups continue to kill each other.
05:50Morgan's blood resistance can lower the level of the virus in the body, slow down the infection and reduce aggression, but the effect lasts only five minutes.
05:57They are still far from the invention of the vaccine, so Genie points out that Janet's recovery is not guaranteed, which worries Morgan.
06:04At that moment, Genie decides to confess his love for him, but Morgan only leaves the room.
06:09That night, Morgan dreamed of the night when the incident happened.
06:12He and Janet were driving through the city when they stopped at a traffic light, two zombies jumped on their car and broke the windows.
06:18Morgan was driving forward while the zombies weren't on fire, but when the car stopped, more zombies jumped on the vehicle and reached through the windows, biting both.
06:26In the present, Morgan wakes up from the night sea with a scream.
06:30Some time later, Genie discovers that she is having a hard time with Morgan's child.
06:33She can't help it, but she experiences a nervous breakdown because she has no hope that Morgan will regain her senses.
06:38In the meantime, Nox and his people bring the bodies of the burned soldiers from the mission to cremate them.
06:43After they leave, the soldiers prepare to move the bodies, but they are surprised to see a dead man alive and attack them.
06:49It turns out that this is a civilian zombie who broke into the soldier to infiltrate the base.
06:54As the creature begins to kill medical workers and soldiers one by one without spitting, Nox moves to take the gun, waiting for the right moment to attack.
07:02Alan walks through the lab and soon more soldiers rush to the crematorium, where Nox is looking for an enemy who is hiding.
07:09A newly transformed colleague jumps on him, so Nox quickly shoots him before he continues.
07:14At that moment, an infiltrated zombie jumps out and tries to attack him, but when he is about to bite Nox, Morgan comes and pulls the creature back.
07:22The soldiers want to shoot him, but Morgan begs them to leave him alive for the sake of the test.
07:26Then Nox washes the gun, which shocks them by immediately surrendering and asking to talk to Morgan.
07:32The zombie is taken to a glass cell and the music starts, but the guy is not disturbed.
07:36In fact, he just sits and smokes a cigarette.
07:39If it weren't for his different colored eyes, no one would be able to say that he is not a human.
07:43The soldiers have found a student library at his place, so Morgan gives him the nickname Professor.
07:47The test begins, but the professor is not scared and responds to the clear philosophies.
07:52He admits that he was looking for Morgan, who is obviously very popular in the zombie community.
07:56When Morgan asks him why the music doesn't hit him, the professor explains that every zombie is unique, just like humans,
08:01emphasizing that Morgan's ability to talk to zombies is his own form of uniqueness and infection.
08:07This offends Morgan, who insists that he is not a zombie.
08:10The professor also says that zombies are evolved species compared to humans who destroy whenever they want,
08:16then shares how he was infected, that day he was teaching at the university.
08:20He constantly received calls from his wife, so he went to the hallway to pick them up.
08:24When his wife told him about the chaos that was taking over the city, the professor heard a bang in the classroom
08:29and turned to discover a horde of zombies as he was failing and attacking everyone.
08:32The professor tried to escape, but soon the zombies rushed through the hallways,
08:36and the infected students jumped on him and bit him.
08:39His body was transforming, but his mind was still clear enough to return home.
08:44However, as soon as he saw his wife and daughters, the virus started his internal rage and forced him to eat them.
08:49Morgan is threatened by the story and calls him out for lack of control,
08:53but the professor simply repeats that zombies have exceeded the limits of humanity.
08:57He does not believe that there is such a thing as a patient zero and ignores questions to criticize the government and the system.
09:02This finally forces Morgan to break and hit him before he lets go of the cell.
09:06After calming down, Morgan returns to the cell and takes a cigarette, pretending to be friendly.
09:12The professor questions him about genetics and tells him that he does not need a cure,
09:15because zombies are actually a solution to a human infection.
09:18While the philosophical debauchery continues, Morgan realizes that the professor is deliberately telling him to waste time.
09:23Becoming suspicious, he uses the device to scan the zombie and when he does not find anything, he rushes to the cell.
09:28He finds Pete and shares his theory, Pete was deliberately given to capture as part of the plan.
09:33When Pete realizes that Morgan will hurt him to force him to speak, he tries to kill himself and falls unconscious.
09:38Morgan uses the scanner again and receives a signal, then opens the wound on Pete's body and finds a hidden tracker.
09:44His theory is correct, Pete lets the soldiers capture him so that other zombies can find the location of the base,
09:50confirming that they are becoming smarter and planning an attack.
09:53Morgan rushes to inform Pierce of the imminent danger, so Pierce orders the complete closure of the base.
09:59Unfortunately, the zombies enter before he manages to secure the entrance,
10:02and bloodshed soon ensues while the refugees are attacked mercilessly.
10:06The creature sneaks into the cell area and frees all the prisoners, making the army even bigger.
10:11The soldiers try to shoot, but their numbers are not enough and the zombies continue to advance, killing everything in sight.
10:17A horde rushes through the tunnels, and the laboratories are also attacked, causing panic as more and more people are killed.
10:24Knox leads Gene through a safe escape route, and Pierce tries to follow them as the zombies chase them.
10:29However, Knox shoots Pierce so that the zombies would stop him from feeding on them, giving him time to escape with Gene in the elevator.
10:35Horrified, Gene denies Knox's actions, but Knox says it was a necessary sacrifice for survival.
10:40Angry, Gene takes his gun and stops the elevator.
10:43He wants to return to the lab for his samples, because his research is their only hope, but Knox refuses and tries to stop him.
10:50In the fight, the gun accidentally fires and kills Knox.
10:53While the bloodshed continues in every corner of the base, a scientist tries to hide in the lab behind the traps.
10:59However, the zombies find him and attack him quickly, destroying the cage in the process.
11:03Now the infected patients are free.
11:05In the meantime, Morgan rushes to Jelly to free Janet and run away with her.
11:10Morgan takes the axe on the way and eventually meets Gene, who doesn't think it's a good idea to free Janet, given that the injections were on time.
11:17However, Morgan refuses to go without her.
11:19At that moment, a zombie appears behind them, but Gene immediately kills him and then announces that he will take his samples.
11:25Morgan and Janet follow him to the fridge in the lab, and while Gene takes what he needs, another zombie attacks him, but Morgan immediately kills him with an axe.
11:33At the same time, the professor releases a very loud scream, and soon a few zombies come to save him.
11:38The three climb into the ventilation opening, carefully avoiding the dangerous wires.
11:42As they move on, Gene through the bars sees an area for escapees, and is horrified to discover a complete massacre.
11:48Their weight causes the bars to fall, and now the zombies know where they are.
11:52The trio tries to continue, and finds a path blocked by zombie traps that jump towards them to attack them, but Janet quickly catches him and kills him with her bare hands.
12:00Then they discover that the zombies are also starting to crawl through the ventilation openings.
12:04The group rushes, and Morgan has to shoot the zombies until the ventilation breaks, throwing the creature to the ground.
12:09Morgan almost falls too, but Gene saves him in the last minute.
12:13At the end, they finally reach the parking lot where the professor is waiting for them.
12:16He explains that he came to the base to kill Morgan, because his blood can prevent zombies from having a future, calling him the zombie version of Patient Zero.
12:24Morgan and the professor begin to fight, the women try to help, but the professor easily overpowers them both.
12:29Using every item in the room, the men continue the fight, and the professor kills Morgan, but Morgan recovers quickly and pushes the professor back to hit him on the jaw.
12:38Morgan also gets hurt in the process, and before he dies, the professor shouts again to summon a huge horde.
12:43The trio begins to run, but when they reach the door, Janet announces that she is staying behind to slow down the horde.
12:49Morgan refuses to leave her, so Janet discovers that she can feel that Gene is trying to kill him and locks the door.
12:55After taking a moment to mourn his wife, Morgan runs with Gene through a small tunnel that leads them into the forest.
13:00Although there are many zombies around them, Morgan is sure he will succeed.
13:04His motorcycle is hidden nearby, so a couple climbs on it and rushes through the forest, while the zombies begin to follow them in the distance.
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