• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "I primi caregiver sono i genitori che si impegnano nell’educazione e nella formazione dei propri figli. Su questo è necessario mettere a punto strategie e iniziative significative sia sul piano fiscale sia sul piano di provvedimenti e di servizi”. Lo ha detto ai microfoni dell’Adnkronos Antonio Affinita, direttore generale di Moige, Movimento italiano genitori, in occasione dell’appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’ a Palazzo dell’informazione.


00:00The first caregivers are the parents who are committed to educating and training their children and on that we must insist, we must put in place significant strategies and initiatives, both on the fiscal level and on the level of procedures and services.
00:20It is worthwhile all that is being done and the fervor that we notice in the world of companies, both among their employees and among fragile parents in terms of social responsibility projects.
00:34We must all work together, remembering that children are the future and are the main infrastructure of the country and we cannot be a tail light at a global level in the birth.
00:48We are really in a situation with less than 400,000 births every year, it is an emergency situation, we are pleased that the companies are the first to give strong answers, but we expect just as strong answers from the institutions with a clear and clear taxation that does not make an unequal taxation on those who have children,
01:12because unfortunately at this time those who have children do not get the expenses to grow up and educate their children, we ask for the full deduction of expenses to grow up and educate the children who are the future of our Italy.
