Welfare, Riccardi (Prenatal): "Ascolto e flessibilità per dipendenti genitori e caregiver"

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - "Come primo hub retail europeo destinato alla famiglia abbiamo ben presente quali siano le difficoltà che incontrano oggi le famiglie nel ‘matchare’ le esigenze lavorative con quelle di accudimento dei figli e anche dei genitori anziani. Per cui, fin dall'inizio, abbiamo cercato di conciliare con misure di ascolto, di equità, di flessibilità da ambo le parti e di supporto alla famiglia in quelle che sono le esigenze dei nostri dipendenti”. Sono le parole di Claudio Riccardi, Quality & Sustainability Director Prenatal Retail Group, in occasione del nuovo appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’, a Palazzo dell’informazione, in occasione della Giornata mondiale della Popolazione.


00:00Prenatal Retail Group is the first European retail hub for families.
00:10It is well aware of the difficulties that families face today
00:15when it comes to meeting the working needs of their children,
00:21but also of their elderly parents, and therefore everything that is social.
00:26Since the beginning, we have tried to reconcile with measures of listening,
00:33of equity, of flexibility on both sides and of support to the family
00:40the needs of our employees.
00:44In particular, the focus is on parents,
00:49who often have children and elderly parents.
00:55What we have done is to activate a contractualized support program
01:06in the second level of the company contract,
01:12which has brought a series of benefits.
01:16We are trying to adopt all the tools from Smart Working,
01:20where it is possible, obviously not for all roles,
01:23but above all we are trying to create a network around our employees,
01:29a network of support.
01:31This network of support is essential because,
01:33in addition to allowing people to work more quietly and more motivated,
01:37it allows us to make ourselves feel a community
01:40where everyone can feel fulfilled both professionally and as an individual.
01:45I would like to say that we are trying to bring this model out of the company,
01:51with a very important project that we launched last year,
01:54which is called Generation G.
01:56It is a project made in collaboration with Mojge,
01:59which tries, through the support of the donation of our network,
02:04of our hub, both consumers and our suppliers,
02:08to collect resources that can then be used by experts parents
02:14trained by Mojge to support all families
02:17who today suffer from the practical difficulties of every day,
02:20both practically and psychologically and in terms of motivation.
