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(Adnkronos) - Generali Italia e The Human Safety Net, la Fondazione del Gruppo Generali che si pone l’obiettivo di aiutare le persone più vulnerabili a liberare il proprio potenziale, hanno presentato a Roma il progetto per la formazione e l’inserimento lavorativo di 300 ausiliari socio assistenziali (Asa), caregiver e operatori socio sanitari (Oss) nelle regioni Lombardia, Lazio ed Emilia Romagna. Gli aderenti hanno l’opportunità di scegliere due diversi percorsi formativi per diventare caregiver familiari, ausiliari socio assistenziali o operatori socio sanitari e saranno sostenuti nello studio della lingua italiana, nel percorso di riconoscimento dei titoli di studio necessari all’ottenimento delle certificazioni professionali e nel placement presso strutture attive nel settore socio-sanitario, inclusi ospedali, cliniche ed RSA. “Noi abbiamo un problema di tipo demografico fortissimo in Italia. Continuano a diminuire le nascite e allo stesso tempo cresce il numero degli anziani. Mettere insieme i due fabbisogni, aiutando i rifugiati in Italia a formarsi e poi ad assistere persone anziane che hanno bisogno, credo sia una iniziativa molto bella”, ha spiegato Andrea Sironi, presidente di Assicurazioni Generali a margine della presentazione. Gli ha fatto eco Gianluca Perin, General Country Manager di Generali Italia: “Un progetto che mette insieme due esigenze: prende le persone in stato di debolezza e le porta alla realizzazione personale aiutando molti di noi. Vogliamo assolutamente ampliare anche in altri segmenti e non solo nel settore sanitario”.


00:00Generali and Human Safety Net, the foundation of the group that aims to help people in the context of vulnerability,
00:12presented in Rome the project for the training and employment of 300 social assistance workers.
00:18The initiative aims to give a concrete answer to the needs of a country where over 65 represent 24% of the population.
00:27We have an obvious demographic problem, which in Italy is very strong.
00:31Births continue to decrease and cohorts are reduced.
00:36At the same time, we have a growing number of seniors.
00:39I, as I have remembered, I am 64, as I tell my children, when we, in 64, go to prison, they have no chance.
00:48And so, putting together these two needs, on the one hand, helping refugees who arrive in Italy to train and be able to assist senior people who need it,
00:59I think it is a very nice initiative and I think that today it has been a good testimony of the good work done by Human Safety Net,
01:06our foundation, which has been committed for a few years and, as we have said, has almost half a million beneficiaries today as help.
01:16Therefore, it is essential to have qualified health and care professionals who are able to support the challenges of demographic change in action.
01:26As explained by Gianluca Perin, General Country Manager of Generali Italia.
01:31It is a project, frankly, that puts together two needs and, in our opinion, the way of interpreting the welcome.
01:38So, not a told, but concrete and practical welcome, which takes people in situations of weakness, as you have seen from today's testimony,
01:47and brings them, instead, to a personal realization, but also helps many of us, which we absolutely want.
01:54You have also heard what the San Donato group has said, therefore, those who have these needs in an extensive way.
02:01So, there are great opportunities, of course, for expansion, but then we also have some ideas for some other segment, not only in the health sector.
02:10So, there will be surprises.
02:12The initiative is based on the collaboration of people engaged in the world of welcome and health,
02:17but also risks consensus in the world of institutions, as evidenced in the interventions of the Russian Senator.
02:23This is also the way to address the issue of migration, of migration.
02:28Not to say, come and do what you want.
02:31The important thing is that you have the right to come, and then we will take care of you.
02:36It is sacred what the generals are doing.
02:39To take our need, that of personal need, and to transfer it to the need of others,
02:46which is to be able to arrive in Italy and become full-time citizens.
02:51It is from Cardinal Matteo Maria Zuppi.
02:54The need of people who purify, who purify us in decency and fragility.
03:02So, it seems to me that the decision of the generals is the right one.
