Les Moomins 62 - Alicia la petite sorcière

  • 2 months ago


02:00Hello! What are you both making?
02:02Nothing special
02:04It's interesting to throw stones
02:06Always the same faces
02:08What does that mean?
02:09That we'd like to find new playmates
02:12But I want to play with you
02:14Me too
02:15That's what we wanted
02:16Always the same room with the same actors
02:27Oh, I'm so bored
02:33I'd like to take a little nap
02:41Come on, dog!
02:42I'm sorry, Grandma
02:44I was just coming down from the rock
02:46Well, you've chosen the wrong time, my little girl
02:49But you don't realize how much I'm bored
02:51Yes, I know, but it's a very important exercise
02:54You have to learn patience to become a witch
02:56There's no one more passionate than me
02:58Shall we continue the programme?
02:59Yes, but start by reciting your incantation
03:02My incantation?
03:03Oh, don't tell me you've already forgotten it
03:05How can you expect to change someone to a toad
03:08if you don't remember your personal incantation?
03:10Without it, you won't be able to do anything at all
03:12Come on, give it a try, Alicia
03:14Let's see
03:15Go on, my dear, I'm listening
03:24Good, not bad at all
03:26Now I'll be able to teach you something
03:29What are you going to teach me?
03:32How to ride a broomstick?
03:33No, first I'm going to teach you how to walk anywhere
03:36How to walk? But I can do that
03:38You think so? Well, you're making a mistake
03:46This flying ship is very different from the first one you built
03:49It's so small
03:50It's a model
03:51The real ship will be ten times bigger than this one
03:54How many people can it carry?
03:56Er...nothing but people, unfortunately
03:59But on the other hand, it'll allow us to fly where we like
04:02It'll be just as easy as moving on foot
04:05Like the witches on their broomsticks?
04:07It's not witchcraft
04:08The construction of this spaceship called for science
04:11But the witches' broomsticks fly too, don't they?
04:13Yes, that's right, but they fly for reasons I don't approve of at all
04:19You have to know witchcraft
04:21While everyone can make my ship fly, let's say
04:27So, in your opinion, I shouldn't get excited in front of the broomsticks?
04:30Absolutely not
04:44Is your brother going to show us his spaceship?
04:46He said later
04:47But we're dying to see it
04:49Oh yes?
04:50He might not want to if I tell you a little bit about it
04:53He can carry two people through the air
04:55He seems to have made progress since his first invention
04:58Yes, and we can make him change direction as we like
05:01In fact, it's as if we had wings or heels
05:03Exactly! That's how Cachou described it
05:06Since he's going into a room, he must be very small, right?
05:09It doesn't stop us from taking a look
05:11No, no, no, it's not worth it. I think it'll make her very angry
05:14You're right, we'll have to wait a little longer
05:16It's stupid to keep such secrets
05:20What can we do now?
05:22We can pay the witch a visit
05:23And we'll see Alicia
05:25It seems you're very interested in her
05:28Oh yes, of course, she's a friend
05:30I have to stay and prepare Cachou's dinner
05:32I forgot an important appointment
05:34I hope you're not afraid of the witch anymore
05:36Not at all. I don't like witchcraft, that's all
05:39We'll go tomorrow, okay, pretty girl?
05:41Okay. Will you come with us?
05:44Oh yes, with great pleasure
05:46You'll be busy tomorrow too
05:47No plans at the moment
05:49But I'm sure I'll find something
05:55Cachou claims that science is superior to witchcraft
05:58What do you say to that?
06:00You can't say the opposite, he's an inventor
06:02I think witches are smarter than scientists
06:05I agree with you, my boy
06:07After all, the witch only has a whale at her disposal
06:10Anyway, if Cachou finishes his ship, it'll be a good means of transportation
06:13Moving on a whale doesn't seem very comfortable to me
06:17Say, Grandma, couldn't those whales move faster?
06:21My whale moves faster than the lightning, my dear
06:23But today I'm too tired
06:25I'm exhausted too
06:27I didn't think it would be so difficult to learn witchcraft
06:30And I didn't think you'd need a whole day to learn the witch's walk
06:34I wonder if I'll be able to give you a lesson
06:37You don't seem to be very good at it
06:39I'm sure I'll become a good witch
06:41With you as my teacher, I'll have every chance to make progress
06:44Well said
06:53I'm bored
06:57Hello, Moumine
06:58Hello, Pipo
07:00Are you here to fish in the sea?
07:02Oh no, I'm not really
07:03Mr Carousel just told me that he'd spotted a huge balooka
07:07A balooka?
07:08Yes, it's a fish that we fish very rarely and its flesh is exquisite
07:12Oh, that's very tempting
07:13But I'd planned to go and visit our friend Alicia
07:16It's true that we haven't seen her in a very long time
07:18Jolimie, Chouca and I would like to play with her
07:22Hello, Pipo
07:24Hello, Jolimie
07:25Do you want to come with us to Alicia's grandmother's?
07:28No, I've got other plans
07:29He's going fishing
07:31See you later
07:34Isn't Chouca here yet?
07:36No, but shouldn't she be here soon?
07:38I'd be surprised if Sniff came
07:40Me too
07:51This forest is hideous, to tell you the truth
07:54Why have you decided to come with us?
07:56I thought I'd rather be afraid than be left alone to get bored
07:59but I'm not so sure about that
08:26What's that?
08:46What's a bird doing on my lawn like a crab?
08:49When you think about it, it's really stupid
08:51I don't see the point in going and playing with the little witch's daughter
08:54You can turn around if you like, we won't stop you
08:57Don't be mean, you know I'll never be able to find my way back
09:01Shh! Don't make any noise
09:03What's the matter, Chouca?
09:04I thought I heard someone walking
09:07You must be mistaken, I can't hear anything, nothing at all
09:10And I thought I heard someone approaching
09:12You're scaring me! There's no-one here but us
09:16What's that noise?
09:18Someone's running
09:25Oh dear, I love the witch's race
09:27I feel like I've become a bird
09:31I can't hear anything, no-one's stopped
09:33If we hide, no-one or this thing or this person would come back
09:36Oh, there it is again
09:38The thing's coming, it's coming this way
09:40Please, help me hide, quick!
09:47We're in the middle of the forest
09:49We're in the middle of the forest
09:51We're in the middle of the forest
09:53The watch's here, the watch's here
09:55Did you break it, Steve?
09:57I'm sorry, I was going so fast I couldn't stop you
10:01Hello, Chouca
10:02Moumine, pretty girl
10:04What are you doing in this forest?
10:06We were just going to pay you a visit, we missed you
10:09I know one who came only because he was afraid of being alone
10:13What a coincidence, I was going home too, my friends
10:16I'd like to show you something
10:18We've got lots of things to show you too
10:21Oh, great!
10:24I've got great news to tell you
10:26I've finally become a witch
10:29A witch?
10:30No, I'm serious
10:31I know all the tricks of the trade, well, almost
10:45You seem to love pancakes
10:47Oh yes, they're delicious
10:49The spider's legs, the toad's eyes, and the colourful tongues are a bit weird
10:53but you have to vary them a bit
10:55Witches are allowed to eat pancakes with jam
10:57Yes, nothing stops us
10:59The only problem is that none of us know how to make them
11:02Can't you throw a spell in the pan?
11:04Witchcraft doesn't work in the kitchen
11:06What you're saying is horrible!
11:08You'll never be able to eat pancakes unless you come and see us
11:11What a calamity!
11:12Don't be stupid! Moumine's mum can teach her how to make pancakes
11:16Really? Can I come back and take a lesson?
11:19Yes, of course, my dear
11:21I can see that witchcraft isn't as fantastic as I'd imagined it to be
11:25Say, Alicia, when are you going to show us what you've learnt?
11:29Whenever you like, my friends
11:30As far as I'm concerned, I'm ready
11:32Why not right away?
11:33Okay, we'll go to the pond as soon as I've finished eating
11:36The pond?
11:37Yes, that's it
11:41Come on, Alicia, show us what you're capable of
11:44First of all, I'm going to try and walk
11:47Oh, I don't know how to walk
11:49Oh yes, that's called the witchcraft walk
11:51You mean...you mean you're going to walk on water?
11:54Do you understand?
11:55Do you really mean it, Alicia?
11:56Don't worry, if anything happens, I'll go and help her
12:00Watch carefully, I'm going to start
12:02Wait a minute
12:03What's the matter?
12:04Can you swim?
12:05Not at all
12:06Then you'd better tie a rope to your waist
12:08I've got it right, the pond is very deep
12:10I intend to walk on the surface of the water, not at the bottom of the pond
12:13Wait a minute, I'm going to look for a boat just in case
12:16Oh, there's nothing to worry about
12:19And now, you're not talking anymore
12:21I'll recite my incantation
12:23What incantation?
12:24The one I'm the only one who can use
12:26Oh, that's interesting
12:28Can it be used to grow my salads?
12:32Oh, I beg your pardon
12:44And now, go to sleep
13:09Oh, I can't believe my eyes
13:14Oh, that's...
13:20Bravo, Alicia! I never would have believed it
13:23Come on, blow out the candles!
13:26Bravo, Alicia! You're great!
13:31Bravo, Alicia!
13:40Tell me, if I could remember this incantation you recited,
13:43would I be able to walk on water too?
13:45Oh no, that would be impossible
13:47Because you imagine it's a children's game
13:49You have to start by learning to eat lizard and viper tongues
13:53I eat anything, I could walk on water
13:56It wouldn't suit you anyway
13:58Why not?
13:59Because you'd never dare try
14:02I don't think any of us can learn witchcraft
14:05I'm talking about you, Moumine!
14:07Whenever I really want to do something, I can always do it
14:10In any case, you'd never use magic in an intelligent purpose
14:13Like what?
14:14Like changing gold pebbles, for example
14:16Do you want me to tell you?
14:18If I were a witch, you'd be the one I'd turn into an ugly, stinky toad
14:21See? I was right
14:23Oh, you two! If you stop whining, hurry up!
14:27Oh dear!
14:30Tell me, Cachou, do you think we can do magic by using scientific techniques?
14:35No, we're talking about magic because it's not scientific
14:38Maybe you're right
14:40But that said, there must be a scientific way to walk on water
14:44Do you really think so?
14:45I wouldn't be surprised at all, you see
14:54You won't get me!
14:57I've got you!
15:03I've got you!
15:05This time, you're the cat, Chouca
15:09Watch out, friends! Next time, I'll catch you!
15:19Mr Pipo and Mr Carousel are fishing over there
15:23This time, you can't get away from me!
15:26But Miss Saragossa...
15:27There's no need to beg the heavens!
15:29It's your turn to become the cat!
15:38You can't catch me now!
15:44Come on, dogs! Let's go find Pipo and Mr Carousel!
15:48Let's go!
15:52Let's go!
15:55Cheater! You can't do that!
15:59Am I dreaming or what?
16:03That's Alicia, Mr Carousel
16:05Her grandmother taught her witchcraft
16:07What a little man!
16:08Hello Pipo, I'm so happy to see you
16:10You can walk on water? That's fantastic!
16:12You didn't think I could, did you?
16:14I must say no to that
16:19What's going on?
16:20There's a huge fish right under my feet
16:22What a strange feeling!
16:23I'd bet it's a balooka
16:25How strange! But it looks huge!
16:28No doubt, it must be a balooka
16:30We've been trying to catch this fish for hours
16:33I'm not very sure. Can I get on your boat?
16:36Okay, but don't make any noise
16:39Thank you, Pipo
16:42Are you alright, Mr Carousel?
16:43Very well, thank you, Miss Witch
16:47It's fun to be called that
16:49Look, she's bitten Alam-san
16:51No, it's true
16:52Don't let her get away!
16:53Oh, it's the plague of the century!
16:56Mr Carousel!
17:00Oh dear!
17:01A balooka! We've got a balooka!
17:07I don't know who's holding who
17:09What a fish that's in there!
17:12Alicia, stop the boat!
17:14What do you mean?
17:15Use your magic to stop the boat
17:17I'm sorry, but I can only make the witch walk
17:24He can't control her at all!
17:26Help, Mr Carousel!
17:29Don't let her go, Mr Carousel
17:31No matter what, I don't know what we'll do to such a monster
17:47The line's broken
17:48Oh, what a shame!
17:50Come back quickly, friends!
17:53You're late for this story
17:55Your grandmother's a little angry
17:57She must be asleep already, she's been up all day
17:59It's still a long time before I get back
18:02Listen, why don't you come back and play tomorrow?
18:04Would that be possible?
18:05I don't know, it'll depend on what my grandmother says
18:09And so ended a wonderful day for Moumine and all his friends
18:18What's she doing?
18:20Chouquin, hurry up! I have to go now
18:22Chouquin, are you coming?
18:29Can I know what you've made in your workshop, Cashew?
18:32What do you mean? I don't understand
18:34What are those strange objects?
18:35They're nothing strange
18:37You'll change your mind when you see what they can be used for
18:50I don't think Alicia's coming today but Cashew and Chouquin are coming
18:56Can we really walk on water with that?
18:58I hope so, I invented them
19:01They'll float, that's for sure, but can they carry anyone?
19:04Don't you think it's dangerous for Moumine?
19:06Don't worry, there's absolutely no danger
19:08Then there's nothing to worry about
19:19Yay, it works! It works!
19:21I told you so, it's scientific
19:23Everyone can walk on...
19:36Hup, hup, hup, hup
19:46Oh, it's so cold!
19:48Let's go for a run
19:51Your success lies in you, pretty girl
19:53You can trust me, Cashew, I can do anything I set my mind to
20:01Hooray! What did I tell you?
20:03It's the total victory of science over witchcraft
20:05I don't quite agree with you
20:07Your invention seems to work only for pretty girls
20:10It's because the others are too clumsy, that's why
20:17That's funny, Canto, hooray!
20:28It must be hard to walk on waves
20:30Well, that's what I thought
20:32Everything witches can do, science can do too
20:34I'm not so sure about that
20:36Science surpasses everything, my little Moumine
20:42Hooray! Hooray!
20:45Hooray! Hooray!
20:47Watch out for the wave!
20:51Oh, pretty girl, come back! You're going too far!
20:54I'll come back when I feel like it, I'm having way too much fun
20:57I'll send you postcards from the other side of the ocean
21:07That fish is huge
21:10I hope it's not stranded or else...
21:18Watch out!
21:31Thank you, Grandmother Witch, you saved my life
21:33He was less than one
21:35I wonder sometimes if you deserve me to do 60 tricks for you
21:38Since you're here, couldn't you teach me an incantation just for me?
21:42Say, I'd like to help you do some witchcraft
21:46Please, you've saved my life twice
21:49I'd like to give you a surprise to thank you for
21:52The only thanks that would make me happy is if you never surprise me again
22:01They're always there to make us happy
22:05The mermaids
22:09We become happy when we're with the mermaids
22:16They're so nice, they change our lives
22:20They're our friends from day to night
22:23The mermaids
22:27The mermaids
22:31Come with me, they're all over there
22:35The mermaids
22:38They will enchant you with their songs
22:42The mermaids
22:46They're so nice, they change our lives
22:49They're our friends from day to night
22:53The mermaids
22:57The mermaids
23:00The mermaids
