Salut cousine - Boris

  • 2 months ago


00:03Hi, cousin.
00:04Oh, yes, that's good.
00:06We really have to go.
00:08We have to go.
00:10See you later, Alice.
00:11Goodbye, darling.
00:14Boris, this is your cousin Alice.
00:16She's at home until 11 o'clock.
00:18Play with her and don't let her go.
00:21Boris, this is your cousin Alice.
00:23She's at home until 11 o'clock.
00:25Play with her and don't let her go.
00:27Boris, this is your cousin Alice.
00:29Play with her and don't let her go.
00:32Mum, I'm always nice.
00:35Come, Alice.
00:36I'll show you my toys.
00:39Friends, this is my cousin Alice.
00:42She's smaller than me,
00:44so you have to be nice to her.
00:49Bye-bye, Alice.
00:50Are these your toys?
00:51You're mean.
00:56You're mean too.
01:00You're mean.
01:03You're all mean.
01:06You're mean.
01:08You too.
01:10You're mean, you're mean, you're mean.
01:12Not nice, not nice, not nice.
01:16Boris, do something.
01:18Yes, but what?
01:19I don't know.
01:20You could hit him on the head.
01:22You're mean, you're mean, you're mean.
01:23I can't.
01:24I promised Mum I'd be nice.
01:28Not nice.
01:30Mum, Mum, Mum.
01:32Mum, Mum.
01:34She says my toys are mean and she's hitting them.
01:37You just have to explain to her
01:39that it's not very nice to do that.
01:45Alice, you know,
01:47what you're doing is not very nice.
01:49Boris, bye-bye.
01:50Mum, ouch, Mum, ouch.
01:52Mum, Mum.
01:53She says I'm mean.
01:55She's even kicking me.
01:58Maybe you should take her to the garden.
02:00She needs to unwind a bit.
02:02OK, Mum.
02:04Come on, cousin.
02:06Let's play in the garden.
02:08Oh dear!
02:09I don't know how to tidy up here.
02:11You go there.
02:13You here.
02:14And you on the rake.
02:17No, you can't do that.
02:25That's enough.
02:27You'll see.
02:28Boris is going to hit her on the head.
02:30It's going to be funny.
02:32What about you?
02:40And now, Alice, let's calm down
02:42and tidy up, OK?
02:44Yes, Boris.
02:48Oh dear!
02:50I never thought a kiss could have such an effect.
02:54That's enough kisses and kisses.
