• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "L'impegno dell'Associazione nasce nell'assistenza quotidiana dei datori di lavoro domestico, quindi di tutte quelle famiglie che assumono personale domestico, in quanto siamo concentrati sulla non autosufficienza. Portiamo le istanze della categoria alle istituzioni e su questo fronte abbiamo proposto degli interventi di defiscalizzazione del costo del lavoro, quindi dello stipendio e dei contributi”. A dirlo Filippo Breccia Fratadocchi, vicepresidente di Nuova Collaborazione, durante il nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’.


00:00The commitment of the association is born in the daily assistance of the domestic workers,
00:09so all those families that take on domestic personnel.
00:13We are clearly focused on non-self-sufficiency and therefore on that type of work relationship,
00:21the babysitter.
00:25Then, from the assistance to the category that we represent,
00:29we move on to bring the instances of the category that we represent to the institutions.
00:34And on this front, finally, we have proposed interventions,
00:41which on the one hand are interventions of defiscalization of the cost of labor,
00:46therefore of the salary and contributions,
00:49which today have a very low reducibility threshold, around 1,500 euros,
00:54and concern only the contributions, not even the salary.
00:57And on the other hand, we have formulated some proposals, how to say, a little more ambitious,
01:03which are those of providing parents who take on domestic personnel
01:11and thus being able to continue to work or at least to face the labor market,
01:17of the bonuses in money,
01:20so bonuses that support twice the occupation,
01:23the occupation of the parent at the company where he works
01:27and also the occupation of the employee hired by the parent.
01:32In this we have taken inspiration, how to say,
01:37from some experiences of the territorial administrations,
01:42of the local administrations,
01:44which, compatibly with their budget availability,
01:50periodically at their disposal,
01:53offer bonuses for the assumption of personnel
01:58and above all for the assumption of personnel
02:01who assist people, non-self-sufficient subjects.
