• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Intervenendo al Meeting di Rimini Marina Calderone, ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali, ha sottolineato: "Bene i bonus per le madri, ma quando si parla di genitorialità non deve essere tutto scaricato sulle donne ma vogliamo un sistema di servizi efficiente per la famiglia".


00:00How can we build a system of services that can be efficient and must give concrete answers?
00:12Then the bonus must be put aside to conciliation policies,
00:18of working life times and of family conciliation,
00:22which speak, however, of parenting.
00:24Because as long as the problem of managing children will be a female issue,
00:31we will have very little to invent on what the strategies must be to include women at work.
00:40So we must get used to using the terms and strategies correctly,
00:48speaking of parenting and also of comprehensive interventions in favor of the family.
