Il mio amico Huck - Ep 10 - Il viaggio di Huck

  • 4 weeks ago
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00:30Quando guardi più in là, sei un ragazzo proprio fortunato
00:35Vivi tutto il giorno in piena libertà
00:39Huckleberry Dean
00:42Huckleberry Dean
00:45Hai una sola parola, ma non vai mai a scuola
00:48Ti diverti a pescare e non vuoi mai studiare
00:52Huckleberry Dean
00:56Huckleberry Dean
00:59Sei davvero un monello e per ogni sfacello
01:02Sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
01:06Hai molti amici che con te
01:09Si cacciano sempre nei pasticci
01:13Chi ti conosce già lo sa
01:16Che tu vivi sempre in piena libertà
01:20Huckleberry Dean
01:23Huckleberry Dean
01:26Hai una sola parola, ma non vai mai a scuola
01:29Ti diverti a pescare e non vuoi mai studiare
01:33Huckleberry Dean
01:37Huckleberry Dean
01:40Sei davvero un monello e per ogni sfacello
01:43Sappiamo già che arrivi tu sul più bello
01:47Huckleberry Dean
01:55Huckleberry Dean
02:08Ehi, Huckle, guarda che bella patata ti offro
02:10Su, avanti, prendila
02:14Scotta, scotta, scotta
02:17Secondo me mangiare una buona patata lessata davanti a un bel fuoco
02:20è molto meglio che mangiare uno squallido brodino in una casa
02:25Che cosa ne pensi, ho detto forse una cosa stupida
02:27o anche tu sei d'accordo con me
02:30Si, è proprio così
02:35Su, forza, mangia ancora, figliolo
02:38Forse aveva ragione
02:40Quella vita selvaggia piaceva anche a me
02:42Vivere con mio padre a quel modo significava non dover andare a scuola
02:46e non essere schiavo di qualcuno
02:55Dopotutto, quando non mi picchiava e non faceva scenate
02:58era un bravo uomo e un padre affettuoso
03:02Sogni d'oro
03:04Però, a volte, non potevo fare a meno di pensare alla signora Douglas
03:08e ai bei giorni trascorsi nella sua casa
03:14Mio signore, proteggia che non abbandonarlo mai
03:19Mio signore, proteggia che non abbandonarlo mai
03:26Ciao, ragazzi
03:29Allora, oggi avete voglia di fare il gioco dei pirati insieme a noi?
03:32Forza, giochiamo
03:33No, non ne ho voglia
03:35Beh, allora facciamo un altro gioco
03:37Senza Huck, non c'è gioco che sia divertente
03:41Ha proprio ragione lui
03:43Ma è possibile che qua non si pensi ad altro che lui?
03:46E' ora di finirla, andiamo via, vai
03:48Aspetta, George
03:51Non ho mai visto George tanto infuriato
03:54Anche lui sente la mancanza di Huck
03:56Mi domando se abbia voglia di scappare di là oppure no
03:59Non ne posso più di mangiare patate cotte a pranzo e a cena
04:03Papà, ti prego, calmati
04:05Sei stato tu a dire che preferisci mangiare delle buone...
04:07Stai zitto, mi hai proprio stoffato
04:11Non avrai per caso intenzione di ritornare dalla signora Douglas?
04:14E invece si
04:17Papà, apri la porta
04:18Pensa a bassa voce, altrimenti rovini il mio piano
04:30Che razza di selvaggio
04:32Devo assolutamente uscire di qui e realizzare il mio piano
04:36Come ha detto?
04:37Che non mi vuole dare più un soldo perchè non ne ha
04:40Ti pensi bene perchè tornerò
04:43Il padre di Huck è tornato alla carica un'altra volta
04:45Non ha rispettato il contratto che ha firmato
04:47Huck sarà solo adesso, forse potrà mettere in atto il suo piano
04:50Speriamo che conosca un modo per scappare da solo
04:54Che talpone che sono
04:56Beh, in fondo non è stato poi così difficile
05:02Il mio caro e fedelissimo Luck
05:04Si, si, si
05:05Non mi voglia sbagliare
05:07Non mi voglia sbagliare
05:09Non mi voglia sbagliare
05:11Non mi voglia sbagliare
05:14Non mi voglia sbagliare
05:17Non mi voglia sbagliare
05:20Luck! My dear, faithful Luck!
05:24You wouldn't tell me that you've had the patience to wait for me all this time!
05:29I managed to escape from there, but now I don't know what to do.
05:36I suspect that if I go back to Mrs. Douglas, I'll give her big problems, and I don't want to make that poor woman suffer.
05:42Hey, listen, Luck! Isn't it that you have some ideas for a trip?
05:51We're doing well. Now, to finish, we'd just need a storm.
05:59But isn't there a canoe?
06:00I'm here! I've found it!
06:13How wonderful! With this gift from heaven, now we can jump!
06:21Turn into a lion and keep an eye on our canoe! I'm counting on you, Luck!
06:42I'm all wet!
06:44I didn't expect you so soon!
06:46Don't you know that your old woman is a hard bone? She didn't give me anything!
06:50She knocked on my door, telling me that she wouldn't give me a single penny.
06:54Old witch!
06:56So, Dad, you mean that...
06:58What do you want? We have nothing to eat, unless you have some ideas.
07:03I really have an idea. If you want, tomorrow we can go with Mrs. Douglas.
07:08What? Are you serious, son? I'm sure that if the old woman sees you, she'll be moved and she'll give us her soul.
07:14Yes, but this time you have to promise me that it's really the last time.
07:16Of course, my dear, I swear that I won't do it again.
07:19Even if you don't believe me, I don't want to live behind your back forever.
07:22I just want the money for the trip, or to buy another mine. With that, I could become a gentleman.
07:27I'm willing to start all over again, and this time I'll do it for you, too.
07:31He's really incorrigible. He'll never change.
08:16If you have faith in his great strength, a man like him is not afraid of anything.
08:26Hurry up, you son of a bitch! Come on, let's go!
08:29I'm coming!
08:30I'm coming!
08:40Wow, you're dressed like a damerino.
08:42It's better that you don't make bad jokes, you understand?
08:44Why are you dressed so elegantly?
08:48I remembered something. Mrs. Douglas liked this beautiful dress a lot,
08:52and then I thought that maybe you would have liked it, too.
08:55What? Oh yes, of course, son, I like it a lot, too.
08:58I'll put this vest on, and now I'll have a nice trip with his father.
09:02Very well, now it's time to sail.
09:07The river is full after the storm last night.
09:09Be very careful, Huck. The current today is very strong.
09:12Yes, of course.
09:16Watch out for that trunk, Huck! It's coming at us!
09:21Watch out! Watch out, Huck!
09:27Hold on tight! Hold on tight! You have to hurry!
09:30I told you to be careful!
09:38Huck! Don't lose your cool!
09:46Hey, Huck!
09:51Huck, where are you?
09:55Huck, answer me!
10:00Where are you, Huck?
10:02I'm so sorry, Dad, but I'm forced to do it.
10:06My son fell into the river!
10:08I beg you, help me! Someone help me save him!
10:11Huck is my only son! Maybe he's already dead!
10:14Oh, dear God! Huck is drowned!
10:16What happened?
10:17My friend Huck is drowned, but I can't believe it, it's not possible!
10:25Bye, Huck!
10:34Now my father will have more proof than my death.
10:37It makes me laugh when I think of his face.
10:39Now who's going to get the money back?
10:44Let's just hope Tom and Jim don't fall.
10:48Now we're going on a trip.
10:52Signora Douglas, I beg you, opera!
10:54It's a serious matter concerning Huck!
10:56I beg you, opera!
10:58What do you want now? I wasn't clear!
11:00I imagine you still want money, and well, I...
11:02No, I don't want money! Huck is dead!
11:04My poor Huck drowned in the river!
11:07Please, send someone to get him back!
11:10Oh, no! It's not possible!
11:12What are you suggesting?
11:14He says Huck drowned in the river!
11:16It's not possible! We must hurry!
11:18What? Huck! My friend Huck drowned in the river!
11:21So, did you find him?
11:23Not here!
11:24Let's try to look further!
11:26I don't think we'll find him!
11:28Here he is!
11:32You idiots! You can't even find him!
11:49They think I'm dead, and I'm going to kill them!
11:53I can't believe Huck drowned!
11:55Of course! He could swim like a fish!
11:57But after yesterday's storm, the water has increased,
11:59the current has become much stronger!
12:01Ah, what do you want it to be? A little more water?
12:03For him, this river was like a swimming pool!
12:05Still, Tom, you should have seen his father's face when he came to us!
12:09Think what you want, but I want to help that man!
12:13No, stop! I want to come with you! Stop, Jim!
12:18Here! We caught Huck's clothes!
12:21What? But it's not possible!
12:40With my luck, I could have gone back to Jackson Island!
12:44My intention was to get to Mississippi
12:46and to go all the way from one end to the other!
12:53Did you see, Huck, how good I am?
12:55This jet is able to withstand any storm!
12:58So now we can go wherever we want and travel the world!
13:04Stop! Don't pull that rope!
13:15Did you see what you did?
13:17Anyway, it doesn't matter, the jet is strong and it won't sink, you'll see!
13:24Our great adventure has begun!
13:26The whole world is waiting for us!
13:29Are you happy, right?
13:31We two alone, free as the air!
13:38But do you realize that our best friend is dead?
13:41I don't want to give up!
13:43I don't think he can die like this!
13:46I'm sure he's alive!
13:48And I'm ready to bet on it!
13:50But if he were alive, he would have already returned to his hut!
13:53The men of the village have searched the river and found his clothes!
13:58I don't want to believe it! Where are you, Huck?
14:03Becky, don't cry, please, it's no use!
14:07I have an idea! Huck will know if his master is dead or alive!
14:10Well done, Fool! If Huck has denied it,
14:12his dog must have disappeared somewhere far away from here!
14:19No, Jim!
14:32I'm Huck, and this is my house!
14:34Don't I look like a little monkey to you?
14:40Ha ha ha!
15:25I don't know where my friends Jim and Tom are. I miss them so much!
15:29If they keep making me believe he's dead, I'll never see them again!
15:32I have to find a way to track them down!
15:41I'll tell Tom and Jim I'm alive, so they'll come with me all over the world!
15:45I'll look for them tomorrow!
15:47What do you think of my idea? I'm not a genius!
15:50Ha ha ha!
16:09How strange! The whole village is going to the church,
16:12yet today is not Sunday!
16:16Look, look! George is with his father!
16:19Let's go and see what's going on!
16:22Actually, no, it's better if you don't come.
16:24They'll notice us right away, if you come too.
16:27Go back to the canoe and wait for me there, got it?
16:37It looks like a funeral!
16:42May Barry Finn rest in peace.
16:45Fate has given him to all of us.
16:47May the Lord accept him now in his arms. Amen.
16:51What? So they're celebrating my funeral?
16:55Poor little Huck!
16:57It's all too cold at the moment.
16:59At least I was able to convince him to stay with me.
17:02What fate!
17:06Hey, Tom! Are you sure poor Huck is dead?
17:09Of course! I think the funerals will be held by someone who's alive!
17:16Hey! Hey!
17:20Tom, Jimmy and all those inside are crying because of me!
17:23Oh, Lord, please forgive me.
17:25I've always been so cruel to that boy.
17:29Huck, my son!
17:31Why did this happen, my son?
17:34My father too!
17:37I never imagined I'd cause such a reaction.
17:40I almost made a joke to him.
17:42I'll go down and tell him I'm alive.
17:47You can't leave us like this!
17:49Why don't you know where we are?
17:54I'm so moved and convinced of my death
17:57that at this point I'm going to cry too.
18:01Rest in peace, Huck.
18:02Now and forever.
18:03For centuries.
18:04For centuries.
18:05And now, brothers,
18:06let's sing a song in memory of Huckleberry Finn.
18:15Thank you, my friends.
18:30You're not here anymore, I can't believe it!
18:41It's really you!
18:42I'm not dreaming!
18:43My dear Luck,
18:44I've finally found you.
18:47What am I supposed to do now?
18:49If you're here, he must be here too.
18:52Huck, where are you?
18:53Answer me!
18:54Please, if you're here, come out!
19:00Hush, Luck, be good.
19:06It's you, Huck!
19:07Yes, it's me, Huck.
19:08I'm not my ghost.
19:14In fact, I saw my funeral.
19:21Come and see for yourself.
19:22Everyone will be happy to know you're alive.
19:24You're right,
19:25but it's too late now
19:26and I'm not going back on my feet.
19:27You can make people think I'm dead,
19:29it's an advantage.
19:30Even if I still have some regrets.
19:32Come with me to the village.
19:34I really want to see people's faces
19:36when they see you.
19:37No, Jim, I can't come.
19:39I'm a dead man,
19:40and I need my father to continue to believe.
19:42Otherwise, I could have big trouble.
19:45For what reason?
19:55I told you to hide me.
19:56Come, Luck.
19:58Wait, I'm coming with you.
20:04Huck, where are we going?
20:06You'll see with your own eyes.
20:13Oh, my God!
20:14It's fantastic!
20:17Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Watson
20:18have been so kind,
20:19but houses are not made for someone like me.
20:21When I don't go around for my affairs
20:23and I don't live the way I like,
20:24I feel suffocated.
20:25I understand you, Huck.
20:26It often happens to me too.
20:28Then we agree, Jim,
20:29not to let a word escape you
20:30about me and the village.
20:31Please, don't tell anyone.
20:33Of course.
20:34Don't worry,
20:35I know how to keep a secret.
20:36In fact,
20:37we won't go back to the village.
20:38We'll stay here.
20:39We'll stay here.
20:40I know how to keep a secret.
20:42we won't go back to the village.
20:44Very good,
20:45I thank you very much.
20:47What's that you say?
20:48Don't go back to the village.
20:50Did I hear right?
20:51You heard right.
20:52I want to come with you.
20:53You've been brainwashed?
20:56I've decided that I'll stay here
20:57to protect you from danger.
20:58No, Jim,
20:59you can't do it.
21:01how Mrs. Douglas will be
21:02when she finds out
21:03that you won't go back to her.
21:04Hey, Huck,
21:05don't forget
21:06that I have a mother too
21:07and I would like to see her.
21:09that this is true. You know, Huck, I asked my aunt so many times to take me to find
21:13my mom at the hospital that is on the other side of the river, but she has always invented
21:17some excuse not to do it. But if you help me now, I could give her a wonderful surprise.
21:22If I understood correctly, you want me to take you to her? I want to stay with you. Okay,
21:27and you won't regret it. Traveling the world, the two of us together on that jet will be
21:31more fun. Then we'll jump from here to the first lights of the morning, okay?
21:37The great adventure has begun! Yee-haw!
21:58Goodbye forever, Dad. Thank you, Mrs. Douglas. Thank you, Mrs. Watson. And also to you, E.G.
22:05Be happy, Huck. In his company, everything will be easier.
22:35Goodbye forever, Dad.
23:06Huckleberry Pink! Huckleberry Pink!
23:20Huckleberry Pink! Huckleberry Pink!
23:25Huckleberry Pink!
23:48Huckleberry Pink! Huckleberry Pink!
23:56Huckleberry Pink! Huckleberry Pink!
24:15Huckleberry Pink!
